单词 | to do so |
释义 | 例句释义: 这样做,为…做,你这么做是自讨苦吃,后边的不定式 1. There is a shining-light of Christmas tree emerge from the subway , people are so small, like a great desire to do so! 地铁出口一棵闪亮发光的圣诞树,人是那么渺小,愿望确实如此般伟大! blog.sina.com.cn 2. Mr. Rose didn't rule that out, but said the company had no current plans to do so and was focused on virtual goods for now. 罗斯并未排除这一可能性,但他说,眼下Facebook并无此计划,目前该公司的重点放在虚拟商品上。 c.wsj.com 3. I encourage you to do so because Linux is just as effective an environment to develop applications on as it is to run them. 我鼓励大家这样做,因为就像它是一个有效的应用程序运行环境一样,Linux同样也是一个有效的应用程序开发环境。 www-128.ibm.com 4. It is not easy for her to do so much work in a day. 对她来说一天干这些活是很容易的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Now I'm such a blank, Is missed or need to do so or does not make sense of a trance, Such a blank so I am afraid. . . 现在的我如此的空白,是在想念还是需要或是无厘头的发呆,这样的空白让我害怕… blog.sina.com.cn 6. Upon her return to Russia, she was granted permission to practice medicine after other scientists fought for her right to do so. 她回到俄罗斯后,在其他科学家为她争取了进行医学实践的权利后,她得到了准许。 www.elanso.com 7. In other words, if you wish to do so, could each of you pull out of the World Championship at short notice, say at the end of this year? 换个说法,如果你愿意这么说,你们每个人都可以在今年后提出要突然退出世界冠军的争夺吗? piece0.blogbus.com 8. I might have got good limestone within a mile or two and burned it myself, if I had cared to do so. 如果我高兴的话,也许我会走一两英里路,找到很好的石灰石,自己动手来烧石灰。 www.soenglish.com.cn 9. "The key principle is to shift the emphasis, but to do so in a very responsible manner, " she said. 她说:“主要原则是改变重点,但以非常负责任的态度来这样做。” www.voanews.cn 10. Down are likely to insist that only God is to prove anything or to do so is to let a person can be a happy day. 可能坚持走下去只不过是要向老天证明什么又或者这样做是为了要让某人可以过上幸福的日子。 wenwen.soso.com 1. While I would like nothing more than to see the Federal Reserve abolished, it is not absolutely necessary to do so with direct legislation. 尽管我更愿意看到联邦储备系统被废除,但也不是绝对有必要通过立法来这样做。 www.bing.com 2. They have pumped large amounts of liquidity into the system over the past fortnight, and continued to do so this week. 过去两周,他们已经向金融系统注入大量流动性,并且本周还在继续。 www.ecocn.org 3. His mother begs Mu Chen to leave him and the latter has no choice but to do so. 光晞的母亲请求慕橙离开光晞而慕橙别无选择只好答应。 blog.yoka.com 4. It is an almost impossible problem to solve, as the vast amounts of money needed to do so just do not exist. 它几乎是不可能解决的问题,因为这些急需大量不存在的金钱去填补。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. There must be videos of the protests that would make it easy to do so. 有抗议的视频,肯定可以作为很好的证据。 www.bing.com 6. As Aladdin refused to do so, the Magician thought, "I will leave him for a night, and tomorrow he will do as I say. " So he shut the door. 由于阿拉丁拒绝这样做,魔术师心想:“让他在这里呆上一晚上,明天他就会照我的话去做的。”于是他关上了门。 shishi.blogbus.com 7. The old man to do so is to let the hero was not airport officials hostage, can freely into New York. 老人这么做是为了让主人公不被机场官员要挟,能毫无顾忌的进入纽约。 www.m4z4.info 8. It's very clever of him to do so. 他这样做很聪明。 news.zbedu.net 9. Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not allow her to do so. 玛丽想独自一人环游世界,但是她父母不允许她这样做。 www.171english.cn 10. If the Swiss were unable to stand the pressure of being a currency bolthole, why should other countries be able to do so? 如果瑞士都无法承受作为货币避难所的压力了,其他国家凭什么可以? www.ecocn.org 1. Among the first to do so was The Word of Mouth Marketing Association, an organisation for the viral and buzz marketing industry. 最早这样做的机构包括口碑营销协会(TheWordofMouthMarketingAssociation),这是一个病毒式口碑营销的行业组织。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Iran says it has no intention of discussing its nuclear programme; the latest revelations ensure it will have no choice but to do so. 伊朗一直表示无意愿就其核项目参加讨论,但这次大曝光使其不得不参加。 www.bing.com 3. It's foolish of him to do so. 他这样做是愚蠢的。 www.hxen.com 4. That EU members often do not live up to the rules is no reason for the Balkans not to do so. 虽然欧盟成员国常常遵守不了那些规定,但这并不影响巴尔干半岛的国家们做到。 www.ecocn.org 5. When asked to make a speech, he said he was glad to do so. 当请他作演讲时。 bbs.366tian.net 6. And I would prefer not to do so in the open. We shall trespass upon your aunt and uncle's hospitality only a little longer. 邓布利多说,“我认为我们最好不要在外面谈论这些事,所以只好再多打扰你的姨妈和姨父一会儿了。” blog.hjenglish.com 7. While such a drug has not been developed, ongoing research suggests it is possible to do so, she added. 她补充道,尽管这种药还没有研发出来,目前的研究提示这是可能的。 www.dxy.cn 8. If you're not trying to persuade people for the kingdom, what would motivate you to do so? 如果你还没有为神的国劝人,那么什么才能够激励你这么做呢? www.bing.com 9. Perhaps one day, there will be a composition done of his full name, if possible to do so, or at least a reasonable rendering. 也许有一天,会有自己的名字做了充分的组成,如果可以这样做,或至少是合理的渲染。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. I said I believed I had no legal right to do so, and no wish to do so. 我说过,我认为我没有法律权利来这么做,我也不愿意这么做。 www.bing.com 1. To do so Chiang had to fight his way, on the ground over the North China Plain, the most strategic area on the continent. 要做到这一点,蒋介石就不得不在中国大陆上最有战略意义的华北大平原的地面上作战以打开通道。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 2. Self employment can yield the middle class lifestyle but often requires years of working 60 or more hours a week to do so. 选择自营职业,你可能有机会体验中产阶级的生活方式,但是这往往需要人们为之工作每周60小时以上,也许很多年都将如此度过。 www.bing.com 3. Computers, however, cannot make such interpretations. Or, at least, they have not been able to do so until now. 然而,电脑却看不懂人们的表情,或者说它至少现在还做不到这一点。 