单词 | theropods |
释义 | theropods是theropod的复数 例句释义: 兽脚亚目 动物,兽足目,兽足亚目,兽脚类 1. Theropods in particular would have had a tough time escaping, since the dinosaurs used only their hind legs for locomotion, Eberth said. 兽脚亚目恐龙在逃跑时会特别困难,因为这种恐龙只使用后腿运动,艾伯斯说。 www.transcn.org 2. The three-year-old boy held the stuffed dinosaur at arm's length. "Theropods only have three toes, " he said. 这个三岁的男孩远远地拿着绒毛恐龙说道:“兽脚龙只有三根脚趾。” dongxi.net 3. Most theropods, like the one found in Spain, are meat-eaters, though some were omnivores. 如在西班牙发现的这种,大部分兽脚类恐龙都是肉食者,也有一些是杂食者。 www.suiniyi.com 4. One theory is that theropods developed an omnivorous diet to help them exploit new habitats as the continents broke up. 一种理论认为,当大洲分裂时,食肉恐龙进化成杂食性动物,这有助于他们寻找到新的栖息地。 www.bing.com 5. Four Winged Feathered Dinosaurs called Theropods have been found; these are considered to be the missing link between dinosaurs and birds. 四翼兽脚类恐龙有羽毛恐龙的发现了所谓的,这些被认为是失踪的恐龙和鸟类之间的联系。 www.sorpack.com 6. The findings challenge the conventional view that almost all theropods hunted prey, especially those closest to their descendants, birds. 该研究结果对传统的观点发起了挑战,传统观点认为,几乎所有的食肉恐龙捕食的都是与猎物自身最接近的后代--鸟类。 www.bing.com 7. Theropods were early winged and feathered dinosaurs that walked mainly on their hind legs and were incapable of flight. 兽脚亚目食肉恐龙是早期的有翼和羽的恐龙,其主要靠后足行走且不会飞行。 www.bing.com 8. Theropods are mainly known from the ancient southern landmass, Gondwana. 兽脚类主要产自远古的南方大陆——冈瓦纳古陆。 www.suiniyi.com 9. In the theropods that were closely related to living birds, a particular wrist bone was wedge-shaped, allowing them to bend their hands. 在与现代鸟类亲缘关系较为接近的兽脚亚目恐龙身上存在一块特殊的楔形腕骨,正是这块腕骨的存在它们的前肢才能得以弯曲。 www.bing.com 10. The three types of dinosaurs, Troodon, Oviraptor and Citipati, lived roughly 75 million years ago and were theropods . 图东龙、奥瑞普特龙和丝提帕蒂龙这三种龙生存在七千五百万年前,是食肉恐龙。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Theropods are a very important group of dinosaurs because it is from this group that birds are known to originate. 兽脚类是恐龙家族很重要的一支,鸟类就是从它们中起源的。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Just like British actors in American film, poor theropods always end up playing the bad guys. 就像英国演员在美国电影里那样,可怜的恐龙总是坏角色。 www.wujinggou.com |
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