单词 | through the Nose | ||||
释义 | through the Nose
例句释义: 通过鼻子,用鼻子 1. I close my eyes and remember, through the nose, her scent: powdery, elegant, safe, strong, the scent of unconditional love. 我闭上眼睛,仍能闻到她的气息:粉扑的香味,优雅、安全、坚强,以及一种无条件的爱的气息。 show.kekenet.com 2. There was a shortage of food; so you had to pay through the nose for what you could find. 这里缺乏食物,所以你不得不为你能找到的东西付大价钱。 www.360abc.com 3. It's common to think of the breath as the air passing in and out through the nose, and this can be a useful perception to start with. 一般认为气是指出入鼻腔的气息,可以把这个辨识当作有用的起点。 www.dhammatalks.org 4. Going into that business at such a time was a costly error, and Smith has been paying through the nose ever since. 在那样的时候,从事那种事业是个大错误,史密斯自此以后即一直为此付出很大的代价。 5. The impression is of a government that's happy to reap the benefits at a time when consumers and businesses are paying through the nose. 这个现政府给人们留下的印象是,当消费者和公司企业在被敲竹杠的时候,他们却在那里得意洋洋地大捞一把。 www.hicoo.net 6. As you bounce, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, visualizing tension leaving the body. 正如你的跳跃,通过鼻子吸气,再通过嘴巴呼气,肉眼是观察不到他们离开身体的。 www.elanso.com 7. Poor youngsters who attend the mainly awful state schools usually end up in these places, paying through the nose. 大多数进入糟糕的公立学校的可怜的年轻人,通常在这些地方付出大量代价后被毁掉。 www.ecocn.org 8. What's that? You're looking for a good price? Well, you don't have to pay through the nose at Stamford Auto. 什么?你希望价格比较便宜?好的,在斯坦福德车行买车你不必花一大笔钱。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. There was a shortage of tractors, if you found one for sale, you had to pay through the nose. 拖拉机短缺,如果你发现有卖的,就得花大钱。 www.ebigear.com 10. There was a shortage of cars; if you found one for sale, you had to pay through the nose. 汽车缺货;即使找到一部出卖,你也得出高价。 1. The Americans have been making them pay through the nose for the war supplies they've received. 美国人迫使他们对美国人提供的战争物资一直付出极大的代价。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Well , some people are willing to pay through the nose to buy tickets to see their favorite singers . L. 噢,花好多钱买票去听他们喜欢的歌手唱歌。我就有几个朋友爱买名牌的东西。她们就愿意。 www.bing.com 3. The corner shop is convenient if you forget to get something in town, although you pay through the nose for anything you buy there. 如果你在镇上忘了买什么,在这个拐角商店里可非常方便地买到,然而价格要贵得多。 wenku.baidu.com 4. If New York goes the way of California, Disney may have to pay through the nose in the Pinocchio case. 如果纽约[法庭]效法加利福尼亚,迪斯尼公司可能因为《木偶奇遇记》的案子必须付出大笔钞票。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. M: To pay through the nose is to pay a lot of money for something, usually way more than the item is worth. 我懂了。Topaythroughthenose就是用高价买一样东西,往往要比原来的价值高很多。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Even with short sellers now willing to pay through the nose to borrow stock, the supply has virtually dried up. 甚至随着卖空者现在愿意支付高价筹借股票,供应已经几乎枯竭。 www.bing.com 7. Doctors sedate patients and thread a bronchoscope - a lighted catheter - through the nose or throat and into the lungs. 医生给患者服用镇静剂,通过鼻或喉将气管镜(一种带光源的导管)引入肺。 www.med66.com 8. Now , just relax . Take some deep breathe (in through the nose and out through the mouth ). Try to meditate if you can. 现在,悄悄地放松心情。深呼吸,(从鼻子吸气,从嘴里呼气)试着沉思冥想,如果可以的话。 www.bing.com 9. It looks like a bullet and is put into place through the nose. 它看上去象一颗子弹,并通过鼻孔放置进它的位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If someone is hard-nosed, chances are he will never pay through the nose , or pay too much money, for an object or service. 如果有人是铁石心肠,没准他会不会通过鼻子支付,或支付对象或service。 www.englishtang.com 1. He had wanted experience, but this job seemed like paying through the nose for it. 