单词 | to chat | ||||||||||||
释义 | to chat
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 聊天,打屁,谈天 1. I look at him and I am reminded of an acquaintance who used to chat up girls half his age in a flashy Chelsea bar I once owned. 看到他,我就想起了一个熟人:这人常在我以前开的一家灯红酒绿的切尔西酒吧内勾搭比他小一半的女孩。 www.ftchinese.com 2. On one flight, a young man was trying to chat up a woman sitting next to him and bought her too many drinks. 一次飞行中,一个年轻人试图和坐在旁边的女人聊天,给她买了太多酒。 www.bing.com 3. Even if it's a bit odd at first to chat about such personal stuff, listen up for the valuable things he has to say. 即使一开始你会觉得谈论隐私有点不自在,但你要倾听他提出的宝贵建议。 www.astronomy.com.cn 4. Yahoo Web Messenger can be very useful if you want to chat with your Yahoo friends without installing Yahoo Messenger. 雅虎网站信使可以很有若想朋友聊天你没有安装雅虎雅虎信使。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 5. Not always able to chat at the end of a round: Being researched. Does not affect all users. 在一局游戏结束后,进入的总结视窗时不能通话。调查中,并不影响所有的玩家。 bbs.a9vg.com 6. The main road, where horse-riding locals stop to chat, is to be turned into a busy high street, with shops and business facilities. 主干道将变成繁忙的大街,这条道本是供骑马的当地人稍停与商铺和商业机构闲谈之用。 www.ecocn.org 7. And a week after that there is the summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation, APEC, A Perfect Excuse to Chat. 此后一个星期接踵而至的还有亚太经合组织峰会(APEC),也就是所谓的“一个绝佳的闲聊借口”[2]。 www.ecocn.org 8. Discussing politics on the job used to be regarded as poor form. But employees today are more apt to chat about this once- taboo topic. 过去,在工作中谈论政治被认为是卑鄙的行为。但是如今的员工却更愿意在工作场所谈论这一禁忌的话题。 www.hjenglish.com 9. "I used to chat on QQ, but I found that most people were talking nonsense, " he said. 我曾经在QQ上聊过天,但是我发现大多数人都在胡说八道。 dict.ebigear.com 10. During a press interview in the UK, and many British people to chat, tried to understand their views of the British royal family. 记者在英国采访期间,和不少英国民众聊天,试图了解他们对英国王室的看法。 www.englishtang.com 1. To avoid wasting the precious time talking about French Revolution or Cultural Revolution, desultorily I tried to chat with him in French. 为了不把宝贵的时间浪费在法国大革命或文化大革命中,我试着用法语跟他有一搭没一搭的说话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Unexpectedly, she managed to chat with Lao Xie awhile, but she did not dare look into his gentle eyes. 她居然能冷静地和老谢聊了一会儿,只是不敢正视老谢善良的目光。 www.jukuu.com 3. You could see whether he wants to chat or not from his facial expression and the body language. 从他的面部表情和肢体语言你会看出他是否想要聊天。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I have no other way to express what I wanna to say, but I can understand what you've said. It's joyful to chat with you indeed. 我没有办法表达我想说的,但我看得懂你所说的话,和你一起聊天真的感到很开心, zhidao.baidu.com 5. People who would not normally give me a second glance were coming up to chat, wanting to know more about me . 本来不会多看我一眼的人开始过来和我交谈,想要更多地了解我。 www.jukuu.com 6. I had a chance to chat with her to find out why the future of fashion may lurk in her sugar vat. 我有机会和她聊一下,了解为什么时尚的未来可能就潜伏在她的糖缸里。 www.bing.com 7. I want to chat my plan with my teacher to see if it is possible for me to finish my university projects during three years. 我想与我的导师谈谈我的计划,看我有没有可能三年内上完大学。 www.dqtvu.zj.cn 8. Three is a good number because your two friends can keep each other company when a guy walks up to chat with you. 3这个数字好因为当一个男人和你说话是,你的两位朋友可以彼此交谈。