单词 | the rules | ||||||||||||||
释义 | the rules
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 规则,游戏规则,我们的参赛规则 1. Step One: Prepare your man. Seat him in a sturdy chair and lay down the rules. He needs to sit and stay still. 第一步:让你的男人准备好。让他坐在一把结实的椅子中并说明规则。他需要坐下保持不动。 dict.kekenet.com 2. The company says its payments were within the rules and did not harm consumers. 该公司称,他们的付款完全符合规则,并没有损害消费者的利益。 bbs.exam8.com 3. Visiting cards used to be an indispensable attribute of the etiquette and the rules of their use were as sophisticated as those of cutlery. 过去拜访卡是礼节一个不可缺少的组成部分,而且它们的使用规则像餐具的使用规则那样复杂。 www.bing.com 4. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paying such realistic pictures. 如果透视的规则没有被发现,没有人会画的出这种现实主义作品。 www.gnscl.com 5. Were this an ongoing ruse, we would not be able to explain this to you due to the Rules of Engagement. 这是正在进行的一种策略,由于“接触法则”的缘故,我们不能向你们解释这个。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. But halfway through the game, for these kids, the rules changed, and suddenly the experimenter wasn't living up to her part of the bargain. 但是在游戏进行到一半的时候,规则改变了,并且实验者没有没有达到他们的承诺。 www.bing.com 7. But the rules prohibit export subsidies, to prevent governments from trying to help their companies gain in world markets. 但是条约禁止出口补贴,以防止政府帮助该国公司在国际市场上获利。 www.bing.com 8. The official said the US measures "do not accord with the rules of global trade and have met with nothing but widespread criticism. " 这位官员表示,美国的做法“不符合世贸规则,曾受到广泛批评”。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Tell your child that you trust him or her. You believe the child is big enough to obey all the rules and stay at home alone in safety. 告诉孩子你信任他们,你相信他们已经长大了,会好好遵守规矩,独自在家的时候会好好照顾自己。 www.bing.com 10. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. 如果没有发现透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画。 www.jxenglish.com 1. Specialist lawyers and accountants said the rules were vague but that Mr Chen would not usually be required to pay tax on a share sale. 专业律师和会计师们表示,相关规则有点含糊,但通常而言,陈发树不需为出售股票而缴税。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Just as in the authoring and deployment steps, the rules architect has certain responsibilities in the maintenance step as well. 就像设计和部署步骤那样,规则架构师在维护步骤中也承担特定的职责。 www.ibm.com 3. It is possible to make rules about English spelling, but there are so many exceptions that the rules are not always helpful. 对于英语拼写是可以列出规律来的,但也存在着许多不合规律的例外情况。 hmj8848.blog.hexun.com 4. I liked this much better than learning the rules of verbs, but I did not dare to stop, so I ran quickly towards school. 此情此景比学习动词规则有趣多了,可是我不敢逗留,就赶紧朝学校跑去。 www.ebigear.com 5. He said: "Sat-navs are a great tool but they are not an alternative for keeping your wits about you and obeying the rules of the road. " 他说:「卫星导航系统是很棒的工具,但它们不是让你临危不乱,以及遵守道路交通规则的代替品。」 www.hicoo.net 6. "I knew it was forbidden and you always have to respect the rules, but I did not think about that because I was so happy, " he said. 我知道这是被禁止的行为,你必须总是遵守规矩。但是我没有考虑那些,因为我非常开心。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. With him on the route of the familiar and understanding the rules of the game, planning a perfect rescue plan. 凭着他对路线的熟悉和游戏规则的了解,策划了一个完美的营救计划。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The next year, Lenat entered once more, only this time the rules had changed. Fleets could no longer just sit there. 第二年,Lenat再次参赛。这次规则变了,军舰不能呆着不动。 www.bing.com 9. Jonas nodded. Of course he remembered. It had turned out, by far, to be the most frustrating of the rules he was required to obey. 乔纳斯点点头。当然他记得。这条规则突然出现,直到目前为止,这规则是最困扰他而他必须遵守的。 www.easeparts.com 10. At this point, running the Web test case should produce a failed result, because code has not been added that fulfills the rules. 这时,运行Web测试用例将产生失败的结果,因为还未添加执行规则的代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Other automakers chose to break all the rules and display cars that look ready to take flight or travel through time. 其他的汽车制造商选择打破所有的陈规,他们的车展示出来的好像是要去乘飞机或者是穿越时空的感觉。 www.bing.com 2. The boss was an officious looking, uniformed policeman who did not look likely to bend the rules or appreciate my rants. 这位身穿制服的警察看上去不是善茬,他不像是个可以通融或吃我这套的人。 www.bing.com 3. Some experimental measurement comes along that seems to be ignorant of the established order and breaks the rules. 有些实验结果就是这样,它们似乎带着对已有规则的一种无视,似乎要颠覆这些规则。 www.bing.com 4. Also, allow her to set the rules and agenda for your meeting at a place of her choosing. 同时,允许她决定见面的地点,规则和议程。 www.bing.com 5. No one trusts the rules enough to venture too far off the orthodox reservation of whatever the topic of the night happens to be. 没有人信任这所谓的守则,无论当晚的主题是什么,他们都不会让自己的言行太出格。 www.fuleis.com 6. But the rules of that game will continue to be set by the entrenched hegemon for a long while to come. 但在将来很长时间内,游戏的规则将继续由现有霸权国家来制定。 c.wsj.com 7. Every quantum state corresponds to one of these graphs, and every graph that obeys the rules corresponds to a quantum state. 每个量子态都对应到其中一个图,而每个合乎规则的图也对应到一个量子态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. She said the rules comply with World Trade Organization requirements. 她说这一规定符合世界贸易组织(WTO)的相关规则。 cn.wsj.com 9. In swim workouts, it's one of the rules that when a teammate taps your foot you move to the right to let that swimmer go ahead of you. 游泳集训中有一项规定,那就是当队友碰你的脚时,你应该向右靠,让她过去。 www.zftrans.com 10. Now kids can also try, easy to learn the rules of the game, do not know can understand the play, Fun for all. 现在的孩子们也可以试试,游戏规则简单易学,认识不认识都能一起玩,其乐无穷。 