单词 | supplemented |
释义 | supplemented是supplement的过去式
复数:supplements 现在分词:supplementing 过去式:supplemented 例句释义: 增补,补足,补遗,增刊,补充,辅以,补充培养基 1. Guiding Photography should be also supplemented by visual observations, so that the time of appearance of the meteors can be confirmed. 追踪摄影也应和观测相配合,以确定被拍的流星的出现时刻。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 2. This comes from the easy-to-understand forms of sequential rules supplemented by tools that simplify rule maintenance. 这得益于序列规则易于理解的形式和各种简化规则管理工作的工具。 www.ibm.com 3. The invaluable exercises at the end of every chapter have been supplemented with drills and a number of graduate-level thesis problems. 无价的练习在每章的末端补充以训练和许多毕业生水准论文问题。 www.tzhealth.com 4. The hotspot has pushed the spreading ridge up to the surface and supplemented its activities with some extra volcanism on the side. 热点把扩展脊推出海面并且通过一些边上的额外的的火山活动补充其活动。 www.ecocn.org 5. This Agreement shall not be amended or supplemented except by an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorized officer of each party. 该协议不能被修改或进行补充,但如果由各方合法授权人员以书面形式签订文书后的情况除外。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. After all, she had survived all this time on her own, and had supplemented the Empire's finest training with hard-earned field experience. 毕竟,她一个人熬过了这段时期,除了帝国最精锐的训练,她还有用血汗换来的各种实际经验。 www.starwarschina.com 7. On another, the general principles are supplemented or replaced by a larger number of prohibitions drawn from "common sense" morality. 另有一项提议指出,得有许多来自公认道德观的禁忌补充或者代替这些通则。 www.bing.com 8. In some places this was to have been supplemented by a free service at lower speed, or supported by advertising. 除了收费服务,一些地区还有免费服务,不过或网速较慢,或插有广告。 www.ecocn.org 9. For this purpose, an existing ellipsometer is supplemented by a so-called resonance platform on which surface modes are excitable. 在此,常规的椭圆计补充一个所谓的谐振平台,在这个谐振平台的表面上可激励多种模式。 ip.com 10. A supplemented very-low-protein diet (sVLPD) seems to be safe when postponing dialysis therapy. 当延迟透析治疗时,极低蛋白饮食看起是安全的。 www.med66.com 1. Fifth, to television, newspapers, propaganda as the main form of publicity, supplemented by other forms of publicity. 可以电视、报纸、网络的宣传为主要宣传方式,辅以其他形式的宣传。 www.docin.com 2. The steel structural parts supplemented to the respective equipment shall be manufactured by the Buyer's at his own cost. 附属于相应设备的钢结构件应由买方自担费用负责制造。 www.jukuu.com 3. The research in rats supplemented with leptin is in its very early stages and needs to be replicated by further studies. 大鼠补充瘦素的研究仍处在非常早期的阶段,尚需要进一步的研究加以重复验证。 news.dxy.cn 4. The great majority of these receive capital funding from the State, supplemented by local contributions. 其中大多数接受国家资助,由地方捐款补充。 www.embassyofireland.cn 5. Economists have already come up with various research perspectives. Here I just supplemented with a few more. 经济学家们已经提出了很多研究视角,我在这里补充几个角度。 www.ecocn.org 6. These methods should be supplemented by a teacher-made reading inventory which provides a more structured approach to information-gathering. 除此之外,教师还应当设计阅读细目作为补充,为收集信息提供更加结构化的方法。 www.thnu.edu.cn 7. He was perhaps the only man in the salient who supplemented his ration with home-grown vegetables. 阵地突出部一带,也许只有他一人自己种菜补充军粮。 forum.bomoo.com 8. But over the next 10 years, the U. S. currency will be supplemented by the yen, the euro and the Chinese yuan as the key currencies. 但未来10年,日圆、欧元和人民币将作为主要货币对美元进行补充。 www.bing.com 9. The company was established in 2003 is a mainly textile machinery, woodworking machinery, supplemented by the private sector. 本公司成立于2003年是一家以纺织机械为主,木工机械为辅的私营企业。 www.tonke.cn 10. These joint ventures are supplemented by an exciting programme of visits by English football teams and coaches. 除了以上的中英足球俱乐部合作项目以外,还有一项令人振奋的安排,就是英国的球队和教练出访中国。 www.uk.cn 1. Boost morale by allowing the team to see progress through meetings supplemented by one or more subsystem demonstrations. 通过让团队在一个或者多个子系统演示的会议中看到项目的进展来鼓舞项目人员的士气。 www.ibm.com 2. However, dogs can survive on a vegetarian diet as long as it contains sufficient protein and is supplemented with vitamin D. 不过,狗狗依靠素食也能存活,只要食物含有足够的蛋白质并补充有维生素D即可。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The basic control structures can be supplemented, as shown in the examples in figure A. 3, with additional WHILEs in BEGIN . . . 基本的控制结构可以被补充的,像显示于图表A.3的例子一样,附加WHILEs于BEGIN… www.figtaiwan.org 4. It determines the material cost and the efficiency often in the form of money salary and in kinds supplemented by land and labor. 俸禄的表现形式一般为货币与实物,辅以叫土地和劳动力等,是官吏的主要生活来源。 www.lw23.com 5. The standard eight line display will be supplemented with the words "Sponsored Flights" and up to three lines of flight displays. 新增的三行航班信息以及“赞助商航班”(SponsordFlights)字眼将作为对标准的八行信息显示方式的补充。 www.bing.com 6. The agreement can be amended or supplemented upon mutual written consent of the parties, which shall constitute an annex to the agreement. 协议可以修订或补充相互书面同意缔约方应构成协定附件。 wenwen.soso.com 7. For those with less ultrafiltration, fluid as well as ultrafiltration should be supplemented to increase the transmembrane pressure. 对于超滤量少的患者,可在适当补充液体的同时增加超滤量,以提高跨膜压,防止反超。 xuebao.shsmu.edu.cn 8. The company operating the brand car tyres , mainly wholesale, retail, supplemented by. 本公司主要经营各品牌轿车轮胎,批发为主,零售为辅。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The measure may be supplemented by a separate action providing several billion dollars for the nation's ports and possibly its railways . 