单词 | unbalance |
释义 |
过去式:unbalanced 现在分词:unbalancing 例句释义: 不对称,失衡,失去平衡,紊乱状态,使不平衡,使失去均衡,使失去重心,使倾覆,非平衡,不均衡,三相不平衡 1. A Simple Analysis on Reason and Result of Social Development Unbalance--Research it from "the Bottom of Our Home" 社会经济发展失衡的因果简析--从“我们的家底儿”谈起 www.ilib.cn 2. The precision of the dynamic balance can attain by means of decreasing the couple unbalance through moving the balance blocks many a time. 通过多次移动平衡块减小偶不平衡,直至达到动平衡精度要求为止。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. rd teaching; used in aikido to refer to a twisting movement of the wrist and fingers used to unbalance an opponent. 第三个教导;在合气道中表示做一个手腕及手指的扭转运动,用来让对手失去平衡。 dict.bioon.com 4. And then it gives the medium loading working and unbalance loading working different factors and sets up the total objective function. 然后给中载工况和偏载工况的目标函数赋予不同的权重系数叠加组成总目标函数。 www.fabiao.net 5. GMs should remember if they reduce or increase a character's Wealth Rank significantly that this may unbalance the characters. GM必须记住,如果他们明显的降低了人物的财富等级,可能会引起人物的不平衡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The question of unbalance on PS PWM DC-DC FB converter is discussed, and the solution is proposed. 介绍了桥式变换器的不平衡问题及解决方法和参数确定。 word.hcbus.com 7. I was about to add more than two fishes at a time but, it was giving scene much complexity and unbalance. 我刚开始想着在同一时间增加两条以上的鱼,但它让场景变的复杂和不平衡。 www.game798.com 8. The corrosion of the ropes and unbalance of thetensions among the hoisting ropes are the main reasons causing failure of ropes. 钢丝绳时腐蚀及提升钢丝绳时张力不平衡是造成钢丝绳失效的重要原因。 www.chemyq.com 9. My personal belief is that modern society tends to unbalance people somewhat on the side of more spending. 我个人的感觉是现代社会在一定程度上倾向于鼓动人们多消费。 www.elanso.com 10. The main objective of this task is to develop a detection system to test online unbalance of CNC Vertical Lathe workpiece during rotation. 本课题的主要目标是开发一个检测系统,检测数控立车工件旋转过程中的在线不平衡量。 www.boshuo.net 1. "Direction of load indeterminate" represents variable external loads, shock loads, vibrations and unbalance loads in high-speed machines. “不定向负荷”表示高速机器中变动的外在负荷、冲击负荷、振动及不平衡负荷。 www.skf.com 2. The source of the vibration is simultaneously coming from the unbalance inertia force of the engine and a half-sine bump on the road. 所考虑之振源可同时来自于引擎内不平衡之惯性力及半正弦凸起路障。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. And the unbalance tidal flux of north waterway profile might be the result that the north waterway moving southward. 水道断面潮通量的不均衡可能是北水道持续南逼的原因; 4. no rotor can be manufactured with perfectly uniform weight distribution . hence , all such components will display some degree of unbalance. 转子的制造不可能达到使它的质量分布相对于旋转轴完全均匀的程度,因此,必然在运行中表现出不平衡。 www.ichacha.net 5. Mental crisis means a state of tern psychological unbalance taking place after a precipitating event. 心理危机是伴随着危机事件的发生而出现的一种心理失衡状态。 www.13191.com 6. Since life in the army was in most aspects a marriage, this rage over apparently harmless details was not a sign of unbalance. 从在军队的生活在多数方面婚姻,在明显无害的细节的这愤怒不是失配的标志。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The unbalance magnetic pull on the rotor of an eccentric water turbine generator set has important influence on its vibration. 水轮发电机组转子相对偏心引起的不平衡磁拉力对转子振动有较大影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. They are driven by an electric unbalance motor, surrounded by a metal cylinder . 一台驱动振动的电机装在一个金属圆柱内。 www.bing.com 9. BONDED ABRASIVE PRODUCTS. STATIC BALANCING OF GRINDING WHEELS. PERMISSIBLE UNBALANCE. SPECIFICATION. INSPECTION. 粘结研磨件.砂轮的静止平衡.允许偏斜.规范.检验 www.mapeng.net 10. I do not believe that the illness which afflicts Europe is a clinical case, but her behaviour shows clear signs of unbalance. 我认为欧洲所患的病症并非真正意义上的医学症状,但她却表现出很明显的紊乱症状。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. The effect appears to be dependent on the inductance of the output transformer and the extent of the unbalance in the signal components. 效果似乎是依赖输出变压器、电感程度的不平衡信号元件。 bbs.2535000.com 2. The method can prevent the unbalance phenomenon between the supply and demand of the coal powder effectively. 该方法可以有效地防止煤粉喷吹过程中出现的煤粉量供需不平衡等现象。 www.chemyq.com 3. Unbalance is one of the most frequent faults occurs in turbomachinery. 其中以不平衡为转子系统中最常发生之故障。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. In the detonator assembling line, unbalance phenomenon was often presented between the working procedures. 在雷管填装流水线生产过程中,经常出现工序之间作业不平衡现象。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Part six, the unbalance between a crime and a punishment in Chinese criminal law and study on legislation about it. 第六部分,我国刑法中罪刑均衡之不足及立法研究。 www.fabiao.net 6. This project aimed at the phenomenon of the rotor unbalance and was set up on the need of CHINA JIALING INDUSTRIAL CO. , LTD. 本课题是针对转子不平衡的现象并且根据中国嘉陵集团设备工程公司现场需要而提出的。 