单词 | to guarantee | ||||||||||
释义 | to guarantee
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 保证,单靠背诵不能保证,保障 1. This time I avoided the mixture of tomato and melted cheese that seems to guarantee all pizza toppings taste the same whatever else you add. 这次,我刻意没用西红柿和融化的芝士,因为它们让所有的匹萨表面吃起来都是一个味儿,不管你再加什么料进去。 www.bing.com 2. "I grew up thinking that in Argentina there had been a war, and that our soldiers had gone to war to guarantee the democracy, " she said. “成长的过程中我一直想,阿根廷发生过一场战争,我们的士兵参加战争是为了保证民主,”她说。 kk.dongxi.net 3. A good deal of this capital is earmarked to guarantee supplies of raw materials and is frequently in partnership with local operators. 中国投入大量直接资本,用于保证原材料的供应,并经常与当地企业建立合作关系。 www.ftchinese.com 4. However the German government is prepared to guarantee loans on condition that an investor in the business is found. 然而,德国政府已准备好,以保证贷款的情况下,投资者在企业被发现。 usa.315che.com 5. If this large number of products using new technology, then the quality and progress is often not easy to guarantee. 如果这个产品大量使用新技术,那么,质量和进度往往不容易保证。 wenku.baidu.com 6. mr tien said there was no reason to guarantee civil servants an iron rice bowl , when others had to make do with a chipped porcelain bowl. 他说当其他人将就用崩瓷碗时,没有理由要保证公务员是一个铁饭碗。 www.ichacha.net 7. If western governments had not intervened to guarantee and recapitalise banking systems, it would surely have been worse. 如果西方国家政府没有介入,为银行体系提供担保,进行资本重组,现在的情况肯定会更糟。 www.ftchinese.com 8. While he praised it as one of the best laws of its kind, he said not enough has been done to guarantee the safety of those who invoke it. 他称赞该法是同类法律中的佼佼者,但他说,在确保揭发者安全方面做得还不够。 chinese.wsj.com 9. They would have to reorient their thinking if the EFSF were to be used to guarantee the banking system. 如果要用EFSF为银行体系提供担保,他们必须转变思路。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Yet, at least for now, China implicitly relies on the U. S. Navy to guarantee the sea-lanes along which that oil is shipped. 但至少目前为止,中国还完全依靠美国海军来保证该国进口石油所经航道的安全。 chinese.wsj.com 1. But in a competitive market, even a differential of two or three to one would be enough to guarantee that you'd always be behind. 但是,在一个高度竞争的市场中,即使开发速度只相差两三倍,也足以使得你永远处在落后的位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Common Log File System (CLFS) maintains two restart areas to guarantee that at least one valid area is always available. 公用日志文件系统(CLFS)维护两个重新开始区域,以确保至少有一个有效区域总是可用。 technet.microsoft.com 3. If you want to guarantee to get in to hear us answer any and all questions and want to be in the center of the action, then e-mail me. 如果你想要成为当中的行动者并保证自己进来能够听到我们的回答与所有问题,请电邮我。 www.bing.com 4. Thus, the ability for choosing a larger integration step-size is often demanded, so as to guarantee enough time for computation. 因此,一般希望能选择较大的积分步长,以保证能有足够的计算时间。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Do not be angry, I did not dare to the others to guarantee any, but I could be obedient well, hoped you were joyful daily! 别在生气了,别人我不敢保证,反正我会好好听话的,愿你天天快乐! dongman.verywind.com 6. A four-year college degree, seen for generations as ticket to a better life, is no longer enough to guarantee a steadily rising paycheck. 四年制本科学位在多少代人的眼中都被看做是通往美好生活的门票,而现在,它已不再能保证薪水的稳定增长了。 www.tiantianbt.com 7. To guarantee the normal operation of this product, please do not replace its batteries by yourself in case of the unrecoverable damage. 为了产品的正常运行,请不要自行更换电池,以免造成产品不可回复的损坏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Infatuation is nature's biological trick to guarantee that a man and a woman are thrown together long enough to procreate. 迷恋期是自然界确保男人和女人有足够时间繁殖后代的生物学陷阱。 www.bing.com 9. It is, in fact, a biological trick by nature to guarantee that a man and a woman are thrown together long enough to procreate. 实际上,这是一个生物学上的陷阱,它能确保男男女女们有足够的时间繁殖后代。 www.bing.com 10. Russia would also overhaul its strategic nuclear forces in an effort to guarantee the country's "security" , he said. 俄罗斯同时也将改进其战略核武器,以保证国家“安全”。 www.bing.com 1. Maintain the trap regularly. Clean up the dirt in the front of the gauze filter to guarantee the normal operation of the trap. 要定期保养,清除过滤网前的污物,保证疏水阀正常工作。 tr.bab.la 2. But Lu's heroics will not be enough to guarantee him a spot in the squad for the Beijing games, Zhang said. 但是陆斌仅靠这种精神是不足以保证他能参加明年的北京奥运会,张佩文说。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But simply winning a fight is not enough to guarantee one's safety, because the enemy may recuperate and attack again. 但是仅仅赢得斗争并不足以保证自己的安全,因为敌人可能休养生息再次发动进攻。 wenwen.soso.com 4. A rational share-holding structure may result in a proper management structure thus to guarantee the sound performance of the company. 只有股权结构合理才可能形成完善的公司治理结构,进而才能保证公司良好的经营绩效。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The methods used to guarantee the quality inspection by the analysis of each link, treat every detail of the matters needing attention. 采用的方法为保证分析前检验质量的每一个环节,认真对待每一个细节的注意事项。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. According to US diplomats, his main motivation for carrying on is to guarantee the safety of his own assets and those of his inner circle. 根据美国外交官的话,他参选总统的主要动力是确保他自己和关系密切的人的财产安全。 www.bing.com 7. Standardized materials and operational procedure should be used to guarantee a reliable result of the test. 为体外微量法所用材料及操作技术的标准化和规范化提供参考。 www.jsczz.cn:8080 8. manage cash to ensure adequate facilities are in place in order to guarantee proper liquidity of the project and of the entity. 实施现金管理保证足够的设施或设备到位,以确保实现合适于项目或企业的资产折现率。 www.lietou.com 9. To guarantee that the people share in the fruits of development, the Party must deepen reform of the income distribution system, he said. 为了保障人民能享受到发展的成果,我党必须深化收入分配体系改革。 www.putclub.com 10. Desks and chairs are made of wood to guarantee the children's safety. 