单词 | supply chain |
释义 |
复数:supply chains 例句释义: 供应链,供需链,供给链,物流 1. The impact of output fluctuation is often magnified. Furthermore, the globalization of supply chain accelerates this reaction. 产出的波动对贸易的影响总是被放大的,而且供应链的全球化加速了这种反应。 dipan.kekenet.com 2. "I could say that the supply chain design is now upside down. The environment has changed, " he said. “我得说目前的供应链设计完全颠倒了。环境发生了变化。”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In terms of a supply chain, the total time needed for an order to be processed. 在供给链中,一个订单被处理的总时间。 club.china.alibaba.com 4. When economic environment fluctuates severely, how should the company in an upper position in a supply chain deal with the bullwhip effect? 景气波动大时,处于产业链上游的厂商如何因应长鞭效应? www.docin.com 5. An Apple spokesman said Wednesday that the company had been aggressively monitoring factories in its supply chain with regular audits. 一位苹果发言人周三称公司已经严密追踪公司的供应链和定期审计。 www.bing.com 6. Sum up the main work of this paper, and carry out a preliminary prospect on the research trends of supply chain portfolio contracts. 总结论文的主要工作,并对供应链组合合同的研究趋势进行了初步展望。 www.fabiao.net 7. Make a note of changes in the forecasting process as they occur, and of every decision that affects the supply chain. 当预测过程发生变化时,或者当任何决定影响到供应链时,做好记录。 www.bing.com 8. The fact is, most systems are just not up to handling all the variables up and down the supply chain. 现实就是这样,大多数系统无法承担处理供应链过程中所发生的所有变量。 www.info56.cn 9. To protect its foreign markets, China is trying to set up a dedicated export supply chain, sealed off from the domestic market. 为保护国外市场,中国正努力建立与国内市场隔绝的、专供出口的供应链。 bbs.voc.com.cn 10. The result of this research can be referred to for researchers to establish a quick respond supply chain system. 该研究结果可谓供应链的决策层所参考,有利于促进供应链的快速响应及整个供应链系统的协调和优化。 www.fabiao.net 1. Hiring next year will heat up in several fields, including one with a decidedly unglamorous image: supply chain management. 明年,有几个领域将大开用人之门,其中有个听起来毫不起眼的行业:供应链管理。 www.bing.com 2. He said this was compounded by freezing conditions, which impaired operations across the supply chain. 他表示,严寒令情况更加恶化,对整个供应链的运作都造成了损害。 www.ftchinese.com 3. As long as the core service capabilities with the traditional logistics enterprises will be very easy to integrate into the supply chain. 只要具备核心服务能力,传统物流企业融入供应链就会很容易。 www.qiyeku.com 4. Testing earlier in the supply chain, near the point of primary production, might seem like the most advantageous approach. 早在供应链进行测试,靠近初级生产的点,似乎是最有利的办法。 www.bing.com 5. The knowledge about uncertainty of supply chain has been used to analyze the factors and reasons that affected the maximum of value. 论文运用供应链不确定性的有关知识,详细分析了公司价值链上影响产成品库存最优化的因素和原因。 www.juhe8.com 6. If you sell supply chain management solutions and she visits your web site, you can track where she goes and get a sense of her interests. 如果你是提供供应链管理方案的销售商,而这位经理恰好访问了你的网站,你可以跟踪她的网络行踪,分析了解她的偏好。 www.bing.com 7. Since supply chain management covers many items, no one can conclude so far to point out the influence of it's preprocess factor. 由于供应链管理涵盖的范围非常广,可以影响它的前置因素有哪些,至今尚未有人可以下定论。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Online home appliance retailing field strong, from the price war extends to the front of a supply chain procurement procedures. 线上家电零售领域的火药味,从价格战延伸到供应链前端的采购环节。 www.268r.com.cn 9. The supply chain, though outsourced, is still your responsibility and should be treated as part of your organisation and production process. 尽管已经外包出去,但供应链仍然是你的责任,应当作为自己组织和生产过程的一部分来对待。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "I don't think there's any material impact to the supply chain for another year or two -- maybe longer, " he said. 他说:“未来一两年,可能甚至更长时间内,我认为这不会对供应链产生任何实质性影响。” cn.reuters.com 1. One of the basic goals of a compliance program is to push inspection up the supply chain. 对遵约程序的基本目标之一是推动了供应链的检查。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Regarding the company's targets and guidelines, to make sure the fulfillment of the customer's requirements along the whole supply chain. 根据公司战略目标及指导方针,确保整个供应链能满足客户要求。 www.job20.com 3. Named as "IC- DBM , Supply Chain for Electronic Components" , our primary product is to be used for both purchasing and sales management. 我们首推的产品“易商电子零件供应链:IC-DBM”,专用于电子零件的采购和销售业务管理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Logistics tends to be tactical, supply-chain management is strategic. 物流处于战术层,而供应链管理管理处于战略层。 www.ecocn.org 5. If we move to the U. S. or anywhere, if it is without a supply chain, we are not going to be competitive. 如果我们搬到美国或其他地方,而没有供应链,那么我们是不会有竞争力的。 c.wsj.com 6. "In effect, criminal or 'dirty' supplies of cattle are 'laundered' through the supply chain, " said the report. 该组织的调查报告说:“事实上,犯罪行为或者说‘脏牛’已经在供应链中被‘洗白’。” www.bing.com 7. No supply chain so dependent on workers should be breathtakingly intolerant of any of their needs. 供应链严重依赖于生产工人,工厂不应当对工人们的需求采取如此惊人的无视态度。 www.bing.com 8. Obviously, deep insight in the supply chain is needed here to understand whether or not all replenishments are on schedule. 显然,这里需要深入探察供应链中发生的情况,才能了解所有产品补充步骤是否都在按计划正常执行。 www.ibm.com 9. At least 4 years industrial experience in one of the following areas: finance , production , material, logistics , supply chain, and etc. 在财务,生产,物料管理,物流,供应链等业务领域有4年以上工作经验; www.bing.com 10. Critics suggest that this shrivelling of the supply chain leaves consumers vulnerable to bad luck or bad behaviour. 有批评称这样的供应链萎缩会造成消费者的坏运气或不良行为倾向。 www.ecocn.org 1. On the surface, the pharmaceutical supply chain is similar to other supply chains with manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers. 从表面上看,药品供应链与其他供应链相似,都具有制造商、批发商和零售商。 www.ibm.com 2. Each company captures only a certain percentage of the total value generated by the supply chain. 