www.bing.com 4. Parents should be notified immediately, and the child should never be left alone until the can be assessed by someone trained to do so. 家长应当被立即通告,并且孩子在没有被有资质的人评估前,不应该独处。 www.elanso.com 5. If you are working on an app, and these jobs are not being filled, find someone who has these skills to do so or give it a try yourself. 如果你正从事应用程序的工作,这些工作也确实缺人,找到有这些技巧并这么做的人,或自己尝试一下。 www.bing.com 6. Though the doctor advised his patient to give up smoking, yet he wasn't able to persuade him to do so. 虽然医生建议病人戒烟,但是他没能够说服他这样做。 news.csyz.cn 7. I tried to do a normal job, I once recruited a company the boss asked me directly responsible face as her lover is ready to do so. 我尝试过做正常职业,有一次我应聘一个公司,负责面视的老板直接问我愿意不愿意做她的情人。 bbs.renyu.net 8. dress rehearsal we did not do hair and makeup since the cast was not prepared to do so. 彩排我们没有头发和妆容剧组以来不愿意这么做。 www.bwbd.info 9. As you might say, we have our fingers on the pulse, and cannot be fooled whatever attempts are made to do so. 就如你们想说的,我们就把手放在脉搏上,所以是不可能被这样的企图愚弄。 blog.163.com 10. and as you can see, she didn't take the opportunity to do so when you tried to make it easy for her. 而且你也委婉的问过她了,她并不想利用机会而承认这一点。 bbs.putclub.com 1. this sort of earning growth would have caused them to push up share prices in a certain way, but they have failed to do so. 就是说换做是以前,这种类型的利润增长率会使得他们以某种特殊方式或手段推高股价,但他们 www.ecocn.org 2. Alexey Miller, history professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow said Russia was not ready to do so. 国立俄罗斯人文大学历史学教授阿列克谢·米勒表示俄罗斯还没做好这样做的准备。 dongxi.net 3. She was ready to warn Sir Henry so far as she could without implicating her husband, and again and again she tried to do so. 只要不把她的丈夫牵连进去,她就准备去警告亨利爵士,而且她也曾一再地确想这样做。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. US officials say Pyongyang had failed to give an adequate account of its nuclear activities, in spite of a commitment to do so. 美国官员表示,朝鲜政府尽管做出了承诺,却未能对其核活动进行足够的说明。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Use two or more people to move and install water heater. Failure to do so can result in back or other injury. 需要两个以上的人员来搬运和安装热水器。不遵守这些说明可能会导致后背或其他伤害。 www.h6688.com 6. 'Jack, come on. Hug my waist tightly, will you? ' It is perfectly justifiable for her to request him to do so this time. ‘杰克,快,搂紧点儿,好不好?’这回可以名正言顺地要求他啦。 blog.163.com 7. They have been able to do so, first, because labour is still only about a quarter of their total input costs. 他们之所以能够做到这点,首先是因为劳动力成本仍然只占其总投入成本的四分之一左右。 www.ftchinese.com 8. She could not see or hear. Yet Helen Keller was able to do so much with her days and years. 她看不见东西,听不到声音,但在她的一生中做了许多事情。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. You know what? Baby, JJ did not lie to you ah, really, except these days has a special hurry to do so, usually have a nice sleep JJ's! 你知道吗?宝贝,JJ没有骗你啊,真的,除了这几天有特别的赶着做,平时JJ都有乖乖去睡的! blog.sina.com.cn 10. His Holiness gave the example of wanting to make charitable donations. To do so, we need to possess wealth of our own to give, he said. 法王拿慈善捐献作为例子说,我们首先要拥有财产,才能给予他人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. No child should ever be pushed into a training program or special school if they do not wish to do so. 倘若儿童不情愿,他就不应该被强迫进行专门训练或进入专业学校学习。 club.topsage.com 2. I remain of the view that the only thing worse than rescuing the system would have been not to do so. 我仍然认为,唯一比纾困金融体系更糟糕的是不进行纾困。 www.ftchinese.com 3. To do so, he took on the entire airline industry, and risked his company to see his vision through. 为了它,他肩负整个航空业的重担,以自己的公司作抵押,去实现他的观点。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I've got more than enough to do. So the sooner we can get out of that business, the better off we're going to be. 我做的已经够多了,所以我们越快从那个行业摆脱出来我们日子会越好过。 www.bing.com 5. According to most, Rose is ready to make that jump. The question is whether or not he's got it in him to do so. 大量迹象表明,罗斯已经做好了迈上新台阶的准备,问题在于他是否能激励自己这么去做。 www.bing.com 6. But there are very good reasons why China would be highly unlikely to attack Taiwan, even if it had the capability to do so. 然而,即使中国有能力攻下台湾,他们却有更好的理由不这么做。 www.ecocn.org 7. Anyways try to be a good girl because its easier for a man to get away with being bad but it is really hard for a woman to do so. 不管怎样学着去做个好女孩,因为男人学坏很容易而对女人来说并不轻松。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. It is a hard time for me to miss you but it is even harder not to do so. In such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply! 在每个想念的日子,想你不容易,不想你更难,愿以一片难懂的心情,深深思念你! www.crazyenglish.org 9. But the worry is whether America's exporters, battered by years of foreign competition, would be able to do so quickly. 但令人担忧的是,多年来备受外国竞争打击的美国出口商,能否如此迅速地打开出口市场。 www.ftchinese.com 10. And he said, This is why I said to you, No man is able to come to me if he is not given the power to do so by the Father. 耶稣又说,所以我对你们说过,若不是蒙我父的恩赐,没有人能到我这里来。 www.o-bible.com 1. It is therefore important for parents to strive to share the same points of view or, at least, to do so in front of the child. 因此父母努力去分享相同的意见是很重要的,而且至少要在小孩的面前这样做。 qq.iyaya.com 2. To do so, is often review English, also give oneself exam is silently, as time passes, reaction will grow faster. 这样做,等于经常复习英文,也等于默默地给自己考试,久而久之,反应自然会变快些。 wenwen.soso.com 3. It seems he has no ability to raise himself, but he never thinks he is obliged to do so. 他似乎没有能力养活自己的能力,但他也从来不认为自己有责任这么做。 bbs.kekenet.com 4. It cannot be done, as the foreign exchange control regulations of this country will not allow you to do so. 我们无法满足您的要求,我国的外汇管理条例不允许这样做; blog.sina.com.cn 5. It's important of him to do so. 