单词 | the u.s.a. |
释义 | 例句释义: 美国,悠游美国 1. The armament race between the U. S. A. and the U. S. S. R. , originally supposed to be a preventive measure, assumes hysterical character. 开始于美国苏联两国之间的军备竞赛最初是一项预防措施,现在具有了歇斯底里性质。 blog.163.com 2. I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. There ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the U. S. A. 我很高兴今天仍站在你身旁并保卫祖国。我毫无疑问地爱这片土地,上帝保佑美国。 www.yappr.cn 3. After that, we shall surround and undermine the U. S. A. , which will fall into our hands without a struggle-like an overripe fruit. 接着,我们要包围并逐渐破坏美国,它就会像一个成熟的果子一样,毫无反抗地落入我们手中。 guanyingsen.blog.163.com 4. It is uncertain whether Mary could realize her dream because her parents disagree with her to go to the U. S. A. 玛丽的父母不同意她去美国,因此她最终能否实现自己的愿望尚不可知。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The U. S. A. fleet is in the Mediterranean, ready to blast anyone who dares to touch the profit system. 美国舰队驻防在地中海,只要有人敢碰一碰利润制度,它随时就跟你拚命。 www.jukuu.com 6. Business models that revved up in the U. S. a half-century ago to profit from newly motorized consumers now are finding their way to China. 半个世纪以前出现在美国、利用刚刚汽车化的消费者谋利的商业模式,如今正在进入中国。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Only after two years I got a temporary visa to enter the U. S. A. Every Argentinian was suspicious then. 不到两年我就获得准入美国的签证。那时候每个阿根廷人都是可疑的。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 8. In the U. S. a Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy) is designed to prepare a student to be an independent researcher or college teacher. 在美国,博士(哲学博士)是为了准备学生成为独立研究员或大学教师而设计的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Baseball is one of the favorite sports in the U. S. A. Children play baseball in sports field or in parks. 棒球是美国最受欢迎的运动项目之一。孩子们在运动场或者公园打棒球。 www.pkuschool.com 10. Politics is not the most importance, if the U. S. A. is a "great" country, here it's her difference. 政治并不是最重要的事,如果美国是一个「伟大」的国家,这正是她的非凡之处。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 1. This is not just a sad day for the U. S. A. , but it shows how weak we have become. 他总是为纽交所感到非常自豪,对于美国来说,这不仅是令人悲伤的一天,这还表明我们变得有多疲弱。 c.wsj.com 2. 'What the U. S. accuses China of doing, the U. S. A. is doing by different means, ' he said. 他说,美国指责中国所做的事情,美国自己也在通过不同的方式做。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Michael Jordan used to be an NBA member in the U. S. A. He is a legend sports man. 迈克尔乔丹曾经是美国职业篮球联盟的球员,他是个传奇般的人物。 wenwen.soso.com 4. But for places like the U. S. , a slower growing China, hobbled by its fight against inflation, probably doesn't matter that much. 对于美国等地区来说,如果中国经济增长速度因为抗通胀而变慢,或许并没有那么事关重大。 c.wsj.com 5. We are thinking of expanding our business to the U. S. A. and hope we will establish business relations with you very shortly. 现正计划把业务扩大到美国。近几年来开始进出口玻璃产品,因而希望能迅速与贵公司建立贸易关系。 www.24en.com 6. I can communicate freely with clients from the U. S. A. , Europe and Japan and sometimes work as an interpreter in trading negotiations. 我可以与美国、欧洲和、日本的客户自由交流,也偶尔在贸易谈判中担任翻译。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Active and hospitable, she worked in the U. S. A. and now acts as park manager and planner in her country. 热情活泼,曾在美国工作,现在担任公园管理和策划等工作。 www.zftrans.com 8. About 16, 000 new cases of esophageal cancer are diagnosed in the U. S. a year, according to the American Cancer Society. 据美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)数据,美国一年诊出的食道癌新病例有1.6万个。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The Supreme Court of the U. S. A. deliberate whether the ballots of Florida should be re-counted. 美国最高法院研究是否重新统计佛罗里达州的选票。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It also contrasts and analyzes the related clauses of LNG Firefighting Benchmarking between the U. S. A and China. 