每个公司只是获取了供应链产生的全部价值的特定比例。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But it is inappropriate and unrealistic to expect the FDA to ensure the integrity of every manufacturer's entire supply chain. 然而,希望FDA确保每一个企业的供应链的完整是不适当也是不现实的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In her opinion the sloppiness and corner-cutting now being revealed is down to management failures much nearer the top of the supply chain. 在她看来,不管是粗枝大叶还是投机取巧,目前发现的这些问题,责任在于更接近供应链顶端的管理层的失职。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A trading partner in the supply chain must be able to provide a pedigree based on an EPC that contains a certain national drug code (NDC). 供应链中的商业伙伴必须能够提供基于EPC的来源信息,包括确定的国家药品编码(NDC)。 www.ibm.com 6. My goal was to replace most of my client's administrative paperwork with a Web service, thereby "fastening" their supply chain. 目的是用Web服务代替客户的大部分行政文书工作,从而“加强”其供给链。 www.ibm.com 7. As Vince pointed it out, we move a lot of products from a big supply chain around the world into the United States. 正如主持人所说,我们公司将,世界各地供应商的许多产品,引入美国。 open.163.com 8. And drive the direction of supply chain operations is often can not match and meet customer demand. 和驱动供应链运作的方向往往是无法匹配和满足客户需求的。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. At least 1 years experience in customs management, logistics or supply chain management preferably in an Aviation environment. 至少1年以上报关,物流或供应链日常操作方面的工作经验,有在航空工业或航空维修厂的工作经验优先。 www.meijob.com 10. Initial manufacture might be cheaper, but savings were reduced once costs from the rest of the supply chain were included. 最初的制造成本可能比较低,但一旦将供应链其它部分的成本包括在内,节省的成本就减少了。 www.ftchinese.com 1. First Solar has a whole supply chain within the company because in thin film they're vertically integrated, from glass to the panel. FirstSolar公司内部拥有一整条供应链,因为他们在薄膜方面是垂直整合的,从玻璃到太阳能电池板。 chinese.wsj.com 2. "China could potentially be the top market for solar. Companies up and down the supply chain should benefit, " said Wu. JuliaWu还说,“中国可能发展成首屈一指的太阳能市场,供应链上下游的企业都应该会获益。” cn.reuters.com 3. Again, this arrangement does not imply that business efficiency is only developed from within the supply chain. 再次指出,这一约定并不表示业务效率只是从供应链中被开发出来的。 www.ibm.com 4. Reading such a tag delivers unique information about the drug package as it moves through the supply chain. 当药品在供应链中转移时,通过读取这种标签提供关于药品的惟一信息。 www.ibm.com 5. Second, upstream along the supply chain, namely, the manufacturer of the material within the supply channels as a service supplier. 二是沿供应链逆流而上,即在制造商的物料供应渠道内作为服务供货商。 www.qiyeku.com 6. By the beginning of next year, food manufacturers in the EU will be required by law to trace all their food products along the supply chain. 从明年开始,欧盟的食物制造业者将会由法律规定,沿着供应线来追踪他们所有的食物产品。 afic.org 7. The team started to produce a single, global object model for the entire Supply Chain Management sample application. 该小组开始为整个供应链管理样本应用程序建立一个单一的全局对象模型。 www.ibm.com 8. One of the integral components of any supply network is the supply chain. 任何供应网络的组成部分之一,是供应链。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. On the basis of such a background, this paper tries to make research on the construction of automobile electronic supply chain. 本文正是基于这样的背景,对汽车行业电子供应链的构建展开研究的。 www.13191.com 10. All of these steps are necessary to facilitate the smarter transformation of a supply chain. 要让供应链变得更加智能,所有这些步骤都是必要的。 www.ibm.com 1. A globalised supply chain is not the only thing helping consumer-electronics companies to cut costs. 全球化的供应链不是消费电子企业降低成本的唯一方法。 www.ecocn.org 2. Japan's industrial output fell by record levels in March as disruptions in the supply chain continued to hit production. 受产品供应中断的持续影响,3月份日本工业产值降至历史新低。 www.bing.com 3. However bullwhip effect as a supply-chain management area-specific phenomenon of a serious impact on the efficiency of the supply chain. 然而牛鞭效应作为供应链管理领域特有现象严重影响着供应链效率。 92.dafeimao.com 4. Managers should carry out a full audit of the supply chain (however long) to identify vulnerable links - then address those weaknesses. 管理人员应全面审核供应链(无论它有多长),以找出其中的薄弱环节,然后解决这些弱点。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Sophomore means "wise fool, " and it probably was a fair label for most supply chain professionals a year ago. 二年级生意指“聪明的傻瓜”,或许大部分供应链专家们一年前都适合这个称呼。 www.bing.com 6. Supply chain management is one of a typical "transverse integration" management form. 供应链管理即是“横向一体化”管理思想的一个典型代表。 www.fabiao.net 7. We saw it as an innovative, creative and entrepreneurial place to operate, and the best location to run a global supply chain company. 在这里我们看到了创新、改进和创业探索的精神,这里是建立全球供应链企业的最佳地点。 www.bing.com 8. Mr. Prophet oversees all hardware purchasing for H. P. 's $65-billion-a-year global supply chain, which feeds its huge manufacturing engine. Prophet先生负责着惠普高达650亿美元每年的全球硬件采购,这样才能喂饱这个巨大的制造引擎。 www.bing.com 9. There is a growing need for an ongoing comprehensive approach to resolving supply-chain security issues as they evolve around the globe. 正在进行全面的方法来解决供应链安全的问题,因为它们世界各地发展有一个不断增长的需求。 www.pharmst.cn 10. Ltd to use supply chain management to raise working efficiency, to reduce wastes, to reduce the total cost of purchase. 研究发现:新兴铸管股份有限公司的采购管理适于开展如下工作:应用供应链管理,提高工作效率,减少浪费,降低采购总成本; www.lw23.com 1. As market competition intensifies, supply chain management business was increasingly becoming an important means of competitive advantage. 随着市场竞争加剧,供应链管理越来越成为企业获得竞争优势重要手段。 92.dafeimao.com 2. Also, any good strategic configuration of the global supply chain network may become inadequate due to inherent uncertainties of the system. 同时任何良好的全球供应链网络也可能因系统内部的不确定性而变的不适用。 www.etop.org.tw 3. Dynamic cooperative advertising strategies in a supply chain with a single manufacture and an exclusive retailer were studied. 