幼儿园的桌椅板凳都是木制的,确保环保和安全。 i.myechinese.com 1. In addition, recall that it is important to guarantee that the signer of a SOAP message is always the same as the sender of the message. 此外,有一个要点需要记住,必须始终保证SOAP消息的签名者即是消息的发送者。 www.ibm.com 2. You don't have to send samples again, just to guarantee that the next shipment will be the same as the samples with the changes indicated. 你无需再次发样品,只要保证下一次的发货和样品一样,并做了所指明的修改即可。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. We have to make a solid system foundation to guarantee a healthy social development in the journey to a real modern society. 在中国社会走向真正意义的现代社会的旅程中,我们必须为它打造一个坚实的秩序基础,为整个社会的良性运转提供保障。 www.fabiao.net 4. To guarantee efficient and reliable message routing, Exchange servers must have up-to-date information in their link state table. 要确保有效可靠的邮件路由,Exchange服务器的链路状态表中必须有最新的信息。 technet.microsoft.com 5. The appearance and electrical performance of every module are tested to guarantee high quality. 每一块电池组件的外观和电性能都得到严格测试,保证高质量。 tieba.baidu.com 6. In other words, the system must be deterministic to guarantee timing behavior in the face of varying loads (from minimal to worst case). 换句话说,系统面对变化的负载(从最小到最坏的情况)时必须确定性地保证满足时间要求。 eastpoplar.blog.163.com 7. Party B should show shelf, figure, materials, etc. referred to to guarantee infringe intellectual property right of third party any. 乙方应保证提交的展示架、图形、资料等不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权。 www.bing.com 8. Furthermore, the height of the sidewall and load on the structure are necessary to be calculated to guarantee the safety of the aqueduct. 而且,由此计算渡槽侧墙高度和结构荷载,确保渡槽的安全。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 9. Therefore, this thesis tries to put forward a set of risk management measurements to guarantee China's e-government construction. 因此,本文拟提出一套电子政务风险管理的措施,希望能对我国当前的电子政务建设提供保障。 cnlunwen.net 10. Kinematics simulation of the paper holder was carried out with virtual instrument analytical software to guarantee the harmony of movement. 为此借助虚拟分析软件进行送纸架的运动学仿真,以保证整体动作的协调性; www.ceps.com.tw 1. Genuineness of teaching materials only will not be able to guarantee the truthless or authenticity for learners. 仅有教学材料的真实不一定能够让学习者感到真实可信。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Would that be enough to guarantee that it could resolve the next AIG-style crisis? 这会足以保证美国政府能够解决下一场AIG式的危机吗? www.ftchinese.com 3. Work on strategic partnerships to guarantee supply of required goods and services at lowest cost to meet the company's strategic objectives. 维护战略合作伙伴关系,以最低成本保证所需物资和服务供应,达到公司战略目标。 www.siphrd.com 4. Moreover, a TCP connection is reliable, meaning that the two machines cooperate to guarantee the delivery of a piece of data. 此外,TCP连接是可靠的,也就是说两台机器相互协作,保证数据的传输。 www.ibm.com 5. Most often at least one of the parents has to be reached in order to guarantee that children make progress in school. 一般说来,父母中至少要有一人能得到有关教育的信息,以确保孩子在学校取得进步。 www.ebigear.com 6. To guarantee smooth data transmission over such great distances, only fibre optic can be considered as a suitable data transmission medium. 为确保无故障数据传输可以在远间隔上访问,光纤是唯一合适的数据传输媒介。 www.chinabaike.com 7. The only way to guarantee business card printing and membership card making products and a set of ink. 只有这样,才能包管制卡和会员卡制作品与样张的不朱色分歧。 www.bing.com 8. America therefore needs to be strong enough to guarantee the seas and protect Taiwan from Chinese attack. 因此,美国需要足够强大到保证海域和保护台湾,防止中国的武力进攻。 www.bing.com 9. But it's doubtful Broadway can recover fast enough to guarantee another record-setting season by the time June rolls around. 但令人怀疑的是,百老汇能否迅速复苏,以确保六月份过后的又一个创记录旺季。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. Local governments have urged efforts to be made to guarantee drinking water, food and shelter for those affected by the floods. 当地政府敦促要努力做好保证饮用水、食品的供应,以及为洪水受害者提供庇护所。 greenflower2005.blogchina.com 1. The 16 euro-zone countries have agreed to guarantee up to 440 billion in loans if any among them is unable to borrow from private markets. 欧元区16个国家已同意,若任何一个成员国无法从私营市场借款,它们将确保为其提供至多4,400亿美元的贷款。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Proper anesthesia depth is one of the key factors to guarantee a patient's safety and create good conditions for the operation. 适当的麻醉深度是保证患者生命安全、创造良好手术条件的关键因素之一。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 3. Administered work of dairy, cattle reproduction is one of effective methods to guarantee carrying on of dairy cattle reproduction work. 而奶牛繁殖管理工作是保证奶牛繁殖工作顺利开展的有效措施之一。 www.lw23.com 4. British politicians decided that the only way to guarantee a minimum standard of living for all citizens was to restrict consumer choice. 当时英国的政治家决定,确保所有人能有最低生活标准的唯一办法就是限制消费者的选择。 www.ecocn.org 5. In an effort to mute that criticism, he's scaling back his plans in such a way as to guarantee that they'll fail. 为了努力平静这种批评声音,他缩减了自己的计划,而这种方式只能保证失败。 www.bing.com 6. As a boy, as he came on the market, mother asked him to guarantee if he can be white. It must have ability to buy it. 作为一个好孩子,如他妈妈要求来到市场上,他向米可。怀特保证如果他有能力它一定将它买回来。 wenwen.soso.com 7. But simply having more women in a newsroom is not enough to guarantee gender-sensitive reporting. 但仅仅增加新闻编辑部中的女性人数并不足以保证性别敏感式报道。 genders.sysu.edu.cn 8. In other words, it is much better to be a bank than to guarantee loans to the clients' of a bank. 换句话说,经营一家银行,要远胜于为银行的客户提供贷款担保。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Negatively: politicians should not attempt to guarantee any particular level of equity prices or even to comment too much on their movement. 切记:政治家不应试图保证让股价处于某一水平,甚至不应对它们的走势发表过多评论。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The only role assigned to governments is to guarantee free circulation of capital between companies and between countries. 