单词 | the-sound | ||||||||||||
释义 | the-sound
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 声音,最美的声音,唯一的声音 1. It is an invitation to look into inside and hear that which has not been named, to hear the sound of silence. 这同时也是向观众发出的一封去「倾听未被命名的事物,倾听空白的声音」的邀请函。 www.art-here.net 2. Tami Morehouse was afraid to open her eyes at the sound of her alarm clock every morning. 每天早上闹钟响起时,塔米·豪斯都不敢睁开她的眼睛。 www.bing.com 3. It was like the sound of loud crackers, not one but several, we just ran out of there. 不是一次而是好几次,就好象巨大的鞭炮声。我们马上从那里跑出来。 www.bing.com 4. She turned as she heard the sound of his sword, and removed her handkerchief from his eyes. 听到他拔剑的声音,公主转过身来,将手帕从眼旁拿开。 bbs.028window.com 5. The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. 风随著意思吹,你听见风的响声,却不晓得从那里来,往那里去; pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 6. From the beginning, it was evident that this boy was to be drawn to writing and the sound of words. 这个孩子从一开始就表现出对写作和声韵的出类拔萃。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. "Three deer is better than two, " he thought, as he prepared. Then he located the source of the sound and shot at a shadow in the grass. “三只鹿比两只还要好,”他一边准备一边想。他确定了声音的来源后,向草里那个黑影射了一箭。 www.ebudhano.cn 8. Step on, there is not the sound, there is not the smell, can only feel out a little extremely very small and extremely soft sense of touch. 脚踏上去,声音也没有,气息也没有,只能感出一点点极微细极优柔的触觉。 www.vk21.com 9. Whenever I perturbed when you think of a smile, mind the sound of the shackles of carbazole opened. 每当我心烦意乱时,一想到你的微笑,心中的枷锁咔的一声开了.。 blog.163.com 10. All day long the sound of helicopters filled the air as they ferried up and down the northeast coast. At ground levels progress was slower. 在东北部海岸,直升机的声音一整天在空中回荡,在地面上的进展非常缓慢。 www.tingclass.com 1. The sound echoed queerly in the fog, and for a moment it was as if poles were falling around them. 那声音在雾霭中古怪回响,一时间有种到处有落篙的感觉。 www.cndkc.net 2. She said the sound of artillery fire could be clearly heard. 她表示,现在已经能够清晰地听到炮火的声音。 www.voanews.cn 3. The sound that had wakened him was the step of his father as he got up form the rocker and went down the back steps. 吵醒他的声音正是他父亲从摇臂处站起来然后往回走的脚步声。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sunday morning, and people had a strong feeling that the war was coming. 炮声打破了往常周日早晨的宁静,人们强烈预感到战争就要来临。 www.cfl.cqu.edu.cn 5. He took her to see "The Sound of Music" and popped the question at their high school prom. 他带她去看“音乐之声”,在他们的高中毕业舞会上向她求婚。 ecocn.org 6. This time was I naive, drink a few days, but he did not cough, the sound has changed in the sun. 这回还是我天真了,喝了几天,还不见止咳,把声都变晒。 my.opera.com 7. Nearly an hour of strength training, Hongyan not sing the sound of her eyes so we moved. 将近一个小时的力量训练,红艳没有哼过一声,她的眼神让我们感动。 www.duhugu.biz 8. Development is all that relates to the sound management of administrations and societies. 发展归根结底是与妥善进行行政管理和社会管理相关的。 www.wipo.int 9. When you think of me on a lonely night, please listen to the sound of it. 问题补充:“当你在某个孤单的夜里想起我,那就请你静静地聆听它的声音。” zhidao.baidu.com 10. The doors to the garden opened right next to her little apartment and the sound of laughter had come from there. 她那间小公寓旁边的花园的侧门打开着,她的笑声就是从那里传来的。 www.joyen.net 1. ENGROSSED IN PLAY, Todd and Scott did not hear the train. Finally as the sound became thunderous, Scott looked up and froze. 托德和斯科特沉浸于玩耍之中,没有听见火车的声音。最后,当声音变得如轰鸣的雷声时,斯科特抬起头,顿时僵住了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. From time to time the sound of the flute stopped, and Gabriel came out of his hut to check his sheep. 笛声不时地停下来,盖伯瑞尔走出他的小屋查看羊群。 okread.net 3. A wind passes by, and it motivates the waves. Trees bow to me, with the sound from the grass, singing by the wind. 一阵清风拂过,激起了河面上片片波纹,伴随着小草在风中的歌声,树也向我点头示意。 www.xici.net 4. Wind through the bamboo forest, the sound of bamboo leaves rustle, as if it is natural Xiaosheng. 风穿过竹林,竹叶窸窣作响,仿佛是自然的萧声。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. When people throw to the prey with such a stone, the sound of a whistles was made by the air flowed through the cavities. 当人们用这种石头扔向猎物时,气流通过它的腔形成一种像口哨的声音。 www.kb120.com 6. The old man still did not understand, but he seemed to like the sound of Lucie's voice and the touch of her warm young hand on his. 老人仍旧不明白,但却似乎很喜欢路茜的声音以及她年轻温暖的手触摸他的手。 www.okread.net 7. She sounded good and was dancing around the stage putting on quite the show. Suddenly the sound track stopped and there was no music. 她唱的不错并在舞台上扭来扭去,突然配音停掉了音乐没了,一片寂静。 www.bing.com 8. We seem to hear the sound of gun salute of festivity, soaked in the sea of jubilation. Thanks to own mother, bless own mother! 我们仿佛听到了欢庆的礼炮声,我们仿佛置身于欢腾的海洋,感谢自己的母亲,祝福自己的母亲! lqlsqsh.blog.163.com 9. If the national anthem rings, You must be able to hear the sound of thunder in the cry which will certainly feel excited! 若此时雄壮的国歌响起,你一定能听到那一声声震天的呐喊,一定会感到热血沸腾! www.chsyxx.com 10. there was the sound of the snapping of wood in the garden , and all was perfect stillness again. 花园里的一颗树喀嚓响了一声,后又鸦雀无声了。 www.ichacha.net 1. With the sound of ocean waves, the captain standed on mast and looked at the far away sun, the wind was blowing his lower hem. 在海浪声中,站在桅杆上的船长望着远方的太阳,风将他的衣摆吹得扬起来。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The alarms produce a wide range of frequencies that enable the brain to determine where the sound is coming from. 这种警报器发出的频率范围广,使人脑可以判断出声音的来源。 