该法案可能补充通过一项单独追加的措施,提供十亿美元以保证国家港口、甚至可能包括铁路安全。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. 就多数人来说,除非你有别的补充办法,这样追求快乐就过于抽象和脱离实际,不宜作为个人的生活准则。 enewsynu.com 1. Models supplemented with a strap made of black rubber, textured under the profile tires . 手表由一条黑胶皮带补充完成,在金属圈下扣起。 www.bing.com 2. Must be supplemented with protein and fluids in prescribed amounts to completely meet isoleucine, leucine, valine, and water requirements. 在规定的限额内,必须辅以蛋白质和液体以完全满足异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、缬氨酸和水的需求。 www.milkplushk.com 3. Must be supplemented with protein and fluid in prescribed amounts to completely meet phenylalanine, tyrosine, and water requirements. 在规定的限额内,必须辅以蛋白质和液体以完全满足对苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸和水的需求。 www.milkplushk.com 4. In the high-tech industries, especially, even the manipulative hand skills must be supplemented by creative and problem -solving skills. 尤其是在高技术产业,即使是手工操作技能也必须以创造力和解决问题的能力相辅助。 olive18.wordpress.com 5. Legislation is supplemented by other regulations, administrative rules, listing requirements, departmental rules, guidelines and codes. 立法得到其他规章、行政规则、上市要求、部门规则、指导方针和准则的补充。 www.24en.com 6. The document is supplemented with a navigation menu as the header and company information as the footer. 文档补充了一个导航菜单作为页眉,使用公司信息作为页脚。 www.ibm.com 7. The partnership agreement may be amended or supplemented after agreement is reached by all the partners after consultation among them. 经全体合伙人协商一致,可以修改或者补充合伙协议。 www.bing.com 8. Of course all was effectively supplemented towards the end by his signature primal screams. 当然一曲将尽之前他又非常有效地补上他特有的原始呼叫。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Good relevancy requires a sophisticated approach, including objective matching criteria supplemented by popularity and relatedness factors. 要获取既准确又相关的信息需要从精细的角度考虑,包括客观的配对标准,辅以其流行及相关的因素。 lib.hku.hk 10. If after situation Shang Haoke supplemented the new fat, continued to use. 若情况尚好可补充新脂后继续使用。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Biological Safety Cabinets and Fume Hoods are now supplemented by using local exhaust devices known as "snorkels. " 生物安全柜与通风柜通过使用当地已知的排气器件的“潜水通气管”来补充。 str.ausbio.com 2. The researcher then supplemented a normal diet in mice with small amounts of the compound and subjected them to a battery of health tests. 之后研究者又将熊果酸化合物添加到了小白鼠的饲料之中,以观察白鼠的健康变化。 www.ebigear.com 3. From a development point of view, optical access, especially broadband optical access means supplemented by wireless access will dominate. 从发展来看,光纤接入,特别是宽带光接入辅以无线接入手段将占主导地位。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The currency and economic issues in East Asia has shown that the ASEAN way needs to be supplemented by institutions. 东亚的货币和经济危机已显示出亚细安的方式必须以制度来加以辅助。 www.hotdic.com 5. The research output from the global analysts is of course supplemented and also prioritised by our regional and global fund managers. 当然,全球分析师们的研究成果只是作为一种补充,但同时也是我们区域的和全球的基金管理师要优先考虑的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In addition, this model can be further supplemented with advertising if the ratio of free users to upgrades is less than expected. 另外,如果免费用户中升级的比例低于预期,还可以通过广告进一步补充这个模型。 www.ibm.com 7. Trace metals must be supplemented directly into anaerobic reactor for keeping their bioavailability. 微量金属营养元素必须直接加入反应器内才能充分保证其生物有效度。 www.chemyq.com 8. With mungbean and konjac to the main raw material, add as a gel, supplemented by sugar and citric acid, they developed jelly. 以绿豆和魔芋精粉为主要原料,辅以白砂糖、食用胶凝剂和柠檬酸等研制出果冻。 www.chemyq.com 9. If your first cut at a use case description is a bit thin in helping you identify some analysis classes, then do the supplemented use-case. 如果你觉得补充一些细节对于找出系统中的分析类有所帮助,那么就加上它。 www.ibm.com 10. This Memorandum of Understanding sets out the agreement in principle and may be supplemented at any time as agreed by both Parties. 该谅解备忘录规定了双方合作的基本原则,但可以在双方约定的任何时间加以补充。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 1. It is indicated that long term encouragement must be taken and insisted as the first priority supplemented with short term encouragement. 指出了在铁路安全管理中要坚持长期激励为主,短期激励为辅的原则; www.chemyq.com 2. Matters not mentioned here, if any, may be supplemented through by the parties . goes by written instrument, signed by the parties . 本合同未尽事宜,双方可协议补充,以双方授权代表签署并盖章的书面文件为准; zhidao.baidu.com 3. Effect of a Mediterranean Diet Supplemented With Nuts on Metabolic Syndrome Status: One-Year Results of the PREDIMED Randomized Trial. 一年的PREDIMED随机试验研究结果表明富含坚果的地中海饮食有助于减少代谢综合征。 news.dxy.cn 4. The above-mentioned contents that may be supplemented shall be supplemented by the applicant once for all. 前项可以补正之事项,应就全案一次通知申请者补正。 www.cntranslators.com 5. Naturally, these would be supplemented with Rational's tools for testing, profiling, and code coverage. 很自然,这些工具可通过使用Rational工具来弥补在测试、调优和代码覆盖上的缺乏。 www.ibm.com 6. This Contract shall be altered or supplemented only by mutual consent in writing between the Owner and the Contractor. 对本合同的任何修改或补充,须经业主和承包商双方的书面同意。 www.englishcn.com 7. Civil law, in principle, applies to everyone, and its basic provisions are found in the civil codes, supplemented by auxiliary statutes. 原则上,民法适用于所有人,其基本的规定均见于民法典中,并由辅助性的制定法加于补充。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Her parents were teachers, and supplemented their children's education with a love of and dedication to learning. 