他这么做是重要的。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. On occasion you may need to ask your boss for an extra privilege -- but it's best not to do so straight out of the gate. 时而你可能需要老板给你一些特权--但是最好不要刚开始就那么做。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. He also says in the book that he ranks each of his employees by the order in which he would fire them if forced to do so. 他在这本书里说,他把每个员工都按顺序排列,如果迫不得已,他将按此顺序解雇他们。 c.wsj.com 8. Is it a restriction given to you by yourself or your record company did not allow you to do so? 是你自己给自己一个规范?还是唱片公司不允许你这样做?。 www.suenyiuwai.com 9. He not only taught me to think, he convinced me, as much by example as words, that it was my moral obligation to do so and to serve others. 他不仅教会我们思考,他通过事例和言语使我坚信,我有责任这样做并为他人服务。 www.jp345.com 10. At the moment, T2K is not trying to measure delta directly. If the new result is confirmed, however, it should be able to do so. 目前,T2K实验没有试图直接测量德尔塔(delta),而新结果得到证实的话,应该可以得出德尔塔(delta)的数值。 www.ecocn.org 1. To put it more bluntly, the business was hemorrhaging cash and would have continued to do so. 更坦白一点说,该行业造成资金损失并且将持续一段时间。 www.kle100.cn 2. Then, ten days into the shelling, an ultimatum was broadcast over loudspeakers: those who wished to leave had an hour to do so. 在炮击了10天以后,政府军用扩音器广播了最后通牒:愿意离开的人可以在一小时内离开。 www.bing.com 3. A federal arrangement might have worked if both sides had shown flexibility and magnanimity, but neither proved able to do so. 如果双方都表现出弹性和宽宏大量,成立的联邦就会起作用;但情况并非如此。 www.ecocn.org 4. We still think it a miracle that they were able to do so. 至今我们仍认为这是个奇迹。 www.joyen.net 5. If it had failed to do so, the flight to institutions deemed "too big to fail" would have become a Gadarene rush. 如果政府没有介入,流向那些被认为肯定不会破产的大银行的挤兑风波,会一发而不可收拾。 www.ftchinese.com 6. That's convenient, and it encourages you to keep your code looking clean by making it easy to do so. 那很方便,和它鼓励您将查找干净代码,从而轻松地做到这一点。 technet.microsoft.com 7. We must deprive them of every bit of their political capital and continue to do so until not one jot is left to them. 我们要把他们的政治资本剥夺干净,没有剥夺干净的还要剥。 www.jukuu.com 8. Indeed, Clinton's staff acknowledged that she was asked to appear two additional times but was traveling and unable to do so. 事实上,克林顿的团队承认她曾被要求再参加两次节目,但因出外访问而无法顾及。 www.bing.com 9. But as our Blighty blog points out in its report on the speech, he managed to do so almost entirely without using the word "cut" . 但是正如我们的Blighty博客对这篇演讲的有关报道指出的那样,他设法说明这一点而几乎不用“削减”一词。 www.ecocn.org 10. Midfield anchor Vieira has never been a prolific scorer but, when he scores, he tends to do so with a flourish. 自由中卫维埃拉从来不是一个经常得分的射手,但是当他进球时,总是进的很漂亮! www.tianya.cn 1. But it also has a political class focused on addressing its real problems, as well as a mountain of savings with which to do so (unlike us). 但中国同时也有一个政治阶层集中力量解决实际问题,而且他们有大量积蓄支持他们的工作(不像我们)。 dongxi.net 2. But he was careful to defer to his father, saluting the troops below only after Kim Jong Il began to raise his hand to do so. 但是他小心翼翼地跟随着他父亲,只有在金正日开始挥手后才才以同样的方式向底下军队的致敬。 www.ecocn.org 3. But with her supporters pressing her to stand, it will now be hard for her not to do so. 不过她的支持者们强烈要求她进行反击,现在这对于她来说并不很困难。 www.ecocn.org 4. Jeremy Adamson, a British sound engineer, said he was surprised to have to open a local account but was willing to do so to extend his trip. 英国音响工程师杰瑞米·亚当森表示,他对必须开一个本地银行账户感到意外,但很乐意这样做,以延长其旅行。 word.hcbus.com 5. It is said the chosen one would be able to do so in the time of one moon. 这是说,选择一个能够这样做的时候,一个月亮。 s60.s80.cn 6. R. said he agreed but he would only take action when he was forced to do so by a popular movement. 罗斯福说他同意,但是他宁愿在全国都强迫他采取行动时,他才会去做。 www.bing.com 7. He knew that Christ was in control, capable of handling every trial and that He wanted to do so as an expression of His love. 彼得知道基督掌管一切,可以应对每个考验,耶稣这么做,就是爱的表达。 www.elanso.com 8. They may give you some suggestions that do not make you happy, but it is to your advantage to do so in the long run. 他们可能给你一些建议,不要让你快乐,但它是你的优势,所以从长远来看。 translate.google.com.hk 9. You want to have someone provide you with a service, but no one is prepared to do so yet. 您希望有人向您提供服务,但却还没有人做好准备。 www.ibm.com 10. The persevering president will no doubt keep plugging away and for a while will be right to do so. 这位锲而不舍的总统无疑还会不懈努力,而且在一段时间内,他这么做是正确的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But with her supporters pressing her to stand, it will now be hard for her not to do so. 不过她的支持者们强烈要求她进行反击,现在这对于她来说并不很困难。 www.ecocn.org 2. Jeremy Adamson, a British sound engineer, said he was surprised to have to open a local account but was willing to do so to extend his trip. 英国音响工程师杰瑞米·亚当森表示,他对必须开一个本地银行账户感到意外,但很乐意这样做,以延长其旅行。 word.hcbus.com 3. It is said the chosen one would be able to do so in the time of one moon. 这是说,选择一个能够这样做的时候,一个月亮。 s60.s80.cn 4. R. said he agreed but he would only take action when he was forced to do so by a popular movement. 罗斯福说他同意,但是他宁愿在全国都强迫他采取行动时,他才会去做。 www.bing.com 5. He knew that Christ was in control, capable of handling every trial and that He wanted to do so as an expression of His love. 彼得知道基督掌管一切,可以应对每个考验,耶稣这么做,就是爱的表达。 www.elanso.com 6. To do so, he does not cause surface layer and cement mortar is inconsistent, surface water mud too much, easy to the problem of craze. 这样做,就不致造成表面与里层砂浆配合比不一致,表面水泥浆太多,易于开裂的问题。 www.jmhbjn.com.cn 7. Thus Eisenhower is using bonds issued in the name of the US government for private purposes even though he has no legal right to do so. 因此,艾森豪威尔是打着债券的发行方美国政府的名义,来达成一些不合法的私人目的。 