单词 | the target | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | the target
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 靶子,目标,目标肥羊 1. Until the inbound service continues to run the next stop, it is always waiting for a response from the target component. 在入站服务继续下一项操作之前,它始终会等待目标组件的应答。 www.ibm.com 2. With a bit of prompting Lee is able to speak the target vocabulary and sentences. 在我们的鼓励下他能说我们今天的目标词汇和句子。 vip.iyaya.com 3. Hex: Transforms the enemy into a random critter, reducing the target's movement speed by 75%. 巫术:将敌人变成一种随机的小动物,减少移动速度75%。 k88.net 4. if it is useful in your application , you can determine whether the target page is running as the result of a cross - page post. 如果这在您的应用程序中有用,则可以确定目标页是否由于跨页发送而正在运行。 www.ichacha.net 5. As such they are not propagated back to the sources by this pattern and can be overwritten during the next refresh cycle of the target. 因此这种模式无法将它们传播回数据源,并且将在目标的下一个刷新周期被覆盖。 www.ibm.com 6. The target platform is typically described in terms related to the implementation language and a technical framework on top of that. 目标平台是用与实现语言以及技术框架相关的术语描述的。 www.ibm.com 7. Were the bank counterparty to fail, the index provider would be left with assets that were unrelated to the target portfolio. 要是交易银行倒闭,就只能留下一些与目标投资组合毫无关联的资产给指数提供者。 www.ecocn.org 8. But give him a chance in the air, as Germany twice did in , and he would backhimself to at least hit the target once. 正如星期三德班体育场之夜与德国队交战的两记头球,如果给他充分的机会,他会施展自己的才能至少命中一球。 www.tiyuxiu.com 9. Custom Actions Editor allows you to specify additional actions to be performed on the target computer at the end of an installation. “自定义操作编辑器”,可以指定安装结束时在目标计算机上执行的附加操作。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Once the enemy radar is verified, the UAV make a near vertical dive to the target and destroy it with its high explosive warhead. 一但敌人的雷达被核实,UAV对目标做出一个近乎垂直向下俯冲并用它的高爆弹头破坏它。 www.globalmil.com 1. When he reached the top, one of the target bunkers opened fire on him with machine guns. 爬到崖顶后,一个目标地堡的机关枪向他开火。 www.bing.com 2. He said he was the target of a combined telephone and phishing attempt in 2010. 他说,2010年一起同时利用电话和钓鱼的攻击就曾以他本人为目标。 c.wsj.com 3. This may be less efficient than a local deployment but does not require the deployment of any additional components to the target system. 这可能没有本地部署那么高效,但它不需要在目标系统中部署任何额外的组件。 www.ibm.com 4. Generates the target-specific markup for the child controls in a composite control to which the control adapter is attached. 为附加了控件适配器的复合控件中的子控件生成特定于目标的标记。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. He was the biggest kid in the class, but he was the timid type, the kind of kid who'd always end up the target of pranks and insults. 他的体格虽然是全班最宏伟壮硕,个性却非常胆小畏缩,是那种很容易招惹好事者半开玩笑欺负他的类型。 www.onlylz.com 6. The only difference is, instead of the target filesystem residing in the same volume group, it would be created in a different volume group. 唯一的区别是,目标文件系统并不在同一卷组中,而是在另一个卷组中创建它。 www.ibm.com 7. But Blair County Commissioner Terry Tomassetti said the new hire was the target, not the inmate. 但布雷尔郡郡长泰瑞.托马歇提说,目标是这名新人,而非犯人。 suyage.com:8080 8. Instead, a token is assigned to a mediation flow for a time slot that represents the theoretical execution time of the target Web service. 在这里,令牌在某一时间段被分配给仲裁流,而该时间段表示目标Web服务的理论执行时间。 www.ibm.com 9. Once the enemy radar is detected, the system can automatically compare the signal with its database and prioritise the threat of the target. 敌人的雷达一但被发现,系统能自动地把信号与它的数据库比较并且优先目标的威胁。 www.globalmil.com 10. The Target Company is not a party to any enterprise agreement, i. e. an agreement through which it obtains the control over a third entity. 目标公司不是任何公司协议的一方,以通过此类协议取得对第三方的控制权。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. So far the main hurdle has been getting RNA into the target cells, but the eye's accessibility means this is not so much of a problem. 目前为止的主要难题是如何把RNA注入到目标细胞。眼睛的可研究性意味着这不再是个难题了。 www.bing.com 2. The target limit is short at the early stage, but tends to be longer when the inflation is stable. 在初期阶段目标期限偏短,在通货膨胀稳定时期,目标期限有加长的倾向。 epub.cnki.net 3. Last week, Mr. Pelata said Renault was no longer certain that it had been the target of corporate espionage. 佩拉塔上个星期说,雷诺不再肯定它曾是商业间谍活动的目标。 c.wsj.com 4. Revealed the chance of his students hit the target, and later the passage of the enigmatic woman was proved to be a perpetrator. 这个偶然性显露出来在他生打中目标,后来又高深莫测的消逝的女子被证明是一名案犯。 www.amy365.com 5. In a statement, Mr. Lee said the target would create 'short-term burdens' for South Korea but yield 'broader national gains. ' 李明博在声明中说,这个目标会给韩国带来短期负担,但让国家在更广阔的领域受益。 www.tesoon.com 6. The value of these options is often neglected in the traditional evaluation ways for the target firms in capital operational activities. 传统企业价值评估方法中忽略了企业资本运营活动中这些期权的价值。 www.fabiao.net 7. "Novel" is the ultimate goal, it needs to be divided into front in different stages of the target, like the same step by step pyramid piles. “小说”是最终的目标,那么前面就需要划分各个不同阶段的目标,就像金字塔一样一步一步堆起来的。 www.82g.com.cn 8. This week the British police said he had been the target of a foiled assassination attempt. 本周英国警察称粉碎了一起针对他的暗杀行动。 www.ecocn.org 9. The age of any further cases will dictate the target age groups for the two subsequent NIDs. 任何进一步病例的年龄将为今后两次国家免疫日指示目标年龄组。 www.who.int 10. The target might be in the same square as a small tree, obscured by a small pillar or a large piece of furniture, or behind a low wall. 目标可能与一颗小树处在同一格内,或被一个小型柱子或大块的家具所掩护,或者身处一堵矮墙后。 www.anetcity.com 1. If it is determined that the inputs or outputs of the target are up-to-date, the target will be skipped and the build will proceed. 