单词 | Tex. |
释义 | 例句释义: 泰克斯,德克萨斯州,得克萨斯州 1. Robert Hatley, a spokesman for the Austin, Tex. , company, said the Sendai facility was evacuated and currently has no electrical power. 飞思卡尔发言人哈特利(RobertHatley)说,该公司已对仙台工厂的人员进行了疏散,目前工厂还没有电力供应。 c.wsj.com 2. "Well, " Tex said, taking the old green baseball cap off his head, "you could borrow my lucky hat. " “好吧,”特克斯从他头上摘下那顶绿色的旧棒球帽,说,“你可以借我的幸运帽。” www.joyen.net 3. Over the next couple of days we fanned out across four more Scottish islands, a straggle of Gore-Tex meeting little or no resistance. 在接下来的几天里我们还要经过四个苏格兰岛屿,它们像戈尔特斯冲锋衣那样对我们毫无阻碍。 www.bing.com 4. Tex has been M. I. A. since the Utah series last season. Great to know he's able to pay the team a visit. 特克斯温特打从上赛季与犹他爵士的系列赛后就一直待在迈阿密。得知他能够拜访湖人队真是太棒的消息了。 www.kobechina.com.cn 5. He made an appointment for Tex at the local college's veterinary laboratory. 专家为特克斯在当地大学的兽医学实验室预约了门诊。 www.1stenglish.com 6. We strongly encourage you to join the user group of your choice, to support TeX Live and other TeX activities. 我们强烈建议你参加一个用户组织,以支持TeXLive和其他TeX活动的开展。 www.tug.org 7. Kearns had to all but beg Tex to set up a fight between his man and the giant Willard, a battle that seems a mismatch on size alone. 卡恩斯几乎是乞求着特克斯为他的拳手安排一场与威拉德的拳赛,就双方体型而言,这场拳赛似乎实力过于悬殊。 www.bing.com 8. I don't use TeX but I continually use this book as a typesetting reference. 我不用TeX,但我在排版时经常参考这本书。 duanple.blog.163.com 9. Each evening when the dogs settled in for the night, Heinz gently took Tex's nose in her mouth and led him into his house. 每天傍晚,当他们进狗屋睡觉时,海因茨就用自己的嘴巴轻轻咬住特克斯的鼻子,然后把他引进狗屋。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Having been processed, these polymers are made into a new waterproof material called GORE-TEX. 在经过处理之后,这些聚合体被加工成一种新的叫做GORE-TEX的防水材料。 bbs.wwenglish.org 1. Not but what this is a very good tex for rural districts. . . Ah - there's a nice bit of blank wall up by that barn standing to waste. 不过在乡下这些地方,这也是很好的话了……啊——那儿谷仓的墙上有一块很好的地方还没有写字,浪费了。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Fosno Tex Co. , Ltd is one of the private companies of China majored in the international business and domestic business of the textiles. 霍思奴纺织有限公司是是中国一家私营股份公司,专业从事各种纺织面料的生产内销与进出口业务。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. You know, uh, Four for Texas, Yellow Rose of Tex. 比如说,像德州四杰,德州黄玫瑰里面一样的。 www.tingroom.com 4. Any number of times we've seen Heinz push Tex aside to get him out of the horses way. 不知多少次我们看见海因茨把特克斯从马腿边推开。 www.1stenglish.com 5. Recently, Shell Refining improved the performance of its Port Arthur (Tex. ) refinery by following Katzenbach's approach. 最近,壳牌炼油公司在采纳了卡岑巴赫的方案之后,其一个位于德克萨斯州亚瑟港的炼油厂业绩有所提升。 www.bing.com 6. Everything I have learned about the game can be traced to him and Tex Winter. They teach the game at such a deeper level than X's and O's. 我在比赛中所学到的一切都可以归根于他和泰克斯·温特,他们的执教水平不是一两个词可以形容得了的。 tieba.baidu.com 7. On Nov. 22, 1963, Kennedy was shot to death in Dallas, Tex. , the fourth United States president to die by an assassin's bullet. 萨斯州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,是美国历史上第四位死于暗杀者的子弹的总统。 