她的父母都是教师,他们为孩子们补充了关于“热爱祖国”和“献身于学问”的教育。 www.bing.com 9. This Agreement may not be modified, supplemented or amended orally, but only by a writing signed by both parties hereto. 本协议不得修改,补充或口头修正,但只能由双方签署的书面函。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 10. Must be supplemented with protein in prescribed amounts to completely meet protein requirements. 在规定的限额内,必须辅以蛋白质以完全满足对蛋白质的需求。 www.milkplushk.com 1. Therefore, we primarily by way of depth interviews, supplemented by secondary data survey carried out to investigate. 因此我们主要通过深度访谈的方式,辅以二手资料调查展开了调查。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. METHODS: Relevant articles were identified using a systematic PubMed search and supplemented with additional published materials. 方法:通过系统的PubMed搜索和另外发行的增刊来遴选相关文章。 www.haodf.com 3. These advantages are supplemented by addition of a high capacity booster blower for large throughput and deeper vacuums. 还有一个优点即加装一个高效助风机,以增大其吞吐量,并达到低真空。 www.twis.cn 4. Their diets vary with the whims of humans, however, and can be supplemented by the cat's own hunting successes. 家猫的饮食随人类的想法而变,但有时也吃一些它们自己所捕猎到的食物。 www.bing.com 5. Before long, that nasty little piece of Euro-nationalism was supplemented by opportunism and hypocrisy. 前不久,卑鄙小人般的欧洲国家主义又增加了机会主义与伪善的色彩。 www.ecocn.org 6. In recent years, with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, the treatment of immune therapy supplemented by the joint has have appeared. 近年,以手术为主,化疗、放疗、免疫治疗为辅的联合疗法已初见端倪。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The stereographic projection must be supplemented by other constructions. 赤平极射投影还要有其他的作图方法加以补充。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The findings also suggest that the apple-supplemented diet was most helpful in the framework of an overall healthy diet. 这些结果也提示,含苹果成份的饮食对整个健康饮食构架构建是最有益的。 news.dxy.cn 9. In dogs, fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) should be supplemented. Corticosteroid treatment may be required for life. 患犬还需要补充脂溶性维生素(维A、D、E和K),并终生接受皮质类固醇治疗。 baike.goumin.com 10. The chemical compositions of the Hepu pearls are mainly calcium carbonate, supplemented by organic matter and adsorptive water. 合浦珍珠其化学成分主要为碳酸钙,其次有少量有机质和吸附水。 www.dictall.com 1. And the idea of the State is supplemented by the revelation of a future life. 国家这个概念总在未来生活的启示之下得以补充和完善。 www.bing.com 2. the creditor should be mainly the state-owned commercial bank, supplemented by the insurance company. 贷款方的构成则是以国有商业银行为主体,并辅之以保险公司。 www.zidir.com 3. If the renewal of a sexual or metastatic tumors, in addition to surgery, sometimes supplemented by radiation therapy or chemotherapy. 若是续发性或转移性肿瘤,则除了手术以外,有时还要辅以放射治疗或化学疗法。 uzmart.com 4. Any mathematical algorithms must be supplemented by heuristics . 任何数学算法必须由直觉来补充。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. To the watermark print national characteristic and the hand-planted analysis, supplemented explained the watermark print artistic value. 对水印版画的民族特色和手工制作的分析,补充说明了水印版画的艺术价值。 www.13191.com 6. Objective To analyze the therapeutic effects of myringotomy supplemented with grommet insertion on adults with secretory otitis media(SOM). 目的分析鼓膜置管对成人分泌性中耳炎的疗效。 www.dictall.com 7. High conservation value forest in Beijing should be protected mainly, and supplemented by appropriate tending. 北京市高保护价值森林以保护为主,适当的抚育为辅。 www.fabiao.net 8. New Mother Town is an independent unit, rather than an improved, supplemented and perfected version of old city. 它是一个独立的生命体,绝不止是对老母城的提升、补充、完善; www.abp.cn 9. It is expected to be supplemented by the International Monetary Fund and have strict IMF-set conditions attached. 预计国际货币基金组织(IMF)将对其进行补充,并附以该机构设定的严格附加条件。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In a select group of patients this approach is supplemented by coronary bypass grafting or coronary angioplasty. 在一组选定的这种做法是患者辅以冠状动脉搭桥术或冠状动脉腔内成形术。 www.syyxw.com 1. The US Tarp investments were supplemented by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation guarantees on certain, senior bank borrowings. 在美国,联邦存款保险公司(FederalDepositInsuranceCorporation)为特定的优先级银行贷款提供担保,作为对Tarp投资的补充。 www.ftchinese.com 2. supplemented by specifically designed for the higher rings, then allow the full movement of limbs, joints, limbs become more slender. 通过专门设计的高环,然后允许的四肢,关节充分活动的补充,四肢变得更加苗条。 www.qiyeku.com 3. This Contract shall not be modified, amended or supplemented except by and instrument in writing duly executed by Seller and Buyer. 本合同不应进行任何修正、修改或是补充,除非经由买方和卖方的书面适当授权。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. High-efficiency, high stability, high-precision delivery of products and customers, supplemented by high quality after-sales service. 以高效率、高稳定、高精度的产品交付与客户,并辅以优质的售后服务。 www.tonke.cn 5. Numerical examples were supplemented to illustrate the effectiveness of the upper bound. 数值算例说明了该结果的有效性。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Mitterrand's energy never flagged as he supplemented Pei's narrative to make sure we didn't miss anything. 密特朗不时对贝聿明的解说加以补充,确保我们不漏过任何地方,从头至尾,他一直精力充沛。 www.bing.com 7. Growth regulators and their concentration supplemented had great effect on callus induction and regeneration of perennial ryegrass. 但激素及添加浓度对不同品种愈伤组织诱导率及分化率影响显著。 www.fabiao.net 8. Does glutamine-supplemented total parenteral nutrition reduce the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia ? 