zcyyw.com 3. It was a fine feeling indeed to be standing up there like that, with the sound of summer all around one and a light breeze on one's face. 像这样地站在那里确实是一种美好的享受,轻风温柔地抚摸我的脸孔,各种属于夏天的声音在四周此起彼伏。 hi.baidu.com 4. However, all the boys were younger sister, you know, the sound of his brother, his girlfriend of your heart broken a cut. 可是,所有有妹妹的男生们,你们是否知道,这一声声的哥哥,把你自己女朋友的心都割碎了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. At the sound of my voice, he jarred himself up and stretched against me, raising his arms over his head and cracking his shoulders. 在我的声音,震动,他对我本人和伸展,提高了他的头上,胳膊和打击他的肩膀。 www.fnovel.com 6. At the sound of the bell, my first team member picked up the ball and put as much energy as she could into her task. 铃声一响,我的第一个队员就拾起球,用尽她的全力完成任务。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. She had heard a very weak voice from his mouth thin, weak and the weak, poor and spits out the sound to Baba. 她居然听到一个软弱万分的声音,从自己的嘴中细细地、弱弱地、可怜巴巴地吐出声来。 bookapp.book.qq.com 8. Why asks always in the intimate, moreover after why always, does not have the sound, she did not know, therefore. 问起为什么总在相亲,而且为什么总是相完之后就没声音,她也不知所以。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. As the sound of fight grew nearer, I could tell there were quite a few dogs mixed up in it. 撕咬的声音渐渐靠近了,我能辨出里头混杂着好几只狗。 www.bing.com 10. How could I explain to them that there was no logical means of distinguishing between the sound of a in warm and o in worm. 我怎能对他们解释在warm中的a音和在worm中的o音,没有一个合乎逻辑的分辨方式呢? www.bing.com 1. Him to ear listening to, hear the sound of beautiful music, respectively, canary, nightingale, blackbird, Dove, partridge and song voice. 他再侧耳细听,听见那美丽的音乐声中,分别有金丝雀、夜莺、山鸟、斑鸠、鹧鸪的鸣唱声。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 2. but, in the sound of weeping parents to save their "precious darling" , and that voice is so distraught, even though, only to see the lips! 而是,在父母的哭泣声挽救了他们的“心肝宝贝”,那声音是如此的悲痛欲绝,尽管,看到的而只是唇语! blog.sina.com.cn 3. Another big surprise was that the sound quality out of the built in speaker is actually quite nice. 另一个惊喜是内置的喇叭的音质相当漂亮。 www.bing.com 4. Now that there was no longer the sound of my soggy footsteps, the silence was piercing. 既然这里已经不会再有我沉闷的脚步声了,这片沉寂就更加显得讽刺。 putclub.com 5. Politics' nature of uncertainty also makes the political ideology unable to be the sound base for morality. 政治的不确定本质决定了政治性的思想意识不能作为道德效力的根基。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. If the sound being played is loud enough, even others might be able to hear it coming out of your teeth. 如果音量开的足够大,其他人也可以听到从你的牙里播放出来的音乐。 www.hxen.com 7. The national flags of both countries fluttered in the wind. The sound of salute and national anthems of the two countries echoed in the air. 两国国旗迎风飘扬,响亮的礼炮和两国国歌久久回响。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. No, it was up high enough. Maybe he's just not that good a vocalist and the sound engineers are trying to cover it up in the mixing. 不,音量已经最高了。也许他不是没有那么好的歌手,而音响师试图通过混音来掩盖他的声音。 www.kekenet.com 9. An eerie drone fills the air, falling somewhere between the sound of a buzzing wasp and a light aircraft taking off. 一个神秘的嗡嗡声弥漫在空中,落在了某个地方,那声音间于嗡嗡作响的蜜蜂和轻型飞机起飞的声音之间。 www.bing.com 10. The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer. 亲吻的声音是作为一门大炮,不是那么响亮,但其回声持续大量的时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The sound of public bells rouses the most secluded abode, as if with a call to be gay. 大钟声惊醒了最幽僻的人家,仿佛在号召大家欢乐起来。 www.jukuu.com 2. Then the LORD spoke to you out of the fire. You heard the sound of words but saw no form; there was only a voice. 耶和华从火焰中对你们说话,你们只听见声音,却没有看见形像。 www.ebigear.com 3. Ear seems to wind on the sound, very slow, washed up the hair on the temples, sometimes rippling in the Pathetic gown. 耳边似乎有风拂过的声音,很缓,飘起了鬓发,时而翻飞着青衫长衣。 enwaimao.cn 4. Aguilera is nearing the finish line on her as-yet- untitled follow-up to Stripped, and the sound might surprise fans. 阿吉莱拉接近在她的迄今无标题的后续行动上的终点线脱去,并且声音可能使爱好者惊讶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Roland was running, the sound of his footfalls frantic, pounding through the darkness ahead of him. Roland一直在奔跑,他的脚步声听来很慌乱,在Neal前方的夜幕中回响。 www.bing.com 6. The sound transmission is obviously influenced by the surface and the bottom of the sea in the shallow water. 浅海是声传播明显的受到海面和海底边界影响的海域。 www.lw23.com 7. Small waterfalls use surprisingly little water and yet provide the sound and ambience of a larger waterscape. 小瀑布使用令人惊讶的一点水,但声音和提供一个更大的水景氛围。 www.hnylw.com.cn 8. The sound of throat singing is created by resonating low sounds in the throat, which then produce a middle note and a high flute-like sound. 呼麦的声音是由喉咙处的低音共鸣形成的,然后它产生出中音以及笛子般的高音。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The sound of light rapping on the door pulled him out of his daze. 轻叩门的声音把他从幻想中拉回来。 www.bing.com 10. The sound changed, not into the silence which had preceded the arrival of these stunning news, but into stifled mutterings. 群众的声音变了,不是回到这骇人听闻的消息下达之前的沉默,而是变成闷声闷气的低语。 tr.bab.la 1. After dinner, neighbouring cooks and maidservants kept flitting into the kitchen, and there was the sound of whispering till late evening. 饭后,四邻的厨娘和使女纷纷在厨房里露面,嘁嘁喳喳一直谈到夜深。 eee.tsinghua.edu.cn 2. "Thanks to the Great Leader, " one young man replied, "we are allowed to watch English and American films, like The Sound of Music. " “感谢伟大领袖”,一个年轻人回答说,“我们可以看英语和美国的电影,譬如像《音乐之声》”。 