单词 | to fall into |
释义 | 例句释义: 属于,可分成,坠入,跌落到 1. It's easy to fall into the trap of using the idea of elasticity to make a point about the set goal for a given solution. 人们经常会陷入这样一个误区,就是经常会使用弹性这个词来描述特定解决方案的设定目标。 www.ibm.com 2. In the midst of all these changes you may be tempted to fall into fear as those about you who do not know of these messages react in fear. 在这所有变化之中,当那些你身边并不了解这些信息的人表现出恐惧时,你们可能会被诱导而跌入恐惧之中。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking fast must mean sloppy, and that clean, standards-compliant markup takes more time. 人很容易陷入一种陷阱——快速就意味着草率,书写整洁、符合标准的代码会浪费时间。 www.bing.com 4. Soon after, the couple began to fall into a second love, silently relive the past with all the better. 不久后,夫妻二人又开始陷入了第二次恋爱,一起默默重温了过去的种种美好。 www.da345.com 5. Analysts said the demise of the deal was a surprise, and showed China was not ready to allow a national brand to fall into foreign hands. 有分析家认为这场收购的失败出人意料,同时表明中国不愿把民族品牌交给外国公司。 www.bing.com 6. If you move to the bottom right corner, you can get the enemy to fall into the hole containing gold. 如果您移到右下角,您可以让敌人掉进有金块的洞内。 translations.launchpad.net 7. But I'm not going to fall into the trap of talking about how things used to be, especially after living here such a short time. 但我不会喋喋不休地谈论过去如何如何,况且我在此居住的时间也并不长。 www.bing.com 8. Now, I know it's easy to be negative and, generally, I try not to fall into that trap. 我知道要变得消极很容易,通常我会尽量避免落入这个陷阱。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It's all too easy to fall into a yes-man culture, especially when workers feel insecure about their jobs. 公司很容易陷入一种“应声虫式”的企业文化,尤其是当员工感觉工作缺乏安全感的时候。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Meaning : He seemed to fall into a sleep like condition. Suddenly he felt as if he were sinking in a violent ocean. 他进入了似睡非睡的朦胧状态,骤然间感觉自己好象掉进了滔滔洪水当中,不断在下沉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. She had been a low official in the Nazi Party, but high enough, Army Regulations, to fall into an automatic-arrest category. 她是纳粹党的一个下级官员,但根据军法条例,属于可以立即拘捕的那类犯人。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Sleep in 18 degrees Celsius temperature below, also easy to turn up, not easy to fall into a deep sleep. 睡眠温度在18℃以下,也会容易醒转,不容易进入深度睡眠。 zgtaiji.com 3. Local optimizing algorithms are easy to fall into the local supreme value on the medical images registration. 局部优化算法在医学图像配准中存在容易陷入局部极值的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Models (if they are even created) are saved to a local or shared drive, used for a time, and allowed to fall into obsolescence. 模型(如果创建过)将保存到本地或共享驱动器上,可能会使用一次,然后就废弃不用了。 www.ibm.com 5. Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity. 尽管她的病情影响她的视力,迫使她从舞台上退出,她拒绝自弃。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The transfer of surplus agricultural labor force seems to fall into a "trap" set by itself. 农业剩余劳动力转移似乎陷入了自己设下的“陷阱”中。 www.juhe8.com 7. The wind is strongly opposed to "can't, so you're dangerous, a little careful not to fall into the river to drown the right. " 风极力反对“不可以的、那样你很危险、稍不小心就会掉进河里面被淹死。” www.bing.com 8. An easy trap to fall into is trying to impress clients with your promises instead of your work. 一个容易掉入的陷阱,是用你的承诺给客户留下印象,而不是你的工作。 www.elanso.com 9. This may cause you to stop being proactive and to fall into a habit of being reactive, of waiting for someone else to do something. 这导致你变得不再积极主动,并且沉溺于被动的习惯,等待别人去做些什么。 www.bing.com 10. The Lord is a grain of wheat, and there is no other way for that grain of wheat to increase except for it to fall into the ground and die. 是一粒麦子;要叫这粒麦子扩增,别无他途,除非让它落在地里死了。 www.churchinraleigh.org 1. The sick man seemed to fall into a gap of death, at her contradiction. She ought to play up to him, not to contravene him. 听到她的谢绝声,病人似乎一下坠入了死谷。她应该使他高兴,不该违背他的请求。 2. Eisenhower had an almost pathological, but healthy, fear that he might be blamed for allowing the nation to fall into another depression. 艾森豪威尔几乎限于一种近乎于病态,但还算是未雨绸缪的焦虑之中:害怕他会被归咎于使国家限于另一次大萧条之中。 www.bing.com 3. It's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to talk on and on about your problem, question, new product etc. 