wenwen.soso.com 1. He said, "This monkey was wandering on the streets, not following any of the rules. I'm turning him in. " 警察说:“这猴子在大街上到处乱跑,什么法律都不懂,我把它捉了回来。” bbs.open.com.cn 2. With manufacturers and retailers unwilling to play by the rules, Shenzhen authorities may feel like an outright ban is the only option left. 由于生产商和经销商不愿遵守相关规则,深圳当局或许觉得直接发布禁令是唯一的选择。 c.wsj.com 3. But the emphasis seems to be on cracking down on those breaking the rules. 但是不论是储行还是政府似乎都重在打击那些违反法规者。 www.tianya.cn 4. The transferred information is exclusively used for a closer malware analysis and for improving the rules set. 发送潜在危险的文件是为了用以更进一步的分析或完善我们的规则库。 bbs.kafan.cn 5. in some of China's enterprises, usually want not to break the rules of the company of clothing are not too stringent requirements. 在中国的一些企业中,一般情况下只要不违法公司的规章制度,对服装都是没有太过苛刻的要求的。 ask.china-exam.com 6. That might be a tad paranoid. But the tide of politics, as well as the rules, does indeed seem to be against them. 虽然这么说有点偏执,但政治潮流,以及政治规则,确实都对自民党不利。 www.ecocn.org 7. It was my turn to recite. How How I wish I had been able to say the rules without a mistake! 轮到我背诵了,我多么想能够一点不错地把那些规则说出来啊! www.b2b99.com 8. As it had been a while since we' d played poker, I ran the rules by them before the game began. 我们很长时间没玩扑克了,所以开始的时候我把规则讲一遍。 www.bing.com 9. You can't kick the ball out every time a player is down. That's why they changed the rules, and the referee was in a strong position. 你不能每一次球员倒下就把球踢出场外,这就是为什么他们改变了规则,而裁判处于一个较强势的地位。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. NOTE: The procedure listed in this article is for backing up the rules on the same computer on which they are going to be restored. 注意:本文中列出的过程用于规则备份上还原它们打算在同一计算机上。 support.microsoft.com 1. Establish a few reasonable rules for your kindergartner and, when appropriate, ask for her input when you make or update the rules. 当你建立和修改这些准则的时候,适当的时候,问问她的看法。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He is happy to let such knowledge run around quite freely, and with it all the rules of social life. 他很乐意让这样的客观知识,以及社会生活的规范,顺其自然地运作。 springhero.wordpress.com 3. I would BE very careful not to violate the rules, if I were you. 如果我是你,我会小心翼翼不犯规的。 dict.ebigear.com 4. The rules of the road would be a result of this careful calibration, tested constantly by the forces of supply and demand. 道路规则可能就是这种仔细衡量的结果,并不断受到供需力量的测试。 www.bing.com 5. Google might have been of the view that the rules of the United States is a world-ready, but this time calculation. 谷歌或许曾经认为,美国的规则就是全球通用的,但是这次失算了。 www.bing.com 6. The rules on the matter without a detailed, the organizers have the right to explain and to correct it. 本活动规则如未详尽之事宜,主办单位有解释权利并予以修正。 www.dw188.com 7. Personally, I think China will work very hard to live up to its commitments and to operate within the rules of the WTO. 我个人认为,中国将会非常努力地争取完成它的承诺,并且遵守WTO的规则运作。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. More than half of researchers and 78% of administrators said the rules have made it harder to recruit new faculty members. 超过一半的研究人员和百分之七十八的管理者认为,这些条款已经让雇佣新成员变的困难。 news.dxy.cn 9. The Dark Lord's concept of ultimate power is to break the rules of the universe. 黑魔头对于终极力量的概念是打破宇宙的规则。 www.hoolee8.com 10. "Currently, only securities and trust companies are allowed to be majority shareholders, from a strict reading of the rules, " it says. 咨奔表示:“按照对目前规定的严格解读,只有证券公司和信托公司才能获准成为基金公司的主要股东。” www.ftchinese.com 1. You know, Everybody's staring. Edward Cullen: Not that guy. No he just looked. Breaking all the rules now anyways. Since I'm going to hell. 你知道,大家都在看我们。爱德华:那个人不是,他只是看看。现在我们打破所有规矩了,反正我要去地狱的。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Identifiers that do not comply with all the rules for identifiers must be delimited in a Transact-SQL statement. 在Transact-SQL语句中,必须对不符合所有标识符规则的标识符进行分隔。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Sometimes there were negotiations about the rules, but only once did the guy present to me a prepared list of rules of his own. 有时我们也会就规则进行谈判,但只有一个人向我提出了他自己准备好的原则清单。 www.bing.com 4. For other Swiss banks it is possible and legal to deal with American taxpayers as a "qualified intermediary" , but the rules are complex. 对于其他瑞士的银行来说,将美国的纳税人作为“具备资质的中介人”是可能的,合法的,但是相关的规定则十分繁琐。 www.ecocn.org 5. What are the rules, policies, and procedures for you to leave your work area when your shift is over? 当换班时,有怎样的规定,政策,程序来定义你可以离开工作区域。 www.6sq.net 6. The rules in this book allow you and a group of friends to assume the roles of a pack of werewolves, hunting and fighting as one. 根据这本书里的规则,你和你的朋友们可以扮演一组狼人去打猎去战斗。 blog.donews.com 7. IT REMAINS now to see what ought to be the rules of conduct for a prince towards subject and friends. 现在它仍然看到什么应该,是对主体和朋友的王子的行为规则。 bbs.city.tianya.cn 8. Then, I start and stop the firewall. . . ooops, made a bit of a mistake when I added the rules. 然后,我启动防火墙,但又马上停止了它……哎,我在添加规则时犯了一个小错。 www.ibm.com 9. The rules change frequently, keeping up with (or at least trying to) the various types of attacks that are going on. 规则频繁更改,保证(至少是尝试保证)与最新攻击的各种类型保持一致。 www.ibm.com 10. In addition, he said he would boost penalties on companies that break the rules. 此外,他表示将严惩触犯规定的公司。 cn.reuters.com 1. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. 如没有发现透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画。 wenku.baidu.com 2. We might have had in mind something like this: police officers will arrest people who don't follow the rules. 我们也许有了这样的先行观念:警察会逮捕不守规则的人。 www.bing.com 3. A white machine Nintendo era of the classic game, the rules of the game is also very simple collision destroyed by the enemy can be. 一款任天堂红白机时代的经典游戏,游戏规则也很简单,通过碰撞消灭掉敌人即可。 