单词 | teetering |
释义 | teetering是teeter的现在分词
第三人称单数:teeters 现在分词:teetering 过去式:teetered v. totter,stagger,wobble,shake,dodder 例句释义: 摇晃,蹒跚,上下动,前后动,跷跷板,摇摇欲坠,摇摇欲坠的,不稳定的 1. Many US dailies face uncertain futures, battered by quickly declining ad revenue in the age of the Internet and a teetering economy. 目前美国国内很多报业前景黯淡,这主要因为在如今的互联网大兴和经济衰退时期,报纸的广告收入大幅缩水。 www.i21st.cn 2. He took a tiny stove out of his backpack, set it on a rock teetering on the edge, and made sweet mint tea and bitter Bedouin coffee. 他从双肩包里拿出一个小炉子,坐在悬崖边上一块摇摇欲坠的石头上,开始烧煮薄荷甜茶和贝督因咖啡。 www.bing.com 3. By 1494, the bank had been forced to close almost all its branches and was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. 到了1494年,几乎所有的支行都挣扎在破产的边缘,梅第奇已经要被迫关门了。 www.bing.com 4. The hinges appear to be a bit small in relation to the laptop's size, but barely allow a teetering after opening angle adjustments. 这似乎是一个铰链的尺寸有点小,相对于笔记本电脑,但几乎没有允许开启角度调整后摇摇欲坠。 www.360ibm.com 5. Suze glances up at my wardrobe, on which are teetering a brown leather case, a lacquered trunk, and three vanity cases. Suze抬头望了一眼我的衣橱,橱顶上放着一只褐色的皮箱,一只漆皮的大皮箱和三只手提箱包。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. "They were a company that was teetering and that was basically counting on its continued rise in its stock price for its survival. " “这家公司当时就正摇摇欲坠,基本就是靠着持续抬升股价活着。” www.bing.com 7. Japanese media said the Japanese IT parts, materials and finished goods sectors are teetering on the brink of collapse. 日本媒体说,日本的IT业的零件、材料和成品领域都已经游走在崩溃的边缘。 www.bing.com 8. And why are they obsessing about something that happened a decade ago in London, when America is teetering on the brink of default? 美国还在债务违约的边缘挣扎,为什么对伦敦十年前发生的事情有独钟? www.ecocn.org 9. Foot experts warn that you face as many risks wearing flatties as you do teetering on heels. 足部专家提醒,穿平底鞋所构成的威胁,并没有比穿上高跟鞋走路摇摇晃晃来的少。 www.elanso.com 10. Your question hints at a process, from mood swings to a slow teetering toward the "abyss, " the "lack of everything. " 你的问题暗示了,从情绪的激荡变化到缓慢蹒跚地走向所谓的“深渊”,也即“一无所有”的绝望,是有一个过程的。 www.bing.com 1. Climate change is teetering on the point of no return while our leaders bang the drum for more growth. 气候变化正在无法恢复的界点上徘徊,而我们的领导人却奋力鸣鼓以期更多的增长。 www.bing.com 2. He seized her hand; she pulled away climbing higher on the railing teetering for a second there. 他抓住了她的手,她挣脱开又爬到了更高的地方,还打了个踉跄。 www.bing.com 3. The US and China are locked in a teetering dance, each grudgingly matching one another's first steps. 中美两国紧紧绑在一起,蹒跚共舞,彼此勉强配合着对方率先迈出的舞步。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Capitalism may be teetering on the verge of ruin, but it may not be socialism that replaces it. 资本主义的大厦可能遥遥欲坠,但那可能不是社会主义来替代它。 www.bing.com 5. Egypt's economy was teetering on the brink of collapse even before the recent violence, which has killed at least 50 people. 甚至在近来一系列暴力事件发生前,埃及经济就已经在崩溃边缘徘徊。近来发生的暴力事件至少造成50人死亡。 www.bing.com 6. The gathering this year, however, took on a new urgency with the world teetering on the edge of a recession. 