单词 | tailor made |
释义 | 例句释义: 定做的,缝制得讲究的,服装讲究,香烟机卷的,量身定做,定制服装,量身订做 1. Note that this protects you only from automatic bots, targeted tailor-made bots cannot be stopped by this. 请注意,这仅仅是使你免于自动机器人的骚扰,而对于那些有针对性的完全定制的机器人则不能阻止。 www.bing.com 2. Unlike computer software, which can be deployed with a few mouse-clicks, each system still needs to be tailor-made. 不像计算机软件那样,通过敲击几下鼠标就能控制。每一个系统都需要“量身定做”。 www.ecocn.org 3. Tailor-made derivatives would have to be registered individually, with regulators obliged to understand the risks involved. 定制衍生品须分别登记,监管者须清楚其中涉及的风险。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The system can be tailor-made to fulfil the individual production and processing requirements. 这套系统可以按照生产线的不同要求而制造。 www.kuenglish.info 5. We provide tailor-made solutions and services that enable you to focus on your core strategic business competencies. 我们可为客户度身定制解决方案,确保客户专注于主营业务。 companyadc.51job.com 6. It might also cut down on flexibility by forcing companies that have used tailor-made products to use blunter instruments. 这种做法可能还会降低灵活性——那些过去使用定制产品的公司将被迫转而使用较为低级的工具。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The peculiar life cycle of the freshwater eel was almost tailor-made for the harvest season, and for stockpiling food for the winter. 鳗鱼特殊的生活习性非常适合秋季捕捞,之后贮藏起来作为过冬的食物。 www.bing.com 8. It was to my own measure that the tailor made a suit. 裁缝是按我自己的尺寸作了一套衣服。 www.56gk.com 9. This kind of cliffhanger almost seems tailor-made to capitalize on some of those headlines and generate buzz. 如此充满悬念,吊人胃口的剧情似乎是特意为了制造新闻和话题。 www.offid.cn 10. As with M2M communications, any system would have to be tailor-made, which would make it very expensive. 通过M2M信息交换,这项技术所需的每种系统都要为其量身定做,导致花费惊人。 www.ecocn.org 1. The interior environment can be tailor-made to meet the most demanding requirements for style, comfort and individuality. 其内部环境可以量身定制,满足客户的绝大部分对式样、舒适度和追求个性的要求。 www.cneaa.net 2. THEY call it a "consensus democracy" or "democracy by negotiation" , and it is tailor-made for their particular needs. 他们称其是一种“合意名主”或“协商名主”,并且这是为他们的特殊需求做的修改。 www.ecocn.org 3. String of red and cockscomb to be outdone, you can see, red string like a number of tailor-made sugar-coated haws inserted in the earth. 串红和鸡冠花也不甘示弱,你看,串红像是许多特制的冰糖葫芦插在土里。 www.sogood.cn 4. The answer is that policy will have to be tailor-made to suit the specific circumstances of each country. 答案是,必需根据各国的具体情况来制定具体政策。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It's no big deal really, it just looks like a tailor made your tie out of my dress. 也不是太大的问题,只是看上去好象裁缝用我的衣服上的布给你做了一条领带。 www.engxue.com 6. Most vectors have been derived from viruses that can be tailor-made to deliver therapeutic genes into the patients' cells. 绝大部分载体都来自病毒,这些病毒可将治疗性基因导入患者的细胞。 www.soudoc.com 7. We have in-depth expertise in tailor-made program as we constantly look for new venues, up-to-date information and new ideas. 我们在一些独身定做的活动项目中独具慧眼,因为我们一直不断在寻找新的会场,新的信息,以及新的想法。 www.haoqiantu.cn 8. Special specifications tailor-made to sample main customers in domestic! Export primarily. The product quality are trusted by customers! ! 主要客户以国内外销为主。该产品质量深受客户的信赖!! www.bg5120.com 9. Jamila says the job of co- ordinating talks between the club and Balinese authorities was tailor- made for her . 贾米拉表示,协调该俱乐部与巴厘官方之间的谈判,是为她量身制作的工作。 www.bing.com 10. More importantly, nanoparticles can be easily designed to produce tailor-made particles for specific applications. 更重要的是,纳米颗粒可以很容易地设计成制造用于特定用途的专门颗粒。 www.scidev.net 1. and in accordance with your specific needs and route for your tailor-made shuttle bus plan. 并根据您的具体需要和路线来为您度身定制班车接送计划。 www.shljl.cn 2. These bright and spacious rooms are also equipped with broadband internet access tailor-made to your trip and study. 