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. But bear in mind that there must be a special thing and professors to talk about, or a professor will not have time to chat with you in the. 但切记,一定要有特殊的事和教授谈,否则教授是不会有时间与你闲聊的。 www.1001p.com 10. Secondly, everyone is willing to chat with you and be incredibly helpful to new players. 第二,每个人都愿意与你聊天,他们对于新玩家而言有着很大的帮助。 wiki.fcctt.org 1. It's easy to chat with your friends about the news or something else. 和别人聊天,谈论新闻或是上网和朋友聊天,这些都是很容易的事。 www.kekenet.com 2. When I rode my bicycle I came across a classmate and stopped to chat with him on the roadside. 我骑着自行车,遇到同学,双腿跨在车上,很高兴地跟他在路边聊天。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. That she, as usual, to chat with me, as if we have not quarrel over. 她像往常一样和我聊天,好像我们从没有争吵过。 wenwen.soso.com 4. But be probably to chat once in a while to make petty action one people who finishes class but is only sits in boredom and the like. 大概是偶尔聊天做点小动作之类,而下课却只是一个人枯坐。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Doesn't take a rocket scientist these days! ! ! I am on such a high right now. What a pleasure to chat with you . . . on this frequency. 这些日子是不是请了火箭专家啊!!!我现在好兴奋。与你们交谈是多么的开心…在这个频率。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. It has no charming art galleries or gift shops. There are no warm teashops to welcome couples looking for a romantic place to chat. 金瓜石没有迷人的艺术馆或礼品店,更没有暖烘烘的茶馆迎接寻找浪漫地点聊天的情侣们。 edu.163.com 7. I'm very busy during this period without a tool can be used to chat with you. 这段时间我也比较繁忙,可能没上聊天工具,请你不要生气。 www.ok06.com 8. "What right have I to chat with you? You're a Young Master; I'm only a bondmaid, " Ming-feng retorted distantly. “你是少爷,我是丫头,我怎么敢跟你多说话?”她做出冷淡的样子说。 www.jukuu.com 9. You're not supposed to chat in Chinese in my English class, I was supposed to remind you of it at the beginning of the class. 在我的课上是不准用汉语聊天的,我本应该一开始上课就提醒你们的,忘了。 www.kekenet.com 10. activities recently, and having less time to chat with all of you online. But still, would like to say a few words here. 最近都在忙着宣传的活动,没有太多的时间上网跟大家聊天,不过还是想跟大家说说几句话… www.jukuu.com 1. Shanice took time out to chat with The Black Star News, as she reflects on how Michael Jackson impacted her life. 夏妮丝抽空在“黑人明星新闻”节目聊了聊,她回忆了迈克尔杰克逊对她一生的影响。 www.tianya.cn 2. You can use it to surf the web, or to chat with your friends on-line. 你可以用它上网或着和你的朋友们在线聊天。 www.bing.com 3. To filter the talkers, take time to chat with someone for a few days before making revelations or sharing private details. 为了筛选聊天对象,在泄露和共享个人详情之前,请花时间和某人聊几天先。 www.bing.com 4. My neighbors slowed their cars to wave as they passed, and a few people stopped to chat, their engines rumbling idly. 邻居们从此经过时,他们放慢车速向我打着招呼,还有几个人会停下车来闲聊,而让发动机隆隆地空转着。 www.bing.com 5. The actress Susan Sarandon dropped by Tuesday, and a crowd gathered to chat with her about bringing political change. 演员苏珊-萨兰登(SusanSarandon)周二顺道来访,结果一群人凑上去和她谈论发动政治改革。 chinese.wsj.com 6. That's right , the next such a big rain, you do not go out at home, good to chat with me. 对呀,下这么大的雨,你就别出去了,在家好好陪陪我。 www.tradeask.com 7. But eats respectively each, did not harass mutually, lacks some Chinese to chat the happy altogether happy affective tone. 但各吃各的,互不相扰,缺少了一些中国人聊欢共乐的情调。 