完全胃肠外营养中增加谷氨酰胺可以减少医源性肺炎的发生率吗?。 www.bing.com 9. This training plan shall be properly adjusted and supplemented when necessary in accordance with latest HR topics. 本培训计划将根据最新人力资源信息、热点情况适时适当进行调整、补充。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. National reserve funds, supplemented by contingent financing if needed, can efficiently address small and recurrent losses. 国家准备金(必要情况下可用应急融资作为补充),可有效应对少量经常性损失; web.worldbank.org 1. Strict vegetarian diets are not appropriate for cats unless supplemented with nutrients essential for cats that are not found in plants. 对于猫来说,严格的素食是不合适的,除非对其增补植物中没有的营养素。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The report is supplemented with a review of local financial markets written by locally based bankers who are associated with AmCham. 这份报告还附带记录了常驻中国的银行家所撰写的有关中国金融市场的评论。这些银行家和美国商会存在关联。 www.ebigear.com 3. The survey was conducted primarily with questionnaires and supplemented with semi-construction interviews. 研究主要采问卷调查法,并辅以半结构访谈方式。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The French army must rely on spear militia early on, supplemented by the cavalry units - mailed knights and mounted sergeants . 法国军队早期依赖于长矛民兵和作为补充的骑兵——锁甲骑士和马上军士。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The major method of this paper is standardized research method, supplemented by reference to examples. 本文的研究方法主要以规范性研究为主,引用事例为辅。 www.lunwenchina.net.cn 6. The radar is supplemented by reconnaissance satellites, another Navy official said, requesting anonymity. 另一要求匿名的米鳖海军官员说这雷达还由侦察卫星补充。 ido.3mt.com.cn 7. After 2 years of experiments, I completed my thesis based on experimental data and supplemented by other relevant information. 经过2年的实验,我以该课题的实验数据为基础,已其他相关资料为辅,完成了自己的毕业论文。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Labor contract changes the contents of the original contract is amended or supplemented, rather than sign a new contract. 劳动合同的变更是对原合同内容的修改或者补充,而不是签订新的合同。 www.xiami360.com 9. patients who supplemented with pycnogenol ? also had increased antioxidant levels compared to the placebo group. 服用碧萝芷?治疗的患者的抗氧化水平也较安慰剂组有所提高。 www.ichacha.net 10. That supplemented the reporting by professional journalists, who faced restrictions on their movements and coverage. 职业记者从中获益,尤其是当他们发现他们的报道和行动受到限制的时候这种感觉尤为深刻。 www.bing.com 1. Methods: The patients were treated with kidney nourishment medicine supplemented with lung Qi nourishment medicine. 方法:在补肾阳肾阴的基础上加补肺气药。 lib.cqvip.com 2. The results showed greater amount of arsenic in both the duodenum and liver of iron-deficient rats, compared to iron-supplemented ones. 结果表明:更大量的砷在十二指肠和肝脏的缺铁大鼠相比,铁的补充。 www.syyxw.com 3. Unique binary clock, supplemented by a digital clock running synchronous to this. 独特的二进制时钟,由数字运行这个时钟同步的补充。 www.xjttt.com 4. Corn (maize) was the staple of their diet, supplemented by fish and game. 玉米是他们的主要饮食,鱼类和野菜作为补充。 www.bing.com 5. Must be supplemented with protein and fluid in prescribed amounts to completely. 在规定的限额内,必须辅以蛋白质和液体以达到完全满足。 www.milkplushk.com 6. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of new and opinion. 作为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而丌是替代了报纸 wenku.baidu.com 7. When the campaign eventually did deploy staff to these states, they supplemented an already-built infrastructure and volunteer network. 当竞选班子最终向这些州派送工作人员时,他们追加了一个早已建好的网络下部结构和志愿网络。 www.bing.com 8. Economic chaos in Greece is now being supplemented by political chaos. 现在,经济上一团糟的希腊在政治上也陷入了混乱。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The kite collection is supplemented by a selection of other traditional Chinese souvenirs for sale. 收集风筝是收集其他传统纪念品出售中的一个补充。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. The birds' color arises from carotenoid pigments in their algae-and-crustacean diet, often supplemented in captivity. 该鸟的颜色来自于它们摄取的单细胞藻类及甲壳类动物中的胡萝卜素,被圈养后则吃得更多。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The anti-Muslim vitriol of Mr Wilders is now supplemented by anti-euro invective. 刻薄的反穆斯林分子威尔德斯先生现在又多了对欧元进行谩骂这项武器。 www.ecocn.org 2. Among those fed the apple juice-supplemented diet, the mice showed an increased production of acetylcholine in their brains. 那些喂食苹果汁的小鼠大脑中乙酰胆碱含量增加。 news.dxy.cn 3. Problem is supplemented: Three school is technical secondary school , technical school , duty school. 问题补充:三校么就是中专,技校,职校咯。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Our company mainly for exporting, supplemented by the domestic production operation mode of OEM order. 本公司以外销为主,内销为辅的OEM订单生产运营模式。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 5. These "soft" principles are supplemented by a hard-headed approach to the allocation of capital. 伴随着这些软规则的是对资本冷静而明确的分配。 www.ecocn.org 6. In this chapter, based on previous studies, supplemented by the new material, Wang Jilie has prepared a more detailed notation of life. 本章在前人研究基础上,辅以笔者新见材料,为王季烈编写了较为详细的生平简谱。 www.fabiao.net 7. Companies operating ships fuel to the production, distribution mainly oil, supplemented by trade. 公司经营业务以海上船舶燃料油的生产、配送为主,油品贸易为辅。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. But it relied on fine-tuning consumption through fiscal policy, supplemented by interest rate changes. 但它依赖于通过财政政策对消费进行微调,并以利率变动作为补充。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Arthrodesis was done with autogenous iliac bone graft or titanium cage supplemented with anterior self-lock plates in both groups. 