单词 | the scholars | ||||||||
释义 | the scholars
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 儒林外史,学者,学究们 1. According to its distinguishing characteristics, we adopt the definition "Complex Form of Approximate" by one of the scholars. 根据该约量特点,本文决定延用其他学者对其的命名,称其为“套叠式约量表达”。 www.boshuo.net 2. But a company executive, who asked not to be named, said the scholars were entitled to their opinion about Sudan. 但一位要求不透露姓名的公司高管表示,这些学者有权对苏丹问题发表自己的看法。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Among the scholars in the pre-Qin period, Yang Zhu seems to be a mysterious figure. 在先秦诸子中,杨朱似乎是一个神秘人物。 www.13191.com 4. Her dress was both aged and childish, like the dress of the scholars in a convent; it consisted of a badly cut gown of black merino. 她的打扮是修道院里寄读生的那种派头,既象老妇人,又象小孩,穿一件不合身的黑色粗呢裙袍。 www.ebigear.com 5. The scholars of every country have a great dispute on which responsibility the main body of international law should afford. 各国学者对国际法主体违背国际义务应承担何种责任一直存在较大争议。 www.bing.com 6. The scholars were learning rudiments of archaeology and were trying to decode the hieroglyphics . 学者正在学习一些考古学的基本知识,尽力破解象形文字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. But a disagreement was reached among the scholars that self-actualization is a developmental process, not an end-state. 但在把自我实现视为一种过程,而非一种终结状态这一点上取得了共识。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. But a Chinese person close to the scholars' committee says even a low - key visit would " destroy joint historical research " . 但是,一个了解该委员会的中国人表示,即便是一次低调的参拜,也将“破坏联合历史研究”。 www.bing.com 9. I especially in Tsinghua University teaching experience know, China is not the lack of compliance with the quality of the scholars. 特别是我在清华大学教书的经历中知道,中国绝对不缺乏符合上述素质的学者。 yanjiang.com.cn 10. The scholars of the priory believe the dragon might be defeated using ancient knowledge of a past victory. 修会的学者们相信,他们可以利用过去已经取得胜利的远古知识来打败巨龙。 gw2cn.com 1. But on that, the scholars said, the pope is just wrong: the "no compulsion" verse is late, not early. 但是,学者们认为教皇恰恰把这一点弄错了:有关“没有强制”的章节是后来才有的,而不是早期的。 www.showxiu.com 2. The early years of the Qing Dynasty, China has an outstanding literary satire master. He is the " scholars" author Wu Jingzi. 清朝初年,中国产生了一位杰出的讽刺文学巨匠。他就是《儒林外史》的作者吴敬梓。 blog.163.com 3. System security, as well as the efforts of the scholars and the president is the key to uphold academic freedom. 制度的保障、大学教师们的努力以及大学校长的坚持是大学坚守学术自由的关键; www.fabiao.net 4. Vatican officials have cautiously welcomed the scholars' letter, saying they too see prospects for a tough, meaningful conversation. 梵蒂冈官员也对学者们的来信表示谨慎欢迎,说他们也希望看到一个开展坚韧而富有意义的对话的前景。 www.ecocn.org 5. All the classic aerodynamic heating calculating methods developed by the scholars are analyzed systematically and classified. 特别是对发展的各种高超声速气动热计算方法进行了系统的分析和总结。 www.fabiao.net 6. For some of the scholars such an opportunity was a dream come true! 对有些人来说可以说是圆了一个梦! www.uk.cn 7. One of the scholars wrote a very influential textbook called Kitab al jabr w'al-muqabala (Rules of Restoration and Reduction). 其中的一个学者写了一本影响很大的名为《Kitabaljabrw’al-muqabala(恢复和简化的原则)》教科书。 www.xue163.com 8. As an emerging industry, the recreational fishery has aroused the scholars' attention and has produced large quantities of literatures. 作为一门新兴行业,休闲渔业引起了学者们的注意并产生了一大批文献。 lib.cqvip.com 9. May I also welcome all the scholars from around the world today to Tasmania and to what we call our little 'pocket capital'. 我同时希望欢迎世界各地的学者来到塔州,来到我们自称为小小的〝口袋首都〞。