分派给政府的唯一职能,是保证公司之间和国家之间资本的自由流通。 www.ftchinese.com 1. To guarantee the premise and keep these restrictions, implementing the control on credit resources is one of the most effective methods. 为了保证这一前提及维持这种限制,实行对信贷资源的控制是最有效的手段之一。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 2. to guarantee the quality of a good deal to guarantee the quality of the raw materials. 把好订货合同质量关,保证原材料的质量。 www.bing.com 3. Adventure Works must be able to guarantee that only qualified vendors can receive orders. AdventureWorks必须能够保证只有符合要求的供应商可以接收订单。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Termination of a set of rules is to generate rules for which it is possible to guarantee rules can not trigger each other infinitely, i, e. 主动规则的终止性指规则集的规则之间的相互触发不会无限循环下去,即规则是可终止的。 lib.cqvip.com 5. Marquis has a huge mansion and a bright forces to guarantee not to be demon invasion. 侯爵的豪宅有巨大的光明力量加持,保证不被邪魔入侵。 blog.ynet.com 6. The case of the Nile is reversed because the British colonials who controlled the region wanted to guarantee water for Egyptian agriculture. 尼罗河的情况则颠倒过来了,原因就是控制该区域的英国殖民者想要确保埃及农业的用水。 www.bing.com 7. A similar bill in the House of Representatives has more than enough co-sponsors to guarantee passage, if it gets to a vote. 要是一项类似的议案送到众议院投票,充足的拥护者肯定可以保证通过。 www.ecocn.org 8. The independent installed QC workshop is the unique feature in the company to guarantee the 100% of the raw materials' acceptable quality. 独立设置的质检探伤车间是本公司的一大特色,确保被试用的原料100%合格。 baike.baidu.com 9. The hardest task would be to restructure the country to guarantee a lasting peace among the warring feudatories . 最艰难的事情,就是如何重建国家,使日本在各封建势力存在的情况下能维持持久的和平。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In terms of mechanism guarantee, it suggests employing scientific assessing system to guarantee the effectiveness of incentive. 在保障措施方面,提出用科学的考核体系保障激励的有效性。 www.13191.com 1. The FCC's British counterpart wants to manage its 4G auction to guarantee consumers have at least four operators with nationwide coverage. 英国的国家通讯委员会想要操纵其4G频谱的拍卖,以确保在那些覆盖全国的运营商中用户至少有4种选择。 www.ecocn.org 2. Unable to guarantee that the minerals they acquire are untainted by conflict, some have stopped buying from Congo altogether. 为了保证购买的矿产不因冲突而遭受损失,许多公司完全放弃了从刚果购买矿产资源。 www.ecocn.org 3. The ECB is the only institution in Europe that has sufficient resources to guarantee European sovereigns. 欧洲央行是欧洲唯一有足够资源为欧洲主权国家提供担保的机构。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A strong ultrasonic energy field is distributed uniformly in the extracting pipe to guarantee the effects of ultrasonic extraction . 提取管段内均匀分布强劲的超声能量场,保证超声提取效果; www.bing.com 5. Each vendor must be able to guarantee that only existing customers can submit orders. 每个供应商必须能够保证只有现有的客户可以提交订单。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. National Palace Deputy Director Fung Ming-chu says the mainland refuses to guarantee that items would not be seized by Beijing. 台北国立故宫博物院副院长冯明珠说,大陆拒绝保证不会没收来自台湾的文物。 www.bing.com 7. However, the study says the move could also be seen as a genuine attempt to guarantee trade flows through security measures. 但这项研究认为,人们也可能认为该措施真正意在加强安保,确保国际贸易的安全。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Recently, the United States has taken a number of steps to guarantee a more balanced trade relationship with China. 美国最近采取了一系列措施以确保与中国更为平衡的贸易关系。今年2月,美国贸易代表办公室公布了一份全面回顾美国对华贸易政策的报告。 www.america.gov 9. Do not use volatile variables . Lock your object or fields instead to guarantee deterministic and thread- safe access . 不要使用不稳定变量。锁定对象或域,而不是去保证决定性和线程安全访问。 www.bing.com 10. A tenderer shall take necessary measures to guarantee that bid assessment is carried out in a strictly secret and confidential situation. 第三十八条招标人应当采取必要的措施,保证评标在严格保密的情况下进行。 www.chinalawedu.com 1. If some people have the warrant, says cannot be legitimate the marriage, then makes it to state early or forever to guarantee silent. 倘有人有正当理由,谓不能合法完姻,则令其及早声明或永保缄默。 www.kuaiyilin.com 2. Keep working environment up to national standards to guarantee employee health. 保障员工身体健康,工作环境条件符合国家标准要求。 www.lietou.com 3. Now, the company's technology strength of skilled, technology advanced, the ability to guarantee first-class. 现在,公司技术力量精湛,工艺先进,保证能力一流。 www.b2easy.com 4. Block to guarantee that the system disposes of a resource when your code exits the block . 块保证系统在代码退出该块时释放资源。 www.bing.com 5. For a large company, an investment banker agrees to guarantee the purchase of a new stock issue at a set price. 对于一家大公司来说,投资银行往往同意保证以规定价格购买其新发行的股票。 www.jukuu.com 6. Supervising classroom instruction quality is an effective approach to guarantee the normal and efficient proceeding of the teaching work. 课堂教学质量监控是保证教学工作正常、高效进行的有效手段。 www.chemyq.com 7. A common implementation to guarantee message delivery in an asynchronous exchange is to implement a queuing environment. 保证在异步交换中进行消息传递的一种常见方法是实现队列环境。 www-128.ibm.com 8. In a VARCHAR column, the XML Extender only stores documents up to 3KB in size -- a limit which is hard to guarantee in many applications. 在VARCHAR这列,XML扩展器仅能存储最大为3KB的文档-在许多的应用程序中,此限制很难得到保证。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In order to guarantee the traffic flow of trunk road unimpeded , the signal control system should be analyzed to make it in coordination . 为了保证主干路交通流的畅通,应对各个交叉口的信号进行系统分析和协调控制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Low temperature impact toughness of cast steel used for angle casting of container is important to guarantee quality of container. 集装箱角件用铸钢的低温冲击韧性是保证集装箱品质的重要性能; www.chemyq.com 1. In order to guarantee the success of the mission, NASA has already prepared to make it perfect safe. 为保证任务顺利进行,美国宇航局已经开始准备,力求万无一失。