单词 | to eliminate | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | to eliminate
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 消除,消去,去除 1. The shots have been known to eliminate the symptoms of allergies so effectively that most people do not need to use any other products. 这一疗法能够非常有效的消除过敏症状,大多数人经过治疗后都无需再使用其他药物。 www.elanso.com 2. Therefore, when disaster strikes, companies must be prepared to eliminate or minimize data loss, and recover quickly with useable data. 因此,当灾难发生时,企业必须消除或减小数据损失,并且利用备份数据恢复。 www.fabiao.net 3. Smoother is one of the widely used approaches to eliminate or to weaken the stochastic error from sampling data. 平滑是消除或削弱测量数据随机误差时常用的数据处理手段。 zgkj.cast.cn 4. The campaign to eliminate river blindness began as the most vertical programme imaginable: helicopters dropping insecticides out of the sky. 根除河盲症运动开始时是可以想象的最纵向的规划:直升飞机从空中投撒杀虫剂。 www.who.int 5. Techniques used to eliminate defective products or to improve performance standards and practices. 采用技术以消除次品,或提高经营水平。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 6. One benefit, he said, is to eliminate the tangle of cables that would normally connect the blades to the aggregation switch. 他表示另一个好处就是可以消除连接刀片服务器和聚合交换机间的混乱不堪的电缆。 www.cnw.com.cn 7. of morphine, hoping to find just the right dose to eliminate pain without wiping out any awareness he might have left. 我决定给他极少量的吗啡,期望找到正确的剂量,能够缓解他的病痛而不损伤他可能尚存的意识。 www.jukuu.com 8. Kraft had only to wipe off the andiron and a few ot her surfaces to eliminate any fingerprints he might have left behind. 卡夫特只是擦了柴架和其他一些地方,除去他可能留下的指纹。 www.showxiu.com 9. Created for FPS (First-Person Shooter) gaming in mind, users will easily able to eliminate the enemy and clear the level. 专为想象中的第一人称射击而制造,使用者可以很容易就消灭对手升级。 www.elanso.com 10. 'Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth. ' “参议员先生,要是我能决定的话,我建议组成一支暗杀队将他和他的追随者们从地球上清除。” www.bing.com 1. Blair: It would make it appear as if we were prepared to try to find a way forward without Hamas renouncing its desire to eliminate Israel. 布莱尔:这会显得在哈马斯没有放弃消灭以色列打算的情况下,我们就准备好与其合作了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Sihong county government has recently set up a " normative finance order" emergency response team, trying to eliminate disturbance. 泗洪县政府近日成立了“规范金融秩序”突发事件应急处置小组,试图消除风波。 www.268r.com 3. It has appealed to Italy's antitrust authority, complaining that Sky is trying to "eliminate any form of competition" . 它向意大利反垄断当局投诉,抱怨Sky正试图“排除任何形式的竞争”。 www.ecocn.org 4. Vice-chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission LS said the goal of her group was to eliminate discriminations in the workplace. 平等就业委员会副主席LS说她的组织的目的是消除工作场合中的歧视现象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Simple Fix: To eliminate dust mites and the dead skin cells they eat, wash bedding in hot water at least once a week. 简单解决办法:为了消灭尘螨以及它们的食物——人的死皮细胞,就要每周至少用热水清洗寝具一次。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. He wanted an uncompromising stand against Hamas, he said. "The first priority is to eliminate Hamas. " 他想要一个毫不妥协地对付哈马斯的政府,他说“最重要的是铲除哈马斯”。 www.ecocn.org 7. How much harder will it be to eliminate the prejudice against women? I am sure it will be a longer struggle. 消除对妇女的歧视的困难有多大?我确信这将会是一场更持久的斗争。 www.bing.com 8. We were not sure whether the reason why we locked tightly our heart was to eliminate loneliness or to protect ourselves. 不确定封闭自己的心,是因为害怕孤寂,还是在自我保护,只是不由自主地那样做了。 www.ebigear.com 9. Meanwhile, negotiations over a "grand bargain" to eliminate America's gaping deficits seem to hinge on sweeping tax reform. 同时,商讨消除美国日益增加的赤字的“大方案”似乎集中于全面的税制改革。 www.bdza.cn 10. They are usually used to increase the efficiency of a regular expression, but may also be applied to eliminate certain matches. 它们通常都是被用于提高正则表达式的效率,但也可能是应用于排除某些匹配。 wind-wood.blog.163.com 1. But he also made it clear that he was ready to hunt all the "rats" to eliminate anyone who participated. 不过他也表态说他已经做好“捕鼠”准备,以清除所有起义的参与者。 dongxi.net 2. But no matter how much security measures will be taken, it is impossible to eliminate the possibility of accidents for students totally. 但即使该校的安全措施做得很细,也可能还是难以避免学生惨遭横祸。 www.ebigear.com 3. From our DVD products, we see that this approach will be able to protect your information into the pit and to eliminate water wave shape. 从我们不入产DVD产物的历程洋,我们发掘这个办法既可以爱护陈闻坑的轮廓又可以消不兴水纹。 www.bing.com 4. Now it is trying to revamp its image in the face of a government plan to eliminate minor players in the industry. 在政府计划淘汰汽车业较小企业之际,该公司目前努力重塑形象。 c.wsj.com 5. But it was also a year when a long-term collaboration culminated an affordable vaccine to eliminate one of Africa's biggest health problems. 同时,在这一年,长期合作产生了一种负担得起的疫苗,可以消除非洲其中一个最大的卫生问题。 www.who.int 6. Confused: Perhaps my problem is still my desire to eliminate all my desires. . . a very paradoxical stubbornness. 惑儒:也许我的问题还是在于,想要屏除欲望的欲望…一种很矛盾的固执。 1212mas7119.spaces.live.com 7. I wondered if there was anything that I could do to eliminate or clarify the practice here in London? 我在想,自己是否能够做些什么,以便在伦敦摈弃这种做法,或是把这种做法加以明晰? www.ftchinese.com 8. To eliminate this possibility, we decided to see if naturally secreted levels of insulin would have the same effect. 为排除这种可能性,我们决定去观察自然分泌的胰岛素的浓度是否也会有这种结果。 www.kuenglish.info 9. Let's drill down to the details to see how JAX-RPC is trying to eliminate these problems by defining a common programming model. 让我们深入讨论细节问题以了解JAX-RPC是如何通过定义一个公共编程模型来设法彻底解决这些问题的。 www.ibm.com 10. The report also said the U. S. would continue to press China to eliminate export constraints on rare earths used in high-tech manufacturing. 该报告也提到美国将继续敦促中国消除其对用于高科技制造业的稀土的出口限制。 