宽敞明亮的客房内还备有宽带上网,可免除您旅途、学习等带来的不便。 www.docin.com 3. In a university tailor-made for gifted misfits, Mr Kolakowski was happy: he was left alone to read, write, and, less often, talk. 在这所为天赋异常之人量身打造的大学中,柯拉柯夫斯基如鱼得水:他可以不受打扰地读书、写作,偶尔也可谈话。 www.ecocn.org 4. Cheng used to do more commercial fashion, but of late has focused on tailor-made, or couture, business. 之前,郑兆良更多地从事商业时装设计,而最近他主要关注定制服装设计业务。 www.forbeschina.com 5. Next came The Mask, a role that seemed tailor-made for him and was a hit with audiences. 接下来是《面具》,这象是专为他定做的角色,观众反响强烈。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Our dedicated, quality people strive to provide you with tailor-made logistics solutions, customized to your particular needs. 我们专注、品质的人努力为您提供量体裁衣式的物流解决方案,定制您的特定需求。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. 'Bob, ' the CEO booms, 'After all your hard work you've earned a crack at an amazing market, it's tailor-made for a go-getter like you. CEO热情洋溢地说,鲍伯,由于你一直兢兢业业,你为自己赢得了机会,可以派驻一个妙不可言的市场,它简直是为你这种积极能干的老手量身打造的。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The catalytic performance could be easily tuned to produce tailor-made polymers by controlling electronic. . . 聚合物性能可通过改变催化剂的电子和立体效应来定制。 terms.shengwuquan.com 9. On national and international markets, Langguth offers customers from many branches tailor-made solutions which are state-of-the-art. 朗固特公司在中国和国际市场为各类客户提供量身定制的解决方案。 www.chinacoat.net 10. With her background and education, she is tailor-made to run this company. 以她的背景和教育程度,她来经营这个公司是最适当了! www.qeto.com 1. In 1956, Vadim to her husband, the director of the dual role, tailor-made for the beautiful wife of the film "God created woman. " 1956年,瓦迪姆以丈夫、导演的双重身份,为娇妻量身订做了影片《上帝创造女人》。 www.englishtang.com 2. On top of all this Blue Fox runs regular theme nights and our dedicated team can also help you plan you own tailor-made party. 另外,蓝尾狐酒吧还可以帮助您策划、举办您自己的主题之夜,一定会让您满意。 info.mosh.cn 3. Tailor-made CPD agreements are available for organization members to establish continuing professional development system. 合作协议,帮助企业建立持续职业发展教育体系。 www.ciltsh.org 4. Our tailor-MADE programs will help you dig out the true meaning of life in addition to sharing investment and wealth management experience. 我们特别为您度身定做各类活动,在交流投资理财的经验之外,更注重发掘生活的内涵。 dict.ebigear.com 5. "The whole economic plan of our government is tailor-made to manage a boom, " he boasts. 他夸口道:“我们政府的整个经济计划是为了管理繁荣的经济量身定制的。” www.ecocn.org 6. The winning secret of a service business: the third-class hardware and price; professional and tailor-made service; extraordinary quality. 服务型行业的奥秘:普通的环境和价格,专业和个性化的服务,意料之外的质量。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Surface hardening solutions, from standard vertical scanner or centerless machine to the complete tailor-made production line. 表面淬火的多种解决方案,从标准的立式扫描机床到卧式无心机床,以及定制生产线,满足客户不同需求。 www.qy6.com 8. Each of these areas is detailed in the Area Program, tailor made for each Hotel project. 每个宾馆项目所特有的“区域分布图”上有每个区域的详细信息。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 9. Focusing on the individuality of each guest, The Mandarin Spa ensures that every visit is tailor-made. 文华水疗中心根据每位宾客的不同需要,为他们度身定制合适的身心旅程。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Private banks have long prided themselves on discretion and tailor-made financial management for the very wealthy. 长期以来,私人银行一直以判断力和为富人量身定制金融管理服务为荣。 www.ftchinese.com 1. We are well-positioned to fulfill customers' needs and markets' demands by providing a great variety of tailor-made products and services. 我们可以充分地满足客户的要求和市场的需求,提供众多定制产品和服务。 news.switchs.biz 2. the same time tailor's tailor-made to customers, unlimited choice, as fans around the world with the HI-FI sound engineers the ideal choice. 