ezitong.com 8. The stacked fossils included Guanlong, or "crested dragon, " a T. tex ancestor with a Mohawk-like head adornment. 发掘出来堆放整齐的化石中有冠龙的化石,一种头部像摩和克人头饰的恐龙祖先。 www.transcn.org 9. AD- TEX Bagging Render sample packs makes the choice of colour easy and gives the customer a feel for how the product performs and looks. TEX袋装抹面砂浆样品让客会体验如何使用产品,以及了解产品,使顾客选择产品颜色时更加容易。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. TeXLive软件发行版为Unix,Macintosh,Windows和其他多种平台提供了一套完整的TeX系统。 www.tug.org 1. The change to the metric system of measurement should increase the general use of the tex system in all segments of the industry. 度量系统向米制的过渡,要求纺织工业各个领域普遍使用特克斯系统。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Almost a decade later, there's a buzz of excitement around the firm's headquarters in Plano, Tex. 几乎是十年后,位于德州普莱诺的华为总部一片莺声燕语。 www.bing.com 3. In the West Wing, boxes of documents are already being shipped to a storage center in Lewisville, Tex. , outside Dallas. 在西侧,成箱的文件已经准备运往在德州达拉斯的lewisville储物中心。 www.bing.com 4. In Galveston, Tex. , Keith Patterson, a resident there for 30 years, dismissed the urgency of a hurricane survival kit on Thursday. 加尔维斯敦,德州,基思帕特森的居民有30年,开除的紧迫性,飓风生存包星期四。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Tex Thornton is today forgotten, McNamara was driven from the defence department by public hostility and his private doubts. 特克斯-桑顿如今已被遗忘,麦克纳马拉因公众反对和他个人的疑虑而被驱逐出了国防部。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In a ranking by the magazine of 30 cities, the top five are Houston, Washington, Dallas, Atlanta, and Austin, Tex. 该杂志榜单列出的30个城市中,排名前5分别是休斯敦、华盛顿、达拉斯、亚特兰大和德州的奥斯丁。 www.bing.com 7. Cruise over to the Southwest and try some tasty Tex -Mex treats. Finish your food tour in the Pacific Northwest with some gourmet coffee. 乘船游览至西南部尝试一些好吃的墨式德州小吃,最后到太平洋西北岸,啜饮美食家的咖啡,作为美食之旅的句点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Prior to the start of the fight, promoter Tex Rickard visits Dempsey and his manager in his dressing room. 比赛开始前,赞助人特克斯·里卡德在更衣室里拜访了邓普西和他的经理人(卡恩斯)。 www.bing.com 9. Recent research of Tex university shows that even in a city around smoke, It is harmful much staying indoor rather than outside. 最近德州大学所做的研究显示,即使是在烟雾弥漫的城市里,待在室内可能比待在户外对个人健康的危害更大。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. On Nov. 22, 1963, Kennedy was shot to death in Dallas, Tex [2], the fourth United States president to die by an assassin's bullet. 1963年11月22日他在德克萨斯州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,是美国历史上第四位死于暗杀者的子弹的总统。 www.examw.com 1. We strongly recommend that you read the TeX Live Guide before undertaking the installation. 我们强烈建议你在读过《TeXLive指南》后再开始安装。 www.tug.org 2. Fortunately, the tetex package that provides TeX and LaTeX also provides a conversion utility, dvips, to convert from DVI to PostScript. 幸好,提供TeX和LaTeX的tetex包还提供了把DVI转换成PostScript的转换工具dvips。 www.ibm.com 3. waterproof and breathable GORE- TEX ? liner is engineered to keep your feet dry, comfortable and never sweaty even in extreme conditions. 防水,透气GORE-TEX?内衬设计让你的脚干燥,舒适,甚至在极端条件都不会出汗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This article finds the particularity of Japanese extreme beauty, pureness and object character, by comparing many tex. 