如果确定了目标的输入或输出是最新的,将跳过该目标并继续生成过程。 technet.microsoft.com 2. All that this event is saying is that the target object will not be CREATED because the connection agreement is NOT PRIMARY . 此事件表明,因为连接协议不是主连接协议,所以将不创建目标对象。 www.bing.com 3. This rule instructs make -- if it wishes to build the target all -- to first make sure that hello, goodbye, and fibonacci are up to date. 这条规则会告诉make——如果希望编译目标all——首先要确保hello、goodbye和fibonacci都是最新的。 www.ibm.com 4. Note: User1 must be a member of the target team and the project area to be able to perform the Deliver operation. 注意:User1必须是目标团队的一名成员,而且项目区域能够执行Deliver操作。 www.ibm.com 5. The target (which can be a class or object) looks to see if it has a method of the same name as the message. 该目标(可以是类或对象)查找是否有与此消息同名的方法。 www.ibm.com 6. If you specify a path to a different computer, you must have sufficient permissions to be able to read and write to the target location. 如果您指定通往其他电脑的路径,您必须具有足够权限才能够读写目标位置。 technet.microsoft.com 7. The information it returns for a type is not extensible, in that it cannot be modified after compilation of the target type. 反射为某个类型返回的信息不可扩展,因为编译了目标类型后就不能对其进行修改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Due to the fact that there are multiple hops to get to the target database, it is possible that there might be some performance degradation. 由于到达目标数据库之前有多个跃点(hop),所以性能可能会有一些下降。 www.ibm.com 9. Researchers told the participant which person was the target, and watched as the neurons duked it out. 研究人员告诉参与者哪一个是目标,然后监视神经元之间的争斗。 www.bing.com 10. Notice, though, that this includes the textual content for the target element, as well as textual content for its child elements. 不过要注意,它不但包含了目标元素的文本内容,还包含了其子元素的文本内容。 www.ibm.com 1. The only way for a remote server to enlist in the transaction is to be the target of a distributed query or a remote stored procedure call. 远程服务器登记到事务中的唯一方法是成为分布式查询或远程存储过程调用的目标。 www.kuenglish.info 2. Plugs also make it easy to adjust the URI of the target service to specify the desired feature or processing options. Plugs也能轻易地通过调整目标服务的URI,指向特定的想用的Feature或可选的处理过程上。 www.infoq.com 3. As gifts by the target's name, address the contents of this should be written on the front of the body to show respect. 象所赠对象的姓名,称呼这样的内容应该写在正文的前面,以表尊敬。 www.cutpic.cn 4. 2[W] Charisma modifier damage, and until the end of your next turn, the target is [[marked]] by an ally within 5 squares of you. 魅力调整伤害,而且目标被距离你5格内的一名友方[[标记]]到你下回结束。 www.anetcity.com 5. The Referee is not required to say or to do anything if a shooter does not shoot but opens the gun after calling for the target. 若运动员叫靶后没有射击而是打开了枪机,裁判员不需要说或做任何事。 images.sport.org.cn 6. Mrs. Clinton did not name China, but the target of her unequivocal remarks was clear. 虽然希拉里没有提到中国,但此番明确评论的指向相当明显。 cn.nytimes.com 7. He would say, you know, he wasnt important enough to be the target of this kind of surveillance. 他会说,他还没重要到足以收到这种级别的监视; www.bing.com 8. The Concat function will concatenate two or more strings from the source into a single string value on the target side. Concat函数将源中的两个或多个字符串连接为目标中的单个字符串值。 www.ibm.com 9. I think you are doing when Chinese to English so the assumption might be: the target audience to reduce the level of a year to treat. 笔者认为你在做汉译英的时候不妨可以这么假设:将目标读者降低一个年级程度来对待。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The medical device industry is one of several that seem to have been the target recently, administration officials say. 美国政府官员说医疗器械工业最近似乎已成为中国政府排挤的目标之一。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Leave the target of your anger to a lonely place or to a friendly person. 把使自己愤怒的对象单独留在一个空间或者让他和一个友善的人在一起; www.bing.com 2. But the target of his ire isn't foreign governments or foreign media. Instead it was his own government's lack of transparency. 但他的愤怒并非针对外国政府或外国媒体,而是中国政府缺乏透明性。 c.wsj.com 3. To meet the target, it would have to let the renminbi rise to increase its imports and temper export growth. 为了达到限制贸易不平衡规模的目标,中国必须让人民币升值,以便增加进口,减缓出口增长。 club.news.sohu.com 4. PCR analysis of the total DNA extracted from transgenic plants has shown that the target gene had been integrated into the rice genome. 转基因植株总DNA的PCR分析初步表明,目的基因己整合到水稻的基因组中。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Second, he suggested that the good things of modernity is often the target motion to the cross. 其次,他提出,现代性中的好东西常常向交错的目标运动。 www.antsws.com 6. When you begin a merge branches operation, you know which changes from the origin you want to be applied over in the target. 当你开始一个合并分支操作,你知道你要从源应用到目标的变更。 kb.cnblogs.com 7. Meanwhile, nannies seem to be the target of oddball queries from potential employers, as I've reported previously. 另外像我前面写到的那样,保姆求职的时候,似乎很容易被问到一些奇奇怪怪的问题。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The target was an area of tissue on the front vaginal wall located behind the urethra. 实验的焦点被放在尿道后的前阴道壁组织部分。 www.bing.com 9. To hit iron shots to the green with the correct strike and be able to shape the ball into the target with either a high or low trajectory. 用铁杆正确击球上岭,不论是高击杆弹道或低击杆弹道,都能将有目地的击球塑形到理想目标。 www.bing.com 10. The target must be able to hear the Prayer and must believe in the Seven. 目标必须能够听到修士的祈祷且信仰七神。 ellesime.anetcity.com 1. Even if donors meet the target, the aid may arrive in a sudden and unmanageable rush a year or two before the deadline. 即使捐助国完成目标,援助也可能是赶在截止期前一、年突然而至,难以管理。 www.jukuu.com 2. Wegner and colleagues found a rebound effect: Trying to suppress thoughts about the target person increased dreaming about that person! 维格纳和他的同事发现了回跳效应:努力抑制自己不要去想的那个人却不断地梦到! www.bing.com 3. President Bush is often the target of anti-American demonstrations. 布什总统常是反美示威游行的目标。