很容易掉进这样一个陷阱,你很想多讨论关于你的问题、麻烦、新产品等。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Of course I cannot keep the patient herself from feeling embarrassed if the story of her own illness were to fall into her hands. 当然,我不能避免病人会在情感上感到难堪,如果发表的病历在最终会她自己看到。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Although physically she was fine. The veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into a depression. 尽管她身体尚可,但兽医认为丧子之痛令虎妈妈精神消沉。 www.elanso.com 6. If Japan were to fall into a deflationary trap, it would not suffer alone. 如果日本跌入通缩陷阱,遭受痛苦的决不止他一个。 www.bing.com 7. In addition to everything else, remember that you must strive at all times not to fall into a state of " tunnel vision " . 除了任何东西外,记住你必须时刻努力不要陷入“视野狭隘”的状态。 dict.veduchina.com 8. Trap the enemy to the right near the top of the ladder. Run down the ladder part way and get him to fall into the first of the pits. 把敌人困在梯子顶部的右边,跑下梯子一部份,让他掉进第一个陷阱中。 translations.launchpad.net 9. Too often lately, America seems to fall into this sour, defeatist attitude: Nothing can be improved, any change will be for the worse. 而最近美国似乎常常陷入一种酸苦的,失败者的心态:身边的一切都不会好转,甚至变得更糟。 www.ltaaa.com 10. After you've had sex with the same person over and over, it's easy to fall into a routine. 你和同一个人反复做爱的结果是,做爱很容易就变成例行公事。 www.bing.com 1. It's lust over love, sensation over security and the opportunity to fall into a woman's arms without falling into her hands. 欲望征服爱情,感官需求战胜安全感需要,你终于可以在投入一位姑娘怀抱的那刻不必担心同时落入她的掌中。 www.bing.com 2. In the long history of man's inventiveness , discoverers seem to fall into two classes. 在人类发明创造的漫长历史上,有所发现的人看来可分为两类。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. When I read over the feedback, especially the feedback that resulted from the survey post last week, it seems to fall into three categories. 当我看这些反馈,特别是从上周发表的调查中来的反馈时,它们可以归为三类。 www.ejchina.com 4. It will be easy to fall into a work-work-work mode in coming months. 接下来的几个月里,你很容易跌入三点一线的模式之中(工作,工作,工作)。 blog.163.com 5. It would be a fearful thing to fall into the hands of these hard, uncouth men without legal papers. 没有合法的证件,万一落入那些狼心狗肺的家伙手里,那将是件非常可怕的事情。 6. It's easy to fall into routines that turn into ruts, but trying new things literally triggers a happiness response in the brain. 人很容易陷入常规而停滞不前,但尝试一些新鲜事儿却能激起大脑的快乐反应。 www.bing.com 7. A few were still whispering, but I sensed the room was about to fall into a trance of majestic silence. 一些人仍在低语,但是仍感觉到整间房已经开始进入了一种崇高的平静氛围。 www.bing.com 8. These also tend to fall into natural categories that suggest themselves and are easy to develop a filing system around. 这些文件由于其自身用途常被分入自然类别,而且很容易建立一个分类方式。 www.elanso.com 9. It's easy to fall into a bad habit. 染上一种坏习惯很容易。 en.ruiwen.com 10. I'm here to tell you today that I for one am no longer going to fall into this trap. 我在这里告诉你,作为我,将不再掉进这个陷阱中。 www.bing.com 1. Once there, the venue for King, seems to fall into the trap of the Bagua Zhen, dazzling, not knowing direction. 置身其中,移步换景,似乎陷进了八卦阵,令人眼花缭乱,不知方向了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Lust over love, sensation over security, and to fall into a woman's arms without falling into her hands. 淫欲高于爱情,感官体验高于平安是福,落入女人的臂弯,而不必落入女人的手心。 faya8.com 3. One of the most common mistakes that guys make is to fall into a boring conversation. 陷入无聊的交谈是男人们最常犯的一个错误。 www.cnpua.info 4. When two or more balls happen to fall into the same box, it means a collision would occur when the corresponding time slot arrives. 当有多个球恰巧落入同一个盒子中时,表明相应时刻会有碰撞发生。 www.elecfans.com 5. The novel, a short book, easy to fall into oblivion off, off, or destroy residual seeking prospecting nothing. 而小说短书,易为湮落,脱或残灭,求勘无所。 jztu.5d6d.com 6. Your passion and intensity are strong assets, but can be very harmful if you allow yourself to fall into the "Anger Trap" . 你的热诚和感情浓烈是强大的资产,但也能变得非常有害,如果你让自己落入“~愤怒~~陷阱~”的话。 www.douban.com 7. All the recent talk about the faltering economy certainly seems to fall into the bad-news category. 一切对于无力经济的讨论似乎都可归入坏消息一类。