blog.163.com 8. Test pilot John Griffith pokes his head out of an X-1 to chat with ground crew members. 试飞员约翰格里菲思戳他的头从一个X-1进行交谈与地面机组人员。 www.bugutang.com 9. All of a sudden, he gave the cat to the woman. Picasso and the woman laughed and started to chat soon. 突然,他把猫给了这位人。毕加索和这位女子笑了不一会就开始聊上天… wenwen.soso.com 10. No more verbal greeting is called for, and no one should take offense when a colleague doesn't stop to chat. 不会要求过多的语言上问候,同时不停下来谈谈的话也没有谁会生气。 zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 1. Then in the evenings I would ride my bicycle into the town and visit a pizzeria to chat with friends over a bottle of wine or two. 晚上我会骑着我的自行车去城里,在匹萨店里和朋友交谈,一边喝着一两杯葡萄酒。 www.webi.com.cn 2. They seemed merely to take a bite or two of each dish and then put their chopsticks down, continuing to chat. 他们似乎只是采取一种咬或两个每个菜,然后把筷子下跌,继续聊天。 wenwen.soso.com 3. The early stage of a party offers a great chance to chat with senior executives in a relaxed atmosphere before it all gets too hectic. 早早到会场可以给你一个绝佳的机会,在闲适的氛围下与高层交流,人都到了气氛就太热了。 learning.sohu.com 4. Ibrahim said the attack, the Saif Al Arab "is, and his parents, nephews, nieces and other visitors to chat, and play. " 易卜拉欣说,遇袭时,赛义夫·阿拉伯“正和他的父母、侄子、侄女以及其他到访者聊天、玩耍”。 www.englishtang.com 5. Business, to chat with friends, to make or break social appointments, to say "Thank you" , to shop. 取消社交约会,说“谢谢”,购物和获得各种信息。 www.best1.cn 6. You addicted with the TV Drama Series, no matter how sensible, I would want to chat with you in the side and waiting. . 你看连续剧入迷了,再怎么想跟你聊天,我也会识相地在一边等着… tieba.baidu.com 7. In chat room, if you want to chat with your friend, click the picture of your friend, then you can chat with him. 在聊天室,如果你想和你朋友聊天,只需击他的图标就可以了; www.chinaedu.com 8. When the time comes I may be able to chat with you good? 到时候我或许可以和你好好聊聊? www.2233xx.com 9. She told them to chat to Todd, adding: "I'll be just a minute. " 她告诉二人先和她的丈夫Tod聊聊,还告诉他们:“我一会儿就好。” www.bing.com 10. Let me know and I'd love toset up some time to chat over the phone and continue collectinginformation. 请告诉我,我希望有机会透过电话交谈收集更多资料。 www.bing.com 1. From cell phones to chat online, a variety of resources into the beginning of our mobile phone. 从聊天到手机上网,各种各样的资源开始涌入我们的手机。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Nevertheless the guest all round us is the edge drinks an edge to chat, as if nothing happened. 不过我们四周的客人倒是边喝边聊,若无其事。 www.hicoo.net 3. Stopping to chat, he said: "All the village is with me, caste is unimportant! " 停下来聊天时,他说:“村子的一切都与我同在,种姓不重要!” www.ecocn.org 4. The set-up: 78 participants were sent into a room to chat with a stranger (another experimental confederate) about a photograph. 试验设计:这78名参与者会被安排到一间房间与一名陌生人(另一名试验同谋)谈论一张摄影作品。 www.bing.com 5. Weinberg took the time to chat to the precocious youngster, even asking the name of his favourite stock. Weinberg抽出时间和这位早熟的少年聊了一会,甚至还问了他最喜欢的股票是哪个。 www.ecocn.org 6. Then like a small adult to chat with me, and asked the question that, his concern is not a child often. 然后象个小大人似的先和我聊天,问这问那,满脸的关心不是一个孩子常有的。 www.bing.com 7. During our test this afternoon, we also got to chat with Jens and Lars Rasmussen, who gave the first official demo last week. 在我们今天下午的测试过程中,我们也与Jens和LarsRasmussen聊过(上周官方的首次演示就是这两位操刀的。) www.bing.com 8. Happiness is straightforward, you and I sit together to chat and laugh, and do some stupid things. 