单词 | to distinguish | ||||||||||||
释义 | to distinguish
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 辨别,去区分开,分辨 1. Below is a look at some of the specific ways that Bing is trying to distinguish itself from Google. 下面是让我们看看,Bing使用了那些办法来做到与Google不同的。 www.bing.com 2. When Google launched the Nexus One in January, the company hit on an odd bit of marketing to distinguish the new phone from its rivals. 当一月份发布NexusOne时,谷歌公司试图将这部新手机与它的竞争对手区别开。 www.bing.com 3. This article aims at helping readers to distinguish two groups of Chinese traditional medicines that are very easy to be mixed up. 本文便是针对两组常见易混中药,既白鲜皮与狭叶白鲜皮,鸡骨草与相思藤的鉴别做以说明。 www.chemyq.com 4. No doubt, companies should conduct staff training, but staff training to distinguish between the different needs of different objects. 毋容置疑,企业应当进行全员培训,但对全员培训要区别不同对象不同需求。 www.xiami360.com 5. In these applications, it is often useful to have an identifier to distinguish a given instance of the class. 在这些应用程序中,使用标识符来区分类的给定实例通常是很有用的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. A correlation set defines properties that are used to distinguish one instance of a state machine from another within a runtime environment. 相关性集定义用于对状态机的实例与运行时环境中的其他实例进行区分的属性。 www.ibm.com 7. Rather, Cameron uses his clothes to distinguish himself from his main rival, and link himself to the political fairytale across the pond. 卡梅伦更愿意借服装区别于他主要的竞争对手,并将自己与大洋彼岸的政治童话世界联系在一起。 www.ftchinese.com 8. inability to see the color red or to distinguish red and bluish-green. 看不见红色或不能分辨红色和青色。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. This term is usually used during software development, to distinguish the embedded system from the host with which it communicates. 这个术语常常在软件开发期间使用,用来区别与嵌入式系统通讯的主机。 www.west263.com 10. The committee noted that consumers might want to see effective labelling to be able to distinguish such products. 委员会注意到,消费者们可能会希望在商品上看到有效的标签,以区分克隆产品。 www.bing.com 1. Having seen the perfect storm a few days ago, a clear decision can be in order to distinguish whether you were a boy or a man. 前两天看了完美风暴,明白一个决定可以区别你是一个男孩还是一个男人。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks in life and those of opportunity. 要辨别出是生活的磨难还是机遇的敲门常常是困难的。 dict.veduchina.com 3. It is often difficult radiographicallly to distinguish paralytic ileus from mechanical obstruction. 用x光片鉴别麻痹性肠梗阻和机械性肠梗阻通常很难。 www.dxy.cn 4. Just like the human eye Smart Eyes is able to distinguish different objects, even if they are moving on front of a busy background. 像人眼一样,电子眼能够辨别不同的物体,即使它们在一个杂乱的背景下移动。 www.bing.com 5. This term is usually used to distinguish the computer on which the debugger is running from the embedded system that is being developed. 这处名词用来区别调试程序运行的计算机和被开发的嵌入式系统。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Or to see the shape of gonopore to distinguish goldfish male, female. 或看其生殖孔的形状,来分辨金鱼的雄、雌。 img3.zhubajie.com 7. I could have used case sensitivity to distinguish between them as well . 我本来还可以使用大小写来区分它们。 www.bing.com 8. Its not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys, sinners can surprise you, and the same is true for saints. 分清好人和坏人并不是一件容易的事。罪人总让我们大吃一惊,不过圣人也是一样。 www.soudoc.com 9. Results: Distinct developing reaction existed in chemical means and clear spot appeared in TLC, Both of them are easy to distinguish. 结果:化学方法鉴别显色明显,薄层色谱斑点清晰,易于识别。 www.chemyq.com 10. This was quite a feat as the intense light from the star normally obscures the subtle visual details necessary to distinguish a planet. 这可以算得上是个相当壮举,因为恒星发出得强烈光芒掩盖了区分行星所需得视觉细节。 www.ecocn.org 1. She did point out, however, that Microsoft looks at these services as a way to distinguish itself from its competitors. Tiedt还特别指出,微软将这些服务视为将自己与竞争对手区分开来的一个方法。 www.bing.com 2. This paper discusses "realist" concept in painting, trying to distinguish realism as a concept and realism as a historical movement in art. 本文探讨了绘画中的“写实主义”观念,试图将作为观念与作为历史上的艺术运动的“写实主义”区分开来进行理解。 www.airiti.com 3. IF the crystal forms of quartz and calcite are perfectly preserved, it is always easy to distinguish one from other. 如果石英和方解石的晶形保存完好,那么鉴别它们是较容易的。 dict.ebigear.com 4. used of the older of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a father from his son . 用来指姓名相同的两个人中年长的人,尤其用来是父亲有别于儿子。 www.jukuu.com 5. Hale's extended harangues upon the subjects of wealth and position taught her to distinguish between degrees of wealth. 海尔太太关于财富和地位的长篇宏论教会了她区分财富的等级。 www.bing.com 6. This makes it easy to distinguish style properties that have been explicitly set from those that have not been set. 这样可以很容易将已显式设置的样式属性与尚未设置的样式属性区分开。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. 'We've been working hard not to distinguish them at all. Every working group has at least one homeless member at this point, ' he said. 他说,“我们努力做到对他们一视同仁。目前每个工作组至少有一名成员是无家可归者。” chinese.wsj.com 8. Gray matter has more fluid than white matter, making it easy to distinguish between the two. 灰质比白质含有更多的液体,因此很容易在这两者之间区分。 qq163s.cn 9. It's important to distinguish this thinking from that of a trader, for whom a day is long term, and months, an eternity. 很重要的一点是要搞清楚这种策略和心急火燎的交易员的思维方式有什么不同,在后者看来,一天就算长期,几个月简直算得上是永恒了。 www.bing.com 10. The twins are so much alike that it's hard to distinguish between them. 两个又胞胎如此相似,以至于很难区分他们。 bbs.edu999.com 1. Funds are trying to distinguish themselves by focusing on countries (Japan and China) or instruments (emerging-market currencies). 基金正在尝试通过转向一些国家(日本和中国)或者产品(新兴市场货币)来打开市场。 