研究由单一制造商与单一零售商组成的供应链系统中的动态合作广告策略。 www.dictall.com 4. The ERP system is an entire system and controls all different parts of the enterprise, especially on the supply chain management. ERP是一个整体的系统,管理公司所有的组成部分,特别是对于供应链管理而言。 www.bing.com 5. The quality of a product was relative to the quality strategy choices of its supplier and manufacturer under supply chain environment. 供应链环境下一种产品的质量与供应商、生产商各自的质量策略选择有关。 www.cnak.net 6. The Company is dedicated to advancing the solar economy through awareness, training, supply chain services and direct capital projects. 该公司致力于通过提高认识、提供培训,推进太阳能经济,供应链服务和直接的资本项目。 www.solarbe.com 7. Second, it studies the profits distribution among the note-enterprises of a supply chain under the circumstance of symmetric information. 其次是研究有关在完全信息情况下供应链节点企业之间的收益分配。 www.fabiao.net 8. Revenue-Sharing (RS) contract is a kind of mechanism to improve the performance or to achieve the perfect coordination of supply chain (SC). 收益共享契约是实现供应链系统绩效改善或完美协调的一种机制。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Right away, the studies and analyses of ERP system which applies in supply chain enterprise are the main body of a book. 文中就ERP系统在供应链企业中的应用,进行研究与分析。 www.vezzs.com 10. On the high end, you could be designing a data storage solution for a full range of supply-chain data. 在极端的情况下,您可能要为整个供应链数据设计一个数据存储方案。 www.ibm.com 1. Logistic management is one of the key success factors of a supply chain system. 物流管理是影响企业供应链体系成败的关键因素。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Shipments between Asian countries that once formed part of a supply chain ending in the west are often sold to regional consumers. 亚洲各国间的发货曾经是通往西方的供应链的一个组成部分,而现在,这些货物往往是出售给本地区消费者。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Supply chain was the topic Mr Wood researched during his EMBA and contributed to his current focus on local supply. 供应链是伍德读EMBA时的研究主题,他现在对当地的供应情况十分关注,这一因素也有所帮助。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Nike stands out for its particularly strong commitment to handling environmental issues in its supply chain . 耐克因其在处理供应链中的环保问题上做出的强烈的承诺而脱颖而出。 www.bing.com 5. The problem of profit sharing is one of the main influential factors of partnership of enterprises on the chilled meat supply chain. 合作利益的分配问题是影响冷鲜肉供应链企业合作关系的主要因素之一。 www.dictall.com 6. It validates the presume of the network link and knowledge transfer longitudinally by means of the example of "supply chain alliances" . 结合“供应链联盟”实例,从纵向上验证网络强弱联系与知识转移命题; www.fabiao.net 7. Opportunities to reuse products or recover their re-usable materials are what make financial sense of the reverse supply chain. 对产品进行再利用或回收其可再利用的材料,这些机会正是逆向供应链的经济意义所在。 www.ftchinese.com 8. However, traditional localized BPM implementations do not support external supply chain and value chain processes. 不过,传统本地化的BPM实施并不支持外部的供应链和价值链流程。 www.bing.com 9. Sustainable supply chain management and procurement needs and framework for action are attributed to the company. 可持续性供应链管理和采购的需求和行动框架都是因公司而异的。 www.bing.com 10. Rep. Coffman said the amendment was supposed to encourage "advance planning" to protect the military's supply chain. 考夫曼说,修改法案是为了鼓励军方未雨绸缪,保护自己的供应链。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Yet, a Wall Street Journal analysis of official Japanese data suggests the nation was far from frozen out of the supply chain in 2010. 然而《华尔街日报》对日本官方数据进行的研究发现,日本在2010年远没有达到供应链出现冻结的程度。 chinese.wsj.com 2. He added that in the past the focus had been on the supply chain, and that the country was now focusing on reducing demand. 他还称,不丹过去将注意力放在供应链上,而目前的重点是减少需求。 www.who.int 3. A supply chain constituted by one manufacturer and two retailers is discussed , and retailers are allowed to flexibly order . 对于由一个制造商和两个分销商组成的供应链,允许分销商进行灵活订货。 www.bing.com 4. However, the related research on cluster supply chain is still in its infancy, and it is difficult to put theoretical results into practice. 目前,对集群供应链的研究仍然处于初级阶段,其理论结果难以应用到实践当中。 www.joces.org.cn 5. the supply chain is supposed to have the capacity of rapid reaction to market changes , which is known as the agility of supply chain. 供应链应该具有对市场变化做出快速反应的能力,也就是常说的供应链的敏捷性。 www.ichacha.net 6. The primary transportation value proposition is product movement up and down the supply chain. 主要运输价值观点是产品在供应链上的上下位移。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Virtually every technology company is plugged into a global supply chain and gets its products from multiple sources. 如今,几乎每个技术公司都参与到全球供应链当中,而它们的产品也来自多种渠道。 cn.wsj.com 8. Oversee the general operation, effectiveness and optimization of supply chain processes. 监视一般运作、供给链进程的效益和优化。 www.job956.com 9. The strategic separation of concerns between the value chain and the SDLC provides for the classification of the SDLC as a supply chain. 在价值链和SDLC之间对关注进行策略分割,为SDLC的分类提供了一个供应链。 www.ibm.com 10. The risk-controlling and benefit-sharing is always the primary problem the participants in supply chain balanced. 供应链合作中的风险控制和利润分配始终是参与方权衡的主要问题。 www.dictall.com 1. The strategic separation of concerns between the value chain and the SDLC provides for the classification of the SDLC as a supply chain. 在价值链和SDLC之间对关注进行策略分割,为SDLC的分类提供了一个供应链。 www.ibm.com 2. The risk-controlling and benefit-sharing is always the primary problem the participants in supply chain balanced. 供应链合作中的风险控制和利润分配始终是参与方权衡的主要问题。 www.dictall.com 3. The application of the MAS design method is shown in the agile supply chain synergic business management system. 最后,介绍了MAS在敏捷供应链协同商务系统中的应用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Perhaps the most damaging scenario would be the domino effect on a complex web of a multi-tiered supply chain. 可能的最大伤害是造成骨牌效应,导致多层次的连锁供应链倒闭。 