www.fabiao.net 7. On this basis, the influences to unbalance current of line tower type, wire parameters and phase sequence arrange are analyzed. 在此基础上分析线路塔型、导线参数、相序排列等因素对不平衡电流的影响。 www.fabiao.net 8. In it, dissimilated and divided curriculum ideas are intrinsic factors which produce unbalance in the evolvement of modern curriculum. 其中分裂与异化的课程理念是造成当代课程发展不和谐的内在根源。 9. That course sets forth international trade theory mainly , international trade policy , the balance of payments unbalance adjust theory. 该课程主要阐述国际贸易理论、国际贸易政策、国际收支失衡调节理论。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Tombstone phenomenon results from unbalance of solder surface tension on two pads of component soldering terminal during reflow soldering. “竖碑”现象是元件两端焊盘上的焊膏在回流熔化时对元件两个焊接端的表面张力不平衡所致。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Comparision between American and Chinese tax accounting generally represents unbalance of structure. 中美税务会计理论总体上表现为结构的不平衡。 www2.chkd.cnki.net 2. Thunder, lightning and storm result from unbalance of Yin and Yang. In storm, lightning hits down pagoda tree though it is in rain and wind. 天空中的雷电、风暴等也是因为阴阳失衡而起的。雷电击中槐树时,虽有风雨也能将槐树焚毁。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Disdainful, unavoidably cause psychological unbalance, blundering. 过分看重,难免造成心理失衡,心态浮躁。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Unemployment is an unbalance between the supply and the demand of working hours. 失业是工作时间的供给与需求的不平衡。 www.bing.com 5. Looser controls would encourage more productive investments that are less likely to unbalance the world economy. 更为宽松的管制讲鼓励更有效的投资,也不会助长世界经济的不平衡。 www.bing.com 6. Results: The major reasons of delayed recovery were hypoxia, drug overdosage , brains injury and severe unbalance of electrolyte. 结果:苏醒延迟的原因主要有低氧、药物过量、脑外伤及严重电解质紊乱等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Conclusion To strengthen the guidance and regulation of youth soldiers unbalance mental state, so to develop their sound person. . . 结论加强对青年士兵不平衡心理的疏导与调节,有助于培养其健全的人格和健康的心理。 www.chemyq.com 8. Thirdly, credit card fraud's exclusive provision could cause an unbalance for the principle of Suiting Punishment to Crime. 第三,一律按信用卡诈骗罪追诉会否造成罪刑不相适应的问题。 www.daifoods.com 9. This paper studies the postural stability and unbalance issues of biped robots with one supporting foot on ground. 对在不同形态下机器人单足着地的稳定及失衡问题进行了研究。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. By the method of exclusion, the vibration failure was found to be caused by the unbalance of the rotors. 采取排除法进行分解检查和试车验证,证明该振动是由转子不平衡所致。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Conclusion The unbalance between t-PA and PAI can promote the formation of micro-thrombus and further exacerbate high pulmonary pressure. 结论t-PA及PAI关系失衡,有助于动脉内微血栓形成,促进或加重肺动脉高压的形成。 www.fx120.net 2. Mechanical vibration. Susceptibility and sensitivity of machines to unbalance. 机械振动.机器不平衡时的感受性和灵敏度 www.mapeng.net 3. Thoughts on Leisure and Leisure Sports Activity Structure "Doing exercises" "Staying" Unbalance. 休闲与休闲体育活动结构“动”“静”失衡的思考。 www.showxiu.com 4. Chapter three points out the break-off of normal relationships is resulted from the unbalance between Id and Superego. 第三章阐述和谐人际关系的破裂是由人格中本我与超我的失衡造成的。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. They also gave a quarter mixers as an example and provided measurements for amplitude unbalance and phase unbalance. 以正交混频器为例,提供了测量其幅度不平衡和相位不平衡的网络分析仪测量方法; www.ceps.com.tw 6. To achieve the goal of simulating micro- disturbing torque should be reduce unbalance torque on the ground. 为了实现太空中微小的干扰力矩,需要减少台体在运动过程中的干扰力矩。 www.boshuo.net 7. A build-up of diseased PrP proteins, then, would unbalance a body's self-regulation mechanism, because PrP proteins are immune to enzymes. 病态的PrP蛋白质的集结可使机体自我调节机制失去平衡,乃因PrP蛋白质不受酶的影响。 www.jukuu.com 8. It is thus imperative to rid the unbalance and instability in the trade relations between the two countries. 如何消除双边经贸关系中的不平衡性和不稳定性,是深化两国双边与多边跨国区域经济合作面临的问题; www.ceps.com.tw 9. As Wenger later admitted, the loss of his right back at Stamford Bridge seemed to unbalance his defence. 因为温格后来承认,在斯坦福桥失去他的右后卫打破了他防线的平衡。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. When the cerebral edema after ICH, there lies unbalance of ET and NO, which promote the generate of the. brain edema. 脑出血后水肿存在ET与NO浓度异常,反过来,二者异常又影响脑水肿的发生。 www.fabiao.net 1. Firstly, the distill of amount of unbalance , computation theory and proving rotor are discussed. 首先,论述了不平衡量的提取、平面分离解算原理与标准转子。 www.fabiao.net 2. Each technical level developed unbalance , and landing technical was not perfect. 各项技术水平发展不均衡,落地技术水平不过硬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The quotient of the amplitude of harmonics allows us to calculate the unbalance between paths and to compensate for it. 商的振幅谐波使我们能够计算路径之间的不平衡和补偿它。 