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. The system and law are the important methods to guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of stakeholder . 制度和法律是保障大学利益相关者合法权益的重要手段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. FitzRoy oversaw the work, using much of his own money to guarantee that no expense was spared. 菲茨罗伊亲任监工,花了很多他自己的钱,可谓不遗余力。 www.bing.com 4. We use a custom software system that tracks every aspect of the design and build process to guarantee the delivery time of the moulds. 我们使用自定义的软件系统,可以追踪每一个方面的设计和制造过程,以保证交货时间的模具。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Focusing all of your efforts on the base, you are able to guarantee that pyramid will stand strong. 把你所有的努力都放在打地基上,就可保这个金字塔立足坚固。 www.bing.com 6. In these layouts, grids are often used to guarantee a structural balance, hierarchy and order. 在这些布局里,栅格常被用来保证结构平衡、层级和次序。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And I signed executive orders to guarantee that our commitments would be kept. 我还签署了行政令,确保我们兑现许下的承诺。 www.bing.com 8. 'It's hard to guarantee a smooth transition in a socialist and closed country with a feudal system, ' Mr. 刘鸣说,对一个封建制度的封闭社会主义国家来说,很难保证权力平稳交接。 www.enfamily.cn 9. AIM: The key of the human embryonic stem cell culture is to guarantee the totipotency and inhibit spontaneous differentiation. 目的:人胚胎干细胞传代培养的关键是抑制其自发分化、保证细胞的全能性。 www.nrronline.org 10. If everybody behaves in the similar way, it would be far beyond the country's capacity to guarantee everyone a well-off life. 如果每个人都用这种方式行事的话,那么这个国家远远没有能力让每个人都过上富裕的生活。 www.ebigear.com 1. Pledge Something given or held as security to guarantee payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation. 抵押物:作为保证偿还债务或履行义务的担保而给予或持有的东西。 www.canadameet.com 2. abstract: Objective: To carry out effective pharmacovigilance to guarantee safe, effective and appropriate using of medicines. 目的:开展有效的药物警戒,保障医院安全、有效、适宜的药品使用。 www.bing.com 3. Finally, to guarantee the completeness in the structure, a conclusion was added in the end of the thesis to sublimate the subject. 最后,为了确保本文结构的完整,本文还在文章的结尾加了个结论,以升华主题。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. Use the international state-of-the-art instrument and imported original vendor reagent, to guarantee result with accuracy. 引进国际最精良的检测仪器,进口原厂试剂,保证结果的精准性。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. To guarantee that complex animations run properly, we recommend that you install the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player. 为确保复杂动画能够正常运行,建议您安装MacromediaFlash播放器的最新版本。 office.microsoft.com 6. It's necessary to systematically study microbial contamination to guarantee human health and social h harmonious development. 有必要系统研究食品的微生物污染,以保障人们健康和社会和谐发展。 kns50.cakd.cnki.net 7. A failure to guarantee these liabilities would have shaken confidence in the US government and currency, possibly to a devastating extent. 无法为这些债务提供担保,会削弱海外对美国政府和美元的信心,其影响可能是破坏性的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The kind of job that's supposed to guarantee a lifetime of steady income (and health benefits too)! 这类工作提供了可以保障一辈子的稳定收入(还有健康福利)! www.bing.com 9. All of this proves the truth of the assertion that checksums are not a good way to guarantee message authentication. 这充分证明了校验和不是保证消息认证的好方法这一主张的真实性。 www-128.ibm.com 10. To Make Laws to Guarantee the Land System "State Ownership, Private Right to Use It" 立法保障“所有权公有,使用权私有”的土地制度 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Performance test is one of the important means to guarantee software quality. 性能测试是保障软件质量的重要手段之一。 www.fabiao.net 2. Addressing a joint session of Congress, President Lyndon B. Johnson called for new legislation to guarantee every American's right to vote. 年,在一次国会联席会议演讲上,林登·约翰逊总统呼吁建立新的法律保证每一个美国人的投票权。 www.kekenet.com 3. China will improve the legal stipulations regarding judicial proceeding to guarantee litigants' right to fair trial. 完善诉讼程序的法律规定,保障诉讼当事人获得公正审判的权利。 www.en84.com 4. A block of code that must be executed in sequence and without interruption to guarantee correct operation of the software. 一段必须按次序执行的代码,并且不能被中断,否则不能保证软件正确地操作。 www.ebigear.com 5. Only fresh fruits are processed to guarantee you a delicate traditional snack food for your activities either indoor or out-door. 我们不添加任何东西,以保留产品原味。只有新鲜的水果被加工后才可以保证您的室内或室外活动可以享受传统美味小吃。 china.makepolo.com 6. People's governments at all levels shall take various measures to guarantee school-age children and adolescents access to education. 各级人民政府采取各种措施保障适龄儿童、少年就学。 www.24en.com 7. Airspace surveillance technology works as an important means to guarantee flight safety and increase operation efficiency. 空域监视技术是保障飞行安全、提高运行效率的重要手段。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 8. So, the rational plan, heat treatment and quality examination will be necessary to guarantee its installation quality in installing course. 在机组建设过程中,合理的焊接方案、热处理方案和检验质量是保证安装质量的重要保证。 terms.shengwuquan.com 9. In July, the FDIC refused to guarantee CIT bond issues, which could be a sign that government approval even after bankruptcy will be tough. 7月时,FDIC拒绝担保CIT发债,这暗示即使CIT步入破产,要获得政府支持可能仍旧不易。 cn.reuters.com 10. On the surface tension of small oilysludge calendering coated paper, laminating adhesives to guarantee a better. 对表面张力小的压光涂布纸基材覆膜加工时,要保证胶粘剂有较好的流平性。 www.bing.com 1. Adopting special technical treatment on lamps to guarantee UV depreciation less than 25% during the useful lifetime. 采用特有的处理技术,确保灯管在有效寿命期间的紫外线衰减小于25%。 cn.ec51.com 2. That could limit the efficacy of any fund provisions, unless the BOJ asks the government to guarantee loans to smaller banks, analysts said. 分析师们说,这会限制向银行业注资的效果,除非日本央行要求政府为发放给中、小银行的贷款提供担保。 