两组均用前路自锁装置进行自体髂骨移植或钛网填充,从而完成关节固定术。 mdc-degree.mdchome.com 10. The military presence early on consists mainly of strong militia units that can be supplemented by Mailed Knights and Mounted Sergeants. 早期的军队主要由可以以锁甲骑士和马上军士补充的强壮民兵组成。 www.clanlong.com 1. Each image's page can be supplemented with EXIF info and HTML metadata from a separate text file. 每个图像页面都能用单独文本文件的EXIF信息和HTML元数据来增补。 osl.cssp.com.cn 2. Therefore, supplemented that the suitable most B race maintains livelihood confused and Vitamin C, to the diabetic is very advantageous. 因而,补充适最的B族维生紊和维生素C,对糖尿病患者是非常有利的。 www.jinantijian.com 3. In theory, the most severe measures should be supplemented by the most perfect relief systems. 最严厉的措施应当得到最完善的救济,而事实却相反。 www.fabiao.net 4. These Regulations are supplemented by Financial Circulars issued by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury from time to time. 这些规例并由财经事务及库务局局长不时发出的财务通告作出补充。 www.fstb.gov.hk 5. Glutamine Supplemented Nutrition Support: Saving Nitrogen and Saving Money? 谷氨酰胺强化的营养支持:是否省氮并节省费用? service.ilib.cn 6. The unpredicted matters in the announcement will be further described and supplemented by the working personnel to the potential investors. 本公告之未尽事宜,将由招商人向潜在投资人作进一步书面说明和补充。 www.cbex.com.cn 7. The mobile site supplemented Facebook and web-based content designed to spur conversation about the events of the visit. 这个移动式渠道补充了脸谱和网站上内容,旨在促进对这次访问活动的对话。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 8. His findings, supplemented by further studies, laid the foundation for the State Stud Book of Central Asian Equine Breeds published in 1941. 他的研究结果,研究进一步补充,在1941年奠定了基础,国家螺柱图书出版品种亚洲中部马。 www.scdjlm.cn 9. After short time, you may realize the supplemented relationship between self-approval and self-confidence. 时间不长,你就会体会到自我接受与自信自爱之间的相辅相成的关系。 www.elanso.com 10. In moral construction, Liang Qiaochao supplemented the bourgeois public morals with the private morals of Chinese traditional morals. 在进行道德建设时,则用中国传统道德的“私德”去补充资产阶级的“公德”。 lib.cqvip.com 1. The discussion is based on theoretical considerations and is supplemented with pertinent experimental data . 在引用的参考文献中可以找到试验数据和分析假设。 www.bing.com 2. Article 14: The matters not mentioned herein can be supplemented with honesty and reasonable agreement. 第十五条、本合约条款未尽事宜,双方得以诚信合理之协议补充之。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 3. Requirements for packing, marking, storage and transport are supplemented. 增加了包装、标志、贮存、运输要求。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As usual, it offers a quick and comprehensive overview of developments in the Bayer world, supplemented by video podcasts. 和往常一样,它提供了快速和全面发展在拜耳世界中,辅之以翻译公司播客的概述。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 5. The laughter which followed this sally was supplemented only by a sorry smile, for form's sake, from Tess. 这段俏皮话引起了一阵哄然大笑,为了表示和大家一样,苔丝也跟着苦笑了一下。 www.putclub.com 6. The service is supplemented by staff operators during office hours to handle more complicated enquiries. 在办公时间内,中心会有职员接听电话,处理较复杂的查询。 www.1stenglish.com 7. In the area of environment, the content of creating a social environment benefiting child development is supplemented. 环境领域特别充实了创设有利于儿童发展的社会环境等内容; www.dictall.com 8. That's because in years past, firms supplemented salaries with large bonuses that they would cut when times got tough. 这是因为多年来企业常用高额奖金当做薪资补贴,在时机艰困的时候便会减少发放奖金。 cn.reuters.com 9. These practitioners usually okay ice chips only, supplemented as needed by intravenous fluids. 这类医生往往只允许冰块,和需要的静脉注射。 www.bing.com 10. Drink vegetable juice, preferably supplemented by a bottom of the cup of milk. 不喝蔬菜汁的,最好补充一个杯底的豆浆。 99mrw.5d6d.com 1. MEPs were elicited by transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) and supplemented by temporal and spatial facilitation. 运动诱发电位由经颅电刺激(TES)引出并辅以时间及空间易化。 www.med66.com 2. Policemen earn an average of $350 a month, about the same as a builder's labourer, meaning that wages are supplemented with bribes. 警察每月的平均工资只有350美元,和建筑工人相差无几,这意味着他们大部分的收入都要依赖贿赂。 www.ecocn.org 3. However, this process is supplemented by oxygen released by carbon dioxide-munching microbes. 然而,这个过程要由嗜二氧化碳细菌释放出的氧来补充。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. In the area of regimen, backwardness and improvement coexisted and supplemented each other in the process of its development. 在传统养身健身领域中,落后与进步、前进与后退在其发展的过程中是相依相辅而共存的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. During operation when spinal analgesia was inadequate, 2% lidocaine was supplemented via epidural catheter. 麻醉效果不足时硬膜外腔追加2%利多卡因; www.networktelecom.cn 6. The AT-TE's armor is supplemented by electromagnetic shielding that protects the walker from ion cannon or EMP attacks. AT-TE的装甲加装了电磁护盾,它能保护这种步行机免受离子炮或EMP的攻击。 www.starwarsfans.cn 7. Imageless systems, which use a virtual model supplemented by registration data, have overcome concerns about exposure to radiation. 而不依赖影像的操作系统,使用由注册数据补充而成的虚拟的模型,已经克服放射线暴露的危险。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Such investment has been made principally using company funds supplemented with financial leverage. 这些投资主要来自于公司通过财务杠杆补充的资金。 www.bing.com 9. Because early finding of ovarian tumors is very difficult, operation supplemented with chemotherapy is the basic treatment method. 因为卵巢肿瘤不易早期发现,所以手术辅以化疗是中晚期患者基本治疗方法。 