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Do not be afraid and fear, not to fall into the abyss Geshi, not to the outside world fantasy horror. 不要为怕而怕,不要再落入隔世的深渊,不要再幻想外面的世界可怖。 quote.psytopic.com 9. Sympathy: the ability to fall into a rhythm with those around you and thrive in groups. 同情(Sympathy):与周围人达成共鸣并在团队中茁壮成长的能力。 www.bing.com 10. Dare to fall into a black hole and you would get vaporized in what is probably the most violent place in the universe. 要是敢跌入一个黑洞的话,那么你会在这个宇宙中可能最为猛烈的地方被蒸发。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Bad habits are easy to fall into but not so easy to fall out of. 坏的习惯养成容易而改掉难。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 2. Suddenly, the secrets of Jackson Pollock seemed to fall into place for me: he must have adopted nature's rhythms when he painted. 忽然间,帕洛克的秘密似乎已历历在目:他作画时必然采用了自然界的韵律。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Many women, working in cities far from home, are young and lonely, thus they are eager to fall into a relationship, Mo said. 莫说,很多远离家乡进城打工的女人都非常年轻而寂寞,所以都渴望两性关系。 www.jysls.com 4. And just when all the pieces starting to fall into place, the four year deadline is right around the corner, and the mess? 当这一切都即将走上正轨,四年任期却又近在咫尺。剩下的这团乱麻怎么办? www.dioenglish.com 5. when the hurlers are putting zeroes on the board and balls are being caught , everything else just seems to fall into place. 当投手没让对手得分且所有的球都被接到,所有的事情似乎就理所当然的到位了。 www.ichacha.net 6. Before directional, experienced player won't eat the touch, because doing so is likely to fall into a wrong path "" . 定向之前,有经验的牌手是不会随意吃碰的,因为这样做很可能“误入歧途”。 www.444mu.com 7. A part of the racing car is going to fall into a trap. 跑车的某个部分将落入陷阱。 www.ibigc.net 8. If the country were to fall into chaos, the suffering would be grievous and could spill across borders. 如果叙利亚陷入混乱,将带来极大的苦痛并有可能向邻国蔓延。 www.bing.com 9. On the ground it seemed that the water fell because there was this low place for it to fall into the gorge. 从地面上看,水往下冲入峡谷的原因似乎是因为下面有低地。 www.bing.com 10. Haitong meets all the requirements and is expected to fall into the first approved securities firms to do index futures IB business. 海通符合上述所有条件,将是第一批可以从事股指期货IB业务的券商之一。 wenku.baidu.com 1. The melancholy could then settle down and make it easy for you to fall into the routine. 随后这种郁闷可能就平复了,你很容易地就回到了日常生活中。 www.bing.com 2. She had planned it all and waited for him to fall into the trap. 一切都是她布置好的,单等他来上套儿。 www.jukuu.com 3. His legs were cramped from squatting on that stool, and he felt so light-headed that he was lucky not to fall into the river. 他的双腿由于蹲坐在凳子上太久而抽搐,他感觉头重脚轻没掉进河里算是幸运。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The influence coming from the bad news in the B-share market can't lead the company to fall into the financial crisis. B股市场的利坏消息对公司的负面影响一般不会导致上市公司陷入财务危机。 www.fabiao.net 5. Medical Expenses: Lapsed policies and expensive medical treatments make this one of the easiest ways to fall into debt. 医疗费用:政策失误和昂贵的医疗使得医疗费用最容易使人们负债。 www.bing.com 6. The philosopher, by contrast, is free by virtue of his or her other worldliness, by their capacity to fall into wells and appear silly. 哲学家刚好相反,因为他们自身的脱俗,因为他们能落入井里,因为看起来傻傻的,他们则无拘无束、悠闲自在。 dongxi.net 7. Adopt a new persona - it's easy to fall into familiar traps around family and friends because they expect you'll act a certain way. 尝试新身份在家人和朋友身边,我们很容易进入相似的模式,因为他们会期望你如何处事。 www.bing.com 8. Germany, Europe's largest economy, became one of the first to fall into the slump, with the US and UK following behind. 欧洲最大经济体德国,成为了首先陷入衰退的国家之一,而美国和英国则紧随其后。 www.bing.com 9. To fall into a usually brief state of unconsciousness. 进入短暂失去知觉状态 www.baike.com 10. The leaders of any political party want all the members to fall into line. 任何政党的领导人都希望其全体党员同心同德。 www.hxen.com 1. That the prime minister cannot snap his fingers, tell everybody to fall into line and "just do it" may be embarrassing. 总理是不可以打个响指告诉大家站好队,然后“做就是了”的。 www.ecocn.org 2. With its elegant Timeline design, Facebook is less likely to fall into the same trap. 而时间轴的设计使得Facebook不大可能重蹈覆辙。 www.bing.com 3. 7 pm, Taiyuan city snow began to fall into a film. 29日7时许,太原城区开始落下成片雪花。 