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Additionally, to activate a dorje, a character must hold it in hand and point it in the general direction of the target or area. 另外,人物使用灵杖时必须手持灵杖并指向目标(区域)的大致方向。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The government did not curb bank loans across the economy. The target of 7. 5 trillion bank loan in 2010 had not been adjusted downward. 中国没有从整个经济体回收银行信贷,中央政府年初定的全年信贷总量7.5万亿目标并没有改变。 blog.caing.com 6. The process to develop these type of applications is a bit difficult since in PDE, the concept of the target platform is per workspace. 开发这些类型应用的过程有点困难,因为在PDE中,目标平台的概念是针对每个工作区的。 www.infoq.com 7. Transliteration, to say it informally, is to transform the pronounciation form from the original language to that of the target language. 主题:音译法,通俗来讲,就是将源语的发音的发音形式转换成目的语的发音形式。 ww1.1x1y.com.cn 8. That ally gets a 2 bonus to his or her next attack roll against the target or to all defenses against the target's next attack. 这名友方对目标的下次攻击骰获得 2加值,或者在所有防御上对目标的下次攻击获得 2加值。 www.anetcity.com 9. Returning to his old neighborhood, Bernard became caught up in gang warfare and the target of anti-Semitic hostility. 重返他原来居住的地方时,伯纳德被帮派抓住,成为了反犹太人斗争的靶子。 www.bing.com 10. I'm so tired of these tedious speeches and words and praises and promises that no one, including the target audience, ever lives up to. 我对这些枯燥的演说、文字、赞美的话和即使是目标听众都不会遵循的承诺感到非常厌倦。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. finally, another editor knowing only the target language was to convert this output into the normal forms of his own language. 最终,另一个只识别目标语言的编译器将输出语言序列转化为该语言的正常的表达。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, have becoming the target of a lot pretty girls. 杰克体形匀称,个头儿适中,一双大眼睛炯炯有神,成了许多女刚出生的孩子追求的目的。 english.tiaomu.com 3. But the target of his rebellion was the United States naval base that occupied Sasebo, the western Japanese port city in which he grew up. 但他反叛的目标却是驻扎在佐世保的美国海军基地,佐世保是日本西部的一座港口城市,也是他成长的地方。 www.bing.com 4. Istanbul's governor has said there's no doubt this was a terror attack, the target, a pedestrian street in a residential area of the city. 伊斯坦布尔市长说毫无疑问这是一次恐怖袭击,目标就是该市居民区的一条步行街。 www.bing.com 5. Glyph of the Penguin - Empowers a Minor Glyph to cause your Polymorph: Sheep spell to turn the target into a baby penguin. 企鹅雕文-使你的变形术:羊把目标变成企鹅宝宝(恶趣味……)。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. If necessary, lase something near the target, out of view of the enemy. 如果需要,照射在目标附近敌人的视野范围以外。 dict.bioon.com 7. It is possible for the name of a property or method in a generated class to be a keyword in the target programming language. 生成的类中的属性或方法的名称可能是目标编程语言的关键字。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. It focuses on determining how much space the translated text would need depending on the target language and culture. 地区间本地化关注于依赖目标语言和文化的译文需要多少空间。 www.ibm.com 9. The source database must be cataloged if it does not reside in the same instance as the target database. 如果源数据库和目标数据库不在同一个实例中,那么必须对源数据库进行编目。 www.ibm.com 10. Describes the Registry Editor, which allows you to specify registry keys and values to be added to the registry of the target computer. 描述“注册表编辑器”,使用该编辑器可以指定要添加到目标计算机注册表中的注册表项和值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Make as many friends as you can that speak the target language - maybe you could join a language club where people learn together. 尽可能结交朋友的目标语言说,也许你能加入一个语言俱乐部,那里的人们共同学习。 www.italki.com 2. But just as important as the selection of phrases is where you are going to be pointing them to: the target page. 但和选择短语同样重要的是你将把它们指向何处:目的页面。 www.bing.com 3. the incantation (if any) for the spell is not currently known, but it is accompanied by a flash of light around the target Animagus. 所用的咒语(如果有的话)现在还不清楚,但是它伴随了一道闪光罩在被施咒的阿尼马格斯的周围。 www.hoolee8.com 4. The target of the different deployment approaches is to provide a controlled mechanism to call both login and logout methods. 不同部署方法的目标都是提供一种可控的机制来调用登录和注销方法。 www.ibm.com 5. Professional women seem to be the target demographic for many of these men. 职业女性对很多男性来说是目标人群。 www.bing.com 6. Another application requirement may be such that the source portlet has no knowledge of the view being displayed on the target portlet. 另一个应用程序需求可能是因为源portlet对目标portlet上正展示的视图不了解。 www.ibm.com 7. Stroke quality is the degree to which we produce that all-important consistency, precision, and fluidity straight down the target line. 击球的质量就是我们能够多么稳定、精确、顺畅而直的把球打向瞄准线。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. On the target WSDL panel, any new port type is created with a system-generated name, (with its icon displayed over a red background). 在目标WSDL面板上,任何新的端口类型都是使用系统生成的名称创建的,(在红色背景上显示它的图标)。 www.ibm.com 9. The (pulsed) waves of two or more transmitters interfere in the target zone and strengthen their effects. 两个或更多发射器发出的(脉冲)波侵入目标地带并加强它们的影响。 hi.baidu.com 10. Whenever Cephalid Illusionist becomes the target of a spell or ability, put the top three cards of your library into your graveyard. 每当鱆人幻术师成为咒语或异能的目标时,将你牌库顶的三张牌置入你的坟墓场。 tw-wowbox.yatta.com.tw 1. Instead, the target language ( grammar &vocabulary ) is presented at the beginning of each unit through pictures and speech bubbles. 目标语言(语法和词汇)是在每个单元的开始通过图片和对话框呈现的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Because of the decoupled nature of this approach, service requests to the target can be handled efficiently even for large data volumes. 因为这种方法具有完全分离的本质,所以可以高效地处理对目标的服务请求,即使是在数据量很大的情况下。 www.ibm.com 3. By default, the target platform is set to that of the current running instance of Eclipse. 默认情况下,目标平台被设为针对当前运行的Eclipse实例。 