通过具体文本的比较分析,找出日本极致美的特殊性,即纯粹性与器物性。 www.dictall.com 5. Tex-Mex cuisine, and its tremendous popularity in the state, is but the most obvious example of Mexico's influence. 得-墨菜系在得州受到巨大欢迎,乃是墨西哥影响最显着的例子。 www.engbus.com 6. This wasn't his main avenue of research but TeX became very widely used throughout the world by many scientists outside of computer science. 文字排版不是他研究的主要方向,但Tex却得到很多非计算机专业的科学家的广泛使用。 dongxi.net 7. "She says Ollie's invited, too, " said Tex, "if he likes macaroni and cheese. " “妈妈还邀请了欧利!”泰克斯说,“如果他喜欢通心粉和奶酪的话。” www.bing.com 8. Columbia utilizes Gore-Tex to keep in warmth; Omni-Tech, a waterproof, breathable material; and PFG-comfort technology. Columbia利用了Gore-Tex技术来保持温暖性;Omni-Tech,一种防水并且透气性良好的材料和PFG-comfort科技来提高舒适性。 www.bing.com 9. Layer GORE- TEX Mahal fabric offers the ideal combination of lightweight, durability and protection. 此三层Gore-tex全防水透气面料有如下特点:超轻,经久耐用,全防护; dictsearch.appspot.com 10. For a summary of the main purposes and aims of the Oeko-Tex Standard 100, please find below 16 frequently asked question and our responses. 就有关国际环保纺织标准100的主要目的和目标的摘要,参阅以下16个常见问题和我们的答复。 english.31931.cn 1. Without any training or coaching, Heinz had become Tex'seeing eye "dog. " 未经任何训练或辅导,海因茨便充当了特克斯的导盲犬。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Tex Winter, the longtime coach and team consultant, was in Las Vegas to evaluate the Lakers ' summer league team. 温特,资深教练兼湖人球队顾问,正在拉斯维加斯评估湖人参加夏季联赛的这支队伍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Most of the documentation can be viewed online, before the TeX system is installed. 在安装了TeX系统之前,大部分的文档都可以在线浏览。 www.tug.org 4. 'Believe that tex? Do I believe in my own existence! ' 相信那句话?就像相信我自己存在着一样! www.hjenglish.com 5. It is completely independent of TeX Live, and has its own installation instructions. 它完全独立于TeXLive,有自己的安装步骤。 www.tug.org 6. Located on South Lamar Boulevard in south Austin, Matt's serves authentic "Tex-Mex" (Texas-Mexican) cuisine. 这个餐馆坐落在奥斯汀南部的南拉玛尔大街,做真正的“得-墨”(得克萨斯—墨西哥)饭菜。 www.jukuu.com 7. Writes application error messages to tex - Writes application error messages to text-file. 这个代码写应用程序错误到一个文本文件中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Grandpa Tex has lived a tough life, and now, as a local cop, he wants to change things for the men in his community. 爷爷特克斯曾经过着艰难的生活,而现在,作为一个地方的警察,他要改变自己的社区中的男人的事情。 bbs.hdchina.org 9. In February, Joseph Andrew Stack, a software engineer, crashed his plane into I. R. S. offices in Austin, Tex. 今年2月份在德克萨斯奥斯汀,软件工程师JosephAndrewStack驾驶自己的飞机撞向国税局办公楼。 www.bing.com 10. However, he developed a language for typesetting technical papers, called TeX. 他发明了一种文字排版的语言,Tex。 dongxi.net 1. By con sid local with a lower cost of live such as Atlanta, Minneapoli or Austin, Tex. , your paycheck dollar will stretch further. 可以考虑如亚特兰大,明尼阿波利斯市,或德州奥斯丁这样生活利息较低的地区,那么你收入就会更经用。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Crucial semiconductors inside the iPhone 4 and 4S are manufactured in an Austin, Tex. , factory by Samsung, of South Korea. iPhone4和iPhone4S中,关键的半导体都是在德州奥斯汀的一家三星工厂生产的。 