单词 | to compare | ||||||||||||||
释义 | to compare
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 比较,进行比较,去比较 1. Shine on her to see, this king accepts Zu to compare quilt hand the handle knob teaches out of Xu Si Zhun will talk, behaviour. 照她看来,这个王承祖可比被人手把手教出来的徐嗣谆都会说话、行事。 www.sk211.com 2. When you get another metric to compare the numbers to, you can be shocked by how much they are off. 最终你要是用另外一种方法去比较这些经济数据,你也许会吃惊那些统计机构到底漏掉了多少。 www.bing.com 3. 'But I don't think that's fair on him. It is only more pressure because everybody is going to compare him to Mourinho. 他说,“但是我认为这对博阿斯并不公平,因为每个人都把他和穆里尼奥比较,这只会给他施加了额外的压力。” www.kle100.cn 4. It is meaningful to compare the difficulty of one-choice questions with that of multiple-Choice questions in a standardized examination. 在标准化考试中对单项选择题和多项选择的难度进行比较是很有意义的。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. In thinking through the fiscal policy options and their implications, it might be useful to compare a few hypothetical, fanciful scenarios. 在大家考虑选择各种财政政策方案以及它们的含意时,比较以下假设、虚幻的案例可能会对大家有所帮助。 www.bing.com 6. I really like the Comparison view, because it's easy to compare page performance against the site average. 我比较喜欢对照视图,因为可以很容易地对比页面表现和网站平均数据。 www.bing.com 7. The study went on to compare today's music to that of the past, dating back to the time when opera was all the rage. 该研究还把当今的音乐与过去的音乐做了对比,回顾了歌剧风靡一时的时代。 www.bing.com 8. He appeared to compare the German chancellor to a first class passenger on the Titanic. 他似乎将德国总理比作泰坦尼克(Titanic)上的头等舱乘客。 www.ftchinese.com 9. However, it is always good to compare several translations, especially for passages that are difficult to understand. 但是,比较几个译本总是好的,尤其是很难理解的段落。 www.bing.com 10. Neil said him a bit stupid to compare Josephine, but I don't think so, he just looked naive, be clear in his mind in fact. 先生说跟约瑟芬比起来,有点儿笨,我倒觉得他只是外表看起来憨憨的,心里明白着呢。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. That made it virtually impossible to aggregate data across the industry or to compare different institutions. 这使得加总全行业数据或比较不同机构的数据成为几乎不可能的事。 cn.wsj.com 2. The newt swims by means of its feet and tail; and its tail resembles that of the sheatfish , to compare little with great. 蝾螈通过它的脚和尾巴游动,它的尾巴类似于六须鲇,只是有小与大的区别。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. You can also use this information to retrieve a local copy of any version of the file or to compare any two file versions. 还可以使用该信息检索任何文件版本的本地副本,或比较任何两个文件版本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Finally, about that narrative: It's instructive to compare Mr. Obama's rhetorical stance on the economy with that of Ronald Reagan. 最后,比较里根总统和奥巴马总统在经济上的立场是有益的。 www.bing.com 5. It's hard to compare them because the other ones were so small in terms of time, you know, they were just a few minutes long. 很难进行比较,因为就时间长度而言那一个系列要短得多,你知道,它们只有几分钟的长度。 starwarsfans.cn 6. By using largely standardised medical terms and conditions, the contents of the database are easy to compare and analyse. 通过使用大量标准化的医学术语和条件,该数据库的内容易于进行比较和分析。 www.chinapubmed.net 7. To compare the long-term Pharmacia-economic effect of Aspirin with that of Ticlopidine in prevention of the recurrence of stroke. 比较阿司匹林和噻氯匹啶预防脑卒中复发的长期药物经济学效果。 www.dictall.com 8. If loves you is wrong, I do not love rightly. If thought your crime, shoots me to be able to compare simply. 如果爱你是错,我不爱对。如果想你犯罪,枪毙我会比较干脆。 i.mop.com 9. Good, even great for his age, but there may be a tendency to compare him to, say, Brendan Haywood . 很好,对于他的年龄甚至完美,但是可能有人会把他想成布兰顿海伍德。 www.bing.com 10. There is no one else to compare with him in this respect. 在这方面没有人能够比得上他。 blog.163.com 1. "We know that he is a player that has no substitute and that there is nobody to compare with him in the world market, " he continued. 我知道他是一个好球员,没有人可以替代他的位置,在市场上没有人可以与他相提并论。 www.laziofly.com 2. Kui on the easy cases of the "competent" to compare the material easy to see there are two. 关于易宗夔的“本事”,比较易见的材料有两条。 jztu.5d6d.com 3. The younger generation should see all that history, so they are able to compare it to what we have today. 年轻一代应该看到整个历史,这样他们就能够将过去与现在加以比较。 www.bing.com 4. These type of social shifts make it harder to compare today's typical family income volatility with that of the 1970s. 这种类型的社会变化,使得对比今天与1970年代的家庭收入波动变得更加困难。 www.ecocn.org 5. In this posting we are going to compare the Metro at the time of opening with the Metro at the moment of Soviet government change. 在这个贴子,我们要比地铁的开放与地铁的那一刻,苏联政府改变。 bbs.voc.com.cn 6. The people familiar with the process said it has evolved far enough for Ford to accept offers that the company is ready to compare. 知情人士说,竞购已经取得了进展,福特已经有足够多的报价进行比较。 www.bing.com 7. Liz was then able to compare the eagle's eyesight with that of humans. 随后,莉斯将老鹰和人类的视力加以对比。 www.englishtide.com 8. PPP exchange rates are used for a number of purposes, most notably to compare the standard of living of two or more countries. PPP汇率用于多种目的,最显著的是用来比较两个或者多个国家的生活标准。 www.tianya.cn 9. During the last years, the program has been used extensively to compare syntenic regions in genomic sequences. 在过去的几年间,该程序被广泛地使用以比较基因组序列的同线区域。 chinapubmed.net 10. One way to see this is to compare the energy of a nuclear blast to that of the rotational motion of the Earth. 有一种方法可以说清楚这个问题:即把核爆炸的能量与地球转动的能量作一次比较。 www.bing.com 1. It is instructive to compare Mr Woods' case with that of another sporting celebrity accused of infidelity: David Beckham. 将伍兹事件与其他有不忠事件的运动界名人相比,颇有意味。 