快乐其实很简单,你和我,坐在一起说说笑笑,外加干点小傻事。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. yes, Big Brother is know me, know how to enable me to hear into words, so that period of time often find me for dinner to chat. 是的,大哥很了解我,知道如何可以让我听的进去话,于是那段时间经常找我吃饭聊天。 enwaimao.cn 10. It was a pain, because I had to be on Windows to chat, then reboot to Linux to try solutions, then boot back to Windows to report. 这样简直太痛苦了,因为我必须在Windows下面讨论,然后重启到linux下面尝试解决,然后再重启到Windows报告问题。 www.bing.com 1. Zhang acknowledged that he was excited for a while, has made the impolicy , and expressed after calm, asked Liu to chat well again. 张某承认自己一时激动,做了不当之举,并表示冷静后找刘某再好好谈谈。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. At the moment we as local same, sitting to chat in lakefront, drink beer, in enjoying a trip this leisurely and comfortable halcyon. 此刻的我们如同当地人一样,在湖畔坐着聊天、喝啤酒,享受旅行中这份闲适的宁静。 news.zyoo.net 3. I would am good in the afternoon to chat with you so much of, in the morning I think we send letter an interest like. 我下午会好好跟你聊天的,早上我想我们发信息好了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. They gave Chen Xiang a business card, at the point of smoke, on the sofa, not eager to light things, but to chat. 他们给陈响递了名片,点上烟,做在沙发上,并不急于淡事情,而是闲聊着。 www.bing.com 5. Marry to a person that likes to chat, for when your old age comes, chatting will be one of the best qualities you can find in someone. 找一个爱聊的人结婚,因为当年龄大了以后,你会发觉喜欢聊天是一个人最大的优点之一。 www.dic123.com 6. This practitioner suggested that I first try to chat using her computer, to break through this initial barrier. 这个学员就建议我先在她家里的电脑上聊聊试试,先冲过去开头这一关。 fullgae.appspot.com 7. I'm too busy to chat right now ! Scoundrels have been causing trouble all over the city . 我现在忙得焦头烂额,没法和人唠家常!无赖们在城市里到处惹麻烦。 www.bing.com 8. Makes it easy to chat with and send video mail to family and friends. 更容易进行交谈和发送视频邮件给家人和朋友。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Optionally, a Group Chat button might be made visible to chat with all the selected people from the chat. 可以选择显示一个GroupChat按钮,以便与所有选中的人员聊天。 www.ibm.com 10. if your busy now and would like to chat to me another time that is fine with me as long as its ok with you? 如果您的忙,现在想聊天,我再一次是罚款与我,只要其确定与你。 blog.tianya.cn 1. Being able to switch from email to chat as needed, all within the same app, is really great for productivity. 在Gmail里你不必使用别的程序就能从电子邮件切换到聊天窗口非常有效率。 www.bing.com 2. Or to chat with your friends on-line. 或者和你的朋友们在线聊天。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. For the World Wide Web to be truly global, shouldn't Chinese speakers be able to chat online with people who only speak Spanish? 如果万维网真正实现了国际化的话,难道说汉语的人就不能够与只说西班牙语的人在线进行聊天吗? www.bing.com 4. Look for a good friend to live together, with girlfriend slow-witted be bored with look for a good friend to chat a little. 找个好朋友一起住,和女朋友呆腻了就找好朋友聊聊天。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I think it is very easy to get along with him, and it is a happy thing to chat with him. 我觉得更他很容易相处。同他在一起聊天是件快乐的事。 www.cpatz.com 6. MSN I am sorry to say goodbye. But I must be honest and say that it is not good for us to chat like friends. 我很抱歉说再见。但是我必须诚实的说我们像朋友一样聊天并不好。