单词 | technologies |
释义 | technologies是technology的复数
复数:technologies adj. n. modern technology,video technology,special technology,efficient technology,effective technology v. n. develop technology,apply technology,transfer technology,base technology,promote technology 例句释义: 技术,制造学,术语 1. So you can see at a glance if anyone has invented them yet, allowing you to gauge how much of a priority you can give these technologies. 所以你可以看一看是否有人曾经发明了他们,这可以让你评估一下你给予这些技术的研究的优先权是多少。 bbs.52pcgame.com 2. The number of technologies covered, as well as the type of questions asked (scenario-based), make it a little difficult. 所涵盖的技术的数量以及考题的类型(基于方案的)都使得这项考试有些难度。 www.ibm.com 3. If the scientists had used older technologies, it would have taken about a year to achieve the same result. 如果这组科学家使用原先的技术,得到同样的结果可能需要大约一年时间。 www.scidev.net 4. The standardized nature of XML has given rise to a number of derivative cross-platform, cross-language parsers and derivative technologies. XML的标准化特性导致了一些跨平台、跨语言的解析器和派生技术的诞生。 www.ibm.com 5. New technologies in food safety control employed at the Expo could also be introduced into homes, he said. 而一些食品安全控制中用到的新技术也可以被引入家庭日常使用。 www.3us.com 6. The parallel (pun intended! ) between the two technologies is largely due to the compositional nature of the latter. 两个技术之间的相似(绝对不是故意的!)主要是由于后者的复合性质。 www.ibm.com 7. Where the technologies diverge, however, is in the method of transmission and the vision of just how much a network topology should do. 但是,在技术上出现分歧之处是在传输方法上和对网络拓扑结构应如何做的看法上。 tr.bab.la 8. If you want to lighten up, you need to select principles, processes, and technologies that make it easy to work that way. 如果您想轻松一些,那么需要选择使它易于工作的原则、过程和技术。 www.ibm.com 9. Schneier makes the point that these technologies are not isolated from each other, but rather "layered like an onion. " Schneier指出,这些技术相互之间并不是孤立的,而是“像洋葱一样层层相关”。 www.ibm.com 10. Provisioning can be considered one of the core technologies of IT automation today. 自动配置可以认为是目前IT自动化的核心技术之一。 www-128.ibm.com 1. To be able to use their equipment, at least one team member must know how to adapt Precursor technologies. 要使用先行者的装备,至少要有一个队伍成员知道如何适应先行者科技。 blog.donews.com 2. Goals for the future include all the simple technologies needed to make ready- to - use therapeutic foods to treat malnutrition. 未来的目标是把这些简单的技术用于化学的食物中,来治疗营养不良。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. However, don't fall into the trap of assuming that this preparation for heterogeneity is not necessary for your SOA tools and technologies. 但是不要想当然的认为这种为异构性做的准备工作对于你的SOA工具和技术来说就不是必要的。 www.infoq.com 4. High-precision micro displacement sensor is one of the key technologies of the surface metrology. 高精度微位移传感器是表面计量技术的关键技术之一。 www.dictall.com 5. With the uninterrupted development of information technologies, they have been used in all over the administration of enterprises. 随着信息技术的发展,信息化管理模式已经渗透到企业管理的各个层面。 www.fabiao.net 6. Using modern production technologies these nanoparticles have proved to be very effective at inducing cellular and humoral immune responses. 采用现代生产技术,这些纳米粒子,已证明是非常有效的诱导细胞和体液免疫反应。 www.syyxw.com 7. Both technologies are rapidly becoming cheaper, but they are still mainly distinguished by how much they cost at certain sizes. 两种技术都在迅速降价,不过它们的主要区别还是在于不同尺寸的价格差别。 www.englishfree.com 8. Instead, the TV experience is simply being enhanced by the web-enabled technologies - which you can choose to use or not use as you wish. 不同的是,看电视这种体验简单地因为这种网络技术而得到改善--你可以根据自己的感觉选择用还是不用。 www.bing.com 9. Huawei Technologies is one of the world's fastest growing telecom-hardware makers, and yet much of the company is shrouded in secrecy. 华为科技是世界上增长最快的通信硬件制造商,但是公司大部分都处于保密。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. To be able to use their equipment, at least one team member must know how to adapt Berserk technologies. 要使用他们的装备,至少要有一个队伍成员知道如何适应狂战士科技。 blog.donews.com 1. Whenever a product is upgraded to take advantage of new technologies, the skill set of the individuals in the team must be upgraded as well. 当产品需要升级以利用新技术的优势时,开发团队中的个人技能集也要相应更新。 www.ibm.com 2. For over a year we were in contact with the family who owned the Meyer technologies and negotiated with them to purchase the materials. 在过去的一年,我们在与家人谁拥有迈耶技术,并与他们协商,以购买物料接触。 tieba.baidu.com 3. HTC, Samsung, Motorola and others have filed numerous suits of their own, also trying to claim ownership of market-changing technologies. 宏达电、三星、摩托罗拉和其他公司也提起了多项诉讼,试图主张自己拥有那些改变市场的技术。 cn.nytimes.com 4. Hill said he understood N-Tech Australia to be a very small firm formed to market various defense technologies. 希尔说他知道N-Tech公司是一家规模非常小的,向市场提供各种防务技术的公司。 ido.3mt.com.cn 5. As both defensive and offensive measures, the light forces use only the power of light and technologies that have no harmful aftereffects. 作为防守和进攻措施,光的部队仅仅使用光的力量和科技,不会产生有害的后果。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Smart meters are one key part of a wider set of technologies and techniques collectively known as the "smart grid" . 智能电表是一系列被称为“智能网(smartgrid)”的技术和工艺的一个关键部分。 www.bing.com 7. Middleware technologies in various forms have been used to close EAI gaps. 各种窗体的中间件技术已经被用于消除EAI差异。 www.ibm.com 8. When you see my ignorance on new technologies. . . give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile. . . 当你看到我对新科技一无所知给我一点时间不要嘲笑我。 www.bing.com 9. I suppose the question is to what extent China will be able to create the new cutting-edge technologies that these industries require. 我想问题是中国能在多大程度上发明这些行业要求的新前沿技术。 www.bing.com 10. But over time, as the expense of operating two networks mounts, the company will probably have to choose between the two technologies. 