www.bing.com 4. This makes the popular mini-notebook market is estimated to fall into a smoke in the price war. 这就使得火爆的迷你笔记本市场估计要陷入一场硝烟弥漫的价格战中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Don't sit back passively, waiting for knowledge to fall into your head like rain into a rain barrel. 不要被动靠后坐着,等着知识象雨落入桶一样进入你的头脑中。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You'll soon be surprised to see how quickly things begin to fall into place. 很快你就会吃惊地发现,事情竟这样地走上了正轨。 www.jukuu.com 7. You need to add the word 'not': 'take care not to fall into the water. 你需要添加一个“不”字:‘小心不要掉到水中’。 vip.ev123.com 8. Kafka refuses his god moral nobility, evidence, virtue, coherence, but only the better to fall into his arms. 卡夫卡拒绝将道德、实证、美德和连贯托付于他的神,只是为了更好地投入到后者的怀抱之中。 www.bing.com 9. It is common for people with no contact with other ethnic groups to fall into one of two errors. 没有与少数族裔群体接触过的人通常容易犯下两个错误。 dongxi.net 10. We want to find out the reasons for the failure, so as not to fall into the same error in the next. 我们要找出失败的原因,以免落入在未来同样的错误。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. BP neural network, as its nature of gradient descent method, is easy to fall into local optimum. 但BP神经网络本质是梯度下降法,容易陷入局部最优。 lib.cqvip.com 2. During World War II, a talented Jewish pianist in Poland, four in hiding so as not to fall into the claws of the Nazis. 二战期间,一位天才的波兰犹太钢琴家,四处躲藏以免落入纳粹的魔爪。 cn.9iquzhou.com 3. Indeed it is the oath of the Law of One that they will never again be duped into allowing the technology to fall into the wrong hands. 事实上这是「一的法则」的誓言,它们将永远不会允许这技术再度落入坏人之手。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It is a pity to see so many owners allowing their most valuable asset to fall into disrepair . 但令人惋惜的是,许多业主任由他们最宝贵的资产变得破落失修。 www.bing.com 5. Managers have to be careful not to fall into one or more of the many evaluation traps. 管理者不得不警惕,不要让自己掉进评估陷阱之中。 www.bing.com 6. Because it's very easy to fall into the trap that these states are absolute. 因为很容易掉入陷阱,以为这两种状态是绝对的。 www.ted.com 7. Clarity in a user interface is great, however, you should be careful not to fall into the trap of over-clarifying. 清晰的用户界面是很好的,但是,您应该谨慎,不要陷入过度明晰。 blog.163.com 8. I knew that a great many parts of the puzzle had to fall into place. 我知道,有大量难办的事情需要落到实处。 www.jukuu.com 9. But no one in India wants to fall into China's trap of giant surpluses that are recycled as loans to weak Western governments. 但是没有一个印度人愿意陷入中国那样的困境中,坐拥巨额的贸易顺差,却又转手把它贷给风雨飘摇的西方政府。 www.bing.com 10. Last night the rain under the eaves and drink at my heels, nightmare to fall into crescent, look, the poem garden. 小楼昨夜饮雨檐下我踮脚望,梦魇落去弦月,酿成回望,诗中徜徉。 www.bing.com 1. I knew that a great many parts of the puzzle had to fall into place. 我知道,有大量难办的事情需要落到实处。 www.jukuu.com 2. But no one in India wants to fall into China's trap of giant surpluses that are recycled as loans to weak Western governments. 但是没有一个印度人愿意陷入中国那样的困境中,坐拥巨额的贸易顺差,却又转手把它贷给风雨飘摇的西方政府。 www.bing.com 3. Last night the rain under the eaves and drink at my heels, nightmare to fall into crescent, look, the poem garden. 小楼昨夜饮雨檐下我踮脚望,梦魇落去弦月,酿成回望,诗中徜徉。 www.bing.com 4. These sheds and warehouses were allowed to fall into disrepair . 他们听凭这些货棚和仓库破损。 www.bing.com 5. A missile designed to fall into the sea near Japan goes astray and hits Tokyo, killing a dozen civilians. 一枚预计落在日本海的导弹鬼使神差地落在东京市内,导致数十名日本人丧生。 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. This does not mean, "sit on your ass and wait for everything to fall into your lap. " 这并不意味着:“愚蠢地坐着去等待一切事物落入你的膝盖上。” www.cnufo.com 7. Plants in almost a third of the habitats studied were thought to fall into this category, the scientists reported in the journal Nature. 科学家在《科学》(Nature)杂志上发表报告说,据认为,近三分之一研究区域中的植物归入此类。 www.bing.com 8. This young people caused him to fall into carelessly the serious trouble. 这个年轻人的粗心使他陷入了严重的麻烦之中。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Taiwan is widely expected to fall into recession by the end of this year. 现在普遍认为台湾在本年年末已经陷入衰退。 