www.bing.com 3. The Roadhouse served cold beer and Tex-Mex cuisine that Mr. Hilbert taught his Chinese cooks to prepare. 餐吧提供冰镇啤酒,和希尔伯特教他的中国厨师做的德州墨西哥美食。 www.bing.com 4. Foundations are required to provide the Federal Tex Agency with information on their financial activities. 基金会要向联邦税务机构提供财务活动信息。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Standard Practice for Use of the Tex System to Designate Linear Density of Fibers , Yarn Intermediates, and Yarns. 用特克斯制命名纤维,纱的半制品,纱和其它纺织品线度。 www.bing.com 6. Listing 3 shows how this works with a DVI file (the normal output from TeX and LaTex). 清单3显示了使用DVI文件时的情况(来自TeX和LaTex的正常输出)。 www.ibm.com 7. Tex: I'll bet that was a big christening party. What was he christened? 特克斯:那一定是个盛大的洗礼会。他们给那孩子取了什麽名字? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Knitted underwear product suitably dressed to the skin is developed by use of fine tex mercerized wool on weft knitting equipment. 选用精梳细特纯羊毛丝光纱,采用纬编针织设备,生产适合于可贴身穿着的针织内衣产品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. "OK, " said Tex. "One more day. But you'd better be really nice to me. " “好吧,”特克斯说,“再借一天。但你最好真得对我好点。” blog.sina.com.cn 10. Textiles. Expression of linear density. Tex system. 纺织.线性密度的表示.特单位制 www.mapeng.net 1. He starts on spring break from James Williams Elementary School in Katy, Tex. 初春他就要暂时告别位于德克萨斯州凯蒂镇的詹姆士·威廉斯小学了。 www.ebigear.com 2. What am I going to tell Tex? 我怎么跟特克斯交代啊? www.joyen.net 3. GORE-TEX Headwear, Jacket, Pants, Footwear &Gloves etc. TEX帽子,夹克,长裤,鞋子及手套等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Mareya helped me look for it . Luckily, we found Tex's hat in my locker. 玛瑞娅也帮我找,幸运的是,我们在储物柜找到了它。 www.bing.com 5. And these cities are also very important cities for GORE-TEX products. 这些城市也是戈尔特斯发展的重点城市。 u.8264.com 6. Netting yarns for fishing nets . Designation in the tex system. 纺织。鱼网。鱼网线。特克斯支数的名称。 www.bing.com 7. Three gentlemen pass the time on a park bench in San Jacinto Plaza, El Paso, Tex. , 1906. 通过对三先生在圣哈辛托广场,埃尔帕索,德克萨斯州,1906年公园的长椅上的时间。 08062788.blog.163.com 8. Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center in Taylor and Nolan Counties, Tex. 德州泰勒和诺兰县的HorseHollow风能中心 www.bing.com 9. When the two dogs approached a gate, Heinz used her shoulder to guide Tex through. 当两只靠近门口时,海因茨就用自己的肩膀引着特克斯穿过门口。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Tex determines the yarn number by determining the weight in grams of 1 kilometer of yarn. The result is the tex yarn number. 特克斯系统通过测量1000米纱线的克重数来确定纱线的细度,测量结果为纱线的特克斯值(即纱线号数)。 www.tdict.com 1. TexAxile YesSir! Thank you Tex for pointing out the impostor! Enjoy the wine. 是,先生!谢谢你指出假冒者!尽情享用酒吧。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Rear view of an "Okie's" car, passing through Amarillo, Tex. , on its way west, 1941. 后视图一个“冲江的”车,通过阿马里洛,得克萨斯州,西部的道路上通过,1941年。 08062788.blog.163.com 3. The code supplement in the Resources section has an example TeX file that showcases the above commands. 参考资料部分的代码补充说明包含具有以上命令的TeX文件示例。 www.ibm.com 4. Such technology may explain how Unique Industrial Product Co. , a Sugar Land, Tex. importer, got taken for $200, 000. 这种技术或许可以说明德克萨斯州糖果地的独一无二工业品公司账上120万美元不翼而飞的原因。 