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. After the interviewed with the scholars, it was found that the basketball referees in Taiwan have good psychological skill and fitness. 经专家访谈后,发现我国之篮球裁判员具有良好的心理技能与体适能。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. For instance, the scholars in the China section of the book look closely at the innovations required in Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy . 比如,写作本书中国章节的学者就密切关注这些国家所需要的马列主义正统思想的变革。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The flexible and meaningful individuated short essays of late Ming dynasty were the proclamation of the scholars of that time. 形式轻灵、隽永,体制短小精炼而富有个性化的小品文,是晚明文人心灵的宣言书。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Copies of the scholars' petition circulated on Chinese Web sites and drew tens of thousands of supporters. 这份倡议书在中国网站上被广泛转载,得到了数万人的支持。 www.neworiental.org 4. So enhancing the combustion efficiency of boiler is an important problem concerned by the technical engineers and the scholars. 因此,提高锅炉燃烧效率问题一直被工程技术人员和学者们关注。 www.lw23.com 5. It was puzzled the scholars where shakespeare had been during those seven years . 这七年间莎士比亚的下落一直使学者们迷惑不解。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The scholars have made a constant research in the filed of residential environment and conduced a ceaseless development. 中国人居环境领域的研究和建设得到不断发展。 lib.cqvip.com 7. Generally, the scholars thought the basis of guarantying the family firm's succession effectively is drawing up the plan ahead of time. 学者们普遍认为,保证家族企业有效地进行权力继任的根本在于提早制定完善的继任计划。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. I believe that the scholars in this conference will arrive at their own fair conclusions, and will have many engaging viewpoints to share. 我相信,在这次会议中的诸位学者,将会得出公允的结论,并且将分享许多精采的观点。 www.hongshi.org.tw 9. The scholars have convert their viewing angle of the criminal policy from political view to the aspect of rationalism and scientific angle. 理论界对于刑事政策的研究也逐渐从政治视角向理性主义和科学的角度转变。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Stories of the Scholars is a long novel demonstrating the living and mental state of the feudalistic humanist. 《儒林外史》是一部表现封建文人生活状态和精神状态的长篇小说。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. This chapter briefly summarizes the average return of the scholars on the theory of empirical research methods. 本章简要总结了学者们关于均值回归理论的实证研究方法。 www.fabiao.net 2. Secondly, the scholars of the Yuan Dynasty had a natural relationship with the Taoism. 其次,在于元代知识分子与道教的天然联系; lib.cqvip.com 3. The scholars of the initiative, immediately people responded enthusiastically. 这位学者的倡议,立即得到人们的热烈响应。 baike.soso.com 4. Li Bais cultural orientation reflects the time spirit and vogue of the scholars-bureaucrats of the flourishing Tang Dynasty. 李白的文化取向是盛唐士风和时代精神的映射。 www.dictall.com 5. In this paper, for these will be part of the contents of the scholars of literature and views were summed up and finishing. 本文主要针对这几部分内容将有关学者的文献和观点进行了整理和归纳。 www.lw208.com 6. As a part of tourism research, the influence of tourism has always caused the concerns from the scholars and experts. 旅游的影响作为旅游学研究的一个组成部分历来受到学者和专家的关注。 www.magsci.net 7. Although they have the different viewpoint to the character of the birth right, all the scholars think the conjugal people take it. 所以,无论对于生育权的性质持何种观点的学者对于已婚夫妇享有生育权是没有争议的。 www.fabiao.net 8. With the participation of the scholars, the link between musical instruments and the ballad composition further deepened. 在士人的参与下,乐器演奏与歌诗创作之间的联系进一步加深了。 www.fabiao.net 9. This kind of literature has several characteristics the scholars have pointed out, and I'll go over this very briefly. 