www.ecocn.org 10. Mr Geithner said it was essential for Asia to fall into line in imposing tough restrictions on derivatives trading. 盖特纳表示,亚洲也应一道对衍生品交易实行严格限制,这一点至关重要。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Mr Geithner said it was essential for Asia to fall into line in imposing tough restrictions on derivatives trading. 盖特纳表示,亚洲也应一道对衍生品交易实行严格限制,这一点至关重要。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I knew better than to fall into the cycle. 我知道最好不要陷入那个圈子。 www.elanso.com 3. What if the economy were to fall into recession in the coming years? 如果未来数年经济陷入衰退怎么办? www.chinesenewsgroup.com 4. had caused the tigress to fall into a depression. 损失了三只幼虎让母老虎陷入忧郁之中。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Cenetic algorithm is one of random g global optimization algorithms, but the simple genetic algorithm is easy to fall into local optimal. 遗传算法是一种随机性的全局优化算法,但简单遗传算法易陷入局部最优。 www.jsjsyzdh.cn 6. The day after a big game like last night, players seem to fall into two camps. 经历了象昨晚那样的大赛之后,今天球员们也似乎各有各的减压方式。 bbs.qieerxi.com 7. Be careful not to fall into despair or self-pity, as this can keep you stuck and affect future opportunities. 注意不要陷入绝望和自恋。因为这会让你被束缚从而影响未来的机会。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. After you feel comfortable, allow the recovering hand to fall into the water and extend. 在你感觉轻松自在之后,让移臂的手落入水中,向前伸展。 www.topswim.net 9. human circadian rhythms make late afternoons a more likely time to fall into deep( slow-wave) sleep, which will leave you groggy. 人类一天的生理时钟,会使得在愈接近黄昏的时候,睡意会愈来愈重,这会使你很无力。 www.jukuu.com 10. Someone feel that newspapers are bound to fall into disuse. 一些人预言很快报纸杂志就会没人看啦。 www.ebigear.com 1. Someone feel that newspapers are bound to fall into disuse. 一些人预言很快报纸杂志就会没人看啦。 www.ebigear.com 2. South Bill compels the alizarin red to stand Austria not deceives, causes him re to fall into the fiery pit. 比尔逼南茜把奥立弗骗出来,使他重新陷入火坑。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. On the political as on the economic front it's important not to fall into the "not as bad as" trap. 与在经济战线一样,在政治战线上,千万不要陷入“还没有糟糕到……程度”这样的陷阱。 www.bing.com 4. Give a proprietor in offering one words as a tribute here: Be sure not to fall into drug! 在这里奉献一句话给所有人:千万别染上毒品! zhidao.baidu.com 5. Their flight left holes for outer electrons to fall into, and the energy they released in moving between layers freed still more electrons. 它们的溃逃留下了很多洞穴,从而使外部电子可以坠进去。同时它们在电子层之间移动时释放的能量使更多的电子获释。 www.bing.com 6. prefer to write to pay a lifetime dream to go, do not want to fall into the mire of human society. 宁可执笔付梦走一生,也不愿落入红尘的泥淖。 enwaimao.cn 7. The castle, now empty, was allowed to fall into ruin. 那城堡,如今四壁萧然,早已被人遗弃,任其坍圮。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Even this can be difficult as it is easy to fall into the Alice effect while travelling. 甚至这样都是困难的,在旅行过程中,很容易掉入艾丽斯效应之中。 www.chinaufo.com 9. When we read the Bible in the light of its plot, things begin to fall into place. 当我们根据其情节来阅读圣经时,事情就变得井然有序了。 www.51zanmei.com 10. One day a fox happened to fall into a deep well. 有一天,一只狐狸碰巧掉进一口深井里。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 1. Two decades after the UK pioneered the privatisation of state-owned enterprises, it is allowing companies to fall into government hands. 在英国率先对国有企业进行私有化的20年后,该国目前正允许企业落入政府手中。 www.ftchinese.com 2. So. . . try not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything, all right? 所以,尽量别掉到海里去了,或者往车轮下面钻什么的,好吗? blog.sina.com.cn 3. You can use this to move them above the traps on the left, then drop to the floor to get them to fall into them. 您可以利用这一点,让他们到上面来,并在左边挖洞,然后跳到地板上,让他们掉进去。 translations.launchpad.net 4. As soon as one decides to take a role after having read the script, the various elements begin to fall into place. 当你读完剧本决定出演这个角色的时候,那些元素就各就各位了。 www.mtime.com 5. It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so it is easier to fall into bad habits than to form good ones. 这是更容易走下坡比爬上坡,所以它是容易落入坏习惯比形成良好环境。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I remember C being like Adventure for programmers: lots of little pits for the unwary to fall into. 