www.ecocn.org 2. We are sorry that we forgot the name of our room attendant as she was lovely but we are sure that they will be able to distinguish her. 遗憾的是,我们不记得我们的房间服务员叫什么名字了,但是因为她非常地讨人喜欢,我们敢肯定他们会认出她的。 weike.taskcn.com 3. Post-Iraq, many policymakers seem to unable to distinguish prudent precaution from madcap plans to start unnecessary wars. 伊拉克战争后,许多政策制定者似乎无法区别审慎的预防措施与妄图发动不必要战争的疯狂计划。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Children cannot be expected to be sensible enough to distinguish advertisements from TV programmes. 儿童不可能有足够的判断力去分辨广告和电视节目。 www.1363.cn 5. Imagine not being able to recognize faces. You could see faces, but you'd be entirely unable to distinguish one face from another. 想象一下如果你无法识别别人的脸:你可以看到他们的容貌,却无法区分。 bbs.putclub.com 6. It is often very difficult to distinguish between the two. 这两者时常很难去区分。 www.infoq.com 7. It's not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. 分清好人和坏人并不总是那么容易。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. With two targets left, you need to figure out the next question to ask, in order to distinguish between them. 留下两个目标之后,需要找出下一个要问的问题,从而区分这两个目标。 www.ibm.com 9. Just as a coin has two sides, no side is better than the other; it is often difficult to distinguish what is right from what is wrong? 正如一个硬币有两面一样,不能说正面就比反面好;通常明辨是非是很难的吧? www.ebigear.com 10. But Saudi Arabia, Coll shows, is a place where the interests of rulers and revolutionaries are less easy to distinguish. 但是,科尔表示,在沙特阿拉伯,统治者与革命者间的利益划分很难做到泾渭分明。 www.bing.com 1. Median, mode and quartile deviation were used to distinguish the importance, the centralization or the dispersion of every item. 问卷调查所得的资料,运用中数、众数、四分差来评定每个项目之重要程度、意见集中或离散情形。 www.cetd.com.tw 2. Attributes to the markup of a control and there is no way, nor is there a reason, for the control to distinguish what those tags might be. 属性,没有方法也没有理由让控件来区分这些标记的可能内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. It was pretty standard fare when it comes to trying to distinguish between the two of them on issues like healthcare and NAFTA. 对于试图区别他们两个在健保和北美自由贸易协定上的立场来说,这不过是标准的攻击手段。 qac.yappr.cn 4. The results do not make it easy to distinguish a NULL in the data from a NULL that represents a failure to join. 从结果中很难区分数据中的NULL值和表示联接失败的NULL值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Cowherd boys there might have been somewhere about, yet how to distinguish them from any other boys, that was the question! 放牛娃也许在这里的某个地方,但怎样把他们和其他孩子分辨出来却成了问题! www.bing.com 6. However, when referring to the feature found in the ACL of every Notes database, we bracket the word to distinguish it: [roles]. 但是,谈及在每个Notes数据库的ACL中显示的特性时,将使用[role]以示区别。 www.ibm.com 7. used of the younger of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a son from his father . 用来指具有相同姓名的两个人中的较年轻的人,尤其用来使儿子有别于父亲。 www.jukuu.com 8. Tell her "no" sometimes for no other reason than to distinguish myself from her mother. 有时候不准她这样那样只为了显示我和她妈妈的不同; www.eachinese.com 9. Organisms capable of an adaptive immunity must be able to distinguish "self" from " nonself ' and possess an" immunologic memory. 有机体对免疫性的适应能力必须区分于自我和无我,并拥有一种免疫学记忆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Harry had to admit that she was getting better; it was now almost always possible to distinguish between the hats and the socks. 哈利不得不承认她的手艺越来越好,现在几乎可以分得出那些是帽子,哪些是袜子了。 www.hoolee8.com 1. Similarly, people appear to be able to distinguish between honest people and dishonest people simply by looking at their pictures. 同样,人们还能通过看照片区分出诚实的人与骗子。 www.elanso.com 2. I felt very proud. Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them. 我感到非常骄傲,终于有个机会让我通过发明一种仁慈的捕蛇工具、同时又不会伤害它们的来表现自己了。 wenwen.soso.com 3. The company is trying to distinguish itself from lower-price competitors such as Acer by linking higher prices to quality. 该公司力图将高价与优质联系起来,从而使自己有别于宏碁等定价较低的竞争对手。 www.ebigear.com 4. I say you not to be able to distinguish, is because you do not have the minimum music knowledge. 我就说出来你根本就不能分辨,是因为你没有起码的音乐知识。 www.fenleimama.com 5. The real world is complex, is often blurred, is often difficult to distinguish between right and wrong. 现实的世界是复杂的,好坏常常界限模糊,对错时常难以分清。 www.bing.com 6. When you take the time to look, it's easy to distinguish the things that lift you up from the things that bring you down. 如果你细心观察,你会发现,其实区分哪些事情让你高兴,或者哪些事情让你沮丧是很容易的一件事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Up to 50 colors are possible to distinguish, but would require specialized training, and is beyond the scope of this article. 人们最多可以区分多达50种颜色,但这需要经过专门的培训,且不是本文讨论的范围。 office.microsoft.com 8. To be able to distinguish between a badly and well-written book is not enough; a professor of literature can do that occasionally. 能够辩别写得好的和写得不好的书,仍不可以谓之足够,因为文学教授有时也会做得到。 www.jukuu.com 9. It was more difficult for the microarray to distinguish the expression variation of less abundant genes. 相比于DGE测序平台,基因芯片平台更难检测出表达丰度低的基因。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 10. A superconducting pair-breaking detector therefore must be able to distinguish between Cooper pairs and quasiparticles. 所以超导体配对瓦解型探测器必须具备分辨古柏对和准粒子的能力。 www.showxiu.com 1. Some results from XMill are thrown in for comparison; you'll be able to distinguish them as the ones that include the name . xmi. XMill产生的某些结果也放入以作比较;您将能够因包含名称.xmi而识别出它们。 www.ibm.com 2. However, System Flow Method has no method to distinguish the relative important degree which can insure the output ratio maximization. 但系统流程法无法区分EMC设计各阶段的相对重要程度,确保投入产出比的最大化。 