www.ibm.com 4. Specifies whether or not to provision the target device, and, if so, into which store the certificate is to be placed. 指定是否提供目标设备,如果提供,则指定要放置证书的存储区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Withstand high temperatures practiced two days, a total of one and a half hours in observable when the target did not play. 顶着高温练了两天,一共一个半小时,在瞄靶的时候却没有发挥出来。 www.dota123.com 6. By adding a gene from another plant into the target plant, scientists are able to develop a plant that produces more of a desired nutrient. 通过将来源于另一种植物的基因导入目标植物中,科学家能够培育出一种可以合成更多营养素的植物。 afic.org 7. Once a certain company has already carried out a valid network marketing, the competitor can hardly enter the target market of that company. 一旦某个公司曾经完成有用的收集营销,竞争者就很难进入该公司的目的市场。 mu.yo52.com 8. The target is to get the best out of our potential, keep going and see where we finish at the end of the season. 我们的目标是最大限度发挥球队的潜力,继续进取,争取赛季末好的排名。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. To refer to a specific part of a document, you should first take a look at the target document you're going to link to. 要引用文档的一部分,首先要看一下将要链接到的目标文档。 www.ibm.com 10. Rename the target by adding ". q" to the end of its name and add the word quantify to the start of the link line. 通过在目标末尾添加“.q”来对其重新命名,并向链接行开头添加单词quantify。 www.ibm.com 1. Culture reporting in and the target language in source language connotation is consistent like the commodity brand adopt free translation. 采用意译的商品品牌一般在源语言和目标语言中反映的文化内涵一致。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. In frequency modulation continuous wave (FMCW) radar, the target information is usually extracted by Range-Doppler processing. 调频连续波(FMCW)雷达往往通过对回波信号的距离-多普勒处理来提取目标信息。 www.dictall.com 3. A hostile takeover is when the target company did not invite or approve an offer to its shareholders. 一个敌对的接管是,目标公司并未邀请或赞成对其股东的出价。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Calls to the optimized local adapter invocation or send request APIs do not result in an inbound JCA request to drive into the target EJB. 针对优化的本地适配器调用或发送请求API的调用不会导致入站JCA请求以便进入目标EJB。 www.ibm.com 5. He said that the US believes that the target hit was a command and control center for the Iraqi army. 他说,美国认为击中的目标是伊军的一个指挥和控制中心。 www.dictall.com 6. Plus, the launch site and trajectory are easy to identify, inviting retaliation in kind from the target nation. 并且,发射地点和弹道容易识别,易招致目标国的以牙还牙。 www.bing.com 7. We would also like you to take your eyes off the target as you say. 我们也想请你如你们说的“放下眼皮上的目标”。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Will the high-level language translation source program for the target machine instructions said the program is completed by B. 将高级语言源程序整个地翻译为机器指令表示的目标程序是由B完成的。 www.liangzichangenglish.com 9. If the price per share is extremely generous, and if the target company accepts, the deal is referred to as a bear hug. 如果每股的出价非常慷慨,而目标公司接受,这笔交易就被叫做一个熊的拥抱。 www.bing.com 10. Select the code page, text layout, file type, and any other relevant parameters that match the target text file to be created. 选择与要创建的目标文本文件相匹配的代码页、文本布局、文件类型及其他任何相关的参数。 office.microsoft.com 1. Walk to the ball from behind, get a good grip, pass the club back of the ball square to the target, then adjust your stance to fit. 从球的后方走上前去,握好杆,将杆头置于球后方与目标方向线垂直,然后据此调整你的站位。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "We have the ability . . . to target very specifically the target (audience) that Wal-Mart's looking at, " he said. “我们有能力……目标非常明确的对准我们的目标(受众)”他说。 www.bing.com 3. It depends on the type and a few other properties of the target table while performing the loading operation. 执行加载操作时,这取决于目标表的类型和其他几个属性。 www.ibm.com 4. In Listing 1, the target of the unload event is the body element, and the event handler is the bit of script inside the onunload attribute. 清单1中unload事件的目标是body元素,事件处理程序onunload属性中为数不多的那一点脚本。 www.ibm.com 5. Optimization analysis was made to these variables which had a high sensitivity to the target. 5. 以灵敏度值高的板件厚度为设计变量进行了优化分析。 www.fabiao.net 6. Just AS he hoped, in the first year we wiped out 97 and a half brigades, slightly exceeding the target. 果然,第一年就歼敌九十七个半旅,略超过一点。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Beijing has reported four blue sky days so far in April, challenging the target of achieving 230 clean air days a year. 迄今为止,北京四月份已经报告有四个蓝天,挑战一年230个空气清洁日的目标。 www.rmloho.com 8. Jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, has become the target of many pretty girls. 杰克体型匀称,个头适中,一双大眼睛炯炯有神,成了许多女孩追求的目标。 www.putclub.com 9. Replication on the target is not ready to support a Move-ClusteredMailboxServer operation. 目标计算机上的复制尚未准备好支持Move-ClusteredMailboxServer操作。 technet.microsoft.com 10. So, finally -- and I'm about out of time -- the target that shapes you -- here's what's different about people. 好了,最后…我的时间马上就要到了…塑造你的那个目标…这就是人们不一样的地方。 www.ted.com 1. The target parameter can name a window that was created as the result of a previous call to Open. target参数可以命名由于以前调用Open而创建的窗口。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The target country is now correctly shown if it's not the player in event effect tooltips. 事件效果的提示如果不是玩家,将会显示正确目标国家。 bbs.52pcgame.com 3. First of all, from the concept, as a disseminator of the media as a spread on the target audience, what was the attitude? 首先,从观念上来说,作为传播者的媒介对作为传播对象的受众持何种态度? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. He longed to make a signature drink that would earn him fame, and the target of his plan would be none other than Jabba the Hutt. 他渴望能配制出一份独特的饮料,让他名噪一时,而他的目标就是打动赫特人贾巴。 