www.bing.com 3. Eventually, the two sides emerged with a deal agreeing to an emergency fund to guarantee players' wages. 最后,双方达成协议,建立紧急基金,保障队员的薪资。 www.24en.com 4. Cryptography is one of important tools to guarantee information security. 密码学是保证信息安全的重要工具之一。 degree.fzu.edu.cn 5. The "hot stove rule" which is frequently used in the management is an important barrier to guarantee the management system to work normally. “热炉规则”作为一套在管理中被频繁引用的规则,应用到优秀运动队的管理中,是保证其正常运转的重要屏障。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The system meanwhile supervises the work of each relief organization in order to guarantee relief measures to be properly carried out. 并对各部门的救灾工作加强监督,保证救灾措施贯彻到位。 www.fabiao.net 7. The first is to definite duty to guarantee that Qingdao serves for the management of the higher vocational college attached from system. 一是明确职责,从体制上保证青岛市对所属高职院校的管理服务; www.ceps.com.tw 8. The first series of characters are generated like a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) to guarantee that the file has a unique name. 每一系列字母被生成,如GloballyUniqueIdentifier(GUID),以证明这个文件的名字是唯一的。 www.ibm.com 9. Additionally, dependency information is stored in the data dictionary to guarantee the validity of each stored procedure. 此外,与存储过程相关的依赖性信息也将被保存在数据字典中,以确保过程的有效性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Using a system like this enables newspapers and magazines to guarantee they will fill all their pages. 报纸和杂志应用这样的系统,保证它们填满所有的页面。 www.elanso.com 1. Cropping length of shuttleless loom is controlled seriously to guarantee baling length and suitable warp and weft density. 严格控制好无梭织机的落布长度,才能保证成包长度及经纬密符合要求。 www.chemyq.com 2. To guarantee the thread safety of the Queue, all operations must be done through the wrapper returned by the Synchronized method. 若要保证Queue的线程安全,则必须通过由Synchronized方法返回的包装来执行所有操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. I am not to oppose against the state's land protection because the state is in every title to guarantee the grain safety from the land. 不过我这样讲,并不是反对政府保护耕地,耕地关系粮食安全,保护耕地无可厚非。 www.elanso.com 4. Although it may fail occasionally, the processor works hard to guarantee that the output is a well-formed XML document. 虽然偶尔可能出错,但处理程序尽量保证输出是结构良好的XML文档。 www.ibm.com 5. To guarantee they were, he refused to modify the popular Office applications to work properly with the tablet. 为此,他不肯为了配合平板电脑而修改广受欢迎的Office程序。 www.bing.com 6. Second, improve macroscopically financial environment to guarantee the effective operation of organization of domestic commercial banks. 在宏观方面配合政府改善配套金融生态环境,保证银行内部治理有效性的正常发挥。 www.juhe8.com 7. There needs to be a system with effective checks and balances to guarantee the health and dignity of China's own. 这需要有效的制衡制度来保证中国人的健康和尊严。 listening.gdufs.edu.cn 8. Uniformity of a good place to guarantee the stability of the acid drinks, to maintain a longer time. 良好的取代均匀性,保证了酸性饮品的稳定性,使保持时间更长。 www.fooda.cn 9. It's necessary to hold water supply timely to guarantee drinking safety by strengthening the monitor of water supply. 因此,加强集中式供水水质监测,及时掌握水质动态,对于保障饮水安全非常必要。 www.chemyq.com 10. To guarantee a perfect crop, Workers offer their entire prop, Working like a team, To produce beautiful beans. 为确保完美的收成,大家全力以赴,像团队般工作,保护着美丽的果实。 www.spr.cc 1. Having an effective consistency maintenance mechanism is one of keys to guarantee P2P systems running in good condition. 拥有一个有效的一致性维护机制是保证P2P系统正常运行的关键之一。 jeit.ie.ac.cn 2. Cohesion is an important factor of discourse analysis and conceptual metaphor in discourse can help to guarantee discourse cohesion. 衔接也是语篇分析的一个重要因素,概念隐喻的使用可以保证语篇的衔接。 www.13191.com 3. In practice, course website also can be used to guarantee the quality of subject teaching of bilingual course. 在实践中,还可以利用课程网站有效地保障双语课程的学科教学质量。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. To measure gas pressure is always a difficult problem, especially mensuration in coal bed is more difficult to guarantee. 瓦斯压力测定一直是个难题,尤其在煤层里测定更是难以保证。 www.chemyq.com 5. The properties that make up an entity key should be chosen to guarantee uniqueness of instances in an entity set. 在选择构成实体键的属性时应确保实例在实体集中的唯一性。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Married couples often suggest that "pure love" isn't enough to guarantee a happy ending in reality. 很多已婚的夫妻都表示:现实生活中只有“真爱”并不能保证拥有幸福。 www.hxen.com 7. Also improving the mood slightly, a decision by European Union finance ministers to guarantee bank deposits up to $68, 000. 此外,欧盟财长决定把银行存款担保提高到6万8千美元的消息也令市场信心略有改善。 www.voanews.cn 8. the balloon ran into a storm, they must throw two overboard in order to guarantee the safety of the rest of them. 气球遇到了风暴,必须把两个人推下去,才能保证大家的安全。 www.rrting.com 9. That the apparent wavering lamp power supply may be formed without wavering. In short, if the warranty period to guarantee it. 能够由于显现器电源不动摇或许灯管不动摇形成。总之,假设在保修期就保修吧。 diannaowenti.5d6d.com 10. This is not responsible for the child, how big does so work load this spot turn the coding fee to guarantee the document the quality! 这对孩子不负责啊,如此大的工作量这点翻译费怎么保证文件的质量啊! zhidao.baidu.com 1. Administrative organizations should make out corresponding rules and regulations to guarantee the administrative promise. 为保障行政承诺兑现,行政机关应建立相应的规章制度。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. In order to guarantee the dynamic property of the system, the pole-displacement method is applied to the decoupled and linearized system. 对线性化之后的系统采用极点配置的方法进行控制律设计,使系统的动态性能达到一定的指标; www.ceps.com.tw 3. Various instruments are used in the laboratory, which must be maintained and calibrated to guarantee they are working properly. 实验室各种仪器都必须维护和校准来确保他们正常的运转。 str.ausbio.com 4. Guarantees recommends system's idea, already gradually internalized to guarantee recommends the service jobholders ' standard of conduct. 保荐制度的理念,已经逐步内化为保荐业务从业人员的行为准则。