www.bing.com 1. On the deficit he said, We've got to collect taxes to eliminate it, but if anyone had a better idea, I'm all ears. 就赤字问题他说:“我们必须征税来消除赤字,但是如果谁有更好的主意,我愿意洗耳恭听”。 www.bing.com 2. The method can take a rest eyes closed, doing eye exercises, or to walk outdoors, etc. , which will help to eliminate eye strain. 休息的方法可采取闭目养神,做眼保健操,或到室外走动等,这样有利于消除视觉疲劳。 www.citynoon.com 3. A computer compiles the data into a map which shows where to apply ablation to eliminate cardiac tissue in and near the scars. 电脑整合这些数据做成一张图谱,在图上,会显示出瘢痕内及疤痕附近需要消融的位置。 news.dxy.cn 4. You may be able to eliminate the extra processing if it seems to be the cause of the performance problem. 如果额外的处理可能是性能问题的起因,那么可以消除这种额外的处理。 www.ibm.com 5. Mr Schwarzenegger wanted to eliminate entire programmes wholesale, but now appears ready to settle for shrinking them. 施瓦辛格原本想取消整个医疗保障计划,但目前打算缩小范围。 www.ecocn.org 6. The point is to eliminate the need for her to think about it, or to even lift a finger. 关键是让她不用担心晚餐的事,或者根本不用动手指。 www.bing.com 7. Quantitative finance's practitioners were trying to outwit the markets, using maths to eliminate risk by first using maths to calculate it. 定量金融学的倡导者试图用智慧来战胜市场,他们首先利用数学计算风险,利用数学排除这些风险。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The technique is often used to eliminate seasonal components is from data, for which a 12-month moving average would be needed. 这种技术经常被用来消除季节因素,对此,需要12个月的移动平均数。 www.jukuu.com 9. But they are scared of cause and elect, so they only try to eliminate past bad karma, they do not know to create future blessings. 他就是洁身自爱,但是他怕因果,所以只想著要消过去的业,但是他不能去造未来的福。 marksheu.wordpress.com 10. But often they eat more performance than you are willing to give or they do not abstract enough to eliminate all database specific code. 但是,通常情况下它们对性能的影响超过了你所希望的,要么他们并不足够抽象以消除所有和特定数据库相关的代码。 www.itqun.net 1. Wang Hai Guan Tao coast, to eliminate the two - mei worry, be able to open Minded people, the hope for the visitors, so visitors never have. 海岸望海观涛,能消两眉愁,能开阔人心胸,为游人所企望,故游人乐此不疲也。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. To eliminate tasks, you might have to make major changes over time, but the beauty is that you'll also be freeing up time. 为了解决掉那些工作,你可能要慢慢做出些主要的改变,但此中的优点是与此同时你也将能腾出不少时间。 www.bing.com 3. For the work we need is to do a good job and that 1000 does not seem necessary to pay to eliminate every possible lethal effect. 对于工作我们需要的就是认真做好那一千个看来没有必要的付出,杜绝每一个可能致命的大意。 enwaimao.cn 4. Exorcist people as you, with your proud slingshot and sorcery to eliminate in the courtyard of the ghosts. 作为驱魔人的你,用你引以为傲的弹弓和巫术去消灭在那院落中的鬼怪。 www.sjjia.com 5. The United States alone spends some $40 billion each year on trying to eliminate the supply of drugs. 单单美国每年花费大约400亿美元努力消除毒品供应。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I wish to be in front of a mirror which is able to reflect the soul, to eliminate the painful memories. 我希望走到一面能够投射灵魂的镜子前,卸下我满是回望的若梦浮生。 blog.163.com 7. Knowing which steps in the process lose would-be customers allows you to eliminate bottlenecks and create a more efficient conversion path. 知道哪步骤的过程中失去的潜在客户,您可以消除瓶颈和创造一个更有效的转换路径。 www.zishu.cn 8. Gil is a basketball player. Robbing him of that joy, a thief in the form of a knee injury has been the quickest way to eliminate that smile. 阿里纳斯是一个职业篮球运动员。讨厌的膝伤就像一个盗贼一样无情地抢夺了他的快乐,而且还用最快的方法让微笑从他的脸上消失。 swjd.5d6d.com 9. Eye have dry lines, to eliminate, Which wrinkle cream effective? Do not know how to pick the cream of the. 眼部有干纹,想消弭,哪款眼霜去皱效果好?都不知道怎样挑眼霜了。 99mrw.5d6d.com 10. Economic theory jumped through many hoops trying to eliminate this element of uncertainty. 经济学理论越过了一道道坎,试图摆脱这一不确定因素。 dongxi.net 1. When you place the revival of a total 2 can be a powerful ultimate weapon, one round is enough to eliminate most profiled. 每当你累计原地复活2次就可以得到一把威力强大的终级武器,一发子弹就足以消灭大多数异形。 www.sjjia.com 2. As you begin to eliminate your need for perfection in all areas of your life, you' II begin to discover the perfection in life itself. 当你开始放弃对生活方方面面的完美的追求时,你就会发现生活本身就是完美的。 www.englishtang.com 3. Is cloning all that different from genetically engineering an embryo to eliminate a genetic disease like cystic fibrosis? 克隆与改造胚胎的基因以消除象囊性纤维变性这样的基因疾病真的是有天壤之别吗? dict.bioon.com 4. It had taken until Friday to eliminate the attackers from the two other sites where a number of civilians were found dead of gun shots . 它已采取到星期五,消除攻击的另外两个地点的一些平民被发现死亡的枪声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. However, his ideas of civil rights aimed to eliminate the impact of the Communist Party of China, which had strong political purposes. 但其民权主义思想立足于消弭中国共产党的影响,具有浓厚的政治目的。 www.zidir.com 6. To eliminate potential racial bias, the judges selected photos of individuals who appeared to have a more ambiguous ethnic background. 而且为了剔除种族歧视的影响,评委们特意把比较受种族争议的相片挑了出来。 www.bing.com 7. His ultimate dream is to eliminate even the synthetic scaffold. Instead, drugs would enable the body to rebuild its own scaffold. 他的终极梦想是淘汰合成支架复合体,让药物使机体重建自身的支架复合体。 cn.nytimes.com 8. On Thursday, he gave a taste of what's to come, announcing plans to eliminate 192 independent government agencies. 周四,卡梅伦宣布取消英国192个独立政府部门,而此举只是机构精简计划的冰山一角。 c.wsj.com 9. In point of fact, depending only on the public voice and the legislations is far from enough to eliminate commercial bribery. 事实证明,仅仅依靠舆论和反商业贿赂立法已经无法真正消除商业贿赂。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. But a phrase or sentence might be necessary to eliminate ambiguity. 但是词语或句子更能准确表述。 www.bing.com 1. I did try it a couple of times and improved a little, but often I have to guess or use tricks to eliminate the wrong answers. “我确实尝试了许多次也进步了一点,但我经常会去猜想或者用小技巧来减少错误的发生”。 