4455.cc 4. He had a foolproof strategy. It just depended on his powers of persuasion and how much a friend of his was willing to bend the rules. 他已经想出了一个万全之策,而成败仅取决于他说服的技巧和他的朋友是否能通融了。 starwarsfans.cn 5. XML is all about standards, but it's not always easy to get everyone to play ball according to the rules. XML到处都有标准,但让每个人都照规矩行事并不是一件容易的事。 www.ibm.com 6. It helps Iran that, just as the world gears up to enforce the anti-nuclear rules, the rules may be changing. 正如世界正准备执行反核规则一样,这样的举动帮助了伊朗,他认为规则可能正在修改。 www.ecocn.org 7. Block from black list rules - the phone will block the incoming SMS messages, which meet at least one of the rules listed below. 街区黑名单规则-手机将阻止传入的短信,其中至少有一个符合的规则如下所列。 www.dospy.com 8. For that reason, I'll outline the rules here, and will also strive to follow them in every step of my own plug-in. 出于该原因,我在此列出这些规则,并且在插件的每一步都尽量遵守这些规则。 www.ibm.com 9. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, _no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. 如果没有发现透视法,就没有人能画出如此逼真的画。 www.hjenglish.com 10. She said the rules could at least provide a kind of vaccination against affairs between students and married people. 她说,这些规定至少可以对学生和已婚人士的婚外情起到一定的预防作用。 gb.cri.cn 1. We took a great deal of care to make it all visible, following all of the rules, exactly the way the law said it was to be done. 我们小心地光明正大地做事,遵守所有法令,就像法律允许我们做的那样。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. the children of those who defy the rules are sometimes denied government benefits, including access to a free education. 一些不符合政策的非独生子女有时会得不到政府的福利和优惠,包括享受义务教育的权利。 www.elanso.com 3. The rules of the game have been rewritten dramatically over this past fortnight but the game, at least, is still being played in some form. 过去两周来,游戏规则已被大幅重写。但是,游戏本身至少还以某种形式继续进行着。 www.ftchinese.com 4. normal, 5 times last time I changed all pass, the content does not violate the rules to ask, do not simply give the final answer. 正常,上次我修改了5遍都通不过,内容没有违反问问规则的,最后索性放弃不回答了。 www.zhuxiansf.org 5. "North Korea broke the rules once more by testing a rocket that could be used for a long-range missile, " Obama said. 奥巴马说,朝鲜试验可能用于远程导弹火箭的行为再一次破坏了相关决议。 www.bing.com 6. Nobody knows, however, how much extra capital gains tax would be collected if the rules were tightened up. 然而,如果政府收紧规定,没人知道会征得多少额外的资本利得税。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The report concludes, controversially, that the rules did not add to the pro-cyclical nature of the financial system. 这份报告总结称,会计准则并未计入金融体系的顺周期性。这一结论引起了争议。 www.ftchinese.com 8. She said she followed the rules of her group, but her cousins had different rules: they would kill anybody. 她说她遵守组织的规定,但她的堂(表)亲却有不一样的规定:他们可以杀任何人。 www.bing.com 9. Third, the rules of the euro area turned out to be about as solid as a slice of brie left out in the midday sun. 再次,欧元区的规则就像正午烈日下的一片干酪那样不够坚实可靠。 www.bing.com 10. In one show with Tom Snyder from the Tomorrow program, he said he was able to gather ALL of the rules he would follow. 在汤姆斯奈德的一期明天计划的节目中,它能够获取他所要采取的所有规律。 waimaoyingyu.hkseo.net 1. The insiders do not know who built these satellites, nor precisely why they are there. It's simply another part of THE RULES. 里面得人不知道是谁建立的这些卫星,不知道为什么卫星会在那里。这是therule的另一个部分。 douban.com 2. That EU members often do not live up to the rules is no reason for the Balkans not to do so. 虽然欧盟成员国常常遵守不了那些规定,但这并不影响巴尔干半岛的国家们做到。 www.ecocn.org 3. The summit hopes to set the rules for a common energy policy and a single energy market, both of which would make quite a difference. 本次峰会旨在为共同能源政策和统一能源市场制定规则,而这两者可谓影响深远。 www.ecocn.org 4. Many details of the rules are up in the air, and they would have to be approved by regulators before taking effect. 规定所涉及的许多细节仍未敲定,它们必须经过监管机构的批准方能生效。 chinese.wsj.com 5. One of my favorite Zen monks, Thich Nhat Hanh, simplified the rules in just a few words: "Smile, breathe and go slowly. " 我最喜欢的禅僧一行禅师把规则简化为简单的几句话:微笑、呼吸和慢行。 www.bing.com 6. Since the meeting takes place on Apple's property, the company has every right to make the rules. 由于会议地点在苹果公司,公司完全有权利制定规则。 www.bing.com 7. Deeper evolution -- as it might be formally defined -- is about how the rules for changing entities over time change over time. 更深层次的进化——就像其可能有的正式定义——是关于随着时间迁延而改变实体的规则是如何随时间迁延而变化的。 www.bing.com 8. "Sorry, lady, " he said as he closed the door. "It's against the rules. " “抱歉,夫人,”他边说边关上车门,“我们这里没有这个规定。” blog.sina.com.cn 9. Lower right corner of that white ball is SPHERES IMPACTING out of the rotation direction, the rules of many! I wish you a Happy playing! 右下角的那白球是球打出去的旋转方向,玩法很多,祝你们玩的开心! 4455.cc 10. Demonstrations and strikes have shaken authorities and they're beginning to crack down on those companies who don't follow the rules. 工人的抗议示威和罢工使当局受到了震动,他们开始对那些不按规定行事的公司采取严厉措施。 www.joyen.net 1. Lower right corner of that white ball is SPHERES IMPACTING out of the rotation direction, the rules of many! I wish you a Happy playing! 右下角的那白球是球打出去的旋转方向,玩法很多,祝你们玩的开心! 4455.cc 2. Demonstrations and strikes have shaken authorities and they're beginning to crack down on those companies who don't follow the rules. 工人的抗议示威和罢工使当局受到了震动,他们开始对那些不按规定行事的公司采取严厉措施。 www.joyen.net 3. In Full-Text Search, for a given language, a stemmer generates inflectional forms of a particular word based on the rules of that language. 在全文搜索中,对于某种给定的语言,词干分析器可基于该语言的规则生成某个特定词的变形形式。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Experts have pointed out that traffic safety knowledge to understand, comply with the rules of the road accident injuries can be avoided. 有专家指出,懂得交通安全知识,遵守交通规则的意外伤害事故是可以避免的。