但从长远来看,由于运营两个网络的费用太高,合并后的新公司将不得不在这两种技术之间作出选择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. For some technologies, the costs and trouble simply don't justify the resources and effort that go into generating a little bit of energy. 对于一些技术,相比实现它所需解决的困难,加之付出的精力和财力,所节约的能源不过只是九牛一毛。 www.bing.com 2. The general architecture, operating environment, realization methods, and related key technologies of the system were presented. 介绍了该系统的内容、结构和开发运行环境、实现方法及关键技术。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Sun, though it amassed thousands of patents, was one of the biggest backers of freely sharing programming technologies. 太阳公司尽管拥有数千项专利,却是免费分享编程技术的最大拥趸。 www.bing.com 4. Moreover, if users need any of these technologies to follow the links, the spider won't be able to do so. 另外,如果用户需要这些技术才能使用链接,那么爬行器就无法沿着链接前进。 www.ibm.com 5. The country leads the world in most technologies and some of these give it a military advantage. 这个国家有大量的技术领先于世界,部分技术还为它带来了军事优势。 boboan79.blog.163.com 6. It had never wanted to sell Opel, which despite being lossmaking is GM's main repository of expertise in technologies for smaller cars. GM从未甘愿出售Opel,尽管一直亏损,Opel是GM在小型车领域的专业宝库。 www.ecocn.org 7. Until recently, these were the big categories. . . with most new technologies and specifications adding to one of these three groupings. 到目前为止,这些分组是主要的技术类别,每个分组中都在不断出现最新的技术和规范。 www.ibm.com 8. This seems to have escaped the operators of the digital surveillance technologies that are taking over our cities. 这样看来,城市中普遍存在的特工数字监控技术似乎没有用处。 www.bing.com 9. "If these technologies could be adopted more on Earth, we could possibly reduce some of that violence, " he said. “如果这些技术能更多的应用到地球上,我们可能会减少一些暴力,”他说。 www.bing.com 10. Doing so isn't terribly difficult, but it does require two additional technologies: some server-side processing and a bit of Ajax. 完成此操作并不是很困难,但是需要使用两项额外的技术:一些服务器端处理和一点Ajax。 www.ibm.com 1. The company has struggled ever since it was formed by the merger of France's Alcatel and Lucent Technologies of the U. S. five years ago. 自从法国的阿尔卡特和美国的朗讯科技(LucentTechnologies)在五年前合并以来,阿尔卡特-朗讯就一直在苦苦挣扎。 cn.wsj.com 2. The biggest stumbling block is going to be the fact that technologies developed for space can be used for military applications. 最大的阻碍是发展空间技术主要是为了军事应用。 www.bing.com 3. JDO's pure object-oriented approach and simplicity-by-design lend it a faster ramp-up time than the other two persistence technologies. JDO的纯面向对象方法和设计的简单性使掌握它所需的适应期比其它两种持久性技术都短。 www.ibm.com 4. Better to kill the ball, and if left with other technologies, the role of actual combat is bound to be greatly reduced. 再好的杀球,如果离开了其它技术的配合,实战中的作用就必然会大打折扣。 www.xiami360.com 5. SOAP is the newcomer to this set of technologies, however, only coming to the scene within the last couple of years. 不过,SOAP却是这组技术中的新来者,只是近几年才出现的。 www.ibm.com 6. Wildcat Discovery Technologies is trying to bring high-throughput automation to the discovery and synthesis of new materials. WildcatDiscoveryTechnologies公司试图将高通量自动化应用于新材料的发现和合成领域。 www.bing.com 7. When you see my ignorance on new technologies. Give me the necessary time and do not look at me with your mocking smile. 当你看到我对新科技的无知,给我一点时间,不要挂着嘲弄的微笑看着我。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Cloning used to be found only in fictitious stories, but it has become one of the hotest-debated technologies. 克隆以前只能在虚构的故事中找到,但现在却是人们讨论最热烈的技术之一。 www.cy52.com 9. Applied to the current crop of cutting edge web and mobile technologies, it looks like the next few years are going to be quite exciting. 现在尖端网络和移动技术都开始显示这些趋势,它的未来是非常令人振奋的。 dongxi.net 10. Push the ball, hook ball, the ball is summarized in the light badminton one of the technologies, techniques difficult. 推球、勾球、撮球是羽毛球技术中的轻技术之一,技术难度较大。 www.xiami360.com 1. Uncertainty over prices, he says, means that companies do not know which technologies to bet on for future products. 他说,价格方面的不确定性,意味着企业们不知道未来的产品应该押注于哪种技术。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I think blogging is a proxy word for a whole set of new technologies that add up to conversation. 我认为写博客代表着一系列意味着沟通的新技术的应用。 www.bing.com 3. New technologies have been popping up all over the web to help mediate this 'information overload' problem. 关于如何解决此类信息过载的问题,网上各种新技术层出不穷。 www.bing.com 4. It could also be a proving ground for space exploration technologies and for robotic servicing of space assets, like the ISS or satellites. 同时它将检验太空探索技术,空间设施的机械维修技术,比如ISS或者卫星。 www.bing.com 5. The next step is to ensure visitors to your site can communicate with you and with each other using Web 2. 0 technologies. 接下来就是要保证来访问你网站的人能够通过Web2.0技术与你对话,更能互相对话交流。 www.bing.com 6. We were looking for a melting of the long Norwegian wood building tradition with new sustainable technologies. 我们在寻求一种融化挪威的森林的长期传统,建设新的可持续的技术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It does not matter if such an applications makes use of any other Web service technologies. 即便这样的应用程序使用了任何其他Web服务技术也没有关系。 www.ibm.com 8. Through its partnership with Vestas the company was able to acquire advanced wind turbine technologies and production capabilities. 通过它与Vestas的合作,该公司有能力获取先进的风力发电技术和生产能力。 www.scidev.net 9. We began to introduce that in our explorations, and we continued to make phenomenal discoveries with our new robotic technologies. 我们开始在我们的探险中推广这一技术,用我们的新机器人技术继续进行惊人的发现。 www.ted.com 10. "We are looking at large-scale investments in technologies that are ready to take-off, " says Khanna. “我们正在考虑对已经准备起飞的技术进行大规模的投资,”Khanna说。 web.worldbank.org 1. 'Design can command a bit of premium, but not that much, ' says Roger L. Kay, founder of Endpoint Technologies Associates in Massachusetts. 马萨诸塞州EndpointTechnologiesAssociates的创建者罗杰?L.