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Electric switching operation sheet is an important measure to guarantee power system operates securely and reliably. 电气操作票制度是电力系统安全、可靠运行的重要保证措施。 www.fabiao.net 6. Cities around Beijing could have their electricity rationed to guarantee power to the capital this summer, state media reported. 方媒体报导,北京周边城市可能将限电,以保障今夏首都的电力供应。 c.wsj.com 7. The market economy needs open, competitions, ordered environment to guarantee the equal competition of the market economic bodies. 实行社会主义市场经济需要一个开放、竞争、有序的经济环境,以保证市场上的各类主体能够公平竞争,实现优胜劣汰。 www.hicoo.net 8. You want me to guarantee, my heart belongs to you. 你要我保证,你要我保证,我的心只属于你 wenku.baidu.com 9. In the initial stages, however, the best way to guarantee a fair distribution may be to have every individual present. 不过在初期阶段,最好能保证公平分配的方法是让每一个人都在分发现场。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. notes : to guarantee an ideal effect , do not apply soap while taking bubble bath. 注意:为保存泡泡浴的理想效果,泡泡浴时请勿同时使用肥皂。 www.ichacha.net 1. This thinking also aimed to guarantee that profits would be plowed back into those big unpredictable trends. 这个想法的目的是保证在无法预测的大趋势时投入利润。 www.56.cx 2. It results that the level of significance would be appropriately chosen, to guarantee the proper credibility level. 并说明要选择恰当的显著性水平,以保证检验的置信度具有合理性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. These Regulation are formulated to guarantee basic livings of the unemployed during the unemployment period and promote their reemployment. 第一条为了保障失业人员失业期间的基本生活,促进其再就业,制定本条例。 www.zftrans.com 4. Self-declaration by the enterprise to guarantee the truthfulness of the documentation submitted. 提交料真实性的自我保证声明。 www.sfda.gov.cn 5. Intranet administrators have to guarantee that JavaScript is not disabled on any browsers. Intranet管理员则必须保证任何浏览器上都没有禁用JavaScript。 msdn.microsoft.com 6. Some key details are also pointed out for attention in the practice so as to guarantee the illustrative effects. 具体操作的过程中,一些关键的细节必须注意,以保证显示效果。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. To guarantee the education quality, suggestions on reasonable TA post, steady enlargement, strict administration and training are proposed. 从确保教育教学质量的角度,提出了合理设置岗位、稳步扩大规模、严格聘任管理、加强助教培训等具体建议。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. That prerogative belongs to President Giorgio Napolitano, who may want a transitional, technocratic government to guarantee stability. 这一特权属于总统乔治?纳波利塔诺,而乔治则可能更倾向于一个过渡性的专家政府以保障稳定。 www.ecocn.org 9. To guarantee the quality-of-service (QoS) of high priority packets, preemption is considered as an effective method. 为了保证高优先级光分组的服务质量,抢占被认为是一种非常有效的手段。 www.boshuo.net 10. according to the regulations, owners of works to guarantee payment of the contract price shall not be less than 10% of contract. 按照规定,业主工程款支付担保金额不得低于承包合同价的10%。 www.cnrealty.org 1. Third, to guarantee sustainability, member states should commit not to borrow at abnormally high interest rates. 第三,为了确保财政可持续性,各成员国应承诺,不以超高利率借款。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Conclusion Proper nursing measures are the premise to guarantee health and safe of the mother and infant. 结论:合理的护理措施是保障母婴健康爱母分娩必不可少的前提。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 3. Culture is the sole means to guarantee the building of a harmonious city. 只有文化才是构造城市和谐未来的保证。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a set of strict effective internal control system to guarantee system's steady operation. 因此,在会计信息系统运行过程中,为系统建立一套严密有效的内部制约系统来保证系统的稳定运行是非常有必要的。 www.zidir.com 5. The taxpayer now has to guarantee a quarter of all UK lending, which represents the end of the British financial system as we know it. 劳埃德必须保证英国四分之一的贷款,正如我们所知,这将意味着英国经济体系的崩溃。 www.bing.com 6. Rear area the correspondence is to guarantee the army rear services and the battlefield technology guarantees falls the service direction. 后方通信是为保阵军队后方勤务和战场技术保降勤务指挥。 www.qdcs5.com 7. One channel of contagion involves monoline bond insurers, the specialized insurance companies that are supposed to guarantee debt. 该传染病的一条传染渠道是小型债券保险商(monolinebondinsurers),这些保险商是假设能够保全债务的专业保险公司。 www.bing.com 8. The existence of the pledge to right is an inevitable request in the modern economy to guarantee the real right system. 权利质权的存在,是现代经济生活中对担保物权制度的必然要求。 www.dictall.com 9. The system car also use encryption algorithm to encrypt password to guarantee the system security. 同时系统还利用加密算法对密码进行加密,从而进一步保证了系统的安全性。 51lunwen.net 10. To guarantee the physical property and the craft quality of the grain, the grain should be humidified before grain processing. 在粮食加工以前经过适当的调质处理可以确保粮食的物理性质和工艺品质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The establishment of "innovation mechanism" is to guarantee continuity of such process. “创新机制”的建立是为了保障这一过程的持续性。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 2. The state practices a state military supplies order system to guarantee the acquisition of weapons and other war materials. 国家实行国家军事订货制度,保障武器装备和其他军用物资的采购供应。 dict.wenguo.com 3. You can neither guarantee nor require anything else. It's enough to guarantee you clean. 你不能保证别的什么,也不能要求别的什么,只能保证自己是干净的,就可以了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The software testing is an important means to guarantee that the issue of software quality and reliability. 软件测试是保证软件质量和可靠性的重要手段。 www.fabiao.net 5. Forest seedling is the foundation of forestry sustainable development, and is also the key to guarantee the afforestation quality. 林木种苗是林业可持续发展的基础,是确保造林绿化质量的关键。 www.dictall.com 6. To guarantee the highest standards of quality and safety, the kit can only be installed by Abarth's official performance tuning network. 为了保证最高标准的质量和安全,该工具包只能安装阿巴特的官方性能优化网络。 