www.chemyq.com 10. It's generally made from ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) foam or polyurethane (PU) and in many cases is supplemented by air or gel inserts. 它们通常由乙烯基醋酸乙脂(EVA)泡沫或聚氨酯(PU)材料制成,很多情况还填充了空气或胶体。 bbs.dono.com.cn 1. They supplemented their guitar sound with strings, baroque trumpets, even a calliope. 除此以外,他们用弦乐、巴洛克喇叭、甚至汽笛来丰富他们的吉他音。 www.bing.com 2. Old theory of virtual cathode oscillator has been summarized and supplemented in detail. 对以往的同轴虚阴极振荡器理论研究进行了比较详细的总结和补充。 word.hcbus.com 3. He got a tidy grant from the government, and supplemented it with a spot of taxi driving. 他从政府那里得到一笔可观的助学金,然后依靠开出租补贴家用。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Use Case: Reserve a Vehicle to a customer (Supplemented). 用例:为顾客预约汽车(补充) www.ibm.com 5. The creamy topping can be supplemented with ricotta or fromage fraiche instead, if you prefer. 如果你喜欢的话,面上的奶酪配料也可以选用意大利乳清干酪或者乳酪代替。 www.kekenet.com 6. Based on the "of" give priority to, supplemented by some data form, the main contents include: First, "from" the grammatical research. 本文以“述”为主,并辅以一些数据表格,主要内容包括:一、“从”的语法化研究。 www.fabiao.net 7. When supplemented using the contribution pattern, the base element appears in the method configuration with added content. 当补充使用贡献模式的时侯,基本元素在方法配置中伴着被添加的内容浮现出来。 www.ibm.com 8. The indexes in the matrix method has yet to be supplemented. 矩阵方法中的指标还有待补充。 www.366translation.com 9. Will those sugar-supplemented Welsh fields in time enable farm animals to evolve bigger brains to match their richer diet? 威尔士及时补充糖的那些田地能让家畜进化出更大的大脑来匹配它们更丰富的饮食吗? www.bing.com 10. His comments supplemented your presentation. 他的评论是对你的陈述的补充。 source.mastvu.ah.cn 1. however, during the 20th century, this tropospheric ozone has been supplemented by ozone created by human processes. 然而,在20世纪,这对流层臭氧已补充人类活动所造成的臭氧。 www.qg999.com.cn 2. But rarely are these anecdotal impressions supplemented with any actual data. 不过这一蜻蜓点水般的印象往往并没有实际的数据支撑。 dongxi.net 3. Patients were encouraged to take full weight (supplemented with crutches) on the second day after surgery. 鼓励患者在术后第二天在拐杖支持下完全负重。 www.oaopdoc.com 4. Our products mainly to high-brightness-based, supplemented by low-grade products. 我公司产品主要以高亮度为主,低档产品为辅。 www.tonke.cn 5. The operation of checking accounts is governed by state law supplemented by some federal law. 支票账户业务受州法的调整,同时某些联邦法起补充作用。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. Tonight, I can only Minimalist to write, so when the future of this society is supplemented. 我今晚只能极简地写些,等以后有兴会时再补。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The channel would cost an extra buck or a two a month, and offer original programming supplemented by reruns of old movies and TV shows. 这个频道会每月增加1到2美元,提供原生的节目,以及旧电影和电视节目的重播。 www.bing.com 8. Organoleptic properties for common unifloral honey are modified and supplemented. 修改、增补了常见单一花种蜂蜜的感官特性。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Finally, she was so exhausted she supplemented with formula and got her life back. 最终,她十分疲惫不得不补充以配方食品,重新让生活回到正轨。 www.bing.com 10. Supplemented animals also have superior memory throughout their own lives. 补充胆碱的动物自身的记忆力也比同类更出色。 www.bing.com 1. however, during the 20th century, this tropospheric ozone has been supplemented by ozone created by human processes. 然而,在20世纪,这对流层臭氧已补充人类活动所造成的臭氧。 www.qg999.com.cn 2. But rarely are these anecdotal impressions supplemented with any actual data. 不过这一蜻蜓点水般的印象往往并没有实际的数据支撑。 dongxi.net 3. Patients were encouraged to take full weight (supplemented with crutches) on the second day after surgery. 鼓励患者在术后第二天在拐杖支持下完全负重。 www.oaopdoc.com 4. Our products mainly to high-brightness-based, supplemented by low-grade products. 我公司产品主要以高亮度为主,低档产品为辅。 www.tonke.cn 5. The operation of checking accounts is governed by state law supplemented by some federal law. 支票账户业务受州法的调整,同时某些联邦法起补充作用。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. Tonight, I can only Minimalist to write, so when the future of this society is supplemented. 我今晚只能极简地写些,等以后有兴会时再补。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The channel would cost an extra buck or a two a month, and offer original programming supplemented by reruns of old movies and TV shows. 这个频道会每月增加1到2美元,提供原生的节目,以及旧电影和电视节目的重播。 www.bing.com 8. Organoleptic properties for common unifloral honey are modified and supplemented. 修改、增补了常见单一花种蜂蜜的感官特性。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Finally, she was so exhausted she supplemented with formula and got her life back. 最终,她十分疲惫不得不补充以配方食品,重新让生活回到正轨。 www.bing.com 10. Supplemented animals also have superior memory throughout their own lives. 补充胆碱的动物自身的记忆力也比同类更出色。 www.bing.com 1. Therefore, we should focus on the actual financial statements of SMEs, to take corresponding measures should be supplemented and improved. 因而,本人们应该针对中小企业财政报表地实践,采纳响应办法加以弥补和完美。 wenwen.rz598.com 2. Therefore, determination of histopathology is necessary for definite diagnosis of liver TB supplemented with TB-PCR and AFB stain. 组织学检查对于确定诊断此疾病是必要的,但结核菌聚合酵素链锁反应与抗酸菌染色可以提供帮助。 terms.shengwuquan.com 3. In the second stage guerrilla warfare will advance to the first place and will be supplemented by mobile and positional warfare. 第二阶段,则游击战将升到主要地位,而以运动战和阵地战辅助之。 www.hotdic.com 4. Huang Sang fish is to culture-based, supplemented by Ding Gui fish. 以养殖黄颡鱼为主,丁桂鱼为辅。 