www.bing.com 3. This voice, Socrates says, "I seem to hear humming in my ears, like the sound of the flute in the ears of the mystic. " 苏格拉底说,这个声音“我仿佛听见是在我的耳中嗡嗡作响,好象是神秘者耳中的笛声那样”。因而他就决定,他的责任是留下来甘心接受死刑。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Electrodes attached to his face measured how much he flinched on hearing the sound. 贴在他们脸上的电极检测他们听到噪声的畏惧程度。 www.bing.com 5. He waves his hands about his head and makes the sound of police cars again. 他在头顶上挥舞双手,又开始对警车声的模仿。 www.zhuweiartden.com 6. He strained his eyes in the direction of the sound, but it was like trying to see through a blanket. 他极力朝那个方向望去,然而浓浓的夜色俨然一张毯子难以看穿。 www.ycu.jx.cn 7. At the sound of her mother , the litter girl and ran to her mother. 一听到妈妈的声音,这个小女孩就转身向妈妈亲跑去。 wenku.baidu.com 8. "But it's cold, " I complained. It surprised me when he chuckled under his breath. There was an edge to the sound. “但这儿太冷了。”我抱怨着。让我惊讶的是,他悄声地笑了起来,声音小得几乎听不见。 putclub.com 9. I wake up in the morning to the sound of an alarm clock, and as I reach over to turn it off, I essentially press play to start my day. 清晨被闹钟声吵醒,我伸出手去把它关掉,也就是按下了今天的“播放”键。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He replied, 'I heard the sound as you were walking in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, and I hid myself. 那男人回答:“我听见你在园中行走的声音,我怕自己赤身露体,就躲起来了。” www.cycnet.com.cn 1. Leonov believes the first boom he heard was that of the jet breaking the sound barrier, and the second was Gagarin's plane crashing. 列昂诺夫认为景气他听到的是第一条超音速喷射、二、被加加林的飞机撞毁。 www.xucun163.com 2. This prophet talks like a drunken man. . . but I cannot suffer the sound of his voice. 这个先知的话像个醉汉,我受不了他的说话声。 www.bing.com 3. Notice the sun on your face, the wind blowing through your hair, the sound of the kids playing nearby or horns honking. 感受射到脸颊上的阳光,吹拂着你的头发的风儿,不远处孩子们玩耍的喧闹声或是汽车喇叭声。 www.bing.com 4. Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey's feet. He looked around. There was his donkey. On her back rode a boy. 就在那时,毛拉听到驴子的蹄声。他的驴子出现了,由一个男孩骑着过来。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 5. It has become a Chinese pet phrase. The pronunciation of the word is low, with the affirmative character, similar to the sound of plowing. 事实上,这个词并不玄妙,它在中国话里已成为口头禅,并且有着类似于铁犁划开土地的低沉、肯定的发音。 www.gdmoa.org 6. By the time the sky began to lighten the sound of drums had faded away, though warhorns were heard thrice more, each time a little closer. 当天空开始泛白,鼓声也渐渐消失,但是战号声又吹响了三次,一次比一次接近。 www.cndkc.net 7. At the sound of the starting pistol, all the girls were off the mark like the wind. 发令枪一响,女孩子们像一阵风似地冲出起跑线。 www.hotdic.com 8. In talking about "The Sound and the Fury, " Faulkner said he saw in his mind a dirty little girl playing in front of her house. 在谈到《喧嚣与骚动》时,福克纳说,他内心仿佛看见一个脏兮兮的小女孩坐在她家房前玩耍。 www.unsv.com 9. The sound of your voice will be a soothing reminder of your bedtime routine and that books are a part of it. 您的声音就会起到安抚和提醒就寝时间的作用,书籍是它的一部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Then right across the dancers came the sound of the galloping of a horse, but no horse was to be seen, and he felt afraid. 而此时此刻,却又一阵奔驰的马蹄声自舞者间疾奔了过去,但却看不见什么马匹。他不觉恐惧起来。 www.bing.com 1. The air was still, and from the hillside there floated across from time to time the sound of bugles and of the shouts of the enemy. 四下里一片寂静,有时候从那山上传来敌军的号角声和呐喊声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Bader said the U. S. side is satisfied with the sound communication and cooperation between both sides. 贝德表示,美中双方沟通与合作良好,美方对此感到满意。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. An experiment. Like I said, I want to see if our listeners can tell if I'm smiling just by the sound of my voice. 我在做实验。我刚才说了,要看看听众朋友能不能听着我的声音分辨出我有没有笑。 bbs.putclub.com 4. He says it was shortly after 7: 00 a. m. when he heard the sound of an explosion that he thought was an earthquake. 他说,刚过早上7点时,他听到了一声爆炸,他以为是地震了。 www.ttxyy.com 5. The silent pictures were the purest form of cinema; the only thing they lacked was the sound of people talking and the noises. 无声电影是电影最纯粹的形式,它唯一缺少的就是人物的谈话声以及噪音。 www.elanso.com 6. Suddenly, I began to hear the sound of my favorite aria. I could sense the aroma of a familiar aromatic substance. 我突然听到我最喜欢的咏唱调,又问道熟悉的香料散发出的芬芳。 www.ebigear.com 7. "Never mind, " I said, intoxicated more with the sound of my own voice than with the few drinks we had had. “没关系,”我说道。与其说是多喝了几杯,不如说是被自己的嗓音所陶醉。 www.xdwy.com.cn 8. then , among the advancing echoes , there was the tread of her tiny feet and the sound of her prattling words. 于是,在前进的回音之中又有了孩子那小脚的脚步声和她的牙牙学语声。 www.ichacha.net 9. No wonder it took me a week to do it. i really like the sound it now has and I hope you ONJ fans like it too! 难怪我花了一个星期做。我真的很喜欢它现在的声音,我希望你颌骨坏死的球迷太喜欢它! zh.lyricside.altervista.org 10. Once upon a time, late at night, only the sound of keyboard percussion, only to wait for a flashing her head waves driven by mood! 曾几何时,深夜里,只有键盘的敲击声,只有等待她头像的闪动而带动心情的荡漾! img14.vikecn.com 1. Suddenly, I began to hear the sound of my favorite aria. I could sense the aroma of a familiar aromatic substance. 我突然听到我最喜欢的咏唱调,又问道熟悉的香料散发出的芬芳。 www.ebigear.com 2. "Never mind, " I said, intoxicated more with the sound of my own voice than with the few drinks we had had. “没关系,”我说道。与其说是多喝了几杯,不如说是被自己的嗓音所陶醉。 