结合珠海LNG接收站项目,分析比较了我国和美国的LNG防火标准的相关条款; www.chemyq.com 1. It is a fact that the U. S. A. Has sent its fleet to all parts of the world. 美国已把它的航队派往世界各地,这是事实。 www.wenduo.net 2. The president had been followed for one year before he went to the U. S. A. two month ago. 两年前当总统去美国时已经被间谍跟踪一年了。 www.etweb.fju.edu.tw 3. As with any large country, the U. S. A has several distinct regions. Each region boasts its own special style of food. 和许多大国一样,美国有数个截然不同的地区,每个地区都以自己特有的食物夸口。 www.kekenet.com 4. years working experience and familiar with office equipment and electronic products design, understanding the U. S. A. &Asia market. 有5年工作经验并熟悉办公室设备及电子产品设计且了解美国与亚洲市场。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. spawning a new generation of garage start-ups and giving the U. S. a jump on its foreign rivals in getting new products to market fast. 造就新一代从汽车间起家的技术人员,在把产品推向市场方面使美国把它的外国对手们打个措手不及。 www.kekenet.com 6. C1: The U. S. A. is leading the world in almost every field. It attracts talents from all over the world. 美国几乎在每一个领域都处于世界领先地位,它吸引了来自世界各地的精英。 www.ebigear.com 7. In Washington, U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton opened the U. S. A. Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo via a videoconference. 在华盛顿,美国国务卿克林顿通过视像会议为上海世博会的美国馆揭幕。 ept-xp.com 8. There're a lot of branches in all parts of the world with the head office in the U. S. A. IBM (china) co. 有很大量的分支机构在世界所有地区的总部设在美国IBM公司(中国)有限公司。 www.mianshiba.cn 9. Section of the us department of justice , which investigate crime against federal law and subversive act in the U. S. A. 美国司法部的一个局,它调查反对联邦法律的犯罪和在美国的颠覆行为。 dict.veduchina.com 10. The National Organic Program handles organic issues in the U. S. , a duty it was given by the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. 美国国家有机认证计划(NOP)根据1990年颁布的《有机食物生产法令》授权来处理美国国内的有机(认证)事务。 www.bing.com 1. Sunset Boulevard in the U. S. A. is one of the world's most famous streets. 美国的日落大道是全球最知名的街道之一。 paper.wenweipo.com 2. However, the disadvantage of the enemy will make the U. S. a firm step. 于劣势但是意志坚定的敌军会使美军寸步难行。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 3. On the Expanding Continental Thought of the Forefathers Founding the U. S. A. 论美国开国先辈的大陆扩张思想。 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Roosevelt , moreover, dispatched the U. S. A. Nashville to Colon , on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus . 另外,罗斯福还把美国舰只“纳什维尔”号调往地峡大西洋那一边的科隆。 www.bing.com 5. English is spoken as a first language by most people in the U. S. A. , Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 在美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰,大多数人都把英语作为第一语言。 www.tjjy.com.cn 6. I am quite free on Mondays as it is still a holiday in the U. S. A. There is no any email from them. 每逢周一我都相当清闲,因为美国仍然是假期,所以这里没有任何他们的电子邮件我可以接收。 lang-8.com 7. Especially when it is realized that there are about one and one-half billion of my kind produced in the U. S. A. each year. 特别是在当你发现每年美国都要生产十五亿支我这样的产品时。 www.bing.com 8. I spent the last four years teaching kindergarten through high school, in the U. S. A. 我曾在美国从事过四年从幼儿园到高中的教学工作。 www.rh-kids.com 9. Over the weekend, the government of Haiti agreed to the departure of 165 orphans to the U. S. , a State Department official said. 一名美国国务院(StateDepartment)官员说,海地政府周末期间同意165名孤儿离境赴美。 c.wsj.com 10. She learns English so hard as if she would go to the U. S. A. 她学英语如此努力好像她要去美国似的。 beike.dangzhi.com 1. Nicole Kidman, born and raised in the U. S. A by Australian parents, is the star of the recent film Australia. 妮可基德曼,出生,长大,在美国,澳大利亚的父母,是明星,最近电影澳大利亚。 www.6m.com 2. My pragmatic and principled approach to addressing complex world issues places the U. S. A. at the top. I will never relegate the U. 我以重实效、讲原则的方略在处理纷繁的国际事务中,将始终视美国的利益高于一切。 www.bing.com 3. On his mantle sits an embroidered hanging that reads, in red, white and blue, "God Bless the U. S. A. " 在一幅刺绣挂件上,用红色、白色和蓝色绣有这样的字样:“上帝保佑美利坚合众国”。 