单词 | taibei | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | taibei
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 台湾省立师范大学,台湾是位于北部,陌生人-茜茜 1. But by the time we got it , you had already left Taibei, and there was no way we could get in touch with you. 我们收到信的时候你已经离开台北了,而且我们没有办法联络上你。 www.kekenet.com 2. The long reportage of The Melancholy of Taibei and the anthology of The Fun4'ral of the Sun by Prof. Wang Zhongling were published in 2005. 长篇报告文学《台北的忧郁》与诗文集《太阳的葬礼》是王钟陵教授2005年出版的两本创作集。 www.airiti.com 3. How much will it cost to send this letter airmail to Taibei? 这封信以航空邮寄到台北要花多少钱? www.hotdic.com 4. Operator, I'd like to call Taibei, please. Station_to_station. 接线员,我要打到台北的叫号电话。 www.kekenet.com 5. It's the last stop. Other hosts are Bahrain, Indonesia, Australia, the Philippines and Chinese Taibei. 中国是最后一站,其他几站是巴林,印度尼西亚,澳大利亚,菲律宾和中国台北。 www.hotdic.com 6. National transportation hub, located in the Taibei road leading to Tanzania and Malawi to the Dadong Road intersection points. 全国交通枢纽,位于通向坦桑尼亚的大北公路和通向马拉维的大东公路的交会点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In 2001, someone did a reading study among young people above the age of 20 in Taibei, Taizhong and Gaoxiong. 早在2001年,有人针对台北市、台中市、高雄市三个地区20岁以上的民众做过一次阅读调查。 www.elanso.com 8. The train is soon approaching Taibei Station . 火车就要到达台北车站了。 www.bing.com 9. Yes, please. I'd like to place an overseas call to Taibei, Taiwan and please make it collect. 是的,请,我想打个对方付费电话到台湾台北市去。 www.putclub.com 10. Taiwan is one part of China. It is in the southest of China, and its capital is Taibei. 台湾是中国的一部分,它在中国的东南方,它的首都是台北。 gg.258288.com 1. Travels on official business day father to Taibei, finally bought an apple to go home. 有一天父亲到台北出差,总算买了一个苹果回家。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. You original old style, all has not changed. I come Taibei am cooperate for and you open a slum joint. 你还是原来的老样子,一点都没有变。我来台北就是为了和你合作开个珠宝店的。 bbs.91xiaoshuo.com 3. Hello, I'd like to call Taibei. 喂,我想打电话到台北。 www.bing.com 4. The Taibei sag is changed by the tilting action of late structural movement, so the structure of lithologic reservoir is formed. 吐哈盆地台北凹陷葡萄沟地区受后期构造活动掀斜作用的改造,形成了岩性油气藏的构造背景。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. A: I'd like to call Taibei. 我想打电话到台北。 www.examw.com 6. Does not use the gate, can see, newest Taibei, city progress and change! 不用出门,就能看到,最新的台北市,城市的进步和改变! www.panoramio.com 7. Yesterday entire day, in Taibei the storm continually strengthened, the biggest Rafale reached as high as 13 levels. 昨日全天,台北市内暴风雨持续增强,最大阵风高达13级。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. We get on the train in Taibei . 我们在台北上火车。 www.bing.com 9. When's the next bus for Taibei? 下一班往台北的公共汽车什么时间开? www.bing.com 10. A: Hello. I'd like to make a long distance call to Taibei, Taiwan. 喂,我想打个长途电话到台湾的台北。 www.kekenet.com 1. Shan, Te-Hsing. Crossing the Border: Translation, Literature and Criticism. Taibei: Shu lin Press, 1995. 单德兴:《跨越边界:翻译·文学·批评》,台北:书林出版公司,1995年。 www.cssn.cn 2. A: This is Mr. Chen of Taibei calling. I have stopped here on my way to the United States. I wanted to say hello to him. 我是从台北来的陈先生,我是去美国途中在此停留,我要向他问候一下。 www.kekenet.com 3. I would like to make a long distance call to Taibei. 我想打个长途电话到台北去。 infos.edulife.com.cn 4. Zhao Xiaolan was born in 1953 in Taibei, the ancestral home is Shanghai Jiading. 赵小兰于1953年出生在台北,祖籍上海嘉定。 bulo.hjenglish.com 5. At present, Chinese Taibei doesn't recognize diplomas earned in the Chinese mainland nor help with any inquiries about studying there. 不前台北还不承认内地大学的学位,也不会提供任何赴内地求学的帮助。