www.syyxw.com 4. Civil studies could be divided into three aspects: supply and demand unbalance, region hollowing-out and technical hollowing-out. 国内有关产业空心化的研究分别从供求失衡、地区性空心化和技术空心化三方面展开。 epub.cnki.net 5. The occurrence of women problems originates from the unbalance of material production and human's reproduction. 女性问题的产生,源于物质生产和人类自身生产的不平衡。 www.fabiao.net 6. The negative consequences of unbalance affect mainly motors and electronic equipment. 不平衡的不良后果主要影响到电动机与电子设备。 dict.ebigear.com 7. To simulate the unbalance of analogy circuits cause by temperature or ageing, constant shift is added to sinusoid waves. 为了讨论因温度或元件老化所造成类比电路不平衡的影响,我们将偏压视为失真项来加入正弦波当成模拟资料。 www.ncu.edu.tw 8. Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Part 802 : capacitance unbalance. 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.第802部分:容量平衡 www.mapeng.net 9. Static unbalance of the rotor was calculated via measuring tiny displacement of the rotor. 通过测量转子的微小偏移来计算其静不平衡量。 epub.cnki.net 10. The factors that cause the resistance unbalance of transformer winding are summarized and analysed. 综述了引起变压器绕组电阻不平衡的因素,并进行了分析。 www.dictall.com 1. However, problems on the application occ ur due to unbalance in different place. . . 由于各地区发展不平衡,微创技术的应用尚存在不少问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The method uses triangle fuzzy numbers to establish judgement matrix, improves the unbalance problem of AHP's judgement matrix. 该方法通过两两元素相对比较技术,采用三角模糊数来建立判断矩阵,改善了AHP方法所给出判断矩阵的不平衡问题。 www.ilib.cn 3. Unbalance of Yin and Yang causes the unstable temperature, disordered life steps, rising trouble and inappropriate conduct of the people. 阴阳不调和,会使人的情绪出现不稳定,生活步调错乱,烦恼丛生,行为上就有了偏差。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. and the theoretical relationship between phase-to-phase voltage and natural unbalance voltage is analyzed. 同时分析了线电压与自然不平衡电压的关系。 www.juyy.net 5. Life we don't compare with others, lest cause psychological unbalance, cause unnecessary trouble. 生活中我们不要和别人攀比,以免引起心理的不平衡,产生不必要的烦恼。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The unbalance of education budget exacerbates the unbalance of education equality. 教育财政投入的不均衡加剧了教育质量的不均衡。 bdf1.basedefiches.net 7. Won't the rampant expansion of European powers over less developed countries unbalance things in Empire? 《帝国》中会不会出现扩张中的欧洲列强全面压倒欠发达国家的情况? www.clanlong.net 8. The unbalance sex ratio at birth is "a tragedy of the commons" from the angle of the publics. 从公众的角度看可以认为中国今天的出生性别比失衡是一场“公共地悲剧”。 www.lw23.com 9. Mass unbalance force can result in bending vibrations and twisting vibrations. 不平衡质量引起的惯性力不但会引起弯曲振动,还会引起扭转振动; www.ceps.com.tw 10. This chapter summarizes the trend of the development rules of directional verbs: gradual change, unbalance, compensatory. 本章总结了趋向动词的发展规律:渐变性、不平衡性、补偿性。 www.fabiao.net 1. Unbalance and relative concentration are two characteristics of infant basic gymnastics in Shaaxi . 陕西省基层幼儿园幼儿基本体操运动的发展具有不平衡和地域集中特点。 www.bing.com 2. Unbalance protection systems of capacitor banks . 电容器组的不平衡保护。 www.bing.com 3. Thus a method to identify rotor unbalance by magnetic dynamic absorber is presented. 从而给出了用电磁动力吸振器进行不平衡识别的方法。 www.juyy.net 4. Under the circumstances of global economic unbalance and excess liquidity, the oil price is experiencing a new upward cycle. 在全球经济失衡和流动性过剩的背景下,国际油价进入新一轮上升周期。 blog.ce.cn 5. This gigantic unbalance surely will show the obstacle to entire social development and destroy an effect in some "s periods. " 这种巨大的不平衡性必将在某个时期表现出对整个社会发展的障碍和破坏作用。 www.lw23.com 6. Coal transportation is crucial to the development in Yangtze Delta with the unbalance between coal production and consumption. 我国煤炭产销的不平衡使得煤炭运输对长三角经济发展产生重要作用。 www.chemyq.com 7. Both the friction signal and sudden unbalance signal features nonstationarity. 碰磨信号和突加不平衡信号均具有较强的非平稳性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The result shows that the level of tactical awareness of junior male soccer players is developed unbalance . 结果表明:我国男子少年足球运动员的战术意识思维决策水平的发展是不平衡的; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The fourth part describes their ways to reflect. And the author analyzes the unbalance. 第四部分,从具体操作层面描述优秀语文教师反思的途径。 www.fabiao.net 10. The vibration of single cylinder and multi-cylinder engine is the main research, which is caused by the unbalance force and moment. 重点研究单缸发动机和单列多缸发动机的振动激励,即发动机运行时的不平衡力及力矩。 dict.bioon.com 1. This kind of unbalance deserves our attention under the consideration of long-term development of Chinese film industry. 从我国电影业的长期发展来看,这种比例失衡值得我们关注。 www.fabiao.net 2. To solve the problem of unbalance vibration of PMB, the recursive algorithm and the notch filter are studied. 针对该磁轴承的不平衡振动研究了递归运算和凹陷滤波器两种不平衡补偿方案。 www.dictall.com 3. Unbalance front pleat placement between left and right . 前副褶位左右不对称。 