www.xdwy.com.cn 3. then , among the advancing echoes , there was the tread of her tiny feet and the sound of her prattling words. 于是,在前进的回音之中又有了孩子那小脚的脚步声和她的牙牙学语声。 www.ichacha.net 4. No wonder it took me a week to do it. i really like the sound it now has and I hope you ONJ fans like it too! 难怪我花了一个星期做。我真的很喜欢它现在的声音,我希望你颌骨坏死的球迷太喜欢它! zh.lyricside.altervista.org 5. Once upon a time, late at night, only the sound of keyboard percussion, only to wait for a flashing her head waves driven by mood! 曾几何时,深夜里,只有键盘的敲击声,只有等待她头像的闪动而带动心情的荡漾! img14.vikecn.com 6. Most parents can't stand the sound of a crying baby, but . . . that's one of the best sounds you could ever hear. 大多数父亲不能忍受婴儿的哭声,但是…这是你所听到过的最好听的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But she felt it creeping out of the sky. It was reaching her through the sound, the smell, the color that filled the air. 但是她感到它正从天边而来,透过空气中的声音、气息和颜色正在逼近她。 cfl.cqupt.edu.cn 8. Robert's features and form were with her; the sound of his voice was quite distinct in her ear. 罗伯特的相貌、形体一直萦绕着她;他的声音十分清晰地回荡在她的耳际。 jukuu.com 9. I began to listen carefully to the sound, and found that this snoring in showing, it is their tired and the son of QuanQuan heart. 我开始仔细听着这声音,发现这鼾声中透着的,正是他们的疲倦和对儿子的拳拳的心。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. It is similar to how the sound of a train's whistle seems to shift as it recedes into the distance. 这个现象与当火车向远处后退时的汽笛响声类似。 www.bing.com 1. It is similar to how the sound of a train's whistle seems to shift as it recedes into the distance. 这个现象与当火车向远处后退时的汽笛响声类似。 www.bing.com 2. The sound stage tends to wrap from the side of the head to the back rather than toward the front. 该声往往包裹从头部侧面,而不是对前回来。 bbs.imp3.net 3. Some other fishes make sound by the rubbing of their bones, just like the sound we make by moving our nails along the teeth of the comb. 还有一些鱼依靠骨头的相互摩擦来发出声音,这种声音就好像用指甲拨过一把梳子的齿时发出的声音。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. The pity of it is that an intelligent man appears to have been seduced by the sound of his own voice. 此事的遗憾之处在于---一个这么聪明的人,似乎陶醉在自己的浮夸巨辞里。 www.ecocn.org 5. He does not like the sound of that, so he checks out American Hell, Russian Hell and many more. 这个男人听着很不舒服,转去查看美国地狱、俄罗斯地狱等等很多地狱。 www.bing.com 6. A few days later, Clara asked me why she had often been seeing blue light and hearing the sound of a bell recently. 几日后,女儿问我为何她最近常看到蓝光和听到钟声。 sm2000.org 7. The same experiment was done using the sound of the mother's heart beat and that of a male voice. 使用母亲以及某男性的心跳声音也做过相同的实验。 www.bing.com 8. If you want her to speak to you, then tell her how you like to hear the sound of her voice. 如果你想她和你说话,便告诉她你有多喜欢听到她的声音。 tera.komica3.net 9. The noise problem seems to be a case of either having the sound on your PC too loud, or shouting to others to get their attention. 噪音的问题根源似乎是因为你们各位桌电电脑的音效开得太大,或是为了吸引对方注意而彼此大叫声呼喊以吸引对方注意。 www.toeic900.com.tw 10. It's lovely to be warm and safe, listening to the sound of the wind and the rain beating against the windows. 安然呆在暖融融的屋子里,听着外头的风声和雨点敲打窗户的声音,感觉真是妙不可言。 www.bing.com 1. It's just a different atmosphere out there. Much more space on the sides and in the back. When you hit the ball, the sound is different. 这里的氛围完全不同,边线和底线后有更多的空间,当你击球的时候,甚至声音都是不一样的。 tieba.baidu.com 2. She aimed her lens at him; he screwed up his face and began to imitate the sound of her camera. 她把镜头对准儿子,布莱斯则挤眉动眼的模仿相机的声音。 www.bing.com 3. Edison had to hold the instrument in his teeth and "hear" the sound through the bones of his head. 爱迪生不得不用牙齿咬住机子,通过他头部的骨头来“聆听”那声音。 www.zftrans.com 4. As he said this, he got down into the hole, put his ear to the stone, and heard the sound of flowing water. 话音未落,他跳入洞中,把耳朵贴在石头上,听见下方有水流的声音。 george.shi.blog.163.com 5. I tried to cover my head with a pillow to shut out the sound. It was no use. 我用枕头盖住脑袋,试图隔绝声响,却一点用都没有。 www.bing.com 6. Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. 然而,第二天清晨,他被一阵船声叫醒,一艘船在向小岛靠近,他知道他获救了。 dongxi.net 7. Most parents can't stand the sound of a crying baby, but I'll tell you from experience that's one of the best sounds you could ever hear. 大多数父亲都不能忍受婴儿的啼哭声,但是我的经历告诉你那是你所听到的最动听的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I squeezed her hand, then walked into the dim morning light. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life. 我轻轻地握了握她的手,便走进了微弱的晨光中。门在我身后关上了。这也是生命关闭的声音。 www.enfamily.cn 9. At the sound of the train, the children jumped with joy, as they knew they could see their father soon. 听到火车声,孩子们欣喜雀跃,因为他们知道很快能见到他们的父亲了。 docbeta.com 10. Ida laid down the flowers and covered them with a blanket. After a while, the sound of a piano came out of her room. Ida went into the room. 意达放下花,给他们盖上了一条毯子。过了一会儿,琴声从她的房间传了出来。意达走了进去。 www.chnxs.com 1. 'You are a man of science, 'I said. 'You don't believe that, do you? Isn't there a natural explanation for the sound? ' “您是位科学工作者,”我说道。“谅您也不会相信这些,是吧?难道对这种声音就没有一个符合自然规律的解释吗?” www.hbzxr.com 2. And he said, I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I am naked; so I hid myself. 他说,我在园中听见你的声音,我就害怕,因为我是赤身露体的;所以我藏了起来。 bbs.r51.net 3. The assumption underlying this experiment was that the receiver would hear the sound, anticipate the shock, and show fear on its face. 进行这项实验的假定理论是,接受者会听见声音,预料到电击的到来,脸上会显露出害怕。 