单词 | teases |
释义 | teases是tease的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:teases 现在分词:teasing 过去式:teased 例句释义: 戏弄,逗弄,梳理,起毛,〈口〉爱戏弄人的人,揶揄,戏谑艺术 1. Also do not have to say too teases speech, inorder to avoid the guest "bursts out laughing" , makes everybody to feel not elegantly. 也不要说太逗的话,以免来客“喷饭”,使大家感到不雅。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. It would be easy to sweep through and break down all the walls they build, but he only teases a little. 他能不费吹灰之力穿过或打破他们造的墙,但他只弄坏了一小部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He never stops talking, he teases the girls until they cry, and he never turns in his homework on time. 他说话说个没完。他还老逗那些女孩子,直把她们逗哭了为止。而且他从来也不准时交作业。 ept-cn.com 4. He teases the rowdy fans with the launcher, waiting to hear which set of fans deserves to take home a prize. 他用发射器不断挑逗吵闹的球迷,等待宣布哪些球迷将会得奖。 www.bing.com 5. He teases it out of her. 他硬缠着她讲了出来。 6. KTH said: He (SSH) has a very moderate and interesting personality. He is someone who I can play around with and teases. 金泰熙:他(宋承宪)是性格很平和又有趣的类型,可以让我随便淘气耍赖的那种人。 xz.zhuimengyizu.com 7. Schimkat's family back in the United States teases her that she's spoiled. 回到美国的时候,施米卡特家笑话说她被宠坏了。 www.bing.com 8. Jia Le teases Jia Qi, saying that she will not forgo the chance of going to Japan for training given her character. 佳琪和佳乐提起到日本受训之事,佳乐笑言以佳琪的性格,是不会放弃这个大好机会的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Sometimes he would blaze out in anger if someone teases him. 谁惹了他,他有时也会大发雷霆。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 10. Speak roughly to your little boy, And beat him when he sneezes: He only does it to annoy, Because he knows it teases. 对你的小男孩要粗暴地说话,在他打喷嚏的时候就读他,因为他这样只是为了捣乱,他只不过是在撒娇和卖傻。 www.hjenglish.com 1. A true friend scolds like a dad, cares like a mom, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother and finally loves you more than a lover. 一个很真的朋友会象父亲一样训斥你,象母亲一样关心你,象姐妹一样戏耍你,象兄弟一样打击你,而最后,比情人更加爱你。 wenku.baidu.com 2. If you can think on your feet, and are quick to reply to her playful teases, you'll be seen as smart and alert. 如果你能够反应迅速,随机应变并能够快速的对她的逗趣玩笑做出反应,那么她会认为你聪明又机灵。 www.bing.com 3. Mr Shapiro teases out the cultural prejudices, the historical blind spots, and above all the anachronism inherent in these questions. 而夏皮罗先生则对这些文化偏见、历史盲点及这些问题中所有的过时观点不屑一顾。 www.ecocn.org 4. In a way, Viale "teases" the spectator by deceiving him into believing that what he sees isn't there! 地址:Viale“挑逗”的欺骗,以为他看到他的观众不存在! blog.artintern.net 5. Slightly valuably said that, "I am not to you said ' teases you to play steals our family thing again! '" 小宝说:“我不是跟你说‘逗你玩再偷我们家东西吗!’” goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. When a mouse teases at a cat, there must be a hole beside. 老鼠嘲笑猫的时候,身旁必有一个洞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. She teases her work husband about his wardrobe choices and reminds him when he needs a haircut. 梅根会取笑“工作丈夫”不懂怎么挑衣服,也会提醒他应该去理发了; www.qeto.com 8. Seabass also teases us with the promise of a further major "surprise" to come. 锡巴斯还开玩笑的另一项更重要的“惊喜向我们承诺”来。 