www.kle100.cn 2. Sadly , Secretary Rice did not pledge to try to eliminate the rotten practice . 遗撼的是,国务卿赖斯没有承诺这个腐败的做法。 www.bing.com 3. If one of the former rays fails to eliminate the foe, this ray might at least hamper it. 即使上述射线未能消灭对手,这道射线至少能牵制对方。 bbs.bfclan.net 4. Nowadays I carry with me to consulting gigs a little driver that patches their driver to eliminate the spew. 现在我记得我的短期咨询的一点启动,它补丁他们的驱动来消除这个漏洞。 www.heyuheng.com 5. Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable situation. 采取措施以消除潜在不符合原因或其它不良情况 wenku.baidu.com 6. Preventive Action---Action taken to eliminate the causes of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable situation. 预防措施---为消除潜在不合格或其他潜在不期望情况的原因所采取的措施 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Don't get stuck on trying to eliminate anxiety, confusion and self-doubt before you move forward. 不要奢望在你能消除他们,除非开始行动。 www.bing.com 8. action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation. 为消除已发现的不合格或其他不期望情况的原因所采取的措施。 wenku.baidu.com 9. that is to say, this kind of system to be able to eliminate the enterprises the most expensive manual input of data. 这也不离是说,这栽编制不妨打消企业洋本钱最矮的数据手工录入历程。 www.bing.com 10. Many countries are working to eliminate measles, and most are expanding vaccination to reach those who have been excluded up to now. 许多国家正在努力消灭麻疹,大多数国家正在扩大免疫接种范围,以覆盖到那些至今仍被排除在外的人。 www.who.int 1. Some people listen to that feeling and change their life in such a way as to eliminate that feeling. 对有些倾听这种感觉的人们来说,他们是去改变生活来消除这种感觉。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The purpose of the company is to "eliminate the white pollution and purify the human living spaces" . 公司的宗旨是“消除白色污染,净化人类空间” nongfar.com 3. If you start a local increase of birds, be prepared to do what may be required to eliminate hazards to those you want to befriend. 如果你开始了一局部增长的鸟类,要筹办好做有可能要消弭风险那些你想结交。 www.soxun.me 4. We argue that modulating the unique redox regulatory mechanisms of cancer cells might be an effective strategy to eliminate these cells. 我们认为,独特的氧化还原调控监管机制的癌细胞可能是一个有效的战略,以消除这些细胞。 www.syyxw.com 5. In order to eliminate severe slugging in riser-pipes, the methods of choking and disturbance have been used in this experiment. 为了消除上升管中强烈段塞流,采用节流和扰动两种方法进行了试验研究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The core concept of Lean Thinking is to eliminate waste and optimize processes, improve quality, create Lean Production mode. 精益思想的核心理念就是杜绝浪费,优化流程,提高品质,打造精益生产模式。 www.fabiao.net 7. Sufficient coordination between banking and marketing executives should be enough to eliminate divergence of results . 业务经理和市场营销经理必须进行充分合作借以消除结果上的南辕北辙。 www.bing.com 8. Just increasing the frequency of feedback and communication, however, is not enough to eliminate communication problems. 但是,简单地提高反馈和交流频率不足以消除交流问题。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Ways to explore complex systems can be a communication between the natural sciences and human sciences, to eliminate the barrier method. 复杂系统探究方法可以是一种沟通自然科学和人文科学,消除其隔阂的方法。 soso.361xs.com 10. The biological viruses aren't necessarily winning, but they remain a chronic problem because we have not been able to eliminate them. 生物病毒并没有取得必然的胜利,但它们却给人类留下了一个长期的问题,因为我们至今没有能力消灭它们。 www.infoq.com 1. teleconference, Wen told governments at all levels to work with an "iron hand" to eliminate inefficient enterprises. 在全国电视电话工作会议上,温家宝总理告诉各级政府,要用“铁的手腕”治理低效企业。 www.cn-em.com 2. If you genuinely want to eliminate fighting in your home with the children, then you absolutely must come to a decision yourself. 如果你真诚希望消除跟孩子们之间的暴力,你必须自己做个决断。 www.elanso.com 3. Last month, the company announced a plan to eliminate tens of thousands of jobs and close several factories. 上个月,通用公司宣布,计划裁员数万人并关闭多家工厂。 www.voanews.cn 4. To eliminate operating system file fragmentation problems, periodically run one of the available disk defragmentation utilities. 要消除操作系统文件碎片问题,请定期运行可用的磁盘碎片整理实用程序之一。 www.ianywhere.com 5. The Incident should be kept absolute confidential to all team members and the public to eliminate negative publicity of the hotel. 事件必须保证对所有队员和公众绝对保密,以消除对酒店的负面影响。 www.17u.net 6. He wrote, "It's against the interests of either predator or prey to eliminate the enemy. " 他写道:“除掉敌人既损害了掠食者的利益,也损害了被掠食者的利益”。 dongxi.net 7. He's already had to let two of them go, and he may be forced to eliminate health insurance altogether. 他不得不让辞退两个员工,甚至还可能被迫取消健康保险。 www.bing.com 8. Students are urging Penn State to follow 11 other colleges in an initiative to eliminate on-campus toiletries made of non-recycled paper. 学生们敦促宾州州立大学采取其他11个学院的一项倡议,以消除校园化妆品取得的非再生纸。 www.showxiu.com 9. Have a strong aromatic smell of pepper, cooking can remove fishy smell of mutton, medicine is able to eliminate in the cold, support yang. 花椒有强烈的芳香气味,做菜能除膻腥,入药则能祛除里寒,扶助阳气。 huajao.com 10. This had a short enough pulse duration to eliminate motion blur for the camera but wasn't hot enough to cause the insects to overheat. 它具有足够短的脉冲持续时间来消除运动模糊,而又不足以引起昆虫温度过高。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. The company believes the remains are those of people murdered under a Nazi euthanasia program designed to eliminate "undesirables. " 该公司认为遗体是在旨在消除“不受欢迎的人”的纳粹安乐死计划下被谋杀的那些人的。 www.aitrans.net 2. Finding all the fields in advance is a defensive programming step to eliminate one of the potential problems with using reflection. 预先找到所有的字段是一种防错性编程的步骤,这样做可以消除使用反射时带来的一个潜在的问题。 www.ibm.com 3. We hope to work alongside with you in the near future to eliminate our weakness and strengthen our foundations. 我们希望并肩工作,与您在不久的将来,消除我们的弱点,加强我们的基础。