单词 | text version |
释义 | 例句释义: 文本,文字版下载,纯文字版本,文本形式 1. Five years after he delivered it, a text version still flies around the Web. 他做完演讲5年后,文字版本仍在网上广泛传播。 www.bing.com 2. When in the Sun-text version due to the film itself causes or improper operation of the word into fall. 在晒笔墨版时由于胶片本身来因或操纵不妥,易产生失字本体。 www.bing.com 3. To get the full - text version of the time zone , the output may no longer be what you expect, as shown in Figure 9 . 就会得到全文本版本的时区,输出如图9所示,这可能不是您所期望的。 www.bing.com 4. One simple approach is to produce a separate text version of the web pages. 其中一个简单的改善方法,是为网页制作一个独立的纯文字版本。 www.info.gov.hk 5. The text version will have no graphics and preferably all text contents are arranged in a linear fashion. 这个版本不会包含图形,而所有文本内容最好是以直线相连方式载列。 www.info.gov.hk 6. You are safe with a plain text version, but that does not allow for much in the way of lining up your work ( tabbing ). 普通的文字简历不会有太大的问题,但是常常没考虑到罗列工作的方式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The software package definition file is the text version of a software package. 软件包定义文件是软件包的文本版本。 www.ibm.com 8. The publisher element was not given in the plain text version (but perhaps it should have been). publisher元素在无格式文本版本中没有给出(但也许不应该遗漏这个元素)。 www.ibm.com 9. Make sure that you have an old style text version of your globals on every page. 确保你的每个页面都有老式风格的通站连接。 www.cnblogs.com 10. The method returns the result as a plain text version of the transformed node. 该方法将转换后的节点以纯文本的形式返回。 www.ibm.com 1. Videos are accompanied by a text version, and you can download clips to your iPod or PSP. 视频会连同一个文本文件,你能够下载剪辑到你的iPod或者PSP上。 www.elanso.com 2. Internet users can also view the speech online and a text version will be posted on the royal Web site. 互联网用户还可以在线观看演说的视频,演说的文本也将在王室官方网站上发布。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. You can see a text version of the request by selecting Edit as text from the dropdown. 通过从下拉列表中选择Editastext,可以看到该请求的文本。 www.ibm.com 4. In the Hamlet example, the comparison is not entirely fair because the actual information content of the text version is also diminished. 在哈姆雷特示例中,由于文本版本中实际信息内容也减少而使比较不是完全公平。 www.ibm.com 5. This PHP popup function takes three parameters: the pop-up's ID, the plain-text version, and the text to pop up when the item is clicked. PHP函数popup接受3个参数:弹出框的ID、纯文本版本以及单击项目时弹出的文本。 www.ibm.com 6. The plain text version of the message is received and contains an attachment named Winmail. Dat. 收到纯文本版本的邮件并且包含一个名为Winmail.dat的附件。 technet.microsoft.com 7. The plain text version of the message is received, and the e-mail client ignores the Winmail. Dat attachment. 收到纯文本版本的邮件,并且电子邮件客户端忽略Winmail.dat附件。 technet.microsoft.com 8. It looks like there's another benefit to XML: The code is a lot cleaner and easier than the text version. 看起来XML还有另一个好处:代码比文本版的代码更为简洁、容易。 www.ibm.com 9. Solution 2: Recover a plain-text version of the document. 解决方法2:用纯文本版本文件修复 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Click here to view the text version. 点击此处查看文字版。 huaqing.yculblog.com 1. The end result is that business card printing and membership card making text version or even dirty version of dvysocket. 最终的结果就是:制卡和会员卡制作的图文糊版甚至脏版。 www.bing.com 2. Click here to download the Chinese Bible (Big 5) text version. 点击这里下载中国圣经(大5版本) 3121312.blog.hexun.com 3. Departmental Management Division Text Version 部门管理科 www.immd.gov.hk 4. Descriptive terms of wind speeds (Text Version) 描述风力的常用术语(文字版本) gb.weather.gov.hk 5. Employees Retraining Board - Text Version 雇员再培训局-纯文字版 www.esd.gov.hk 6. Trade and Industry Department - Text Version 工业贸易署-纯文字版 www.esd.gov.hk 7. Vietnam's rental contract, the more the text version (sealed); 越南的租房合同,越文版(盖章); george13901623260.blog.163.com 8. On identification of text version in Song Dynasty 宋人版本鉴定方法考略 service.ilib.cn 9. View formatted text version of data, V, 查看格式化后的数据文本, www.fan6.net 10. View formatted text version of data 查看数据的经过格式化的文本 www.fan6.net 1. Back to Text Version Home page 返回纯文字版 www.esd.gov.hk 2. Figure 2 shows the configuration file, after it was edited according to the values provided in Table 2. (View a text version of Figure 2. ) 图2显示了根据表2提供的值编辑后的配置文件(查看文本格式的图2)。 www.ibm.com 3. Click here to visit Text version 点击这里以纯文本方式访问 spaces.msn.com 4. This is a text version of the imagemap 这是图示说明的文字版本 mugua0112.bokee.com |
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