学者们指出,这种文学有几个特点,我来简要介绍一下。 open.163.com 10. The Cobbe portrait, as the scholars now call it, shows a head-turner of a man. 科布肖像正如现在的学者们总是这样称呼它,给人看的是一名“引人注目”的男子。 www.bing.com 1. The scholars found signatures embedded in many paintings just waiting for someone to take the trouble to look. 学者们发现许多嵌入画作中的签名,它们仿佛在等待着好事的人来发掘。 www.ecocn.org 2. All of this had positive impacts on the rising of the "Scholars" and the bureaucratic system reform in the Warring States period. 这些对于“士”阶层的兴起以及战国时期官僚制度的革新都产生了很大的积极影响。 www.zidir.com 3. As a modern sarcastic novel, Unofficial History of The scholars is characterized by its speech. 《儒林外史》作为一部近代讽刺小说在语言上有其自身的特色。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The scholars by different standpoints, select the corresponding reference system, to construct the history of Chinese philosophy. 学者们以不同的学派立场,选取相应的参照系统,展开了对中国哲学史的建构。 www.zidir.com 5. Health communication study led by the scholars from American-European countries originated from America. 健康传播研究起始于美国并以美国为主导、美欧为主体的学术领域; lib.cqvip.com 6. The government and the scholars have to concern and contend much to the reason of inefficacy of Chinese college student aid system. 我国高校学生资助体制缘何处于低效、缓慢的发展状态,不得不引起政府和学者们的广泛关切和争鸣。 word.hcbus.com 7. Since the Government Employee system is something new from the west, the scholars' standpoints vary from each angle of view. 从整体上讲,由于政府雇员制是“舶来品”,不同学者立场和视角各异产生了各自不同理解。 www.fabiao.net 8. And then the author analyses the scholars' studies for stimulating consumption and the theories of resources & environmental management. 其次,梳理了中外学者关于刺激消费以及资源环境管理理论和政策工具的相关研究; www.bing.com 9. Since late 19 century, the scholars abroad began to inquire this problem. 早在19世纪末期,国外的学者们就开始着手寻找这一问题的答案。 www.edu-hb.com 10. And summarized the scholars regarding with the harmonic motion team interpersonal relationship method. 并总结了学者们对于和谐运动团队人际关系的方法。 www.slgz.cn 1. Like the scholars in the late Han Dynasty many experts think the present Wenxi County is the Quwu in ancient times. 许多专家沿用汉末学者观点,认为今山西闻喜乃古曲沃。 www.dictall.com 2. At the local villages, they represent the "knowledge book knowledge Ceremony" of the scholars. 在地方乡村中,他们代表了“知书识礼”的读书人。 wenda.tianya.cn 3. This can give some references to the scholars who still need making CGE procedures due to Financial to buy software or other issues. 这给那些由于购买软件的经费等问题而仍需要编写CGE程序的学者有一定的借鉴作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. No, happily for the Chinese novel, it was not considered by the scholars as literature. Happily, too, for the novelist! 文人不认为小说是文学,这是中国小说的幸运。也是小说家的幸运! blog.sina.com.cn 5. Recently, the scholars across? straights? apply themselves to conclude the "four significance s" with Chinese trait. 近年来,海峡两岸学者致力于总结具有华夏特色的“茶道四谛”。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. then it analyses present research condition of the scholars from home and abroad on public departments' BSC. 浅析浅析了中外学者关于公共部门平衡计分卡的研究近况。 www.zidir.com 7. Beautifying daily life is highly concerned in the aesthetic circles at present, arousing lots of discussions from the scholars. “日常生活审美化”是当前美学界非常关注的一个论题,引发了许多学者的讨论。 www.dic123.com 8. However, most of the scholars analyze this transition of consumption pattern from the economic angle. 但目前,大多数学者都是从经济学的视角分析消费方式的变迁。 www.fabiao.net 9. A. He invited the scholars from all over the world to dinner. 他邀请来自世界各地的学者共餐。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. Fete of horse is a topic seldom touched by the scholars in the study of agricultural history and animal husbandry history. 