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 4. But many in the markets worry that rapid US growth will not be sustained long enough to eliminate the large excess capacity. 但许多市场人士担心,美国经济的迅速发展不会持久,从而无法消除巨大的过剩生产能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. surgical injury, quick recovery, a week or so basic to eliminate swelling, congestion. 手术损伤小,恢复快,一周左右基本消弭肿涨、淤血。 99mrw.5d6d.com 6. With overt price-fixing cartels clearly illegal, the railroads turned to mergers as the way to eliminate competition between them. 由于公开联合固定价格的卡特尔明确属于非法,铁路业者转而以合并作为避免相互间竞争的手段。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 7. The Chinese government is currently trying to eliminate a lot of the hurdles, particularly regionally, for CBM development. 中国政府正在努力消除煤层气开发面临的诸多障碍,尤其是地区性障碍。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Negotiation or submitting it to the International Court is among the ideal solutions to eliminate the contradiction as early as possible. 通过协商谈判或提交国际法院裁判等渠道尽早划界是解决矛盾的理想办法。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Is obstructed Mongolia by the angry sad tears, midnight zero hour curtain other end, hating of the difficult solution to eliminate for you. 被愤怒悲伤泪水遮蒙,午夜零时的帷幕彼端,难解之恨替你消除。 tieba.baidu.com 10. So you're trying to eliminate the humanity from the practice of medicine. 你这样说是在藐视人类在医学上的实践吗? blog.sina.com.cn 1. Military has sufficient capacity; we have sufficient boots on ground, er, to be able to eliminate Taliban from this area. 军队有足够的能力,我们有足够的军事力量将塔利班分子从该地区完全铲除。 club.topsage.com 2. Chengdu plans to eliminate welfare-related barriers to migration within the city boundary by the end of this year. 成都市则计划在年内消除户籍福利壁垒。 www.bing.com 3. So a new data acquisition system must be designed to eliminate the interference and improve the accuracy of the system. 所以必须设计一个新的数据采集系统,从根本上消除干扰的影响,提高测量的准确性和可靠性。 www.13191.com 4. In many cases, the company would also use a currency derivative to eliminate the foreign exchange risk, completing the arbitrage. 在许多情况下,这家公司还会使用货币衍生品来规避汇率变动风险。这就是整个套利流程。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It is also absolutely wrong to think that in trying to eliminate surviving feudal influences we may spread capitalist ideology. 由于要肃清封建主义残余影响,就认为可以去宣扬资本主义的思想,也是完全错误的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. used to eliminate the possibility of a canned food containing botulinum toxin from reaching a consumer. 这个特征成为防止可能含有肉毒毒素的罐装食品到达消费者手中的一个重要的质量控制步骤。 www.jukuu.com 7. The LCBO says the new limited options are expected to eliminate approximately 80 million plastic bags a year from landfill. LCBO说这种限制性的选择可以有望从垃圾场里减少八千万个塑料袋。 www.bing.com 8. A good vacuum once a week is another good way to eliminate germs (not to mention those forgotten lunches). 每周一次的清空是消除细菌另一个好办法(更不用提那些忘记了的午饭了。) www.bing.com 9. Another suggestion was to eliminate the return side idlers entirely and let the chain run next to the fork like it does on the Jester. 另一项建议是为了消除对回归方闲散人员,完全让连锁经营旁边叉一样,它是否就卡拉科夫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A filter will be defined on Task kind, State (Claimed), Name, and Namespace to eliminate any other types of tasks being returned. 过滤器将定义在Task类型、State(Claimed)、Name和Namespace字段来消除其他类型的任务返回。 www.ibm.com 1. Effective system and a sound mechanism is the only way to eliminate the interest conflicts in the privatization of public services. 有效的制度和健全的机制是化解公共服务民营化中利益冲突的必由之路。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. If a piece is irregular in shape, a slow rate is all the more essential to eliminate warping and cracking. 如果工件形状不规则,为了消除翘曲和开裂最根本的是加热速率要缓慢。 www.mapeng.net 3. It may be necessary to combine some redundant Web services as a single service to eliminate redundancy. 可能需要将一些冗余的Web服务合并成一个服务,这样可以减少冗余性。 www.ibm.com 4. however, undertakings abuse the intellectual property rights to eliminate or restrict competition, shall be applied to this law. 但是,经营者滥用知识产权,排除、限制竞争的行为,适用本法。 yingyucihui.scientrans.com 5. Google tried to eliminate two of these steps by providing small applications that add Google's search box on the phone's home screen. 谷歌计划提供一个能够在手机主屏幕加入谷歌搜索框的小软件,以省略前面两个步骤。 www.elanso.com 6. A natural way to eliminate casts like the one above is to augment the Java type system with what are known as generic types. 要消除如上所述的数据类型转换,有一种普遍的方法,就是用泛型类型来增大Java类型系统。 www.ibm.com 7. Boosted by strong growth on the back of rising oil prices, he was able to eliminate rival sources of power while retaining broad popularity. 借着石油价格的上涨,他得以在保持广泛支持率的同时又将反对力量斩草除根。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. Funmobile products, select the same two mahjong, no obstacles will be able to eliminate the time, for a limited time on empty mahjong win. Funmobile出品,选择两张相同的麻将,没障碍的时候就能对消,在限定时间内清空麻将就胜利。 www.sjjia.com 9. I think you can get him to eliminate some of the bad abuses in the visa division, at the very least. 我觉得你至少能使他在签证司里消除一些最尖刻的咒骂。 www.jukuu.com 10. It also declared it would not return to the six-party talks intended to eliminate nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula. 朝鲜政府同时宣布,不会重返旨在实现朝鲜半岛无核化的六方会谈。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Study of the law and the Characteristics of the human ESD are essential to eliminate and prevent human electrostatic hazards. 研究人体ESD的规律及特性对消除和防止人体静电危害是至关重要的。 www.fabiao.net 2. As a fashion industry of benchmarking ZARA company, how to eliminate the bullwhip effect in supply of a set of effective management methods. 作为时尚服饰业界标杆的ZARA公司,对于如何消除供应链上的牛鞭效应有一套行之有效的管理方法。 wenwen.soso.com 3. This means that the water pumping in and out of them also provides them with nutrients and enables them to eliminate waste products. 