www.bing.com 4. Besides there was larger effective damping than smooth wall that can restrain the vibration caused by unbalance quality. 相比于光滑壁面,蜂窝壁面能够明显的抑制由于质量不平衡引起的振动,有更大的有效阻尼。 www.boshuo.net 5. However, higher education has its own relative independence and unbalance with the development of social economy. 然而,高等教育具有自身的相对独立性和与社会经济发展的不平衡性。 lib.cqvip.com 6. What exactly is causing this unbalance between demand and supply? 造成供需失衡的原因到底是什麽? www.hongshi.org.tw 7. The rotating unbalance wheel causes the Inner shaft to rotate with Pulse. 车轮的旋转不平衡的内在原因轴旋转的脉冲。 www.tech-domain.com 8. In addition, a dynamic balancer can provide greater sensitivity to measure static or single plane unbalance. 另外,动平衡机能够提供更高的灵敏性来测量静态或单一平面的不平衡。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 9. But every area of FDI levels of efficiency and the potential existence is unbalance. 但是各个地区利用外资的效率水平和潜力存在着不均衡性。 www.fabiao.net 10. Instead, when corned by a mastif phalone, an agile Lurmen will try to unbalance the creature by tying a rope around its stout legs. 相反,在遭遇一头法洛恩鹰獒时,灵活的勒明人会把一根绳子绑在它的腿上,让它摔倒在地。 dict.kekenet.com 1. The unbalance problem of membrane flux in reverse osmosis(RO) system is put forward. 指出了反渗透膜系统膜通量失衡问题的严重性; terms.shengwuquan.com 2. Results Almost every youth soldier once had the unbalance mental experience and reaction to some extent. 结果在青年士兵中几乎每个人都不同程度有过不平衡的心理体验及反应。 www.chemyq.com 3. The effect of unbalance distribution on a large rotors frictional vibration behavior has been studied. 研究了柔性转子摩擦振动的复杂行为。 www.dictall.com 4. Reassessment of Marx's Theory of "Unbalance" 马克思“不平衡”思想新探 www.ilib.cn 5. They wish to disturb and unbalance your life at every level, day and night in order to force you place your trust in them. 他们想在各种层次搅乱颠倒你们的生活,日以继夜企图强行要你们把信任交付在他们手里。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. This cycle unbalances China's economy, but why should it also unbalance the world economy? 这个模式使中国经济不平衡,但为什么它也使世界经济不平衡了呢? club.topsage.com 7. This type of balancer can measure all types of unbalance. 这种垂直旋转型的平衡机可以测量所有种类的不平衡。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 8. The Growth, Structure Variety of World Economy and the "World Unbalance" 世界经济的增长、结构变化与“全球失衡” ilib.cn 9. 59- The number of people with AIDS in Africa reach more than 40%, total unbalance and deaths everywhere. 人数有艾滋病的在非洲到达超过40%,总失配和死亡到处。 www.tianya.cn 10. When it operates at the most unbalance situation, it can ensure three-phase output voltage symmetrically. 该系统运行在三相负载不平衡时,能保证三相输出电压完全对称。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Papers studied from the two aspects of testing and correcting in the rotor unbalance. 论文从测试与校正两个方面对转子不平衡不足进行了研究。 www.zidir.com 2. It also has some negative effects such as regional economic unbalance , "excluding" of domestic enterprises, etc. 也带来了区域经济非均衡、“挤出”内资企业、冲击我国经济等消极效应。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In this background, the modern novels works have experienced two periods. That is from unbalance to evasion, from edge to aphasia. 在这种背景下,新时期小说作品从“失重”到“躲避”,从“边缘”到“失语”,越来越窘迫。 www.boshuo.net 4. In addition to being immune to tube unbalance, an autoformer approach can be used. 不仅能免于导致胆管不平衡,而且还可以使用自耦变压器。 www.tubebbs.com 5. A sudden windfall may unbalance a weaker, less intelligent person and even ruin his life. 但是天降横财会让一个意志软弱的糊涂虫生活失衡,甚至有可能会毁他一生。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Nonmetallic mineral resources used as chemical raw materials are distributed in unbalance in China. 中国化工原料用非金属矿产资源分布不均衡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. the killing of insects lead to the natural unbalance . 杀灭昆虫已经导致了生态的失衡 zhidao.baidu.com 8. For many years, by continuous technical innovation and application, great progress has been made in unbalance drilling technique. 多年来,经过不断的技术攻关研究与推广应用,欠平衡钻井技术取得了很大进步。 www.chemyq.com 9. I have said that competition is the source of happiness, and unbalance is the source of progress. 我曾经说过,竞争是人获得快乐的源泉,那么不平衡是人不断进步的源泉。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. An analysis on regional unbalance of compulsory education fund in China. 我国义务教育经费的区域性不平衡分析。 academicjournal.hep.com.cn 1. It is caused by the unbalance of the development of capitalist economic and political. 资本主义经济政治发展的不平衡引起的。 wenku.baidu.com 2. The development of information tecnology has give us chances to solve some social problems, such as the unbalance between men and women. 信息技术的发展为我们提供了一些契机来解决一些社会问题,如男女之间的不平等现象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. We can solve cover blind unit, receiving and sending unbalance, cover extra and frequency lose those kinds of problems about cover. 通过调整天线与参数解决覆盖盲区,收发不平衡,越区覆盖,射频丢失等覆盖方面产生的掉话问题。 www.juhe8.com 4. For example, more boys take in the work area which girls play the advantages traditionally can cause labor force structure unbalance. 