单词 | unaccountable | ||||||||
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例句释义: 无法理解的,难以解释的,无须解释的,不负责的,无法解释的,不负责任的,不可理解的 1. as it may be to criticise those who set out to do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable. 许多的慈善机构表现得很不负责,虽然我们这样责备这些从事善行的人可能显得不礼貌。 www.shanbay.com 2. Churlish as it may be to criticise those who set out to2 do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable. 也许去批评那些一心想做点好事的人是很无礼的,但是许多慈善团体表现地似乎一点责任感都没有。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Brown whipped out a large pair of scissors, and fell into an unaccountable state of excitement. 善良的布朗太太猛然抽出一把大剪刀,兴奋得令人难以解释。 www.kekenet.com 4. She instantly felt that she was the greatest simpleton in the world, the most unaccountable and absurd! 她当即感到她是世界上最大的笨蛋,真是荒唐至极,不可思议。 5. The unaccountable depression that possessed Philpot deprived him of all his usual jocularity and filled him with melancholy thoughts. 一种难以形容的沮丧心情使菲尔波特失去了平时那种诙谐乐观的性格,他心中愁绪万端。 www.kuenglish.info 6. An unaccountable SPLM would be perfectly happy to get through to its own referendum in 2011 without elections. 一个不用对谁负责的苏丹人民解放运动将非常乐于进入2011年它自己的全民投票而不进行选举。 www.ecocn.org 7. But the question is whether party groupings, unaccountable and out of sight, should be directly controlling government budgets. 但问题在于,无法问责的、也看不见的党内派系是否应直接控制政府预算。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The perception that Europe's legislative machinery is remote and unaccountable is widespread even in countries that like the EU. 认为欧洲的立法机构遥不可及与莫名其妙的看法,即使在那些喜爱欧盟的国家也广为流传。 www.ecocn.org 9. An organisation exempt from either of these disciplines represents an unaccountable concentration of power. 一个组织若不受这两种规则限制,便代表了不负责任的权力集中。 www.ftchinese.com 10. huge amounts of unaccountable money may face up to 10 years' jail under new penalties being studied by Chinese law makers. 中国法律制定者在研究制定新刑法(刑法修正案)决定如国家工作人员拥有巨额财产来源不明的将面临高达十年刑期。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He'd call around the area, asking all the landowners whether any unaccountable sheep had shown up. 他可以联系周边领域的土地所有者,询问是否有羊擅自闯入。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Rosanna had returned to the house in a very unaccountable state of mind . 罗珊娜回到家里,那份心情奇怪极了。 dict.wenguo.com 3. Yet mainland Chinese business leaders operate in the shadow of a secretive and unaccountable ruling party. 然而,中国大陆的企业领导人是在一个行事诡秘和独断专行的执政党的阴影下经营业务的。 www.ecocn.org 4. What gives unaccountable agents the right to do that, statesmen and business leaders ask. 政治家和商界领袖们常常质问,无需负责的机构为什么有权这么做。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. As Battelle reminds, Schmidt in 2006 called brand advertising "The last bastion of unaccountable spending in corporate America. " 巴特尔还提起,在2006年施密特将品牌广告称作了“美国公司无谓花费的最后一座堡垒”。 www.bing.com 6. In the past, the Chinese have complained loudly that the miners behave like an unaccountable oligopoly. 中国过去曾大声抱怨,称这些矿商的行为像不负责任的寡头。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Thus they need not reveal anything about their finances or their governance, and are largely unaccountable to the public. 所以,它们不需要透露任何关于财政或管理,且很大程度上不对公众负责任。 www.ecocn.org 8. Kenneth Ballen, the counsel to the Senate committee, said, "These people have amassed such unaccountable power! " 参议员委员会法律顾问肯尼斯·巴伦(KennethBallen)说,“这些人积聚的势力居然到了这个地步!” www.bing.com 9. No accident must ever help the detective, nor must he ever have an unaccountable intuition which proves to be right. 