starwarsfans.cn 5. Plenty of specific problems should be tackled on account of the target's non-cooperative trait and the demand of automatic fly-around. 目标的非合作性质和绕飞的自主性要求为实现任务提出了许多特殊问题。 www.boshuo.net 6. The target service received each invocation and logged the contents of the business object to the system log as shown in Listing 5. 目标服务接收每次调用,并将业务对象的内容记录到系统日志中,如清单5中所示。 www.ibm.com 7. But when the acquirer is China and the target is a resource company, one would be naive to think it would be a simple transaction. 然而,当买家是中国、而目标是一家资源公司时,如果你以为这将是一宗简单的交易,那就未免太天真了。 www.ftchinese.com 8. the target of the company cannot be met due to incomplete training system. 培训体制的不合理使得培训并没能达到公司的目标。 www.fabiao.net 9. But it is still not clear whether the police or the consulate was the target of the attack. 但目前还不清楚被攻击的目标是土耳其警察检查站还是美国领事馆。 www.ebigear.com 10. A incense, a table, a chair, a handkerchief, even a pair of scissors was the target of repeated singing. 香炉、桌椅、手帕,甚至是一把剪刀都是他们反复歌咏的对象。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. If a table is in set integrity pending state at the beginning of the copy operation, the data is not loaded into the target table. 如果在复制操作开始时表处于setintegritypending状态,那么数据不会装载到目标表中。 www.ibm.com 2. We're now ready to provision the ITSO Recruiting application to the target user's mobile device. 现在,我们已经准备好向目标用户的移动设备提供ITSORecruiting应用程序。 www.ibm.com 3. Palestine in August 2009 will be published within two years of the founding of the plan that the target date in September this year. 巴勒斯坦在2009年8月公布了将于两年内建国的计划,这个计划的目标期限是今年9月。 www.englishtang.com 4. They did not say which country was the target of the foiled plot. 他们没有说哪一个国家是这起被挫败的恐怖袭击目标。 www.voa365.com 5. A service that accepts a conversation that was started by another service is referred to as the target of the conversation. 接受由另一个服务启动的会话的服务称为会话的目标。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The statement said the target of attacks President Shaukat Aziz, in retaliation for Mao Tower and the French anti-terrorism cooperation. 声明说,这次袭击行动目标为总统阿齐兹,以报复毛塔与法国合作反恐。 www.englishtang.com 7. For dialog security, the initiator of the dialog must trust the target, and must be able to verify the identity of the target. 对于对话安全模式,对话的发起方必须信任目标方,并且必须能够验证目标的身份。 www.kuenglish.info 8. Rhetoric is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. 修辞学作为一种社会活动,在文化和交流方面都有重大意义。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. All that remains is to infect the target cells with the engineered virus, and let nature work its magic. 所有的这些都要通过工程病毒来感染目标细胞,同时还要让自然发挥它的魔力。 www.ecocn.org 10. Although varible environment conditions were tested, the target protein had not been obtained. 通过改变各种外界环境条件,均未得到目的蛋白。 www.fabiao.net 1. Shells would be fired in the general area of the target, which would then explode, filling the area with shrapnel. 防空炮将炮弹发射到目标所在的大致范围,炮弹爆炸后将弹片布满该区域。 www.starwarsfans.cn 2. Spells that are cast on a target but have no effect due to the target's death will no longer be reported in the combat log . 因为目标死亡而使施放的魔法没效果,将不再显示在战斗记录上。 www.bing.com 3. Afghanistan. Are we, at the moment, striking back? And if so, is the target Osama bin Laden and his organization? 是我们在此时给予的还击吗?如果是的话,目标是奥斯玛·本·拉登和他的组织吗? www.tingroom.com 4. The GetBytes method is called on the target encoding object to convert a Unicode string to its byte representation in the target encoding. 针对目标编码对象调用GetBytes方法,可以在目标编码中将Unicode字符串转换为它的字节表示形式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. And since higher inflation tends to mean more volatile prices, the risks increase as the target rate rises. 此外,更高的通胀率就意味着更多的价格变化,目标通胀率上调,危险也会随之增加。 www.ecocn.org 6. The target of every reforming measures is to make the decision - making more reasonable in favor of the world peace . 使安理会的决策更为合理以有利于维护世界和平,是衡量各种改革方法的标准。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Attacker sends a TCP SYN packet to the target port from his own IP address (or one he controls) to request a connection. 攻击者从自己的的IP地址(或者他控制的)发送一个TCPSYN攻击或者自己包到目标端口请求连接。 www.cto360.com 8. The description also shows which output of the source portlet connects to which input of the target portlet, in parentheses. 描述内容还在圆括号中显示了源Portlet的哪一个输出连接到目标Portlet的哪一个输入。 www.ibm.com 9. Interlanguage is always in its development and is approaching to the target language. 这一系统是不断发展,逐步向目标语接近的。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. The target of a conversation does not need to call BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION. 会话目标不需要调用BEGINDIALOGCONVERSATION。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Specifying the nickname, the remote table can be queried in SQL statements on the target database like any other local table. 指定了别名,就可以在目标数据库中用SQL语句查询远程表,就像查询任何本地表一样。 www.ibm.com 2. Iran said the vote was fair and has made Britain the target of some of its fiercest rhetoric. 伊朗称投票是公平的,并且把英国当作为其口诛笔伐的重要目标。 www.bing.com 3. Looking around, however, I realized that the scolding wasn't for me after all. The tissue seller was the target of the women's censure. 我又定睛看看,才发现那责骂声并不是针对我,而那个卖纸巾的小男孩则成了众矢之的。 www.bing.com 4. For the purposes of this article, the target host system used in all sample commands and output is called testhost. 对于本文,所有样例命令和输出中使用的目标主机系统都称为testhost。 www.ibm.com 5. r is replaced by the remote login user name, %h is replaced by the target host name, and %p stands in for the port used for the connection. r用远程登录用户名替换,%h用目标主机名替换,%p代替连接使用的端口。 www.ibm.com 6. List to a compatible one- dimensional array , starting at the beginning of the target array . 复制到兼容的一维数组中,从目标数组的开头开始放置。 www.bing.com 7. Further, when working with multiple concurrent versions, the version number must also be appended to the target type name as well. 