更多的男孩进入传统上应该是女孩发挥优势的工作领域就会造成劳动力结构失衡。 wenku.baidu.com 5. It is the reason that the advertisement level is low and the development is unbalance indifferent areas and so on in China. 这一原因造成中国广告学术整体水平不高、地区不平衡、核心团体规模小和核心刊物不规范等状况。 www.fabiao.net 6. However, the key of improvement is the level of management. Nowadays, in our country their level of management is irregular and unbalance. 当今中国的外贸流通企业管理水平参差不齐,缺乏良好的管理理念的指导,在管理上仍需不断改善。 epub.cnki.net 7. Judging stability state of the slope by the maximum unbalance force is or not constringency ; 最大不平衡力是否收敛可以判定边坡的稳定状态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The deterioration of grassland ecological environment is the result of humanity needs, the unbalance social and economic development; 草原生态环境问题是现阶段人性需求与社会、经济发展不和谐造成的必然结果; www.ceps.com.tw 9. Studying the Application of Instrument Used for Checking the Unbalance Loading of Railway Wagons 铁路货车超偏载检测装置运用探讨 www.ilib.cn 10. The Unbalance Game among the Groups with Interests Involves and the Complexity of the Public Organizations 论利益群体非均衡博弈及公共组织的复杂性 www.ilib.cn 1. Method for the measurement of the long difference between two arms of unbalance all- fiber interferometer 非平衡全光纤干涉仪臂长差测量方法的研究 service.ilib.cn 2. The Study of the Stage and Unbalance Nature of Development of Gas Transmission Pipelines Abroad 国外输气管道发展的阶段性和区域不平衡性研究 www.ilib.cn 3. "Discrimination" and "Counter-discrimination" : Positive Analysis of the Unbalance Competition Suffered by Peasant Workers “歧视”与“逆歧视”:农民工不平等竞争实证分析 www.ilib.cn 4. A Method for Controlling Multi-Frequency Unbalance Response of a Rotor with Magnetically Levitated Dynamic Absorber 用电磁悬浮动力吸振器控制转子多频不平衡响应的方法 www.ilib.cn 5. Optimal Sectionalization and Automatic Calculation of DC Resistance Unbalance Rate of Transformer Three-Phase Windings 变压器三相绕组直流电阻不平衡率的自动计算和优化分组 ilib.cn 6. Analysis On the Unbalance Development Between University Student Morals Progress and Social Development and Its Reason 浅析大学生道德进步与社会发展的失衡及其原因 service.ilib.cn 7. Experimental Investigation on Unbalance Response of a Shear-type Magnetorheologic Grease Damper Flexible Rotor System 剪切型磁流变脂阻尼器柔性转子系统不平衡响应的试验研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Mechanical vibration - Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors - Method for determination of permissible residual unbalance 极限振动.刚性转子的平衡质量要求.容许残余不平衡度的测量方法 www.mapeng.net 9. Unbalance Response and Threshold Speed of Touch-Rubbing of a Rotor Subjected to Nonlinear Magnetic Forces 非线性电磁力作用下的转子不平衡响应和界限碰摩转速 service.ilib.cn 10. Unbalance between Power Relations in Administration of University and Its Countermeasures 高校管理中权力关系的失衡及其对策 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis of Unbalance Three-phase Circuit and a Practical Circuit for Judging Phase Sequence 一种相序判定方法分析及其实用电路 service.ilib.cn 2. Unbalance and strategic alternative of developing political civilization in a well-to-do society 小康社会政治文明发展的不平衡性及其战略选择 www.ilib.cn 3. Disposition Unbalance and Reform Direction of Public Sports Resources 论公共体育资源配置的不平衡及改革取向 service.ilib.cn 4. Monitoring and Diagnosing of the Dynamic Unbalance Fault of the rotor of a Suction Fan 吸风机转子动不平衡故障监测诊断 service.ilib.cn 5. The Unbalance of System and Authority: An Explanation on the Issue of Rural Poverty from the System's Perspective 制度权利失衡:农民贫困问题的一种制度性解释 www.ilib.cn 6. Failure Analysis on the energy unbalance of the air seperation unit and improvement measure 空分装置冷量不平衡的故障分析及处理 www.ilib.cn 7. The Systematic Reasons of Development Unbalance in Rural and Urban Market and Its Analysis of Major Consequences 城乡市场发展失调的制度原因及主要危害分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Effect of Transformer Differential Protection Balance Coefficient Calculation Upon Unbalance Current 变压器差动保护平衡系数算法对不平衡电流的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. The Influence of Speed and Mass Unbalance on Dynamic Characteristics of a Gear-Rattling System 转速和不平衡质量对齿轮拍击振动的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. China industry structure unbalance's demonstration analysis and adjustment countermeasures 我国产业结构失衡的实证分析与调整对策 www.ilib.cn 1. Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Capacitance unbalance 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.