www.chillions.com.cn 5. While the water content in themud material is continuously supplemented in a trace amount by the water source from the drip pipe. 而泥浆料中的水分从来自滴灌管中的水源得到微量而持续地补充。 ip.com 6. Supplemented with phytase but without calcium phosphate had significant effect(P0. 05) on egg yolk colour compared with the control group. 添加植酸酶而不添加磷酸氢钙组蛋黄色泽与其它各组相比显著降低(P0.05)。 www.fabiao.net 7. "Agreement" means this Agreement as amended, supplemented or restated from time to time. “本协议”是指不时进行修订,增补或重述的本协议。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. According to their adaptation to salt supplemented in media, these microbes are divided into halophilic and halotolerant groups. 根据它们对培养基中盐的需求差异分为嗜盐微生物和耐盐微生物。 www.fabiao.net 9. This information is supplemented by ancillary data. 此信息通过辅助数据进行补充。 www.ibm.com 10. Table 1 shows the performance of weanling pigs fed diets supplemented with two types of feed additives. 表1显示了喂了两种类型饲料添加剂仔猪的生长性能。 www.jiameng.com 1. Supplemented by hidden springs ouch designed to increase the ease of wear. 辅以隐藏式的弹簧扣环设计,增加配戴的简易度。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. This would be supplemented by a weekly visit to stores to buy tinned and dried foods. 辅之以每周去趟商店,购买罐头和干货。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In the 20th century, literary source criticism has been supplemented by form criticism, and also by redaction criticism. 在20世纪,文学的出处考据补充进了形式考据和编纂考据。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In addition, we have supplemented the survey results with our traditional analysis of Technorati's index data. 另外,我们还把针对搜索索引的传统分析数据加入了这份调查结果。 www.bing.com 5. He supplemented his explanation with some examples. 他用例子来补充他的解释。 dispub.njtu.edu.cn 6. The stock market supplemented his regular income. 股票市场贴补了他的正常收入。 www.wwenglish.com 7. Neat black-and-white color supplemented with sexy lace , What can you than it echocardiography What? 干净利落的黑白配色辅以性感的蕾丝花边,还有什么能比它更让你心动? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. These were clarified and supplemented by the Hague Conventions of 1907. 下面列出的是1907年的《海牙公约》规定以及补充的相关条文。 instapedia.com 9. Carbon dioxide in solution contributes to acidity, but this is supplemented with additional acid in most carbonated drinks. 酸溶解的二氧化碳会产生酸度,但在大多数碳酸饮料中还要使用其它的酸来补充酸度。 dict.ebigear.com 10. The value of tide level is supplemented by interpolating and curve fitting. 使用数据插值和曲线拟合的策略对潮位值进行了数据补遗; www.zidir.com 1. In order to obtain a new perspective, I conducted in-depth interviews, supplemented by documental materials, with fifty low-income women. 为了获得新的视角,我对40名低收入妇女进行了深度访谈,并通过文献资料进行补充。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Those efforts were supplemented by interviews with more than 250 people. 除此之外,他们与250多人进行了面谈。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Many Cubanshavelong supplemented their paltry state wages of around $20 a monthwithillegal private enterprise in the large black economy. 很多古巴人长期通过大型黑色经济中的非法私人企业来填补他们每个月20美元的可怜国家工资。 www.bing.com 4. China's major rice-based diet, pasta, supplemented by. 中国的饮食主要以大米为主,面食为辅。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. He supplemented his income by taking apart-time job. 他靠兼职来增加收入。 wenku.baidu.com 6. The application server is a standard Java 5. 0 MBeanServer supplemented with an HTTP adaptor from the MX4J open source project. 应用服务器是一个标准Java5.0MBeanServer,并补充了源自MX4J开放源码项目的HTTP适配器。 www.ibm.com 7. In this release the following is supplemented. 本发布会进行下列补充。 www.kekenet.com 8. Since 2003, the district has supplemented its urban street police with 13 women, specifically chosen for their looks, shapeliness and youth. 从2003年开始,该区为当地街道执法人员补充了13名女性成员;这批女城管经过严格筛选,都符合“年轻貌美体态佳”的标准。 dongxi.net 9. At last, the approach is supplemented according to the value leakage. 最后针对价值漏损随实物期权的定价进行修正。 www.fabiao.net 10. To bring inflation under control, we should rely mainly on economic and legal measures supplemented by administrative means. 抑制通货膨胀,以经济法律手段为主,行政手段为辅。 www.proz.com 1. Plus, in one study, researchers supplemented two groups of mice with either omega-3 or omega-6 fats. 另外一项研究中,研究人员观察两个ω-3或Ω-6脂肪的小鼠组。 www.bing.com 2. Qilu life in this period of time so I know a lot, when I face the future when there are many things that need to be supplemented. 在齐鲁生活的这段时间让我懂得了很多,当我面对未来时,觉得还有很多东西需要补充。 zhishi.sohu.com 3. Why not just do a supplemented use case? 为什么不直接把用例补充的比较详细? www.ibm.com 4. A system of therapy that relies on natural remedies, such as sunlight supplemented with diet and massage, to treat illness. 物理治疗依靠自然方法来治疗疾病的一种疗法,例如阳光,饮食和按摩 www.jukuu.com 5. various media were ued for plate count: nutrient agar, nutrient agar supplemented with 10, 20, 30 % sucrose. 平板计数法要用到各种媒介工具:营养琼脂,补充了含10,20,30%蔗糖的营养琼脂。 emuch.net 6. The volunteers are supplemented with members of the Save the Children teams in Japan. 志愿工作人员得到儿童救助会在日本的成员的协助。 www.america.gov 7. It can quickly be processed special flavorous and genuine mutton's chafing dish supplemented season wrap. 配以调味料包,即可迅速加工出风味地道的羊肉火锅。 www.ilib.cn 8. In Imperial China and Roman Europe , for example , imitation and forged coins supplemented the official money supply . 例如,帝制时代的中国及罗马帝国统治时期的欧洲,便曾以仿制及伪冒的钱币来补足官方的发行量。 www.bing.com 9. All courses maintain high academic standards and are well organised ; they are taught in English and supplemented with German courses . 所有课程都达到了很高的学术水平,课程组织完善,用英语授课并同时提供德语语言班。 