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. Establish the rules and regulations of the front office during the hotel per-opening. 制定出筹备期间前厅部的各项规章制度。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Do you think Taobao for violation of the rules of a fine is justified, Taobao perform strength? 您觉得淘宝网对于违反规则的处罚是否合理,淘宝执行力度如何? www.askform.cn 7. The book he eventually pulled out was a manual from 1567 setting the rules and regulations for appointing treasurers to run the bank. 他最终抽出的一本书是1567年写的手册,手册制定了选举司库管理银行的规章制度。 www.ftchinese.com 8. He had obeyed the rules, he had made a bona fide attempt to pay his bill, it had been rejected. 他本来循规守据,他本来试着友好地支付账单,却被拒绝了。 www.bing.com 9. The United States and China are not the only ones facing questions about defining the rules of the road. 美国和中国不是唯一面临着规划路线规则问题的国家。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. He said he was "puzzled" by the statement from the information office, because no breach of the rules had been established. 他表示对信息办公室的声明很“迷惑”,因为并没有违规行为存在。 www.bing.com 1. "If you're allowed to call it an obstruction, that actually changes the rules of sailing, " Miss Shaw said. “如果你允许将它称之为障碍,实际上就改变了航行规则,”肖小姐说。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Participants and bankers are calling this, informally, the 'if in doubt, take it out' approach, essentially easing the impact of the rules. 参与者与银行家们私下里称之为“放弃争议”的方式,此举降低了新规定的影响力。 chinese.wsj.com 3. To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk. 拍摄前遵循构图法则有些像在走路前要遵循地球引力一般。 www.bing.com 4. But players should not be allowed to do things which are too dangerous and have no respect for the rules. 但球员不应该被允许做太过危险和不尊重规则的的行为。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 5. What was surprising was that the rules were exploited in unexpected ways. 让人惊奇的是规则以出乎意料的方式被利用。 www.ibm.com 6. The other day, my friends and I got to talking about the rules that we have at school. 前几天,我和我的朋友们开始讨论我们学校制定的校规。 www.1-123.com 7. The other day, my friends and I got to talking about the rules that we have in school. 前几天,我和我的朋友谈到了我们学校里的规则。 www.ljez.net 8. As with most rules, there are exceptions, and a deeper understanding of the rules allows you to know when to break them. 正如大多数规则一样,总会有例外发生,深入理解这些规则使得您知道什么情况下应当突破规则。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It is often useful to group these rules to limit the rules considered for matching. 组织这些规则以限制匹配时要考虑的规则数量通常比较有用。 www.ibm.com 10. The rules were designed to avoid overproduction but Brussels is now worried that there will not be enough cereals to meet demand. 制定这些规定是为了防止生产过剩,但欧盟委员会现在担心会出现谷物供应不足。 www.ftchinese.com 1. America says it has now tightened the rules on downloading material onto portable storage media, to make such a breach impossible in future. 美国称已经加强了到移动存储器的资料下载管理,以防今后再次发生此类问题。 www.ecocn.org 2. The paper introduces the general course and the rules of such judicial cases by an actual case. 本文通过一起实际案例,分析了出现争议的常见原因,以及在处理此类问题时应注意的相关问题。 www.chemyq.com 3. The rules of engagement for the group phase of the competition read like the instruction manual for a space shuttle. 而小组赛阶段交锋规则读起来就像是航天飞机发射说明手册。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. First off, if you are going to dinner, read the Rules for Fine Dining list; try to remember at least one or two. 第一点,如果你去就餐,请先阅读食物清单的规则。试着记得至少一个或两个。 www.bing.com 5. Game both parties shall have the right to check whether conform to the rules, put the ball and request correction. 比赛双方均有权检查球摆放是否符合规则,并要求修正。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Quite often, companies that fail to live up to these requirements do so out of ignorance about the rules of engagement. 很多时候,未能达到这些要求的许多公司,是出于对相关约定协议条款的不了解。 dongxi.net 7. duality is innocent and never gambling , the rules of the game i do not understand , or to wanna its hero. 偶是良民,从不赌博,这个游戏规则我也不大明白,还是赌神来玩吧。 www.ichacha.net 8. He will spend the next five months or so trying to redo the rules of finance so we don't go through this again. 他还要在今后五个月左右的时间里重新制定金融法规,以确保类似的一幕不会重演。 www.bing.com 9. With the ball only obey the law, but there is no hierarchy of leadership relations, "Earth constitution" for the rules, act independently. 国与球只有法律服从关系,而没有上下级的领导关系,国以《地球宪法》为总规则,独立行事。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Mr Li said the rules should be introduced in different areas of the country only when higher quality fuel was available. 李万里表示,应该只在燃油品质提高时,在中国不同地区推行该规定。 www.ftchinese.com 1. For the inexperienced web designer trying to develop a website that "follows all the rules" can take a long time and a lot of trial & error. 无经验的网站设计者,试图遵循所有设计规则,但往往出现许多设计错误,并且设计时间会很长。 www.w3pop.com 2. Some demographers, however, argue that plummeting fertility rates and a rapidly aging population are reasons enough to ease the rules. 一些人口统计专家却认为,如今急剧下降的出生率以及快速形成的老龄化社会是尽快叫停这项政策的原因。 c.yegeer.com 3. It's like the concentration-camp guard telling me, "Show me how you've been a good boy today and know how to obey the rules. " 那就像集中营里的看守的口气:“给我看看你今天是不是个好孩子,怎么守纪律。” blog.sina.com.cn 4. The wording of the rules is broad enough to cover all sites, domestic and foreign, whether or not they carry sex-themed material. 政丨府的措辞使得这项举措能够涵盖所有网站,无论是国内还是国外,无论是否包含涉性内容。 pc.beareyes.com.cn 5. The rules to be obeyed in program realization are summed up in insuring the reliability of telecommand and teleadjusting. 总结了为保证遥控和遥调的可靠性在程序实现中应遵守的规则; www.lw23.com 6. Unless Catholic adoption agencies were exempted from the rules they would be closed, he said. 他说,如果天主教收养机构不能获得法规豁免权,他们将会关闭。 www.ecocn.org 7. It means regulators must be ready to enforce the rules with vigour. 