www.bing.com 4. C3: The U. S. A. has so much to be discovered and so much to be learned. 美国有太多的东西需要发掘和学习。 www.ebigear.com 5. Doc. in the U S A. has revised its methods that judge whether privatization of state-owned enterprises offsets subsidies. 美国商务部判断国有企业私有化抵消补贴方法经历了几次修改。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The lecture came from the U. S. A. . He is going to give a speech to us. 那个将会给我们演讲的讲师是来自美国的。 www.wwenglish.com 7. This kind of machine is widely used in India, Russia, the U. S. A. and China. 这种机器在印度、俄罗斯、美国、中国广泛应用。 www.jxenglish.com 8. External financing and its approaches for the hospital in the U. S. A. 美国医院的外部融资及其途径。 www.ilib.cn 9. Haier was the first Chinese company to build a factory in the U. S. -- a refrigerator plant in Camden , S. C. , in 2000 . 海尔是第一家到美国来建立工厂的中国企业,2000年他们在南卡的卡姆登开办了冰箱厂。 www.bing.com 10. The DOC of the U. S. A. Initiated the fifth administrative review against garlic from China. 美国商务部对原产于中国的大蒜发起第五次行政复审。 www.chinafiw.com 1. And I'm only back from a visit to the U. S. A. , where we visited 13 multinationals. 在结束了对美国13个跨国公司的访问之后,我刚刚回来。 www.tingclass.com 2. Singh, for his part, has a daughter in the U. S. , a human-rights lawyer who helped document U. 辛格对他而言,有一个在美国,一个人权律师谁帮助美国在阿布格莱布笔滥用的女儿。 www.englishtang.com 3. e. g. China's economy has developed a lot, but China is still a developing country while the U. S. A. is a developed country. 中国的经济已经有了很大的发展,但中国仍是一个发展中国家,而美国是一个发达国家。 wenku.baidu.com 4. My dream is to travel around the U. S. A! ! 我的梦想是游遍美国!! www.duw8.com 5. Review on Human Resource Management Practice in the Research Libraries of the U. S. A. 美国研究型图书馆人力资源管理实践研究。 www.ilib.cn 6. During the cold war, the U. S. A. executed a chain of strategies towards the Soviet Union. 冷战期间,美国对苏联社会主义国家实施了一系列战略。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. In the U. S. , a baby born before term is put in an incubator, given oxygen. 在美国,未足月产下的婴儿被放在保育箱里,供给氧气。 www.america.gov 8. Development and Trends of the Reading and Mathematics Curriculum in the U. S. A. 美国中小学阅读和数学课的历史发展及趋势。 service.ilib.cn 9. Toadstools were collected from a range of pure stands of Betula and Pinus both in Britain and the U. S. A. 从英国和美国一系列桦木和松树纯林中收集蕈体。 10. This time I am back to the U. S. A actually there was few reasons. 这次我回美国,实际上是有一些原因的…… ambrose.star.uland.com 1. This filthy watchdog of the u. s. a. has her days numbered and hence barking so loudly. 这条肮脏的美国的看门狗叫得这么响其实时日无多了。 www.ltaaa.com 2. As it is evolving, the TPP would give the U. S. a major role in the regional economy. 随着情况的发展,TPP将给予美国在本地区经济中以重要地位。 chinese.wsj.com 3. It certainly looked genuine. At the base of the gold cap, the words 'made in the U. S. A' had been nearly inscribed. 我仔细察看了一枝钢笔,那看上去确实不假,金笔帽下方整齐地刻有“美国制造”字样。 www.24en.com 4. Reducing oil consumption by raising the gasoline tax would once again make the U. S. a resolute and effective global leader. 通过提高汽油税用来减少石油消费,会使美国又成为一个坚决和有效率的全球领导。 www.bing.com 5. Regarding research investment and number of researchers engaged in this field of research, the U. S. A. “关于”投入该领域研究的投资额和研究人员的数量,美国占压倒优势,其次是日本。 jp345.com 6. Assimilate: The U. S. A. Has assimilated people from many European countries. 美国同化了许多来自欧洲国家的移民。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Aren't the U. S. A. demanding a navy base at Naples this very moment and isn't our Cabinet backing them? 美国不是正在这个时候要求在那不勒斯建立一个海军基地,而我们的内阁不是在支持他们吗? www.jukuu.com 8. The triumph of Japanese women football team over The U. S. A surprised the world. 日本女足队战胜美国队让全世界都很惊讶。 cet.hjenglish.com 9. All European Factions and the U. S. A. start with half strength armies and doubled treasuries. 所有的欧洲派系的一倍半强度的军队和国债美国开始。 www.clanlong.net 10. Located in the northern part of Wyoming. It is the oldest national park in the world and the largest wildlife preserve in the U. S. A. 