ecocn.org 2. Computers were expensive. Cost per instruction executed can be can be used to compare the cost of computers over the last three decades. 计算机以前是很昂贵的,过去三十年曾以执行每条指令的费用来衡量计算机的价格。 xkdwyx.com 3. These "raters" were shown a photograph of each child to compare with three images of men, including one of the child's father. 研究小组给他们看每个孩子的照片,让他们比较三个男人的样子,孩子的父亲在这三个男人当中。 www.suiniyi.com 4. It had nothing to compare with the nowadays well-known chocolate, so much so that the conquistadores found it undrinkable. 它无法与当今知名的巧克力相比较,以至于它的征服者发现其难以入口。 iphone.unisk.cn 5. It has never been so easy to compare current settings with new recommendations and create new GPOs for locking down your systems. 它从未像现在这样易于比较新建议的当前设置和锁定您的系统中创建新的Gpo。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Tuning sessions make it easy to compare tuning results over a period of time. 使用优化会话可以轻松比较各个时间段的会话结果。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. OBJECTIVE: To compare the anti-hypertensive effect of physical exercise programs with that of usual therapeutic regimens. 目的:比较抗高血压作用的体育锻炼计划与通常的治疗方案。 www.syyxw.com 8. Google displays this data in interactive graphs that make it easy to compare stats for different countries. Google在互动图表中显示这些数据,让比较不同国家的统计数据变得更加容易。 www.bing.com 9. The Egyptians used to compare the rising of the sun to the beginning of life and the setting of the sun the end of life. 古埃及人把日出比作生命的开始,把日落比作生命的终止。 go.6to23.com 10. Methods A randomized, vehicle-controlled, parallel group trial was used to compare with that of 1% Penciclovir cream. 方法采用随机双盲、有效对照、平行分组试验,与1%喷昔洛韦乳膏作对照进行疗效和安全性比较。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. A crude way of trying to settle which camp is correct is to compare murder rates in jurisdictions with and without capital punishment. 解决两个阵营争议的一个粗略方法是比较有死刑和没有死刑辖区的谋杀案发率。 www.ecocn.org 2. But it would be interesting to compare the two numbers to see how much they're off. 不过我们能比较下这两个数字,看相差多少,很有意思哦。 open.163.com 3. From there, I'll go on to compare SOAP, and RPC in general, with one of its biggest competitors, remote method invocation (RMI). 从那里,我继续将SOAP和一般而言的RPC与它的最大竞争对手之一,远程方法调用(RMI)相比较。 www.ibm.com 4. SQL Examiner Suite 2008 is a quick and easy-to-use software solution that enables you to compare and synchronize both schema and data. 20下载的SQL2008室考官是一个快速且易于使用的软件解决方案,使您可以比较和同步架构和数据。 kondishenprom.info 5. Mike He humbly said that of course the male lead won him by a bit, but he did not have to compare with him, he wanted to work towards that. 贺军翔谦虚的说当然是男主角略胜一筹,不过自己还不需要跟他比较,而是要努力成为他那样。 blog.omy.sg 6. We can't get caught up in trying to compare to other teams right now. We're trying to establish ourselves and figure out who we are. 眼下我们不能斤斤计较于和别的球队对比,我们要把尽量把自己发展好,把自己的实力看清楚。 en4ch.blog.tianya.cn 7. More telling still is to compare the foreign population of North America with that of Japan, by far Asia's richest large economy. 不过,对北美的外国人口和亚洲最大经济体日本的外国人口进行比较,似乎更能说明问题。 www.ftchinese.com 8. This type of chart grouping makes it easy to compare data from different parts of an application, or even across applications and servers. 这种类型的图表组可方便用来比较一个程序不同部分的、或甚至不同程序之间、服务器之间的数据。 www.infoq.com 9. Simulations are carried out to compare the performance of the proposed algorithm with that of other subsample TDE algorithms. 文中通过一系列仿真实验对该方法与其他分数延时估计方法的性能进行比较。 lib.cqvip.com 10. And because you know it, you never have to compare yourself to others, or seek anything to be okay with who you are. 当你认识到了这一点,你才不会跟别人比较,不会一直纠结于怎样做好自己。 www.bing.com 1. The euro makes it easy to compare prices across 16 countries, and the single market allows goods to move freely within the European Union. 欧元的使用方便了人们在欧盟16国里轻松地比较商品价格,单一的市场为商品在欧盟区自由流动提供了便利。 www.ecocn.org 2. Lenders, for instance, are required to quote interest rates as annual percentage rates, making loans easy to compare. 例如,贷方被要求引用利息率来作为年度百分率,使贷款更容易进行比较。 www.ecocn.org 3. How are we to compare the profile of students assumed in the design of the programme with that of the students actually admitted? 怎么样我们在节目的设计假设的学生档案与那学生比较实际上被录取? zhidao.baidu.com 4. We aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of enoxaparin with that of unfractionated heparin for patients with stroke. 我们的目的是比较卒中患者应用依诺肝素和普通肝素的有效性和安全性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Otherwise consumers will not be able to compare apples with apples, as it were. 否则的话,消费者拿着苹果比较苹果是看不出什么区别的,因为外表几乎一样。 www.ecolion.cn 6. The point is to make it easier for consumers to compare products, instead of sifting through labels that vary from company to company. 这点是为了便于消费者进行产品比较,而不是在不同公司的标志间进行选择。 news.dxy.cn 7. The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot. ---S. Dali. 第一个把年轻姑娘的脸比作玫瑰的显然是一位诗人;而第一个重复它的可能就是一个白痴。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Objective To compare the efficacy and side effects of recofol with that of propofol in intravenous anesthesia. 目的比较瑞可福与异丙酚的临床麻醉效应和安全性。 h53394.taolunwen.com 9. Aim: To compare the postnatal development of brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) with that of middle latency response (MLR) in rats. 目的:探讨大鼠脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)和听觉中潜伏期反应(MLR)生后发育模式的异同。 www.dictall.com 10. Check back in a few hours to compare the rate of decay and the resulting smells. 几小时后,比较两者的腐烂速度和气味。 www.bing.com 1. However, only a few prospective, randomized clinical studies have been done to compare different all-inside meniscus repair techniques. 然而,仅有少量的比较不同的全关节镜下修补技术的前瞻性随机临床研究。 