我记得C说话就是法度员的冒险:有很多小坑,一不警惕就陷进去。 www.cnthub.com 7. It's a fate to fall into such a Crazy Love. 命中注定要陷入这疯狂的爱情。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Any company that permits development artifacts to fall into disuse is simply wasting money. 任何让开发构件尘封的公司无疑都在浪费自己的资金。 www.ibm.com 9. Malaysia seemed about to fall into his lap. 他似乎马上就要傲视马来西亚。 www.ecocn.org 10. But we cannot allow weapons of mass destruction to fall into the hands of terrorists. 但是我们不能允许大规模杀伤性武器落入恐怖分子的手中。 dongxi.net 1. So the pieces of a grand bargain begin to fall into place. 于是,做成一笔大“买卖”所需的种种条件开始变得明朗。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The puppy coat is relatively soft, but it shows a tendency to fall into cord-like curls. 幼犬的被毛相对柔软,但显得接近属于象绳索那样卷曲。 dogsky.com 3. Therefore, it's important not to fall into the trap of making a direct 6-to-1 cost-savings calculation. 因此,重要的是不要陷入一个简单的6比1的计算公式的陷阱。 www.bing.com 4. She found that those who achieve extreme longevity tend to fall into three categories. 她发现特别长寿的人倾向于分属三类。 www.bing.com 5. It is easy to fall into the trap of making a false cultural comparison based on the limited observations of a tourist. 人们很容易落入基于一个游客的有限观察就做出错误文化对比的陷阱。 6. It would never do for my little friend to fall into such hands. 我可不会让我的小朋友落入那些人手中。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Once you have answered these questions, the logistics of your meeting will begin to fall into place. 一旦你回答了这些问题,您的会议,物流将开始下降到位。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I do not want those stones to fall into the hands of my enemies. 我不希望这些珠宝落在我的敌人手里。 9. Black Star task you have to fall into the spacecraft accident warship extraterrestrial surrounded by many of the stars and space. 黑星任务里你的太空船意外落入外星战舰重重包围的黑星空间。 www.fishjava.com 10. Understandably, no patriot wants to fall into disrepute. 可以理解,没有哪个爱国人士甘心声名扫地。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Understandably, no patriot wants to fall into disrepute. 可以理解,没有哪个爱国人士甘心声名扫地。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. At the same time, the Public university outshines others the aspect causes the Chinese higher education to fall into the difficult position. 同时,公立大学一枝独秀的局面使中国高等教育陷入困境。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Try not to fall into your native language outside class. 尽量在课外不要讲本族语言。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. We have forgotten that "It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10: 31). 我们已经忘却了“落在上帝的手中是一件很恐怖的事”(新约希伯来书10:31)。 www.bing.com 5. It's tempting to pull on those baggy old jeans after a long week and to fall into bed in a ragged T-shirt. 度过了漫长的一周时间,穿着宽松的老牛仔,睡觉的时候穿着粗糙的T恤衫是十分吸引人的。 www.bing.com 6. However, the standard Particle Swarm Optimization is easy to fall into local optimum, and slow convergence. 然而,标准粒子群算法存在容易陷入局部最优,后期收敛过慢等问题。 www.fabiao.net 7. You may find it tempting to fall into bed after a busy day - or a late night on the town - without cleaning your face. 哎!忙了一天精疲力尽,又去刷了夜,恨不得一进家门就立马倒在床上,哪顾得上洗脸啊? www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Hence, they are more likely to fall into servitude if they owe money to employers or landlords. 因此,他们最有可能在欠雇主或房东钱的情况下沦为奴隶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. 落在永生神的手里真是可怕的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. COULD anything symbolise America's loss of economic supremacy more clearly than for its favourite beer to fall into foreign hands? 还有什么能比其最钟爱的啤酒落入外国人手中更能清楚地说明美国经济优势地位的丧失呢? www.bing.com 1. And most problems are not unique, so you need to just start tackling them to fall into the first category. 多数问题不是独一无二,所以你只需要开始去应对他们,这样你就能成为前一类人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. How likely it is to fall into the corresponding class? 落入相应类的可能性有多大? blog.sina.com.cn 3. You are going to fall into a big hole. 你会掉进一个大洞里。 www.hjenglish.com 4. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. 落在活神的手里是可怕的。 edu.china.com 5. It's an easy trap to fall into: they're glass bottles, so they can be recycled, so into the green bins they go. 