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. There is too much traffic in Taibei these days. I think car should be banned. 最近台北的交通真太拥挤了,我觉得汽车应全面禁用。 www.ebigear.com 7. I'd like to have a seat on your flight for Taibei on October 8. 我想坐你们10月8日去台北的班机。 www.bing.com 8. I moved to Taibei two years ago. 我两年前搬到台北的。 www.tingroom.com 9. A: I'd like to place an overseas call to Taibei Taiwan. 我要打一个国际电话到台湾的台北。 www.kekenet.com 10. On well-drained banks or in stony areas; sea level to 500 m. N Taiwan (Taibei). 在排水良好的岸或上在石质地区;海平面到海拔500米。台湾北部(台北)。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. No, I was born in Gaoxiong, I only moved to Taibei after I graduated. 不是,我在高雄出生,我毕业后才搬到台北来的。 talk.oralpractice.com 2. Where can I catch a local train for Taibei? 我到哪里能坐到普通火车去台北呢? www.hotdic.com 3. Xing Taizhao, On Legal Practice of School, Taibei Educational Department Compile and Print, 36-37(1998). 《校园法律实务》,台北教育部编印1998年,第36-37页。 www.papershome.com 4. Please tell me which bus goes to the Taibei train station. 请你告诉我坐几路公共汽车到台北火车站。 www.tingroom.com 5. Open limestone rock crevices; 400-900 m. E and N Taiwan (Hualian, Ilan, Taibei). 开阔的的石灰石岩石裂缝;400-900米。台湾东部和北部(花莲,宜兰,台北)。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Is the flight for Taibei on time? 飞台北的班机准时吗? www.kekenet.com 7. What is the gate number for China Air Lines to Taibei? 中华航空公司往台北的班机是几号登机门? www.bing.com 8. A: Taibei 02_814_4345. I'd like to place a person_to_person call to Mr. David Chen. And I want to call collect. 台北02—814—4345,我想打叫人电话给陈大卫先生,而且我要对方付费。 www.kekenet.com 9. What time does flight 778 arrive in Taibei? 778次班机什么时候到台北? www.kekenet.com 10. We got into Taibei early. 我们很早就到达台北了。 www.hxen.com 1. It's about 100 kilometres, east of Taibei. 在台北东边,大约100公里左右。 www.ebigear.com 2. Shanke-1 is a scientific research well which drilled out Triassic first in Taibei Depression, Turpa-Hami (Tuha) Basin. 鄯科1井是吐鲁番-哈密盆地台北凹陷首次钻穿三叠系的一口科学探索井,并首次在三叠系发现轻质油流。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. I would like to fly CIA006 bound for Taibei. 我要搭CIA006班机去台北。 www.kekenet.com 4. The number in Taibei is 027908358. 台北市电话是(02)790-8358。 www.hxen.com 5. We will land at Taibei Airport in ten minutes. 我们将在10分钟内降落台北机场。 www.bing.com 6. It's just in the north of Taibei. 就在台北的北方。 www.ebigear.com 7. How can I get to Taibei airport? 到台北机场怎样去? www.kekenet.com 8. Yes, 402, Nan_Hi Rd, Taibei. my name is Suliwen. 是的,台北市南海路402号,我叫苏利文。 www.tingroom.com 9. B: Very fine, thank you, I am in Taibei now. 很好,谢谢,我现在在台北。 blog.163.com 10. The number in Taibei is (02) 790-8358. 台北市电话号码是(02)790-8358。 www.kekenet.com 1. Your photography with is excavating the Taibei new town city appearance every day! 您每天都在拍摄与发掘台北市新城市面貌! www.panoramio.com 2. The general geological background and distribution character of low resistivity oil bed in the west of Tuba basin taibei area 吐哈盆地台北西部低阻油层赋存的宏观地质背景及分布特征 www.ilib.cn 3. Comparative Study on Gender Role Connotation of University Male Students across the Straits - A Case Study on Beijing and Taibei 两岸男大学生性别角色内涵之对比研究——以北京与台北为例 www.ilib.cn 4. Thermoluminescence age of sediments in Taibei Basin 台北盆地沉积物的热释光年代研究 www.ilib.cn 5. The Crude Oil Group Analysis of Western Taibei Sag and Classification of Its Petroleum Accumulation Stages in Turpan-Hami Basin 吐哈盆地台北西部原油族群及成藏期划分 www.ilib.cn 6. Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Its Effect on Oil-Gas Migration and Accumulation in Taibei Depression, Tu-Ha Basin 台北凹陷地下水动力特征及其对油气运移和聚集的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Relationship Between Organic Inclusions and Hydrocarbon Generation in Taibei Depression in Donghai Basin 东海盆地台北坳陷有机包裹体与油气生成 ilib.cn 8. A Comparison of Psychological Well-being between the College Students from Taibei and Gannan 台北、赣南两地六校大学生心理健康状况比较 9. Characteristics and influential factors of Jurassic oil-gas reservoirs in Taibei depression, Turpan-Hami basin, China 吐哈盆地台北凹陷侏罗系油气储层特征及影响因素 service.ilib.cn 10. The Application of the Small Area Map of Earthquake Degrees in Taibei Disaster Prevention 台北市震度微区图在建筑防灾之运用 www.ilib.cn 1. Suggestions on agricultural cooperation between Shanghai and Taibei after entry into WTO 入世后上海与台北农业合作建议 www.ilib.cn 2. Sandstone-bodies and their petrology characteristics of Jurassic reservoirs in Taibei depression of Turupan-Hami basin 吐哈盆地台北凹陷侏罗系储层砂体发育及其岩石学特征 www.ilib.cn 3. Formation Conditions and Exploration-favoring Areas of Subtle Reservoirs in West Taibei Sag 台北凹陷西部隐蔽油气藏形成条件及勘探有利区带 www.ilib.cn 4. Do you come to Taibei the first. Is this the first time you come to Taiwan? 您第一次到台湾吗? zhidao.baidu.com 5. The Geological Conditions for Forming Deep-Basin Gas Accumulation in Taibei Sag, Turpan-Hami Basin 吐哈盆地台北凹陷深盆气成藏地质条件 www.ilib.cn 6. Distribution of mixed crude in western arc structural belt of Taibei Depression in Turpan-Hami Basin 吐哈盆地台北凹陷西部弧形构造带混源原油特征 service.ilib.cn 7. Bush administration policy toward Beijing and Taibei; Robert Sutter 布什政府对北京和台北的政策 www.cctb.net 8. The Petroleum Accumulation Characteristics and Favorable Zones of Xiaocaohu Secondary Sag in Taibei Sag 台北凹陷小草湖次凹油气成藏特点及有利区带 www.ilib.cn 9. Characteristics of Low-Resistivity Oil-Gas Zones in Western Taibei Sag of Turpan-Hami Basin 吐哈盆地台北凹陷西部低电阻率油气层特征 ilib.cn 10. "Family Development Accounts in Taibei" and Deposit Effects “台北市家庭发展帐户”方案的发展与储蓄成效 1. Operation and Management Experience of Taibei Rapid Transit 台北捷运的经营管理经验 www.ilib.cn 2. Deal with the mechanism in emergency of government of Taibei 台北市政府紧急事件处理机制 www.ilib.cn 3. Tertiary oil and gas reservoir features and affecting factors in Taibei Sag 台北凹陷第三系油气储层特征及影响因素 www.ilib.cn 4. Research on greening ecological city planning of Taibei 台北市绿色生态城市规划案例研究 www.ilib.cn 5. "Three checks" in progressive exploration of Taibei sag “三查”在台北凹陷滚动勘探开发中的应用 service.ilib.cn 6. The unique treasure in Taibei Imperial Palace-Porcelain 台北故宫的稀世珍宝—瓷器 detail.china.alibaba.com 7. Characteristics of Jurassic Source Rock in Taibei Sag of Tuba Basin 吐哈盆地台北凹陷侏罗系烃源岩特征 www.ilib.cn 8. The Subtle Reservoir Prospecting in Taibei Sag of Turpan-Hami Basin 吐哈盆地台北凹陷隐蔽油气藏勘探 www.ilib.cn 9. The unique treasure in Taibei Imperial Palace-Jade Article 详细说明:台北故宫的稀世珍宝—玉器 www.hcgpk.com 10. Adjustment of Oil Gathering and Transfer System in Gaotaizi and Taibei Oilfields of Daqing Area 大庆高台子和太北油田油气集输系统优化调整 www.ilib.cn 1. The Physiological Society Located in Taibei 和位于台北的生理学会 www.caps-china.org 2. Favorable reservoir forming conditions in Qiketai formation in the west of Taibei Sag 台北凹陷西部七克台组油气成藏有利条件分析 www.ilib.cn 3. in 1992, "Elite Group Exhibition from China" in Taibei Xiaoya Gallery; 1992年在台北小雅画廊参加了“大陆精英七人展”; ebook.artron.net 4. Lessons Learnt from Floods in Taibei's Subway 台北地铁淹水的教训 service.ilib.cn 5. Taibei saltworks: development and use of waste water of ammonia and alkali 氨碱废液的开发利用是台北盐场结构调整的重头戏 www.ilib.cn 6. Relation of Land Taxes and Corvee in Taibei Lubeizhou 清代台北芦洲的土地赋税关系 www.ilib.cn 7. Hydrocarbon Detection in Hongtai-Gedatai Area, Taibei Sag 台北凹陷红台-疙瘩台地区含油气检测 www.ilib.cn 8. Rain In Winter In Taibei City 冬季到台北睐看雨 search.dangdang.com 9. China Cuisine Association of Taibei 台北烹饪协会 www.ccas.com.cn |
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