www.oaopdoc.com 2. If you want to compare total return on two or more investments that you bought at different prices, you need to figure percent return. 假如你要比较一下你以不同价格所买的两种或更多种投资的总体回报的话,你需要计算回报百分比。 www.bing.com 3. Each editing action has a size associate with it, to compare it with the memory requirements of a simple one-cell edit (size of 1). 每个编辑动作都有一个相随的数值,以便和一个简单的单元格编辑(大小为1)的内存要求比较。 translations.launchpad.net 4. And I would like to compare them to grains of bright pearls, stars in the dark-blue sky, and even some kind of beauty. 正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. And the lift sensor output signal was as a standard to compare the performance differences of rigid disc and flexible disc. 并以升力传感器的输出信号为标准来对比刚性阀瓣与柔性阀瓣的性能差异。 www.fabiao.net 6. Thanks to the Internet, these days it's easy to compare prices for everything from digital cameras to cars. 多亏了互联网,从数字相机到汽车等每一样东西,现在要比较价格都很容易。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. ' If you think about it, if you're not a gynaecologist or a lesbian, then a woman doesn't have anything to compare her pelvic region to. 如果想到这个,如果不是妇科医生或者女同性恋,那么女性就没有必要和其他人比较她们的骨盆。 www.bing.com 8. To compare the creep nature of femoral head between normal and osteonecrosis femoral head, to provide biomechanical parameters for clinic. 比较正常股骨头和股骨头坏死后股骨头的蠕变性质,为临床应用提供生物力学参数。 www.studa.net 9. It is not necessary to store the original passwords to be able to compare them with user-provided passwords. 我们没有必要存储原始密码,以使得能够将它们与用户提供的密码进行比较。 www.ibm.com 10. If you think you are an Introvert, I recommend you research the topic and seek out other Introverts to compare notes. 如果你认为你是一位性格内向者,我希望你研究这个话题,再与其他性格内向者交换所查到的内容。 www.douban.com 1. But isn't it pushing it a little to compare Ikea to Facebook? 看到这里,难道你不会从宜家联想到Facebook? www.ftchinese.com 2. Of course, this half a month to pour also received some common, but a lower bound to get these a, is to compare the same gourmet. 当然,这半个月来倒也收了一些平常的灵药,不过这些灵药拿到下界去,可就是比较极品的货色了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. That's my four-point plan, and I ask you to compare it to George Bush's four-word plan: More of the same. 请大家将我的计划和乔治·布什的四字计划做一个比较:很多是相同的。 www.24en.com 4. The superlative is usually used to compare three or more things. 最高级通常用来比较三种或以上的事物。 www.tingroom.com 5. If you were to compare Mark and Matthew, what you would see is Matthew pretty much just follows Mark here. 如果你要比较马可福音与马太福音,会发现,马太基本上遵照了马可福音的内容。 open.163.com 6. To compare the American class system with class systems in Europe, it helps to understand the semantics of identity . 要比较美国的阶级制度与欧洲的阶级制度,首先应该了解身份的含义。 www.qeto.com 7. I cannot say he is everywhere alike; were he so, I should do him injury to compare him with the greatest of mankind. 我不会说他样样都好,若真是这样,当把他和最伟大的人类相比,他则显得不利,但事实并非如此。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Such a method was used to compare formulations with different photostability. 这种方法是用来比较不同的配方光。 www.syyxw.com 9. The system makes it easy for you to compare and choose the most energy efficient charger. 这个系统能够让消费者更容易来比较和选择效率更高的充电器。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. So your first step in trying to compare two XML documents is to formulate a DTD for both. 所以,在尝试比较两个XML文档时,要首先为两者阐明DTD。 www.ibm.com 1. This evaluation provides an independent assessment by experts and a measure of assurance, which can be used to compare products. 这一评价由专家们提供了一个独立的评估,以及保险的尺度,它们可用来对产品进行比较。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. So utility can only be a consideration to one's decision rather than the variable used to compare. 因此效用只是每个人选择决策时的考虑因素,而不可能成为相互之间进行比较的变量。 www.bing.com 3. This vast enterprise enabled the bank to compare the purchasing power of many countries in 2005. 这个浩大的工程使世界银行有能力去比较2005年很多国家的购买力。 www.ecocn.org 4. "We did not intend to compare different types of weight loss surgery, but to generalize its effects and costs, " she says. 我们无意于对不同类型减肥手术进行比较,只是为了让公众知晓减肥手术的成本和效益。 bbs.humengdao.com 5. The goal of the UN report was to compare educational underachievement across the industrialized countries. 这份报告的目的是对这些工业化国家在教育质量不达标的方面进行比较。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. However, one of the fields that you want to use to compare the tables has a different data type from its counterpart. 但是,您要用于比较这两个表的某个字段的数据类型与另一个表中对应字段的数据类型不同。 office.microsoft.com 7. The single biggest issue in trying to compare XML documents is dealing with whitespace. 在比较XML文档中最重要的问题是空格处理。 www.ibm.com 8. She was always playing Wolf, Wolf said, stupid, useless, Wonang Fei, always likes to be too small and gray wolf White Wolf to compare. 她总是打灰太狼,说灰太狼笨蛋、没用、窝囊废,总爱把小白狼和灰太狼做比较。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Logs can be used to gather specific time stamps on error messages to compare to network traces or other Lotus Sametime log information. 与网络跟踪和其他LotusSametime日志信息相比,这些日志可用来收集错误信息的具体时间戳。 www.ibm.com 10. This will be easier than trying to compare three or four maps from different time periods all at once. 这要比一次同时比较三四个不同时期的地图容易。 www.myoops.org 1. Our aim was to compare the long-term survival of patients treated with PDT with patients treated with esophagectomy. 我们的目的是比较经PDT治疗和进行食管切除术后患者的长期存活率。 www.med66.com 2. Shopping for credit cards online can allow you to compare the different offers available from the comfort of your home . 信用卡在网上购物可以让您比较不同可提供您舒适的家。 www.bing.com 3. to better understand how these different areas interact , it might be helpful to compare a chart layout to a matrix layout. 