不平衡导体的电容量 www.mapeng.net 2. Unbalance of Opportunities in Classroom Teaching and Its Countermeasures 课堂教学中的机会失衡与对策 www.ilib.cn 3. Structural Unbalance and Its Optimization of Foreign Direct Investment in Guangdong 广东外商直接投资的结构失衡与优化 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Error analysis of the measurement of inherent attenuation by the method of voltage level gap--On the unbalance of impedance 电压电平差法测量固有衰减的误差分析--论阻抗不匹配的情况 www.ilib.cn 5. The Analysis of the Unbalance Characteristic of the Whirl Machinery Rotor in Packaging Engineering Automation 包装工程自动化旋转机械转子不平衡特征分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Electromyographic activity of the multifidus: When sudden unbalance of patients spine with chronic low back pain 慢性腰痛患者在脊柱突然失衡时多裂肌的肌电表现 www.ilib.cn 7. Low frequency interference due to unbalance about earth of telecommunication equipment 电信设备对地不平衡引起的低频干扰 www.sc-cic.org.cn 8. The relationship between pregnancy induced hypertension and immunologic unbalance 妊娠高血压综合征与免疫失衡 service.ilib.cn 9. Digital Calibration Equipment for Instruments Measuring Three-phase Unbalance Factor and Uncertainty 数字化三相不平衡度仪表校验台及其不确定度 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Series Active Power Filter Compensates Current Harmonics and Source Voltage Unbalance Simultaneously 可同时补偿电压不平衡的串联型有源电力滤波器 www.ilib.cn 1. Conversion of the Centroid Coordinate in the State of Balance or Unbalance 有、无配重状态下质心坐标的换算 www.ilib.cn 2. Preparation and characterization of DLC films by microwave ECR plasma source enhanced unbalance magnetron sputtering 微波ECR等离子体源增强非平衡磁控溅射DLC膜的制备与表征 www.ilib.cn 3. The Unbalance of Hunan Higher Educational Structure and Its Countermeasures 湖南高等教育结构的失衡与对策 service.ilib.cn 4. The Systemic Unbalance and Environmental Optimization of Civilian Running Economy Development 民营经济发展的制度失衡及其制度环境的优化 ilib.cn 5. Education Fair, Unbalance and Reconstruction--Taking the enrollment of college entrance examination as example 教育公平:失衡与重建——以高考录取为例 www.ilib.cn 6. Control of sudden unbalance of rotor by an MR fluid damper 磁流变液阻尼器控制转子突加不平衡响应的特性 service.ilib.cn 7. radial distribution systems; state estimation; jacobian matrix; three phase unbalance; 辐射配网;状态估计;雅可比矩阵;三相不平衡; joa.csee.org.cn 8. The Institutional Analysis on Capital Market's Non- rational Structural Unbalance in Developing China's Public Ownership Economy 公有制条件下中国资本市场非理性结构失衡的制度分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Unbalance of the Economic Structure and Insufficiency of the Consumption Requirement 经济结构失衡与消费需求不足 www.ilib.cn 10. Rotor Unbalance Response Characteristics under Abnormal Condition 异常情况下转子系统的不平衡响应特性 www.ilib.cn 1. An Analysis on the Important Strategy Adjusting the Unbalance of the Basic Educational Development 调控基础教育发展失衡的重要策略分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Observations on the curative effect of marrow sea-regulating electroacupuncture on vestibular central unbalance 电针调理髓海法治疗前庭中枢性平衡障碍疗效观察 www.ilib.cn 3. Effect of respiratory acid-base unbalance on carbonic anhydrase activity and its mRNA expression in primary cultured rabbit renal IMCD cells 呼吸性酸碱失衡对家兔肾脏内髓集合管细胞碳酸酐酶活性及其mRNA表达的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. On the Superiority of the United Front in Building up Harmonious Society from the View of Interest Unbalance 从利益失衡看统一战线在和谐社会构建中的优势 ilib.cn 5. Price Adjustment Amplitude Analysis of International Engineering Unbalance Bid 国际工程不平衡报价价格调整幅度分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Theoretical Foundation of Macro Regulation and Control--Theory of Balance and Unbalance in Marxism 宏观调控的理论基础--马克思的均衡和非均衡理论 www.ilib.cn 7. Splenectomy is helpful to correct unbalance between oxidation and antioxidation in patients with Liver cirrhosis 脾切除有助于纠正肝硬化患者氧化和抗氧化的失衡 www.ilib.cn 8. On Unbalance between Rationality and Humanism and Its Impact on Western Philosophy 论理性与人文的失衡及其对西方哲学的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. An Economic Analysis of the Exception of International Revenue and Expenditure Unbalance 国际收支失衡例外的经济学分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Technology, declining fertility and ancient prejudice are combining to unbalance societies 科技、生育率下降和古老的偏见相结合造成了性别失衡的社会 www.ecocn.org 1. In Between Balance and Unbalance: Finding a Solution to the Predicaments of the Macro Economic Control 在失衡与均衡之间:破解宏观调控困局 service.ilib.cn 2. Discussion on Method to Solve Problems of Transformer Direct Resistance Unbalance and Resistance Confusion 浅谈解决变压器直流电阻不平衡及电阻混乱的方法 ilib.cn 3. On Reunion and Unbalance of "love, chastity and carnality" --Inner Structural Exploration of Baihua Short Novels in Ming Dynasty “情、理、欲”的复合与失衡--明代白话短篇小说的内质结构探析 service.ilib.cn 4. To Analyze and Judge Three-Phase Reactance Unbalance Reason of Reactor with Air Core by the Method of Mathematical Statistics 应用数理统计方法分析判断空心电抗器三相电抗不平衡的原因 www.ilib.cn 5. Cause Analysis on Abnormal Unbalance Rate of Transformer Direct Resistance 变压器直流电阻不平衡率超标原因分析 ilib.cn 6. Cause of Formation and its Infection of Unbalance Current in Power Distribution Network 配网中不平衡电流的成因及其影响 ilib.cn 7. Analysis on Resistance Unbalance of Transformer Winding after Insulation Assembling 变压器绝缘装配后绕组电阻不平衡的分析 ilib.cn 8. Syntax Unbalance of Single - syllable Antonym Adjective: Multiple Parallelism on Combination By Kind 从单音反义形容词的句法失衡看聚合组合的多元对应 www.ilib.cn 9. Multi-rotors System Coupling Optimization and Unbalance Response Analysis with Finite Element Method 多转子轴系优化耦联及其不平衡响应有限元分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Prediction Study of Lateral Unbalance Centrifugal Acceleration of Tilting Coach Based on RBF Neural Networks 基于RBF网络的摆式客车横向未平衡离心加速度预测研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Research on Reasons and Countermeasures of the Unbalance of Pattern of Consumption in Urban and Rural Areas 城乡消费结构失衡的原因及对策研究 www.ilib.cn 2. The Opportunity and Challenge Facing by the China's Capital Market in the Unbalance and Modulation of Global Economy 中国资本市场在全球经济失衡调整中的机遇与挑战 3. On the Unbalance and the Approaches to Balance of the Regional Technological Innovation Eco-Economic System 区域技术创新生态经济系统失调及其实现平衡的途径 ilib.cn 4. Mechanical vibration; Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors; Part 1 : Determination of permissible residual unbalance 机械振动.刚性转子的平衡质量要求.第1部分:允许残余不平衡的测定 www.mapeng.net 5. Influence of Fluid Inertia Force on Sudden Unbalance and Accelerating Responses of Rotor Supported on Centralized SFD 油膜惯性力对双盘转子—SFD系统突加不平衡和加速响应特性的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis on Dynamic Reaction Due to Unbalance of Rotating Parts in Hydraulic Torque Converter 液力变矩器中旋转零件偶不平衡量引起的动反力分析 scholar.ilib.cn 7. The design of digital calibration equipment for instruments measuring three-phase unbalance factor 数字化三相不平衡度仪表校验台的设计 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Analysis of the Financing Problem of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises From Unbalance Information Aspect 从信息不对称角度分析中小企业融资问题 beta.ilib.cn 9. Influence of Unbalance Distribution on Frictional Vibration Behavior of Flexible Rotors 柔性转子的不平衡分布对摩擦振动行为的影响分析 www.ilib.cn 10. the unbalance period from Han to Yuan Dynasty, its antinomy between people and physical environment was intensified; 两汉至元代的生态失衡阶段,人地矛盾加剧; www.magsci.net 1. Histomorphology and ultrastructure in the rat model with cervical vertebral unbalance of dynamic and static force 动静力失衡性大鼠颈椎间盘组织形态学及超微结构 www.ilib.cn 2. Adjustment of Global Economic Unbalance and Its Implication for China 全球经济失衡的调整及对中国的影响 service.ilib.cn 3. Unbalance of Opportunities in Classroom Teaching and Its Reasons 课堂教学中的机会失衡及原因分析 www.ilib.cn 4. A clinical analysis for internal environment unbalance of children with serious infection of central system 重症中枢神经系统感染患儿内环境紊乱的临床分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Analysis on unbalance voltages between inner and outer snubber circuits and improvement of three-level inverter 三电平逆变器缓冲电路内外电压不平衡分析及改进 www.ilib.cn 6. The Value Root of Psychological Unbalance and the Orientation of Psychological Quality Education for Contemporary Youth 当代青年心理失衡的价值根源及心理素质教育的方向 www.ilib.cn 7. Reasons and Corresponding Measures of the social Mentality Unbalance 社会心态失衡的原因及防范措施 www.ilib.cn 8. Symmetrical rotor permissible residual unbalance in 2 planes close to bearing planes 对称性转子在平面2靠近支承平面处的可允许剩余不平衡量 wenku.baidu.com 9. Early unbalance of high precision rotor and its countermeasure study 高精密转子的过早失衡及防范对策研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The Measurement Theory and Calibration Method for Unbalance of the Revolving Object 回转体不平衡量的测量理论与标定 service.ilib.cn 1. An Analysis of the unbalance between Xinjiang's Industrial Structure and Employment 新疆产业结构与就业结构的非均衡性分析 www.ilib.cn 2. An Analysis of the Unbalance between Higher Education's Talents Cultivation and the Coordinative Development of Regional Economy 高等教育人才培养与区域经济发展协调性的非均衡分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Analysis of the Unbalance Measurement for Hydrogenerator Rotor 水轮发电机转子不平衡测试分析 service.ilib.cn 4. Unbalance of Young Teachers'Psychological Behavior and the Stimulation of Their Enthusiasm 浅谈青年教师的心理行为失衡与积极性的激励 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on the Unbalance Response of a Rotor on the Basis of Prestress Method 基于预应力法的转子不平衡响应研究 service.ilib.cn 6. Design of Intelligent Unbalance - ridding Module in General Dynamic Balancing Machine 通用动平衡机中智能去重模块的设计 service.ilib.cn 7. Acute Rejection and Electrolyte Unbalance after Kidney Transplantation in Beagle Dogs 肾移植犬的急性排斥反应和电解质代谢 service.ilib.cn 8. A Novel Strategy for Improving the Performance of SVM Classification for Unbalance Distribution Data 一种改善非平衡分布数据SVM分类能力的新策略 www.ilib.cn 9. Investigation and analysis on the causes for three-phase current unbalance of three-phase asynchronous motor 三相异步电动机三相电流不平衡原因查找及分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Determination of permissible residual unbalance 确定允许的不平衡剩余量 wenku.baidu.com 1. Unbalance response characteristics of distributed multi-mass rotor system 