单词 | tha | ||||||||||
释义 | tha
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 人工全髋关节置换术 1. At the moment, Tha Na Lang is just a bright, shiny railway station; there is not much in the way of a village or town or anything else here. 目前,ThanaLang还只是一个阳光明媚的车站,暂时还没有太多村庄和小镇或其他内容。 www.bing.com 2. There was no doubt tha he was a fine scholar. 这毫无疑问他是一位优秀的学者。 wenwen.soso.com 3. but it had no other effect upon Dora tha to depress her spirits, and make her always nervous with the dread that it would be her turn next. 但它在朵拉身上,除了让她精神沮丧,总是因害怕下一个就轮到她而紧张之外,没有别的效果。 blog.hi.mop.com 4. We ca recent obtain the same quality through a recent other cha recentnel into a much lower price tha recent thin to you quoted us. 同等质量的货物我们可以议定其它渠道买到,但价格却比你方的报价要低得多。 www.qgbao.com 5. Ah, well, methinks tha he thinks tha if he took off'is clothes, he'd have a lower Armor Check penalties. 呃,俺想,他大概认为要是他把衣服脱光,他的防具检定减值就会降低。 ellesime.anetcity.com 6. You know tha few countries are selling this kind of products at cheap prices in large quantities. 您知道有的国度对这种商品正在削价抛售。 www.callun.com 7. Despite our best efforts, dislocations will occur, which serves to underline the multi-factorial nature of dislocation in THA. 有时,尽管我们做出了最大努力,脱位仍可能会发生,这可能与我们强调的多因素不稳定有关。 hzgk.net 8. They expected tha they would have to go to bed hungry, because in that small inn in New Jersey, no meals were served after seven. 他们以为自己会饿着肚子上床睡觉,因为在新泽西那个小饭店里,七点种就不在开餐了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I wish to point out th for the offers are higher tha recent some of the quotes from your competitors in other countries. 我想指出的是你们的报盘比你们在其它国度的竞争对手所提报的一些价格要高。 www.qgbao.com 10. However, by 24 months there was no difference in pain level between patients having undergone HRA or THA. 然而,接受HRA与THA治疗的患者之间的疼痛程度到24个月的时候就没有差异了。 www.ruanjian520.com 1. we were all surprised when she made it clear tha she would leave our school before long . 她告诉我们她不久之后就会离开学校,我们对此感到十分惊讶。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The investigators found that, with controlled patient variables, THA was able to restore normal ROM more effectively than HRA. 研究发现,控制病人的变量THA比HRA能更有效地恢复正常的活动度。 www.ruanjian520.com 3. The often best obtain of the morning is knowing tha few time one is waiting for you to wake up. 早上最抵家的局部就是知道有那么一小我正静静地等着你醒来。 www.chinafreecall.com 4. Though back in tha time, I never thought I'd see her face. 尽管后来我又返家,在那段时间里,我从未想过原来我是那么期待见到她。 bbs.verycd.com 5. Ms Tha, for example, pays about 7, 500 riels a month for her supply. But much of that she recoups from neighbours. 例如Tha女士每个月必须为她的自来水支付7,500里尔的费用,但是这大部分费用她都从邻居那里收回来了。 www.ecocn.org 6. It represents the movement and trend of each component in furnace directly. This method will give answer to the question tha. . . 直观的表现了熔炼过程中各种组分在炉内的运动及走向,为解决熔炼过程中无法观察冶金炉内部状况的问题提出解决办法。 www.chemyq.com 7. The primary focus of this paper was to determine overall mortality and causes of death at 30 and 90 days for patients undergoing THA. 这份研究报告首要关注的是全髋置换术后在30天内和90天内总体死亡率和死亡原因。 www.oaopdoc.com 8. Their results strongly supported the use of antibiotic impregnated cement as a means of reducing deepinfectionin primary THA. Dunne等的发现有力地支持了将抗生素骨水泥用于减少初次THA手术深部感染的发生。 www.hyu9.net 9. Simon Tha is well-known as a peace negotiator between Karen rebel groups and the Burmese regime. 众所周知宰西蒙达是作为克伦族叛乱团体和缅甸军政权之间的和平谈判使者。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Let us reflect in another way, and we shall see that there is great reason to hope tha death is a good. 我们如果从另一角度来思考死亡,就会发现有绝大理由相信:死,是件好事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Ye can't dump even a sixth of tha much gold inta a small town like the one we were at before. 像咱们之前落脚的那种小镇子里,你甚至连那堆金子的六分之一都花不出去。 