黄石国家公园位于怀俄明州的北部地区。是世界上最古老的国家公园,是美国最大的野生保护区 wenku.baidu.com 1. The Continual Competition Power and the Realistic System for Creative Mechanism in the U. S. A. 美国可持续竞争力及其宏观制度创新机制。 www.ilib.cn 2. A cigar store in the Miami neighborhood of Little Havana gives Cubans in the U. S. a taste of home. 在迈阿密小哈瓦那附近的一个雪茄店给古巴人在美国的家的味道。 www.maynet.cn 3. Taibbi calls the U. S. a "gangster state, running on gangster economics. " 泰比称美国为一个“在强盗经济机制下运行的强盗国家。” www.bing.com 4. Helen Keller lived in the U. S. A. She was a great woman. 海伦·凯勒在美国生活,她是一个伟大的女人。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Eighty percent of married men cheat in the U. S. A. The rest cheat in Canada. 在美国80%的已婚男人撒谎,其余的20%在加拿大撒谎。 www.kekenet.com 6. World War I reversed the balance of payments situation, making the U. S. a net creditor. 一战逆转了收支平衡状况使美国一跃成为净债权国。 www.bing.com 7. On Enlarging the European Union and the Trade Relationship Between Europe and the U. S. A. 欧盟东扩与欧美经贸关系。 www.ilib.cn 8. But unlike much of China and the U S A , the weather in England never gets too hot , or too cold. 但是不像中国和美国的大部分地区,英国的天气从来没有太热或者太冷。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. The seasons of the year in England and the U. S. A. are nearly the same. 美国和英国的四季几乎是一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Think of the world's most popular brands, and chances are most are born in the U. S. A. 说起全球最受欢迎的品牌,人们最有可能想到的是美国的品牌。 www.fortunechina.com 1. How the negotiations between China and the U. S. A? 中美两国的谈判进展如何? art.nextsun.com 2. the words 'mad in the U. S. A. 'had been neatly inscribed. 金笔帽子下方整齐地刻有“美国制造”的字样。 www.kekenet.com 3. Classic Interactive Advertising Marketing Cases in the U. S. A. 美国网络广告行销经典案例。 www.365key.com 4. Development Strategies in Railway Freight Transport in the U. S. A. 美国铁路货运发展战略。 www.ilib.cn 5. People who live in the U. S. A needn't despair when they make mistakes like this (and a lot of people do). 美国人犯这种错误时(而且确实很多人犯这种错误),他们不必感到绝望。 blog.onlycollege.com.cn 6. There is dominance of the U. S. a leader that's democratic and pursues international values and which inspires followship. 如今美国作为全球主导,是个民主的领袖,追求国际价值,能够吸引他国的追随。 www.bing.com 7. Thanksgiving Day in the U. S. A. , like Spring Festival in China, brings families back together from across the country. 像中国春节一样,美国的感恩节是家人从全国各地团聚在一起的节日。 blog.163.com 8. Brief Introduction of Physical Education Teaching Mode in the U. S. A. 美国学校体育教学模式简介。 www.bing.com 9. An engineer or doctor 'has absolutely no reason to go to the U. S. A. and work as a housewife, ' he says. 格哈德说,在印度当工程师或医生的女子,根本没有任何理由去美国当一个全职太太。 bbs.51ielts.com 10. Reading Material Financial Intermediaries in the U. S. A. 美国的金融中介机构银行承兑汇票。 www.dushu.com 1. Reading Material Financial Intermediaries in the U. S. A. 美国的金融中介机构银行承兑汇票。 www.dushu.com 2. Generally, people in Canada and the U. S. A. wear suits in offices , for more formal occasions , just as people do in China . 通常来说,加拿大人和美国人像中国人一样,除了在更正式的场合外,在办公室上班时也穿西服。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The american colony seceded from Great Britain in 1776 and formed the U. S. A. 英在美洲的殖民地于1776年脱离英国并成立了美利坚合众国。 www.hotdic.com 4. Resurgence of the character education in the U. S. A. 人格教育在美国的回潮。 service.ilib.cn 5. The Fahrenheit scale is quite inconvenient, still it is used in England and the U. S. A. 华氏温标很不方便,但英美仍在使用。 www.heagri.gov.cn 6. The biggest reason for this, Ms. Fan said, is that further monetary easing in the U. S. -a serious drag on the U. S. dollar-is inevitable. 范恩说,这其中最主要的原因是美国将不可避免地实行进一步的货币宽松政策,而这将严重拖累美元。 chinese.wsj.com 7. These tips are based on popular career building strategies used in the U. S. A. 这些窍门是从风行于美国的职业拓展技巧中归纳出来的。 tornadoalex.spaces.live.com 8. They have made an agreement on fishing rights with the U. S. A. 