www.13191.com 3. The BFD's unique sequential blanking algorithm allows it to distinguish between a door closing and an object or person in the door opening. BFD独特的连续消隐算法使其能够区分一个关闭门,一个物体或在开门的人。 word.hcbus.com 4. Before continuing, let me try to distinguish configuration scripts from other inputs to a program. 在继续之前,让我尝试区别配置脚本与程序的其它输入之间的不同。 www-128.ibm.com 5. it is often difficult to distinguish what is right from what is wrong? love is a feeling deep within our hearts. 通常明辨是非是很难的吧?爱情是我们内心一种很深的感情。 en.hnedu.cn 6. Once you get salt out of your system, you'll learn to distinguish the subtle flavors of spices, and food will taste better than ever. 一旦你去除了消化系统中的嗜盐性,你就会学会分辨各种香料的微妙口味,而食物吃起来也将比以往的食物要美味的多了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A static attribute is of interest to an object modeler only if it can be used to distinguish one class of objects from another. 对象建模者关心静态属性仅当它可以用来区分一类对象与另一类对象。 www.ibm.com 8. The derived personalization provider must be able to distinguish personalization data on a per-page basis. 派生个性化设置提供程序必须能够按页区别个性化设置数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. By now had to distinguish the opportunity, meant, the first appointment should also want to be together in the girl with you time finished. 这时必须分别时机,就是说,第一次约会应该在女孩子还想和你相处时结束。 hi.baidu.com 10. The spatial resolution of the technique meant that he was able to distinguish cancerous and normal cells in his sample, he says. 该项技术的空间分辨率意味着他可以区分样品中的癌细胞和正常细胞,他说。 news.dxy.cn 1. The key to both outlining and summarizing is being able to distinguish between the main ideas and the supporting ideas and examples. 对于总结和提纲来说,关键的事情是要能够区别主旨,支持证据还有示例。 www.bing.com 2. I used the word mastery to distinguish it from 'familiarity' which is what you get from one of those Dummies type books. 我用“熟练应用”这个词就是要区别于“熟悉了解”,后者是你们从那些“傻瓜”系列的入门书籍里学到的。 www.bing.com 3. The Mithril sergeant squinted, head cocked as he tried to distinguish the strange forms that lurked in the gloom. 秘银的军士歪着头想要看清那些潜伏在阴影中的奇怪物体。 www.oobang.com 4. Holding a willow branch, smile, be integrated into the red sunset light, your shadow may no longer be able to distinguish distant. 手执柳枝,回眸一笑,便轻盈地融入火红的夕阳,你的身影遥远得再也无法分辨。 www.letou.cn 5. Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. 教育詧斖了一大批人,他们会读书,但是不会区别什么书值德读。 52english.kingerenglish.com 6. And with marketing becoming more sophisticated, it's even more of a challenge to distinguish sincere sentiment from paid opinion. 随着营销日益成熟,区分真诚的感情和付费的主张也日益困难。 www.elanso.com 7. In part, because investors have learned to distinguish between the market return, dubbed beta, and managers' outperformance, known as alpha. 部分原因是因为投资者们开始学会在市场收益率,复制beta,alpha即经理人的突出表现之间进行分辨。 www.ecocn.org 8. This also may be one of the best opportunities you will ever get to distinguish what you want from what you need. 这或许还能提供一个难得的好机会,让你分清什么是欲望,什么是实际需要。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. As games blend our real and virtual environments, should there be concern that some people will be less able to distinguish between the two? 游戏将真实的和虚拟的环境相混合,那么我们是否应该担心有些人会不那么容易区别这二者? www.bing.com 10. Recently Huche bladesmith has forged some imitated Japanese swords, which are easy to distinguish. 近来户撒匠人也打造一些仿日刀,很好区分的。 hfsword.com 1. Although just a sign to distinguish differ age, for UK male, the turn-white hair is the top-concerned, according to the newest survey . 头发颜色原本只是区分年龄的一个标志,然而一项最新调查显示,对于英国男性来说,头发变白是他们最关心的问题。 ens.alai.net 2. For one, we need to be able to distinguish between houses that are for sale, sold and for rent. 其中之一,我们应能够区分出售的系列及出租的系列。为了具备这种能力,我们需要在。 www-128.ibm.com 3. But children have to start learning to distinguish truth from spin at some point, and a total ban would be difficult to enforce. 但是孩子必须开始学习在一定程度上做出正确选择。完全禁止孩子决定相当困难。 www.ecocn.org 4. Controls to the same string, because users relying on screen readers will not be able to distinguish the buttons. 属性设置为同一字符串,因为依赖于屏幕阅读器的用户将无法识别这些按钮。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. To distinguish between the assemblies for each version of the sample, the name of the output assembly has CS or VB appended. 为了区分两个版本示例的程序集,在输出程序集的名称后追加了CS或VB。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Since the twins are very alike, it is not easy for him to distinguish one from the other. 这对孪生婴儿长得如此相似,他很难分辨出谁是谁。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Being face blind is a bit like being tone deaf and unable to distinguish one musical note from another. 脸部失明有点儿像音盲,不能识别音乐的调子。 bbs.putclub.com 8. Slit width in order to be able to distinguish between the two yellow lines close to prevail. 狭缝的宽度以能够分辨出两条紧靠的黄色谱线为准。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Critical thinkers must be able to distinguish among these three types of communication. 批判性思想者必须能够区分这三种类型的信息。 www.bing.com 10. If charter schools are to raise the standards of regular schools, parents need to be able to distinguish good schools from bad. 若想让特许学校提高普通学校的水准,家长们必须能区分良莠。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Critical thinkers must be able to distinguish among these three types of communication. 批判性思想者必须能够区分这三种类型的信息。 www.bing.com 2. If charter schools are to raise the standards of regular schools, parents need to be able to distinguish good schools from bad. 若想让特许学校提高普通学校的水准,家长们必须能区分良莠。 www.ftchinese.com 3. All of these supply references to distinguish sleep stages of SAHS patients used heart rate and diagnose SAHS as well. 