www.ellesime.net 2. Examination under anaesthetic and fluoroscopy screening can be a useful assessment tool in THA instability (Figure 4). 术中,在麻醉及透视下对置换关节进行稳定性评估非常有用(图4)。 hzgk.net 3. The best benjhaudio-videoe always beeninefit of the morning is knowing tha few one is waiting for you to wake up. 早上最优美的局部就是知道有那么一小我正静静地等着你醒来。 bbs.chifan5.com 4. Evaluation of pain following total hip arthroplasty (THA) can be challenging in the absence of radiographic pathology. 在缺乏放射病理的情况下,鉴定全髋关节置换术后疼痛很具挑战性。 www.oaopdoc.com 5. Consider the hot album of the moment: "Tha Carter III" by Lil Wayne. 看看此刻小韦恩大卖的那张专辑《卡特3》罢。 blog.ecocn.org 6. I realized tha the West isn "t better than China. The only difference is that we are economically developed. " 我意识到,西方并不比中国更好,唯一的差别就是我们的经济发达。 bbs.ifeng.com 7. Sure I could have used tha bandits fer me personal gain, but how would tha make me any differ'nt than tha sorcerer lass or her pa? 当然俺本可以为自个儿的利益驱使那些强盗,可那样的话俺跟那个术士丫头和她爹有啥不一样呢? www.anetcity.com 8. Of every single the people I know, perhaps non deserves my respect more tha . . . 在我认识的人当中¸也许没有一个人比…更值得我尊敬。保护环境。 www.lhhjjs.com 9. Most foreign institutional investors would have to abide by the current rules, Mr Tha Gyaw said. 据MinThaGyaw表示,多数外国机构投资者将不得不遵守现行规则。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Consider the hot album of the moment: "Tha Carter III" by Lil Wayne. Its central message is that if you are a rap star, you will get laid. 看看眼下热播的专辑:LilWayne《卡特3》的中心意思就是如果你是个说唱明星,就会有女人主动和你上床。 www.ecocn.org 1. On this special day I send you New Yearaas greetings the actual d hope tha few day soon we shall be together. 在这特殊的日子,向你致以新年的祝愿,希望不久我们能相聚在一切。 www.chinahengchen.com 2. Tha particularks to the government's efforts . my hometown is tra particulars forming into a particular entirely lot more fine-looking . 开心学习网。公民的生活条件改善了很多。政府的努力下。我的故乡变得越来越俏丽。 www.smsts.cn 3. Vaarsuvius, how'd ye ever learn so much about how folks fall in love? Ye don't seem tha type, really. 你咋会对小俩口的事知道这么多?你看起来不像那种人,说真的。 www.anetcity.com 4. As you all know, EK THA TIGER is the title for Salman Khan's next. 大家都知道,克朗临屋虎是萨尔曼汗的下一个称号。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Most manufacturers include these retractors as standard in their minimal-incision surgery THA instrument sets. 作为标准,许多生产厂家在他们的小切口THA器械盒中带有这种牵开器。 www.oaopdoc.com 6. The leap is an inevitable choice that tha backward catches up with and surpasses the advanced country. 跨越是落后国家赶超先进国家的必然选择。 www.dictall.com 7. The combination of improvements in surgical practices and advances in perioperative care has caused mortality from THA to decline. 手术技巧的提高和术中精心护理操作使得全髋置换的死亡率下降。 www.mdchome.com 8. Ye might find some a'tha exact center o'Wooden Forest, where legend says a meteorite fell over a century ago. 你也许可以在那片木头森林的中间地带找到一些,有传说说在一个世纪以前那儿掉下来个流星。 ellesime.anetcity.com 9. Tha. . . that's very important, remember? What is in it for us? So, remember, I'm telling you this now. 那很重要记得吗?这对我们有什么好处?所以记住我现在就是在告诉你们这个。 622006680.qzone.qq.com 10. Objective To investigate the causes, the Onset status and the treatment of the pain after total hip arthroplasty (THA). 目的探讨人工全髋置换术后疼痛的发生原因、发生情况及其处理。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Numerous courses are now available to inform surgeons of the latest advances and techniques on the DAA to THA. 现在有大量关于THA前入路的课程向外科医生介绍最新的进展和技术。 www.oaopdoc.com 2. Second, improvements in anesthesia and pain management have reduced mortality and improve outcome after THA. 其次,麻醉技术和疼痛控制的进步降低了全髋置换后的死亡率并提高了术后的结果。 www.mdchome.com 3. Under the premise of mastering THA, A mini-incision surgery can be finished without needing special instrument. 在熟练掌握全髋关节置换术的前提下,小切口不需要特殊器械即可完成手术。 