凯(RogerL.Kay)说,“设计可能值点价钱,但不会值那么多。” www.ebigear.com 2. New technologies have emerged recently that have lowered the cost of aluminum fabrication making it a strong contender to CroMo. 新技术最近已出现降低了铝制造成本,从而使其一强大的竞争者CroMo。 tech-domain.com 3. And Orion is really one of the only, if not the only, off-the-shelf technologies that could do something. 猎户座计划即使不是唯一的,也是现成的技术。猎户座计划即使不是唯一的,也是现成的技术。 www.ted.com 4. It's probably safe to say that even our most pervasive foundational technologies within computing started out as some sort of buzzword. 可以毫不诲言地说,即使计算领域中最普及的基础技术也是从某种形式的流行语发展起来的。 www.ibm.com 5. You can create something exciting when you combine old stuff and new stuff in the right way, but we're trying to work with new technologies. 将旧事物和新事物以正确的方式结合,你就可以创造出令人激动的东西,但我们一直在尝试采用新技术。 www.bing.com 6. Price said the G8 made a strong link between the emissions-reduction goal and developing a new generation of environmental technologies. 普赖斯表示,八国集团将减排目标同开发新一代环境技术紧密相连。 www.america.gov 7. Pulling water out of Monterey fog and out of the sweaty air in Atlanta, before it gets into a building, are key technologies. 在水气进入建筑物之前,从蒙特瑞的雾中,和亚特兰大的潮湿空气中把水份分离出来,这是很重要的科技 www.ted.com 8. The term Comet has been used to describe push technologies applied to Ajax web applications. Comet这个术语已经被用于描述用于Ajax网络应用程序中的推送技术。 www.bing.com 9. Can work in teams, proactive in exploration for new ideas. With a strong sense of confidentiality of the technologies and techniques. 具有团队工作精神,善于探索和研究,具创新和开发精神和产品技术及构成的保密意识。 www.chinabuses.com 10. All of these methods are an attempt to inject adventure in lives that have become increasing dull due to the technologies of a modern world. 所有这些方法都试图将冒险注入我们因现代科技发展而变得越来越枯燥的生活之中。 www.kekenet.com 1. Renewable energy is all but unlimited, but the technologies appear more costly than polluting alternatives, and subsidies are required. 可持续能源几乎是无限的,但是技术上的开支显得比造成污染的供选方案开支更大,所以需要补贴。 www.bing.com 2. I've been a bit behind the curve when it comes to learning the technologies since I've focused on other aspects of software engineering. 由于我已经专注于软件工程的其他方面,所以当提到学习技术时,我已经处于曲线之后。 www.ibm.com 3. But Bluetooth is only one of the technologies that are emerging to connect the computer-based car to the outside world. 但是,蓝牙仅是连接基于计算机的汽车与外部世界多种新兴技术中的一项。 www.kancaimi.cn 4. We do not link the information we record using tracking technologies to any Personal Information you submit while on the Site. 我们不会把用跟踪技术记录的信息与任何您在我们站点上提供的个人信息连接起来。 accoona.com.cn 5. Mobile technologies generate a lot of interest, and it's easy to see why. 移动技术引起了人们浓厚的兴趣,很容易就能明白个中原因。 www.ibm.com 6. A few technologies continued to grow beneath the surface without major new releases this year. 有一些新技术仍然在默默地成长,今年没有大的新版本。 www.ibm.com 7. By trying to develop new technologies by government fiat, there has been a tremendous holdup in adoption of 3G and 4G. 由于通过政府的授权来研发新技术,3G和4G的应用上存在着巨大的滞后。 dongxi.net 8. Adopting new technologies is "difficult, " and FDA "is not always willing, or able, to undertake the work. " 采用新技术十分“困难”,而食品药监局“并不总是乐于或者有能力承担这项工作。” www.bing.com 9. It was great to see scientists and ordinary people coming together to talk about how new technologies might be used in the future. 很高兴看到科学家和普通人来到一起谈论新技术在未来可能得到如何的应用。 www.scidev.net 10. He said the government would favor businesses and technologies that help China more efficiently use energy and natural resources. 他说,政府将优先对待有助于中国提高能源与自然资源使用效率的企业和技术。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Implementing JPA-compliant entity managers seems to be the likely direction of these technologies. 实现JPA兼容的实体管理器似乎很可能是此类技术的发展方向。 www.ibm.com 2. This paper mainly reviewed the surface electromyography technologies application in sport scientific research at home and abroad. 文单主要对表面肌电图技术在国内外体育科研领域中的应用研究现状做一综述。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 3. He said the self-innovated technologies hopefully will come out in one or two years. 好消息是这两项技术有望在一两年之内得到突破。 am774.rbc.cn 4. We took a pragmatic approach from the beginning and developed technologies to help our customers reach the benefits of SOA. 我们从一开始就采用了重实效的方法,努力发展技术以帮助我们的客户从SOA中收益。 www.infoq.com 5. WebGL is one of a suite of developing Web technologies that are gaining clout as a foundation for Web-based applications. WebGL是一整套研发中的网络新技术之一,作为网络应用程序的一项底层技术,其影响力正在逐步扩大。 www.bing.com 6. These technologies are often seen as essential if carbon emissions from China are to be reduced over the long term. 如果中国期望在长期目标中减少碳排放,这些技术被认为是最为重要的技术。 dongxi.net 7. The state-of-the-art technologies and techniques will be provided and a whole set of special equipment and support will be offered. 倾囊传授最先进的技术与工艺,提供整套最专业的设备与扶持。 chenmiao.19871206.blog.163.com 8. Although object-oriented languages and technologies have been used widely, the theories of object-oriented languages are not perfect. 虽然面向对象语言与技术已被广泛使用,但是面向对象语言理论还不完善。 www.fabiao.net 9. This article introduced you to the current tools and technologies most commonly used for profiling and discussed some of their limitations. 这篇文章介绍了监测目前最常用的工具和技术,并讨论了它们的一些局限性。 www-128.ibm.com 10. The announcement was followed by an all-day event were Oracle presented its future plans for the Sun technologies and platforms. 近日Oracle宣布了对Sun技术与平台的未来规划。 www.infoq.com 1. The announcement was followed by an all-day event were Oracle presented its future plans for the Sun technologies and platforms. 近日Oracle宣布了对Sun技术与平台的未来规划。 www.infoq.com 2. South Circle Technologies Willing to work with you together to promote the new century, the cause of social security policy process. 南圆科技公司愿同您一起携手推动新世纪的社会安防事业政策的进程。 