将图表布局与矩阵布局进行比较可能有助于更好地了解这些不同的区域的交互方式。 www.ichacha.net 4. It is our intent to focus on the performance of Lotus Domino, and this data should not be used to compare platforms against one another. 我们主要关注LotusDomino的性能,这些数据不应该作为比较不同平台的性能的依据。 www.ibm.com 5. To do that, they had to be able to compare their current cell to the previous one. 做到这一点,它们必须能够将当前所在的电池网格与之前的比较。 www.bing.com 6. Only to compare with last goods , we have no way agree that we make a concession for the price in reason of the inferior goods . 然而,仅以与上批货品相比,此次货品质量低劣为由而要求我方在价格上作出让步,我方无法同意。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. This regimen allows you to compare one release to another, but it also allows you to recover a specific version of the software. 这种方法允许您对不同的发布版本进行比较,除此之外,它还允许您恢复软件的特定版本。 www.ibm.com 8. The graphical plan with statistics provides estimates and actual statistics for you to compare. 含统计信息的图形式计划会提供预计值和实际统计信息供您比较。 www.ianywhere.com 9. And then we use that to compare what happens when they might be in the midst of a stressful financial decision. 然后我们用它来比较时会发生什么,他们可能是在一个紧张的财务决策之中。 source.yeeyan.org 10. In his last years, he liked to compare himself with a tiller, saying: "Because of me, two blades of grass grow where one grew before. " 晚年的他,喜欢以耕耘者自喻:“因为有了我,原先这里只生一片草叶,现在长了两片。” www.szedu.com.cn 1. Message digests can be used to compare a user-provided password with an original password without having to store the original password. 可以使用消息摘要来比较用户所提供的密码和原始密码,而无需存储原始密码。 www.ibm.com 2. I think it's difficult for you to compare yourself to someone else, but I certainly hope I can become as good as them. 我觉得和其他人比较很难。但是我确实希望能像他们一样好。 hi.baidu.com 3. When we used this technique with different neuroleptic drugs, we were able to compare the relative effectiveness of the various compounds. 当我们把这一方法用于不同的神经松驰剂时,我们便能够比较各种化合物的相对效力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. After you finish entering the sample data, you are ready to compare the two tables. 输入完示例数据后,您就可以比较这两个表了。 office.microsoft.com 5. a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number. 数字标度,用来比较变量或者把变量和某一参数作比较。 www.bing.com 6. To compare the result of two groups by analyzing clinical symptom, sign, artery blood gas analysis and blood hemorheology. 比较两组治疗前后的临床症状、体征、动脉血气分析及血液流变学改变。 www.boshuo.net 7. As for Fernando, people like to put you in pigeonholes, to categorise you, to compare you. 至于费尔南多,人们总是喜欢将你归档,分类,作比较。 www.360doc.com 8. Cause the cause of this one result, no less than has stylist place talk: Crural feeling does not have law and wooden floor to compare. 造成这一结果的原因,正如有设计师所言:脚感没法与木地板比。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It is enough to compare four months of imprisonment and five years of waiting for justice. 四个月刑期及五年审判,两相比较便一清二楚。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. A bidding experiment was used to compare the contractors' decision to bid behaviour in two different construction markets. 此竞标实验被用来比较两个不同建筑投标市场下的承包商的决策。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 1. It is a unit count that means nothing outside of its benchmark, but can be used to compare results within the same benchmark. 这是一个单元数,表示没有什么东西超出了度量,但可以比较基于同样基准的结果。 www.infoq.com 2. This would be a particularly interesting statistic for anyone seeking to compare the success of large-scale graduate recruitment programmes. 这也是很多人用来比较大型研究生招聘项目的重要比较统计数据。 www.hroot.com 3. They look very much the same. I encourage you to compare your notes for the two side by side to see where they differ. 它们看起来很相似,我建议大家对照着自己的笔记,仔细寻找二者的不同之处。 open.163.com 4. Furthermore, a classical communication channel is always required for Alice and Bob to compare measurements and agree on the secret key. 此外,传统的通信频道总要求爱丽丝和鲍勃比较测量并在密码上取得一致。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. they lay waste to europe ' s cities and its cultural landmarks , since there is nothing to compare them to in chicago or san francisco. 他们打废的是芝加哥或旧金山无法相比的欧洲城市和名胜古迹。 www.ichacha.net 6. The NotesMark rating, analogous to a horsepower rating, allows you to compare Domino scalability on different hardware platforms. NotesMark评级,与马力评级类似,允许您比较Domino在不同硬件平台上的稳定性。 www.ibm.com 7. Due to the high accuracy of the files, the user can read out REAL Dimensions from the item and to compare it to his files and pre-design. 因为扫描文件的高精度,用户可以得到加工工件的真实数据并和原始设计尺寸相比对。 5doc.com 8. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare outcomes in older individuals receiving drug-eluting (DES) and bare-metal stents (BMS). 目的:本研究比较老年人接受洗脱支架(DES)和裸金属支架(BMS)的效果。 news.dxy.cn 9. This can cause problemswhen trying to compare the depth of downturns in different cycles or acrossdifferent countries. 在比较不同经济周期和国家间的经济低迷深度时,这种方法会产生一些问题。 www.ecocn.org 10. The US and many other countries face a bad recession - but surely nothing to compare with that sustained catastrophe. 美国和其它许多国家面临着一场严重的衰退——不过,当然不能与那场持续的灾难相比。 www.ftchinese.com 1. University education in management with an emphasis on accounting, involving the use of computers, Able to compare. heedfinancialstatements在大学修管理学,以会计为主,包含电脑的使用。能理财务报告。 www.8875.org 2. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of disposable thermometer recordings with those from a mercury thermometer. 本研究的目的是比较准确的一次性温度计记录那些从水银温度计。 www.syyxw.com 3. A few studies have been done to compare the effectiveness of the different preservatives but the data is limited and inconclusive. 已开展了几项比较不同防腐剂有效性的研究,但数据均存在局限性,并不具有结论性。 