4. Flooding becomes less apparent near the higher elevations of Mt. Coot-Tha at image right. 而位于图像右侧的库特塔山(Mt.Coot-Tha)附近地势较高的地区,洪水的影响不是那么明显。 www.bing.com 5. This article concentrates on the assessment and surgical management of hip instability following THA. 本文将重点评估全髋关节置换术后不稳定因素的处理。 hzgk.net 6. According to the change of incidence of and mortality from disease tha modern society and life bring us, Introspect the cause of disease. 根据现代社会和生活给人们带来的疾病发生变化的情况即发病率、致死率的改变,反思疾病的致病因素。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Aye but allo' them be a fair hike away. Thar's travel expenses: feed fer tha horses, room an' board, meals. 对头,但它们都很遥远。旅行花销包括:马匹的饲料,住宿与饮食费用。 www.ellesime.net 8. THA resulted in increased femoral offset, whereas HRA resulted in reduced change in limb length. THA导致增加股骨位移,然而HTA导致降低肢体长度的改变。 www.ruanjian520.com 9. tha man should work to live, not live to work. however, I feel . . . 长时间休息后,我厌倦了工作。人应该为了生活而工作,而不是为了工作而生活… www.jxxufeng.com 10. Simon Tha and 15 Karen politicians in Rangoon registered the KPP to contest in the general elections in 2010. 宰西蒙达和在仰光的15位卡伦政治家注册登记克伦人民党参加2010年大选。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In multiple randomized trials, including THA and TKA patients, LMWH has been more effective than warfarin in limiting overall DVT rates. 包括THA和TKA患者的多中心随机试验显示LMWH比华法林能更有效地减少总体DVT发生率。 www.medlive.cn 2. Moreover, THA owns sparser weight matrixes (IWM) with 1-D interconnections, which brings more convenience to optical implementation. 且其互连权矩阵更加简单稀疏并可平面化,光学实现更为简便。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I would like to be a volunteer like tha few time day. 来日有一天我也想成为那样的志愿者。 www.xhhb.net 4. If you tell yourself you're afraid, tha's the message your listener receives. So select the attitude you want to communicate. 如果你跟自己说你害怕,这就是你的听众接到的信息,所以要选择好你想与人交流的态度。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The company tha I had worked for mere five years is 5000 meters form my house. 我仅仅工作了五年的那家公司又五千米远。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. And I repeated tha same distances on my copy-model. 在我的复制模型上我重复同样的距离。 www.23model.com 7. Cardiovascular conditions were responsible for most deaths after THA. 心血管系统的条件对全髋置换后的死亡率起主要作用。 www.mdchome.com 8. If performed carefully, minimal damage to the rectus will occur with routine exposure for DAA THA. 如果仔细进行,THA前入路的常规显露很少发生股直肌的损伤。 www.oaopdoc.com 9. MAI OUTCOME MEASURES: Operation time, bleeding volume and hip dislocation after THA. 主要观察指标:手术时间、出血量和术后关节脱位情况。 en.zglckf.com 10. happy? happy? what tha heck does happiness have to do wit'being a dwarf? 开心?开心?做个矮人和快乐有什么该死的联系? ellesime.anetcity.com 1. HELEN: Tha goodk you. . . Hi, Nick. Nice to hear from you. How's the English weather? 海伦:谢谢……你好,尼克。很康乐接到你的电话。电脑免费打电话软件。英国那边的天气何如样? www.callun.com 2. an old, old hermit lived deep in the woods. He was so kind tha the never killed any living creature. 密林深处住着一位很老很老的隐者。他是那么的善良,从来没有杀生过。 dict.bioon.com 3. It is normal tha in such a big club as Milan the competition for places is high in every department. 这在米兰这样一个俱乐部中是很正常的,位置的竞争在各个部门都很激烈。 mymilan.cn 4. As THA is per- formed more frequently in older and sicker patients, it is important we continue to monitor its associated mortality. 由于全髋置换技术更多的运用于年老者和具有基础疾病的患者,我们继续监测伴随的死亡率将显得非常重要。 www.mdchome.com 5. However, this study compared HRA with a large-head metal-on-metal THA. 然而,这项研究是将HRA与大头金属对金属THA相比。 www.ruanjian520.com 6. All you people need to just wait and see about MAC. Did all of you forget that he knows how to dish tha rock as well as anyone? 你们所需的是等著看麦帝(的恢复)。难道你们都已经忘了他能够像球队的任何球员一样飙分吗? babyclub.women.sohu.com 7. It's up to the coach to decide, but I think that he will play in tha Champions League game against Ajax. 他会如何完全由主教练决定,但我认为他会在冠军联赛对阵阿贾克斯的时候登场。 