而且,当使用多个并发版本时,还必须在目标类型名称的后面追加版本号。 www.kuenglish.info 8. The current item of the collection is bound to automatically if the target of a binding is a singleton value. 如果绑定的目标为单一实例值,则会自动绑定到集合的当前项。 technet.microsoft.com 9. The simulation results show that this algorithm can achieve the target including constant main lobe and lower side lobe well. 仿真结果表明,所提出算法能够很好地达到主瓣恒定、旁瓣降低的预设指标。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. If the probe sequence is able to hybridize to the target, it will not adsorb on the gold and its fluorescence persists. 如果探针序列能够和目标杂交,它将不和金属微粒区结合,荧光持续存在。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The total number of samples that are collected during the execution of the target function. 目标函式执行期间收集的总样本数。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Also, a spread-spectrum attachment was to be made available for beaming data across town or across the country. The target price was $6000. 除此之外还有一种扩频通信附件可以跨越市区或乡村进行通讯,售价6000美元。 www.bing.com 3. A prominent internet giant has found itself the target of an online plot that allowed outsiders to read some of its users' emails. 一家卓越的因特网巨头发现自己已经成为网络谋划的攻击目标,这将造成无权限的局外者可防卫部分他们网络用户的电子邮件。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. Narrowing the target down to the right house in the tectum requires a second step, but scientists do not understand this process in detail. 要确定是顶盖城市里的哪栋房子,还需要第二个步骤,但科学家还不知道详细过程。 tr.bab.la 5. Scientists are able to determine the levels of the target molecule in solution by measuring the spectral changes. 通过测量光谱变化,科学家们能够确定目标分子在溶液中的浓度。 www.bing.com 6. The best plan of attach was to conceal the microphones inside the aluminum sash windows on the target side of the building. 最好的窃听办法是把窃听器隐藏在大楼目标一侧的铝制吊窗里面。 www.bing.com 7. To create such a rule, create the target such that the rule is evaluated for the request that you are processing. 创建这样的规则,首先要创建目标,以便针对将处理的请求评估规则。 www.ibm.com 8. If you do not know the format of the target application, you can store data in multiple formats using this method. 如果不知道目标应用程序的格式,则可以使用此方法以多种格式存储数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. However, the Bank downplayed inflation risks, suggesting that over the medium-term inflation should come back to the target rate. 但是,联储看淡通胀风险,暗示中期通胀势必回落至目标水平。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The military said the target missile was shot down Tuesday over the Pacific Ocean. 军方称,这个目标导弹击落星期二对太平洋。 wenwen.soso.com 1. We from beginning to end offer for the client best, most the target that systematic service regards a company as. 我们始终把为客户提供最好、最系统的服务作为公司的目标。 itzhe.cn 2. I look up in surprise as the Target slides into the seat next to me. 我惊讶地看到目标者慢慢地坐到我旁边的座位上。 www.bing.com 3. A tissue-piercing tip may be attached to the distal end of the delivery cannula to penetrate tissue growth near the target site. 递送套管的远端可以连接组织穿刺尖端以便刺穿在靶位置附近的组织生长。 ip.com 4. Visual Studio allows you to debug your application within the target security zone and provides help in developing secure applications. VisualStudio允许您在目标安全区域内调试应用程序,并能帮助您开发安全的应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. From this point forward, the kill vehicle will proceed to the target on its own momentum. 在这样的状态下向前,这种杀伤拦截器会继续以自己的动力向目标飞去。 www.bing.com 6. The properties of the target DB2 Connector stage need to be edited to reflect appropriate information about this table. 必须编辑目标DB2Connector阶段的属性,以反映这个表的恰当信息。 www.ibm.com 7. The target behavior is specified as a family of permitted message exchange sequences, which should be realized by the system. 其目标行为被定义为一个允许的消息交换序列的家族,并应由系统具现化。 www.infoq.com 8. 'Young kids have no capability to protect themselves. Does this mean they should just become the target of a maniac? ' said another. 另一条评论写道:“年幼的孩子们没有能力保护自己。难道这意味着他们就应成为疯子的攻击目标吗?” chinese.wsj.com 9. And finally, the only port that must be opened on the inner firewall is the HTTP(S) port for the target application servers. 最后,内部防火墙唯一必须开放的端口就是用于目标应用服务器的HTTP(S)端口。 www.ibm.com 10. It is up to you to make sure that the target page exists. 您需要确保目标页存在。 msdn.microsoft.com 1. Is only sensitive to visible light images reflected in the target scene, the thermal contrast with the target scene has nothing to do. 可见光图像只敏感于目标场景的反射,与目标场景的热对比无关。 img3.zhubajie.com 2. In general, the target direction infrared radiation intensity chart is one of the important characteristics for target recognition. 一般来说,目标的红外辐射强度方向图是用于目标识别的重要特征之一。 www.opticsjournal.net 3. When a regex is put to use, the first step is to determine the position within the target string where the search should start. 当一个正则表达式投入使用时,首先要确定目标字符串中开始搜索的位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The shares have jumped 39 percent since the start of August amid speculation it may be the target of a takeover. 该股自八月份开始已经暴涨了39%,当时此股有可能成为收购目标而招来市场的投机。 www.bing.com 5. The target of merging is : merge the extracted moving objects video into a new video sequence with a new scene. 运动物体融合的任务是:将经过分离的运动物体视频与新的场景视频相结合,产生一段具有真实感的新视频。 www.dictall.com 6. If the target system you are managing is at the 5. 4 release, the Performance tasks is not be available and you are not able to use PDI. 如果您正在管理的目标系统是V5.4版本,那么Performance任务不可用,不能使用PDI。 www.ibm.com 7. MSBuild checks if the inputs and outputs of a target are up-to-date before it runs the target. MSBuild在运行目标之前会检查该目标的输入和输出是否是最新的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Ensure that the hierarchy has replicated to the target public folder store to which replication has been configured. 请确保层次结构已复制到已配置复制的目标公用文件夹存储。 