该结果为基于心率变异性对SAHS患者进行睡眠分期以及SAHS患者的判定提供了依据。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 4. He is still too young to be able to distinguish between right and wrong. 他还太小,不能明辨是非。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But Tokyo has so far failed to intervene again since mid-September, seeking to distinguish itself from other countries in Asia. 但自9月中旬以来,东京方面一直没有再度出手干预,试图将自己与亚洲其它国家区别开来。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Spoken clearly, the sounds "dah" and "bah" are easy to distinguish. 发音清楚的话,非常容易区分“哒”和“吧”。 www.bing.com 7. Client application names are commonly used to distinguish different applications running in the system. 客户端应用程序名称通常用来区分系统中运行的不同的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 8. As it can be hard to distinguish a warship from other boats, the IISS uses its own definition of what counts and what does not. 由于军舰和船很难区分,IISS使用它自己的定义来区分哪些该统计、哪些不该统计。 www.ecocn.org 9. Being able to distinguish between a statement of fact, an opinion or an inference is an important skill to critical thinking. 对于批判性思考来说,能够分辨出事实,观点和推断是一项很重要的能力。 www.bing.com 10. To understand how subnet masks are used to distinguish between hosts, networks, and subnetworks , examine an IP address in binary notation. 要了解子网掩码如何用于区分不同的主机、网络和子网,请查看以二进制表示的IP地址。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. To understand how subnet masks are used to distinguish between hosts, networks, and subnetworks , examine an IP address in binary notation. 要了解子网掩码如何用于区分不同的主机、网络和子网,请查看以二进制表示的IP地址。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In practice it is not so easy to distinguish these two words. 实际上,区分清楚这两个字并不容易。 www.yuloo.com 3. The colors on our sample do not reflect anything particular except to distinguish between different areas of interest. 示例中的颜色没有任何作用,只是区分不同的区域。 www.ibm.com 4. If you are under control when the child is misbehaving, you will be able to distinguish between willful misbehavior and reaction to stress. 当孩子胡闹时,如果你能克制,你就可以分辨出是任性的胡闹还是对压力的反应。 www.elanso.com 5. We have to distinguish whether some of Jade manual dyeing processing, often by means of Dow filters. 我们在分辨一些翡翠是否为人工染色处理时,往往要借助于陶氏滤镜。 jztu.5d6d.com 6. Many locals claim that it takes several years of practice to distinguish between Sturm wine and vinegar. 许多当地人说,要将斯蒂尔姆酒和醋区别开来可是需要多年实践经验的哦。 www.bing.com 7. This avoids the problem of trying to distinguish between degrees of Agility. 这就避免了我们试图区分敏捷的程度而产生的问题。 www.ibm.com 8. By convention, all attribute names end with the word "Attribute" to distinguish them from other items in the. NET Framework. 根据约定,所有属性名称都以单词“Attribute”结束,以便与.NETFramework中的其他项区分开。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. As an added benefit, we no longer need to distinguish between the case with bind variables and that without. 作为增加的一个好处,我们不再需要区分带有绑定和没绑定参数的情况。 www.infoq.com 10. It is recognizably human, but the minimal design means that you are unable to distinguish whether the robot is male or female, young or old. 它是由人的特征组成,但是简化的设计让你无法辨识机器人的性别年龄。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It is recognizably human, but the minimal design means that you are unable to distinguish whether the robot is male or female, young or old. 它是由人的特征组成,但是简化的设计让你无法辨识机器人的性别年龄。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I'm not a genetics expert, but what I find truly amazing is when it's hard to distinguish who's the daughter and who's the mother. 我不是一个基因专家但当我发现很难分清谁是女儿谁是母亲的时候还是非常诧异的。 www.bing.com 3. By having become able to distinguish between true and false notions they have reached the first stage of their intellectual emancipation. 通过获得检验观念真伪的能力,他们实现了自我思维解放的第一个阶段。 www.bing.com 4. To distinguish between project iteration milestones and phase-ends, I will introduce the concept of a "stage. " 为了区分项目迭代里程碑和阶段末尾,我将介绍“阶段”这个的概念。 www.ibm.com 5. The two words don't mean the same; they have different meaning. It means that you have to distinguish between them. 这两个词意思不一样;他们有不同的意思。这意味着你必须得辨别它们。 infos.edulife.com.cn 6. If it guesses wrong, the system asks what the correct item was and how to distinguish it from the rest of the knowledge base. 如果系统猜错了,系统会询问正确的东西以及如何从知识库中区分出它。 www.ibm.com 7. Moreover, he and Srihari found nothing to distinguish the bogey-eaters from the others, and they neglected to ask them why they did it. 此外,他和斯里赫里发现不出吃食鼻涕的人与其他人的区别,可是他们忽视了问吃鼻涕的人是为了什么才去吃它。 www.bing.com 8. The common-sense answer is that it is not easy to distinguish a lucky government from a skilful one. 根据常识得出的答案是,人们不容易区分政府是幸运还是能干。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Two 3D shape discrimination tasks were used to distinguish between these possibilities: a within-shape task and a between-shape task. 两个三维形状歧视任务是用来区分这些可能性:一种在形状任务和关系型的任务。 www.syyxw.com 10. Apart from his heavy Chongqing accent, it is difficult to distinguish him from other Xintang residents in Guangzhou's suburb. 除了他那口浓重的重庆口音外,很难把他和其他住在广州郊区的新塘人区别开来。 bbs.kekenet.com 1. Apart from his heavy Chongqing accent, it is difficult to distinguish him from other Xintang residents in Guangzhou's suburb. 除了他那口浓重的重庆口音外,很难把他和其他住在广州郊区的新塘人区别开来。 bbs.kekenet.com 2. at the end of this course , you will be able to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns. 当课程结束时,您将可以区分可数名词和不可数名词。 www.ichacha.net 3. To distinguish between them, the details API adds an operation parameter. 要辨别这二者,细节API添加了一个操作参数。 www.ibm.com 4. While true, the argument fails to distinguish between the start of the growth process and its continuation over long periods. 