www.bing.com 8. Did you do so much work in less tha new good a week? 你以前在不够一周的时间内做过这么多的作事吗?。 www.hx41.com 9. I myself was the leading role of tha story spread in my unit, which told of how to gain good fortune from misfortune. 我们的单位有传布了将不幸变成祝福的故事,领引是我自己。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. Based on this, this paper also puts forward the countermeasures of the progress in knowledge of enterprise and points out tha . . . 在此基础上,文章提出了企业知识化的策略,并指出,企业知识化还意味着企业知识化管理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Tha creek you- I will. Hope to see you yet next year. 谢谢,出国工具箱。我会的。理想明年可能再见到你。 aaa.zzbst.cn 2. Those were tha days, tha days, that changed my life, and made me new. 过去的那些日子,改变了我的生命,让我重生。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Ye haf ta follow me back down ta tha street level now, double time, else we'll lose what advantage we just got. 现在你得跟着俺回到下面的街道上去,快跑,要不咱们就会丢掉刚刚创造的优势。 www.anetcity.com 4. Conclusion The effect of RC on prolonging the sleeping time induced by pentobarbital sodium and ether is better tha. . . 结论党参延长戊巴比妥钠及乙醚引起睡眠时间作用优于黄芪; www.chemyq.com 5. We reviewed a series of patients who were evaluated with MRI after presenting with enigmatic hip pain following THA. 我们回顾了一组用磁共振鉴定全髋关节置换术后难以解释的疼痛病例。 www.oaopdoc.com 6. Assume tha all the men work at the same rate. 假设工人的劳动效率都相同。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Thirty years earlier we couldn't know tha few thing chased the Internet would lelisting to a financial revolution. 三十年前,我们不知道一个被称作互联网的东西会引发经济反动。 www.mdmspdt.com 8. Manager Tha Vy runs a smart store in a mall that sells electronics. ThaVy作为经理在一个卖场中开设了一家专卖电子产品的智能商店。 www.bing.com 9. Changes in surgical practices and implantable devices have also helped reduce mortality after THA. 外科技术和植入材料的改进也降低了全髋置换后的死亡率。 www.mdchome.com 10. Who knows, perhaps your next thought will be a new idea that changes tha world. 谁会知道,也许你的下一个主意将会是改变世界的新观点。 www.tingroom.com 1. After nearly four months of learning bamboo flute, it is apparent tha my son's technique has made progress. 学习笛子差不多有四个月了,我儿子现在的技能还是有不少长进。 qszwlx.blog.163.com 2. In summary, studies report high patient satisfaction for both THA and HRA. 总的说来,研究报告THA和HRA病人满意度均高。 www.ruanjian520.com 3. Dwarven tradition dictates tha we drink one ale fer each number 'n tha countdown. 矮人的传统是咱们每倒数一次就喝一杯啤酒。 ellesime.anetcity.com 4. It's not the big things, but tha little things. 不是什么大事,只是一件小事。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. So tha the author puts forward development suggestions. 提出了促进我国医务社会工作的发展建议。 www.bing.com 6. Haven't ye ever thought about how suspicious it be tha trees can always be found in such large group? 你们就没有想想这些树总是大群大群地出现,这有多可疑嘛? www.ellesime.net 7. Okay, i gave tha to him as a gift. I'm taking that back. 得了那是我给他的礼物我要收回。 www.b2b98.com 8. Conclusion Cementless THA is a valid procedure for hip-joint lesions due to AS. 结论非骨水泥全髋关节置换术是治疗强直性脊柱炎髋关节病变的有效方法。 www.301xuebao.com.cn 9. OBD: But tha's too many folks thar ta use tha explosives. I don't get paid by tha body count. 但用炸药的话人数又太多了。他们可没按尸体的数量付俺钱。 www.anetcity.com 10. 'Ere, make herself useful, lass, an' shove this potion down tha elf's throat. 拿着,丫头,你也帮点忙,把这瓶药水灌进那个精灵的喉咙里。 www.anetcity.com 1. City Sights including Mt Coot-tha, University of Queensland, City Botanic Garden, University of Queensland of Technology. 库萨山观布市全景,昆士兰大学,城市植物园,昆士兰科技大学。 www.gzzgjy.com 2. Tha past is a dream, future is an illusion, and the present is a gift. 过去是梦,未来是幻,现在是一个礼物(英文的现在也有礼物的意思)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It's been going on for hours and there's no indication tha it'll end soon. (这个会)持续了好几个小时,而且没有任何迹象表明它会很快结束。 www.sogood.cn 4. please stay with me all tha time! 