word.hcbus.com 7. The nonlinear VSC was used to guarantee the swiftness and robustness of queue response at router. 通过非线性变结构控制以保证路由器队列响应的快速性和鲁棒性; www.joca.cn 8. want to periodically maintain , clean up the filter net , to guarantee the normal work of the drain valve. 要定期保养,清理过滤网前的污物,以保证疏水阀正常工作。 www.ichacha.net 9. Group control system executives an optimal control and predetermined time program to guarantee the biggest possible energy conservation. 群控系统通过执行优化的控制策略和预定的时间程序,能够最大限度地节约能源。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. To be clear, I'm not suggesting that Silver Lake didn't have the right to guarantee Skype's debt. 要说清楚的是,我并不是说SilverLake无权为Skype贷款担保。 www.bing.com 1. It must also, he said, carry on with political reforms in order to "guarantee people's freedom and rights" . 政府还应继续进行政治改革,以保障人民的自由和权利。 blog.163.com 2. Blowdown interlocking system is an important control method to guarantee the safety of gas equipment when the accident was happening. 放空联锁系统是在发生事故时保证天然气装置安全性的重要工具。 www.chemyq.com 3. It integrates all the electro chips onto one circuit board to guarantee its stability and achieve zero-caring, low cost and high capability. 将所需的全部电子器件集成到一块电路板上,保证稳定性、零维护、低成本、高性能。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. Impartial judiciaries to serve justice. Humane prisons to guarantee human rights and rehabilitation for people serving their sentences. 值得信赖的警察帮助人们收复街道,公正司法声张正义,人性化的监狱保障服刑人员的权利,帮助他们改过迁善。 www.putclub.com 5. Installing the leakage protector is an important technical measure to guarantee personal safety. 安装漏电保护器是保障人身安全的一项重要技术措施。 www.cesmedia.cn 6. The government would "ensure that all channels are unblocked to guarantee citizens' right to be heard, " it said. 政府将“畅通各种渠道,保障公民的表达权利,”文件表示。 www.ftchinese.com 7. For the radiation of complex sound source, the regularization method is used to guarantee the accuracy of the reconstruction. 对于复杂的声源辐射声场,重构中结合正则化方法保证重构的高效性与精确性。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. In the whole matching process, the corner constraint and the edge constraint were proposed to guarantee the matching speed. 在匹配过程中,为了保证其快速性引入了两种新约束:角点约束与边缘约束。 www.dictall.com 9. To direct and co-ordinate overall activities of the Security Department. To guarantee the safety of all the guests, and hotel property. 组织并协调保安部的各项活动,目标为确保所有酒店客人和员工的生命、财产以及酒店财产的安全。 job.veryeast.cn 10. After all, the Magna Carta was a document designed to guarantee the rights of the aristocracy, not of the people at large. 毕竟,大宪章是在大的文件,旨在贵族,不是人的权利保障。 z.tougao98.com 1. The Fed has effectively stepped in to guarantee the money market funds, but confidence has been shaken. 美联储已经介入担保货币市场基金,然而信心已经动摇。 www.hsbcjt.cn 2. Absolutely no chemical branch watermedicament is added in its production to guarantee the pliability of the silkworm and silk floss. 在丝棉制作中,绝不添加任何化学清水药剂,以保证蚕丝和丝棉的柔韧性。 exp.ccpit.org 3. The upright post is provided with a locating plate so as to guarantee the flatness of the end face of the wound workpiece. 立柱上安装有定位板,保证卷绕的工件端面平整。 ip.com 4. It met with Saskatchewan officials in recent weeks and tried to negotiate a deal to guarantee tax revenue to the province. 最近几周它与萨斯喀彻温省的官员举行了会面,力图达成一项协议来确保对该省的税收贡献。 chinese.wsj.com 5. It may be beyond the government's reach, not to mention obligation, to guarantee higher income for every citizen. 不要提职责,不要提保证每一位公民保持较高的收入,政府还做不到这些。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Only developed nations, including the US, would be expected to guarantee cuts. 只有发达国家需要保证减排量,当然也包括美国。 www.bing.com 7. Communicate and cooperate with International document engineer to guarantee efficient and professional team work. 与全球文件工程师充分交流,保障专业、有效的团队合作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The public security information work is the foundation to guarantee the orderly operation of public security system. 公安情报工作是保证公安系统有序运行的依据。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 9. By default, ASP. NET pages check pages on postback to guarantee that user input does not include script or HTML elements. 默认情况下,ASP.NET页在回发时会检查页,以保证用户输入不包括脚本或HTML元素。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Enterprise culture is the foundation and core competencies source, the core business is the ability to guarantee sustainable development. 企业文化是企业核心能力的基础和源泉,是企业核心能力得以持续发展的保证。 www.fabiao.net 1. To continue this long trend is to guarantee tremendous social, cultural, political, and economic upheavals. 为这种长久的趋势得以延续,我们就要承担来自整个社会、经济、文化、政治上的剧变。 www.mdaxue.com 2. Responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of testing facility , to guarantee test facility in good condition . 负责现有设备的日常维护保养工作,按要求操作正常操作各类设备以保证实验室设备及工作的安全,正常运行。 www.yjbys.com 3. The basic task of Power system running is to guarantee the supply balance, to provide users with reliable, high-quality power. 电力系统运行的基本任务是保证发供电平衡,向用户提供稳定可靠、高质量的电能。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. To guarantee earthquake protection even with all the empty spaces on the second floor, every floor slab is supported separately. 为了使二层所有掏空区域不受地震力破坏,建筑的每层楼板都有结构独立支撑。 archicn.spaces.live.com 5. The U. N. AIDS program says Brazil is the first developing country to guarantee free treatment for H. I. V. 联合国艾滋病协会指出在发展中国家中巴西是第一个担保对艾滋病免费治疗的国家。 forum.putclub.com 6. After that, the original data is filtered on the data checking principles to guarantee the precision of the model. 在原始数据的基础上,依据数据校核原则对数据进行筛选,有效保证模型的精度。 www.fabiao.net 7. To guarantee your booking, please advise us of your credit cart number and dated of valid advance in. 为了确保您的订房,请将您的信用卡号及有效期限通知我们,或预付壹晚的房租作订金。 www.cn9f.com 8. The objective of this experiment is to guarantee the quality of Yangzhou Briny Goose. 咱目的暂为了保证扬州盐水鹅的卫生质量和品质。 