这种说法虽然没错,却未能区分增长过程的起步阶段与长期持续增长。 www.america.gov 5. I'm going to distinguish between what I call front half and back half. And let's call this red line, I don't know, mission accomplished. 下面我将区分一下我刚刚所讲的上半场和下半场我称之为红线,或者说,”完成了的任务“ www.ted.com 6. The generic term "Viewer" prefixed a variety of adjectives, to distinguish between the Web and Windows versions of this control. 通用术语“查看器”放在不同的形容词之后,以区分这个控件的Web和Windows版本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The production of weak offspring as a result of selfing, inbreeding depression, may be hard to distinguish from late-acting SI systems. 因为自交产生的后代较差(自交衰退),因而很难与后作用SI系统区分开来。 jxzy.lynu.edu.cn 8. However, none of those studies were large enough to distinguish the difference between 7 and 8 hours a night, until now. 然而直到现在,没有一项足够大的研究可以区别一晚上7小时和8小时睡眠的不同。 www.bing.com 9. Many corpses were strewn around him; and, at the first glance, there was nothing to distinguish him from those profound sleepers of death. 好几个尸体躺在他的四周,乍一看他和这些死去的沉睡者是分不清的。 www.ebigear.com 10. If you know too much, it is harder to distinguish between what is important, and what is not. 如果你懂的东西太多,在区分重要与否时就会变得更困难。 www.bing.com 1. If you know too much, it is harder to distinguish between what is important, and what is not. 如果你懂的东西太多,在区分重要与否时就会变得更困难。 www.bing.com 2. is improving sensors to allow the weapon to distinguish the heat signatures of cars, buses and homes from those of military hardware. 正在改进感应器,以帮助炸弹区分军事装备和汽车、公共汽车、民房的热量信号。 www.ecocn.org 3. Never take the results of the student is divided into several class, to his likes and dislikes view to distinguish treats the student. 决不能以成绩的高低来把学生分为几个档次,更不能以自己的好恶观来区分对待学生。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. This paper aims to distinguish and analyze the relation among the four types of education and their positions in whole education system. 本文旨在辨别和分析这四类教育的相互关系及在整个教育体系中的位置。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The effect or sensation by means of which an observer is able to distinguish differences in luminance. 观察者赖以能够分辨不同光度的效应或感觉 zhidao.baidu.com 6. that module is called memory , or main memory to distinguish it from external storage or peripheral devices. 这种模块叫做内存,或者主存,以与外存和外部设备区分开来。 www.ichacha.net 7. In other areas , though, consumers are not able to distinguish a good product from a bad one . 然而在其他领域,消费者是分不出产品好坏优劣的。 www.bing.com 8. When plotting two or more curves, we need a key or legend to distinguish them. 当绘制两条或多条曲线时,我们需要关键字或图例来对它们进行区分。 www.ibm.com 9. It is not easy to distinguish between twins. 区别双胞胎并不容易。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Second, the update is part of a broader effort to distinguish more sharply between mandatory policies and recommended good practices. 第二,这种更新是一种更广泛的努力的组成部分,这种努力旨在将指令性政策与建议采用的良好做法更明确地区分开来。 web.worldbank.org 1. Second, the update is part of a broader effort to distinguish more sharply between mandatory policies and recommended good practices. 第二,这种更新是一种更广泛的努力的组成部分,这种努力旨在将指令性政策与建议采用的良好做法更明确地区分开来。 web.worldbank.org 2. Wodehouse, it is never difficult to distinguish between a right-wing British politician with a grievance and a ray of sunshine. (注2)的一句话,辨别心怀委屈的英国右翼政客和一缕阳光的区别从不费吹灰之力。 bbs.ecocn.org 3. As noise is the information of system state, the noise degree of signal can be used to distinguish the state from the difference of noise. 噪声属于系统状态信息,故可利用信号含噪程度的差异分辨系统状态。 www.caesv.cn 4. Although the dividing line between research and campaigning can be hard to distinguish, scientists must try to respect it. 尽管很难辨清科学研究与奔走呼吁之间的界线,但科学家必须试着尊重它。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The head is round, beak hook Qu Department, beak above the wax film (mostly parrot sex tiger wax film can be to distinguish between colors). 头部呈圆,喙部有钩曲,喙上方有蜡膜(多数虎皮鹦鹉的性别可通过蜡膜颜色来分辨)。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Generous vertical space separates lines of text, making it easier for the eye to distinguish one line from the next, or previous line. 充足的行间距可以隔开每行文字,使得眼睛容易区分上一行或下一行。 www.bing.com 7. Two of the studies included both long- and short-term relationships in which it was possible to distinguish the two samples. 其中两个研究同时包括了短期和长期关系,这两组样本是区分开来的。 www.ebigear.com 8. It was virtually difficult to distinguish between benignancy and malignancy by the wall thickness alone. 有关病灶之良性或恶性与否,单藉胃壁增厚程度的多寡很难加以鑑别。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Their goal will be to ensure that investors continue to distinguish between their risks and those of these high-income countries. 他们的目标将是确保投资者继续将其风险与高收入国家的风险区别看待。 web.worldbank.org 10. We also need to distinguish between a portal taxonomy and a content taxonomy, which are closely related, but are not the same. 我们还需要区分门户分类和内容分类,尽管它们是密切相关的,但毕竟有所不同。 www-128.ibm.com 1. We also need to distinguish between a portal taxonomy and a content taxonomy, which are closely related, but are not the same. 我们还需要区分门户分类和内容分类,尽管它们是密切相关的,但毕竟有所不同。 www-128.ibm.com 2. But he says it may not be possible to distinguish between biological and non-biological explanations without additional missions to Titan. 但他说:没有另外的对“提坦”的探索,区别生物和非生物解释是不太可能的。 www.bing.com 3. We had political problems in Greece and the great thing was to distinguish good from bad, right from wrong, truth from falsehood. 我们存在有关希腊的政治问题,伟大的事情是要分清善恶,是非以及真伪。 zhan.renren.com 4. This pearl was supposed to be able to distinguish right from wrong. 