他们已经和美国签定了渔业协定。 www.scutde.net 9. In the U. S. A. He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play even in bad weather. 在美国,他为他的学生们发明了一种室内游戏这样他们即使在坏天气里也能玩耍。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Lobbying a bill through congress is a common practice in the U. S. A. 在美国,进行游说使议案在国会通过是常有的事。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. She gave us a vivid description of Disney World in Florida, the U. S. A. 她向我们生动地描述了位于美国佛罗里达州的迪斯尼世界。 www.yaohua.edu.cn 2. 2, (l tor) Sada Jacobson, Mariel Zagunis and Becca Ward all celebrate medal victories for the U. S. A. in fencing. (从左到右雅各布森,玛丽尔-扎古尼斯贝卡-沃德)美国女子击剑队的金牌胜利。 www.enbar.net 3. A: It's my sincere hope that Iraq and the U. S. A. will settle their dispute soon. 我真心希望伊拉克和美国能尽快解决他们的争端。 www.ebigear.com 4. On Difference of Income Tax Accounting between China and the U. S. A. 中美所得税会计几点差异的研究。 ilib.cn 5. Yet, outdoor activities are varied and tempting in the U. S. A. 而各种各样的户外活动在美国则引人入胜。 eng.hzu.edu.cn 6. Clinton was elected President of the U. S. A. 克林顿被选为美国总统。 www.nse.cn 7. Some say that a potential was missed, and that the U. S. A. should have done things differently at that time. 一些人说一个潜在可能性已经错过了,美国应该在那个时刻作些不一样的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Talking about colleges and universities in the U. S. A. 谈论美国的高等学校。 eco.hust.edu.cn 9. The U. S. A accepted the peace proposal with dignity. 美国不失体面地接受了这项和平方案。 www.xiadoc.com 10. There are many single parent families and remarried families in the U. S. A. 在美国有许多单亲家庭和再婚家庭。 www.kantsuu.com 1. Higher Education Accreditation in the U. S. A. 美国的高校认证与教育评估。 www.ilib.cn 2. I read an article by a girl from the U. S. A. 我读了一篇美国女孩写的文章。 yzbylhb.blog.hexun.com 3. The result was greeted joyously by the: "U S A " chanting crowd, and the All Stars did have some good performers. 比赛结果让喊着“U-S-A”的观众们很满足,全明星队确实表现得不错。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Wilson became President of the U. S. A. 威尔逊当了美国总统。 wenku.baidu.com 5. A financial [an economic] mission to the U. S. a. 派往美国的财政[经济]代表团 dict.hjenglish.com 6. Sam Yamamoto. Global Exporting from the U. S. A. 来自美国的全球出口。 www.china-iiei.org 7. Many can get preferential duty rates of the U. S. A. 许多能获得美国的优惠生产率。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The Status of History, of Jurisprudence in the U. S. A. 美国法学史在美国的状况。 www.lawinfochina.com 9. The women volleyball match on March 8 will be held between China, the U. S. A. , and Cuba. 三月八日的女子排球赛将在中国、美国、日本和古巴四国之间举行。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. On the Legal Support to Education Reform in the U. S. A. 美国的相关立法对教育改革的支持。 www.ilib.cn 1. The longest, the most important river in the U. S. A. . It has a drainage area of 3225000 square kilometers. 密西西比河是美国最长、最重要的河流。它的流域面积达3225000平方公里。 www.kekenet.com 2. Is new York the capital of the U. S. A? 纽约是美国的首都吗? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Could you make yourself understood in the U. S. A? 在美国,别人能懂得你的话吗? elt.008.net 4. Business history split off from economic history in the U. S. A. in 1920s. 在20年代美国又将企业史从经济史中分化出来。 dict.veduchina.com 5. The U. S. A recognizes the Government of PRC as the sole legal Government of China. (美国承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府)。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. I heard from my pen friend in the U. S. A. last month. 上个月我受到了美国笔友的来信。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Pondering over and Comparison of the University Teacher Employment Systems in China and the U. S. A. 中美高校教师聘用制度的比较与思考。 www.ilib.cn 8. American Baptist Churches in the U. S. A. 美国的美洲浸礼会。 www.zanmei.net 9. More Chinese athletes will be sent to the U. S. A. 越来越多的中国运动员被送到美国学习。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. That drove prices 20% higher than in the U. S. A Shanghai pizza had cost more than $20. 