www.1911.cn 8. They may give you some suggestions that do not make you happy, but it is to your advantage to do so in the long run. 他们可能给你一些建议,不要让你快乐,但它是你的优势,所以从长远来看。 translate.google.com.hk 9. You want to have someone provide you with a service, but no one is prepared to do so yet. 您希望有人向您提供服务,但却还没有人做好准备。 www.ibm.com 10. The persevering president will no doubt keep plugging away and for a while will be right to do so. 这位锲而不舍的总统无疑还会不懈努力,而且在一段时间内,他这么做是正确的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. will be mailed to the address shown at the front of this Book , or if instructed to do so, to the Branch where your account is held. 你的新账本将邮寄到账本面上的新地址。或按告知到你建立账户的银行去办理。 www.jukuu.com 2. They may give you some suggestions that do not make you happy, but it is to your advantage to do so in the long run. 他们可能给你一些建议,不要让你快乐,但它是你的优势,所以从长远来看。 translate.google.com.hk 3. You want to have someone provide you with a service, but no one is prepared to do so yet. 您希望有人向您提供服务,但却还没有人做好准备。 www.ibm.com 4. The persevering president will no doubt keep plugging away and for a while will be right to do so. 这位锲而不舍的总统无疑还会不懈努力,而且在一段时间内,他这么做是正确的。 www.ftchinese.com 5. As his lawyer, he said he had been unable to do so thus far. 但他表示,作为何鸿燊的律师,他至今尚无法看到这些文件。 www.ftchinese.com 6. We always dislike refusing requests of any kind from regular customers. but regret we have no choice but to do so. 我们一贯不愿拒绝老客户们提出的任何要求。但遗憾的是我们别无选择。只能拒绝上述请求。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. "As long as you see the Americans are providing you with a credible umbrella, why spend more? There's no pressure from voters to do so. " “只要美国人能为你提供可靠的保护伞,为什么还要增加开支呢?选民们没有施加这方面的压力。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Obama showed interest in tackling those expensive entitlement programs and urged the opposition party to work with him to do so. 奥巴马对解决这些昂贵支出方案表现出兴趣,敦促共和党就此与其合作。 cn.reuters.com 9. Also, a god of death who comes to the human world, in the objective to kill the owner of the DEATH NOTE, will not be able to do so. 同样地,来到人间界的死神也不能杀笔记拥有者。 jj0926.yculblog.com 10. He said China's central bank has grown more independent over the last 30 years, and would likely continue to do so. 他说过去30年中国央行越来越独立,未来其独立性还会继续加大。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Also, a god of death who comes to the human world, in the objective to kill the owner of the DEATH NOTE, will not be able to do so. 同样地,来到人间界的死神也不能杀笔记拥有者。 jj0926.yculblog.com 2. He said China's central bank has grown more independent over the last 30 years, and would likely continue to do so. 他说过去30年中国央行越来越独立,未来其独立性还会继续加大。 chinese.wsj.com 3. If it failed to do so within a year, the ministry can appoint a trustee to sell 100 per cent of Lucite China to a third party. 如果在一年内未能完成产能剥离,商务部有权指派受托人将璐彩特中国公司的100%股权出售给第三方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If I find I can't write a test first after trying to do so, I back into the test. 如果发现在尝试先编写测试之后,仍不能先编写测试,那么回到测试中来。 www.ibm.com 5. It is quite an extreme thing to do, so it had to be handled carefully, and people had to be talked through the procedure and idea. 这是一件非常极端的事情,因此处理起来必须非常谨慎,人们必须要被告知整个过程和其中的理念。 ebook.artron.net 6. Crowley suggested Obama invite him and Gates, to the White House for a peace-making beer, and a plan was in the works to do so, Obama said. 克劳利建议奥巴马邀请他和盖茨到白宫做客,一起喝喝酒,来和平解决这件事情。奥巴马说相关安排正在进行中。 www.hxen.com 7. His new ally had told him that nothing was more easy for him than to do so. 他的新盟友曾经告诉过他,就他来说,没有事情比这么做更容易的了。 8. When I look back, I see those lean years as a test to see if I could learn how to give even when it seemed to hurt to do so. 回首往事,那些艰难的日子就像是一场考试,来测试我是否已经学会:即使在布施做起来很痛苦的时候,也不能够放弃。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. "We have decided not to do so. We have decided we have a recording of his rendition of the song, and we'll be playing that song, " he said. “我们已经决定不这样做。我们已经决定,我们已经对他的歌曲移交记录,我们将在比赛中那首歌曲,”他说。 bbs.5i5i.cn 10. The dolphin, though quite willing to give him assistance, was unable to do so, as he could not by any means reach the land. 不久,狮子同一只野牛在沙滩上作战,召集海豚帮助他。这只海豚,虽然很愿意给他援助,是无法做到,因为他无论如何也到不了陆地。 www.en400.com:8080 1. The dolphin, though quite willing to give him assistance, was unable to do so, as he could not by any means reach the land. 不久,狮子同一只野牛在沙滩上作战,召集海豚帮助他。这只海豚,虽然很愿意给他援助,是无法做到,因为他无论如何也到不了陆地。 www.en400.com:8080 2. i order you to do so , " the king answered him , and majestically gathered in a fold of his ermine mantle" . “我命令你坐下。”国王一边回答,一边庄重地把他那白底黑花皮袍大襟挪动了一下。 www.ichacha.net 3. If it fails to do so, Greece may be forced to bid farewell to its membership of the euro zone, whether it wants to or not. 如果不这样做,希腊可能被迫告别其对欧元区的成员,不管是要或不要。 www.maynet.cn 4. "Come along here! " called Peter again. "You are not to fall over the rocks, your grandfather gave orders that you were not to do so. " “到这儿来!”彼得又喊道。“你那样会摔下去的,爷爷可是叮嘱过我不能让你摔下山崖。” www.bing.com 5. Castro stuck out his hand and I shook it, the first President to do so in more than forty years. 卡斯特罗伸出手来,我也握住他的手,这是40多年来首位美国总统这样做。 www.bing.com 6. To attempt to do so is an act of the mind, and the mind itself is only a part. 试图这样做是头脑的行动,头脑自己只是一部分。 hi.baidu.com 7. To do so, add IN clauses to specify the dbspace for each table you do not wish to place in the main file. 为此,添加IN子句以便为不希望放在主文件中的每个表指定dbspace。 www.ianywhere.com 8. Moreover, if users need any of these technologies to follow the links, the spider won't be able to do so. 另外,如果用户需要这些技术才能使用链接,那么爬行器就无法沿着链接前进。 