这个镜子可以明辨是非,判断对错。 www.hicoo.net 5. The transmitter must have the diagnostic capability to distinguish a thermocouple burnout from an out of range temperature. 当温度在设定范围外时,温度传感器必须具有辨别热电偶烧毁保护接线的能力。 bbs.hcbbs.com 6. The number and arrangement of eyes can be used to distinguish between the different species of spider. 眼睛的数量和排列方式可以用来区分不同种类的蜘蛛。 www.bing.com 7. Long ago, the simple things that used to distinguish a luxury car from a plebeian Ford or Chevrolet lost their exclusivity. Leather seats? 那些过去常常用以区分豪华车和普通福特或雪佛兰(Chevrolet)的简单特征在很久以前就已经丧失了它们的独特性。真皮座椅? chinese.wsj.com 8. The bid also includes a detailed explanation of the formula used to distinguish pornography from other images. 竞标文件还包括一份关于如何分辨色情图片的算法的详尽说明。 www.bing.com 9. I also have to be careful to distinguish between work that must be done (like taxes) and things that seem required, but really aren't. 同时我也非常小心地去分辨哪些工作是必需的(如缴税),哪些是貌似必须却不必去做的。 www.bing.com 10. Therefore, in order to "brush their own bright spots" , or to distinguish between the nature of the industry. 所以,要想“刷出自己的亮点”,还是要区别行业性质的。 www.xiami360.com 1. Therefore, in order to "brush their own bright spots" , or to distinguish between the nature of the industry. 所以,要想“刷出自己的亮点”,还是要区别行业性质的。 www.xiami360.com 2. IT WAS not difficult to distinguish between George Bush's farewell visit to Europe this week and a victory lap. 不难看出,乔治?布什的欧洲告别之行和胜利者最后绕场一圈有区别。 www.ecocn.org 3. Catherine bent over it intently, but without being able to distinguish anything with certainty. 凯瑟琳低着头仔细查看,但是辨不出到底是什么字。 novel.tingroom.com 4. Decades ago, positions physicians prescribe prescribed placebos to distinguish who had a real problem and who was faking it. 数十年前,医师们通过开安慰剂来辨别谁是真的有病谁是装病。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Gets or sets an object that allows you to distinguish between a set of choices. 获取或设置一个对象,该对象允许区别一组选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Doctors were able to distinguish between the influenza, E. coli and strep infections in 95 percent of cases. 在95%的患者中,医生能够区分流感病毒,大肠杆菌和链球菌感染。 news.dxy.cn 7. At the point of the call, there would be no way to distinguish the two. 在调用的时候,没办法区分这两个方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. It was difficult to distinguish anything in the dark. 黑暗中很难辨清物体。 www.hzmba.com 9. This leads me to my point that it is essential to distinguish between good Asian values and bad Asian values. 这就是我的观点,我们必须分辨什么是好的亚洲价值观,什么是坏的亚洲价值观。 www.bing.com 10. A cell's formatting is moved with its contents. If formatting is used to distinguish different types of cells, then use this option. 单元格的格式与其内容一起移动。如果格式是用来区分不同类型的单元格的,使用这个选项。 ooo.pingju.org 1. A cell's formatting is moved with its contents. If formatting is used to distinguish different types of cells, then use this option. 单元格的格式与其内容一起移动。如果格式是用来区分不同类型的单元格的,使用这个选项。 ooo.pingju.org 2. Intrusion detection systems rely on a wide variety of observable data to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate activities. 入侵检测系统依赖于大量的数据检测以区别合法和非法的行为。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Acoustic reflectometry can be used to distinguish between a tracheal and an esophageal intubation based on an area-distance profile. 声波反射可以用来区分气管和食管插管面积的基础上的远程配置文件。 www.syyxw.com 4. It is primarily used in Class II cases to distinguish between the skeletal and dental effects of such treatments. 它主要用于第二类案件区分影响骨骼和牙齿等治疗。 www.syyxw.com 5. When the two centers come to the same teaching activity, it is hard to decide how to distinguish and control the balance between them. 在同为主体的教学活动中,教师该如何准确区分与适度把握二者之间的界限,教师在实践中常常踌躇不决、难以决定。 xuebao.jmu.edu.cn 6. A diagnosis is a shortened description covering only those characters which are necessary to distinguish a taxon from other related taxa. 特征摘要是一种简短的描述,只包括那些能把某个分类群与其它有关分类群辨别开来的必不可少的性状。 www.jukuu.com 7. Imitation makes one unable to distinguish whether one is making something new or playing with the old. 模仿会让别人无法判断你是在弄新的,还是在捣鼓旧的。 www.zhuweiartden.com 8. To distinguish that ungoverned set of characteristics from a service specification, we use the term provider description. 为了区分这些未得到治理的特征与服务规范,我们使用提供者描述这个术语表示它们。 www.ibm.com 9. Geochemical baseline is an important parameter to distinguish geochemical background from contamination. 地球化学基线是区分地球化学背景和异常的重要参数。 www.juyy.net 10. We were brough up to distinguish between right and wrong. 我们已被培养成能辨别是非的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Geochemical baseline is an important parameter to distinguish geochemical background from contamination. 地球化学基线是区分地球化学背景和异常的重要参数。 www.juyy.net 2. We were brough up to distinguish between right and wrong. 我们已被培养成能辨别是非的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The sample project has been configured to distinguish between the incoming Buy and Sell events based upon the prefix of the file. 示例项目已配置为根据文件的前缀区分传入的Buy和Sell事件。 www.ibm.com 4. Control statements should have one space between the control keyword and opening parenthesis , to distinguish them from function calls. 控制结构应该有一个空格在控制关键字和圆括号之间,以区别函数调用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. XML namespaces are used to distinguish different elements in a document that have the same name. XML命名空间用于区分文档中名称相同的不同元素。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This article will focus on, the roof of all buildings belonging to distinguish between parts of a total. 本文将围绕,楼顶属于区分所有建筑物共有部分进行探析。 