分布多质量转子系统的不平衡响应特征 www.ilib.cn 2. The Unbalance of Postgraduate Employment and Its Solution 研究生就业现状分析及其对策 www.ilib.cn 3. A study on unsymmetrical employment and the unbalance of the EU labour market in relation to Higher education 欧盟劳力、就业市场的非均衡性与高等教育的关系 www.escscu.org 4. Extraction for Unbalance in Super Miniature-Rotor Dynamic Balance Measurement Device 超微型转子动平衡测试机不平衡量提取 ilib.cn 5. Impact of Illumination Pupil Filling Unbalance on Imaging Performance of Lithography 照明光瞳非对称性对光刻成像质量的影响 www.opticsjournal.net 6. Discussion on Unbalance Rate of Current in Rectifier Cubicle of Locomotive 机车整流柜电流不平衡率探讨 www.ilib.cn 7. Application of Maximum Unbalance Rate of Direct Return Heating System 异程式供暖系统最大不平衡率的应用 www.ilib.cn 8. District economy coordinative development's unbalance growth 区域经济协调发展中的不平衡增长 www.ilib.cn 9. Model Building and Multifactor Impact Analyzing for Dynamic Unbalance Quantity of Rotor V-milling Flute 转子V型铣槽动不平衡量的计算建模及多因素影响分析 ilib.cn 10. Research on Unbalance Compensation of Permanent Magnet Biased Magnetic Bearing 新型永磁偏置磁轴承的不平衡补偿研究 service.ilib.cn 1. unbalance; rigid rotor; auto-tracking filter; PLC; automatic correction; 不平衡;刚性转子;自动跟踪滤波;可编程制约器;自动校正; www.zidir.com 2. Measurement and Analysis of Large Unbalance Nonlinear Vibration Response 大不平衡非线性振动响应特性测试分析 ilib.cn 3. New Method on the Separation of the Static Unbalance and the Couple Unbalance in the Precision Centrifuge 精密离心机静偶不平衡分离新方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Balancing and Diagnostic Systems Unbalance Tolerances 不平衡公差 wenku.baidu.com 5. Dynamic unbalance and measurement of amount of unbalance for wheel dynamic balancer 动不平衡及车轮动平衡机不平衡量的测量 service.ilib.cn 6. Unbalance of district supply--The main reason for China macro economy's insufficient demand 区域供给不平衡--中国宏观经济需求不足的主要原因 www.ilib.cn 7. Mitigating Water Unbalance on Land to Reduce Disasters due to Drought and Water-logging 调节陆地水失衡减少旱涝灾害 www.ilib.cn 8. On Adjustment of Benefit Unbalance in the System of Housing Accumulation Fund 论住房公积金制度中利益失衡现象的调控 www.ilib.cn 9. Thought on the Unbalance of System During the Transition Economy and the Construction of System 论转型经济中制度的非均衡和制度建设的思考 www.ilib.cn 10. Some Thoughts on the Unbalance of Vocational Education and Personality Education in Colleges 高校技术教育与人格教育失衡现象之辨思 www.ilib.cn 1. Maximum expected voltage unbalance during normal operation of the grid 电网正常运行时最大不对称电压 wenku.baidu.com 2. Unbalance vibration control methods for active magnetic bearings system 磁悬浮轴承系统不平衡振动控制的方法 ilib.cn 3. Application of Image Processing Technology in Mass Unbalance Measurement of Sphere 图象处理在球形转子质量不平衡测量中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Artificial Heart Pump Suspended Rotor Unbalance Mass and Magnetic Coupling Control 人工心脏泵磁悬浮转子质量不平衡及磁耦合研究 ilib.cn 5. Applying Harmonic Wavelet to Extract Unbalance Signal in Dynamic Balancing Machine 谐波小波在动平衡机不平衡量信号提取中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis and Removal of Unbalance Excited Vibration Faults of Large Steam Turbine-Generator Sets 大型汽轮发电机组不平衡振动故障分析及消除 ilib.cn 7. The Cause and Solution to Current Industrial Structure Unbalance of China 当前我国产业结构失衡的原因与对策 www.ilib.cn 8. Talking about the questions about load unbalance of the civil electricity offering system 浅淡民用供电系统的负载不平衡问题 www.ilib.cn 9. The unbalance of anti-oxidation enzyme system and lipid peroxidation in acute high altitude sickness 抗氧化酶系统失调与脂质过氧化在急性高原反应中的意义 service.ilib.cn 10. The Existence of Global Economic Unbalance and the Difficulty of Adjustment 全球经济失衡存续性与调整的困难 ilib.cn 1. Electronic unbalance measuring and control equipment 电子平衡测控设备 www.industrymarks.cn 2. The Psychological Unbalance of Traditional Culture during China's Transform in Modern Times 传统文化心理结构在近代转换中的失衡 service.ilib.cn 3. Investigation of method for unbalance suppression of tool system with high rotational speed 抑制高速旋转刀具系统不平衡量的方法研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Reasons of Trade unbalance between Korea and Japan and its solved method 韩日间贸易长期不平衡的原因和解决方法 www.ilib.cn 5. The Unbalance of the Relation between Man and Nature from Technological Ethics 从科技伦理角度看人与自然关系的失衡 ilib.cn 6. Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Corner Air Flow Unbalance on the Concentric Firing System Performance 同心反切燃烧锅炉四角配风不均对炉内多相流动的影响 ilib.cn 7. Technology innovation and industry's balance and unbalance development 技术创新和产业的平衡与不平衡发展 www.ilib.cn 8. Research Unbalance Compensation of Active Magnetic Bearing 主动电磁轴承不平衡补偿的研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Test methods for communication cable--Capacitance unbalance test 通信电缆试验方法电容耦合及对地电容不平衡试验 www.zftrans.com 10. Unbalance Tension Determination for Multi-rope Friction Hoisting 多绳摩擦提升钢丝绳不平衡张力的测定 www.ilib.cn |
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