马社,这是农业史和畜牧史研究中,很少有人涉猎的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. B. He invited the scholars all over the world to dinner. 邀请全世界的学者…呵呵,只能说这是个王老五。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. The scholars of both the "village construction school" and the "industrialization school" offered their respective rural development modes. 针对这一问题,乡村建设学派和工业化学派都从各自的立足点出发提出了一定的农村发展之路。 www.dictall.com 3. As recently the scholars pay more attention to Charles Sanders Peirce, , the research to his theory about logic has made great progress. 随着近期学界对皮尔士的重点关注,皮尔士逻辑学理论的研究有了长足的进步。 www.juhe8.com 4. the fashion of performance in court influences the scholars; and emperor's hobby of drama all lead the policy become lax. 宫廷演剧风尚对士大夫的影响,以及皇帝个人对戏剧的爱好,都推动了“戏禁”政策最终走向废弛。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. At present the scholars of Chinese grammar existed a lot of difference in aspect of the quality, standard and measure of valence. 目前,汉语语法学界在动词配价的性质、确定配价的标准及辩价方法等方面存在很大的分歧。 epub.cnki.net 6. introduces and evaluates the similar research work and achievements made by the scholars abroad. 对国际上开展的同类研究作了介绍和评价; www.ilib.cn 7. They said, "Your Highness, the scholars are cheating. They're writing in big handwriting to take more gold. " 他们说:“陛下,那些学者作弊。他们故意把字写得很大,好换更多的金子。” www.ted.com 8. The scholars of home and abroad have studied and analyzed it from different aspects, and achieved some results. 本文另辟蹊径,从渠道价值链整合的角度进行了深入的探讨和研究。 www.fabiao.net 9. Because of the limit of my knowledge, there must be some questions. I hope the scholars don't hesitate to conduct me. 但是由于水平有限,难免存在这样或那样的问题,希望各位学者不吝指正。 www.fabiao.net 10. It's not just the scholars and the curators who come from all round the world; it's also of course the food. 一则博物馆里的学者与管理员都是来自全球世界,二则当然大家所吃的食物也是。 www.bing.com 1. Chinese classical novel, there has been shaping the "scholars" of this group. 中国古典小说中,一直以来都有塑造“书生”这一群体。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. In modern times, the scholars in poetry field of the two countries learn from each other and carry on this further. 在近现代,两国文学艺术界人士在诗歌领域的相互学习和借鉴仍得到延续。 lib.cqvip.com 3. As of today, the scholars who research on Hemingway at home and abroad have also done a deep study. 到今天为止,国内外的学者们对海明威的研究也已经非常深入。 www.fabiao.net 4. The scholars of the Tang dynasty are well known for their quotations of classics, in particular, of the Book of Songs. 唐人议论而好称引经典,《诗》是常用者之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. In 2004, the scholars of Ji lin province proposed the recommendations of creating Northeast Asia headquarters Base in Changchun. 2004年吉林学者首次提出了在长春创建东北亚总部基地的建议。 www.fabiao.net 6. And let's be equitable and talk about you. You love math equations . Perhaps you will force the scholars to erase earlier theories. 你对数学等式感兴趣,也许你会提出一个新的经济平衡理论,从而使学者们不得不摒弃先前的理论。 www.soulx.net 7. There were some among us, however, the scholars and chroniclers , who knew well the words and shuddered at their significance. 但我们中有一些学者和记史官非常了解这些信号,并为它所震颤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The scholars and public have debated on whether GMF is harmful to human health with GMF entering the market. 随着转基因食品不断地进入市场,学者和公众对转基因食品是否危害人类健康展开了激烈的争论。 www.chemyq.com 9. The scholars gave constructive comments on his novel. 学者们对他的小说给予积极的评论。 ggkb.ustsd.edu.cn 10. This time the scholars asked to meet him again. 这回又有一些鲁国学者求见。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The scholars who once imagined a world of shiny democracies have climbed on to other bandwagons. 