www.zftrans.com 4. Ever hearkening to the sound of beauty, straining for the flash of its distant wings, he watches to follow, wearying his feet in travelling. 他总是倾听着美的声音,努力要捕捉它那在远方一闪而过的翅膀。他注视着,想追上去,奔走得累坏了双脚。 dict.veduchina.com 5. STUDENT: Test? I don't like the sound of that. What sort of test? 考试?听上去我不喜欢。什么类型的考试? bbs.3gbbs.com 6. We have reached the end of our expedition, and are just waiting to hear the sound of the Twin Otter planes heading towards us. 考察接近尾声,我们现在只期盼双獭飞机朝我们飞来的声音。 www.bing.com 7. He liked the sound of it so much that he read the screenplay and made extensive notes, which Mr. Morgan immediately addressed in a revision. 他如此喜欢这个声音效果,以至于很快阅读了剧本并做了批示,之后摩根先生就此进行了修改。 www.bing.com 8. The sound of a horn from the car behind us prompted me to look up. The young man at the wheel was smiling broadly. 不一会,从我车后传来了喇叭声,我抬头望去:驾车的小伙子正咧着嘴对我大笑。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. When shark swam to her lonely, she did n't give up, just dispelled it by the sound of a gun. 当鲨鱼向她孤身游去的时候她并没有退缩,只用枪声驱散他们。 hi.baidu.com 10. Peter felt ashamed. He went behind the wall, and a few seconds (later ) the officer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot. 彼得感到非常惭愧。他走到后面的墙上,几秒钟后,教官和新兵们听到一声枪响。 www.trouan.cn 1. If it is a high frequency sound, the signal is moved to a special DSP processor that determines where the sound needs to be compressed to. 通过特殊的DSP处理器决定高频声应该被压缩到哪里。 www.deafchild.cn 2. The strange thing about it was, that the sound of the bell followed each of this man's movements. 有一件事很奇怪,铃铛的响声是随着那人的行动而起的。 www.ebigear.com 3. Some of the waiting crowd began to dance when the sound system belted out a Michael Jackson tune. 当音响中传来迈克尔·杰克逊的歌曲时,等待的人群中有人跳起舞来。 www.ecocn.org 4. The number one sound to wake women - whether or not they were mothers - was the sound of a crying baby. 相反,最能吵醒女人的声音正是宝宝的哭声,不管她是不是一个母亲。 www.bing.com 5. I don't like the sound of that cough ought't you to see a doctor? 我觉得你的咳嗽声有问题--是不是该找医生看看? www.websaru.com 6. The sound seemed to fill the house, and then she was moving, moving like water, like the cold rushing of a mountain stream. 这声响声音似乎弥漫了整个屋子。她开始动了,她像水,像一股冰冷湍急的山间溪水一样活动。 www.bing.com 7. He sat down miserably , as if I had pushed him, and simultaneously there was the sound of a motor turning into my lane. 他苦恼地坐了下来,仿佛我推了他似的,正在这时传来一辆汽车拐进我巷子的声音。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. But very near the end of his first traversage, the sound of a long, deep sighing, as of a fat man in spiritual pain, once more arrested him. 可就在马上要结束第一次巡回时,一声悠长深远的叹息,似乎出自一个精神苦痛的胖子,又一次攫住了他。 www.bing.com 9. You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much. 你可以留下了深刻印象,因而进步,你可能是你不介意你的声音。 tieba.baidu.com 10. I guess the only amp sound i cant get is the sound of a VOXAC30, but i am not complaining, since i already have one of those. 我想我不能只放音得到的是一个VOXAC30声音,但我没有抱怨,因为我已经有其中的一个。 bbs.guitarchina.com 1. The sound was both melancholy and sweet. It was as if he were alone in the universe. 琴声忧郁而甜美,彷佛整个宇宙只有他一人。 www.bing.com 2. He said he could also hear the sound of antiaircraft fire but wasn't sure if there were any coalition fighter planes overhead. 他说他也能听到防空炮弹的声音,但不确定上空是否有多国部队的战斗机。 c.wsj.com 3. Then they were all silent, standing awkwardly, and the only sound was the sound of Jonas's shuddering breaths. He was struggling not to cry. 然后他们都静了下来,笨拙的站著,而唯一的声音是乔纳斯战抖的呼吸声,他正努力的不哭出来。 www.easeparts.com 4. So when Ahijah heard the sound of her footsteps at the door, he said, 'Come in, wife of Jeroboam. 她刚进门,亚希雅听见她脚步的响声,就说,耶罗波安的妻,进来吧。 www.ebigear.com 5. "Right, the twins, " Kugelmass said, closing the bathroom door and shutting out the sound of his wife's voice. “是啊,那对双胞胎,”库马思说道,关上浴室的门,隔离掉他老婆的说话声。 20060408.blogbus.com 6. He said to his friend when he turned on the sound box: "what a good sound box, even the whole building was shaking because of it" . 刚一放,就跟旁边的人说:这音箱效果好哦,你看整个楼都在晃。 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. Steve walks warily down the street, with the brim pulled way down low. Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine guns ready to go. 斯蒂夫警惕地沿着大街行走,将帽沿拉得很低。除了他的脚步声外,没有任何声音,机关枪已经准备好发射。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. I felt extremely lonely waking down in the sound desolated street in the dark nigh. 深夜里,走在空寂无人的大街上,我感到极度的寂寞。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. Although the sound quality of broadcast from the Internal is far from perfect, it excels that of short wave. 虽然互联网广播的音色质量还远非完善,但它却胜于短波。 www.neworiental.org 10. I don't like the sound of that. Open-ended invitations are a bad idea. 我不喜欢这样。不加限制地邀请人来不是个好主意。 www.kekenet.com 1. He thought it was only falling leaves at first, so slight and delicate was the sound of it. 起初,他以为那只不过是落叶声,因为声音很轻很细。 www.bing.com 2. At midnight, the sky become clear and the stars were bright. there was almost no wind, only the sound of the fired. 午夜时分,天空变得清晰了,群星闪烁。那时几乎没有风,只有些许火烧的声音。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The sound of the door closing as the last customer left, jolted Bobby back to reality. 最后一个顾客离开时的关门声,猛地让博比的思绪回到现实中。 www.netfm.com.cn 4. Soon after this Natasha caught the sound of her mother's even breathing. 这之后娜塔莎很快地听到母亲均匀的呼吸。 novel.tingroom.com 5. When you hold a shell to your ear to hear the sea, the sound you hear is actually your own blood rushing through your veins! 