cn.reuters.com 5. A cross-industry trade portal supported by the collaboration of a number of supply chain product and service providers. 一个跨产业的贸易门户网站是依靠大量的供应链产品和服务提供者来支持的。 www.doc88.com 6. In many cases, it occurs during the distribution stage of the supply chain flow, which can be quite complex for pharmaceuticals. 在大部分情况下发生在供应链的分发阶段,对于药品而言,这个阶段是非常复杂的。 www.ibm.com 7. Small and medium size enterprises, largely domestically owned, operate only in specific parts of the logistics supply chain. 中小型企业,主要是国有的,只能在物流供应链的特定部分运营。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Eager to set up a business enterprise of logistics information platform, the various supply chain communication nodes. 企业迫切希望建立企业间物流信息平台,沟通供应链的各个节点。 www.lwkoo.cn 9. Our supply chain analysts will analyze the entire logistics data from your orders to the moment they deliver an end product. 我们供应链的分析家们将会从接受你们的订单的时刻开始分析知道接收你们的产品。 www.01hr.com 10. One person close to Nokia, the world's largest mobile phone maker, said it anticipated disruption to its supply chain. 接近诺基亚的一位消息人士透露,该公司预计供应链将受到干扰,但诺基亚拒绝评论。 www.ftchinese.com 1. One person close to Nokia, the world's largest mobile phone maker, said it anticipated disruption to its supply chain. 接近诺基亚的一位消息人士透露,该公司预计供应链将受到干扰,但诺基亚拒绝评论。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Apple has been under heavy fire since the publication, earlier this year, of a Times expose on the Apple supply chain. 自从今年早些时候时代周刊曝光关于苹果供应链上的这些问题以来,苹果已经饱受猛烈的攻击。 www.bing.com 3. The first question from analysts addressed the impact of the Japanese earthquakes on the company's supply chain. 分析师们提出的第一个问题是日本大地震对苹果公司供应链的影响。 www.fortunechina.com 4. Information sharing among the members in a supply chain is playing a key role in the supply chain coordination processes. 供应链成员企业之间的信息共享在供应链协调过程中发挥着最为关键的作用。 www.fabiao.net 5. In managing flows up and down supply chains, supply chain managers become involved in far more than just the movement of products. 当管理前前后后整个供应链的时候,供应链经理们已经超越了产品流动的范围。 www.bing.com 6. His solution was to capitalise on his logistics expertise by accepting an offer to lead the supply chain practice at PA Consulting. 他的解决方法是,他利用他在物流方面的技能,接受了PAConsulting的邀请,负责该公司的供应链业务。 www.ftchinese.com 7. A good supply chain, distribution outlets and libraries were essentially bringing materials to all corners of a country. 一个好的供应链、发行直销店或图书馆,基本上可以把材料带向一个国家所有角落。 www.wipo.int 8. As an indispensable part of the supply chain management, the inventory management plays an important role in the supply chain management. 库存管理作为供应链管理中的一个重要组成部分,占有举足轻重的地位。 www.13191.com 9. Industrial or B2B marketing must account for the long term contractual agreements that are typical in supply chain transactions. 工业营销或者叫B2B营销必须考虑供应链交易中一般存在的长期合同问题。 www.bing.com 10. Since the members in a supply chain are intelligent, a multi-Agent simulation model for supply chain was proposed. 针对供应链成员具有智能体特征的特点,提出了一个供应链多代理仿真模型。 www.joca.cn 1. Since the members in a supply chain are intelligent, a multi-Agent simulation model for supply chain was proposed. 针对供应链成员具有智能体特征的特点,提出了一个供应链多代理仿真模型。 www.joca.cn 2. "We're looking for a system that will allow FDA to quickly connect the dots along the food supply chain, " says McGarry. “我们正在寻找一种能让FDA快速和食品供应链关联的体系,”McGarry说。 www.bing.com 3. Carrefour, having acquired local partners, is going it alone as it builds its supply chain and store network. 已经收购本地合作伙伴的家乐福正独自建设其供应链和门店网络。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Any producer or importer of an article, distributor or other actor in the supply chain placing an article on the market. 物品的任何进口商或生产商,将物品投放市场的分销商或其它供应链上的行为人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The new intelligence provides the basis on which a smarter supply chain can be built. 新的智能为构建更加智能的供应链提供基础。 www.ibm.com 6. Logistics is defined as 'the task of coordinating material flow, information flow and funds flow across the supply chain'. 物流的定义是“协调整个供应链的物料流、信息流和资金流”。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Improve efficiency across the processes of your organization's supply chain. 提高供应链过程的效率 wenku.baidu.com 8. Choosing excellent partner is one of the keys for building and management the high quality pork supply chain. 选择优良的合作伙伴是优质猪肉供应链建设与管理的关键之一。 www.73202.com 9. Both external and internal causative factors contribute to building up the supply chain alliance of multinational enterprises. 跨国企业供应链联盟构建有外部动因和内部动因。 www.dictall.com 10. Suppliers in supply chain provide temporary price discounts in order to increase cash flow and market share or to reduce product inventory. 供应商为了增加现金流、提高市场占有率或避免产品积压,有时会向零售商提供临时价格折扣。 www.dictall.com 1. Suppliers in supply chain provide temporary price discounts in order to increase cash flow and market share or to reduce product inventory. 供应商为了增加现金流、提高市场占有率或避免产品积压,有时会向零售商提供临时价格折扣。 www.dictall.com 2. As one of the five counties involved in the project, Zizhong County is tasked with implementing the pilot project of pork supply chain. 资中县是全国争取实施该项目的五个县之一,具体承担实施猪肉产业供应链示范项目。 ccag.com.cn 3. The various risk factors of supply chain do not exist independently but influence each other and are reciprocal causation. 供应链中各种风险因素之间并非独立存在,而是相互影响、互为因果。 www.syyjzz.com 4. It is an important component of the supply chain of the enterprises and directly impacts the fund flow of the enterprises. 它是企业供应链的重要组成部分,直接影响企业的资金流。 forlang.opoop.cn 5. The most obvious way to see that a company's forecasting is improving is when its supply chain becomes more efficient. 公司预测改善的最明显特征就是供应链更加高效。 www.bing.com 6. During the recent five years, Supply Chain Scheduling (SCS) has become one of the hot problems in Supply Chain Management (SCM). 近五年来,供应链调度已经成为供应链管理的研究热点之一。 