曾经幻想世界上将到处都是光芒四射的民主国家的学者们,已转而追捧其它潮流。 www.ftchinese.com 2. No one cares about classical learning, and most of the scholars have left for other lines of work. 没有人愿意研读圣贤书,许多学者都转行了。 www.palwx.net 3. The scholars also very little ask about the question regarding the birth right. 学者们对于生育权的问题也很少问津。 www.fabiao.net 4. That will be the challenge of the scholars, and of all of us engaged in thinking about the future. 到2030年,个人,将史无前例地拥有毁灭地球,摧毁一切的能力。 www.ted.com 5. Forming the discussion of the reason to good historiography of the universe, the scholars have a theory to arrange more. 对于乾嘉史学形成原因的探讨,学者们多有论列。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. At present, the scholars at home have carried out some study on the practical teaching of thought and politics theory. 目前,国内学者对高校思想政治理论课社会实践教学已作过一定探讨。 www.fabiao.net 7. If that view prevails, it will be a disappointment to some of the scholars who wrote to the pope. 如果这种观点盛行,一些写信给教皇的学者将感到失望。 www.ecocn.org 8. While the scholars who hold the affirmative theory believe that unilateral association is also essential association. 持肯定说的学者认为:单向联系也是本质联系。 www.13191.com 9. The manner of the scholars had nearly disappeared. 书生的态度,差不多都消失了。 www.jukuu.com 10. The scholars in this school have a heavy orientation to psychology and social psychology. 这个学派的学者有着强烈的心理学和社会心理学的倾向。 www.kuenglish.info 1. The scholars held different views on the new established system. 学者们对该制度的设立褒贬不一。 www.fabiao.net 2. So, the scholars of various countries pay much attention to the research of the relation between exchange rate and trade. 因此,各国学者把汇率和贸易之间关系始终作为一个重大的研究课题。 www.fabiao.net 3. The scholars have studied deeply on the country fair and village fair trade for ten year. 近十年来,学者们对乡村集市及集市贸易进行了进一步的研究。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Great institutions were established to teach what the scholars had learned. 大的机构的建立是为了教那些学者学习的。 www.zige365.com 5. Traditionally, swear words is always disdained by the scholars, who think it is ribaldry, so can not come to literature palace. 传统上,詈词一向为中国的文人学者所鄙夷,认为其粗俗、下流,难登大雅之堂。 www.fabiao.net 6. "The Scholars" by Wu Jingzi is a masterpiece among satire novels in the history of Chinese literature. 昊敬梓的《儒林外史》是我国文学史上讽刺小说的一部杰作。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Theoretically speaking, the scholars in China mainly explain direct selling problems with the help of theories of other economic subjects. 从理论上看,国内学者多是借用其他经济学科的相关理论来阐述直销问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. To explore the nature of the scholars who do, we need to concern is to do their part to do Haojiu Hang a. 探究人的本质是学者的事情,我们需要关心的问题就是把自己的本分的事情做好就行了。 read.guanhuaju.com 9. Although they are plays on words, the scholars can choose one or two of them. 虽为游戏笔墨,但治学者或当有一二可取者耳。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Since Guoxiang, the scholars have begun to pay attention to "Sanyan" , and studied it from different angle and different level. 自郭象以降,学者们便开始关注“三言”,从不同角度、不同层面研究“三言”。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The presidential system of Russia becomes a topic which the scholars argued and the appraisal is various. 俄罗斯所确立的总统制度,更是成为学者们争论的一个课题,对其的评价各不相同。 www.fabiao.net 2. There are different views and not unanimous opinions to titles of Qarakhanids by the scholars. 喀喇汗王朝之名称,学术界历来有不同的看法,且未有一致意见。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. But the scholars from the high-ranked disciplines were not concerned. 来自高排列的训练的但是那些学者没有关。 