www.b2easy.com 3. Those technologies have been used in Macao memory and gotten very satisfactory results. 这些方案在澳门记忆研究中验证效果良好。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Various companies, including one started by Dr Keith, are trying to produce demonstrators for such technologies. 包括Keith博士创建的一个公司在内的各个公司正在尝试建造这种技术的示范产品。 www.ecocn.org 5. As you know that technology is advancing all the time, we hope that you continue offering us your improved technologies. 你知道技术一直在进步,我们希望你方继续提供你们改进的技术 www.tingclass.net 6. With some architectures, the realities of integrating such disparate heterogeneous technologies might have been inhibitive. 对于某些架构来说,可能不允许将这些完全不同的技术集成在一起。 www.ibm.com 7. To be able to use their equipment, at least one team member must know how to adapt Alien technologies. 要使用异形的装备,至少要有一个队伍成员知道如何适应异形科技。 blog.donews.com 8. These elements are just a few of the new technologies that combine to create the Office Fluent user interface. 这些要素只是新技术的一小部分,组合使用这些新技术便创建出OfficeFluent用户界面。 office.microsoft.com 9. And as the birthplace for so many of these technologies, including the internet itself, we have a responsibility to see them used for good. 我们作为如此众多技术的诞生地,有责任确保它们从善使用。 www.america.gov 10. Many technologies are already available that can reduce energy use and our emissions, but take-up of these technologies is often very low. 许多具备了可以降低能源消耗和排放的技术已经存在。但是这些技术的应用率通常都很低。 www.uk.cn 1. That's part of a wider trend: Dozens of companies are now exporting to Europe technologies used to open up shale deposits in the U. S. 这是一个大趋势:数十家公司现在正在向欧洲出口美国开掘页岩矿所用的技术。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Although the team might have made correct decisions, the system's combination of technologies might be just too difficult to support. 虽然项目组作出的决定可能都是正确的,系统的技术组合可能太难而难以支持。 www.ibm.com 3. Q: What development technologies are currently in use, and is the actual outcome of that development consistent with what was planned? 什么样的开发技术正在被使用?开发的实际成果与计划相符吗? www.ibm.com 4. Oxidation by ozone, one of advanced oxidation technologies. have been used in water treatment for more than a century. 臭氧氧化技术是高级氧化技术的一种,在水处理中已有百年的历史。 www.chemyq.com 5. Quite a few specialists and scholars have studied the damage mechanism and protective technologies, but it is all relatively scattered. 不少专家、学者对射孔损害机理和保护技术也进行了研究,但都比较零散,比较系统地总结了他们的研究结果。 www.chemyq.com 6. Goals for the future including all the simple technologies needed to make ready- to - use therapeutic foods to trade treat malnutrition. 未来的目标包括所有应用于备用治疗食物所需的简单技术,以治疗营养不良。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The BBC was trying to get a grip on how new technologies are changing the way people use television, radio and new media. BBC试图了解新科技如何改变人们使用电视、广播和新兴媒体的方式。 www.yuloo.com 8. It's all too easy to underestimate the sheer amount of energy that we want to generate from these technologies. 人们很容易就低估了从这些技术而获取净能量所付出的代价。 www.bing.com 9. World-leading technologies, management skills and talent need to be brought into this sector to bring it up to international standards. 世界领先的技术,管理经验和人才都需要引进这个行业以促使它达到国际先进标准。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. The existence of connection technologies may make it harder to maintain confidentiality, but it does not alter the need for it. 联机技术的存在可能使保密更加困难,但是这并没有改变保密的需要。 www.america.gov 1. Supporting the applications described in the previous section is a set of technologies that have emerged over the last decade or so. 支持前面所描述的应用的是过去十年左右出现的一系列技术。 www.ibm.com 2. We have contained those secret technologies that threatened us and that were to be used to enslave you. 我们包含了那些神秘的科技,也就是那些曾经威胁我们和曾被用于奴役你们的科技。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Network type independence: The surrogate architecture must be able to accommodate a diverse range of connectivity technologies. 网络类型独立性:代理体系结构必须能够容纳不同种类的连接性技术。 www.ibm.com 4. Many of these technologies are, no doubt, well known to the readers of this article. 许多技术,无疑,对本文的读者来说是众所周知的。 www.ibm.com 5. After all, many of the technologies the survey asked about really are beginning to be actualized by modern science. 毕竟,许多调查问及的技术真正地正在开始被现代科学所实现。 www.bing.com 6. One of these technologies is fertigation, which is the direct application of water and nutrients to plants through a drip irrigation system. 文中介绍的一种灌溉技术叫做施肥灌溉,通过滴流灌溉系统把水和养分供给作物。 watsagri.nstl.gov.cn 7. This primer provides an overview of the two technologies and highlights the potential synergies between them. 本文讲述了这两种技术的概要知识,并强调了这两者之间潜在的协作能力。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Given how much user activity goes on every day on Facebook, the company has to be working on some kinds of recommendation technologies. 考虑到Facebook上用户每天发生的活动不计其数,Facebook公司不得不开发某些形式的推荐技术。 www.bing.com 9. Depending on your network bandwidth and latency, certain virtualization technologies might be unacceptable. 根据网络带宽和延时不同,某些虚拟化技术可能是无法接受的。 www.ibm.com 10. Companies have been adopting Web services technologies for several years, but Web services are primarily used for information retrieval. 尽管许多公司已采用Web服务技术多年,但是它们主要将Web服务用于信息检索。 www.ibm.com 1. The patent technology of the long spiral mixing pile is one of the emerging construction technologies. 在施工较硬土层时,长螺旋搅拌桩新工艺的优势尤为明显。 www.dictall.com 2. It conveys a familiar moral message: new technologies can be a hazard, as well as a boon, to humankind (not to mention dog kind). 它传达了一个熟悉的道德信息:对于人类(不是狗类)而言,新技术是把双刃剑,在带来方便的同时也存在着危险。 www.360doc.com 3. Spectrum sensing is one of the key technologies in cognitive radio and energy detection is a typical method of it. 频谱感知是认知无线电研究的关键技术之一,能量检测法是典型的频谱感知方法。 