上海餐厅的比萨价格超过20美元。 chinese.wsj.com 1. FREEDOM AND LIBERTY. GOD BLESS THE U. S. A. 自由,上帝保佑美国 www.bing.com 2. So thank you again for coming and we look forward to seeing you in the U. S. A. Thanks. 让我再次感谢大家,希望与你们在美国相见。谢谢。 www.america.gov 3. And they're spreading from Korea to Brazil to India to the U. S. A. and across Europe. 它们从韩国传播到巴西,到印度,到美国,传遍欧洲。 www.ted.com 4. Action Research on Maths Class in the U. S. A. 美国小学数学课堂上的行动研究。 www.ilib.cn 5. Then I came to the U. S. A. This meant my life was changed here. 然后我来到了美国这意味着我的生命是这里。 www.ttxyy.com 6. The Dissemination and Foundation of Modern Western Science in China by Returned Students from the U. S. A. 留美学生与近代西方自然科学在中国的传播。 service.ilib.cn 7. Our side is the U. S. A and the other side is Canada. 门一边就是我们的祖国——美国,另一边就是加拿大。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Hope that a good reputation in the U. S. a win-win co-operation platform. 希望在良好的信誉合作平台上大家双赢。 www.tonke.cn 9. Famous Movie Companies in the U. S. A. 美国著名电影公司 www.ebigear.com 10. And we are still appealing very much to the multinational companies, particularly, in the U. S. A. 我们对非常有实力的跨国公司还是很有吸引力的,特别是美国的一些公司。 www.tingclass.com 1. The first indoor mall in the U. S. A was built in 1965 in Edina, Minnesota. 首个室内购物中心,在美国建于1965年在埃迪纳,明尼苏达州。 wenwen.soso.com 2. What are some important festivals in the U. S. A. , do you know? 你是否知道美国有哪些重要节日? e.3edu.net 3. In Britain the central bank is the Bank of England; in the U. S. A. , The Federal Reserve System; in Japan, the Bank of Japan. 英国的中央银行是英格兰银行;美国的中央银行是联邦储备体系;日本的中央银行是日本银行。 insuns.com 4. From 2007 to 2009, I used to travel to the U. S. a lot. 从2007年到2009年,我频繁地在美国出差。 c.wsj.com 5. The more U. S. companies export their Made in the U. S. A. goods and services, the more they produce. 随着美国公司出口更多源于美国的商品和服务,它们的生产规模也更大。 www.putclub.com 6. Katrina cost the U. S. A. 81. 2 Billion dollars the most expensive disaster ever. 卡特里娜飓风造成美国高达812亿美元的损失,也是有史以来损失最严重的灾难。 www.elanso.com 7. When I came to the U. S. A. , I was inspired: a new country, new life, new people, new language and new food. 当我来美国时,我被鼓舞了:新的国家、新的生活、新的人、新的语言和新的食物。 www.bing.com 8. Does he come from the U S A or Japan ? 他来自美国还是日本? wenku.baidu.com 9. He spent his youth in the U. S. A. 他少年时代在美国度过? wenku.baidu.com 10. and become popular among all classes of people in the U. S. A. and abroad. 爵士音乐流传极广,受到美国各阶层人士以及国外的普遍欢迎。 www.jukuu.com 1. It has been three years since she went to the U. S. A. 她去美国已经三年了。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. We will bring you great business Here in the U. S. A. 在美国,我们会为你带来很多的业务。 www.hbzxr.com 3. About 18. 6 million acres of oats were harvested for grain in the U. S. A. 在美国燕麦作为谷物而收获的面积是1,860万英亩。 4. preferential duty rates when we ship to the U. S. A. 我们能在货物装运到美国时获得优惠税率。 www.ebigear.com 5. Is Michael from the U. S. A ? Yes, he is. 米高来自美国吗?是的,他是。 wenku.baidu.com 6. i don't know whether you happen to have heard, but i'm going to study in the U. S. A. this September. 我不知道你是否碰巧听说过,但我这个九月要去美国读书了。 wenwen.soso.com 7. G: I'm phoning from the U. S. A I want some information before making a reservation. 我从美国打的电话。我在我来之前能个我保留些资料。 www.bing.com 8. In the U. S. A. , similar regulations have been in effect for many years, as implemented by the FDA. 在美国,由美国食品药品监督管理局贯彻实施的相类似的法规也执行很多年了。 wenku.baidu.com 9. What is the legislative in the U. S. A? 美国的立法机关是什么? www.crazyenglish.org 10. I'm a long gone Daddy in the U. S. A. 我是住在美国的游魂老爹 blog.sina.com.cn 1. B: Isn't she in the U. S. A? 她不是在美国吗? www.ebigear.com 2. He is flying to the U S A at ten. 他十点钟就要飞往美国。 www.for68.com 3. Travel in the U. S. A. 我在美国旅行 www.putclub.com 4. Were these computers made in the U. S. A. 这些计算机是美国制造的吗? www.enread.com 5. Is anything made in the U. S. A. anymore? 现在还有什么在美国制造? www.bing.com 6. W1: The U. S. A. is a big and exciting country. 