意味着监管部门必须做好强有力地执行这些规定的准备; www.ftchinese.com 8. Now we have changed the rules to say that clubs must send any documentation relating to the deal, whether you believe it is relevant or not. 现在我们改变了规则来说俱乐部必须提交任何转会交易的文件资料,不管你觉得是不是有关系。 www.thefa.cn 9. The minister said he would still support him, as long as they didn't break the rules. 这位部长说,只要他们遵守规则,他仍然会支持他们的。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. However, when America thinks important interests are at stake, it still ignores the rules, just like the next hegemon. 然而,当美国认为其重要利益处于关键时刻,它仍然会忽视这些规则,就像另一个霸权。 www.ecocn.org 1. Mozart is a contradiction in that he was more conservative and followed the "rules" much more than Haydn, yet his music is incomparable. 莫扎特是个矛盾体,他比海顿更保守而循规蹈矩,但他的音乐却无与伦比。 www.bing.com 2. It may be partly because she doesn't play by the rules and seems to make no apologies for the way she lives her life. 人们不喜欢她也许是因为朱莉不按规则出牌,也从不为自己的生活方式抱歉。 www.bing.com 3. This has a great impact on performance, but there is one major drawback: The clients do not immediately recognize changes made to the rules. 这对性能有很大的影响,但是有一个主要的缺点:客户机不能立即识别对规则的更改。 www.ibm.com 4. And while I wouldn't go as far to call the following example "cheating, " the rules do not say that isn't allowed. 尽管我不会称下面这个例子为“作弊”,但是比赛规则并未禁止这类例子。 www.bing.com 5. I had to make it into a liquid drink because of the rules in the WBC. This was the fun part. 因为WBC的规则限制,我必须把它转变成一种饮料,从固体到液体,正是整个创意过程中最有意思的部份。 www.baristacn.com 6. At the moment the rules are constructed in a way where it is basically forbidden to speak about one individual player. 现在的规矩是禁止谈论某个球员。我知道没有人尊重它,但是我尝试着这么做。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. Such a basic violation of the rules of futures brokerage also raises questions about the supervisors, and whether they are up to the job. 这样一种从根本上违反期货经纪规定的行为,也让人们对监管机构以及它们是否胜任产生了疑问。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we never soar to reach the heights we might have obtained. 我们中的有些人极为顽固地反抗规则,这使得我们从未飞到本来可以达到的高度。 www.csucatol.cn 9. Women are used to the bad behavior of men. but i had broken the rules. 女人都习惯于男人干坏事,但我却不信这个邪。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He decided to raise awareness of the rules of the road in his own way, the report said. 他决定用自己的方式唤起人们对道路交通规则的认识。 www.bing.com 1. At one point, Chamberlain was so much better than all the other players that they changed the rules of the game to try to stop him! 曾几何时,张伯伦比其他的队员都优秀得多,以至于他们改变了比赛规则来企图限制他! wenku.baidu.com 2. An important piece of advice Jesus gives us at the beginning of the "Rules for Decision" is: "Do not fight yourself" (T-30. I. 1: 7). 在「作决定的原则」(正文第三十章)一开头,耶稣便给我们一则重要的忠告:「不要与你自己交战」。(T-30.I.1:7) www.hahaha365.com 3. Introduction: Duality is innocent and never gambling , the rules of the game I do not understand, or to Wanba Its hero . 偶是良民,从不赌博,这个游戏规则我也不大明白,还是赌神来玩吧。鼠标控制。 www.bing.com 4. In a derived class, design the method to return true only if the value fits the rules of the language and does not conflict with a keyword. 时,将方法设计为只有在值符合语言的规则并且不与关键字冲突的情况下才返回。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The ship complies with the Rules and Regulations of this Society , and this certificate shall be accepted as valid until . 本船符合我社的规范和规定,同意本证书的有效期延长至。 www.bing.com 6. It allows you to use different rules from different levels, the rules themselves being mutually exclusive of one another. 当启用该级别时,可以使用来自不同级别的不同规则,这些规则本身是互斥的。 www.ibm.com 7. In dealing with the people who violate the rules of the court, the people's court may admonish them to leave the court, fine OR detain them. 人民法院对违反法庭规则的人,可以予以训诫,责令退出法庭或者予以罚款、拘留。 dict.ebigear.com 8. Yes, he was disruptive and broke the rules, but I always wondered what I would do when that happened to me. 是的,孩子造成了混乱,并破坏了规则,但是我一直想知道,如果这事发生在我身上,我会怎么做。 www.elanso.com 9. You can break the rules, so long as you know which rules you're breaking. 惯例并不是墨守成规的,但只有在你清楚的情况下才可以试图打破惯例。 blog.imy2.com 10. And the rules for the new council make it easier to call special meetings to deal with crises. 以及对新理事会的规则更容易在处理危险时举办特别会议。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Several Democrats in the House, including Arkansas congressman Beryl Anthony, were trying to overturn the rules. 众议院的几位民主党人,包括阿肯色州的众议员贝丽尔.安东尼,试图否决这个伤残补助规定。 www.bing.com 2. The rules didn't offer details of how violations will be penalized, but to say breaches will be referred to judicial authorities. 新规没有具体说明侵犯商业秘密后将受到怎样的处罚,只是说将被移送到司法机关。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Other analysts said that companies might be able to circumvent the rules by transferring ownership of some shares to affiliates. 其他分析师表示,公司可能可以通过向关联企业转移一些股票的所有权,来绕过这些规定。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Mr Obama said people were angry because Wall Street had not been "following the rules" . 奥巴马称,人民之所以愤怒,是因为华尔街没有“遵守规则”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. You claim that you were incorrectly sent off during the league game, well it is about time that you read the rules a little better. 你声称自己在联赛中被错误的罚下,我看你是该好好学习一下规则了。 bbs.qieerxi.com 6. The rules of good cooking cannot be telescoped into a single sentence. 精美的烹调规则不能缩短为一单独句子。 www.jukuu.com 7. Students say the university is making a mountain out of a molehill and that it will be impossible to enforce the rules. 华师大学生有的认为学校小题大做,有的则认为这样的规定执行起来很难。 www.china.org.cn 8. The rules are a set of gentlemen' s agreements, which grant the sales representative a BONUS as long as he makes the deal. 规则是一群绅士们的盟约,只要销售代理商照做就可以得到一笔奖金。