www.13191.com 7. The definition of the norms in the production aspect as well as the course of the whole supply chain of parts cleanliness requirements. 该规范定义了在生产环节中以及整个供应链过程中对部件的洁净度要求。 www.bokee.net 8. Transforming the enterprise from business transactions focusing one into supply chain management one should be considered firstly. 提出实现内外贸一体化的若干途径,首要的一条是变买卖企业为供应链管理企业。 www.commerce.sh.cn 9. Without actively integrating these with other activities in the supply chain, manufacturing cannot be effective. 如未能将这些环节与供应链中的其他环节整合,便不能确保制造业发挥最高的效率。 www.info.gov.hk 10. But medical care was improving, and the United Nations, American troops and aid agencies were working to set up a supply chain. 但医疗救助有所改善,联合国维和部队,美军及各个援助机构正联手建立有效的供给链。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But medical care was improving, and the United Nations, American troops and aid agencies were working to set up a supply chain. 但医疗救助有所改善,联合国维和部队,美军及各个援助机构正联手建立有效的供给链。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The supply chain is typically made up of multiple companies who coordinate activities to set themselves apart from the competition. 供应链通常由多个公司协调各项活动,为自己在竞争中脱颖而出。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Another risk reduction strategy that talent managers can borrow from supply chain managers is an application of the principle of portfolios. 人力资源主管可以从供应链管理中借鉴另一种降低风险的策略,即投资组合的运用。 img7.zhubajie.com 4. Taiwanese makers, who tend to specialise in just one part of the supply chain, have been particularly hard hit by the downturn. 往往专注于供应链某一环节的台湾制造商,尤其受到行业低迷的打击。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Even if the manufacturer is independent of independent, have, also should be fully integrated into the integration of the supply chain. 即使制造商是独立拥有、独立经营的,也应该完全融入一体化的供应链。 jjb2c.com 6. The models to calculate the whole cooperation intensity and that between enterprises of adjacent nodes in a supply chain were presented. 在此基础上构建了供应链相邻节点企业之间和企业整体合作强度的计算模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The "Basic Supply Chain Concepts" module applies at all levels and needs to be assessed only once. “基础供应链概念”模块适用于所有的等级,并且只需评定一次。 www.thea.cn 8. The conclusion of this paper has instruction significance to establishing correct relationship between supply chain enterprises. 本研究对于供应链企业间建立正确的合作关系具有一定的指导意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Strongly promote Green Shipbuilding among the Green tache of design, process, management, supply chain and recycle. 在绿色的设计、工艺、管理、供应链与再使用等环节中、大力推进绿色造船; www.13191.com 10. Supply Chain Performance Measurement System is one of key components of Supply Chain Management (SCM). 供应链绩效评价系统是供应链管理的关键组成部分。 www.lw23.com 1. Supply Chain Performance Measurement System is one of key components of Supply Chain Management (SCM). 供应链绩效评价系统是供应链管理的关键组成部分。 www.lw23.com 2. It allowed GM to remain viable, and the fact that it got back up and running quickly really helped the supply chain. ' 西蒙斯尼说,救援计划最终帮助了汽车供应商,让通用汽车活了下来,它的卷土重来和快速运转真的是盘活了整个供应链条。 chinese.wsj.com 3. This paper firstly introduced the relevant theories, concepts and main supply chain performance evaluation system and its characteristics. 文中首先介绍了供应链、供应链绩效评价的相关理论、概念,主要的供应链绩效评价体系及其特点。 www.13191.com 4. That meant his thinking could be tested against decisions by companies to integrate parts of their supply chain. 这意味着他的想法可以被测试来反对公司决定整合他们的供应链。 www.ecocn.org 5. The coordination is studied for a single manufacturing-retailing supply chain as a system with returns policy warranted. 研究实行退货政策的制造-零售供应链系统的协调问题。 www.dictall.com 6. The main innovative point of this article has three aspects: first, build a closed-loop supply chain distribution of net frame structure. 本文的主要创新点有三个方面:第一,构建了闭环供应链配送的网络框架结构; www.fabiao.net 7. Bespoke packages of information services used to manage and control supply chain activities on behalf of customers and suppliers. 代表客户和供应商所定制的信息服务包,用来管理和控制供应链中的活动。 www.dhl.com 8. This covers everything from a simple supply chain to vast global networks with thousands of participants. 这种生态系统包罗万象,从简单的供应链到数千家合作伙伴参与的巨型全球网络,都被囊括其中。 www.fortunechina.com 9. "It took them a while to get the hardware into the supply chain, " said Amy Jo Smith, executive director of the DEG. 数字娱乐集团执行董事艾米?乔?史密斯(AmyJoSmith)表示:“他们花了不少时间才使得这种硬件进入供应链。” www.ftchinese.com 10. And however efficient the supply chain, networking gear is bound to become a commodity eventually. 无论供应链如何高效,网络设备最终必然会成为一种低价商品。 www.bing.com 1. And however efficient the supply chain, networking gear is bound to become a commodity eventually. 无论供应链如何高效,网络设备最终必然会成为一种低价商品。 www.bing.com 2. Supply chain management as a new management model for node enterprises in a variety of benefits, it also has brought about risk. 供应链管理作为一种新的管理模式在给节点企业带来各种好处的同时,也带来了风险。 www.13191.com 3. As products flow through the supply chain, these sensors detect their presence and report the identity of the item and time it was seen. 当产品在供应链中流通时,传感器将检测到它们的出现并报告产品出现的时间及其身份。 www.ibm.com 4. Pursuing profit maximization is one of the major subjects setting by every firm in the supply chain. 中文摘要追求最大利润是供应链中,每家公司所设定的主要目标之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It brings consumers face to face with products with an equitable back story, shortened supply chain and with values. 它使消费者们能直接而公平的看到产品及产品后的真实一面,缩短供应链和附加价值。 www.sdmsw.com 6. Unless carefully addressed, the typical impact of this organizational structure is misalignment of product and supply chain strategies. 除非周密说明,这一组织结构产生的作用是不会对应产品战略和供应链策略的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. SOLUTIONS FOR A COMPLEX WORLD Panalpina's three core activities of expertise include Air Freight, Ocean Freight and Supply Chain Management. 