www.bing.com 10. All rats were fed a low-fat diet supplemented with 4% cholesterol, 1% cholic acid, and 0. 5% 2-thiouracil. 大鼠接受添加4%胆固醇,1%胆酸以及2%硫脲嘧啶的低脂饮食饲养。 www.daifumd.com 1. In Hui diet, mainly for Wheaten Food and rice, supplemented by cereals such as corn, barley, potatoes and so on. 回族饮食中,主食以面、米为主,辅之以杂粮,诸如玉米、青稞、马铃薯等。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The first Klingon dictionary was published in 1985, and other books such as Klingon phrasebooks have supplemented the language. 第一本克林贡词典于1985年出版,并随着推出了相应的克林贡语补充用书。 www.elanso.com 3. Objective To study the anticoagulation effects of Supplemented Salvia Beverage (SSB) on myocardial ischemia in rats. 目的研究加味丹参饮对大鼠实验性心肌缺血损伤的抗凝血作用。 www.lwbst.com 4. She estimated her Hong Kong income, supplemented by meagre earnings from her farm back home, yielded 24, 120 pesos a month. 曼哈雷斯估计,她在香港的收入,加上她家乡农场的微薄收益,总共为每月2.412万比索。 www.ftchinese.com 5. If we can include beans in our daily diet, supplemented by fresh vegetables and milk products, then we should have a good balanced diet. 如果我们能够将种子类食物安排在每日食粮中,再加上一些新鲜蔬果、乳类食品,我们的饮食营养,便十分足够。 www.cp1897.com.hk 6. Demographic productivity supplemented by the society contributes a promotive demographic dividend to economic growth. 社会追加的人口生产性为经济增长贡献一个具有促进作用的人口红利。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Due to illness, so you can't go to school, send a doctor prescribe supplemented false proof of curriculum, and would ask classmates. 由于生病严重,所以不能去学校,随假条辅寄一条医生开的证明,关于课程方面,会去请教同学。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. references to any document are references to that document as amended, consolidated, supplemented, novated or replaced from time to time; 单证里涉及到的相关资料对其修正款,补充款,或替代款也同样适用。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 9. Through this research and analysis, will provide an important basis for the next revised norms, supplemented clause; 通过本文的研究分析,将会为下一步修订规范、补充条文提供重要依据; www.boshuo.net 10. people with past events, through word of mouth, supplemented by hieroglyphs to help memory, formed on the ancient legend; 人们对于过往的大事,通过口耳相传,并辅以象形文字帮助记忆,形成关于远古的传说; jztu.5d6d.com 1. the second is the abundant labors needed by the agricultural professional production have been supplemented efficiently; 二是县域农业专业化生产所需要的大量劳动力得到较为有效的补充; www.cnak.net 2. Distributed hydrological model for watersheds supplemented with melted snow and glacier water and rainfall 分布式冰雪融水雨水混合水文模型 www.ilib.cn 3. Usefulness of Fiber-supplemented Enteral Formula in Postoperative Patients with Gastrointestinal Neoplasm 膳食纤维在胃肠道肿瘤术后肠内营养中应用的临床观察 www.ilib.cn 4. The foundational geographic informations should be supplemented with up-to-date materials in time; 基础地理信息应当及时补充现势性资料; fzb.jl.gov.cn 5. Koreans in their daily diet, with rice the main staple food, supplemented by a variety of grains; 韩国人在日常饮食中,主食以米饭为主,辅之以各种杂粮; www.zmen.info 6. Effects of the diet supplemented with organic chromium on production performance and serum biochemical traits of laying hens 有机铬对热应激蛋鸡生产性能和血液生化指标的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Incision of the intrarenal sinus supplemented by a postrenal pole segmental incision for the removal of huge kidney calculus 肾窦内肾盂加肾后下部切开治疗巨大鹿角形肾结石 www.ilib.cn 8. Glutamine supplemented parenteral nutrition in clinical heart-lung transplantation 谷氨酰胺强化的肠外营养在心肺联合移植中的应用 www.ilib.cn 9. where any favorable treatment is overdone, it shall be corrected resolutely and the due tax fine shall be supplemented immediately; 享受过头的要坚决纠正,该补税罚款的必须马上补税罚款; en.pkulaw.cn 10. Total parenteral nutrition supplemented with glutamine dipeptide improves protein metabolism in the developing rat 谷氨酰胺二肽对生长期大鼠蛋白质代谢的作用 www.ilib.cn 1. An Analysis of the Influence of Supplemented Issuance on Corporations'Sustainable Development 增发新股对公司可持续增长力的影响分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Influence of Trehalose Supplemented in Diluent on Quality Parameters and Reactive Oxygen Species Levels of Frozen Boar Spermatozoa 稀释液中添加海藻糖对猪冷冻精液质量参数和活性氧的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Digestive and bacterial enzyme activities in broilers feed diets supplemented with lactobacillus cultures 肉仔鸡日粮中添加乳杆菌属培养物对消化酶及细菌酶活性的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. Therapeutic Effects of Myringotomy Supplemented with Grommet Insertion on Patients with Secretory Otitis Media 鼓膜置管术治疗分泌性中耳炎 5. Incision of intrarenal sinus supplemented by a postrenal pole segmental incision for the removal of huge staghorn kidney calculus 肾窦内肾盂加肾后下段切开术治疗巨大鹿角形肾结石 www.ilib.cn 6. In dealing with landscaping, the pool of the East to mimic the natural landscape, architecture, supplemented; 在造景处理上,池东以摹拟自然景观为主,建筑为辅; weifang.qite8.com 7. Alanyl glutamine-supplemented parenteral nutrition in patients after total gastrectomy 谷氨酰胺双肽强化的肠外营养在全胃切除术后的应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Effect of enteral nutrition supplemented with glutamine on enterogenous hypermetabolism after severe burn injury 谷氨酰胺强化的肠内营养对烧伤后肠源性高代谢的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. Comparison of weight-gain of chicken supplemented with different Chinese herbal medicinal additive compounds 不同中药饲料添加剂复方促进肉鸡增重效果的比较 service.ilib.cn 10. Nutritional Function of Supplemented Protected-fat on Ruminant and Applications Review 反刍动物饲料中添加保护性脂肪的营养作用及应用 www.ilib.cn |
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