www.zige365.com 4. This book has been censured by the scholars since Qing Dynasty, accordingly which was neglected in the academia. 自清以来,此书备受指责,而遭学者冷眼。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. You won't see this reported by China's media, but that's what the scholars are telling us. 在大陆媒体上你看不到这样的报道,但他们的学者这样跟我们说。 www.bing.com 6. The scholars, and not without asking, but read the text, unknown. 世之学者,无问识与不识,而读其文,则其人可知。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Based on documents unearthed, cultural personality, and so the research point of view, the scholars also get more attention and recognition. 立足于出土文献、文化人格等的研究角度,也越来越得到学者的关注和认同。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The scholars haven't come to agreement on these issues. 很多学者关于这些问题都没有达成一致的看法。 9. 721 (inception nine years), the Scholars, he was too happy Cheng and other officials, after the official position seclusion. 721年(开元九年)中进士,任太乐丞等官,后弃官隐居。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. After Marx who created the basic theory, The scholars have already explored how to define it. 从马克思等人创建基本理论伊始,各学者就对如何定义该理论进行了探索。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Only the scholars and monks knew how to read and write. 只用学者和僧侣会阅读和写作。 www.bing.com 2. In addition, The Scholars has features of Quanjiao dialect. 另外,《儒林外史》有全椒方言特色。 www.airiti.com 3. The scholars are called humanists because they were interested in people and in the world around them. 因为这些学者对人类本身和周围的世界都有着浓厚的兴趣,所以他们被称为人文主义者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. To regret, the scholars pay few attention to it and there were much wrong views in the researches. 遗憾的是,学术界对此书的研究几乎是个空白,存在的问题比较多。 www.lw23.com 5. However, the scholars have a lot of controversies in the effects of processing trade. 但理论界对于加工贸易的经济效应却存在很大争议。 www.fabiao.net 6. For solving this controversial, The Scholars think that the government can regulate the media with Legitimacy in the Constitution. 为了解决此一争议,学者有认为政府有宪法上管制广电媒体的正当性。 nccuir.lib.nccu.edu.tw 7. This is because if so, the scholars know the latest development in their own fields and know whether their research is valuable. 因为那样的话,学者们就可以了解自己学科领域里的最新进展,知道自己的研究是否有价值。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The "Youwen" Theory is the scholars of our country Song Dynasty summarized from the phenomenon of the "meanings embody in the sound" . “右文说”是我国宋代学者对汉字形声字“声中兼义”现象加以概括总结而形成的一个学说。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The opening door of the imperial test greatly inspired the scholars' initiative to study and participate in the imperial test. 科举的开放极大地激发了士人读书应举的积极性,士人数量因此急剧增加。 www.jiaoyu85.com 10. What we should investigate thoroughly is why they don't conduct the EIA. This is what the scholars should focus on. 我们该深究是为什么他们不做环评,这是学者们该关心的问题。 www.chinadialogue.net 1. Various methods were present by the scholars allover the world in recent ten years. 近十几年来,国内外不断有学者提出各种各样的方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. However, day and night to see the scholars bench, not the interests of the community; 可是,看到学者夜以继日坐冷板凳,没了兴趣; www.baihuoyw.com 3. After some ten years " research, much has been achieved by the scholars in China in the field of trademark dilution. " 经过十多年的研究,我国学者对商标淡化这一课题的研究已经取得了一些成绩。 