这意味着进出的水份也提供了营养,使得它们排除废物产品。 bbs.putclub.com 4. Now there is a some-what stable government and the soldiers there are trying to eliminate terrorist groups terrorizing Iraq and Afghanistan. 现在伊拉克总算有了一个稍微稳定的政府,驻伊美军正努力消灭威胁伊拉克和阿富汗安全的恐怖组织。 www.elanso.com 5. The means of constraint and threshold value were used to eliminate signal noise. 消噪处理大致有强制、阈值两种方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Or what-yes exactly you're trying to eliminate the vagueness by being more exact in some way or another. 你试图在消除模糊,通过更加精确或是其他方法。 open.163.com 7. ABC Fire Extinguisher - Chemically based devices used to eliminate ordinary combustible, flammable liquid and electrical fires. ABC灭火器:用于消除普通可燃物、易燃性液体及电力等引起的火灾的化学装置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. With the three colors of the pile with the ball, will be able to eliminate. 三个同颜色的球堆积在一起,就能消除。 www.fishjava.com 9. To eliminate the conflict between the backward and the forward force, the diffusion process was splitted into a coupled scheme. 为了消除前向力和后向力之间的冲突,将扩散方程分裂为一种耦合的形式; dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Aquastat must be used to maintain water to fixtures at a desired temperature and to eliminate temperature override during no draw periods. 必须采用水温自动调节器来维持用水设备所需的水温,消除没有流动时期的过高温度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. To protect an injured hamstring, fold forward into Uttanasana while bending the knee on the injured side enough to eliminate any discomfort. 为了保护受伤的腘绳肌,做站立前屈伸展式时,弯曲疼痛一侧腿的膝盖来消除不适感。 www.bing.com 2. Wrong. The very act of investing in the above in a desire to eliminate the tester is by its nature investing in testing. 上述投资的作用应该排除,测试员本质是在测试上投资。 bbs.51testing.com 3. The straightening process is generally used to eliminate the longitudinal bending and the roundness error of the rolled seamless steel pipe. 为了消除无缝钢管轧制后的纵向弯曲及圆度误差,一般要采用矫直工艺。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Is prateo analysis used to determine the top defects? Is effective continuous improvement used to eliminate top defects? 针对已经确定的最高不良项目是否有柏拉图进行分析?是否使用有效的改善对策以减少不良? www.6sq.net 5. Objective To eliminate the regular malfunctions by summarizing the service and maintenance of a number of spacelabs monitors. 目的通过对太空监护仪系列的日常保养及维修,总结其常见故障的排除方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Liotta recommends using a camcorder to tape a few teaching sessions to identify and try to eliminate any idiosyncrasies . 利奥塔建议使用摄像机把一些教学过程录制下来,以确定并设法消除一切习性。 www.bing.com 7. Secondly, the school has to construct the fair educational environment to eliminate the mental shade of the children of floating population. 其次,学校内建立平等的教育环境,消除穆斯林流动人口子女的心理门槛; paper.pet2008.cn 8. the only way to eliminate a negative habit is to stop reinforce it. if your are a smoker, stop smoking. 消除坏习惯的唯一办法就是停止再次重复它。如果你是个吸烟者,那就停止吸烟。 bbs.24en.com 9. But it wasn't administered on a large scale until the 1970s, when China began using it as part of a campaign to eliminate filariasis. 但是直到上世纪70年代,这种方法才得到了大规模使用。当时中国使用了这种方法消灭丝虫病。 www.bing.com 10. Identifying the extent of capital inadequacy to be corrected, and drawing up (and implementing) a concrete plan to eliminate it. 准确把握自有资本缺口程度,确立消除该风险的具体计划,并执行下去。 www.afdc.org.cn 1. Your role at present is to be a calming affect on those around you, and do your best to eliminate the fear factor. 你们当前的角色是在周围的影响中稳定情绪,并且以你最大的可能去终结“恐惧”的因素。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. All of these is inorder to eliminate some unnecessary misunderstandings of "strong objectivity" theory and take the original meanings back. 目的在于彻底地剖析“强客观性”理论,消除一些不必要的误解,还原其原貌。 www.fabiao.net 3. And to help pay for it, I'm asking Congress to eliminate the billions in taxpayer dollars we currently give to oil companies. 为了向创新提供经费支持,我将请求国会取消向石油公司所提供的数十亿美元税款补贴。 www.kouyi.org 4. Active research is in progress to make embedded deployments easier and to eliminate as much manual intervention as possible. 还在积极研究如何让嵌入式部署更加简便以及尽可能避免手工干预。 www.ibm.com 5. A fact-forecast separation might also be used to eliminate some other comprehensive income (OCI) items currently employed. 一个事实分离预测可能还可以用来消除一些其他综合收入(保监处)项目现时聘用。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. To eliminate one recipient, click the check box at the beginning of the recipient's row to clear it. 要排除某个收件人,请单击收件人行开头的复选框以将其清除。 office.microsoft.com 7. For Chinese students, to eliminate "Chinese accent" , they have to put single words in certain correct patterns of rhythm. 对于中国学生,以消除“中国口音”,他们必须把正确的节奏模式的某些单个词。 wenwen.soso.com 8. A process was advanced to eliminate the roughness of joints in the front of automobile body's top cover after being soldered. 探讨了解决车身顶盖前围焊接不平整问题的工艺过程。 www.chemyq.com 9. regardless of how the network does renew quickly, is also unable to eliminate this section of classics game. 无论网络更新如何快,也无法淘汰这款经典游戏。 www.qdcs5.com 10. The doctors helped him to eliminate waste material from the body . 医生们帮他排除体内废物。 dict.veduchina.com 1. As the result, an improved scheme is derived to eliminate the pass-band and stop-band fluctuations by means of windowed series. 通过对滤波器特性的理论分析给出了加窗序列改进方案,基本消除了通带和阻带内的波动。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Duplicate-Elimination: With this attribute the client can determine whether it wants the server to eliminate duplicates or not. Duplicate-Elimination:根据这一属性,客户端可以决定服务器是否需要进行去除重复消息的处理。 www.ibm.com 3. Even over the course of a career, that initial gap can be hard to eliminate. 最初的差距,在整个职业生涯中可能都很难消除。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk, but you are required to protect people as far as 'reasonably practicable' . 