www.slgz.cn 7. China today, Marxist theory of the workers, to distinguish between different versions of historical materialism, or have the ability. 今天的中国马克思主义理论工作者,区分不同版本的唯物史观的能力还是具备的。 jztu.5d6d.com 8. I wish that God can bestow wisdom upon me, having me be able to distinguish one from the other. 愿上帝赐我智慧,让我能够分清这两者。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. but have since delivered poor returns for investors unable to distinguish between hype and substance. 但也让那些能够分辨大肆吹嘘的宣传与实质的投资者收益惨淡。 www.ecocn.org 10. But it chases life at each people of nation, is American people particularly to distinguish analyse to open mutually. 但它把生活在各个国家的人们,尤其是美国的人们相互区分开来。这句怎么翻? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. But it chases life at each people of nation, is American people particularly to distinguish analyse to open mutually. 但它把生活在各个国家的人们,尤其是美国的人们相互区分开来。这句怎么翻? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. and teenagers themselves should have the ability to distinguish between the true and the false in the sea of information. 作为青年自身,应该学会在信息的大海中识别真伪,努力把握自我,促进社会发展。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Commercial Alert claims that the search engines failed to distinguish between paid-for ads and genuine search results. 这个叫做商业警觉的团体声称这些搜索引擎没有清楚标明付费广告和纯搜寻结果。 www.24en.com 4. Used to distinguish a son from his father when they have the same given name . 小当父子俩的名相同时,该词用于表示儿子的名字,以区别于父亲。 www.jukuu.com 5. The case will somehow have to distinguish the proper management of an offering from market manipulation. 在这个案件中必须要区分正当的股票发行运作和市场操纵。 bbs.gter.net 6. In fact, you must be able to distinguish summary and ordinary rows, and render the former with different visual styles. 实际上,必须能够区分汇总行和普通行,并用不同的视觉样式呈现前者。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. You know the will of God and the Law teaches you to distinguish what is better. 你既然认识他的旨意,又从法律中受了教训,能辨别是非。 www.ccreadbible.org 8. Property to distinguish between multiple methods that match the signature requirements for a specific method type. 属性区分符合特定方法类型的签名要求的多个方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. In much of the Delta it has now become difficult to distinguish between politicians, gangsters and insurgents. 在很多富油三角洲地区,现在已经很难区分政客,歹徒和叛军了。 www.ecocn.org 10. On this basis, it sets up a train line toll computing system to distinguish between performance and train type. 在此基础上建立一个分线路性能、分列车种类的线路使用费成本计算体系。 www.13191.com 1. On this basis, it sets up a train line toll computing system to distinguish between performance and train type. 在此基础上建立一个分线路性能、分列车种类的线路使用费成本计算体系。 www.13191.com 2. To handle the two elements, the isEntry Boolean is used to distinguish between them. 要处理这两个元素,这个isEntryBoolean用于区分它们。 www.ibm.com 3. But when trying to distinguish among all 10 words, their best accuracy was 48%. 但是如果尝试从10个词中做辨认,他们最好的正确率是48%。 www.bing.com 4. One of the best ways to distinguish yourself at work is through productivity. 一个让你在工作中出众的最好方式就是看你的生产力。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Discriminant analysis is an important method in multivariate statistic analysis to distinguish what type an individual should belong to. 判别分析是多元统计分析中判断个体所属类型的一种重要方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. WNN can be seen as a classifier to distinguish the corrupted or uncorrupted pixels from others in both approaches. 在两种方案中,WNN都可以看作是一个区分污染与未污染像素的分类器。 www.opticsjournal.net 7. The poet was telling herself once and again that she didn't have to distinguish, nor did she have to suffer the excruciating pain. 诗人一再告诉她自己:她不必区分也无需忍受这种极度的痛苦。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. To help develop your child's ability to distinguish objects, have him put away his books, toys, clothes or tableware. 训练孩子的「辨别」能力,日常生活中可让孩子帮忙整理书籍、玩具、衣物或餐具。 class34.loxa.edu.tw 9. The council claimed the small lines are necessary to distinguish between different parking areas. 市政府声称,这些短短的黄线是用来区分不同的停车区域的,是必须存在的。 www.ycwb.com 10. Network Port is a numeric identifier used to distinguish between different network services. 网络端口是一个数字标识符,用来区分不同的网络服务。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Network Port is a numeric identifier used to distinguish between different network services. 网络端口是一个数字标识符,用来区分不同的网络服务。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. This suggests the chiton's eyes are able to distinguish shapes, a prerequisite for true vision. 这个现象暗示着,石鳖的眼睛可以分辨形状,这是形成真正视觉的一个先决条件。 www.bing.com 3. The pursue format's individuality, causes this book greatest degree to distinguish between other book, is the format design goal is. 追求版式的个性,使此书最大程度地区别于彼书,是版式设计的目的所在。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. In her model, the brain can use three different means to distinguish a smile from some other expression. 在她的模型中,大脑可以采用三种不同途经分辨微笑的表情。 www.bing.com 5. In this case, it is impossible to distinguish between a large object far away and a small object close to the camera. 在这种情况下,不可能区分开远离相机的大型物体和接近相机的小型物体。 www.madio.net 6. We have to distinguish between the United States and Europe. 我们必须把美国和欧洲区分开来。 www.sinaworld.cn 7. Let "the student elect teachers" , perhaps overestimated the student to distinguish appraises teacher's ability. 请襄理翻译一句话推辞在线翻译感谢,让“弟子选教授”,或者高估了学生区别判断老师的才略。 www.lostonline.cn 8. Furthermore, the two lawyers might advise us differently, and we'd be unable to distinguish the better advice. 此外,两个律师有可能会给我们提供截然相反的建议,而我们却无法分辨出哪个是更好的。 www.bing.com 9. It may seem strange to distinguish between enthusiasm and excitement, especially when dictionaries present them as synonymous. 