但是今年,世界站在了衰退的边缘,峰会拿出了新的紧急措施。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The regime of which the dollar is the centerpiece, in its role as the world's reserve currency, is now teetering. 以美元这一世界储备货币为中心的货币系统正摇摇欲坠,真有点自作自受的意味。 www.hjenglish.com 8. As the housing market cratered, companies laden with securities backed by home mortgages were teetering. 由于住房市场坍塌,那些握有大量住房抵押贷款支持证券的公司开始变得摇摇欲坠。 c.wsj.com 9. Fortune interrupted his packing for a chat about China, commodities, and the teetering U. S. economy. 财富杂志的记者就关于中国,大宗物品,以及摇摇欲坠的美国经济等问题采访了他。 q.sohu.com 10. When the rich world is teetering on the edge of its worst recession since the 1930s, this is no time to insist on balanced budgets. 当富裕国家正处在自1930年代以来最严重的经济衰退边缘岌岌可危时,没有时间去坚持预算平衡了。 www.ecocn.org 1. The group was confronted with a teetering, $1 trillion bank-holding company called New Jefferson. 这群人面对着一个摇摇欲坠,由银行控股的,名为”新杰斐逊“的公司。 www.ecocn.org 2. Spain's banking system is still teetering on the edge of disaster. 西班牙银行系统还是徘徊在灾难的边缘。 www.hxen.com 3. If he is right the world is teetering on the edge of a terrifying crisis. 如果他说得对,则世界正濒临一场可怕的危机。 www.ecocn.org 4. Greece is teetering on the edge of default and its government is descending into chaos. 希腊在违约边缘徘徊,其政府也陷入一片混乱。 cn.wsj.com 5. Surely the storm that hit New Orleans revealed a society plagued with poverty and teetering on the edge of barbarism? 难道一场侵袭新奥尔良的飓风就一定能证明一个社会被贫穷所困扰并且距离野蛮只有一步之遥么? www.ecocn.org 6. Several of our largest commercial banks were teetering. 多家最大的商业银行举步维艰。 www.bing.com 7. Remember October 2008: Lehman Brothers had disappeared, AIG was teetering, every bank was watching its balance sheet collapse. 记得在2008年10月:雷曼兄弟倒闭,美国国际集团摇摇欲坠,每家银行都在看着它们的负债增加。 www.bing.com 8. China has continued a policy of trade and aid for Pyongyang, helping to keep the teetering North Korean economy afloat. 中国一直延续与朝鲜开展贸易和提供援助的政策,让朝鲜经济避免了进一步的恶化。 www.bing.com 9. the teasing delirious feeling of teetering on the very brink of unearthly order and splendor. 那是一种在恍如隔世的秩序和光芒边缘蹒跚而行的昏昏然感觉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Europe is teetering on the edge of a financial crisis. 目前,欧洲正处于金融危机边缘。 www.bing.com 1. The world may be teetering on the brink of a prolonged and painful recession, but many luxury brands are looking for salvation in China. 世界经济在衰退边缘挣扎之际,很多奢侈品公司开始在中国寻求救赎之路。 www.common-talk.com 2. In this October 2010 photo, Qaddafi stands between three other autocrats whose regimes are teetering or have already fallen. 在这张摄于2010年10月的照片中,与卡扎菲并排站着的另外三位独裁者要么摇摇欲坠、压迫吗已经倒台。 www.bing.com 3. and, while Britain is teetering on the brink of recession, the euro zone is already shrinking. 并且在英国蹒跚于衰退边缘的时候,欧元区也已经开始缩水。 bbs.028window.com 4. Teetering 7, 200 feet above sea level, the stadium has earned a reputation for Mexico's national team as a fortress of results. 这座球场的海拔高度达到了7200英尺,这也成为了墨西哥队的致胜法宝。 www.bing.com 5. But when a business is teetering on the brink of failure, you have two choices: You can throw in the towel or persevere despite the odds. 