我们很容易陷入一种误区:它们都是玻璃瓶,因此可以回收、进入绿色回收站。 www.bing.com 6. Since most things roundtrip just fine, it is easy to fall into the trap of assuming that all things roundtrip just fine. 因为大部分事物往返都正好,便容易落入这样的陷阱,就是假定所有的事物返回都是正好的。 www.ibm.com 7. NARRATORS of comic novels tend to fall into two categories. 喜剧小说的主人公一般分为两类。 www.24en.com 8. The King was planning a trap for the official to fall into. 这位国王要设计圈套让他掉进去。 www.ebigear.com 9. But knowing the "why" behind education, whatever that "why" is, allows the "what" to fall into place. 但是理解教育背后的“为什么”,不论是哪个“为什么”,都会让那个“什么”到位。 bsxlm.com 10. He'll have to fall into line with the others. 他早晚得和别人一致起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He'll have to fall into line with the others. 他早晚得和别人一致起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Do you think it is a good idea to fall into the love on campus? 你觉得在大学谈恋爱是个好主意吗? bbs.ebigear.com 3. In the individual lives his life, driven by the will, desire, fight, only to fall into difficulties in the real tragic end. 他一生在个体生命意志的驱使下,欲求、抗争,结果却在现实困境中陷入悲惨结局。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. If we wait for everything in life to fall into place, we'll never start because that will never happen. 如果我们总是等待生活中万事俱备的时刻,那么我们就永远无法开始行动,因为从来都没有那样的时刻。 www.bing.com 5. It is easy to fall into routine and mindlessly do your daily tasks, just wishing that the workday was over. 日复一日的工作容易让你陷入按部就班、毫无主见,只盼望每天工作能早点结束。 www.bing.com 6. She's too clever to fall into the trap of doing any hard work. 她很聪明,不会中圈套去做任何困难的工作。 www.ycu.edu.cn 7. One easy trap to fall into here is to guess that a null array inside a bean is really represented by the XML in the second column. 很容易落入的一个陷阱就是猜测在表的第二列中用XML表示在Bean中的“零”(null)数组。 www.ibm.com 8. We vowed never to fall into routine, to go to bed or wake up at the same time. 我们绝不在每天同一时间起床或者睡觉。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. The items you need happen to fall into our business scope. 你们想要的货物正好属于我们的业务范围。 www.younger365.com 10. When you use a system often, you tend to fall into set usage patterns. 当您经常使用某个系统时,往往会陷入某种固定的使用模式。 www.ibm.com 1. But countries are not doomed to fall into this trap. 然而不是所有的国家都倒霉掉进了陷阱。 www.ecocn.org 2. There is peaceful and quiet atmosphere on the beautiful West Lake, which makes people to fall into meditation. 思而静、静而思的祥和气氛弥漫在美丽的西湖之上。 www.bjbiennale.com.cn 3. A ripe fruit happened to fall into his hand. 一个熟了的果子碰巧掉在他手里。 www.enfang.com 4. Standard particle swarm algorithm is easy to fall into local optimum. 标准粒子群算法易陷入局部最优值。 ceaj.org 5. 17It is easier to fall into bad habits than to get into good ones. 形成坏习惯比养成好习惯容易得多。 bbs.tingroom.com 6. It is easy to fall into bad habits but very difficult to break away form them. 养成坏习惯很容易,而摆脱却很难。 learning.sohu.com 7. Many people still wait for a miracle to happen or a just reward to fall into their laps. 很多人还在继续等待奇迹,或者等天上掉馅饼。 www.bing.com 8. But they do say they have the momentum, and they expect more super delegates to fall into their column in the coming days. 但是他们说,他们的选势正旺,并预计未来几天会有更多的超级代表表态支持奥巴马。 www.voanews.cn 9. They have unique personalities and don't want to fall into convention. What they are emphasizing is larruping. 他们拥有独立的个性,唯恐自己落入俗套,强调的就是与众不同。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. There are myriad distractions to fall into in this business. 在这个圈子里有太多的事情分散人的注意力。 1. I wouldn't want any stray hairs to fall into the booger. 以免我的头发掉在这破玩意上。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. On the way, Once Upon a Time in order to save Aunt and 13 to fall into the ravine, and the loss of memory. 在路上,黄飞鸿为救十三姨而跌进深谷,并丧失了记忆。 www.fishjava.com 3. The after 80s generation often follow like sheep, and they are easily to fall into the fanatic and excited condition. 这一代人,还常常流露出盲从,突然就陷入狂热而亢奋状态的幼稚。 www.dioenglish.com 4. But it is again to fall into an error to believe that it is that. 但是,这将再一次陷入错误,假如我们相信,那就是那样。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall. 所以食物若叫我弟兄跌倒,我就永远不吃肉,免得叫我弟兄跌倒了。 