完善方案助您驾驭复杂的商业环境泛亚班拿擅长的三大核心业务是空运、海运及供应链管理。 word.hcbus.com 8. Efficiency comes into contact with your marketplace at the entry and exit points of the supply chain. 效率在供应链的入口和出口点同您的市场相联系。 www.ibm.com 9. Chuck Goodrich , senior director of supply chain management, notes the many advantages gravure offers to his company's long-run titles. 查古德里奇的高级主管供应链管理,注意到许多优点凹印提供给他的公司的长期冠军。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Supply chain is a cross-organizational structure which beyond the traditional boundaries of a single enterprise. 供应链管理超越了传统的单一企业的边界,是一种跨组织的结构。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Supply chain is a cross-organizational structure which beyond the traditional boundaries of a single enterprise. 供应链管理超越了传统的单一企业的边界,是一种跨组织的结构。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. McDonald's says the size of its supply chain and relationship with suppliers helps mitigate the impact of commodities worldwide. 麦当劳说,该公司的供应链规模以及它与供应商的关系在一定程度上减少了全球大宗商品涨价的影响。 www.qeto.com 3. The best strategies for a more flexible supply chain start at the design stage. 为建设灵活的供应链,企业应在产品设计阶段便开始寻求最佳策略。 www.bing.com 4. This guide is intended to be the primary reference document that will focus on the manufacturing sector of JAG's supply chain. 本指南确定为主要的参考文献,将重点放在JAG供给链中的制造部门上。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Master Data Management (MDM) significantly improves traceability solutions in a Supply Chain Management (SCM) environment. MasterDataManagement(MDM)可以显著改进供应链管理(SCM)环境中的可跟踪性解决方案。 www.ibm.com 6. Therefore, information asymmetry is common phenomenon among the enterprises of supply chain. 因此,信息不对称是供应链节点企业中常见的现象。 www.fabiao.net 7. In a supply chain system, the competition or collaboration of a manufacturer and a retailer will make a big impact on the whole market. 在制造商和零售商组成的供应链系统中,制造商和零售商的竞争或合作对整个市场都会产生很大的影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Moreover, Boeing had overlooked how important distributors were to the supply chain. 此外,波音忽视了分销商对于供应链的重要性。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Usually, the manufacturer will utilize a production planning system (PPS) to coordinate internal production and its external supply chain. 通常,制造商将利用生产计划系统(productionplanningsystem,PPS)来协调其内部生产与外部供应链。 www.ibm.com 10. The proposed protocol satisfies most of the requirements of supply chain systems and can be applied on the multi-batch supply chain systems. 所提出的协定满足大部份供应链系统的要求并且可应用在有多批物品同时在一个供应链系统的场合。 1. The proposed protocol satisfies most of the requirements of supply chain systems and can be applied on the multi-batch supply chain systems. 所提出的协定满足大部份供应链系统的要求并且可应用在有多批物品同时在一个供应链系统的场合。 2. As a important part of the supply chain, manufacturing enterprise should take on more social responsibility. 制造企业作为供应链中的重要主体,理应承担更多的社会责任。 www.fabiao.net 3. They pointed to contradictions in documents raising questions about the company's real name and role in the supply chain. 他们指出,文件中存在相互矛盾的地方,让人不得不对该公司的真实名称和在供应链中的作用产生怀疑。 www.voa365.com 4. As a supply chain expert, he pulled Apple out of manufacturing in the late 1990s, and established these contract relationships. 作为供应链专家,他在20世纪90年代末让苹果退出了制造环节,建立了这些外包制造关系。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This result is expected to help the decision-making of new products supply chain members. 该结果对新产品供应链成员的决策制定具有一定的指导意义。 www.fabiao.net 6. This requires a unique understanding in order to be able to optimise all elements of the retail supply chain. 为有效地优化配置零售供应链上各个中间环节,需要对这一体系有着超乎寻常的认识。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In 2008, constrictions in the food supply chain led to a spike in global prices and riots around the world. 2008年,食品供应链的不畅打乱了全球价格和导致了世界各地的混乱。 www.bing.com 8. Meanwhile, the aviation supply chain is a critical element of the industry, generating a significant number of exports and jobs. 与此同时,航空供应链是航空业的一个重要组成部分,产生大量的出口与就业机会。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 9. With the putting forward of the thought of supply chain management, the traditional stock control theory faces the challenge. 随着供应链管理思想的提出,传统的库存控制理论面临着挑战。 www.lw23.com 10. This may include only a single service like transportation or warehousing or could include a complete integration of the supply chain. 这可能只包括一个像运输或仓储或单一服务可以包括一个完整的供应链整合。 source.yeeyan.org 1. With the putting forward of the thought of supply chain management, the traditional stock control theory faces the challenge. 随着供应链管理思想的提出,传统的库存控制理论面临着挑战。 www.lw23.com 2. This may include only a single service like transportation or warehousing or could include a complete integration of the supply chain. 这可能只包括一个像运输或仓储或单一服务可以包括一个完整的供应链整合。 source.yeeyan.org 3. In keeping with a growing industry trend, Elizabeth Arden Inc. is focusing more emphasis on its supply chain. 在一个增长的行业趋势下,伊丽莎白雅顿公司是专注于供应链更加重视。 www.512121.com 4. The supply chain is shared among the Big Three, so a bankruptcy filing of one could spell problems for the other two. 三巨头都分享相同的供应链,因此一家提交破产申请也会给另外两家带来问题。 www.ebigear.com 5. Much of the media publicity around Web services envisions integrating enterprise applications on large supply chain projects. 许多关于Web服务的媒体宣传都设想在大型供应链方案上集成企业应用。 www-128.ibm.com 6. The paper introduces the basic theory of BPR, and discusses the business process's change affected by the supply chain environment. 同时详细阐述了BPR的基本概念及相关理论,并从供应链环境下的业务流程的变化对BPR的影响做了相应的讨论。 www.juhe8.com 7. When a company acquires competitors or moves upstream or downstream, its aim is to capture a higher percentage of supply chain value. 当一家公司收购竞争对手或移动上游或下游,其目的是要捕捉一个更高百分比的供应链价值。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In this pilot, we implemented an on demand business transformation in a real supply chain scenario. 