www.who.int 4. If you remember back to grade school, you wrote plenty of papers where you were told to compare and contrast two things. 如果你还记得上小学的时候,你曾经写过很多篇对比两样东西并找出不同。 aimelevin.blogbus.com 5. Explains how to compare the results of two or more SELECT statements and return distinct values . 说明如何比较两个或多个SELECT语句的结果并返回非重复值。 www.bing.com 6. Now you are ready to compare the Class Enrollments table and the Student Majors table. 现在您可以对“课程注册”表和“学生专业”表进行比较了。 office.microsoft.com 7. The goal of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of visual inspection vs wet combing in the detection of head lice infestation. 研究目的是比较目视检查和湿发梳理两种方法诊断头虱侵染的准确率。 news.dxy.cn 8. Third, in practice, it wouldn't be necessary to compare every customer in Amazon's database to myself if I'm only purchasing a book. 第三,实际上,如果我只是购买了一本书,那么根本不必针对我对比亚马逊数据库内的每个客户。 www.ibm.com 9. In the milk protein fiber, with the adoption of the law and with the bath directly with the media law to compare the two methods. 在对牛奶蛋白纤维进行上染时采用了直接法和同浴媒染法两种方法进行比较。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. If really want to compare one superiority with that chemisette feeling, not should at the empress and time of undecided Wang Ye's feelings . 要是真要与那女人的情比一高下,不该在娘娘与王爷感情未定的时候。 www.yycaf.com 1. Two FB converters with different input ranges are designed and built up to compare with the proposed approach. 同时设计了两个输入电压范围不同的全桥变换器,与以上这种方案对比。 word.hcbus.com 2. My good things are only the standard for you to compare to him. My goods are useless. 我的好,只是你拿来跟他比较的标准,我好又有什么用。 wenwen.soso.com 3. We urge you to compare the price and quality of our products with those of our competitors. 我们力劝你们将我们产品的价格和质量与我们竞争对手的产品价格和质量对比一下。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Method to compare instance variables in an Equals implementation, as shown in the following code example. 方法比较实例变量是适当的,如下面的代码示例所示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The handler program is going to compare the before record image with the values passed into the handler from the RPG update operation. Handlder程序将比较记录前映像和从RPG更新操作传递到Handlder程序中的值。 www.ibm.com 6. To compare the fuels, Jacobson calculated the impacts each would have if it alone powered the entire US fleet of cars and trucks. 为了比较燃料间的区别,Jacobson分别计算了它们单独为全美车辆提供动力所产生的影响。 www.bing.com 7. As I said in the other room it is something really only possible to compare with the Spanish Grand Prix victory I had in 2006. 就像我在另一个房间里说过的,这真的只能跟我2006年获得西班牙大奖赛的胜利相提并论。 www.tiyuxiu.com 8. A person who does nothing but to compare a program against some reference is a checker, not a tester. 而仅仅根据参考文档来比较当前程序的人也是检查人员,不是测试人员。 www.infoq.com 9. The critical serum concentration can be used to compare the intrinsic activity of antibiotics on a given bacterial strain. 关键的血药浓度可以用来比较的内在活动抗生素对某一特定菌株。 www.syyxw.com 10. Objective: To compare the efficacy of self-etching bond system and composite resin in pair of dental defects. 目的:比较自酸蚀粘接系统和复合树脂修复牙体缺损的效果。 www.dictall.com 1. To compare the two nations' industries directly would be unfair, when Vietnam's tourist industry is so young in comparison. 直接对比两国的产业情况是不公平的,毕竟越南的旅游业发展时间相对短暂。 www.ecocn.org 2. It is instructive to compare the steps used for the local queue with the steps required to connect to Amazon's SQS queue. 比较本地队列使用的步骤与连接Amazon的SQS队列所需的步骤将会很有用。 www.ibm.com 3. This will allow you to compare the startup times for the same assembly executing under different compilation schemes. 这将使您可以比较在不同的编译方案下,执行同一个程序集的启动时间。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. I had never actually benchmarked my module very precisely before, since I never had anything concrete to compare it to. 实际上,之前我从未对我的模块进行过非常精确的基准测试,因为我始终没有一个具体的可比对象。 www.ibm.com 5. We are now in a position to compare this list with the corresponding parts of the sky in the Chinese planisphere. 现在,我们能够将该列表与中国星图的相应部分作对比。 www.bing.com 6. This is particularly useful when you want users to be able to compare or summarize information from multiple forms. 当您希望用户可以比较或汇总多个表单中的信息时,这尤其有用。 office.microsoft.com 7. Google also declined to compare the return on its solar fund with the company's overall profit margin. 谷歌还拒绝拿在太阳能基金收益与公司整个利润率作对比。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. An athlete of power energy metabolizes the biggest characteristics is a protein inside the body to metabolize the speed to compare quickly. 力量型运动员能量代谢最大的特点是体内蛋白质代谢速度较快。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. You should provide a means for users to compare related variables and trends or to compare before-and-after scenarios. 应该为用户提供可以进行相关变量和趋势的对比手段,或者是事件前后的对比手段。 www.jukuu.com 10. Some systems will store both to allow you to compare the projected with the actual to assist with subsequent planning activities. 一些系统将两个时间都存储,允许您将计划与实际情况相比较,以帮助以后的计划活动。 www.ibm.com 1. Limitations of this study include inability to compare the specificity of these methods. 研究的局限性包括无法比较这些方法的专一性。 news.dxy.cn 2. Why is health status not a very good measure with which to compare health care systems? 为什么健康情况不是比较医疗护理制度的良好标准? www.myoops.org 3. The Column chart type is usually effective to compare values directly. 柱形图类型在直接比较数值方面效果通常较好。 office.microsoft.com 4. We sought to compare the efficacy of these two methods of monitoring to detect impending iatrogenic neural injury during scoliosis surgery. 我们的研究就致力于比较这两种方法对于检测侧凸手术中急性医源性神经损伤的有效性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Object. It might be helpful to compare identity and principal objects to familiar concepts like user and group accounts. 