www.bing.com 5. TEX-LAND brings China a new consumption pattern for luxury goods. TEX-LAND将一种新的奢侈品消费模式带入中国。 beijing.baicai.com 6. Only a call or a tex, you can get us as a good assistant in textile machinces. 您只需一个电话一个传真便可以找到一个纺织的好帮手。 www.texindex.com.cn 7. Space limitations of CD-ROM format have forced us to divide TeX Live into several distributions. CD-ROM的空间所限,我们不得不将TeXLive切分为如下几个发行版。 www.tug.org 8. Many Tex Saverio dresses keep skin largely under wraps. 特克斯-萨维利奥的许多时装都基本将全身上下包得严严实实。 chinese.wsj.com 9. He grew upon Port Arthur, Tex. , never knowing his father. 他在亚瑟港长大,从不知道父亲是谁。 www.bing.com 10. Last year it had its world premiere at the South by Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Tex. 去年,这部记录片在南部的德克萨斯州奥斯丁举行的西南电影节开始了全球首映。 www.bing.com 1. The minute I got home, I gave Tex a gigantic hug. 一回到家,我就给特克斯一个大大的拥抱。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. "I know, " said Tex. "Just promise to give it back after school. " “我知道,”特克斯说,“只要你答应放学后还给我就行了。” www.joyen.net 3. "That song about a hound dog! " said Tex. “一首关于猎犬的歌!”泰克斯说。 www.bing.com 4. "But you promised to give it back! " said Tex. “但你答应过要还给我的。”特克斯说。 www.joyen.net 5. TEX size 45 and finer shall average no more than one knot per 8 ounces in singles . 特克斯支数45和更细的纱线,单丝形态平均每8盎司不超过一个纽结。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I don't use TeX because for years TeX and PostScript really didn't go together. 之所以没有使用TeX,是因为那几年TeX和PostScript不能很好地协同。 duanple.blog.163.com 7. I eat Tex-Mex, in Austin, preferably. 我吃德州风的墨西哥菜,最好是在奥斯汀。 chinese.wsj.com 8. How does the modular system of Oeko-Tex certification operate? 标准认证的模块化系统是如何操作的? hi.baidu.com 9. The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 is the world's leading label for textiles screened for harmful substances. 国际环保纺织标准100是世界上著名的纺织品生态环保标签。 english.31931.cn 10. "That's to votes for rock! " said Tex. “摇滚有两票!”泰克斯说。 www.bing.com 1. Tex, you've been good to me all these years. 泰仕,这些年你一直对我很好 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "I think it was summed up by [consultant] Tex Winter's wife, who said simply, 'That wasn't very much fun, was it? ' " Jackson said. 杰克逊说,“我认为,特克斯-温特的妻子的总结说的对,她言简意赅地说:‘这不是很有趣,是吗?’”。 www.showxiu.com 3. I don't remember where Tex come from. 呃,我不记得Tex是哪里人 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "It is not! " said Tex. “没有!”特克斯说。 www.joyen.net 5. "We should call our band Macaroni and Cheese! " said Tex. “我们的乐队名应该叫通心粉和奶酪!”泰克斯说。 www.bing.com 6. What is the significance of the four product classes under the Oeko-Tex Standard 100? 标准中将纺织品分为四个等级的重要性是什么? hi.baidu.com 7. Visvim's conservative pea coats, for example, are made from hand-woven tweed but coated in Gore-Tex. 例如,Visvim保守风格的羊毛外套由手织斜纹软呢和Gore-Tex表层制成。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Regulating the Strategy of production Management, Winning in the Age of Tex tile Post-Quota Era 调整生产经营战略决胜于纺织品后配额时代 www.ilib.cn 9. Specification for a universal system for designating linear density of textiles (Tex system) 表示纺织品线密度的通用方式(特数制)规范 www.mapeng.net 10. My sister, Indi, and my brother, Tex, are four and a half years old, but most of the time they act like they're two. 