请和我在一起吧! www.donghairen.com 5. Theactualcostof repairs was a lot less tha fantastic we had expected. 现实的修理费用笔我们预期的要低得多。 www.smsts.cn 6. Yer welcome. Now, try scannin' tha rest o' the party, an' ye'll see tha not none o' us are Evil. 没啥。现在试试检查俺们队伍中的其他人,你会发现没有一个是邪恶的。 www.ellesime.net 7. The tasty fruit also contains five times more protein tha an apple. 美味可口的香蕉比一个苹果含有的蛋白质还要高5倍。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Tha site will be in french and english and each french page will have a corresponding english page. 临屋区将在法语和英语,每法文网页将有一个相应的英文网页。 www.bing.com 9. more exte ive or extreme tha further-reaching than[prep. ]. (喻)比…更广泛;超出极限,超过,非…可及。 www.52vpn.com 10. Ms Tha's life seems as miserable an example of urban poverty as could be found anywhere. Tha女士的悲惨生活似乎是该座城市随处可见的穷人生活的一个例子。 www.ecocn.org 1. On this speciing day I send you New Yearhas greetings they hope tha few time day soon we sh be together. 在这特地的日子,向你致以新年的祝愿,希望不久我们能相聚在一起。 www.chinahengchen.com 2. Being artistic modality of Tibetan Buddhism, fete dance of Tha Kung is a kind of religious dance. 金刚法舞是藏传佛教的艺术形态之一,是一种宗教舞蹈。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. There are a large education resources , so you can get a better education tha in little towns or villages. 有大型的教育资源,让你可以得到更好的教育渣油在小城镇里或村庄。 wenwen.soso.com 4. BS: What tha heck does it sound like? Metal tha fell from tha stars! 这见鬼的名字听起来还能是啥?是从星星上掉下来的铁! ellesime.anetcity.com 5. Yes. Tha's right. I: Take a seat. C: Thank you. 是的,我是。主:请坐。应:谢谢。 www.tingroom.com 6. The very essence of leadership is tha you have to have a vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet. 领导最本质的东西是洞察力,不能无目的地瞎吹。 www.bing.com 7. He became good at mathematics and in 1958 he and some friends built a simple computer tha actually worked. 他渐渐在数学方面展露专长,1958年他和一些朋侪一起组装了一台简单的可以或许举行实际运算的盘算机。 www.018tv.com 8. Her wishful face haunts my dreams like tha rain at night. 她热切的脸像雨夜似的缠绕着我的梦魂。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The ample evidence presented enables us to reasonably conclude tha t. 提出的充分证据使我们能够合理地得出 wenku.baidu.com 10. Ha ha, well, ye sure love tha gold well 'nuff. See ya at dinner. 哈哈,是啊,你的确爱死那些金子了。晚饭时候见。 ellesime.anetcity.com 1. City Sights including Mt Coot-tha, University of Queensland, Riverside , drive pass China Town. 库萨山观布市全景,昆士兰大学,河边走廊,车经中国城。 ww123.net 2. cut tha alarm system and spent 45 minutes picking out 20 works by the Dutch Impressionist. 切断警报系统,并且花了45分钟时间挑走了这位荷兰印象派画家的20件作品。 www.bing.com 3. We trust that you will special care to the packing in order to avoid tha damage in transit. 我们相信,为防运输途中受损,你方会特别注意包装。 wenku.baidu.com 4. One thing you might notice is tha t we didn't set the subject. 有一件事情你可能已经注意到了:我们没有设置邮件主题。 www.infoq.com 5. He was so ill tha twe had to send for a doctor. 他病得如此严重,我们只好给他请医生了。 www.bing.com 6. Of course Inidians had enormous contributions to Mathemaics, and did I reject tha claim? 当然印度人对数学有巨大的贡献,但是我有否认过么? www.miltt.com 7. Those windows in tha walls are torn and broken. 墙上的窗户都已破旧不堪。 www.sygz.dqt.com.cn 8. Try ta get sum rest. Aye'll have ye healed in tha morning. 试着休息会吧,俺明早就会治好你的。 ellesime.anetcity.com 9. My inner world, all that is the reality, I am afraid tha it is more realistic than we have witnessed the world. 而且那也不是空想……我的内心世界,一切都是现实的,恐怕比我们目睹的世界还现实。 www.fabiao.net 10. What has happened tha you look so worried? 发生了什幺事,使你显得如此担心? www.bing.com 1. No invention has received more praise a newd mistrecreditent tha new Internet. 没有一项创造象互联网同时遭到如此多的颂赞和指摘抉剔。 www.5qzy.com 2. your like a song tha. 这首歌中 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Ye abandon'd yer post in battle! If we wer in tha dwarven army, ye'd be hang'd fer that crime! 你在战斗中擅离职守!要是俺们这是在矮人军队里,你会为这罪行被吊死的! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. a apple a day, keep tha doctor away. 每日一苹果,医生远离我 wenwen.soso.com 5. so this old bloke wanted to join us from the o tha team. 于是这个老伙计就想从其他队加入到我们队。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Boy I'm glad I met you in tha back of the club. 男孩我很高兴在俱乐部后面遇见了你 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I cannae understand a word, even wit' tha magic o' Thor. 就算使上托尔的魔法,俺也一个字都不懂。 www.anetcity.com 8. Tha's 400 reproductive cycles of mother to daughter. 那是400个由母亲到女儿的生育周期。 dongxi.net 9. When I was a child, my desire to win served me well. As a parent, Irealized tha ti got in my way. So Ihad to change. 当我还是个孩子时,胜利的渴望让我优秀。作为一名父亲,我体会到我又在用自己的方式处事。因此,我还需要改变。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Actually, it be bad news fer tha lass. 事实上,那丫头有个坏消息。 www.anetcity.com 1. Isn't it ture tha it depends on the way you look at things? 贫富的真意取决于你看待事物的角度,难道不是吗? iciba.3gpdj.com 2. How d' you do tha, lad, with th'pictures? 那些景象,怎么做到的?伙计? ellesime.anetcity.com 3. If a constraint causes an action such as delete cascade, the action is taken as part of the statement tha caused it. 这样的动作,这个动作会被作为引发约束起作用的表达式的一部分而运行。 www.asyz.net 4. Other things are hard. But tha's OK. 有些事对我来说很难。但是这都不一样。 www.beyond001.com 5. Results The NO level in serum was significantly fowr in the patients-group than tha of control-group ( P 0. 01 ). 结果高原高血压患者血清NO水平较正常对照组明显降低(P0。01)。 www.chemyq.com 6. Oh, right. In tha' case I think I hit'im tha'first time. 哦,好。这样的话俺头一回就该打中他啦。 ellesime.anetcity.com 7. In addition, we find that moderate intervention on the exchange rate appears to be a better management tool tha. . . 另外,本文的分析发现,一定程度的汇率干预在稳定国内冲击产生的经济波动方面比浮动汇率更优。 www.boshuo.net 8. Do you think tha the impact brought by cyber bullying is greater than that brought by bullying in real life? 你认为网络欺凌所带来的后果会比现实生活的欺凌所带来的后果大吗?。 my3q.com 9. D. It's OK, I quite fancy tha walk. 不要紧,我想走走。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. He has decided tha question. 他解决了这个问题。 eduho.com 1. Me think ye just like havin' all tha coins. 俺想你只是喜欢带着那些硬币。 ellesime.anetcity.com 2. This is the policy favoured by tha antinuclear camp. 这项政策得到了反核阵营的支持。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. There is a1ways more tha new good enough of everything here. 这里的一切总是多于必要量。 www.hx41.com 4. There were a few children in tha yard at that time. 那时有些小朋友在院子里。那时有些小朋友在院子里。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Tha wonderfulks: will you pleottom fill in the register form a wonderful d sign your signwithinure here? 谢谢。请填写入住挂号表。然后在这里签名。好吗?。 www.callun.com 6. I am Mr. shoot 'em down. I leave hearts on tha ground. 我是射手先生,我把我们的心仍在了地上。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. tha prince and princess lived happily ever after because they could afford armies to do their fighting for them. 王子和公主以后可以幸福地生活在一起,因为他们可以让军队为他们作战。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. How Can Hire Somebody Tha Doesn't Know How To Setup A Public Server? 怎能雇佣一个不懂搭建公众服务器的人呢? bbs.cniso.org 9. One more week, and we will accomplish tha task. 再有一周,我们就能完成任务。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Tha's just it, lad, I dinnae see nuthin'. 仅此而已,小子,俺可不是啥也没看着。 www.anetcity.com 1. Are you going to dress up for tha party? 这次宴会你准备盛装出席吗? www.hjenglish.com 2. dre told me you tha boder type, i can make you a celebrity overnight. . . 现在告诉我你那衣服类型,我可以让你一个名人… www.jinhuchun.com 3. I only said it'd be more if we weren't friends, not tha round I didn't wanna be. 我只是说如果我们不是友人会好很多,但是那不代表我不想和你交友人。 q7.4433a.com 4. I see. Well. tha goodk you just the sfeele. 我知道了,嗯,还是要谢谢你。 www.51gjct.com 5. Tha attached is my resume containing my qualifications, skills and past work experiences. 