侦探不得用偶然事件或被证明为正确的不负责任的直觉来侦破案件。 hxty1128.blog.163.com 10. Hollywood moguls and et al aid these organizations with millions of dollars in contributions and other unaccountable services. 好莱坞巨头和其它等人用数百万美元援助这些组织,和其他无条件的服务。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. An executive unaccountable to anyone but the president. 只对总统负责的行政官员 blog.hjenglish.com 2. "travel" is unaccountable noun indicating the action of travelling. (是指行走、行驶或旅行的不可数名词)。 www.unsv.com 3. My confessions have not relieved me; but they may account for some otherwise unaccountable phases of humour which I show. 我的自白并不能使我轻松;可是这些话可以说明我所表现的情绪,不如此是无法说明的。 wap.putclub.com 4. What exists today are power centers that are unaccountable. 今天所存在的是不负责任的权力中心。 www.wyzxsx.com 5. Ultimately, they are "unaccountable to the external world. " 最终,他们自说自话对外部世界没有什么贡献。 www.bing.com 6. For some unaccountable reason, these were not vast calamities. 也不知由于什么原因,原来这些并不是大灾难啊。 www.joyen.net 7. I often suffer from unaccountable headaches. 我常莫名其妙地头疼。 www.hxen.com 8. The driver was held unaccountable to the accident. 司机对这场事故不必负责。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. The fund manager argued the structure made the family unaccountable to shareholders. 埃玛瑞认为,这种结构使得苏兹贝格家族对股东不够负责。 smilelyspring.spaces.live.com 10. Every equation of physics is filled with them, and they seem so prosaic that people tend to forget how unaccountable their values are. 它们出没在每一条物理方程式中,由于看起来是如此平淡无奇,以至于人们常忘记要解释常数的数值有多麽困难。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 1. And so the powers of this unelected and unaccountable position would grow. 因此,这个职位具有的未经选择,未加斟酌权力势必将增长。 www.bing.com 2. How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick. 不知为什麽我马上感到疲乏、恶心。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 3. The problem of unaccountable company leaders has a long history. 公司领导层不负责任的问题由来已久。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Is it because love is unaccountable, not measurable, while thought is measured and resists the changeless movement of love? 因为爱是无法理解、不可测量的,而思想是可测量的,能够抵抗爱的永恒运动吗? www.j-krishnamurti.org.cn 5. To the Chinese the chronic impatience of the Anglo-Saxonis not only unaccountable, but quite unreasonable. 对于中国人来说,盎格鲁一撒克逊人缺乏耐心,不仅不可思议,而且没有道理。 liuyifeng2050.blog.163.com 6. In a shadowy, unaccountable world, we have not yet learned how to name the bad guys -- never mind stop them. 在这个疑云满布、不负责任的世界上,我们迄今还没有学会如何找出那些坏家伙——更别说如何去阻止他们了。 www.bing.com 7. I have an unaccountable dislike to my dentist . 我对我的牙医有种说不出来的厌恶。 wenwen.soso.com 8. To them nothing THAT IS FAMILIAR appears unaccountable or difficult to comprehend. 在他们看来,凡习见的东西都不是不可解释的,都不是难以理解的。 book.douban.com 9. Time is creeping on, have you got lot of sense of unaccountable affliction or melancholy for a long time. 随时间逝去,您有没有长期感到莫名的苦恼或忧郁? avax.blogbus.com 10. Benefits: Detects leaks. . . With emphasis on the cost of unaccountable water; incorporates a meter which allow the water utility to 优点:检测泄漏……重视无法解释的浪费水的成本;配置水表使得自来水公司能够 www.h6688.com 1. On The Development and Contradiction of Legislations Against Unaccountable Immense Possessions 巨额财产来源不明罪立法的矛盾与变革 scholar.ilib.cn 2. An Analysis of the "Unaccountable Phenomenon of Funds Flow" in China 试析我国对外“资金流动之谜” www.ilib.cn |
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