当你手握着贝壳放在耳边能听到海的声音,其实你听到的这个声音是你自己的血液流经静脉时的声音! www.bing.com 6. She saw his mouth move, but she shut out the sound of his voice. 她看到他的嘴在动,但她在脑子里屏蔽了他的声音。 www.joyen.net 7. Ask them to participate in a short activity, like the hand wriggling motion to help with the sound waves mentioned in the video. 请他们加入做个小互动,就比如录像里边的摆动手指来帮助音波传播的伎俩。 www.englishtown.com.tw 8. He covers his head with his pillow so he doesn't have to listen to the sound of his parents arguing. 他把头埋进枕头,这样他就可以听不到父母吵架的声音了。 www.bing.com 9. An individual did not like the sound of file cabinets being slammed . 某个人不喜欢档案柜猛撞的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Then, they seem a little impatient, starting to swim up and down, and finally using their mouth hitting the tank, making the sound loudly! 然后,它们似乎是稍微不耐烦,在鱼缸里面游动,和最后它们用开始了战争,产生声音很大! wenwen.soso.com 1. From the 3rd month on his hearing is refined, he begins to even grasp the source of the sound and he turns his head to follow its direction. 从第3个月起他的听力被精炼,他开始甚至抓住声音的来源,他转动他的头跟随它的指示。 qq.iyaya.com 2. I do not hesitate to call out the sound, he had no choice to respond to me. 我毫不犹豫的叫出了声,他也无奈地回应着我。 www.bing.com 3. Shielding his eyes with his hand, he fired the full clip in his automatic toward the sound of the Laughing Man's heavy, sibilant breathing. 他蒙着自己的眼睛,把整整一梭子子弹打向笑面男的嘶嘶的呼吸声的来源方向。 www.bing.com 4. The even intensity and long duration of these murmurs reflect the large pressure difference across the orifice where the sound originates. 杂音的平均强度和长持续时间反映出声口压力差异很大。 www.med126.com 5. I believe he could not free himself from his wandering ways because the sound of the outward-bound train kept reminding him to go away. 我相信他无法挣脱他那到处漂泊的生活方式,因为火车驶出站的声音不断提醒他要出外漂泊。 www.tingroom.com 6. Before he could cry out or push her hand away, there was the sound of dimes dropping in the teapot. 他还没来得及喊出来或者把她的手推开,茶壶里一个一角硬币掉落的声音传了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The sound of a door opening and closing downstairs brought her out of her thoughts. 一个门打开和关闭声音使她在楼下她的想法了。 www.fnovel.com 8. At the sound of the gun I was into the water with barely a splash, skimming the surface like a water bug. 枪声一响,我便应声入水,甚至没有溅出水花来。我飞快地游动着,就象一只水虫一样。 www.thnu.edu.cn 9. The realistic quality of the sound reproduction; a fine reproduction of an Adams mantel. 音响复制品的逼真效果;亚当斯壁炉架的一件精美的复制品 dict.ebigear.com 10. We were extremely fortunate to have Skywalker Sound create the sound effects and background elements for Star Wars: Clone Wars as well. 我们极其幸运地有天行者音效公司为《星球大战:克隆战争》创作音响效果和背景声元素。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Early the next day, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island! 第二天一早,他被一艘渐渐靠近小岛的船的声音吵醒! blog.sina.com.cn 2. The sound reminded me of that part of the horror movie when the victim realizes she's forgotten to lock her dead bolt. 那声音让我想起恐怖电影中受害者想起自己的门没上门闩的画面。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. In eighteen forty-six, a huge storm washed completely over the land and formed inlets . . . large openings between the sea and the sound. 在十八个四十六个,一个巨大的暴冲完全对土地和形成的进气口…之间的海上和声音的大开口。 www.maynet.cn 4. There was no other sound save the sound of a wave fretting the smooth pebbles below. 此外,便只有下头海浪冲刷卵石的声响。 9.yeezhe.com 5. And then we heard this. . . this horrid voice that I can only describe as the sound of a saw ripping through bone. 然后我们听到……那种恐怖的声音仿佛锯开骨头一般,我只能如此描述。 www.blizzardcn.com 6. As the sound starts to pulse and contract, our physicists can tell when a photon is going to be emitted. 就当这声音开始脉冲和对比的同时,我们的物理学家可以知道什么时候一个光子被发射了。 www.ted.com 7. To express the sound of voices and express the meaning of the side next to match the shape, a lot of new words came into being. 把表示声音的声旁和表示意义的形旁搭配起来,组成很多新字。 www.mtime.com 8. An individual did not like the sound of cabinets being slammed. 有人不喜欢柜门相碰的声音。 www.bing.com 9. The sound that squawked out of the little speaker that you attached to your car window was tinny at best. 贴在车窗上的小音箱播出的声音也并不响亮。 voa.yeshj.com 10. Dependents so evil way, is completed by the sound of a few times, when to be free, and even the dream into, and never longer be seen. 如是恶道眷属,经声毕是遍数,当得解脱,乃至梦寐之中,永不复看见。 www.007china.com.cn 1. The sound of a man's feet came to the door and Kendal went to open it. There was not much light outside. 一个男人的脚步声来到门前,肯德尔起身去开门,外面光线暗淡。 waiyuwu.blogcn.com 2. After Noel and the boat pulled away, the fading of the sound of its motor left behind a suddenly loud silence. 诺埃尔开着船离开了,渐渐远去的马达声过后是一片巨大的沉寂。 www.bing.com 3. Their pitiful silence can be heard echoing harmoniously with the sound of their hearts beating like the perpetuating ocean waves. 他们的静默的呐喊,伴随著心跳,如海潮声般永远在回荡。 sm2000.org 4. He made a cup of coffee in the kitchen when he heard the sound of TV programs. 他在厨房为自己冲咖啡时听到了电视节目声。 en.cnxianzai.com 5. Tom had leaped at the sound, like a horse at the spur; but Silver had not winked an eye. 汤姆听到这叫喊,像马被靴刺踢了似地跳了起来,但是西尔弗连眼睛都没眨一下。 www.eduquan.com 6. But during the night , the sound continued to be heard from the distance . 但是整个夜里都能听到那声音从远处传来。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. A rational share-holding structure may result in a proper management structure thus to guarantee the sound performance of the company. 只有股权结构合理才可能形成完善的公司治理结构,进而才能保证公司良好的经营绩效。