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Becomes the legend need to break the rules. Must have courage into the hero. The mountain peak just is only the beginning. 成为传奇就要打破规则,要有胆成为英雄,巅峰只不过是开头。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. As we said at the top of the broadcast, the president is about to tighten the rules on American cars, better mileage, less pollution. 正如我们在节目开始所介绍的,总统要对美国汽车生实行严格的政策,更好的效益,减少污染。 www.eoezone.com 1. Someone offered a cursory explanation of the rules, and I duly proceeded to come fourth out of four players. 有个人匆匆忙忙的介绍了一遍规则就开始了,我一贯如此得拿到了四个人中的第四名。 www.bing.com 2. Moreover, anyone against the law of Taiwan or the rules of the company will be repatriated and has to pay the related cost by himself. 另在春节期间如有违反台湾法律或公司规定者,一律遣返回国,且遣返之相关费用将自行负担。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. We developed one way but it is not the only way, I respect every other way as long as the referees get the rules respected. “我们开发了一种方式,但它不是唯一的方式,我尊重其他的方式,只要裁判能让规则得到尊重”。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. Recent surveys have shown that people are not aware of the rules, and that many children do not use child seats at all. 最近的几次调查表明,人们对这项法规并不了解,许多儿童乘车时根本不使用儿童安全椅。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And the rules can apply to control the credit risk of the bank, also provide a scientific basis for bank executive decision-making . 这些规则的运用对控制经营风险具有较好的作用,同时也为领导决策提供了科学的依据。 www.fabiao.net 6. The rules say the tomatoes have to be squashed up a little before they are thrown to make them all the squishier . 狂欢规则制定者表示,番茄在投掷之前必须稍微地被压碎,以便它们在投掷过程中更容易出水。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I've created a universe and the rules for this universe and then inside it sort of has a population that lives there. 我已经创造了一个世界,以及世界的法则,然后它自己某种程度上有了生命。 www.bing.com 8. Institutions are the rules of the game of a society or more formally are the humanly-devised constraints that structure human interaction. 制度是社会游戏的规则,或者更正式地说人们设计出来构建人们相互交往的约束。 down.cen.ccer.edu.cn 9. If you think you can ever really get by with breaking the rules, you're only fooling yourself. 假如你以为自己确曾违反规则但侥幸过关,那你只是在愚弄自己。 www.chinabaike.com 10. Again, he wasn't interested in the 'rules'. He wasn't interested in how the driver had done all this. 我再一次重申,他对那些条条款款没兴趣,他只是想知道那的哥是怎么做到这一切的。 www.douban.com 1. As with any evolving art form, trying to pin down the rules is impossible. 如同任何不断发展的艺术形式,舞蹈没有一成不变的规则。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Psychologists , medical scientists , economists were all interested in finding out the rules that govern the way all of us behave . 心理学家、医学家、经济学家全都热衷于寻找支配我们行为的共通法则。 www.bing.com 3. 'Like a fox chewing a bone, Goldman Sachs knows the rules of the game and when to go for your neck, ' it says. “就好像一只狐狸咀嚼骨头,高盛知道游戏的规则以及何时真的掐住你的脖子。”书中写道。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. They seem to be able to change the rules of the game at whim. 他们好像能够随意改变比赛规则。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Still, Nolan said he doesn't really chafe at the rules. "I understand. It's their house. " And, he added, "I love being home. " 然而,诺兰说他不是真的烦这些规矩。“我理解。这是他们的房子。”他还补充道:“我爱在家的感觉。” www.bing.com 6. The rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) generally do not recognise undervalued currencies as an illegal subsidy. 根据世界贸易组织(WTO)的规则,货币低估通常不被看作是非法补贴。 www.bing.com 7. The minister said he would still support them, as long as they didn't break the rules. 部长说,只要他们不违犯法规,他会继续支持他们。 dbm.diy.myrice.com 8. Unfortunately, the out-of-the-box behaviors violate one of the rules for good Web architecture: Keep the UI and logic separate. 不幸的是,异常行为会违反良好的Web架构的一条规则:保持UI和逻辑分离。 www.ibm.com 9. "The system is informing us that it is changing the rules, " he said. “政府在提醒我们,规则变了,”他这样说道。 cn.nytimes.com 10. The rules of English grammar and usage are broadly agreed upon, the prescriptivist-descriptivist arguments over a few usages aside. 除规定派和描述派争论的几个用法外,英语语法规则和用法普遍是一致的。 www.ecocn.org 1. It was the art of calculation, as developed by science, applied to the definition of the rules of conduct. 这是艺术的计算,按照科学的发展,应用到的行为规则的定义。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Please Clean and strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the company to avoid the recurrence of violations. 请大家洁身自好,严格遵守公司各项规章制度,避免违规行为的再次发生。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The process gives business users the ability to make changes to the rules without having to ask the IT staff to do it for them. 该过程使业务用户能够对规则进行更改,而不必请求IT人员提供帮助。 www.ibm.com 4. HSBC, which operates 26 branches on the mainland, said the rules would allow it "to further expand our network and service range" . 在中国大陆拥有26家分支行的汇丰银行(HSBC)表示,新条例将使其能够“进一步扩大分行网络和服务范围”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Companies that violate these could be fined up to Rmb1m ($152, 000) or even closed down for a "clean-up" , the rules say. 规定表示,对于违反规定的公司,最高可处以100万元人民币(合15.2万美元)的罚款,甚或责令停业整顿。 www.ftchinese.com 6. One future work item of the purchase order application is to follow exactly the rules laid out in this profile . 订单应用程序将来的一项工作是严格遵守这个概要文件中展示的规则。 www.bing.com 7. They needed to have consistency in the rules, and it was difficult to try and move forward and implement something if it was moving. 它们需要规则的连贯性,如果规则不断变化,就很难尝试、推进和实施。 www.bing.com 8. He thought Sands's prime motivation for selling the rules was to raise money and get back into trading. 他认为桑兹销售海龟交易原则的主要原因是为了筹集资金东山再起。 