ceaj.org 4. The use of open standards is preferred as the organization has no direct control over the technologies used by its partners. 因为组织不能直接控制其合作伙伴所使用的技术,因此最好使用开放标准。 www-128.ibm.com 5. For further information about any of these technologies, consult Resources at the end of this article. 有关这些技术的更多信息,请参阅本文最后的参考资料。 www.ibm.com 6. Grant has published multiple articles, been a guest editor, and contributed to other books on framework technology and related technologies. Grant发表过多篇文章,同时还是一名客座编辑,对其它关于框架技术以及相关技术也做出很大贡献。 www.ibm.com 7. If you look closely, you can see that this little sculpture is the result, in fact, of four separate stone technologies. 细细观察一下这个小小的雕塑品,你就清楚这是件由四种独立石器工艺制作出来的成果。 www.bing.com 8. The Atlantic cover story went on to examine emerging technologies, like solar energy, that lay at the heart of Lovins's vision. 《大西洋》月刊的封面文章接着讨论了涌现的新技术——像是Lovins所幻想的核心内容——太阳能。 www.bing.com 9. Mutimedia technologies have become essential part of Information Technology (IT) in such a digital, networked and uniform information world. 随着数字化、网络化、全球一体化信息时代的来临,多媒体技术成为信息技术的重要组成部分。 www.fabiao.net 10. With these three technologies it's really easy to automatically push data from the server to the client in real time. 有了这三个技术,实时地从服务器自动地将数据推送到客户端很容易实现。 www.infoq.com 1. Shine Technologies is a provider of IT consultancy and development services to a number of companies in the Australian energy industry. ShineTechnologies是一家为许多澳大利亚能源产业公司服务的IT咨询和开发服务提供商。 www.infoq.com 2. Such regimes are eager to see what kind of precedents will be set by Western officials as they wrestle with these evolving technologies. 这类政府急切想看到西方政府在与不断演进的科技角力时会确立怎样的先例。 cn.wsj.com 3. The company designs, installs, maintains and operates state of the art desalination technologies. 公司设计、安装、维护和运行先进的海水淡化技术。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation is one of the key technologies of Direct Sequence Ultra Wide Bandwidth (DS-UWB) system. 到达角估计是直接序列超宽带系统的关键技术之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Still, as BMW regularly chooses to do with its high-end models, the X5 serves as a showcase for a number of technologies. 尽管如此,正如宝马定期选择与它的高端型号,X5的是一个展示的一些技术。 usa.315che.com 6. Somewhere else there might be very exotic biologies and technologies and societies. 在别的什么地方可能存在着非常奇异的生物、技术和社会。 wiki.jukuu.com 7. As the renewable technologies continued to mature, the report added, the cost per megawatt (MW) continued to fall. 报道又说,因为可再生能源技术不断走向成熟,每兆瓦(MW)的成本继续下跌。 www.bing.com 8. SCA supports a wide variety of component implementation technologies and is capable of connecting between those heterogeneous technologies. SCA支持各种组件实现技术,能够在这些异类技术之间进行连接。 www.ibm.com 9. New technologies have made it possible for anyone with a computer to disseminate information as widely as the largest news organizations. 新型技术使任何拥有电脑的人都可以像大型新闻机构一样广泛散发资讯。 www.america.gov 10. But the difference between Java code and XSD remains; this is due to the fundamental nature of the mismatch between the two technologies. 但是Java代码与XSD之间的差异仍然存在;这是由于两种技术之间不匹配这个根本性质所决定的。 www.ibm.com 1. "China needs European investment and the technologies, management skills and capital that it brings, " he said. 他说:“中国需要欧洲的投资及其带来的技术、管理技能和资本。” www.ftchinese.com 2. The highly sensitive nature of the technologies, however, prevents both companies revealing details. 但是由于该技术的高敏感度,两家公司都拒绝透漏技术细节。 www.yayan123.com 3. InfoQ: Speaking of new technologies, OSGi seem to be emerging as well as an important technology, how do you position SCA and OSGi? InfoQ:说到新技术,OSGi似乎也正成为一项重要技术,你如何定位SCA和OSGi? www.infoq.com 4. At a time of unprecedented challenge for all print media, many publications have rushed to embrace social networking technologies. 在这各种出版媒体都面临前所未有的巨大挑战之际,许多出版刊物都纷纷急急忙忙的赶去“拥抱”社交网络技术。 www.bing.com 5. Such technologies double their price performance and capacity in less than a year. 资讯科技通常不要一年,价格表现比和产能就会增加一倍。 6. These technologies combined with farm services make up the core of the Company's livestock operations. 这些技术与农场服务相结合,形成了公司饲料营运的核心。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 7. The non- proprietary and XML- centric nature of the Web Services technologies makes them truly platform and language neutral . 网络服务技术的非专有性和以XML为中心的性质,令它成为真正平台中性和语言中性的技术。 www.bing.com 8. Key to the new tolling systems are two technologies that make it much cheaper to determine whether a vehicle is in a charging zone. 车辆是否进入收费区的识别成本越来越低是由于新的收费系统采用了两项核心技术。 www.ecocn.org 9. Agricultural biotechnology is an important part in biotechnology composition. It was one of the fastest development of high technologies. 农业生物技术是生物技术的重要组成部分,是当个发展最快的高新技术之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Sometimes, she said, "digital technologies can short-circuit necessary discussions. " 她说,有时“数字科技会使必要的讨论短路。” dongxi.net 1. In Phase I, communications and media policy primarily referred to the emerging technologies of telegraph, telephony and wireless. 在第一阶段,传播与媒介政策主要涉及的对象是新兴的电报、电话和无线电技术。 www.sinoss.net 2. That gives it a better chance of sustaining productivity growth when the gains from adopting existing technologies run out. 这使其在现有技术带来的增长无以为继时有更大的可能性维持生产率增长。 bbs.m4.cn 3. Our own technologies are visible over interstellar distances , and theirs might be as well . 我们自己的科技在星际间是可以被察觉的,别人的也同样如此。 www.bing.com 4. He also made an elaborate criticism of shale gas--extracted using novel technologies that he said were environmentally disastrous. 他还不厌其繁地批评利用新技术提取页岩气的行为,说这类技术会带来灾难性的环境影响。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The idea was originally military, as many technologies are. Twinkling limits the accuracy with which weapons can be aimed. 和许多其他技术一样,这项技术最初用于军事方面,这是因为闪烁会限制武器瞄准的精确度。 