法律不期望消除所有的风险,但是在适当可行的情况下进行人员保护是必须的。 wenku.baidu.com 5. One way to eliminate the guesswork would be to spot asteroids on the way in and then go pick them up for analysis. 能够解决猜测问题的方法之一便是监测小行星并在其坠落后搜集起来再做分析。 www.bing.com 6. Groovy also allows you to eliminate some parentheses around parameters, leading to fewer noise characters. Groovy还允许消除围绕参数的一些括号,从而减少干扰。 www.ibm.com 7. Therefore, B has the right to order a trees into their own houses on the branches are cut off, to eliminate the threat posed to his house. 因此,乙有权责令甲将大树伸到自己房屋上的树枝砍掉,以消除对自己房屋所构成的威胁。 bbs.cnqr.org 8. At the time, the used datum are differentiated and analysed carefully, try to eliminate the false and retain the true. 同时对运用的资料进行细致认真的辨析,力求去伪存真。 www.lw23.com 9. Ventilation has been proved to be a main method to eliminate radon and its daughters in uranium mines. 通风是排除铀矿井空气中的氡及其子体的主要方法。 www.chemyq.com 10. He is a brilliant chess player. He is trying to eliminate her bit by bit. 他是一位才华横溢的象棋高手。他要把她一点一点地逼上绝路。 bbs.putclub.com 1. By changing the speed, amount of key drop, etc. , you may be able to eliminate the problem. 通过改变速度,下键的深度等等,也许你就能排除这样的问题。 www.popiano.org 2. There could be no unemployment in the simplest versions of these models, because wages would fall instantaneously to eliminate it. 对于这些模型的最简单版本来说,将不存在失业问题,因为工资将即刻下降从而消灭失业现象。 www.ecocn.org 3. The well-being of a warm heating flowing in the body to eliminate the day's exertion. 一股暧暧的幸福流淌在体内,消除了一天的劳累。 www.baihuoyw.com 4. The reason this advice is so hopeless is that it is trying to eliminate anger. 这条建议之所以毫无用处,原因是它试图消除愤怒。 www.ftchinese.com 5. is one of the most efficient and safest sterilizer to eliminate bacteria and fungi from air conditioners. 是最安全有效的空调杀菌清毒剂,能有效消除存在空气中的细菌并且防止霉菌的滋长。 microcard2u.com 6. So the idea of being able to eliminate some of that is extremely exciting for a lot of people. 而这个试验能够部分消除这些现象,因此许多人为之振奋。 www.bing.com 7. To eliminate this waste, configuration variable sizes should be first estimated to determine if they are within the range of feasibility. 为消除这种浪费,配置可变大小应先估计,以确定他们是否属于范围的可行性。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. Once failure modes are established, risk reduction can be used to eliminate, contain, reduce or control the potential failures. 一旦将建立了失效模式,风险的降低可被用来消除、囊括、降低或控制潜在的失效活动。 www.westyx.com 9. 'What we have got to do is to eliminate the competitive advantage which is implicit in being designated as too big to fail, ' Mr. 格林斯潘说,我们必须消除“大到不能倒”所隐含的这种竞争优势。 www.bing.com 10. Combining with other methods to eliminate ambiguity of the query translation guides the next step. 结合其他方法进一步消除翻译的歧义性则是下一步的工作内容。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Those in political power positions desire to eliminate any possibility of political opportunism. 那些掌握政治大权的人希望消除任何政治机会主义的可能性。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "The accident actually improved my technique, " he recalls. "It forced me to eliminate needless elbow movement. " “这场事故实际上提高了我的技艺,”他回忆道,“它强迫我消除了不必要的肘关节活动。” www.bing.com 3. Is a simple shooting game, alien UFO from the left, your task is to eliminate all of these aliens. 一款简单是射击游戏,外星人从UFO上下来,你的任务就是要把这些外星人都消灭掉。 www.fishjava.com 4. One of the simplest yet most effective ways to reduce stress is to eliminate caffeine from your diet. 一个最简单却最有效的减少压力的方法就是在你的饮食中去除咖啡因。 www.elanso.com 5. Reducing an urban area is an essentially offensive action intended to eliminate an adversary's hold over all or part of the urban area . 消灭一个城市地区是一种完全的进攻行动,其目的是完全消灭敌人的据点或者消灭城市中的一个部分区域内的敌人。 www.bing.com 6. This paper proves the opinion wrong, Spatial spectrum estimation algorithm is able to eliminate the effect of channel mismatching. 当通道失配量值已知时,空间谱估计算法可以自行剔除其影响,因而具有良好的宽容性。 zgkj.cast.cn 7. They subscrib network amount have achieved this by implementing wireless technologies in such a way as to eliminate opportunities for fraud. 他们通过以这种方式实安全自身这种现了无线技术而减小了欺诈的可能性。 www.cto360.com 8. After years of plotting, Darth Sidious emerged and put into motion his final plan to eliminate in the Jedi. 在密谋数年之后,达斯·西迪厄斯终于现出原形,开始实施剿赶尽杀绝地的最终计划。 www.starwarschina.com 9. "Labor Contract Law" , promulgated and implemented, the controversy has not been followed to eliminate. 《劳动合同法》颁布实施后,争议并未随之消除。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. So, regularization processing should be carried out for seismic data during merging processing to eliminate the differences. 在进行连片处理时需对资料做规则化处理,以消除这些差异。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The most simple method is to eliminate the electrostatic charge and followed by a sweeping with a brush. 最浅易的办法是在消不兴静电电荷后,登时用毛刷纯扫。 www.bing.com 2. Once a wind farm has been built up, the cost to eliminate or mitigate its negative influence would be enormous. 风电场建成后再来消除或减轻不良影响将会付出高昂的代价。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. But in the Prajnaparamita, we understand that there is nothing to eliminate. 但是,由波若波罗蜜多心经,我们了解到并无一物需要去除。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. In order to eliminate redundancy, it might be necessary to combine some redundant web services as a single service. 为了消除冗余,可能需要将某些冗余的Web服务合并成为一个服务。 www.ibm.com 5. This print management software that allows you to eliminate wasted paper and reduce maintenance time. 这款打印机管理软件允许你避免纸张浪费并且减少维护时间。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The last time the world tried to eliminate malaria, some scientists lament, the world eliminated malariologists. 有些科学家慨叹,上一次世界本来试图消灭疟疾,结果被消灭的是疟疾学家。 www.ecocn.org 7. It must be careful to increase the SSCC resistance by post weld tempering and the key point is to eliminate the susceptible microstructure. 