他想取得经验,但是这个工作的代价太大了。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 2. The most effective treatment is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine, which blows air through the nose to keep the airway open. 最有效的治疗方法是使用持续正压通气机(ContinuousPositiveAirwayPressure),通过将空气送入鼻腔来保持呼吸道畅通。 www.foodmate.net 3. We had to pay through the nose for our room because it was a long weekend and most of the hotels were fully booked. 我们得付大价钱租房子,因为假期很长,大部分旅馆都已经满客了。 www.ebigear.com 4. With head held upright, insert nozzle into nostril and depress pump completely while breathing in through the nose. 头部直立抱到鼻孔,插入泵喷嘴和完全抑制,而在通过鼻子呼吸。 www.125366.com 5. She had to pay through the nose to get that dress. 她为了买那件衣服花了很多钱。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Marriage: a ceremony in which ring is put on the finger of the lady and through the nose of the gentleman . 结婚:是把环形物戴上女士的手指并穿过男士的鼻子的一项仪式。 tr.bab.la 7. As the lungs begin to empty again puff the cheeks, inhale quickly and deeply through the nose. 当肺部逐渐空虚时再次放松面颊,快速通过鼻子深吸气。 www.clarinet.cn 8. They have to pay through the nose for health care and for decent education for their children. 他们不得不为他们看病和孩子良好的教育罄尽资财。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Bar then begins to pant, first with an open mouth and then through the nose. 于是Bar开始喘息,先是张开嘴,然后就用鼻孔呼吸了。 www.bing.com 10. But now rich people will pay through the nose for one, sometimes more than five million dollars. 可是,现在那些有钱人却愿意出高价买他的画,有时候一张画就要五百多万美元。 www.crazyenglish.org 1. Labour will put a stop to asset sales and it will fight for a fair go for consumers who are already paying through the nose for their power. 工党如果执政,将制止对国有资产的出售,将为被高涨的电涨压得难以喘息的消费者们讨回公道。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Confidence is a scarce commodity these days, and even Goldman Sachs has to pay through the nose for it. 眼下,信心这种东西可算是稀缺商品,即使是高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)也不得不为此付出很大的代价。 www.bing.com 3. They patronized small and exclusive shops where they cheerfully pay through the nose. 他们光顾规模小而货物高档的绅士商店,在那里心甘情愿地当冤大头。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To pay through the nose means paying a very high price, more than it is worth. 的意思是,付出的代价远远高过原本真正的价值。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I'll warrant that he had to pay through the nose for those curios. 我保证他买那些古玩必定是上了大当。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Now gaze at the flame. Look at the flame. Breath deeply and evenly , in through the nose and slowly out through your mouth. 现在盯住火焰。注视火焰。深深地和均匀地呼吸,用鼻子吸气和用嘴缓慢地把气呼出来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Sometimes, they even pay through the nose. They pay too much for things. 有时,他们甚至花高价(paythroughthenose)。 www.bing.com 8. Take rapid, rhythmic and shallow breaths through the nose. 通过鼻子快速而有节奏得浅呼吸。 www.bing.com 9. In through the nose, out through the mouth. To blend mind and body into harmony. 鼻子吸气,嘴呼气,让身心达到和谐。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. So if you want to give flowers, you can either get creative or pay through the nose. 所以,你要是想送花,要不就得有创意要不就得花大价钱。 www.bing.com 1. While the air is being forced from the cheeks, inhale quickly and deeply through the nose. 当空气被压出腮帮的同时,鼻子快速深吸气。 www.clarinet.cn 2. Are you sure you want to get this now, dear? You know you're paying through the nose. 亲爱的,你确定你现在就要买这个东西吗?妳知道妳付太多了。 www.360abc.com 3. Take some deep breaths (in through the nose and out through the mouth). 深呼吸,(从鼻子吸气,从嘴里呼气)。