www.microsoft.com 9. These customers are the target of retailers who dare to ask for exorbitant prices. 这部分顾客就是零售商制定过高价格的目标。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 10. If you click on any of these links and then buy the target product or other product offered on the target webpage, we will profit from it. 如果您按一下其中任何联系,然后购买的目标产品或其他产品提供了对目标的网页,我们会从中获利。 137476393.blog.163.com 1. Yun county is a poor county in Hubei province and used to be the target of aid in the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program. 郧县是湖北省贫困县域,曾被列为国家“八七扶贫计划”帮扶对象。 www.dictall.com 2. As the target function of the optimization model, the system entire efficacy was calculated by power index and fuzzy weight methods. 采用幂指数法结合模糊权重评价法计算系统总体效能,并以此作为优化的目标函数。 www.dictall.com 3. Notes on seven shots to push: push the swing to be gentle, long, sent the ball to the target direction, and not too short. 推击球的注意事项七:推击球动作要和缓、悠长,将球向目标方向送出,且不要过于短促。 www.chuncui.cn 4. The code in Listing 5 first gathers the list of factors up to the square root of the target number, saving it in the factors variable. 清单5中的代码首先将该因子列表收集到目标数字的平方根,将其保存在factor变量中。 www.ibm.com 5. Instead of hitting the target, the bullet flew over the target, which led to the word overshoot. 子弹没有射中目标,而是越过去了,于是有了overshoot这个词。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Unless the target starts manoeuvring, the missile tends to fly straight near interception . 除非目标开始移动,否则导弹会直线地飞行接近碰撞点。 tr.bab.la 7. It is not required to have this data on the target system to see the column analysis or rule execution results. 要查看列分析或规则执行在目标系统上不一定要有这些数据。 www.ibm.com 8. The target of classification is to find out a classification model. The model can map a single record in database to a pre-assumed class. 分类的目的是构造一个分类模型,该模型能把数据库中的数据项映射到某一个给定类别。 www.fabiao.net 9. Glyph of Arcane Shot: Your Arcane Shot refunds 20% of its mana cost if the target has one of your Stings active on it. 奥术射击铭文:如果目标上有你的钉刺你的奥术射击将返还20%释放消耗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In another an F16 jet called in by a Rifles squad radioed afterwards that it could see "bodies being picked up in the target area" . 另外,一架被Rifles小队呼叫的F16战斗机在之后的无线电报告说他见到“目标地区有人在搬运尸体”。 www.bing.com 1. Here "general" means the target motion can be very complex rather than the simpler, yet more traditional constant velocity motion. 这里“一般”的含义是指目标的运动假设突破了以往匀速直线运动的限制,扩展为更为一般的各种复杂运动。 www.dgykz.com 2. If naive users are part of the target market for a domain-specific product, care must be taken to support domain-naive behaviors. 用户也是领域相关产品目标市场的一部分,必须考虑如何支持领域经验缺乏的行为。 tr.bab.la 3. You do not have permission to change the security of this object on the target computer. Your changes did not take effect. 您没有在目标计算机上更改此对象安全设置的权限。更改不会生效。 www.fan6.net 4. Suffice it to say that each operation should be applied to the target in the way that Makes Sense. 使它满足于说明每个操作应该被通过这种有意义的方式应用到目标就可以了。 kb.cnblogs.com 5. The goal of Strategy 4 is to let the server application be the target of some form of remote procedure call. 策略4的目标是允许服务器应用程序作为某种形式的远程过程调用的目标。 www-128.ibm.com 6. If the target creature fails its save, the psychic rogue can remain hidden as long as he maintains concentration on this ability. 如果目标生物未能通过豁免,灵能游荡者可以一直隐藏,只要他保持专注于这项能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The researchers streamlined management procedures in an effort to expand the number of patients treated within the target time. 研究人员改良了治疗流程,以增加推荐时间内能得到治疗的病人数。 news.dxy.cn 8. ensure that friendly forces are clear of the target being attacked . 500 meters worth of distance is usually sufficient. 确保友邻部队清楚空中打击的目标。有效距离通常为500米。 www.ichacha.net 9. Analysis of the earlier trial revealed that there was a leakage in the target missile leading to system failure. 较早的试验分析发现,有一个在目标导弹系统故障导致泄漏。 www.fyjs.cn 10. The merge statement supports distributed queries with the restriction that the target table cannot be a remote table. merge语句支持分布式查询,但仅限于目标表不是远程表。 www.ibm.com 1. IX. Distancing also relates to the point at which the completed technique comes to rest on or near the target. 距离同时意指在重点上以完成的技术能触及或靠近目标。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The interceptor missile must be very very fast as it need to catch the target missile in mid course. 拦截导弹必须非常的快,因为它要把目标导弹拦截在中段期间。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The introduction of one or two sides is not the target, but a method, diversification is the finial goal. 一元或二元的介绍绝非目的,而是手段,多元才是最终的目标。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The target of this class to participate in and lead this movement is to oppose the "Anti- Americanization reform" of Bourbon Spain. 这一集团参与并领导独立运动的动机是对抗波旁王朝的“非美洲化”改革。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If the target product with 512 shades is real, the recently reported 40% yield rates don't seem to be obtainable. 如果有512个着色器的目标产品是真实的,最近报道的产率40%,似乎没有被索取。 bbs.pczilla.net 6. When you deploy your changes, this log helps ensure that the corresponding object in the target environment is renamed as you intended. 当您部署变更时,这个记录可以确保目标环境中的对应物件会按照您的原意重新命名。 msdn.microsoft.com 7. The ability to use XPointer to select just a portion of the target document for inclusion. 能够使用XPointer从目标文档中选择要包含的部分。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Also good candidates for the vaccine to carry out small-scale test of the effectiveness with a view to achieve the target. 还要对优秀候选疫苗进行小规模的效力试验,以期达到预定的标准。 www.chinavalue.net 9. The source and target start off the same, but the target may change as the user drags an item around the designer. 