谨附上本履历一份,详列本人的经验、技能和学历等。承蒙审阅。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Objective To study the clinical efficacy and strategy of cementless total hip arthroplasty(THA) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis(AS). 目的探讨非骨水泥全髋关节置换术治疗强直性脊柱炎髋关节病变的手术策略和临床疗效。 www.301xuebao.com.cn 7. how long it will take to go to tha gardon? 到公园要花多长时间 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Your price is 20% higher tha major that just of last year. 你方价值比去年高出20%。看看商务英语专业介绍。 zzzpx.com 9. 17 Years old kicked out on tha streets. 17岁我便被逐出家门流浪街头。 bbs.verycd.com 10. life in tha hood. . . is all good for nobody 在贫民窟的生活…对任何人来说都不太好 wenwen.soso.com 1. Methods: To study tha data of material death during 2001~2006 in Chengdu retrospectively. 方法:对成都市2001~2006年度孕产妇死亡资料进行回顾性分析。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 2. She wrapped tha baby up and threw him in tha trash heep 她把孩子包一包,扔在垃圾堆上 airobo.v.hexun.com 3. Who is strong? He is that can conquer his bad Habits. Whojs rich? He is tha, t rejoices in his Portion. 谁最坚强?那些能够克服自己坏习惯的人最坚强。谁最富有?那些能够自得其乐的人最富有。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. He put tha book on the desk . 他把那本书放在桌子上了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Tha Israeli Government and Jewish Organizations: the case of the Immigration of Jews from Shanghai 以色列政府和犹太组织:来自上海的犹太移民研究 www.sass.org.cn 6. Tha Analysis Result of Sanitary Supervision at Nanchang Aviation Port 南昌航空口岸卫生监督结果分析 www.ilib.cn 7. How do you like tha film? 你认为那部电影怎样? zhidao.baidu.com 8. I like then you to let me know how many items i bought from you, I got tha paintings and they are huge giant , it take up all my wall. 我想要你告诉我一下我从你那总共买了多少件。我拿到画了但他们好大啊,把我的墙都遮住了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Role of two-stage THA revision in the treatment of infected total hip arthroplasty 二期翻修在人工髋关节置换术后感染治疗中的作用 10. Cause you and I know it's tha best side 因为你和我都知道西部是最棒的 zhidao.baidu.com 1. niggas that guided me through back in tha old school 引导我从学校出来的哥们 wenwen.soso.com 2. Tha Combination of Traditional Culture Resources and the Cultivation of National Spirit 传统文化资源的系统整合与民族精神的培育 www.ilib.cn 3. And dreams of a world when tha two of them are together, whatever 两人相聚时世界多么美丽,叹 airobo.v.hexun.com 4. He left her and she had tha baby solo, she had it on tha bathroom floor 他拍拍屁股走人,布兰达独自产下小孩子,就在卫生间的地板上 airobo.v.hexun.com 5. i got that bullets in tha cham-ber dont make me let off a round if muh lifes in pain, turn, im gonna lay ya down, lay ya down 我在那房间里找到了子弹,别逼我开枪,如果我的生活只是痛苦,转身吧,我会让你趴下,趴下 wenwen.soso.com 6. The risk factors for the hip joint dislocation after THA and the nursing intervention 全髋关节置换关节脱位的危险因素评估及护理干预 www.ilib.cn 7. LRRH: Oh ; tha newk you . I like it very much . 小红帽:哦;谢谢!我很是喜欢它。 guess.tbbsd.com 8. I live my life in tha fast lane, got police chasen me 我过着逃亡的生活,总被警察追赶着 wenwen.soso.com 9. Analysis of finite element modeling on elasto-plasticity of polyethylene liner under contact stress after THA 全髋关节置换后聚乙烯内衬应力的弹塑性有限元分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Each party represents and warrants to the other Party tha ton the date hereof: 双方分别向对方陈述并担保,于本合同签订日: wenku.baidu.com 1. Studies on Synthesis and Properties of N-benzoyl-THA Targeting for Brain 脑靶向N-苯甲酰-他克林的合成及性质的初步研究 www.ilib.cn 2. If you notice this notice you will notice tha this notice is not noticing 如果你看了这则通知,你将会发现这则通知不值得去看。