www.hicoo.net 9. Function names must comply with the rules for identifiers and must be unique within the database and to its schema . 函数名称必须符合有关标识符的规则,并且在数据库中以及对其架构来说是唯一的。 www.bing.com 10. You know you're my boss, you know it's against the rules, you know I keep saying no. It's the chase. 你知道你是我的老板,你知道这是犯规的,你知道我一直说no。这是场追逐赛。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. If he faced corruption charges, he could not be nominated presidential candidate under the rules of his party, the Kuomintang. 如果受到贪污指控,那么按照国民党的党规,他将无法获得总统候选人提名。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The BOM contains the translation of the input Java or XML code to the business term used in the rules engine, as shown in Figure 5. BOM包含将输入Java或XML代码转换为规则引擎中使用的业务术语,如图5中所示。 www.ibm.com 3. As mentioned earlier, filters define the rules evaluated by WebSphere Business Events to determine whether or not an action should be taken. 如前所述,过滤器定义将由WebSphereBusinessEvents评估的规则,以确定是否应该采取某个操作。 www.ibm.com 4. Let's go. And yet, it's when we've been outbid, Forced to watch our prize go home with others, That the rules o protocol no longer apply. 我们走吧。然而,当我们开价低于别人时,被迫在众目睽睽之下看别人拿走战利品,礼仪的教条不再适用。 www.bing.com 5. But do not relax the rules for driver training in technology and transport, all the big truck driver training and rigorous re-examination! 但是不要放松了对于司机技术和交通规则的培训,所有大货车司机进行重新培训并严格考核! www.xmdsw.com 6. What would I not have given to be able to say the rules without a mistake! 这句话若直译是“只要我能够一点不错地把这些规则说出来,我什么代价都愿意付出啊!” engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 7. Finally the results of the T inspection show that the rules is possible to implement. 最后T检验结果表明该造型法则具有可行性。 www.zidir.com 8. The idea was that whatever facts the business wanted to incorporate in the rules, they'd be available to the service. 其基于的想法是,无论业务部门希望在规则中包含任何事实,这些事实都对服务可用。 www.ibm.com 9. have the right to refuse illegal operation instruction to others, exercise of violate the rules and regulations to be discouraged and stop. 有权拒绝违章作业的指令,对他人违章作业加以劝阻和制止。 www.cnqr.org 10. During matches a referee is there to see that the game is played according to the rules. 比赛期间裁判在那里是控制着比赛按规则进行。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Please read the rules about spam. Please do not post short thank you comments or paste the same response in a huge amount of topics. 请阅读规则,请不要发很短的回复(只说一句谢谢)或在很多的帖子里发相同的回复。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The next sections list some of the rules and quick fixes for the file types listed above. See Resources for complete details. 下面的小节列出了针对上述文件类型的一些规则和快速修复方案,参见参考资料。 www.ibm.com 3. The United States benefits from trade with China, but we can continue to do so only "as long as China plays by the rules, " he said. 他还说,美国从对华贸易中受益,但继续这样做必须要以“中国遵守规则”为前提。 www.america.gov 4. Most Japanese women abide by the rules of a woman, supporting her husband, raising her children, dutifully. 大部分日本女人义务性的遵守女人的本分,辅助丈夫,抚养孩子。 www.bing.com 5. You use it to let the rules execution engine know the order in which it should fire the consequence statements of your rules. 使用它可以让规则执行引擎知道应该启动规则的结果语句的顺序。 www.ibm.com 6. This paper tends to observe the rules of risk assessment, and explore the nature of risk management of the SPS Agreement of WTO. 本文系以SPS协定之风险评估机制与风险管理本质为观察与探讨对象。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. As a matter of fact, every field has its own system, the key is to master the system or the rules of the game. 下面是讲英语中数字的记录法,不是很难——其实各个领域都有它的一套系统,关键就是要掌握该系统,或者说游戏规则—— callofduty.blogcn.com 8. To say you were ignorant of the rules is no excuse. 说你不知道规则并不是理由。 chaya.blogchina.com 9. He then told me a lot about the rules of this sport, and I understood the movie much better. 接著他就告诉我许多这种球赛的规则,所以我对那部电影就有更深入的了解。 wske.spaces.live.com 10. Secondly, perfect the rules and regulations and not to leave loopholes for white-collar crime. 其次,健全规章制度的建设,不给经济犯罪提供任何机会; iask.edu.sina.com.cn 1. By becoming an anomaly, he has at least ensured that the rules of the art game are no longer set in stone. 成为一个异数,至少会使游戏规则不再铁板一块。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Islamism is one movement among many others. It has the right to exist, but within the rules and laws of democratic respect. 伊斯兰教是众多团体中的一员,它有权存在,但必须在尊重民主法规的情况下。 www.bing.com 3. You love freedom. you want to walk away from all the rules. When you need to reenergize yourself, you head to the beach or to the forst. 你热爱自由。你想远离所有的规则。当你需要重新激励自己时,你会去沙滩或森林。 www.declan-galbraith.cn 4. But their leaders have promised to abide strictly by the rules, to deprive the north of any grounds to refuse independence. 但其领导人们可都是承诺了要严格遵守规则,目的是使北方没有任何拒绝独立的理由。 www.ecocn.org 5. Nor are the rules of algebra governed by social conventions: a gawky 14-year-old who clams up in interviews can still do well. 社会习俗也绝然不能支配代数学的规律:一名在面试中沉默笨拙的14岁小孩仍然能够在这方面做的很好(指代数)。 www.ecocn.org 6. In Gym, we had a lecture on the rules of badminton, the next torture they had lined up for me. 体育课上,我们要听羽毛球的规则讲演,这是排着队等着我的又一次煎熬。 www.putclub.net 7. Dario: People with two perfectly good arms play soccer but the rules say that you can't use them to touch the ball! 踢足球的人两只胳膊一点儿毛病都没有,可却规定你不准用胳膊碰球! crazymouth.com 8. This agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the law of China without prejudice to the application of the rules of arbitration. 本协议在不妨碍仲裁条例应用的情况下,则按中国法律解释。 www.chzy.org 9. Banks got to depend on the modelling of prices in esoteric markets to gauge risks and became adept at gaming the rules. 银行在分析专业市场的风险时,开始依赖定价模型,并且变得益发能绕过规则得利。 