在这个实验性项目中,我们在一个理想供应链的假设前提下实现了按需业务改造。 www.ibm.com 9. These systems are key factors in integrating the physical flow of goods along the supply chain. 这些系统是在集成物品物理流程的关键系数沿供应链的。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Enhance quality of telecommunications products and improve cost of ownership throughout supply chain ? 提高电信行业产品质量,并改进整个供应链的成本 wenku.baidu.com 1. With traditional supply chains being out of order, supply chain partnership (SCP) will gradually come into being. 由于传统供应链的制度失衡,供应链成员之间的合作关系将会逐渐形成。 www.edu-hb.com 2. He is stationed in Silicon Valley and travels frequently to Greater China to help clients build their local supply chain organizations. 他频繁往来中国,帮助其客户建立本地供应链组织架构。 www.bing.com 3. Then the article analyzed a typical case of food supply chain Bullwhip Effect and proposed some countermeasures to weaken it. 最后,针对粮食牛鞭效应形成的原因,提出了相应的弱化对策。 www.fabiao.net 4. The second, the establishment of a joint strategy of closed-loop supply chain, analysis of the basic strategy of the joint inventory. 建立了闭环供应链中联合库存策略,重点分析了基本的联合库存策略; www.fabiao.net 5. You can have expertise in just one area and with others, form a supply chain to make money. 你可以只在一方面具备专业技能,然后与他人协作构成一个完整的产业链来获取利润。 www.bing.com 6. To improve the performance of a two-echelon supply chain facing a news vendor problem, a revenue-sharing contract was introduced. 为优化季节性商品两级供应链的性能,引入收益分享契约。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Thirdly, many papers only concentrate on single inventory system, but a supply chain is a two-echelon or over two-echelon system. 第三,很多文献多是集中在对单级库存的研究,而实际上普遍的供应链结构是二级或多级的。 www.fabiao.net 8. These contents match together, constituted a set of complete gathering supply chain results evaluation system. 最后对指标体系在集成化供应链整体绩效评价中的应用给出相应的建议和展望。 www.fabiao.net 9. Some gaming situations that exist among supply chain partners are also analyzed so as to help establish the revenue allocation model. 同时分析了供应链成员之间存在的几种博弈状态,以有助于建立利益分配模型。 www.fabiao.net 10. From the final formation of supply chain management point of view that would have to work hard. 从最终形成供应链管理的角度来看,目前就应该朝这个方向努力。 www.bing.com 1. But, with typical time to market of electronics devices at two years, tablets have required a major rejiggering of the supply chain. 一般说来,一款电子产品从研发到上市需要两年的时间,随着厂商纷纷出台自己的平板电脑计划,供应链也要被迫做出大的调整。 www.fortunechina.com 2. But supermarkets also amplify the globalization-driven pressure upon the farm sector to adopt efficient, supply-chain management practices. 但是,超级市场也加重了全球化对农产业者的压力,要求他们采用高效的供应链管理规范。 www.america.gov 3. In Figure 9, the supply chain management application makes requests to the retail system to help customers buy electronics goods online. 在图9中,供应链管理应用程序向零售系统请求帮助客户在线购买电子商品。 www.ibm.com 4. Apple is requesting Lens assistance in understanding Apple's supply chain for several metals commonly used in the electronics industry. 苹果要求了解苹果公司在电子行业普遍使用的一些金属供应链镜头援助。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 5. It allows our customers to track their products as they pass along the supply chain, from origin to destination . 它允许我们的客户在产品从发货地到目的地的整个供应链过程中对其进行跟踪。 www.bing.com 6. Develops and leads supply chain responsibility in a fashion that provides excellent customer service internally and externally. 发展和带领工厂供应链,向内部和外部顾客提供卓越的服务。 sy.248job.com 7. S. has lost the necessary rare earth material refining capacity, and rebuilding the supply chain may take up to 15 rs. 此外,美国还失去了必要的稀土材料精炼能力,重建供应链最长可能需要15年的时间。 bbs.51ielts.com 8. How do counterfeit products of any type get into the supply chain? 伪造产品是如何进入药品供应链的? www.ibm.com 9. SCM(Supply chain management) attracts extensive attention as a modern enterprise management mode suitable for variable market. 供应链管理作为一种适应日益变化的市场需求的现代企业管理模式,受到了广泛的关注。 www.fabiao.net 10. By analyzing the information flow of supply chain, this paper builds a conceptual model of information flow integration. 因此,信息流的整合对于提高供应链的整体竞争力具有重要的约束作用。 www.fabiao.net 1. To make this happen, each component of the supply chain must use the same demand forecasts , or estimates of the number of items needed. 去使这些实行,就必须构成完成供应链,使用一样的要求预测、或估计需要的数量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. I know that none of us want to be accessories after the fact of a Human Rights abuse in a global supply chain. 我认为没有一个人想成为附属品,在全球供应链的滥用人权的事实中。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 3. The goal of the pilot is to allow FDA to determine the practicality of developing a secure supply chain program. FDA希望通过实施该试点计划确定拓展安全供应链计划的实用性。 news.dxy.cn 4. difference between supplier-optimal and supply-chain optimal capacities, and the corresponding profits, can be significant. 供应商总是宁愿比零售商保持较低的能力,而供应商最佳能力和供应链最佳能力之间的差别,以及相应的效益可以相当明显。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Meanwhile, your competitor is sending her messages with a laundry list of supply chain management functions. 这时,可能你的竞争者也给她传送了邮件,里面列着一长串供应链解决方案。 www.bing.com 6. But of equal significance is "hiccupping" performance, which indicates that the supply chain is not organized and consistent. 与之相同的,是供应链不能很好的组织与持续的,工作完成断断续续的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The risks integrative management system provided theoretical foundation and support for the retail enterprises supply chain risk management. 零售企业供应链风险一体化宏观管理体系的提出对零售企业供应链风险管理提供了理论依据和支持。 www.13191.com 8. Retail: GIS based strategic planning (BI), Supply chain management, Logistics, management, Facility management, Consumer profiling. 零售:地理信息系统基础的战略规划(商业智能),供应链管理,物流,管理,设施管理,消费者剖析。 www.bing.com 9. The investment decision and ordering strategies in two-period telecom supply chain were studied with demand uncertainty. 