同时带给客户度身的订做、无限的选择,成为世界各国HI-FI迷与音响工程师们的理想选择。 www.ciamiecn.com 3. Tailor Made Something that is designed and made specifically to suit the need or taste of a particular person. 定制特别设计和制作用来满足某一特定个人的需求或口味的行为。 www.chinanet2000.com 4. Traditional New York wings, dip we tailor-made chilli sauce, collocation fresh American celery and butter blue cheese sauce. 纽约州鸡翅,沾上我们特制的辣酱,搭配新鲜美国芹菜及奶油蓝起司酱。 en.cnxianzai.com 5. The trend toward specialized analytics that are tailor-made for special types of data is already accelerating. 专为特殊数据类型定制的以趋势为导向的专业分析的速度正在提升。 www.ibm.com 6. First IVE Foundation Diploma course tailor made for Ethnic Minorities funded by the Kadoorie Foundation. 有幸得到嘉道理基金会赞助,开设首个专门为少数族裔而设的香港专业教育学院基本文凭课程。 unison.org.hk 7. We're dedicated to providing the tailor - made solution for each individual client, helping them succeed in their business. 为顾客提供最佳的个性化解决方案,创造价值,降低成本,让客户赢在细节之上! www.texindex.com.cn 8. The lifter rod, chair foot , foot wheel of the chair could be tailor made basing on client's demands. 椅子的升降杆、椅脚、脚轮、可根据客户要求特殊配制。 www.renhe.cn 9. The diamond and bond are tailor-made to the specific cutting application. 钻石和债券度身订造具体应用切割。 www.cc-bi.com 10. If mechanical parameter is not slightly accorded with, is subject to entity machine. 2. Can be tailor-made according to customer's enquiry. 机械参数如稍有不符,以实体机为准。2.可根据客户要求订做。 www.kingtecsh.com 1. Now the linguists came up with a tailor-made, second tone "Bai" . 现在语言学家们为其专设了一个二声的声调。 www.bing.com 2. The Executive Floor and suites offer a variety of tailor-made services to corporate executives and other high ranking business travelers. 套房及行政楼层为高端商务和旅行客人提供了一系列至尊的个性化服务。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This brings to light to light how she can understand every opponent so thoroughly and execute her tailor-made strategies so firmly! 这使灯点亮她怎么能理解每一个对手彻底执行她特制策略如此坚定! www.ok06.com 4. We specialize in tailor-made technology solutions that consistently empower, enhance, add value to our customers business activities. 我们擅长于特制的技术解决方案,不断的加强,提高和给客户的商业活动提供附加价值。 www.zhaopin.hk 5. There are advertising and marketing tools available for all scenarios and can be tailor made for each individual situation. 目前,市场上有适合所有情况的广告工具和营销工具,而且可以根据每一个别情况进行定制。 www.bing.com 6. The optimized structure is tailor-made for a Green office, which will bring you a flavor of nature. 为绿色的办公室量身定做的优化结构,带有大自然的气息。 img3.zhubajie.com 7. Java technology provides tailor-made solutions to the problems of SOA design and implementation. Java技术为SOA设计和实现提供了经过优化的解决方案。 www.ibm.com 8. Coordinate with other departments to prepare the tailor-made solution and marketing promotion. 与各部门协调,建立良好的市场推广及解决方案。 www.028sou.com 9. Tailor-made products could be put together from exchange-traded instruments. 可用交易所交易工具构成定制产品。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. We are now setting up our music production business to produce tailor-made music for TV commercials, movies, TV series and games. 我们正在发展的音乐制作业务,旨在为电视广告、电影、电视剧、游戏等客户提供音乐制作服务。 bjcy.hibeer.com 1. Volunteers also delivered gifts of shoes and tailor-made school uniforms for children in the Dreamland Village. 同样在马尼拉,志工也到梦乡村为孩子们,带来鞋子与订作的制服。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Provide tailor-made corruption prevention advice on system internal controls. 就公司系统及内部管控措施提供切合所需的防贪顾问服务。 www.icac.org.hk 3. I believe my educational background and work experience make me tailor-made for this post. 总而言之,我的学历和工作经验使我足以胜任这个职位。 www.360doc.com 4. Trailseekers has been one of the leading names in tailor-made travel for over thirty years. Trailseekers三十多年来在定制旅行项目中一直名列前茅。 www.bing.com 5. The corruption in Latin America is tailor made for a takeover by China. 腐败的结果就是有利于被中国管控,在拉丁美洲将受到制裁。 