www.ecocn.org 6. What's different is not the goal behind these ideas but the existing technologies that have come together to make them a reality. 它们的区别不在于这些思想背后的目标,而在于组合到一起、使这些思想成为现实的现有技术。 www.ibm.com 7. This thinking discounts the fact that cloud computing has a wider scope than any of these particular technologies. 此观点忽略了这样一个事实,即云计算比这些特定技术中的任何一个的范围都要广。 www.ibm.com 8. It uses underlying Java technologies to let you create GUIs of any size or complexity easily. 它使用底层Java技术,使您可以轻松创建任何规模或复杂度的GUI。 www.ibm.com 9. I don't have an answer to the fact that there are -- seem to be bad technologies. 我也不知道为什么,至少看来其实是有一些坏的科技。 www.ted.com 10. Several Web meeting tools were developed as the Internet and network technologies developed into a mature, fast communications medium. 许多网络会议工具是随着互联网和网络技术发展为成熟、快速的通信媒介而发展的。 www.ibm.com 1. Internet Community or Virtual Community refers to a variety of groups connected by means of information technologies on the Internet. 网络社区,或网络虚拟社区,是指通过互联网采取某些方式连接起来的各种各样的群体。 www.fanzq.com 2. Two of the hottest technologies at the moment are Grid computing and Web services, but are the two compatible? 目前两项最热门的技术就是网格计算和Web服务,但是这两者是兼容的吗? www-128.ibm.com 3. To get up to speed on all of these technologies, check out the links in the Resources section below. 要想跟上所有这些技术的发展速度,请参阅后面参考资料部分中的链接。 www.ibm.com 4. The architectural pattern can be implemented using a variety of logical topologies and a variety of middleware technologies and products. 该体系结构模式可以使用各种各样的逻辑拓扑和各种各样的中间件技术和产品来实现。 www.ibm.com 5. Grid is a significant technology of parallel distributed computing rise in recent years. Resource management is one of its key technologies. 网格是近年兴起的一种重要的并行分布式计算技术,其关键技术之一是对网格中的资源进行管理。 www.fabiao.net 6. Through a number of traditional technologies in the kraft paper is not conducive to overcoming some of the disadvantages. 再通过一些传统的工艺技术把牛皮纸中不利的一些缺点克服。 www.bing.com 7. If all of that can be done, any one of these technologies could be a game-changer. 如果能做到这一切,其中任何一项技术都可以改变游戏规则。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Raytheon's mobile ad hoc networking protocols are among the key technologies used in the system's development. 雷神公司的移动自适应网络协议也是系统研发的一项关键技术。 www.etiri.com.cn 9. We managed to finish the easiest 93 percent a few years early and to leave a legacy of useful technologies and methods. 我们提前了几年完成最简单的93%序列,并发展出许多有用的技术和方法。 10. They're not necessarily the top-10 technologies out there -- they're just examples of technologies that are in each one of these periods. 它们不一定是最顶尖的前10种技术它们只是正处于其中一种阶段的例子。 www.ted.com 1. Compared with the newer energy technologies that are now sweeping the world, however, they look old-fashioned and a bit frumpy. 和席卷全球的新能量技术相比,他们看起来老式且不上台面。 www.ecocn.org 2. The adoption of these new technologies of products to try to do it on the pseudo-umbilical setting obstacles and resistance. 采用这些新技术印出的产品为试图做伪者设置了层层障碍和阻力。 www.bing.com 3. This paper hopes to be able to research technologies to monitor radio and television brought the practice of guidance. . . 希望该文的研究能够给广播电视监测技术实践带来指导,同时对相关领域的理论研究也能起到抛砖引玉的作用。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. The simple technologies that are the bad neighbour's weapon of choice (big speakers, "bad" music) might be turned against their users. 这种简单的技术可以被用作武器方面(扩音器很大,音乐很糟糕),也可能会让我们搬起石头砸自己的脚。 www.ecocn.org 5. We've been salivating over technologies that allow for instant transfers for a year now. 目前,我们渴望允许进行即时传输的技术已有一年之久。 www.bing.com 6. None of these noise-reduction methods relies on particularly new technologies, so why haven't stealth helicopters been more common? 这些降噪方法全部依赖于已有技术,但为什么隐形直升机仍未普及呢? www.bing.com 7. Critics of such analyses contend that it is difficult to tell whether the adoption of new technologies is promoting growth, or vice versa. 对该理论的批评者认为很难辨别新技术的应用是否能促进增长,或者反之亦然。 www.ecocn.org 8. Some of the technologies we've been talking about, you invented them, or at least revolutionized the way that they're used. 我们讨论的一些科技,是你们发明的,或改革了它们的用法。 www.ted.com 9. They are trying to put off the expense and there are a lot of technologies that they can use to do that. 他们试图推迟这些开销。同时他们可以通过很多技术来支持这种推迟。 www.bing.com 10. I'm sure the public, like me, will be very eager to experience how state-of-the-art technologies will change our lives. 我深信各界人士都会像我一样,热切期待亲身体验尖端科技如何改变我们的生活。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 1. So, introducing new technologies in such a small time frame is always risky. 因此,在如此短的时间段里引入新技术总是充满风险的。 www.infoq.com 2. The cost of it may fall, but probably not by much, given the familiarity of the technologies it uses. 它的运作费用也许会降低,但是考虑到对它所用到的技术的熟悉性,其下降空间不会太大。 www.ecocn.org 3. Continuously variable transmissions are one of the emerging transmission technologies of the last twenty years. 连续可变变速箱是一种新兴的传播技术,在过去的二十年。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. More ominous still, the cards are part of a larger project to blanket Chinese cities with state-of-the-art surveillance technologies. 更可怕的是,在中国以高科技监控技术覆盖中国各大城市的大型计画中,身分证只是一小部份。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Second, technologies will no longer be just dumb repositories of information that require humans to understand and process them. 其次,技术将不再是呆板的信息仓库,需要人类去理解和处理。 kk.dongxi.net 6. Is extremely easy to use, using available technologies to offer automation and more information wherever needed. 使用起来十分方便,利用可使用技术提供任何需要的自动化和更多的信息。 www.ibm.com 7. Subsequent articles in this series will cover in greater depth the concepts and technologies that this article introduces. 本系列后续文章将更深入解释本文介绍的这些概念和技术。 www.ibm.com 8. There might be very exotic biologies and technologies and societies. 