www.ecocn.org 10. A. No. The intent of the rules is that you may not end up in the same hex the original attack was from and still receive the extra attack. 不可以。这规则的目的是,你不会是站在原来的一格攻击时,仍获得额外的攻击。 www.bger.org 1. Investors almost seem to think they can return to the rules of the game that adhered before the collapse of Lehman Brothers last September. 投资者似乎认为,他们可以重返去年9月雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)倒闭前所遵循的游戏规则。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Our own version of the rules notification engine, basically an interface to be able to create reports based on data held in the database. 我们自己的版本规则的通知引擎,基本上是一个界面,能够创建在数据库中保存的数据的报表。 www.bing.com 3. According to the rules, special signs are required on both the front and rear of these cars. 根据规定,专有标志要同时出现在这些车前部和尾部。 www.transcn.org 4. CET had been easy to pass before the rules were changed. 变规则之前大学英语考试还蛮容易通过的。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I'll tell you the two best pieces of advice, maybe I'm breaking the rules, but you know, I break the rules. 我会告诉你们两个忠告,也许我会打破常规,但你要知 www.kekenet.com 6. Revealing the secret would be a breach of trust. Infractions of the rules will not be tolerated. A. 泄露秘密是对信任的破坏。违反规则不会被容忍。 www.chinabaike.com 7. All the rules are kept in the mind of every child. Careful skip through all the boxes. 小脑袋中牢记着这些规则,小心翼翼的在“房子”之间穿梭。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Situations like this are not that uncommon, the buyer is in charge, and he gets to make the rules. That's the way it usually is. 这类情形颇为常见,在这种情形中,买家会主导一切,订定规则。通常情况都是这样。 www.hxen.com 9. If you are emotionally distracted, angry, impatient, stressed, or sick it might be a good idea to relax the rules and expectations that day. 如果你心烦、生气、不耐烦,紧张或不舒服,你不妨放松规矩和期望。 www.elanso.com 10. Two years ago, Catherine decided to challenge the rules she grew up with and contacted a guy on Match. com whose profile caught her eye. 两年前,凯瑟琳决定违背她从小长大的家规,与Match.com(姻缘网)某个人物简介吸引住了她的眼球的男人接触。 www.bing.com 1. Track and field sports and commercial market are the one of the important parts of the evolution of the rules. 田径运动市场化和商业化是规则演变发展的一个重要组成部分。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. It's no secret that men are more likely than women to jump into the sack. But a new study adds some twists to the rules of such casual sex. 众所周知男人比女人更容易接受诱惑,但是一个新的研究补充了男人接受一夜情的不为人知的东西。 www.bing.com 3. Many of us decided to play the production team at their own game, and began to break the rules of the project. 我们中的许多人决定按照自己的游戏规则组生产队,并开始打破项目规章。 www.bing.com 4. It was clear that they had not acted in violation of the rules. 很显然,他们的做法没有违反规定。 www.hstc.edu.cn 5. Lanza predicts this could happen in a place where the rules about creating chimeras and human clones are a lot more lax than in the U. S. 兰萨预测,在有关创造嵌合体和人类克隆的法规比美国宽松得多的地方,这种事情可能发生。 www.bing.com 6. DOD hasn't yet calculated what percentage of the traffic on its networks now violates the rules, he said. 他说,国防部目前尚未统计违反这一规则的网络访问量的比例。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. But it has to be in respect of the rules, that is all. 但是这必须是在尊重足球规则的前提之下。就是这样。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 8. The announcement came at the very last minute, just as the rules for foreign journalists were expiring . 这一发言就在外国记者们的报道权马上就要到期的几分钟前才姗姗来迟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This sort of thing couldn't happen on British TV, of course, given the rules on product placement and sponsorship. 当然因为受限于产品放置和赞助规则,这种事情不可能在英国电视上发生。 www.bing.com 10. " You go in to rest, and I will then inform you the rules of the game, ha ha . . . . . . " Cheng Yakun walked out with a smile. “你先进去休息一下,等会我再来通知你们游戏的规则,哈哈……”成亚坤笑着走了出去。 www.bing.com 1. The rules must be global, ideally in the form of a new Basel regime, to prevent activity migrating to laxer countries. 规定必须是全球性的,理想的方式是有一个新的巴塞尔准则来防止活动转移到资本规定宽松的国家。 www.bing.com 2. Setting aside the WTO, China could retaliate against the U. S. outside of the rules-governed environment of international trade. 除了WTO申诉以外,中国也有可能在受规则约束的国际贸易领域以外,对美国采取报复措施。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Being used to a culture of sharing information freely, these "digital natives" will be impatient with the rules of traditional corporate IT. 这些“数码原住民”习惯了自由共享信息的文化,他们将会对传统企业IT的规则非常不耐烦。 www.bing.com 4. Likewise, if parents don't like the rules of a given cyberspace community, they can restrict their children's access to it. 同样,如果父母不喜欢某一社区的准则,他们可以限制孩子进入该社区。 wenku.baidu.com 5. But they did not really change the rules: they were the exceptions. 但实际上它们没有改变规则:它们只是例外。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The rules will hamper young adults who are ready to take more personal responsibility for their financial decisions, Karen says. 凯伦表示,这些法规将对那些已经准备好为自己的财务决策承担更多个人责任的年轻人构成限制。 www.ebigear.com 7. Without thorough-going reform, no amount of tinkering with the rules will get Mexico out of its murky political swamp. 没有彻底的改革,无论怎样修补规则也无法使墨西哥从尔虞我的政治泥 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The essence of a corpus for writing is to encourage students and teachers to find out the rules of language use in a authentic context. 鼓励师生在真实的语言环境中通过自我探索,发现语言使用的规律,可以更准确地掌握和运用英语。 www.magsci.net 9. Things could be within the rules and still be unacceptable; politics must be seen to be clean. 即使符合规定,事情仍然有可能让人无法接受。政治必须看起来是透明的。 www.ecocn.org 10. Elder brother--the bank--hasn't been chastened at all, and may well breach the rules again when the opportunity arises. 大儿子(银行)丝毫未受到惩罚,一旦再有机会,很可能会再次违规。 chinese.wsj.com |
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