美国是一个让人兴奋的大国。 www.ebigear.com 7. Here are some ways to invest in the U. S. A. 下面是投资美国市场的一些诀窍 c.wsj.com 8. We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the U. S. A. 我们能在货色装运到美国时得到优惠税率。 yibar.com.cn 9. There are some Chinese dissidents in the U. S. A. 在美国有些反政府的中国异议分子。 www.moon-soft.com 10. Where are you from? I'm from the U. S. A. My first name is Sandy. 你从哪里来?我从美国来的.我叫桑迪。 www.tingclass.net 1. Mr. Klimm: Not exactly! I am from Germany originally, but I have lived in the U. S. A. for 35 years. 科利姆先生:不是的!我出生在德国,在美国生活了35年。 www.tup.com.cn 2. I'll go to the U. S. A, provided I have enough money. 只要我有足够的钱我就去美国。 www.joyen.net 3. You'd better brush up on your English since you decide to study in the U. S. A. 既然你决定去美国念书,最好多温习你的英文。 naturefeel.blog.163.com 4. I'm from the U. S. A. I'm from Australia Oh, are you? 我从美国来的.我来自于澳大利亚.哦,是吗? www.tingroom.com 5. Foreign Languages Education and Reform in Our Country and the U. S. A. 论我国与美国的外语教育及改革 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I've been to Europe and the U. S. A Still I have many places to explore. 我曾去过欧洲和美国,但仍然有许多地方等待我去探索。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 7. The College has established Exchange Programmes with a number of universities in the U. S. A. , Japan and Germany. They include 学院设立了与美国、日本及德国多间大学的学生交换计划,包括 www.cuhk.edu.hk 8. Reflection on China's Enterprises Losing the Case of Antidumping Chinese Colour TVs in the U. S. A 中国彩电在美反倾销案中失利的反思 service.ilib.cn 9. A Comparison the Effects of Financial Systems on Venture Capital Investment between the U. S. A and Germany 美、德不同的金融系统对风险投资影响的比较 service.ilib.cn 10. Integrated coastal zone management of the U. S. A and its enlightenment to China 美国海岸带综合管理及其对我国的借鉴意义 www.ilib.cn 1. Static comparison of administrative permission systems between the U. S. A and Japan 美、日两国行政许可制度的静态比较 www.ilib.cn 2. The Motivations of Accountability of Institutions in the U. S. A. And Its Inspirations 美国高等学校问责制形成动因及启示 www.ilib.cn 3. Opportunities and Challenges of Researching and Popularizing the History of the U. S. A. In the Era of the Internet 网络时代美国历史研究与普及面临的机遇和挑战 www.ilib.cn 4. Discussion on Disputes on the U. S. A's Protection for Steel Trade and Its Effect on Global Trade and Economy 美国钢铁贸易保护争端及其对世界经济贸易的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. Psychological Consultation for College Students Under Students'Affairs Administration in the U. S. A 学生事务管理下的美国大学生心理咨询 www.ilib.cn 6. An Analysis of the U. S. A's Echoing Antidumping Measures against Color TV Sets from China and Sout 美国对中韩彩电回应反倾销比较分析 www.wenloo.com 7. The Influence and Economic Analysis of the U. S. A Abandoning the Strong Dollar Policy 美国放弃强势美元政策的影响及经济学分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Prospect, Career and End of Early Chinese Students Studying in the U. S. A 中国早期留美学生返国后的前程、事业与结局 service.ilib.cn 9. Determination of Causation in Civil Action for Misrepresentation in the U. S. A. And the Enlightenment to China 美国虚假陈述民事诉讼因果关系的认定及启示 www.ilib.cn 10. Comparative study on Anti- monopoly Law between the U. S. A and Germany 美国、德国反垄断法律制度比较研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Anti-money Laundering Mechanism of the U. S. A. And Enlightenments for China 美国反洗钱机制及对我国的启示 www.ilib.cn 2. Comparison and enlightenment of the U. S. A. , Japan, French'sagricultural insurance 美国、日本、法国农业保险比较及其借鉴 www.ilib.cn 3. Information Diplomacy and Information Hegemony of the U. S. A 信息外交与美国的信息霸权 www.ilib.cn 4. Foreigners Still Consider The US A Good Buy Foreigners Still Consider The U. S. A Good Buy 外国公司仍将美国视为一个投资宝地 www.bing.com 5. Historical Review of the U. S. A Urbanization and Suburbanization Process and Future Outlook of the Chinese Urban Development 美国城市化和郊区化历史回顾及对中国城市的展望 www.ilib.cn 6. The Management of Veterinary Practitioners and Permission System in the U. S. A 美国的兽医管理及执业准入制度 www.ilib.cn 7. Institutions worldwide are hiring administrators from the U. S. A 世界范围的高校正在从美国聘请管理人员。 