用回火处理来提高高强钢接头的SSCC抗力时需要慎重对待,关键在于这种处理能否消除敏感组织或有所改善。 www.chemyq.com 8. This means that you will no longer need to be change the message flow to remove the trace nodes to eliminate the overhead. 这意味着您不需要再更改消息流,通过删除跟踪节点来省去开销。 www.ibm.com 9. A commonly-used antibiotic is most suitable to eliminate the most common form of lymphatic filariasis in South-East Asia, say researchers. 科学家说,一种常用抗生素最适于清除东南亚最常见的淋巴丝虫病。 www.scidev.net 10. Spending cuts could then be sold as a necessity rather than a choice, the only way to eliminate an unsustainable budget deficit . 之后,削减开支可以作为必需品销售,而不是作为一种选择,消除非持续性预算赤字的唯一途径。 dict.kekenet.com 1. Try to eliminate those flew off the meteorite, but they should be careful, oh meteorite hit will be split, as. 尽量消灭掉那些飞来飞去的陨石,不过要小心哦,陨石被打中会裂开,只要一不小心碰到陨石,你那脆弱的飞船就会。 www.juyy.net 2. It is basically the same as the code below, just tidied up to eliminate redundancy. 它基本上与下面的代码相同,只不过稍作了整理以避免冗余。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Even so, some regulators may prefer to eliminate the dangers of these loans altogether rather than just limit them. 尽管如此,许多监管者宁愿一并消除这些贷款存在的种种风险,而不仅仅只是对这些危险加以限制。 club.topsage.com 4. The zone is expected to eliminate barriers to the flow of capital and personnel across the three regions, it said. 报道说,该经济协作区可望消除资本及人员跨越三个地区流动的壁垒。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. In May, Cisco said it planned to eliminate thousands of jobs as part of a larger plan to lower annual expenses by $1bn, or about 6%. 五月,思科曾表示要取缔上千岗位,为要帮助公司消减10亿美元,约合6%的年度总开支。 www.bing.com 6. But the vote to eliminate the rule was close, with the two Republican commissioners making up the five-member SEC dissenting. 证交会就取消该规定进行的表决结果旗鼓相当,5名委员中,2名共和党委员投反对票。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He had learned long ago how to conceal impatience, but he had not learned how to eliminate it. 很久以前,杜库就学会了如何隐藏急躁,但他还没学会如何消除它。 www.starwarschina.com 8. Assessing behavior and managing workflow are enough to reduce spam, but usually not enough to eliminate it. 评估行为和管理工作流虽能减少垃圾信息,却不能消除它们。 www.ibm.com 9. It may be beneficial to identify individual operators or equipment by code to eliminate the possibility of bias during data analysis. 它可能有利于找出个别营办商或设备的代码,以消除偏见的可能性,在数据分析。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. All that is wasteful and is worth adding to your list so you can look to eliminate it next! 所有的那些都是很浪费而且值得你把它们列入单内,有助于你消除它们。 www.elanso.com 1. All the documents shall be properly consolidated and tied up by appropriate references to eliminate discrepancies that may arise. 所有文件应作适当整理且附有证明资料以避免引起差异。 www.jinghuatrade.com 2. None of this is going to eliminate illegal abortion in the foreseeable future. 在可预期的将来,上述因素均无法消除非法堕胎现象。 www.ecocn.org 3. The values of the redundant forces necessary to eliminate the errors in the displacements are now determined. 现在确定消除位移误差所需要的赘余的力值。 4. 4 in order to try hard to eliminate the misunderstandings between us, I will invite you to go to see a new film with me. 威力消除我们之间的误会,我打算要请你这个星期天晚上去看一部新出品的电影。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. To eliminate overhead, we could start by eliminating some of the copying between the kernel and user buffers. 为了减少开销,我们可以从消除内核缓冲区与用户缓冲区之间的复制入手。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Reaching a global agreement on the steps needed to eliminate nuclear weapons from the world would be a good place to start. 达成一个关于在全世界消除核武器所需步骤的全球协议将是一个良好的开端。 www.scidev.net 7. Each case was assessed by an expert to eliminate other identifiable causes of death. 每一例猝死均由专家评估以排除其它死因的存在。 news.dxy.cn 8. However, a section can be specialized to eliminate PCDATA, yielding an element-only content model similar to the body level of most DTDs. 不过,可以将section专门化来排除PCDATA,从而形成类似于多数DTDbody层的纯元素内容模型。 www.ibm.com 9. The techniques used in this article focus on relative timing of operations and using application tracing to eliminate wasted operations. 本文中使用的方法重点关注这些操作的相对计时和使用应用程序跟踪消除浪费掉的操作。 www.ibm.com 10. One of the best ways to do this is to eliminate all distractions, located within your working environment. 想把注意力集中,其中最好的一个办法就是清除那些在你工作中能分散注意力的因素。 www.elanso.com 1. Objectve To analyse the epidemic situation of malaria and provide scientific basis for working out a plan to eliminate malaria. 目的分析广西疟疾流行现状,为制订消除疟疾计划提供依据。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Defense Minister Kim W Town previously issued an emergency order for the military "best efforts" to eliminate abuse within the military. 国防部长官金宽镇先前下达紧急指令,要求军方“尽最大努力”消除军内虐待现象。 www.englishtang.com 3. Identify corrective actions. Determine the design or other actions required to eliminate or control the risk. 找出修正行动:决定需要消除或控制风险的设计或其他行动。 qi.org.tw 4. Americans also expect their monetary and fiscal authorities to try to eliminate even the risk of significant slowdowns. 美国人甚至还期待他们的货币与财政当局能试图消除经济大幅减缓的风险。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Remove a resource assignment to eliminate the cost of a specific resource. 删除资源分配:以便消除特定资源的成本。 office.microsoft.com 6. Compensation method was used to eliminate disturbance of coexisting element titanium. 以补偿法消除共存元素钛对钙的测定干扰。 www.chemyq.com 7. This is very important, since the focus of your goal should not be centered around describing a problem you want to eliminate. 既然你的目标的焦点不是围绕着去描述你想要去除的问题,那么这一点很重要。 www.elanso.com 8. They key to peacefulness is to let go of both outer and inner noise to eliminate stress. 他们获得宁静的关键是把外噪音和内噪音都释放出来以消除压力。 www.elanso.com 9. Responsible for process improvement by applying innovation manufacturing technology to production to eliminate some process disadvantages. 