www.ibm.com 9. The body type and the height signal a man's ability to protect the woman and possibly provide for her because he has the strength to do so. 这种男性的身体类型和高度给女性这样一种信号,我有能力保护你,并且我也有力量去保护你。 dongxi.net 10. On Friday, Australian officials confirmed that its diplomats won't be allowed to attend some parts of the trial, even after pleas to do so. 澳方官员上周五证实,在提出请求之后,其外交人员仍将不被获准旁听审判的某些部分。 chinese.wsj.com 1. On Friday, Australian officials confirmed that its diplomats won't be allowed to attend some parts of the trial, even after pleas to do so. 澳方官员上周五证实,在提出请求之后,其外交人员仍将不被获准旁听审判的某些部分。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Ji Sung: But I want to be able to see the whole picture right now too, so I don't know if I lack the skills to do so but I can't do it. 但是我也想现在就能够看到整幅画啊,我不知道我是否缺乏这么做的能力。 hi.baidu.com 3. China has ample reason to do so to help its own economy, even if it has no Cartesian anxiety about the ultimate creditworthiness of the US. 为了帮助本国经济,中国有充足的理由这么做——即使它对于美国最终的信誉没有笛卡尔式(Cartesian)的忧虑。 www.ftchinese.com 4. I was asked to come to midfield, and I was proud to do so to be able to make a new promise to all the Milan fans. 有人问我来中场,我很自豪能够这样做可以使一个新的承诺,向所有AC米兰的球迷。 bbs.sports.qq.com 5. To achieve the same end, a woman must persuade him to do so, and no amount of pleading can ensure that this happens. 同样女性为了保护自己,必须说服男性这样做,但这种要求往往不能够奏效。 www.ecocn.org 6. But if he were to do so, he would be the overwhelming first choice of voters, followed at a long distance by Hillary Clinton. 但如果戈尔决定参选的话,他会成为选民们压倒多数的第一选择,将遥遥领先于处于第二位的希拉里·克林顿。 www.hicoo.net 7. Be sure to ask that! Failure to do so may give the impression that you're not that interested, and you need to know when to follow up. 务必问这个问题!没问这个问题可能会让他们觉得你其实没那麽感兴趣,而且让你可以知道何时该进一步行动。 davidsenglish.spaces.live.com 8. He said the Pentagon had not yet assessed the damage that the missiles had caused and would not be able to do so until dawn broke in Libya. 五角大楼尚未评估这些导弹的破坏,也无法这样做,直到利比亚天亮再说。 www.bing.com 9. I, for one, am glad to engage in a conversation about women and porn and I'm glad that Lady Porn Day inspired me to do so. 我现在就非常乐意参与到关于女人核色情的谈话中。我想这是女人色情节激励我这么做的吧。 www.bing.com 10. However, while many states are able to prosecute, they are often unwilling to do so, as the trials can be complex and costly. 然而,虽然许多国家可以起诉,它们却经常不愿意这么做,因为审判既繁琐又昂贵。 www.bing.com 1. I, for one, am glad to engage in a conversation about women and porn and I'm glad that Lady Porn Day inspired me to do so. 我现在就非常乐意参与到关于女人核色情的谈话中。我想这是女人色情节激励我这么做的吧。 www.bing.com 2. However, while many states are able to prosecute, they are often unwilling to do so, as the trials can be complex and costly. 然而,虽然许多国家可以起诉,它们却经常不愿意这么做,因为审判既繁琐又昂贵。 www.bing.com 3. Many are likely to drop out of the race, as they are not ready or able to put up the investment needed to do so. 多数很可能将遭淘汰,因他们尚未做好准备,或无法获得所需投资。 cn.reuters.com 4. If it's going to be a problem for you to see me tonight, don't feel pressured to do so. 弗朗西斯卡,今晚见我要是会带给你困扰,还是别见吧。 blog.51.ca 5. He did not think of himself as a hero, and he did not wish others to do so. 他不认为自己是个英雄,也不打算让别人这么认为。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. To be able to do so, Cyprus would need to be a member of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). 为了能够这样做,塞浦路斯将需要为一个中期气象预报欧洲中心(ECMWF)的成员。 www.sdsky.com 7. Regardless of how you respond, I intend to go on this matter, such a thing we must continue to do so. 不论你的反应如何,我都打算将这件事继续讲下去,这样的事也要继续做下去。 wenwen.soso.com 8. You could still guest post once in a while, but limit it to good opportunities when high profile bloggers invite you to do so. 这时候你还可以偶尔发布客座博客,但是这种机会应该留给那些高水平的博客邀请你的时候。 www.kuqin.com 9. She said she believed the tumor was caused by the cell phone, and wishes she had thrown it "in the garbage" as she had threatened to do so. 她表示相信,手机造成乐肿瘤,并表示后悔没有如她曾威胁的那样把手机扔进“垃圾桶”。 qwilliam589.spaces.live.com 10. We have considered the suggestion and concluded that there was no need in present circumstances to do so. 我们研究过这个建议后,认为现时无需这样做。 www.info.gov.hk 1. She said she believed the tumor was caused by the cell phone, and wishes she had thrown it "in the garbage" as she had threatened to do so. 她表示相信,手机造成乐肿瘤,并表示后悔没有如她曾威胁的那样把手机扔进“垃圾桶”。 qwilliam589.spaces.live.com 2. We have considered the suggestion and concluded that there was no need in present circumstances to do so. 我们研究过这个建议后,认为现时无需这样做。 www.info.gov.hk 3. To do so would slow down the process of getting a campaign online, he said, and speed was one of the system's key advantages. 这么做将会放慢在线广告运作进程,他说速率是此系统的核心优势之一。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Mr Ouyang said the company had already bought several coupon site groups to help it enter smaller cities, and would continue to do so. 欧阳云表示,高朋已收购了几家团购网站,助其打入中小城市市场,该公司将继续坚持这一战略。 www.ftchinese.com 5. As employees, Gujaratis, Sindhis and Marwaris can be very hard working and diligent as long as it serves their interest to do so. 只要待遇合适,受雇的古吉拉特人、信德人和马尔瓦尔人就会非常努力而勤奋地工作。 www.bing.com 6. Both of these techniques are fairly easy to implement since the information on how to do so is readily available. 这两种技术都非常容易实现,因为可以容易地获得有关如何完成的信息。 www-128.ibm.com 7. In the fullness of holographic time the body ascends when it has found a resonant blueprint to do so. 在完整的全息时间中,身体会当它找到一个共鸣的蓝图来这么做时提升。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Hum, what you say make sense. But you know, I still have to ask my parents for pocket money, and I hate to do so at this age. 