将标识和主体对象同用户与组帐户这样常见的概念进行比较,可能会有所帮助。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. To compare the words of allotropy and "Dictionary" have been found , make it as a valuable example of lexicography. 把搜寻到的同素异序词和《大词典》进行比对,为辞书编纂提供有价值的例证。 www.fabiao.net 7. Objective: To compare the body composition of soldiers and military college students, Analyse all reasonable problems. 目的:应用生物电阻抗法调查战士和学员在人体成分上是否存在差异,分析存在的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Estimate the response of the system, it will forecast and actual values calculated to compare the amount of actual control and correction. 并对系统的响应进行预估,将对预估值和实际值进行比较计算并对实际控制量进行校正。 www.boshuo.net 9. Create a new deployment diagram for each logical datacenter to which you want to compare your system. 为每个要与您的系统进行比较的逻辑数据中心创建一个新的部署关系图。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. And don't we have to be able to do that to compare them? 要将两者一比高低,不是非得这么做吗? www.joyen.net 1. Though the proper study of mankind may be man, that study will yield little if there is no reference point to compare man with. 虽说人可以成为人类研究的恰当对象,但没有一个参考点可以和人进行对比,这样的研究取得不了什么成果。 www.bing.com 2. The machine can store a few of these, giving you an opportunity to compare different looks. 化妆镜装置可以储存照片,让你有机会比较不同效果的妆容。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Different microprocessor architectures between Intel and AMD make it especially hard to compare their cache specifications. 英特尔和AMD公司的不同种类的微处理器很难比较他们之间的不同之处。 www.bing.com 4. This is going to be very difficult, because all our culture, our tradition, is to compare, justify or condemn what we are. 这必然是十分困难的,因为我们所有的文化,我们的传统就是去比较,判断或谴责我们本来的样子。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 5. Theoretical analysis and thermodynamic calculation were made to compare with the traditional ammonia vapor compression heat pump cycle. 通过对该循环的理论分析和热力计算,并与传统氨蒸汽压缩热泵循环进行比较。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. To perform the parallel optimization, the comparison used in tournament selection was employed to compare the searched solutions of the PSO. 采用联赛选择算子比较粒子群算法所搜索到的解。 airiti.com 7. The point of the lesson is to compare the two countries. 本课的目的是比较这两个国家。 wenwen.soso.com 8. I personally think it would be more logical not to compare a total with an average, which will to some extend exaggerate the truth. 个人认为笔者在上句中总量与人均的比较是不够科学的,会在某种程度上夸大真实问题。 new.chinadialogue.net 9. For systems of different area or different planning programs of the same area, the risk index can be used to compare their risk level. 对于不同地区的系统网络或者同一地区的不同规划方案,都可以由此指标来比较它们的风险水平。 www.fabiao.net 10. Suppose a PHP page needs to calculate two stock prices, perhaps to compare them, and the underlying host happens to be a multiprocessor. 假定PHP页面需要计算两只股票价格,可能还需要将两者相比较,并且底层主机刚好是多处理器。 www.ibm.com 1. Again to compare cost and benefit of a planning, analyze the implementation possibility of this scheme. 再将一个规划方案的本钱和收益进行比较,分析这个方案的实施可能性。 www.qk114.net 2. There isn't any other game to compare with it in the world. 世界上没有任何其它运动可与滑雪相媲美。 www.ecocn.org 3. Validation during an attempted update enables you to compare values in multiple columns if business rules require this. 在尝试进行更新操作的过程中进行的验证可以比较多个列中的值(如果业务规则要求这样做)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. abstract: Objective To compare the test result of candida by two smear vaginal smear assays and fungal culture method. 目的比较阴道分泌物涂片两种涂片法与真菌培养法检测念珠菌的结果。 www.bing.com 5. The key to using the method for validation is to compare the updated index to the length of the original input string. 使用该方法验证的关键在于将更新过的索引和初始输入字符串的长度进行比较。 www.ibm.com 6. If I have to compare it to one similar thing , crystal may be the best one, because of the value and characteristic. 假如偶一定必须要把它比作一个相似哒事物,水晶可可以就是的最好哒选择,因为它哒价值和特性。 iwen.e069.com 7. Go up in the computation of high density, tall function " 4 nucleuses " it is to compare more " double nucleus " tower above of 70% . 在高密度、高性能的计较上“四核”更是比“双核”横跨了70%之多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. You want to compare two object references to see if they refer to instances of the same type. 需要比较两个对象引用,以了解它们是否引用了同一个类型的实例。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. You'll need to be able to compare them with statements at the end of the month. 你需要在月末把他们和结算单做一下对比。 www.bing.com 10. Measuring telomere lengths definitely has a proven value if you want to compare thousands of people at a time. 你如果打算一次性比较数以千计人的情况,那么测量端粒长度就肯定具有确证的价值。 dongxi.net 1. Implicitly, the algorithm does have one dependency on the element type: We must be able to compare elements. 这种算法只在一点上隐式地依赖元素类型:必须能够对元素做比较运算。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. If you're not satisfied after trying two or three, keep your favorite one out, and pick two or three more to compare. 那么保留下相对而言你最满意的那双,然后再选择两到三双鞋子进行比较。 q.sohu.com 3. It was difficult to discover all the available options and was hard to compare similar extensions. 但我们很难发现所有可用的选择,而且也很难对类似的扩展进行比较。 www.infoq.com 4. An Angeleno trapped on a freeway by a SigAlert is likely to compare his fate to a human-rights violation. 被困在高速公路上由SigAlertAngeleno可能比较他的命运,一个违反人权。 www.englishtang.com 5. Eminent saints have scarcely known to what to compare themselves, their sense of unworthiness has been so clear and keen. 杰出的圣徒极少认为自己可以与什麽作比较,因他们敏感到自己的不配。