单词 | T-post |
释义 | 例句释义: 丁字形支柱,杂志社 1. Normally I don't post on Wednesdays, but I wanted to tell you about two fun resources. 一般来说,我周三都是不发文章的,但是我想要跟你们说2个有意思的地儿。 www.bing.com 2. I have disassembled my BIOS to have a look around, and while I won't post all the results here, I'll tell you what I did find. 我反编译我的BIOS看了看,不全把结果贴在这,我也能告诉你我发现了什么。 www.phpfans.net 3. Now if you can't post it here, it's going to be a little difficult in how I can get it from you. 如果你现在不能把药方公布在这儿的话,我怎样从你那得到这个药方将会有点困难。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It seems that European & Islamic Sword is not so concerned. Where's the warrior spirit? If no one ups, I won't post in future. 看样子好像欧亚不是这么受关注啊,尚武精神哪去了?没人顶的话,以后不发了。 hfsword.com 5. But stay tactical. Just lay out the facts to your fellow traders; don't post the guy's personal info or resort to childish insults. 但一定要有策略,不是幼稚的诋毁,只把事实陈述给你的交易伙伴们,并不透露此人的个人信息。 dongxi.net 6. Students often write Khan that they aced a course without opening their texts, though Khan doesn't post these notes on his site. 学生常给汗写信,说他们根本没有动过课本就在一门课上取得了优异成绩,但汗不把这些信贴到他的网站上去。 dongxi.net 7. Please send me a private message if can't post information on the board. 请给我一个私人讯息,如果无法张贴在黑板上的信息。 zhbaby.com.cn 8. 2 don't post, advertising, illegal information, and sensitive words, if found adsense will not spare delete your post. 发帖的时候不要发布广告、违法信息、和敏感字,如果发现站长也会毫不留情的删除你的帖子。 www.82g.com.cn 9. don ' t post videos showing dangerous or illegal acts , like animal abuse , drug abuse , or bomb making. 严禁上传危险或不法行为的视频,如虐待动物,滥用毒品,以及制造炸弹等。 www.ichacha.net 10. Bilingualclub is not a shock site. Don't post gross-out videos of accidents, dead bodies and stuff like that. 学友双语杂志不是惊恐网站,严禁上传惊悚视频类似于灾难,死尸等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. PLEASE be careful who you give personal information to and don't post anything too personal on websites. 请小心你给谁的个人信息,不要太个人网站上张贴任何。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. Also please don't post files within the forum unless asked to do so. 如果你没有被要求,不要在论坛上粘贴文件。 zzbaike.com 3. Try to post regularly, if you don't post for sometime long, then you will lose a lot of subscription and regular readers. 经常发布文章,如果你长时间不发表,你就会失去很多读者和订阅者。 www.bing.com 4. This made them feel comfortable disclosing information that people normally wouldn't post on the Internet. 这让他们感到舒服并愿意透露一些平时不愿意透露的信息。 www.bing.com 5. The men don't post as often as the women, but they are reading! 男人不会像女人那样频繁发言,但他们在看! www.24en.com 6. First of all, teenagers shouldn't post their address, phone number, or picture online, Some bad people will use them to commit crimes. 首先,青少年不应后把自己的住址,电话号码或图片网上,一些不好的人会使用他们犯下的罪行。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Please read all I wrote and If you can't offer me all I told you don't post please. 请阅读所有我写的,如果你不能给我所有我告诉你,请不要张贴。 www.bing.com 8. I won't post full examples because you can find dozens of Spring tutorials. 在此,我不会为您展示完整的例子,因为您可以找到数不清的Spring教程。 www.ibm.com 9. Even though you say you won't post them, there were lots of people taking photos, so please be careful! 虽然说你不发,拍得人有很多,但是请注意一下吧! www.ourblogs.cn 10. Please don't post automated posts. All copy paste bids will be ignored. 请不要发布自动化职位。全部复制粘贴投标将被忽略。 www.bing.com 1. Some banks didn't post the numbers publicly but forwarded their data directly to KPMG. 一些银行没有公开发布这些数据,它们将数据直接交给了毕马威。 cn.wsj.com 2. Birth control is the answer. Too bad there isn't post-natal birth control for many of us already here. 计划生育是最好的答案,产后避孕对于我们大多数的人来说是太坏的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. You can't post comment on this article. 你这是在夸奖我么。 looki.cn 4. Don't post 139-character messages every time. 每次发出的消息的长度不能超过139个字符。 www.ibm.com 5. Don't post a huge PDF for download. 请勿张贴的PDF下载巨大的。 www.b2c-seo.com 6. Please don't post too many pics. 请大家帖图时不要帖太多。 hfsword.com 7. Please don't post the whole file, since it can be large. 请不要张贴整个文件,因为它会非常巨大。 www.finkproject.org 8. Don't post this photo in any board. 不要在任何讨论版张贴此照片。 www.seungheonhome.com 9. There are three signs posted on this block. We can't post signs every two feet. 这一区立有三个标志。我们不能每两尺就立个标志。 blog.163.com 10. I just notice that my fd used this work for profile pic, and make me remember that i didn't post it yet . 要不是我的朋友把这个作品用作头像,我也不会想起原来我还没有放上来。 www.alive.tom.com 1. It's a good idea to learn about copyright laws and make sure you don't post, share, or distribute copyrighted images, songs, or files. 你最好学习一些有关版权的法律,确保你不会在网上发布,分享或者散播受版权保护的图片,歌曲和文件。 www.bing.com 2. Don't post photos of yourself imitating a postman delivering a parcel bomb 在Facebook上上传“模仿邮差送包裹炸弹”的照片 edu.sina.com.cn |
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