以电信业为背景,在不确定需求下研究了两周期电信供应链的投资决策和订货策略。 www.dictall.com 10. With the appearance of quick-response clothing enterprises, the customers are urgent to need a high-effective supply chain system. 伴随着“快速反应型”服装企业的出现,客户也迫切需要一个高效的供应链系统。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Thus, the implementation of closed-loop supply chain for enterprise can be of strategic importance and real economic significance. 由此可见,闭环供应链的实施对企业来说具有重要的战略意义和现实的经济意义。 www.fabiao.net 2. Thus, to make information be shared is an effective way to control "bullwhip effect" and improve the efficiency of a supply chain. 因此,在供应链中实现信息共享是控制“牛鞭效应”、提高供应链管理效率的有效途径。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Polish factories have become integral parts of the German supply chain, and they are profiting from Germany's export-led boom. 波兰的工厂已经成为德国供应链的组成部分,它们在德国的出口导向型经济增长中获益颇丰。 dongxi.net 4. As one of important flow industry, iron&steel enterprises have typical material supply chain characters. 钢铁企业作为重要的流程工业之一,有其典型的物资供应链特点。 www.lw23.com 5. The ameliorated inventory model formula can be used to replace the original in general. It is most suitable for supply chain management. 改进模型在通常情况下可以取代原模型公式,在供应链管理中有很强的适用性。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. However, the coordination mechanisms have not been formally addressed in a multi-agent-based supply chain. 然而,协调机构没有正式地在多以托收代理为基础的供应链中被向~演说。 www.itpub.net 7. Idiom Technologies optimizes the globalization supply chain by aligning global enterprises, language services providers and translators. IdiomTechnologies通过结盟全球企业、语言服务提供者和翻译员,优化全球化供应链。 www.vistatec.ie 8. In such a supply chain, the manufacturer determines the wholesale price, while the retailer determines the ordering quantity and sale price. 该模型中零售商决定商品的订货量和销售价格,制造商决定商品的批发价格。 iej.gdut.edu.cn 9. Supply chain contract is mainly used to solve the conflict of interest problem of supply chain between members. 供应链合同主要为了解决供应链成员之间的利益冲突问题。 www.13191.com 10. National Oilwell Varco is the single source for all of your rig equipment, integrated systems, downhole tools, and supply chain solutions. 国民油井华高是所有钻采设备、集成系统、井下工具及供给链解决方案的单一来源。 www.chinahrlab.com 1. This imaginative package delivers the desired product image while providing significant benefits throughout the supply chain. 这个富有想象力的封装提供了理想的产品形象,同时提供巨大的利益在整个供应链。 www.a1pak.net.cn 2. UPS customers increasingly asked to tap into this expertise, which ultimately led to the formation of UPS Supply Chain Solutions. 越来越多的UPS客户要求利用此项专门技术,这最终促成了UPS供应链解决方案业务部的形成。 gb.cri.cn 3. A supplier of supply chain co-ordination and management services that generally does not own or operate the underlying assets and resources. 供应链协调和管理服务的提供商,通常不拥有或运营所涉资产和资源。 www.dhl.com 4. Efforts were made to develop factoring business and introduce trade supply chain financing on a trial basis. 积极推动保理业务,尝试开展了贸易供应链管理融资。 www.eximbank.gov.cn 5. In addition to its investment in operations, Barr's has recently updated its IT systems and its supply chain activity. 除了其在投资运营,巴尔的最近更新了它的IT系统和供应链活动。 blog.renren.com 6. The product moves down the supply chain towards the customers, while the money moves in the opposite direction towards the suppliers. 产品沿着食物链流向顾客,同时钱却往反方向流向供应者。 www.bing.com 7. Supply Chain Management is now becoming an effective tool for enterprises to improve their competence. 供应链管理正在成为提高企业全球竞争力的有效手段,而电子交易市场作为在线交易平台。 oldweb.cqvip.com 8. With any first price input, whether the processes of price oscillation of intermediate product of supply chain are convergent or emanative ? 对任一初始的价格输入,供应链中间产品的价格振荡过程是收敛的,还是发散的? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The sample application will portray a Supply Chain Management application for a fictitious consumer electronics retailer. 样本应用程序将描绘虚构的消费类电子产品零售商的供应链管理应用程序。 www.ibm.com 10. And you see surfers, people who see this happening, and in some sense build it into a supply chain, which is a very curious one. 你还会遇到很多的冲浪者,他们看到你的计划有趣就会在半路加入,你也可以把这样的人士纳入你的供应链。 www.bing.com 1. Therefore, this article will take the identification and response mechanism of supply chain disruption as the research object. 因此,本文将供应链突发事件的鉴别及应对作为研究的对象。 www.fabiao.net 2. Generate a report of your container's movement through the supply chain. 生成容器在供应链中的轨迹的报告。 www.ibm.com 3. We believe production of iPad 3 displays began two weeks ago and is the cause of much of the noise in the supply chain. 我们认为两周前,iPad3显示屏的制造工作已经开始,而它正是最近苹果供应链中诸多传闻的源头所在。 www.fortunechina.com 4. We ask that you outline your contingency plans that will ensure the security of our supply chain. 我们要求你概述确保我们的供应链安全的应急计划。 bbs.instrument.com.cn 5. Few other companies have developed such a complex supply chain. 几乎没有其他公司建成如此复杂的供应链。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Supply- chain is a term that describes how organizations (suppliers , manufacturers , distributors, and customers ) are linked together . 供应链是一个描述许多组织(供应商、制造商、销售商和顾客)被链接在一起的术语。 www.bing.com 7. More expensive raw materials will work their way through the supply chain over the coming months, pushing up on inflation. 在未来几月,更多的昂贵的原材料会通过供应链推高通胀率。 www.ecocn.org 8. So, a key factor of the agile supply chain is to integrate heterogeneous information systems adopted in various enterprises. 如此,敏捷的供应链的一个主要因素要整合在不同的企业中被采用的异种信息系统。 www.itpub.net 9. Determining distribution lot-sizes and scheduling vehicle routes are two important activities in a multi-echelon supply chain. 其中,配销批量的决定和车辆途程的安排是一个多阶层供应链系统中两项重要的作业。 10. However, AHP can be applied only to cases where supply chain has a tree-like or other ideal structure. 层次分析法(AHP)只能分析经过大量简化处理的树状结构或者其他理想结构。 www.ceps.com.tw |
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