那里也许会有异乎寻常的生物学、技术和社会。 www.sciencetimes.com.cn 9. In the last 70 years sciences have made great progress in developing the technologies to understand the phenomenon called cosmos. 在过去的70年里,科学家通过发达的技术,在理解所谓的宇宙现象方面取得了巨大的进步。 www.cnufo.com 10. Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation is one of the key technologies of ultra-wideband (UWB) location. 对信号到达角(DOA)的估计是超宽带定位的关键技术之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The objective of this paper is to develop a method used to evaluate and select design technologies for aircraft survivability enhancement. 介绍了一种评价和选择飞机生存力设计技术的方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Its important to note that technologies like Java have had many years of effort around improving their compilation performance. 值得注意的是,人们已经投入了多年的努力改进Java等技术的编译性能。 www.infoq.com 3. I think I can learn the British culture and technologies and also this would cultivate my own willpower and the abilities of living alone. 因为本人觉得一个人去英国留学,不单单能够学习到英国的文化和科技,还能够培育一个人的意志力和独立生活才干。 qlol.net 4. The company is heavily invested in low-power technologies and is betting on a growing market for energy-smart electronics. 该公司在低电力技术方面作了大量的投资,看好智慧型能源电子产品市场会不断扩大。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 5. This car was the beginning of today's luxury car, with modern technologies, comforts and exclusivity. 它是现代豪华轿车的开山鼻祖,具有现代的科技,舒适和尊贵。 q.sohu.com 6. In frequency-domain channel equalization, one of the most crucial technologies is to seek the response of an equalization filter. 在频域通道均衡中,一个关键技术是求解均衡滤波器的响应。 lib.cqvip.com 7. One of the core technologies used in the data-exchange platform is to build an adapter with components in visual development environment. 其关键技术之一是在一个数据交换平台的可视化适配器开发环境中,用组件构建适配器。 stae.com.cn 8. What was once the exclusive realm of standard relational databases is now occupied by many different media technologies and sources. 以往具有领袖地位的标准关系数据库,其地位已经被各种各样的不同的媒体技术和资源所代替。 www.ibm.com 9. The word glass arrived with the oldest of Old English, because the manufacture of glass is one of the oldest of technologies. 单词glass(玻璃)和最古老的古英语一起出现,是由于玻璃制造是一项最古老的工艺。 www.bing.com 10. But many other mobile technologies inspired high hopes and then failed to live up to expectations. 但是曾几何时多少移动技术在被寄予厚望之后辜负了大家。 www.jukuu.com 1. This paper describes the machining technologies of the tubular vanes, including the measuring of the surface, 3D modeling, and NC machining. 介绍了贯流式导叶的三维测量技术、三维造型技术及数控加工技术。 en.zidian8.com 2. XPath has become one of the most-often used and yet least widely known XML technologies. XPath是最常用而不为人知的XML技术之一。 www.ibm.com 3. It's applying some of these technologies to automatically categorize which content is relevant to the case, which one is not. 他应用了一些技术,自动归类哪些内容和案例,是相关的,哪些是不相关的。 open.163.com 4. Supercharging is one of the routine technologies for production improvement during the later stage of gas field development. 增压开采是气田开发后期的常用增产工艺之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. These techniques can be easily expanded using additional enhancements and technologies tailored for your particular situation. 使用为您的特定情境定制的附加增强和技术,很容易对这些方法进行扩展。 www.ibm.com 6. The technologies of the digital era were simply too tempting to be ignored, too important to the bottom line. 数字化时代技术只是太诱人了以至于它不能被任何人忽视,它也太重要以至于它触到了很多人的底线。 www.bing.com 7. He said investment in research and technologies is necessary to create new jobs in clean energy and advanced manufacturing. 他说,为了在洁净能源和高端产业创造新的就业机会,对科学技术研究领域投资是必要的。 www.bing.com 8. However, it's easy to forget that humans have always adapted to changing technologies. 人类总是能适应变化的技术,然而这点很容易被人忘记。 www.elanso.com 9. You try hard to be familiar with a broad range of technologies and environments, and you work to keep abreast of new developments. 你试着去熟悉广泛的技术和环境,并且与新的发展并驾齐驱。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Yet even if prices fall, the technologies may prove infeasible, at least initially, for doctors' offices or standard medical laboratories. 但就算晶片的价格下降了,对医生诊所或一般的检验室来说,刚开始在技术上可能也还没办有法配合。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 1. Another theory is that as metalworking technologies advanced, the gladius no longer had to be short if it wanted to maintain its strength. 根据另一种理论,由于金属制造技术的进步,短剑不必再为保持它的强度而刻意造得那么短了。 www.douban.com 2. Strengthening cooperation among industries, universities, technologies and application is one of the methods to solve this problem. 高校与企业广泛进行产学研合作是解决问题的途径之一。 lib.cqvip.com 3. The technologies presented are valuable for numerical simulation of such a complex process as multi-stage sheet metal forming. 本文所阐述的技术对于多次拉深这一比较复杂的板料成形工艺的数值模拟研究有较大的参考价值。 www.chemyq.com 4. Styles and technologies change, but whatever we use to tell time, most people consider the wrist a sacrosanct spot reserved for a timepiece. 科技和样式日新月异,然而,尽管辨认时间的手段很多,但我们大多数人还是将手腕上一个神圣的地方留给了手表。 www.bing.com 5. Gets the set of technologies that this designer can support for its display. 获取此设计器可为其显示提供支持的技术集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Arce: Is there anything to say in that regard in terms of internal technologies and security controls that may or may not apply? Arce:对于哪些些技术适合与企业内部的安全控制,哪些不适合,有什么可以谈谈的吗? www.infoq.com 7. The problem is that compared to a few years ago, the speed with which new technologies are coming to the market has increased dramatically. 问题在于和多年前相比,新科技投入市场的速度迅速增加。 www.bing.com 8. There are technologies that allow you to allocate software execution to a set number of processors (sometimes called processor pinning). 有些技术允许将软件执行分配到一组处理器上(有时候也叫做processorpinning)。 