嗯,你说得有道理。但是你知道的,我仍然要跟我的父母拿零用钱,都这么大了,我讨厌做这种事。 www.hxen.com 9. Tho rejected his award, the only person to do so, saying there was no peace in his country. 史无前例,黎德寿拒绝领奖,并说在他的国家没有和平。 www.bing.com 10. I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad mood , just because you can't afford some famous-brand clothes. I think it's not wise to do so. 我很遗憾的听说你这几天心情不好,仅仅是因为买不起名牌衣服,我认为你这样做是很不明智的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad mood , just because you can't afford some famous-brand clothes. I think it's not wise to do so. 我很遗憾的听说你这几天心情不好,仅仅是因为买不起名牌衣服,我认为你这样做是很不明智的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Jesus spoke these words when he drove moneychangers out of the temple and was challenged to prove his authority to do so. 当日耶稣是在把找换钱银的人赶出圣殿,为了要表明祂有权柄这样行,便说了这句话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves. 美利坚,我们已经一路走来,我们已经看到了那么多变化,但我们仍有很多事情要做。今夜,让我们问自己这样一个问题:假如我们的。 english.31931.cn 4. I stopped for a moment and thought about it because my wife wouldn't email me this unless something had provoked her to do so. 我停下来,思考了一会儿,因为我妻子是不会平白无故发这些问题给我的。 www.hicoo.net 5. Moreover, contrary to the views of some economists, it has been able to do so for a long while and continues to be able to do so. 更有甚者,与某些经济学家的看法相反,中国多年来一直有能力这么做,并继续有能力这么做。 www.ftchinese.com 6. To get out of the former, your military advisors argued, you first had to get in deeper. And you chose to do so. 为摆脱前者,你的军事顾问在争议,你首先却陷得更深,而且你只能这样选择。 www.bing.com 7. If I had not had so much ambition and not tired to do so many things, I probably would have been much happier, but less useful. 如果我不是如此地雄心勃勃,没有努力地做那么多事,我也许可以活得更幸福些,但那样的话我可能不会是个像今天这样有用的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "The United States is not limiting emissions, " he said, "so why should you ask China to do so? " “你们美国都不限制排放,”他说道,“凭什么要求中国这么做?” dongxi.net 9. The next day, he felt like drinking, but when he was about to do so, he thought of his promise again. In the end, he decided not to drink. 第二天,他又想喝酒,但当他正准备这样做的时候,他再次想起了他的承诺…最后,他决定不喝了。 wenwen.soso.com 10. But Darling said he was not prepared to do so. 但达林表示他不准备这样做。 www.bing.com 1. Money's usefulness is its unique ability to command other goodsand services and to permit a holder to be constantly ready to do so. 货币的效用就是支配其他商品和服务以及允许所有者任何时候都可以这么做的能力。 www.bing.com 2. If you do not fully believe you are dreaming or that you can do this, you will most likely wake yourself up trying to do so. 如果你并不完全相信你在做梦或不肯定自己可以做到,你很可能会突然醒过来。 www.bing.com 3. He exists to serve, and is motivated to do so out of the joy serving brings and the pleasure that comes to the heart of God. 他活着就是要服务人,而且他有动力这样做,是出于喜乐的服侍以及能触摸神的心意的喜乐。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Mom would be happier if she doesn't have to do so much housework and I would be pleasant if she can accompany me all the time. 妈妈会很高兴不要做那么多的家务而我也会很开心妈妈可以一直陪着我。 www.shdzxxxy.cn 5. We have divine orders to ensure you safely reach the end of this cycle, and that all of you who have elected to ascend are able to do so. 我们接到了神圣的指令以确保你们的安全完成你们的周期,那些你们之中已经已经被挑选出参与扬升的人都能完成。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We hold the opinion of our own. Let us decide on this point. We decide to do so. 我们坚持我们的意见。让我们决定这一点。我们决定这样办。 www.nexoncn.com 7. I stopped for a moment and thought about it because my wife wouldn't email me this unless something had driven her to do so. 我停下来一会儿并且思考这些问题,因为除非某些事情促使我的妻子发电子邮件给我否则她是不会这么做的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. It's very polite of him to do so. 他这样做是很有礼貌的。 resource.ahedu.cn 9. However, I'm willing to do so, at least in order to inform you that how much I love you, I mean what I said and how important to me you are. 但是我还是愿意这么做,至少我要让你知道我是多么爱你,我对你有多认真,你对我有多重要。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The great classic of modernism is something you stride into like a man, but you don't have to be a particularly extraordinary man to do so. 现代主义最伟大的经典会让你像一个男人一样全情投入,但你并不需要变成男人也可以做到全情投入。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Snow-White put her head out of the window, and said, "I must not let anyone in; the seven dwarfs have forbidden me to do so. " 白雪公主把头从窗户里探出来说道:“我不敢让人进来,因为小矮人们告诫我,任何人来了都不要开门。” www.hjenglish.com 2. I had to get out on my own, and the Army would provide the necessary things for me to do so. 我必须要自己出去闯,部队会带给我必须的东西。 www.bing.com 3. Let us ask those ancestors ready to merge with us that have released all karma to do so now. 让我们邀请那些准备好与我们融合的、已释放了所有业力的祖先现在就这么做。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In reply it might be said that this challenge to teachers does not undermine their authority unless they allow it to do so . 在回答中可以说,这对教师的挑战不会破坏他们的权力,除非他们允许它这样做。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Or take a week to be alone if you've always wanted to do so, despite the guilt-engendering protestations from other members of your family. 或者你可以不管家里其他人的反对意见,独自去一个你早就想去的地方旅行。 397565205.qzone.qq.com 6. The eurozone has had two years to create a sanitary cordon around Greece's public finances and has so far failed to do so convincingly. 欧元区曾有两年的时间围绕希腊的公共财政筑起一道“防疫线”,但迄今为止却仍未能令人信服地完成这一任务。 www.ftchinese.com 7. OMG! Today is such a beautiful day! I can't wait to get out there! There are so many things to do! So many places to see! 今天太棒了,有很多事情想做,有很多地方想看看,我等不及要出门了。 www.bing.com 8. When I feel sorrow, I wanna your comfort. I fear that you will tease me, that I look stupid when I cry, so I never dare to do so. 