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. They describe black smoke rising into the sky and the sound of heavy gunfire and explosions echoing from the area around the embassy. 他们还看到黑烟升向天空,听到美国大使馆区周围传来激烈的枪声和爆炸声。 ept-cn.com 9. As Kari pulled her coat tighter around her a mad voice suddenly filled the air, rising above the sound of the waves. "How could you? " Kari用外套把自己裹得更紧些,一个疯狂的声音突然盖过海浪声说:“你怎么可以这样?” www.bing.com 10. The sound's power is distributed on the surface of the wave which increases with the square of the distance from its source. 声音的力量在以来自它的来源距离的正方形增加的波表面上被分配。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. Well, Mexican food could do it, but doctors call it "borborygmi, " which sounds a bit like the sound you hear. 其实,墨西哥菜可以做到这一点,但医生们称之为“腹鸣”,有点像你听到的声音一样。 wenwen.soso.com 2. When Edison spoke into the mouthpiece, the sound vibrations of his voice would be indented onto the cylinder by the recording needle. 当爱迪生对着送话口说话时,唱针会将他的声音震动刻划在滚筒上,使其形成波纹。 www.24en.com 3. there was the sound of breaking glass , and a hand reached in through the driver ' s side window. 这时传来了玻璃破碎的声音,一只手从司机座边的窗户伸了进来。 www.ichacha.net 4. There was an unusual quietness in the air, except for the sound of artillery in the distance. 空气中有一种不寻常的寂静,只有远处响着大炮的声音。 wenku.baidu.com 5. The old granny's singing takes us back to that era, the singing is filled of nostalgia, and with the sound and feeling of that time. 老奶奶的歌唱把我们带回到那个年代,她的歌充满着怀旧之情,充满着那个时代特有的韵味。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. Such an approach does focus the minds of those who call meetings for no reason or like the sound of their own voices. 此项措施就是针对那些无缘无故召集会议、或者喜欢自己声音的人。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The woman cries out in orgasm. The sound slams into Andy's brain like an ice pick. 女人兴奋地喊着,那声音就像冰锥一样冲击着安迪的大脑。 xiangyatastudent.com 8. That was just the sound of my life force being sucked into a shrieking vortex of infinite boredom. (那是我的生命力被吞噬在无尽的无聊漩涡中的声音)。 q.sohu.com 9. The sound of a snore (up to 69 decibels) can be almost as loud as the noise of a pneumatic drill. 鼾声(最高达69分贝)的响度可能相当于风钻的噪音。 www.bing.com 10. The only thing that was wrong now, really, was the sound of the place, an unfamiliar nervous sound of the outboard motors. 如今惟一不对劲的,是那个地方的声音,那是种不为人熟悉、听来紧张的尾挂马达声。 www.putclub.com 1. HY Series KTV cabins is the best partner to enhance the sense of space, making the sound field to be evenly distributed. HY系列是KTV包房的最佳搭档,增强了空间感,使得声场得到均匀的分布。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. then they waited in silence for what seemed a long time . the hooting of a distant owl was all the sound that troubled the dead stillness. 他们静静地等了似乎很长一段时间,除了远处猫头鹰的叫声外,周围是一片死寂。 www.ichacha.net 3. When I pressed the ignition button, a cloud of smoke shot down and the engine came to life like the sound of a thousand African drums. 当我按下点火钮时,一团烟雾向下喷射,发动机启动了,那声响犹如千面非洲鼓在齐鸣。 www.america.gov 4. Although there was another hour before the sun went down , we suddenly heard the sound of the ship's gun . 尽管离日落还有一个小时,我们忽然听见船上传来一声枪响。 www.chinaedu.com 5. and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. 他们翅膀的声音,好像许多车马奔跑上阵的声音。 www.bing.com 6. Even the bad memory of Rowan's injury reminded me of how frightened I was at the sound of her cry. 甚至关于罗温受伤的那段糟糕的记忆也使我想起了听到她的哭喊声时,我有多惊恐。 www.joyen.net 7. One morning, the lights of a pet shop flickered(1) to life, followed by the sound of keys unlocking the front door. 这是一天的早晨,宠物店的灯亮了起来,随后传来钥匙转动的声音,前门打开了。 www.easyreading.com.cn 8. It was a petty argument. But if he could scream now, I wouldn't say a word. I'd just listen to the sound of his voice. 但如果此时此刻他可以对着我嚷嚷的话,我不会再回击一句,我只想听到他的声音。 www.bing.com 9. Then, clear as a bell -- distinct from all the other sounds I'd wondered about -- was the sound of an animal moving outside. 接着,我终于听清楚了,非常清楚——是动物在走动的声音。 www.ycwb.com 10. The sound of keys in the door, it turned out to be the cleaning lady. 门口有钥匙开门的声音,是打扫卫生的阿姨来了。 pakistanvoices.com 1. Mighty Niagara Falls, pouring over the Niagara Escarpment to the sound of rolling thunder. . . most of the time, yes, but not always. 给力的尼亚加拉瀑布倾斜在尼亚加拉悬崖上,声音如雷声咆哮…是的,大多数时间是这样的,但不总是。 www.bing.com 2. The sound-light alarming system based on the sound card of computer had been used in the monitoring system of bridge. 基于声卡的声光报警系统现已在桥梁监测系统中得到了应用。 www.dictall.com 3. The sound will not affect older police but will be incapacitating for youths near the front line. 这种噪声不会影响较年长的警察,但会使靠近盾牌的年轻人丧失能力。 www.bing.com 4. The sound thereof shall go like the serpent; for they shall march with an army, and come against her with axes, as hewers of wood. 其中的声音好像蛇行一样。敌人要成队而来,如砍伐树木的手拿斧子攻击他。 www.spring4life.org 5. But there was one year when the sound of a flute penetrated thither. 可是有一年,有个人的笛声却飞进去了。 www.ebigear.com 6. Researchers also experimented with removing certain parts of the sound in an effort to identify which parts participants found unpleasant. 研究者试着移除整段声音的某些段落,试图找出是哪一段让人有不舒服的感觉。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The next evening, when his teacher asked him to illustrate the sound of one hand, Toyo began to play the music of the geishas. 第二天黄昏,师傅要他演示只手声音,丰雄就把艺妓的音乐奏给他听。 www.bing.com 8. What was even more frightening was the sound of huge boulders which began rolling down the steep mountain. 更令人害怕的是巨石开始从峻峭的山上滚上去的声音。 