源和目标启动时相同,但目标可能会随着用户围绕设计器拖动项而改变。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. "The egg missed the target. The first shoe hit the target. The second shoe was blocked by a man and a woman, " he wrote. 他写道,“鸡蛋并没有击中目标。第一只鞋打到了方滨兴。第二只鞋被一个男的和一个女的挡住了”。 www.bing.com 1. To your software, the computer appears to be a genuine example of the target platform for most practical purposes. 对于软件,计算机就像是目标平台的真实例子,可用于最实际的用途。 www.ibm.com 2. The target material used for video disk is liable to fracture in production, the higher the density, the stronger is the fracture tendency. 此光盘膜用靶材材料极易在制备过程中碎裂,并且密度越高,裂纹倾向越大。 www.showxiu.com 3. embedding the target in the iron container filled with the fine iron sand; and carrying out the heat treatment of the target. 将所述靶材埋入装有细铁砂的铁质容器中,对所述靶材进行热处理。 ip.com 4. In certain situations, the target of an attribute, that is, the entity to which the attribute applies, appears to be ambiguous. 在某些情况下,属性的目标(即属性适用于的实体)显得不明确。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Ball can be shot with the ball and ran toward the basket, first of all achieve the target score for victory. 持球者可以抱着球跑向篮下投篮,首先达到预定分数者为胜。 wenwen.soso.com 6. For such objects to be sharable, you need to make sure that the target of these pointers resides at the same address in all the processes. 要让这种对象可以共享,您需要确保在所有进程中这些指针的目标都驻留在相同的地址。 www-128.ibm.com 7. But from the watchers near the target a roar went up, for his arrow was in the black spot, barely half an inch across. 但从近靶处的观众哗然大叫,因为他的箭中黑点几乎只有半吋之距。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. So applying Value Engineering in the software design is one of the best ways to actualize the target of the software design. 因此在软件设计阶段应用价值工程是实现软件设计目标的最好方法之一。 word.hcbus.com 9. So by detecting the change in frequency between the transmitted and the received , the radial velocity of the target can be calculated. 因此,通过检测之间的传输和接收频率的变化,可以计算出目标径向速度。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. We awoke one Sunday morning to gunfire. A neighbor's son was the target of a drive-by shooting. We was frightened and disturbed. 某个星期天早上,有条街住户们被枪声吵醒,原来邻居的儿子被人飞车枪击,大家都很害怕和不安。 blog.jrj.com.cn 1. Also, if the --target attribute is not used in the deploy command, then the application is deployed to all the repositories. 另外,如果在部署命令中没用使用–target属性,那么该应用程序将部署到所有存储库。 www.ibm.com 2. Ensure that the target server to which the mailbox is being moved is up and running and reachable . 确保接受邮箱的目标服务器已启动并正常运行,而且可访问到。 www.bing.com 3. When converted into a target format, these links are automatically translated into a format appropriate for the target. 转化成目标格式的时这些链接可以自动转换成适当的格式。 www.ibm.com 4. Keep in mind that this technique works best when the source schema is identical or nearly identical to the target schema. 记住,当源模式与目标模式相同或几乎相同的时候,这种方法使用效果最好。 www-128.ibm.com 5. A guided missile is one which is usually fired in a direction approximately towards the target. 通常导弹是大致对着目标方向发射的。 www.kuenglish.info 6. As well, tables that have the same name, but different owners in the remote database all belong to one owner in the target database. 此外,远程数据库中那些名称相同但所有者不同的表在目标数据库中均属同一所有者。 www.ianywhere.com 7. Survey or original research results can serve the same purpose, if they turn out to be useful for the target audience. 如果调查和研究结果对目标访问者有用,那么它们也能起到同样的作用。 www.bing.com 8. The target is the folder to which we want those changes to be applied. 目标是我们打算应用变更到里面的另一个目录。 kb.cnblogs.com 9. The textbook for international students "should be adapted to the native language and everyday life of the target students" . 汉语国际推广教材,“要结合目标学生的自身语言和实际生活”编写。 www.yo-yi.com 10. One subtle aspect of secure systems is the concept of validating the target of a request. 安全系统的一个较为微妙的方面是验证请求目标的概念。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Large scroll surface characteristics: buffers, I charged the ball, the slope surface, kickbacks and sets the target is everything. 大型卷动台面的特点:缓冲器、落球口、斜坡面、回扣和落下的标靶都应有尽有。 www.fishjava.com 2. For a while, I lock the target, a long pink cotton jacket, a test kinda fit, and my mother also liked it, bought for me. 一会儿,我就锁定了目标,一件棉质的长的粉色的外套,一试还挺合身的,我妈妈也很喜欢,就帮我买了。 180642920.swgw.net 3. I don't think after death can the set of come to the bise cold rain, since the target be the horizon and stay to world can figure. 我不去想身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界只能背影。 hi.baidu.com 4. Changed - Ships in combat with the same target will spread out around the target a bit more. 改动-战斗中瞄准同一目标的舰船排列稍比以前分散。 www.civclub.net 5. A message is then sent via the APIC bus to the target's local APIC, which therefore issues a corresponding interrupt to its own CPU. 然后一个消息通过APIC总线送到目标的APIC,再由它发出一个对应的中断给它自己的CPU。 linux.chinaunix.net 6. And when the red triangle hits the target, fire like the wind with 35 rounds in your magazine. 当红色三角瞄准目标后,它就能像一阵风一样从弹匣里高速射出35发子弹。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. This tab provides a visual representation of the modifications that have been applied to the target process. 此选项卡提供一个已经应用到目标流程的修改的一个直观表示。 www.ibm.com 8. Category : with the same or similar nature of the target is the abstract category. 类:具有相似或相同性质的对象的抽象就是类。 www.dgmini.com 9. Inside the target element, I am going to set the name of the target to build and create a description of what this target will do. 在target元素内,我将把target的名称设置为build,并且创建有关该target将做哪些工作的说明。 www.cnblogs.com 10. Pilots who have mastered these skills usually prefer rapid fire weapons, hoping that at least some projectiles will hit the target. 掌握此技能的飞行员通常会选择速射武器,祈求至少能有一些炮弹击中目标。 blog.donews.com |
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