难过的时候,我想跟你哭诉……只不过我怕你取笑我像个爱哭鬼,所以往往我都不这麽做。 revo-create.com 9. It is hard-working of him to do so much work . 他做了如此多的工作,真是勤奋。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. That means that the earliest the chamber could begin considering an alternative proposal, if it were inclined to do so, would be next week. 这意味着,如果众议院愿意考虑一项替代这项法案的议案,最早也得从下周开始。 www.bing.com 1. It may become harder and harder to manage your emotions under these circumstances, but it's even more important for you to do so. 也许在这种情形下您需要管理好自己情绪的难度会越来越大但对于您来说,这样做会显得更加重要。 www.bing.com 2. It is not easy to do so in an economy that is swelling so fast that it has to add one or two new power plants a week. 在一个增长如此迅猛的经济体,做到这一点并不容易——在中国,每一周都必须增加一家或两家新的发电厂。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Though Japan did not have nuclear weapons, it had the industrial base to develop them if it ever choose to do so. 虽然日本还不曾拥有核武器,但是如果它愿意的话,其现有的工业基础是可以发展核武器的。 bbs.gter.net 4. I shall provide another update of it becomes necessary to do so. 必要之时我将提供另一更新。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Stop playing dead under the direct command will not be able to do so in the example of a common occurrence in the history of our military. 打阻击直接下死命令就不可以吗,这样的例子在我军的历史上屡见不鲜。 wenwen.soso.com 6. It really is knocking you back down, and it will continue to do so until you stop trying to get ahead like a cancer cell would. 它真的是压倒你,并且它将会持续地做,直到你停止像癌症细胞那样再生长。 www.bing.com 7. Having bailed out so much of the system this time round, promises not to do so again ring a touch hollow. 此次危机中政府已经对金融体系中大量公司施以援手,因此承诺不再出手相助听起来很违心。 www.ecocn.org 8. I shall provide you perhaps with a further update later this day if it becomes necessary to do so. 如若必要,今天我可能会给予你们进一步的更新。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If the shipowner doesn't authorize you to do so, you might as well telephone him for his instructions. 如果船东未授权你这样做,你不妨打电话请示他。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If you need to move into another lane, first look to see that it is safe to do so, remembering to use the mirror. 如驾驶人必须转驶至另一条行车,首先须留意这样做是否安全,并须紧记要用倒后镜观察后方。 www.td.gov.hk 1. Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in the power of your hand to do so. 你手若有行善的力量,不可推辞,就当向那应得的人施行。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 2. There has never been a time when it is most important to do so than now. 从未有过的时候,这是最重要的是要这样做的比现在。 bbs.etjy.com 3. After a phone conversation with President Obama on Tuesday, he seems ready to do so, but the details need to be finalized quickly. 在周二与奥巴马总统进行过电话通话之后,看起来他已经准备好这么做了,但是仍有一些细节信息需要很快得到最终确认。 www.bing.com 4. There's been a tremendous change. I mean I've been able to do so much with this particular vehicle. 那使我的生活有了很大的变化,我的意思是说,我可以用它来做许多事情。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. But once a pedestrian passes by, he will keep nodding his head slightly and automatically as if a gust of wind had forced him to do so. 但是一旦佩德斯徒步流逝,他将继续点头,汽车可立即并自动犹如一阵风迫使他不得不这样做。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But they also orbit their stars rapidly, typically taking two or three months, rather than a year, to do so. 但它们也围绕恒星快速旋转,这通常只要花上2到3个月而不是一年的时间。 www.ecocn.org 7. If it fails to do so the United States, Europe and Mexico could eventually be allowed to respond with equivalent trade sanctions. 如果中国两样都不执行,那么美国,欧盟和墨西哥最后将被准许以对等的贸易制裁来回应。 www.bing.com 8. One of the major obstacles we face in trying to adopt new habits into our lives is simply that we don't have the time to do so! 对于我们面对试图适应新习惯进入我们的生活的一大阻碍是很简单的:我们没有时间去这样做! www.bing.com 9. But, if more timorous souls are not prepared to do so, can they be put to any other use before they are thrown away? 但是,要是更多的人胆小不敢这样做,在扔掉胎盘之前能否将它们用在别处? www.bing.com 10. Imaging trying to carry a hot, baked potato in your hand. it would be difficult, even painful, to do so. 试想一下你试图把一个热、烤好的山芋抓在手里。如果这样做将是困难,甚至是痛苦的。 www.unsv.com 1. He went on to say: "I would be shirking my responsibilities if I did not explain to you the risks of failing to do so. " 他接着说道:“如果不向你们解释未能尽快制定计划的风险,那就是我的失职。” www.ftchinese.com 2. So much is now surfacing and will continue to do so, until any facet of the dark forces presence has been removed. 现在很多事情都在浮出水面并且将持续下去,直到黑暗力量存在的某一方面被解除。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Each time I went out, he would walk with me for up to fifteen kilometers, and refused to return when I ordered him to do so. 之后他就改善了,当他再来接我的时候,都会先让我知道他来了,然后才高兴地绕着圈子跑过来。 sm2000.org 4. Patrol don't understand mother duck what to do, so he took it away from the side continue to work. 巡警不理解母亲的鸭子做什么,所以,他从侧面继续工作。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The Lord Jesus is always able to meet our needs, but his time to do so is often far different from ours. 主耶稣当然有能力满足我们的需要,可是,祂认为适合满足那需要的时间,往往与我们所想的不同。 www.seewant.org 6. If it is possible to reduce the number of UK warheads further, Britain will be ready to do so. 如果还有继续削减的可能,英国将会做好准备付诸行动。 www.bing.com 7. My dear, you never expected to have to do so much research, to delve into the past to unravel the truth. 我的挚爱,你从未想过自己必须做这么多的研究工作,深入挖掘过去未被揭示的真相。 bbs.awaker.net 8. Hollinghurst knew he would one day have to confront the subject, but wanted to do so on his own terms. 霍林赫斯特知道自己终有一天会面对这个主题,但他希望以自己的方式来描述它。 www.bing.com 9. It's super easy to do so there is no need for a patronising explanation and it makes for the most perfect holiday hair. 这个发型超级好弄,所以没必要觉得屈尊俯就,这就是假日最佳发型。 