www.tianyayidu.com 6. We provide tailor-made solutions to fulfill the unique requirement of individual customers. 我们根据不同用户的独特需求,为之提供量身定制的解决方案。 mhp.cn 7. We create tailor made solutions that enable our customers to improve their market performance. 我们为顾客量身定做各种解决方案以提高他们的市场绩效。 www.lietou.com 8. Tailor-made dynamic contact resistance of gold hit the brake trigger switch, a permanent warranty. 黄金接点特制耐动击刹车触发开关,永久保用。 www.366c.com.cn 9. The R&D Management Trainee Program is a tailor made three-year development program for top graduates. 全球研发中心管理培训生项目是“可口可乐”专门提供给优秀应届毕业生为期三年的发展项目。 item.feedsky.com 10. Although its design is very good, but this design is tailor-made for a hypothetical user, from the outset mismatches . 虽然它的设计很好,但这个设计是为一个假想的使用者度身定做的,所从一开始就错位了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. provide customers with a variety of tailor-made non-carbon paper menu, wine list, shipping documents and so on. 以便更好地为客户提供来样定做各种无碳纸点菜单、酒水单、送货单据等。 www.cc365.cn 2. This is a collection of specialised chips, each tailor-made to analyse data from a certain type of sensor. 这种装置汇集了专门化的芯片,每一块芯片都是为了分析来自某种特定类型传感器的数据而量身打造的。 ecocn.org 3. Senior Travel aims to provide educational travel experiences to the elderly through tours with itineraries tailor made for them. 长者游学团旨透过为年长人士特别设计的行程,让他们获得游学旅游体验。 www.ln.edu.hk 4. When Tailor made the same mistake for a third time, his father hit the ceiling. 当泰勒同一个错误犯第三次时,他父亲敲打起天花板。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Each of our instanced dungeons is tailor made for one level range. 我们的每个地下城副本都是为某个等级范围量身定做的。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. This article describes the development and evaluation of a tailor-made clinic in the primary care setting. 本文介绍的开发和评价量身定做的诊所初级保健设置。 www.syyxw.com 7. My background and work experience are tailor- made for this position. 我的教育背景及工作经验都很符合这个职位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The tailor made a tailcoat for Harry. It is quite tasteful! 裁缝为哈里做了一件燕尾服,非常高雅。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Ideally, each cover letter should be tailor made for each position. 最好就是,每一封求职信是为你所申请的职位量身定做的。 www.joyen.net 10. Cappuccino , instead, I chose the tailor-made coffee called "SUBA" coffee. 卡布其诺选择了咖啡师特制的一款咖啡“速八咖啡”。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. With offering flexible and tailor made packages for meeting and long-stay clients. 提供灵活机动的方案,为会议和长期客户制订整体方案。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The package is tailor made for your needs. (这个组合是因应你的需要而设计的)。 www.wwenglish.com 3. I knew that this job was tailor-made for me and hurried to my typewriter to begin this letter to you. 看了你们的招聘广告,我感到这项工作正适合我,于是我立该给您写信。 dict.ebigear.com 4. I spread on the eat the brownish fur lined overcoat he had got tailor made for me. 我将他给我做的紫毛大衣铺好坐位。 bbs.yjsy.ecnu.edu.cn 5. Features: The conveyor belt is stainless steel and can tailor-made for customer. 输送带均采用不锈钢,输送带可根据客户需求而定制。 www.meatnet.cn 6. The beautiful San Juan Islands in Washington State are tailor made for romance. 圣胡安群岛位于华盛顿,是一个美丽而浪漫的岛屿。 www.bing.com 7. Both are based on the ngiu above unique rotary control techniques and tailor made to order high quality offset printing. 二者都是基于纽博泰独特的轮转控制技术和为客户量身定做的高质量胶印单元。 www.bing.com 8. Outside the process we undertake to doOEM production can also be tailor-made for you you need soap. 同时我们承接外抛光,做OEM出产,也可为您量身订做您所需求的香皂。 www.zikao360.org 9. It is M-real Zanders' mission to produce premium innovative specialities and offer you tailor-made solutions. 这是M-真实桑德斯的使命,以生产优质和创新的特色为您提供量身定做的解决方案。 www.a1pak.net.cn 10. OUR perennial need a large number of tailor-made custom models! 本店常年需要订制大量的订做款!每款按照单价收费! good2.com 1. First of all you need to decide whether you are going for a ready made wedding gown or a tailor made wedding gown. 