www.ebigear.com 6. We should be careful not to fall into this trap. 我们应谨慎不要掉入这样的陷阱。 www.jukuu.com 7. If you do something every day, you tend to fall into a routine, and routine has a bad reputation. 如果你每天去做某件事,你就容易形成每日一件例行公事,可是例行公事的名声不好。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. The house started to fall into decay because it was abandoned. 这个房子被废弃,日渐损坏。 hi.baidu.com 9. You have to realize how the snowball process works and how easy it is to fall into it and how dangerous it can really get. 你必须知道滚雪球是怎么回事、掉进去是多么容易、以及它会有多危险。 www.bing.com 10. And should you like to fall into that pit , and to be burning there for ever ? 你愿意落到那个火坑里,永远被火烤吗?。 www.bing.com 1. On the other hand, if you then develop a sense of identity based on your gayness, you have escaped one trap only to fall into another. 另一方面,随后如果你根据你的”同性恋“情况而发展出了一个身份感,那么你逃离了“狼窝”后又进入了“虎穴”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Also, we don't want to fall into the trap of having multiple frames or scrolling div elements if we can avoid it. 而且,如果我们能够避免,我们绝对不想使用多个框架或滚动div元素。 www.ibm.com 3. The prohibition or other is easy this machine laying asidenearby the bathtub to fall into in the water the place. 禁止将本机放置于浴缸边或其他易跌入水中的地方。 www.6m.com 4. The mistake here was to fall into the trap of characterising Hong Kong as a place where the authorities never intervened. 这个误会起源于大家认为香港这个地方的政府当局永不会进行干预。 www.info.gov.hk 5. It is easy to fall into the trap of wishful thinking and start following those indicators whose message you like. 这种情形下,交易者容易掉进一厢情愿的陷阱,他会选择他喜欢的指标信号交易。 www.bing.com 6. And should you like to fall into that pit. . . and to burn there forever? 布洛克赫斯特先生:你愿意落到那个火坑里…永远被火烧吗? www.tiantianbt.com 7. He deliberately set a trap, they are cheap if you go to fall into. 他故意设下一个陷阱,你若贪小便宜就掉进去了。 www.xiami360.com 8. And should you like to fall into that pit. 那么你愿意掉到坑里去。 northunion.net 9. It was painful to look upon their deserted grounds, and still worse to anticipate the new hands they were to fall into; 一看见那空空荡荡的庭园,她就感到痛心,而更糟糕的是,这庭园即将落到生人手里。 novel.tingroom.com 10. Well cellar: One year without a lid and nobody management, and daily car to fall into a trap 窨井:一年多无盖子,没人管理,每天都有车子陷进去 www.duhugu.biz 1. If you have a job you don't enjoy, it is easy to fall into the "I don't care" trap. 如果你并不热衷于你的工作,那就会很容易就陷于一种麻木。 www.bing.com 2. Married couples are likely to exert themselves for guests. . . and then to fall into dull exhausted silence when the guests have gone 即已婚夫妇很可能尽力使客人高兴,谈话时风趣、有感情且锐智;当客人走后,便陷入沉默。故选项 en.eol.cn 3. After all, hedge-fund investors tend to fall into three categories: rich individuals, who usually take advice from private banks; 毕竟,对冲基金投资者一般分为三类:富有的个人,他们通常接受私人银行的建议; www.ecocn.org 4. Coffee let me hard to fall into my dream 不曾想到咖啡让我无法去入睡 www.bing.com 5. It is too easy for us to fall into the rap of believing that being right is more important than being open to what might 對我們而言太容易陷入一種信仰,相信做的正確比起打開的會是什麼思想要更重要 www.bing.com 6. To fall into small fragments or particles; disintegrate. See Synonyms at decay 碎裂,破碎:碎裂成小块或小粒;破碎参见 blog.hjenglish.com 7. to fall into a trap 落入陷阱;落入圈套 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Syer also listed the three categories that implementing applications tend to fall into Syer还罗列了实现应用可能要处理的三种工作 www.infoq.com 9. And he's all the I need to fall into 他的一切我需要全身心的投入 wenwen.soso.com 10. I'm so tired I'd like to fall into sleep 我如此疲倦只想静卧在床 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Somebody's arms to fall into 投入某个人的怀抱中 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I'd like to fall into your arms 我愿意依偎在你的臂膀内 zhidao.baidu.com 3. To fall into the ear 掉进耳朵,就是 blog.sina.com.cn 4. to fall into the mess I have seen before yeah~ 去陷入这种我曾经见过的混乱 zhidao.baidu.com 5. to fall into the mess I have seen before 跌进那些我曾经见到过那些纷扰 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I don't want to fall into this trap 我不要落入於這樣的陷阱 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Should you like to fall into this pit 你想下到这个深渊 blog.sina.com.cn |
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