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The principal aim of this study was to compare radioiodine treatment and medical therapy for long-term worsening or development of TAO. 该项研究旨在比较碘放疗与内科治疗对TAO的发生和长期恶化影响。 news.dxy.cn 7. Remember, you can use the Goal Conversion and Ecommerce tabs to compare the performance of keywords in terms of conversions and revenue. 请记住,您可以使用目标转换和电子商务标签的性能比较中的关键字的转换条件和收入。 www.zishu.cn 8. So, what are the main areas used to compare these different JAX-RS implementations? 那么,应该使用那些主要领域来比较这些不同的JAX-RS实现呢? www.ibm.com 9. The explicitly stated reason for this study was to compare the quality of catalysts supplied from various manufacturers. 明确宣布这个研究是为了比较各个制造厂家生产的催化剂质量。 10. Trove itself comes with a small benchmark test to compare its performance against the core Java collections. Trove本身提供了一个小的基准测试,用于跟核心Java集合进行性能比较。 www-128.ibm.com 1. The data can be mined to compare the age of the purchaser of past cars and the colors bought in the past. 这就需要挖掘数据来对比过去购车者的年龄和过去购买的车的颜色。 www.ibm.com 2. He likes to compare fisheries to banking, both parts of essentially unstable ecosystems whose workings are only partially understood. 他喜欢将渔业比喻为银行业,两者运行的基本的不稳定的生态系统的很多部分,仅仅部分地被理解。 www.bing.com 3. Method: Through a single child, 50 cases of the early production of the control group and observation group to compare the different care. 方法:通过对单胎、初产50例对照组和观察组的不同护理进行比较。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. Another way to think about it is to compare distances in the United States whit others more familiar to you. 另一种考虑这个问题的方法是将美国的各种距离与另一些你更熟悉的距离比较。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the mode of delivery and utilization of ambulatory care by women at 60-days postpartum. 目标:本研究旨在比较不同生产方式妇女产后60天内的门诊医疗利用。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Search engines have made it ridiculously easy for every consumer to compare prices from every supplier instantly and effortlessly. 搜索引擎令每位用户即时轻松地比较所有供应商提供的价格不费吹灰之力。 www.bing.com 7. The Test and Rate mode enables you to compare your performance results with those of other players. 测试和速率模式使您比较与其他播放器的你的表现的结果。 game.ali213.net 8. Simulation results are presented to compare the performances of these confidence intervals. 给出了比较这些置信区间效果的模拟结果。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Objective To compare the long term effectiveness of three types of dowel pin as treatment post core crowning. 目的比较3种类型桩钉作桩核冠修复体的远期疗效。 www.showxiu.com 10. There's nothing to compare with the pleasure of being with you. 跟你在一起是无比的愉快。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. ROCKIT software was used to compare the receiver operating characteristic areas between each predictive model. 使用ROCKIT软件比较不同单因素预测模型间ROC曲线下面积的差异。 www.fabiao.net 2. I need the site to be able to compare price with original and our price. 我需要网站能够以比较原始的价格,我们的价格。 www.bing.com 3. This ignorance precludes the full theoretical calculation of wave forms necessary to compare with relevant observations. 这种未知使我们无法作出所必需的理论计算,以与有关观测结果相比较。 4. Turkmen like to compare their mounts to birds, hence one finds the word Kush so often in horse names. 土库曼想比较他们的坐骑鸟类,因此人们发现库什字马的名称,以便经常研究。 www.scdjlm.cn 5. We were unable to compare pain at the bone-graft donor site between the studies because of methodological reasons. 由于方法学方面的原因,我们不能比较骨移植供区的疼痛。 adoop.cn 6. It is not easy to compare RAP to the other frameworks because the focus is different. 要与其它的框架相比并不容易,因为他们的关注点有所不同。 www.infoq.com 7. There is nothing to compare with a nice cold drink when you get home after work. 下班回家后,没有什么不能闭合上一杯可口的冷饮更惬意了。 lcms.cug.edu.cn 8. Queries also use string comparisons to compare the value in a local variable , cursor, or column with a constant . 常数是有意义的名称,替代不变的数字或字符串。 www.bing.com 9. You need to compare the new version of the model fragment with the previous version to see the difference. 您需要将模型片段的新版本与以前的版本相比较以查看两者之间的差异。 www.ibm.com 10. Sorting strings depends on the sort rules used to compare, and therefore order, pairs of strings. 对字符串进行排序取决于比较所使用的排序规则以及顺序和字符串对。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. To compare this Milan to the glory days of the past 50 years at the moment, would be unfair. 将眼下这支米兰和过去50年中缔造辉煌的红黑前辈对比显然有失公允,至少不是现在。 www.tiantianbt.com 2. The results from these methods can be used to compare their nutrient release rates but are somewhat different from the actual values. 各方法结果都能比较出产品的养分释放速率,但与实际尚有距离。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Each student needs to compare the financial ratios of selected company with its industry average standard. 每个学生需要进行比较与行业平均水平的选定公司的财务比率。 img3.zhubajie.com 4. This review was made to compare the multimedia teaching results with traditional teaching results in medical universities or colleges. 笔者对近几年医学院校中的多媒体与传统教学效果的比较研究做一综述。 www.chemyq.com 5. This makes it easier to compare different snapshots and look for differences over the course of a test. 这样更易于在一次测试的过程中比较不同快照并找出不同。 www.ibm.com 6. Objective: to compare the quality of life in female schizophrenic patients treated with quetiapine or chlorpromazine. 目的:比较国产喹硫平与氯丙嗪对女性精神分裂症患者生活质量的影响。 www.21jk.com.cn 7. Arne Simon of Bonn University Children's Clinic in Germany is now leading an international study to compare honey with existing drugs. 德国波恩大学儿童临床中心的ArneSimon目前正负责一项国际研究,对蜂蜜和一般药物进行比较。 www.ecocn.org 8. That content is then used to compare each column, to determine its correct position in the sorted tree. 然后使用该内容来比较每一列,以确定该列在排序树中的正确位置。 