www.lw23.com 4. On the Concept of "Filial Piety Prevails on Loyalty" for the Scholars in Wei and Jin Dynasties 论魏晋士人“孝先于忠”的观念 beta.ilib.cn 5. The Change of the Scholars'Cultural State of Mind and the Disintegration of Imperial Examination System in Modern Times 近代士人文化心态的变化与科举制度的解体 service.ilib.cn 6. In the pedagogical field, for one thing, the scholars always take translation compensation as a separate method; 在翻译教学领域,一方面,研究者多把补偿作为相对独立的方法加以介绍; www.13191.com 7. Historical Reason and Humane Concern of the Scholars in the Early Western Han Dynasty 西汉前期文人的历史理性和人文关怀 service.ilib.cn 8. Comparison Between Two Images of Han Hong: Influence of Pop Culture upon the Images of the Scholars in the Yuan Drama 两个韩翃形象的比较——看市井文化对元杂剧书生形象的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. The Contributions of the Scholars of Boone Library School on the Theories and Practice of Book Classification 文华图专学者对图书分类理论与实践的贡献 www.ilib.cn 10. The Transfer of the Scholars'Academic Practice in Modern Times and the Collapse of the Imperial Examination System 近代士人学术风尚的转移与科举制度的解体 www.ilib.cn 1. Viewing the Relation between Qu Yuan and the Scholars Culture in Warring States Period Through the Theme Election 从题材选用看屈原与战国士文化之关系 www.ilib.cn 2. On the political psychology of the scholars of the Han nationality in the Northern Dynasties 论北朝时期汉族士人的政治心态 scholar.ilib.cn 3. The Psychology of Literary Creation of ZHUANG Zhou and the Scholars of the Wei and Jun Dynasties 庄子与魏晋文人的创作心态 ilib.cn 4. This research is divided into three parts: the preface and the postscript, by which the scholars did their academic research; 笔者分三部分展开论述:一是名人新作序跋——用现代学术范式研究古典白话小说; www.zhugewenku.com 5. On The Qualities of Shen Cong-wen's Novels and The Paintings by The Scholars in Song and Yuan Dynasty 论沈从文小说的气度与宋元文人画 service.ilib.cn 6. Reflections on the historical approaches to The Scholars ( Rulinwaishi ) 撰写《儒林外史》研究史的再思考 service.ilib.cn 7. Zheng Xiao-xu and the Cultural Adherent Complex of the Scholars of Late Qing Dynasty 郑孝胥和晚清文人的文化遗民情结 www.ilib.cn 8. Tourist Action and the Vital Experiences of the Scholars in Ancient China 旅游行为与中国古代文人的生命体验 www.ilib.cn 9. On the Scholars'Mind and the Reasons of Sanqu's Prosperity from the Image of Fishermen in Sanqu of Yuan Dynasty 从元散曲中渔父形象看元代文人心态及散曲兴盛原因 www.ilib.cn 10. A Review of "Inference Meanings from Sounds" of the Scholars in the Qing Dynasty 清人“因声求义”述评 service.ilib.cn 1. On The Aesthetic Ideas And Design Of The Scholars In The Late Ming Dynasty 文心匠意:晚明文人设计的审美观念研究 www.ilib.cn 2. On the Personality Beauty of the Scholars in Wei and Jin Dynasties 论魏晋士人的人格美 www.ilib.cn 3. On Aesthetic Standards of the Scholars in Jin and Wei Dynasty 魏晋士人审美观探析 ilib.cn 4. Views of the scholars of early Qing Dynasty about the coastaldefense geography around Bohai Sea 清代前期学者关于渤海周围地区海防地理形势的认识 www.ilib.cn 5. Su shi's "being alike in spirit but not in appearance" and the scholars'paintings in Song Dynasty 苏轼的“离形得似”与宋代文人画 www.ilib.cn 6. The Scholars and the Central Politics of the Five Dynasties 士人与五代中枢政治 www.ilib.cn 7. Stories about Qu Yuan in the Folk Festivals and the Ideal Image of Qu Yuan in the Scholars'Views 民俗节日里的屈原故事与士人向往的屈原形象 service.ilib.cn 8. The Fu on Parrot and the Scholars'Genius Complex in the Wei and Jin Dynasties 魏晋的鹦鹉赋与当时文士的英才情结 service.ilib.cn 9. and other part of China, not the scholars, 中国的另一部分群体不是文人 blog.sina.com.cn 10. On Evolution of the Life Consciousness of the Scholars in Wei and Jin Dynasties 汉末魏晋文人生命意识的演进 www.ilib.cn 1. On the Vegetarian Diet of the Scholars in the Southern Dynasty and Buddhism in China 从南朝士人的素食观看佛教与中国本土文化的交融 www.ilib.cn 2. In recent years, the scholars have given more and more attention to the western region fund outflow phenomenon; 近年来,学者们对西部地区资金流失现象给予了越来越多的关注,这也成为了本文写作的现实背景。 www.fabiao.net |
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