www.ibm.com 9. Rich countries are sufficiently close for companies to be able to adopt these technologies by themselves. 富裕国家距离技术前沿很近,这些国家的公司能够靠自己的力量采用这些技术。 www.elanso.com 10. Describes the various technologies used to perform administrative tasks on an instance of Analysis Services. 介绍用于对AnalysisServices实例执行管理任务的各种技术。 technet.microsoft.com 1. The initial position detection is one of the key technologies to realize the precise control of linear motor as same as the rotary motor. 直线电机的初始位置检测与旋转电机一样是实现电机精确控制的关键技术之一。 www.dictall.com 2. The process required optimized process and machinery technologies as well as the made-to-measure development of a special auxiliary. 这项工艺要求优化的工艺和机械技术以及一种用于等温染色的特殊助剂。 www.chemyq.com 3. It seems, the brain entrainment was like one of the technologies to open a new era. 看起来,脑夹带仿佛是开创新时代的技术之一。 www.cutpic.cn 4. The Blu-ray disc format allows high-capacity optical-disc storage to be used for such technologies as high-definition televisions. 在蓝光磁盘格式下,高容量光盘存储技术还可以用于高清晰电视等领域。 www.ebigear.com 5. Photocatalytic process is one of the current technologies with high efficiency and saving energy for the removal of pollutant from water. 光催化技术是一种新兴的高效节能现代污水处理技术。 www.chemyq.com 6. Readers should be very familiar with XML and reasonably familiar with the various XML processing technologies. 本文的读者应当非常熟悉XML并且比较熟悉各种XML处理技术。 www.ibm.com 7. We really want to use the newest, latest of breakthrough technologies that have never been seen before or used theatrically before. 我们真的想使用最新的,最突破的技术,以前从未见过或在剧院中使用过的。 www.mjjclub.com 8. The iPad is clearly one of those universal technologies that will be as useful in the home as in the office. 显而易见,ipad将会是一种可以在家庭中和工作中普遍应用的技术产品。 www.bing.com 9. Although this tutorial begins with the basics of the technologies discussed, it is not intended to be a comprehensive reference. 虽然本教程一开始讨论了这些技术的基础知识,但并不是完整的参考资料。 www.ibm.com 10. You'll find many excellent links to help you expand your knowledge and skills in each of these three technologies. 这些链接可以帮助您拓展这三种技术的知识和技能。 www.ibm.com 1. We expect electrophoretic and OLED technologies will experience more growth than other display technologies will over the long term. 这方面OLED和电泳显示等新技术的增长速度将超过其它传统显示技术,并有望实现长期增长。 www.cnbeta.com 2. Didier: GWT is very easy to use, a Java developer can develop Web application without learning any new technologies. GWT非常容易上手,一个Java程序员几乎不用学习什么新东西就可以开发基于其上的Web应用了。 www.infoq.com 3. The funding support is said to needed to be able to supply 12% of the EU demand for electricity by 2020, using PV technologies. 据说,利用这笔资金支持的光伏发电技术,到2020年能提供欧盟所需电力的12%。 www.solarbe.com 4. Today's technologies allow us to do evolutionary changes. Army After Next is going to be a revolutionary change. 今天的技术只允许渐进性的变化,“后天的陆军”才会导致革命性的变革。 www.hotdic.com 5. The missile penetration technologies are discussed from the point of information countermeasures. 从信息攻防对抗的角度探讨导弹突防技术。 lib.cqvip.com 6. The source, harmfulness and treatment technologies currently used for dealing with heavy metal wastewater are summarized. 综述了重金属废水的来源、危害及目前常用的处理技术。 lib.cqvip.com 7. Einstein is designed to be a single tool incorporating capabilities of these technologies. Einstein被设计成一种代替所有这些技术的工具。 www.infoq.com 8. Interactive forms, flash animations and audio files are a few technologies you may need to put into the site. 互动的形式、Flash动画和音频文件是一些你可以放进网站的技术。 www.bing.com 9. He called for a strong UN resolution to stop North Korea exporting nuclear technologies and to prevent financial transfers. 他呼吁联合国出台强有力的决议,阻止朝鲜出口核技术,并阻止财务转账。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Amazing technologies are to be given to you and many more secret ones are to be revealed to you. 令人惊叹的科技将会赠予给你们,而许多被保密住的高科技都会公开! blog.sina.com.cn 1. Finally, combined with the project of Ma-Wu highway and a set of construction technologies of granite asphalt mixtures were summed up. 最后,结合麻武高速公路项目,总结出一整套花岗岩沥青路面的施工工艺。 www.fabiao.net 2. Maintenance test and evaluation for radar equipment is one of the important part of radar equipment maintenance technologies. 雷达装备的维修性试验与评定是雷达装备维修性工程技术中的重要部分之一。 lib.cqvip.com 3. A third way is to invest in technologies to take the salt out of sea water and thus increase supply of the fresh stuff. 第三种办法是投资将盐从海水中剥离的技术,从而增加淡水的供给。 www.putclub.com 4. These sidebars contain indexes to standards defining the individual Ajax technologies and allow you to use them as a reference guide. 这些侧栏包含各种Ajax技术标准的索引,您可以使用它们作为参考指南。 www.ibm.com 5. The addition of the SIP servlet specification enables you to easily combine these technologies for rich experiences beyond the Web. 增加SIPServlet规范使您能够轻松组合这些技术,以获得Web之外的丰富体验。 www.ibm.com 6. Solar Integrated Technologies, based in Los Angeles, appeared to have all the right credentials when it floated in May 2004 at 171p a share. 太阳集成科技公司(SolarIntegratedTechnologies)总部位于美国洛杉矶,它在2004年5月以每股171便士的价格上市时,似乎拥有一切应有的资格。 www.ftchinese.com 7. THE word "globalisation" usually conjures up images of globe-spanning companies and distance-destroying technologies. 说到“全球化”这个词,总不免让人联想到在全球开疆拓土的公司和打破地域限制的技术。 www.ecocn.org 8. Over all, China has invested $1. 5 billion in green technologies over the last five years, he said. 他说,总之在过去的五年里中国在绿色科技上已投入了15亿美元。 www.bing.com 9. Among the technologies available is an autopilot, using the GPS, which guides a machine through a field according to a predefined line. 在现有技术中有一个自动驾驶仪,使用全球定位系统,它会按照事先确定好的路线引导一台机器通过田地。 www.silkcapital.com 10. He added that the company was exploring other new lighting technologies "including more efficient Tube station and tunnel lighting" . 他补充说道公司还将关注其它新的照明技术“包括更高效的地铁和隧道照明”。 www.bing.com |
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