www.bing.com 10. You say you cannot. You say it is impossible for you to go earlier to bed of a night-to do so would upset the entire household. 你说你办不到,不可能晚上提前睡觉,因为这样就会扰乱全家人的生活习惯。 hi.baidu.com 1. The Bank's waste plans were already addressing the disposal of sharps but tended to do so in a way that did not protect healthcare workers. 在此之前,世行废物处置计划已然包含了处置锐器的内容,但并未针对如何保护卫生工作者。 web.worldbank.org 2. Implement the solution. Keep to the agreement and, if one of you fails to do so, point it out in a calm, non-aggressive way. 实施方法。按照协定去做。如果有一方没有做到,那么就用平静的、非侵犯的方法指出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "I'm no going to try to be fashionable and change principles to do so, " Bush said in a TV interview namely was aired above Sunday period. 布什总统在上周日晚播放的一个电视采访中说:“我受不受欢迎无所谓,我不会为了‘受欢迎’而改变原则。” www.qiyaclub.com 4. I mean to tell him the truth, but she ask for my not to do so. 我本打算告诉他事实真相,但她请求我不要这样做。 bbs.kekenet.com 5. Depending on the circumstances, you could be very talkative, even argumentative, but could also fall silent if you choose to do so. 根据所处环境的不同,你有时可以非常健谈,甚至有些好争;但是只要你自己想安静,就可以突然沉默下来。 www.hjenglish.com 6. He said that he decided to go public because Oracle failed to do so. 但由于甲骨文没有这麽做,他决定公开这个安全漏洞。 cn.reuters.com 7. If the salved party failed to do so, they shall be responsible for the result to which the salvor has no fault. 如未及时接受,被救助方应对非属救助方过失造成的后果负责。 news.9ask.cn 8. Why is Mr Stoltenberg so anxious to stop Norwegians using gas for heating and cooking, and yet happy for Britons to do so? 为什么斯托尔伯格先生如此焦急地要制止挪威人使用天然气供暖与烹饪食物,而又非常高兴英国人这样做? www.ecocn.org 9. Failing to do so is like going into a casino and gambling on a game you do not know. 不这么做的话,简直就是到赌场里面去玩一个你压根不会玩的游戏。 career.51youcai.com 10. If you wanted to add in other vocabularies, it would be easy to do so as long as you set up the appropriate prefix mappings. 如果想要增加其它词汇,你只需简单地设置适当的前缀映射就可以了。 www.infoq.com 1. He made it clear that it was impossible for him to do so. 他表明了他不可能这样做。 www.soenglish.com.cn 2. You would never allow it to do so if it were certain that you were to die tomorrow. 即使你已确知明天将死,也不要让本源衰萎。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. However, to do so, it must find an unoccupied territory and a member of the opposite sex with which to mate. 然而,要想成为领头狼,必须找到一块未被占领的领地和一头能够与之交配的异性狼。 www.bing.com 4. My mother, tactfully, allowed the old woman to die without trying to see her again, but she was the only one to do so. 我母亲机智地任由那老太太就那样死去都不想再看她一眼,但只有她这么做。 www.bing.com 5. And since the upcoming fall, students old enough to marry legally will not have to seek the permission of their universities to do so. 并且因为即将来临的秋天,学生足够老法律上结婚不会必须寻找他们的大学允许做如此。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. It was characteristic of her to do so. 她这样做是一贯的。 jspd.ew.com.cn 7. The next step will be to see if the test can predict who will develop Alzheimer's. The spinal tap test appears to be able to do so. 下一步就是看看是不是测试可以预测以后会不会得这种病。脊椎骨的检查是能做到这一点的。 www.bing.com 8. Of course, everyone wants to be such a man, but often fails to do so due to various reasons. 当然了,谁都想战略主动,但是由于种种原因,往往做不到。 tuyelt.com 9. The blood boiling prefer to die Bella Edward together, but before they got married, Edward does not allow her to do so. 热血沸腾的贝拉宁愿选择死亡以便与爱德华长相厮守,但是在他们结婚之前,爱德华不允许她这样做。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Can be separated with you now, no one has given me to do so tasty meals, nor Renpei I say interesting things. 可现在却与你分开了,没人给我做那么好吃的饭菜,也没人陪我讲有趣的事了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Use of these funds, giving more time to cut deficits, was intended to lessen the recessionary impact of trying to do so at once. 这些贷款资金让各国有更多时间来削减赤字,从而削弱立即减赤导致的衰退效果。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In the case of a painful incurable disease, the patient is advised to commit suicide, but is carefully tended if he refuses to do so. 有人患了痛苦的不治之症,便劝告他莫如自杀,但是假若病者不肯自杀,便给他细心周到的照料。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Sarah had already provided a son for a woman in the Middle East and seemed more than willing to do so again for another one closer to home. 萨拉已经为一个中东女人提供了一个儿子,下次似乎更愿意另选一个离家较近的。 www.bing.com 4. However, traditional therapeutic methods can take months to years to do so and can be very challenging in the process or not really work. 然而,传统的治疗方法会有几个月甚至几年的时间去完成,而且道路充满艰辛,却不一定有效果。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I feel for you in your sorrow; I'm willing to help you but unable to do so. 我同情你的痛苦,但我爱莫能助。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Last winter, what I kept doing. I love to do so. I wished I could be a art student. A barren land also can plant smart flowers. So tired. 上一个冬天,我是一直这样的,而且我也喜欢这样。我希望我可以成为一个艺术系的学生。荒芜的土地也可以开出娇艳的花朵。好累。 zhishi.sohu.com 7. He: He desired to perform witchcraft, and he began to do so. 他想要施展魔法,并开始那样做了。 blog.iky.cn 8. 'Yes, I think you'd better leave off, ' said the Gryphon: and Alice was only too glad to do so. “你最好停下来吧!”鹰头狮说。爱丽丝实在太愿意这么办了。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Don't force yourself to do so before you're ready; it may take a few years until you're emotionally ready for a new relationship. 做好心理准备,不要勉强;这可能需要几年时间才能让你从感情上做好准备去迎接一种崭新的关系。 www.bing.com 10. We are saying that you are creating the next moment of now because you agreed to do so . . . and yet there is freedom of choice. 我们在说的是,你们在创造现在的下一刻,因为你们同意这么做…但是也有着【自由选择权】。在任何一个被给予的时刻… blog.sina.com.cn |
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