首先,你需要去决定到底是选择现成的礼服还是订制的礼服。 www.bing.com 2. We will provide tailor-made services for you based on your demands! 我们可以根据您的需求,为您提供完美的订制服务! gatefanyi.com 3. If you can eat spicy must add store tailor-made chilli - super spicy but tastes great! 如果能吃辣,一定加上店里特制的辣酱——超辣,但味道很棒! en.cnxianzai.com 4. tailor-made for customers in all. upscale boutique packaging. 为客户度身订做各中。高档包装精品。 www.tonke.cn 5. Marty : Oh, I don't buy my clothes. All my clothes are tailor-made. 马丁:噢,我不买衣服的,我所有衣服都是量身订作的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I'vebeen to a big tailor market in Shanghai many times; having suits, coats, jackets, etc. tailor made for me. 我在上海去过很多次裁缝市场,让裁缝给我做大衣夹克之类的衣服。 www.acfun.tv 7. A weaned animal will not have the tailor-made natural diet it previously received from the mare. 小马驹断奶后不会再有像先前从母马那得到的特制的自然饮食。 www.xianmashu.com 8. Design tailor-made sales analysis tools for sales managers in order to optimize sales analysis process and improve sales performance. 根据需要,设计定制销售分析工具,以便优化销售分析流程,提升销售业绩。 www.week5.com.cn 9. Nevertheless the aggressive use of music and tailor-made sounds is becoming more commonplace. 然而,现在对于音乐和特定声音的使用已经非常普遍了。 www.ecocn.org 10. Tailor-made solutions to specific needs ? 为独特需求而度身定制的解决方案 wenku.baidu.com 1. In addition, it offers tailor-made integrated coaching for individual garment companies, catering for their particular needs. 此外,又应个别厂商的特别需求,提供特别设计的综合培训课程。 www.hotdic.com 2. Yao was later assigned to a room next to Liu's where a tailor-made 2. 4-meter single bed was waiting. 姚明后来搬到了刘炜的隔壁房间,那里有一张度身定做的2.4米的单人床。 www.bing.com 3. GGS offers you tailor-made concepts and our customers can choose from various products such as cosmetics, amenities and room accessories. 为您提供量身订做的概念及GGS客户可以选择多种产品,如化妆品、设施和房间的配件。 www.expomd.com 4. Tailor-made clothes fit better and feel more natural. 量身订做的衣服比较合身,而且也感觉比较自然。 www.wwenglish.com 5. The tailor made a suit to my measure. 裁缝为我定做了西装。 www.jxenglish.com 6. In the future, you can get one tailor-made to your own needs. 未来,你可以得到一本根据你的需要量身定制的书。 hxen.com 7. Offering tailor made information has appeal for many years, so the outfit is very familiar with the way the production process. 曾诉资开办量体裁衣制作多年,所以对全套服装生产流程方式十分熟悉。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The tailor made allowance for the growth of the boy and didn't cut his coat small. 裁缝考虑到孩子会长大,没有把他的外衣裁小。 9. "Angry Birds" won fans with play that was tailor-made for touch screens. “愤怒的小鸟”这款专门为触屏手机量身定制的游戏赢得了众多粉丝。 www.bing.com 10. And he is tailor made for the Arsene Wenger mould of young talent. 他适合温格培养年轻天才的条件。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 1. You can take the journey as far as tailor-made, online short courses. 你的旅行可以远至专为你而制作的在线短期课程。 www.thnu.edu.cn 2. Together, we develop tailor-made product ranges so you can have a specific, even unique style. 我们开发定造的产品系列,使客户可以拥有独特的,甚至唯一的风味产品。 en.puratos.com.cn 3. How about ordering a tailor-made suit here? 在这儿定做一套西装怎么样? www.kekenet.com 4. The tailor made a new suit for him. 裁缝给他做了一件新衣服。 www.hbez.net 5. The tailor made the suit to my measure. 裁缝按我的身材做的衣服。 www.tjyz.org 6. To develop tailor-made HIV AIDS education materials for them. 特为她们设计爱滋病病毒爱滋病教材。 www.info.gov.hk 7. Are your clothes tailor made? 你的衣服是定做的吗? www.e-say.com.cn 8. Pre-sales services: telephone hotline (products and technology) can be tailor-made according to customer requirements. 售前服务:德莱奥兰空压机热线电话咨询(产品及技术),可根据客户要求度身设计。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. OpenRail offers a tailor-made solution for all areas of use. OpenRail提供度身订造的所有应用领域的解决方案。 www.gyzdhw.com 10. Britain has been our number one market but the Chinese also like their clothes tailor-made. 英国是我们的第一大市场,而中国人也开始喜欢定制服装。