负责制造工艺过程改进和应用创新的制造技术,改进生产工艺的缺陷。 search51job.online.tj.cn 10. Pesticide is a general designation of the various medicaments which are used to control insect and to eliminate weeds. 农药是指在农业生产中用于防治农作物病虫害、消除杂草的各种药剂的统称。 www.fabiao.net 1. Intelligent application of engineering and biomechanical principles is required to eliminate hazards of this kind. 智可以工程的应用及生物力学原则必须消除这种危害。 www.007china.com.cn 2. The system lacks a circular supervision mechanism to eliminate undefeatable power in the administration. 缺乏权力制衡导致行政主管的绝对权力。 www.libnet.sh.cn 3. The integral is added into controller to eliminate steady state error and enhance accuracy of the system. 在该控制器的设计中加入了积分环节,能够消除稳态误差,提高系统的精确性。 www.fabiao.net 4. Stealthy pursuit, a steady hand and nerves of steel will allow you to eliminate those responsible. 隐身的追求,不断的手和神经钢,您就可以消除这些负责。 www.xjttt.com 5. I originally developed it to eliminate the ramp-up time I often found when building new Web applications for customers. 我最初开发它是为了减少在为客户构建新Web应用程序时所花费的那些不必要的时间。 blog.163.com 6. Congress tried to pass, and President Obama supported, The Employee Free Choice Act to eliminate private elections for union certification. 为废止“不记名选举工会资格”的法案,国会试图通过一项奥巴马总统支持的“雇员自由选择法案”。 www.bing.com 7. The Libyan leader targeted a number of its senior officials during his campaign to eliminate exiled dissidents. 利比亚领导人有针对性的一些高级官员,在他的运动,以消除流亡的持不同政见者。 www.englishtang.com 8. Improving liquid iron feeding and adopting two times of inoculation are the efficient measures to eliminate shrinkage depression. 改善铁液补缩和采用二次孕育是消除缩陷的有效措施。 www.chemyq.com 9. Bleaching is. a chemical process used to eliminate unwanted coloring matter from fibers, yarns or cloth. 漂白是一个化学处理过程,用来除去纤维、纱线或织物上不希望得到的颜色。 dict.ebigear.com 10. This thesis suggests that it is essential to eliminate all the inner force of the texture to ensure the stability of the cotton texture. 降低棉织物在加工后的缩水率,使棉织物有良好的尺寸稳定性,消除织物的所有内应力十分必要。 www.chemyq.com 1. He proposes to eliminate the encompassed models and reduce the number of the individual models of the combined forecasts. 他建议剔除被包容模型,减少参与组合的预测模型数量。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. Four years later, Mr Sankara was killed, perhaps after he told soldiers loyal to him to eliminate his supposed ally. 四年之后桑卡拉遇刺,原因可能是他要求忠于他的军队干掉自己的政治盟友。 www.ecocn.org 3. Adding milk, as most tea drinkers in Western countries do, cools the drink enough to eliminate the risk. 西方国家的人喝茶时习惯加牛奶,这样可以明显降低茶水的温度,从而降低患癌的风险。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. And one of the areas, of course, is to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil. 而创造就业岗位中一件(要做的)事情就是消除我们对外国石油的依赖。 www.kekenet.com 5. Its goal is narrower: to eliminate one of the subsidies that Washington now bestows on Wall Street. 规定的目标缩水了:取消华府目前对华尔街的一项补贴。 www.bing.com 6. Every area of human misery could be classified as a 'problem'; then the Federal government could be armed to 'eliminate' it. 人类正在遭受苦难的每个地方都被定义为一个‘问题’,然后联邦政府就着手去消灭它。 www.bing.com 7. Many banks are looking at whether to eliminate jobs, reversing a hiring spree that swept through Wall Street in the wake of the crisis. 许多银行正在考虑是否要裁员,这逆转了金融危机后席卷华尔街的招聘热潮。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It also illustrates the use of the -u option to eliminate any duplicate lines and keep only lines that are unique. 它还演示了使用-u选项来删除任何重复的行,因此只留下唯一的行。 www.ibm.com 9. The start point of the challenge system is to eliminate the litigants doubt and preserve the justice of the lawsuit procedure. 回避制度的出发点在于消除当事人疑虑,保持诉讼程序的公正性,同时也有利于案件真实的发现。 www.dictall.com 10. It was reported that TWO-STEP-PROCESS is one economical and effective ways to eliminate nitrogen oxide in plant discharge air. 据有关报道:利用两步法消除工厂尾气中的氮氧化物是一种经济有效的办法。 epub.cnki.net 1. Administrative power shall not abuse administrative power to stipulate regulations including contents to eliminate or restrict competition. 第三十七条行政机关不得滥用行政权力,制定含有排除、限制竞争内容的规定。 www.bing.com 2. It's a more personal approach and represents the potential to eliminate the infrastructure and costs required for intravenous sedation. 它是更加个体化的途径,体现出消除用于静脉麻醉的下部结构和花费的潜力。 xueshu.anxue.net 3. Unable to eliminate seniority rules, on February 22nd he issued letters firing every one of the city's 1, 900 teachers. 因为无法消除资历规则,2月22日他签发通知书,将全市1,900名教师全部解聘。 www.ecocn.org 4. The WHO says it's still trying to eliminate misunderstandings about the virus to prevent overreactions in some countries. 世卫表示,仍在试图消除对这种病毒的误解,以防止一些国家反应过度。 www.bing.com 5. Because of the space over to the interludes, to eliminate the existing green space on the hard-to-core flow of traffic organization. 由于空间多向穿插,消除了原有场地上人流难至绿色核心的交通组织问题。 dict.chla.com.cn 6. By using AppFuse to start new projects, it's possible to eliminate the usual first week or two of development time. 通过使用AppFuse启动新项目,我们通常可以减少一到两周的开发时间。 www.ibm.com 7. In 4, the standard language of accurate, meaning clear, easy to reach a consensus in order to eliminate the ambiguity. 标准行文准确,含义清晰,易于达成共识以便消除歧义。 bbs.cnqr.org 8. For the test data, to eliminate the agent machine as a performance bottleneck, each agent machine simulates no more than 100 users. 对于测试数据,为了让代理机器不至成为性能的瓶颈,每一个代理机器都会模拟不超过100个用户。 www.ibm.com 9. Furthermore, the GSDCS is more suitable to be used to eliminate the sensible heat load of the building. 进一步说,该直接供冷系统更适合单独用作去除建筑的显热负荷。 www.boshuo.net 10. DSLs (especially internal ones) try to eliminate noisy syntax by creating contextual wrappers around related elements. DSLs(特别是内部DSLs)试图通过创建围绕相关元素的上下文包装器来消除繁杂的语法。 www.ibm.com |
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