我的妹妹英蒂,和我的弟弟泰克斯现在四岁半,但大多数时间里,他们就像是两岁的孩子。 www.bing.com 1. Textiles; Integrated conversion table for replacing traditional yarn numbers by rounded values in the Tex System 纺织品.用号数制的约整数值取代传统纱线支数的综合换算表 www.mapeng.net 2. Production Practice of Coaxial Weaving High Density End-and-end Figuring Fabric with Pure Cotton Fine Tex Dyed Yarn 纯棉色织细号高密异号纱小提花织物同织轴生产实践 www.ilib.cn 3. Textiles; Universal system for designating linear density (Tex System) 纺织品.表示线密度的通用制(号数制) www.mapeng.net 4. Ge Hong's "Monologue" : An Tex of the Broken Personality Sagely Within and Kingly Without 葛洪《自叙》:一个“内圣外王”的人格分裂文本 www.jukuu.com 5. Linear densities of textile fibres and yarns; conversion tables for the Tex system 纺织纤维材料。一般精度标志。特制的换算表 www.std168.com 6. Conversion table for replacing traditional yarn numbers by rounded values in the Tex System 用特数制的整数值代替惯用的纱线支数的换算表 www.mapeng.net 7. Yarns; terms for the designation of yarn construction in the Tex system 纱线和捻线.按Tex制纱线结构数据的概念和符号 www.mapeng.net 8. A probe to the weaving technology of fine and high density but different tex warp ends 细号高密异号经纱织物的织造工艺探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. Fine Tex and Hard Twist Cotton Yarn Developed and Applied on Weft Knitting Machine 细号强捻棉纱在纬编针织机上的开发和应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Tex system; rounding of calculated linear densities 特制.机算精度的取整 www.mapeng.net 1. Specification for cotton webbing suitable for aerospace purposes (warp yarn nominally R 310 tex) 适合于航空用的棉带规范(额定经纱为R310特) www.mapeng.net 2. Specification for the designation in the tex system of netting yarns for fishing nets 渔网结网线的特数制命名规范 www.mapeng.net 3. Production of poplin of fine tex polyester fiber and cotton blended air-jet yarn 涤棉细支喷气纱府绸的生产实践 www.ilib.cn 4. Evaluation of Gaseous Biotrickling Filter Performance for TEX Removal 苯系混合气体生物滴滤器净化性能研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Discuss the Technology of Using Medium Cotton to Spin Ultra-fine Tex Yarn 利用细绒棉纺制特细号纱线的工艺探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. The Practice of Weaving Fine Tex and High Density Jacquard Fabric 细号高密大提花织物的生产实践 www.ilib.cn 7. Discussion of Some Important Questions in Spinning Techniques of Thin Tex 细特纱纺纱工艺中几个关键性问题的探讨 scholar.ilib.cn 8. The Practice of Weaving Satin Fabric with Fine Tex High Density Ply Yarn 细号高密股线缎纹织物的生产实践 service.ilib.cn 9. Fishing nets; Designation of netting yarns in the Tex System 网渔具.用号数制表示网衣纱线 www.mapeng.net 10. GORE-TEX Experience Campaign for Outdoor Shoes to Start 戈尔特斯品牌专业户外鞋体验活动将全面展开 www.ispochina.com.cn 1. Technology study of 4. 2 Tex low mixed combed cotton yarn compact spinning 低配棉4.2tex紧密纺精梳棉纱的工艺研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Crimes in Tex Revenue and Preventive Research 税收犯罪及预防研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Well, I don't remember where Tex come from-- 嗯,我不记得泰克斯是哪里人了 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Development of fine tex bamboo fiber yarn 天竹纤维细特纱的开发 www.ilib.cn |
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