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I don't buy my clothes. All of them are tailor-made. 我的衣服不是买的,我所有的衣服都是量身定做的。 www.kekenet.com 2. At the same time, enterprises can also tailor-made according to customer needs and to provide the best customer service. 同时,本企业还可根据客户的需要度身订做,并为客户提供最优良的售后服务。 www.tonke.cn 3. In China we are lucky that there are still tailors working so we can have "tailor made" or " made to measure" clothing. 在中国,我们很幸运,仍然有裁缝在工作,所以我们可以“特制的”或“定制的”衣服。 www.hxen.com 4. The job's tailor - made for John. 这份工作正好适合约翰去做。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. These induced pluripotent stem cells can be used to study disease and might one day make tailor-made transplants. 这些诱导多能干细胞可以用于疾病研究,或许某天可以用于制备合适的移植物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. IT training courses should be tailor-made to suit the different needs of the science subject teachers and the arts subject teachers 应为理科老师及文科老师各自提供切合其教学需要的资讯科技培训课程 www.emb.gov.hk 7. At 1978, Opened the first Aisan branch at Hong Kong, mainly focused on various categories high end tailor made suit and canonical s. 1978年,在香港开尖沙咀设第一家亚洲分店,主营定制西服和各种高级男士成衣。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Give him a pal and a coupla lively girls, say from the Ladies'Tailor-Made Department, good-lookers and real dressers; 给他一个好朋友和两三个活泼的女孩,说是来自女士量身定做部门,眉目清秀的人和真正的化妆师。 bbs.ycwb.com 9. Prephase technical support, proposal solution optimize, product presentation tailor made to client; 项目前期的技术支持、设计方案优化、重要用户产品介绍; www.jobui.com 10. Evaluate and compare the cost of developing tailor-made software or buying available software in the market 评估及比较自行开发软件或在市场购买软件的成本 www.hkcss.org.hk 1. Antibodies as Tailor-Made Chiral Selectors: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Enantiomer Separation and Detection 抗体作为特制的手性选择剂:一个跨学科的对映体分离和检测手段 www.ilib.cn 2. a tailor - made visible and audible fire alarm system and an emergency call bell was installed in each disabled toilet 每个伤残人士厕所内均安装了一个可看见和听见的火警警报系统和紧急警钟。 www.ichacha.net 3. Tailor-made courses organized by the Employees Retraining Board and relevant training bodies 雇员再培训局及有关的培训机构举办的特订课程 www.legco.gov.hk 4. Wah terminals fiscal 2008, is a tailor-made for domestic investors, the Hong Kong equity real-time analysis software. 财华终端2008,是一款专为国内投资者量身定做的实时港股分析软件。 www.g36.com.cn 5. Provides tailor-made search engine for educational organizations to match suitable candidates 提供为教育机构特设的搜寻器,选配合适人选 www.jobs.gov.hk 6. Tailor-made Metal Sheet and Its Application in Automotive Industry 定制板材及其在汽车工业中的应用 ilib.cn 7. Yundi Li shines in his first concerto recording with two pieces that seem tailor-made 李云迪在首张协奏曲专辑中星光闪耀,两首曲目仿佛为他量身打造 www.imagegarden.net 8. DEG offers tailor-made financing solutions for private investments for the following purposes DEG 为下列目的的私营项目提供量身定做的投资方案 wenku.baidu.com 9. Tailor made financing solutions for private investments 为私营企业量身定制融资方案 wenku.baidu.com 10. The Case for Foreign Banks: Professional Tailor-made Services 外资银行的机会:专业的定制服务 www.ilib.cn 1. Tailor-made general insurance and coinsurance 合身定制的产物保险和共保服务 c.carto.cn 2. In-house Tailor-made Business English Training Services 特设职业英语企业内部培训服务 www.industryhk.org 3. Tailor-made rather than mass production 量身打造而非批量生产 wenku.baidu.com 4. We use application know-how to create tailor-made solutions in close collaboration with our customers 我们与客户密切合作,利用应用技巧建立专属的解决方案? wenku.baidu.com 5. The tailor-made flooring mat for exports 出口专用地板垫 www.zjg-lilong.com 6. With his computer skills, he is tailor-made for the job (他谙熟计算机,特别适合这份工作)。 www.wwenglish.com 7. The biofuels of the future will be tailor-made 未来的生物燃料将会是定制的 www.ecocn.org |
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