game.ali213.net 9. John can always think of a good comeback whenever someone teases him. 每当有人消遣他时,约翰总是能想出巧妙的反击。 bbs.zzsy.com 10. It will also entertain, inspire, and cheer you as it nudges and teases you toward mastery of language. 它也将娱乐,激励,和你开心,因为它轻推及对语言的掌握挑逗你。 www.ccebook.net 1. 'I'm seeing the ex-husband on Saturday, so we don't want bruising, ' she teases Brandt, smiling through the anaesthetic. “我要在星期六去看我的前夫,所以我们不希望有瘀肿,”她在麻醉期间笑着向布兰德打趣说。 www.bing.com 2. If someone pokes fun at your mattress on the floor, or teases you about your empty cabinets, smile and take it in stride. 如果有人取笑你放在地板上的床垫,或揶揄你空空的橱柜,请面带微笑从容应对此事。 www.bing.com 3. She frequently waves hello or exchanges greeting with people who pass by. She smilingly teases the throngs of kids running around. 不时有路人跟她招手寒暄,她笑眯眯地逗弄满地乱跑的小孩。 www.emperorcuckoo.com 4. Rather than eyeballing EEGs, as researchers had done in the past, the program teases apart the complicated patterns of brain activity. 不像在过去的研究人员一样目测脑电图,而是程序分解了复杂的大脑活动。 www.bing.com 5. At every place of visit, Aunt Chen Hangdu gentle, teases the little darlings straight likely happy. 每到一处,陈杭都像个慈祥的妈妈,逗得小宝宝们直乐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Intervene when one child teases another about his or her physical appearance. 如果有孩子取笑另一个孩子的身体相貌,作出干涉。 www.bing.com 7. The child teases for everything he sees. 那个孩子不管看见什么都一个劲儿地吵着要。 8. Is there any way I can improve my memory? I am 27 and forget simple things constantly to the point that my spouse teases me about being old. 有没有什么方法可以改善我的记忆力?我27岁,时常忘记一些小事,我爱人为此取笑我变老了。 www.bing.com 9. Somebody makes fun of you or teases you, mean they jealous of you. 有人跟你开玩笑或取笑你,说明他们妒忌你。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. She teases him about his snoring and makes him take out the rubbish . 她常常揶揄丈夫呼噜呼噜的打鼾声,还让他把垃圾清理出来。 www.bing.com 1. If the campaign teases out these answers, Labour will be in good shape. 如果竞选给出这些答案,工党将有良好的形象。 www.ecocn.org 2. Most parodies are little more than literary teases. 大多数讽刺的模仿诗文只能算上是文学上的揶揄。 www.bing.com 3. The little boy teases for ice-cream. 小男孩不住地吵着要买冰淇淋。 4. Everybody teases and says, we and Kim Jong-il are exchanging visits, this is really a thing which deserves memory. 大家打趣说,我们和金正日正在互访,这真是一件值得记忆的事。 www.ybcbsf.com 5. David often teases his little sister and makes her cry. 大卫经常惹她妹妹哭。 www.examw.com 6. If a girl teases you just look at her unimpressed and say, "weak. " 如果一个女人取笑你,你就看着她无所谓地说“弱爆了,没用的” blog.sina.com.cn 7. That yellow moon teases me, that I can't have you. 那轮黄月在嘲笑我,在笑我无法拥有你 zhidao.baidu.com 8. A mean boy teases the dog. 一个调皮的男孩在捉弄着狗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. When I am not happy, the elder sister always teases me to be happy 每当我不高兴时,姐姐总是逗我开心 wenwen.soso.com 10. Enemy narrow-minded and short-tempered testiness, teases it, causes it to lose the reason; 敌人褊急易怒,就挑逗它,使它失去理智; b.qzone.qq.com 1. April Fool's day is arriving early for YouTube. The site teases the fake news that it will shut down at midnight. YouTube 视频网站早早玩起了愚人节恶作剧。该网站发布了一条假消息,宣布将在凌晨关闭网站。 edu.sina.com.cn |
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