www.cnak.net 9. China adopts the policy of placing equal stress on development and protection, to guarantee the sustainable utilization of marine resources. 中国实行开发与保护并重的方针,确保海洋资源可持续利用; www.hotdic.com 10. The only way to guarantee Ethiopia a free future, he argues, is to keep it stable while it continues to develop. 他辩称,在埃塞俄比亚持续发展时,只有稳定才能保证埃塞俄比亚有一个自由的未来。 www.ecocn.org 1. To set forth principles of behavior in formal documents is hardly to guarantee their observance. 正式文件中所提出的行为准则,并不能保证它们得到遵守。 it.bab.la 2. In order to guarantee the product quality, the company strictly controls its raw materials, supplies and ingredients from the source. 公司从源头抓起,严格控制物料、原料、辅料等供应,确保质量。 www.haoduozhe.com 3. A model of multicast communications is proposed for NoC (networks on chip) to provide communications to guarantee deadlock-free routing. 文章提出了一种针对片上网络的组播通信模型,能够为片上网络提供无死锁的通信。 www.dictall.com 4. When god endow human bein with brains, he do not intend to guarantee them. 当上帝赋予人类以大脑之际,并无对其质量做出保证之意。 www.jukuu.com 5. Finally, the reinforcing method of the shield tunnel structure and the surrounding stratum is given to guarantee the structure stability. 最后,探讨了盾构隧道结构和周边地层的加固方案,以保证结构稳定性。 www.rockmech.org 6. the goods over-wrap for us to guarantee shipment of intact did not lack. 我们保证出货时货品外包装的完好无缺。 bbs.wwenglish.org 7. As need, communicates with Sales Director to ensure understand related work process, work standard clearly to guarantee good execution. 根据需要,与部门经理就相关制度进行沟通、培训、解释,以确保理解、明白,促进更好执行。 www.8aza.com 8. To guarantee that existing slides can maintain their state, each slide has its own unique ID and order indicator. 要保证现有幻灯片能保持其状态,每个幻灯片都要有自己独特的ID和顺序指示器。 www.ibm.com 9. The American authorities agreed to guarantee bank deposits in order to prevent the kind of bank runs that damaged Northern Rock. 为了抑制某些会伤害到北岩利益的银行,美当局首肯银行存储保证金。 www.ecocn.org 10. Party A and Party B shall provide a bank warranty to guarantee their performance of this contract and the appendices hereto. 第五十八条为保证本合同及其附件的履行,甲、乙各方应相互提供履约的银行担保书。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Digital signing lets you use a certificate to guarantee the authenticity of a package. 通过数字签名,您可以使用证书来保证包的真实性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Voluntary adoption is banned because law wants to guarantee these monopolistic organizations' interest. 自愿的领养被禁止,因为法律规定了这些机构的垄断利益。 www.wyzxsx.com 3. The grain subsidy policy is an important measure to guarantee the grain sufficiency and raise the farmers income. 粮食补贴政策是保障粮食安全、提高农民收入的一项重要政策措施。 www.dictall.com 4. Control procedures that managers develop policies and procedures to guarantee the achievement of certain objectives. 控制程序指管理者所制定的方针和程序,用以保证达到一定的目的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. To guarantee the quality of products, manufacturing processes, we meticulously and strictly examining every process. 为严把产品的质量关,我们在制造工艺上一丝不苟,并严格把好每一道工序。 www.tonke.cn 6. To strength the training to the employees; to improve their operation skills; to guarantee the quality of the product. 加强员工培训,提高员工操作技能,保证产品质量。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Another option could be for governments to guarantee bank debt, but strained national accounts probably rule this out. 政府的另一个选择就是对银行债务进行担保,但紧张的国民经济预算已经将其排除在外。 www.bing.com 8. In order to guarantee the accuracy of the work, he carried out on spot investigation of the production frontline on regular basis. 为了保证工作的准确,他经常主动到我们生产一线进行实地考察。 www.qytfy.com 9. The improvement of wheat output is an important measure to guarantee food security and solve the problem of population and land shortage. 提高我国小麦产量是保障粮食安全,解决我国人口多,耕地少的重要措施。 www.fabiao.net 10. The only way to guarantee that the public key signature is from the owner is for the owner to hand you the key on a disk, in person. 保证公共密钥签名来自所有者的惟一方法是,密钥的所有者亲自把磁盘上的密钥交给您。 www.ibm.com 1. Chlorine dosing disinfection in waterworks is an important process to guarantee the quality of tap water. 水厂加氯消毒是保证自来水品质的关键环节之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. He called on the United States to "maintain its good credit, to honor its promises and to guarantee the safety of China's assets. " 他呼吁美国“保持良好信誉,遵守承诺,保证中国资产的安全” bbs.24en.com 3. Generally speaking, to guarantee the working accuracy of the plane is easier than to guarantee the hole's. 一般来说,保证平面的加工精度要比保证孔系的加工精度容易。 cyggao.com 4. But to guarantee healthy food on a day out, always go armed with carrot batons, celery sticks and stocks of fresh fruit. 为了保证在外游玩能吃到更健康的食物,最好携带胡萝卜,芹菜梗和个刚买的新鲜水果。 www.foodmate.net 5. To guarantee this trust, routers in a specific area can be configured to authenticate each other. 要保证此信赖,在特定区域内的路由器可被组态以彼此验证。 www.cyut.edu.tw 6. More spots exposing keys are used to guarantee the personal safety mostly and operating convenience. 多点曝光按键选择,最大限度保证操作者的人身安全与方便。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. Internal papers also showed that extra nicotine was added to cigarettes to guarantee smokers sufficient "satisfaction" . 内部文件还显示,烟草公司为了保证吸烟者“爽到底”,竟然增加香烟中尼古丁含量。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Fully responsible to technical support for assembly engineer, assembly leader, assembly operator, to guarantee production in order. 负责对装配工程师、装配组长、装配工人,提供技术支持,保证生产顺利进行。 www.zjgrc.com 9. Revises the enumerate algorithm to guarantee the integrity of routes set. Estimates the parameters by rail traffic investigation. 采用改进的遍历算法以保证有效路径集的完整性。 www.tseit.org.cn 10. Some sufficient condition to guarantee the existence of global invariant manifolds consisting zero homotopic closed orbits is gived. 同时给出了这类系统存在由第一类(零伦)闭轨组成的全局不变流形的条件。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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