但是,当企业在失败的边缘徘徊时,你有两种选择:你可以在扔毛巾认输或不计后果顽强坚持下去。 www.bing.com 6. Big teetering stacks of magazines that get taller every time it rains. 每次下雨,那些摇摇欲抓的杂志堆都会胀高一些。 www.bing.com 7. Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the teetering despot of Libya, is losing friends fast. 卡扎菲,利比亚摇摇欲坠的霸气,正在失去朋友快。 www.englishtang.com 8. In the chain of Europe's sovereign debt contagion the biggest domino of all is teetering. 在欧洲主权债务危机蔓延的链条上,最大的多米诺骨牌正摇摇欲坠。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It feels like a lot of things are teetering. 许多东西似乎都在发生变化。 chinese.wsj.com 10. At Merrill Lynch, the most leveraged, $1 trillion of assets is teetering on around $30 billion of equity. 杠杆率最高的美林证券,1万亿美元资产由300亿美元资产净值支撑着。 www.bing.com 1. The Cavaliers ' starting bigs are both teetering on the edge of oblivion. 骑士的首发大个子凑处于逐渐被遗忘的边缘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The economy is teetering on the brink of collapse. 白俄罗斯的经济正处于风雨飘摇中,濒临崩溃的边缘。 www.ecocn.org 3. At auctions Monday, Italy, with a big budget deficit and a teetering government, sold 10-year debt at 4. 43%, up from 3. 89% in October. 在周一的拍卖上,拥有庞大预算赤字、且政府摇摆不定的意大利以4.43%的收益率卖出了十年期债券,高于10月份时的3. c.wsj.com 4. Today's home league match is against struggling {42} who are teetering on the edge of relegation . 今天家联盟比赛是反对努力的{42}谁正在驱逐的边缘上摇摇欲摆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But in the UK, which is teetering on the edge of recession, there is one leading indicator that times are tough. 但在处于衰退边缘的英国,有一个领先指标显示,日子并不好过。 www.ftchinese.com 6. THE Obama administration's plans for coping in the future with teetering giant financial firms will be unveiled on Monday October 26th. 奥巴马政府将在10月26日星期一发布未来应对不景气的经济寡头的方案。 www.ecocn.org 7. Once the foolhardy are teetering on the precipice, it is too late for smugness. 一旦他们在悬崖上摇摇欲坠,那就真的为时太晚。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. Right now, though, you are teetering on the brink. 而现在你已经在框架边缘徘徊了。 www.douban.com 9. The DeRosias, like so many couples, were teetering on the brink of divorce. DeRosias夫妇和许多夫妻一样,正在离婚的边缘徘徊着。 www.bing.com 10. Greece is teetering on the edge. It is bankrupt. 希腊正面临破产的危险。 www.ecocn.org 1. What a contrast to the 1990s, when the price of oil hovered under $20 a barrel and the Saudi economy was teetering. 这与石油价格徘徊在20美元一桶的20世纪90年代形成反差,因为,当时沙特阿拉伯的经济也正摇摇欲坠。 www.bing.com 2. The government is teetering on the brink of collapse over its latest plans. 政府因其最近的一些计划已濒临垮台。 www.bing.com 3. Teetering banks were wrapped in a multi-trillion-dollar cocoon of public cash and guarantees. Central banks slashed interest rates; 各国政府向摇摇欲坠的银行注资并提供担保,以数万亿美元为其织起保护网。 www.ecocn.org 4. Analysis and control of transient aero-elastic response of teetering rotor on the shipboard 跷跷板旋翼舰面瞬态气弹响应分析及抑制方法 service.ilib.cn 5. The teetering giants Japanese newspapers are in worse shape than they appear 步履蹒跚的巨人们日本报社的状况比外表看起来更糟 www.bing.com |
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