www.for68.com 8. Brief Analysis of Economic and Financial Groups'Rise of the U. S. A 简析美国经济财团的崛起与发展 www.ilib.cn 9. Analysis on the Situation of Petroleum Import in the U. S. A. Under the Diversification of Energy Strategy and Some Enlightenments 多元化能源战略下美国石油进口态势分析及启示 www.ilib.cn 10. Analyse the Policy of the U. S. A and Influence Factor in the Problem of Nuclear of Korean 试析美国在朝核问题上的政策及影响因素 service.ilib.cn 1. Experiment Report for Introducing Pasturages from the U. S. A and Canada 美国、加拿大牧草引种试验初报 www.ilib.cn 2. The Present Situation of the Main Armed Helicopters and Airborne Millimeter-Wave Fire Control Radars Made in the U. S. A and Russia 美俄主要武装直升机及其机载毫米波火控雷达发展现状 www.ilib.cn 3. The U. S. A's Track Choices of Implementing Trade Constraints on China's Textiles 美对华纺织品实施贸易限制的路径选择 ilib.cn 4. The Influence and Enlightenment of the U. S. A. Space War Game 美国太空军事演习的影响与启示 www.ilib.cn 5. Development of the U. S. A. Policy to DPRK During the Wartime of Korea 朝鲜战争时期美国对朝政策的演变 www.ilib.cn 6. BanrockStation has won the U. S. A. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE REGIONAL CONSERVATION AWARD 班瑞克酒园曾获美国鱼类和野生动物区域保护奖 www.88wine.com 7. The Trends of Macroeconomic Policy in the U. S. A and Suggestions for China 信息技术发展对美国宏观经济政策的影响及其启示 www.ilib.cn 8. Present Status of Lost Foam Casting Small-middle Enterprises in the U. S. A 美国消失模铸造中小型企业现状介绍 www.ilib.cn 9. Coaches in the U. S. A. ? He runs a number of well-established and 在美国指导?他跑一些已确立的和 www.chess.com.cn 10. Talents Policy and Talents Strategy of the U. S. A 美国人才政策与人才战略简论 www.ilib.cn 1. Nutritional diets in schools of the U. S. A. And some enlightenments 美国学校营养膳食及启示 www.ilib.cn 2. How to Deal with the Investigation of Provision 337 of the U. S. A. Tariff Law for Chinese Business 中国企业应如何应对美国关税法337条款调查 www.ilib.cn 3. Electric consumable market of the U. S. A 美国电子消费品市场:商机多多 www.ilib.cn 4. Largest human resources consulting firm in the U. S. A 为美国最大的人力资源咨询公司 wenku.baidu.com 5. Study on Operation Mechanism of "Water Bank" in California in the U. S. A 美国加州“水银行”运行机制研究 ilib.com.cn 6. the U. S. A federal reserve bank notes series 美国联邦储备券系列 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Born In The U. S. A. ? Some Chinese Plan It That Way 去美国生孩子?一些中国人正如此打算 www.bing.com 8. Volunteers in Communities in the U. S. A 美国社区中的志愿者服务 www.ilib.cn 9. National Character and Reciprocity of the Higher Education Exchange between in the U. S. A. And in China 中美高等教育交流中的民族性与相互性 service.ilib.cn 10. The Characteristics of the Botanical Gardens in the U. S. A. And Some Inspiration on the Development of Shanghai Botanical Garden 美国植物园的特点——兼谈对上海植物园发展的启示 www.ilib.cn 1. How to realize the hegemonism practised by the U. S. A. After the cold war 如何认识冷战后的美国霸权主义 www.ilib.cn 2. Enlightenment From the Development of the U. S. A Modern Higher Education 美国现代高等教育发展及启示 www.ilib.cn 3. I'm a cool rocking Daddy in the U. S. A. now 我现在只能做很酷很摇滚的老爹 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of College Students in China and the U. S: A Dialectical View 辩证地看待中美大学生的优势与劣势 www.ilib.cn 5. Comparison on the difference of food consumption in China and the U. S. A. And China's food issue 中美两国粮食消费差异比较与中国粮食问题 service.ilib.cn 6. On the Students Service System of Community Colleges in the U. S. A 关于美国社区学院的学生服务体系 ilib.cn 7. they went to the U. S. A, not to study English, but to study law. 他们去美国不是为了学习英语,而是为了学习法律。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. write a letter to the President of the U. S. A 给美国总统写信必须是英文的。 home.ebigear.com 9. live in the U. S. A. = live in America 居住在美国 blog.sina.com.cn |
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