www.va1314.com 9. The silence was broken by something the neighbors would later say sounded like a gun shot. But Paul knew it was the sound of revenge. 而寂静突然被过后有邻里声称听到的一声枪响打破。但是保罗知道,那是复仇之音。 www.0531woju.com 10. Hear ye attentively the terror of his voice, and the sound that cometh out of his mouth. 你们且细听天主的怒吼声,听那从他口中发出的巨响。 www.ccreadbible.org 1. And then we heard horrid voice that I can only describe as the sound of a saw ripping through bone. 然后我们听到那种恐怖的声音……仿佛锯开骨头一般。 q.sohu.com 2. "Just the sound of the impact was unbelievable, " he said. "Almost can't believe you saw what actually happened. " 那撞击的声响都让人不可思议,他说,难以相信你所看到发生的一切 www.bing.com 3. Many frogs' are in the treble range, but some animal calls are so bass that at least part of the sound is inaudible to humans. 大部分蛙的声音都是颤音,但有些动物的叫声非常低沉,有些声音人耳根本听不到。 www.cctv.com 4. Above that speed the sound of the tyres and of air flowing over the vehicle start to make it more audible. 高于此速度驾驶,轮胎和车辆与风的摩擦才开始发出可以听见的声音。 www.ecocn.org 5. On the sound of bullets bursting from two side for a while, the little is shot dead in the bosom of his father. 但是双方一阵枪响,小男孩被打死在了爸爸的怀里。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The ancients said: the sound of flowing water can support ears, green grass can be Yangxin Wo. 古人云:流水之声可以养耳,青禾绿草可以养心。 www.tradeask.com 7. Sea shore, is the wind alone, is the sound of hysteria, is to yield to the fate of the helpless. 海的此岸,是风起的落单,是歇斯底里的呐喊,是屈服命运的无奈。 www.bing.com 8. A hospital official said, he is currently shooting outside the hospital can still hear the sound, and the helicopter is in the air patrols. 医院一名负责人称,目前他仍能听见医院外的枪击声,并且直升机正在空中巡逻。 www.englishtang.com 9. There was the sound of running steps and the owner and all the servers hurried from behind the counter to meet the old lady. 只听见一阵跑动的脚步声,店主和所有服务生都急忙走出柜台来迎接老妇人。 www.joyen.net 10. Every time I hear the rush of a mountain stream, or the waves crashing on the shore, or my own heartbeat, I hear the sound of impermanence. 每次我听到山涧奔腾、怒涛拍岸,或自己的心跳声,我就听到无常的声音。 bbs.jcedu.org 1. LuXun had a clear conception of value of the Western culture, it was to realize the sound human nature and its emancipation. 鲁迅对于西方文化有着明确的价值取向,即是实现人性的健全与解放。 www.dictall.com 2. I woke up to the sound of a hailstorm beating my bedroom window to a pulp. 一块大冰雹将我的卧室窗户砸得粉碎,我被巨响震醒。 dongxi.net 3. adj. In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness. 他困得那副样子,连汽车朝那房子开去时发出的声音都没能使他清醒。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Sometimes, I was fortunate enough to awaken to the sound of his voice in the next room. 有时,我够幸运被隔壁房间里他发出的声音吵醒。 bhaktibox.net 5. Breathing rate is detected by examining the relative movement of the chest, although the sound of breathing can be monitored as well. 通过检查胸部的相对运动可以检测呼吸频率,当然也可以监测呼吸声。 www.ecocn.org 6. Wake up in the middle of the night, it was raining, heavily, with the sound of the thunder. 半夜醒来,雨打在窗户上,很大的声音,伴着雷声,轰隆隆的。 blog.163.com 7. Asquith said the sound clips are free to the public and encourages their use in artistic projects. 阿斯奎斯说,这些剪辑的声音片段对大众是开发的,我们鼓励人们将其用于艺术作品中。 www.hxen.com 8. She was awakened by the sound of the children. 她被孩子吵醒了。 cache.tianya.cn 9. Far away, a sleeping Doberman , lying halfway out of his dog house, is awakened by the SOUND of RUNNING FEET on the grass. 远处,一条德国短毛猎犬正躺在狗房外睡觉,被草地上的跑步声惊醒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Could it be that this image combined with the similarity of the sound of the words influenced their coming together as synonyms? 是否可能,这种想象连同这两个单词读音上的相似,影响到它们一起成为同义词? www.bing.com 1. What makes her so right, is it the sound of her laugh, that looking in her eyes. 是什么始她感觉如此的好,是不是她的笑声,从她的眼中我们能知道。 kianix.blog.163.com 2. He touched a little machine, and two floors below there was the sound of a buzz . "_D_did you do it? " they asked . 他打开了一台小机器,于是,下面的两块地板发出了“吱吱”的声音。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Only the sound of insects filled the air as I walked through the empty town that summer day so long ago. 我漫步在这座夏日如此之长的空城时,只听到天空中传来的昆虫叫声。 www.bing.com 4. I shall always recall the autumn, the girl and the sound of her guitar. I know she will always be my best friend. 我一直回忆起那个秋天,那个女孩和她的吉他声,我知道她将一直是我最好的朋友。 bbs.24en.com 5. It was the sound of a large number of horses'feet trampling through the quagmire. 有人声大批马匹的脚踏在泥潭。 www.cqwx.net 6. He loves to work to the sound of opera and turns the kitchen staff into a living choir -- in contrast with Kate's soldierly rules. 他喜欢伴着歌剧的声音工作,并把整个厨房里的工作人员变成了一个活灵活现的唱诗班,这和凯特的军事化管理形成了鲜明的对照。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Appearing to be originating just in back of the head, the sound boomed, clicked, hissed or buzzed, depending upon the frequency. 显示能发生的仅仅在脑后,隆隆声,滴答声,嘶嘶声或嗡嗡声,这取决与频率。 tntddv.blog.163.com 8. As the twilight was beginning to fade, we heard the sound of a carriage. 当曙光开始(begin)消退时,我们听到了一架马车的声响。 www.waiyulm.com 9. All-round heavenly Father, the sound from the Gethsemane , that it sounds as if, oh the father , if you are willing, dismiss from this cup . 全能天父,听来自客西马尼的声音,啊爸,如果你愿意,就把这杯撤去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Check your fire detectors once a month. Make sure the batteries are good and the sound is loud enough for everyone in the building to hear. 每个月检查一下自己的火灾探测器,保证所有的电池都有充足的电量,警报铃的铃声可以让办公楼里的每一个人都听到。 www.bing.com |
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