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Tha Analysis of Influence of Humidity on Preventive Test 湿度影响预防性试验的分析及处理 www.ilib.cn 4. I hope ya got tha diamond necklace that I sent to you 我希望能送给你钻石项链 bbs.verycd.com 5. Momma say, you makin'me lose pay, tha social workers here everyday 妈妈说你连累了我拿不到救济金,城管联防成天来查房 airobo.v.hexun.com 6. Conclusion: The BMD of periprosthetic loading area were no significant change within 12 months after cemented THA; 结论:骨水泥型人工全髋置入后髋周承重部位骨矿量在12月内改变不大; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 7. And pull your titties out like you part of tha African tribe 而且推开你的女人就像你是非洲野人 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Can't deal with tha pain of the world so they get stoned 他们无法接受这世界的痛苦,所以变的麻木 club.ppstream.com 9. Cause through tha drama, I can always depend on my mama 经过这么多的事情,我总是依靠妈妈您 bbs.verycd.com 10. tha thin line between entertainment and war 娱乐和战争间的细线 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Management of the unstable THA 全髋关节不稳定的处理 www.1-1.org.cn 2. let tha hoes that I usta know from way before 叫过来所有我以前认识的娘们 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I was a fool with tha big boys breaking all tha rules 我是一个和大孩子在一起的白痴违反所有的规矩 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I wish I could take tha pain away 我希望我能驱走伤痛 bbs.verycd.com 5. Do whatever it takes ta resist tha temptation 全力抵抗诱惑吧 airobo.v.hexun.com 6. Tha same drama when things went wrong we blamed mama 相同的经历当事情出错时,都会指责妈妈 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Quick to snatch yo' ugly ass off tha street, so fuck peace 快点抬起你丑陋的屁股离开这条街,去他妈的和平 wenwen.soso.com 8. Be easy, stop tha bullshit, you get your whole crew wet 放松点,别废话了,会把你的哥们们托下水的 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Over tha years we wuz poorer than tha other little kids 过了多年我们比其他小孩更穷 blog.sina.com.cn 10. As I bail through tha empty halls 当我从空荡荡的大厅里保释出来 www.aeyp.cn 1. What tha fuck happened to you 你丫怎么回事 zhidao.baidu.com 2. You say tha words that can get me back in focus 你的话语总是能让我振奋 bbs.verycd.com 3. I am very sorry to hear tha 听到这事我很难过。 wenku.baidu.com 4. like flowers tha blossom just in years 宛如数年才盛开一次的花朵一样。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Tha mob comes equipped for warfare 我们这群暴徒为战争而装备 www.kmust.com 6. Yeah nigga, I got tha word as hell 兄弟…我听到你地狱般的消息了 wenwen.soso.com 7. view tha world from american eyes 用美国人的视角来观察整个世界 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The Prevalence and Cause of False Papers in tha View of Edition 浅析论文造假的盛行及成因 www.ilib.cn 9. But now tha road got rough, your alone 但是生活的路总是不平坦的,你总是一个人面对 bbs.verycd.com 10. And all my childhood memories are full of all tha sweet things ya did for me and even though I act craaaazy 在我的孩童时代,你所做的一切让我充满了甜蜜,尽管我很顽皮 bbs.verycd.com 1. i hung around with tha thug's and even though they sold drugs 我和恶棍们游荡即使他们卖毒品 zhidao.baidu.com 2. A da Tha girl can hardly spell her name 还不知道怎么写自己的名字 hi.baidu.com 3. On tha microphone I drop bombs 我用麦克风 www.kmust.com 4. I got ta thank tha Lord that ya maaaade me 我感谢上帝你,你创造了我 bbs.verycd.com 5. Get on tha roof let's get smoked out 在楼顶,吸到死吧 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Snuff tha evil seeds that the government lays in 把政府种下的邪恶种子给掐断 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I got tha word as hell 我听到消息了 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The roof is on tha fire we don't need no water 房子着火了,我们不需要水 bbs.hiphop8.com 9. Can your mommy do tha 那你的妈妈做 zhidao.baidu.com 10. To drag tha past out 把过去拖拽出来 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And they smell just like you I love the things tha t you do 它们带着你的气味,让我回忆起你的一切 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Been on Paroza's, 94 cuz I commit tha crime 94年,上了警车就是因为我犯了罪 zhidao.baidu.com 3. gonna go to the bad kids tha u dont like 我要去找那些你不瞎换的坏孩子 q.sohu.com 4. And all tha extra love that ya gave me 你给我的特别的爱 bbs.verycd.com |
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