分别热衷和兴奋似乎有点奇怪,尤其是当字典里头表示它们是同义字时。 blog.roodo.com 10. The doctor tested the capability of his ears to distinguish pitches. 医生检查了他鉴别音高的能力。 www.bing.com 1. The doctor tested the capability of his ears to distinguish pitches. 医生检查了他鉴别音高的能力。 www.bing.com 2. A simple computer program that teaches children to distinguish between sounds can dramatically boost their listening skills. 一个简单的教导儿童辨音的计算机程序能显著提高他们的听力技能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Many markers and methods have been tried to distinguish ascites with advantage and disadvantage. 目前有很多指标和方法用于诊断恶性腹腔积液,但各有利弊。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. If so, it's up to us to distinguish very carefully between what's passion and what's aggression. 如果是的话,我们就要仔细的区分究竟哪些行为是表达激情、那些行为是进攻行为。 home.ebigear.com 5. The basic fact of power innate characteristic difference is to distinguish legislative power, executive power and jurisdiction. 权力固有属性的差异是区分立法权、行政权和司法权的基本依据。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It's hard to distinguish Chernobyl-related health problems from a more general post-Soviet malaise, scientists said. 科学家说,根本分不出这到底是车诺比造成的健康问题,还是整个苏联垮台之后的困境。 mailftp.lihpao.com 7. Do not try to distinguish yourself by your appearance. 不要试图以你的外貌而使你自己引人注目。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In practice, it may be quite difficult to distinguish stored charge effects (in insulators) from piezoelectric effects. 在实际工作中,区分储存电荷效应(在绝缘体中)和压电效应可能是相当困难的。 www.eefocus.com 9. They had 66 volunteers listen to a male voice saying all four syllables against background noise that made it hard to distinguish them. 他们让66个志愿者在有噪音的情况下听一个男性声音发出所有的四个音节,这样就使他们很难去区分。 www.elanso.com 10. However, you also have your own judgment, I believe you will be able to distinguish right from wrong. 然而,你们也有自己的判断,我相信你们能够明辨是非。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. However, you also have your own judgment, I believe you will be able to distinguish right from wrong. 然而,你们也有自己的判断,我相信你们能够明辨是非。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The obvious solution is to distinguish between investments and current consumption, and increase the former while reducing the latter. 显而易见的解决方案是区分投资和日常消费,在削减后者的同时增加前者。 www.ftchinese.com 3. From the first day of life he is able to distinguish different tastes, but babies prefer the sweet one, like his mummy's milk. 从他能开始区分不同口味时,宝宝对甜食会很感兴趣就像他妈咪的母奶一样。 qq.iyaya.com 4. Gear accuracy problems will have to distinguish between the tooth staves is ink or tooth poles. 齿轮精度题目会爆发齿杠,给区不合是不朱杠还是齿杠。 www.bing.com 5. This allows you to distinguish between multiple users in Outlook Express so that more than one person can use the same computer for e-mail. 这使您能够在OutlookExpress中区分多个用户,以便多人可以使用同一台计算机收发电子邮件。 support.microsoft.com 6. He demonstrated how it was essential to distinguish the Ego, a figure of only imaginary unity, from the Subject. 他强调区分“自我”,一个出自主体,仅在想象上的统一体符号,于精神分析学而言是何等的必要。 www.bing.com 7. The data are not usually analyzed in such a way as to distinguish between interfamily and intrafamily section gains. 数据往往不足以来分析区别家系间和家系内选择效益的方式。 8. Each category can be further subdivided, etc. , to use numbers to distinguish between organizations. 每类又可再细分数等,用组织号来区分。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. As the construction of the case directing system, it is necessary to distinguish departments to regulate it respectively. 在构建中国特色的案例指导制度时,应区分不同部门法而个别规制。 lib.cqvip.com 10. In fact, its byte code can be hard to distinguish from byte code created through Java source code, and its performance is on par with Java. 实际上,很难区分Scala的字节码和从Java源代码生成的字节码,其性能也与Java相当。 www.ibm.com 1. In fact, its byte code can be hard to distinguish from byte code created through Java source code, and its performance is on par with Java. 实际上,很难区分Scala的字节码和从Java源代码生成的字节码,其性能也与Java相当。 www.ibm.com 2. Some people with higher education are still unable to distinguish right from wrong. 一些受过高等教育的人仍然不能明辨是非。 www.hicoo.net 3. Filter programs use certain specifications as reference to distinguish between translatable text and formatting information. 过滤程序引用特定的规范区分可翻译文本和格式化信息。 www.ibm.com 4. Moreover, you have to distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous communication between the individual components. 此外,您必须区分各组件之间的同步和异步通信。 www.ibm.com 5. Epoxy can fully cure in the presence of air, so does not need any additives to distinguish laminating and topcoat resin formulations. 环氧可以在空气中完全固化,因此不需要任何添加剂来区分层压和面漆树脂配方。 www.biketo.com 6. One hand, this increases the difficulty to distinguish the merits of the other party contributed to the arrogance of the perpetrators. 这样一方面增加了辨别是非曲直的难度,另一方助长了施暴者的嚣张气焰。 www.xiami360.com 7. You have to distinguish if you have scalar values, date or time values or other values like text that you want to group. 您必须清楚需要组合的标量数值、日期时间数值或者文本之类数值。 ooo.pingju.org 8. Its absence renders the monkeys color-blind, unable to distinguish reds and green. 这种视觉色素的缺乏使得这些猴子们成为色盲,不能区分红色和绿色。 www.bing.com 9. The symptoms of these diseases are very similar, so it is very hard to distinguish by analyzing early symptom. 这些病害的初期症状很相似,难以通过早期症状分析判断出病害类型,给病害诊断和防治造成很大困难。 www.fabiao.net 10. Ding said, "I'm able to distinguish many insects, from poisonous to nontoxic ones, in fact, a majority of insects are safe to eat. " 丁钰说道,“我可以分辨很多常见的有毒和无毒的昆虫,其实大部分昆虫都是可以吃的。” www.putclub.com |
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