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Speak less, breathe through the nose and gargle your throat. 少说话,用鼻子呼吸,勤漱喉咙。 www.hxen.com 5. Hold the breath for sometime and then slowly exhale through the nose. 屏住呼吸一会儿,然后,慢慢地通过鼻孔呼气。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Sometimes, they even pay through the nose. They pay too much for things. I am not rich. 有时,他们甚至付出。他们付出太多的东西。我不富有。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. 以鼻子吸气并以嘴呼出。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. So most of us are doomed to hiring a large law firm and paying through the nose. 所以我们大部分的人没有其他选择,只好雇用大型大型法律,多付很多的金钱。 www.bing.com 9. I can't afford to pay through the nose for things. 我啊,付不起这么高的价钱。 www.hjenglish.com 10. (In through the nose and out through the mouth ). (从鼻子吸气,从嘴乎气)。 lanshin28.blogchina.com 1. Don't pay through the nose when you buy the furniture. 不要花太多的钱买家具。 www.for68.com 2. We paid through the nose for this. 我们为此付出了很高的代价。 wenku.baidu.com 3. B: I just paid through the nose in taxes today. 我今天缴了好多税。 www.fgs.org.tw:81 4. I have to pay through the nose for this T-shirt. 我不得不用鼻子付这件T恤的钱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It's very nasal, too, through the nose. 这也很明显的鼻音化,气流通过鼻子。 www.tingclass.net 6. We breathe air through the nose. 我们通过鼻吸气。 www.jukuu.com 7. snuff up mucus through the nose. 通过鼻子向里吸鼻涕。 www.hotdic.com 8. This is a hollow tube with a light inside it that is passed through the nose or mouth into the lungs. 这是一种中空的管子,内置一盏灯,通过鼻子或者嘴巴进入肺部。 dongxi.net 9. Worse, because they have so little choice, Americans pay through the nose for the privilege of going online. 更糟糕的是,由于选择太少,美国人不得不为上网付出过高的价钱。 www.ecocn.org 10. Some woman paid through the nose for their jewelry. 有些女人购买珠宝饰物时,花费太多。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. pay through the nose for sth. 为某事付出极大代价 wenwen.soso.com 2. When they do find a willing lender, small firms are paying through the nose. 小企业需要通过寻找才能找到一个愿意提供贷款的贷款者。 www.ecocn.org 3. It is passed through the nose, then the throat and the stomach. Does he have any problems with his nose? 从鼻子,然后喉咙,再到胃。他鼻子有毛病吗? www.clinicenglish.net 4. Did you pay through the nose? 你付了很大的代价吧? blog.sina.com.cn 5. but also on toes, the ears and even through the nose. 还可以戴在脚上、耳朵了,甚至鼻子了 www.hxen.com 6. I had to pay through the nose when I bought that latest PC game. 我买那款最新的PC游戏时,被大敲竹杠,花了很多钱。 www.360abc.com 7. I got a ticket, but had to pay through the nose for it (票我是买到了,但价钱奇高)。 www.wwenglish.com 8. Breathe in through the nose, shoulders relaxed and concentrate on inflating the area where your hands are 吸气时,放松肩膊,集中精神在双手按著的位置 ageing.hku.hk 9. This is the lowest price I can offer. Take it or not, whatever. I paid through the nose for the skirt. (? ) 这是我愿意出的最低价。你要就接受,不要拉倒。(这老板不好对付哦) bbs.ebigear.com 10. Be unable to breathe through the nose 不能用鼻孔呼吸 www.cd120.com 1. Characterized by or resembling a resonant sound produced through the nose 鼻音的:具有或类似于经由鼻子发出的共鸣音的 www.fane.cn 2. Pay through the nose: money paid is much higher than its real value, 付的钱比实际价值高很多。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 3. Inhaling and exhaling through the nose 鼻吸鼻呼 www.powerdict.com 4. The Treatment With the Orbital Intine Fracture Through the Nose Under the Fiber Nasopharyngolaryngoscope in 25 Cases 纤维鼻咽喉镜下经鼻治疗眶内壁骨折25例 www.ilib.cn 5. Follow the Nose and to Pay Through the Nose 今天我们再讲两个由鼻子,也就是 www.eqooo.com 6. Peak expiratory flow rate through the nose; PEFRn 经鼻最大呼气流速 www.7kang.com 7. he's paying through the nose, 意思是他在付过高的代价。 www.hjenglish.com |
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