www.ibm.com 9. Because of the essential differences, it is possible to compare codified knowledge with universal ethics. 由于二者在本质上的不同,因此对编码知识与普世伦理区别的比较就成为可能。 m.qikan.com.cn 10. It is interesting for me to compare the customs of marriage in the United States with those in my country. 让我来比较一下美国的婚俗跟我的祖国伊朗的婚俗是很有趣的。 www.kekenet.com 1. Secondly, I will find some other industrial properties of similar grade for you to compare. 其次,我也会提供其他相似的工业大厦给你作比较。 www.hxen.com 2. Pull-out test was applied to compare the shear strength between the interfaces of the bone-implant. 同时行推出实验,比较不同表面内植物和骨组织界面生物力学情况。 www.bing.com 3. More probably, while we try to compare the relative power of the West and the East, we are clinging to an obsolete vocabulary. 更有可能的是,当我们试图就西方和东方力量进行相对比较的时候,我们将会执着于已过时的词汇。 www.bing.com 4. Few attempt, as The Economistdoes, to compare global programmes with one another. 像《经济学人》有些试图与比较国际课程。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. To determine this interval, you need to compare each order date to other order dates for that product. 要确定此时间间隔,您需要将同类产品的各个订单日期进行相互比较。 office.microsoft.com 6. Then during playback, these verification points are used to compare recorded information with live information to ensure consistency. 然后在回放期间,这些确认点用来将录制的信息,与现场信息进行比较以确保稳定性。 www.ibm.com 7. OBJECTIVE: To compare morphological differences of intracranial target vessel restenosis following various stent implantations. 目的:比较不同材料支架置入后颅内靶血管再狭窄影像形态学差异。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Several studies have been done to compare the effectiveness of the different preservatives but the data are limited and inconclusive. 虽然已经开展了若干项比较不同防腐剂有效性的研究,但是数据均存在限制并没有定论。 www.who.int 9. Admissions officers use the essay to compare hundreds or even thousands of applicants with similar grades, activities, and SAT scores. 数百甚至数千的申请者们和你有着相似的成绩、活动经历和sat分数,招生官当然就借助文书来筛选。 bbs.education.163.com 10. plus, an audience response system that allows you to compare answers with peers and faculty experts. 此外,观众的反应系统,允许你的答案与同龄人相比,教师的专家。 www.med365.com.cn 1. With the standard edition, you can also view results in a binary mode which allows you to compare non-textual files. 与标准版,您还可以查看结果,在一个二元对立模式,这可以让您比较非文本文件。 xtdownload.com 2. Describes how to compare the contents of two or more strings. 描述如何比较两个或多个字符串的内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade. 把教区牧师助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。 dict.veduchina.com 4. The thesis first sets out to compare the components of English and Chinese ditransitive constructions. 本文首先对英汉双及物构式的成分进行了对比分析。 www.fabiao.net 5. The object to compare against the criteria defined within the method represented by this delegate. 要按照由此委托表示的方法中定义的条件进行比较的对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Because of the confidential nature of private banking, relative performance is tough to compare. 由于私人银行业务具有保密性,因此很难就相对投资业绩进行对比。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Again making best efforts to compare like with like, the economists found that white men earn 7 per cent more than black men in the US. 同样,通过对条件相似的人进行比较,这些经济学家发现,美国白人男性的收入比黑人男性高7%。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It is interesting to compare the present with the past, to see how the world evolved and what has disappeared. 将现在与过去进行比照是件很有趣的事情,能够看到世界的发展,回顾那些已经消逝的东西。 www.bing.com 9. Shoppers usually travel only a few kilometres from home or work to compare prices. 购物者一般都会从家或工作场所出发,走上几公里比较商品的价格。 www.ecocn.org 10. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to compare test performance. 受试者工作特征曲线用来比较试验结果。 www.med66.com 1. In the Drawing to compare it with list, click the name of the older version, or click Browse to locate it. 在“要与之比较的绘图”列表中,单击较旧版本的名称,或者单击“浏览”找到此版本。 office.microsoft.com 2. Its loading and unloading and the cross-country performance is highly the universal forklift is unable to compare. 其装卸高度及越野性能是普通叉车所无法比拟的。 www.chinaforklift.com 3. LibCheck allows you to compare two versions of an assembly, and determine the differences. 使用LibCheck,您可以比较两个版本的程序集,发现它们之间的差异。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Used to compare the data in two tables for non-convergence, which is useful when troubleshooting a replication topology. 用于比较两个表中的数据以查看数据是否无法收敛,这对于排除复制拓扑故障很有用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Simultaneously the computer, is having the merit which the manual administration center is unable to compare. 同时计算机,具有着手工管理所无法比拟的优点。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. But it was fun to compare the English and Chinese accounts and I found that they diverged on every point. 但是,将英文和中文说明进行比较是件有趣的事,我发现它们在每一点上都有分歧。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The MLSS was the rst large-scale study to compare surgical and nonoperative outcomes for lumbar disc herniation. MLSS是第一个比较腰椎间盘突出症手术与非手术治疗结果的大样本研究。 www.nexoncn.com 8. These two databases are joined, and a loop is executed to compare the dates in one database to the dates in the other database. 这两个数据库被关联在一起,执行一个循环便可将一个数据库中的日期与另一个数据库中的日期相比较。 www.ibm.com 9. Objective: To compare the value of two different techniques for the detection of anti-extractable nuclear antigen (ENA) antibodies. 目的:评价两种检测可提取性核抗原(ENA)多肽抗体方法在临床诊断中的价值。 www.dictall.com 10. Objective: To compare the pharmacological effect of the main coumarin constituents of Peucedanum praeruptorum from Jiangxi and He nan. 目的:比较江西和河南产白花前胡香豆素类主成分的药理作用。 terms.shengwuquan.com |
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