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Is the new person who wants to chat to me a man or a woman? 跟我聊天的新人是男的还是女的呢? hi.baidu.com 8. a: i had a chance to chat with dr. lee last time. i was totally surprised to find out that a famous person like him can be so down-to-earth. 我上次有机会跟dr.lee闲聊。我很惊讶地发现一个像他这样有名气的人竟然可以这样的真实纯朴。 edu.21cn.com 9. There is some faulty thing in your English text message, Can I call you to chat with you? 您发来的英文短信有些不正确的地方,我可以打电话跟你聊聊吗? zhidao.baidu.com 10. They have very friendly staff who will often stopped by to chat with you or answer to your needs. 酒店拥有十分友善的工作人员,他们会经常停下来和你聊天,并且解答你的疑问和满足你的需求。 weike.taskcn.com 1. It might not have been the kind of wild and crazy stuff that dream careers are built on, but on the upside, we had plenty of time to chat. 虽然当时的工作环境并非是建立理想职业生涯疯狂而自由的土壤,但是从积极面来看,我们有足够的时间聊天来发展办公室友谊。 www.bing.com 2. If you get a message from somebody you don't want to chat with from your phone, just reply with the word BLOCK. 如果你收到一条短消息而这个人你又不想与他交谈,只需要回复一个BLOCK单词就行了。 www.bing.com 3. Office oft he membership process took only five minutes, t he rest oft he time, and I started to chat, precise, he said, I did. 办入会的手续只用了五分钟,剩下的时间里,于方和我开始聊天,准确地说,他说,我听。 www.showxiu.com 4. Tired really looking for someone to chat with myself. Stroll the park, climb the hills to see the sunset, the sun. 累了真想找个人陪陪自己。逛逛公园,爬爬山,看看日落,晒晒太阳。 t.oeeee.com 5. But I still feel happy to chat with you. Thank you! 但是我还是觉得跟你聊天挺开心的,谢谢你! www.ccmn.com 6. Information: Minors must be accompanied by the parents to chat with me. 自我介绍须知:未成年者必须要在家长陪同下与本人进行聊天。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. The politician stopped for a moment to chat with the comely woman leaning upon the gate . 这位政治家停下了脚步,以便与一位靠着大门的美丽的妇女作短暂的攀谈。 www.bing.com 8. What I'm most excited about is being able to chat with groups of people by video. 而最令我兴奋的还是可以和一群人视频聊天。 dongxi.net 9. OK, Today, We had done so much. I am diligent in learning English, that can help me to chat with your more convenient. 好了,今天到这吧。我正在努力学英语,以后和你聊天就更方便了! baobao.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Tired of his provincial Moscow existence, 17-year-old Andrey Ternovskiy craves to chat randomly with strangers across the Internet. 厌倦了莫斯科的偏僻,17岁的AndreyTernovskiy渴望能与互联网上偶遇的陌生人聊天。 kk.dongxi.net 1. I still not be the competence heel other inverse sex friends together having rice to chat for a day? 难道我还不能跟其他异性朋友在一块儿吃个饭聊个天? wazaila.com 2. In my mind, good parents, we should from time to time to chat with me, they should know my thoughts, but not always let me listen to them. 我心目中的好父母,应该时常和我聊天,他们应该知道我的想法,而不是总让我听从他们的。好父母就应该从我的角度想想,而不是责备我。 wenwen.soso.com 3. I happened to meet her on line tonight, but i couldn't find any topics to chat with her. 今晚上网我碰到了她,可我不知道该说些什么, zhidao.baidu.com 4. When reporters approach to chat with the survivors the police immediately step in, pushing and shoving and forbidding any interviews. 当记者们走上前去,与那些生还者交谈时,警察立即介入,把记者推开,禁止任何采访。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This guy used to chat and play with me day after day, and now he was Worm's husband. 这个整天和我一起嘻嘻哈哈打打闹闹的家伙,已经为人夫君了。 english.31931.cn 6. Amy: Trying to chat up some blond tart. 艾米:正试着跟一个金发美女搭讪呢。 learning.sohu.com 7. Besides playing and observing, LGS dialogue window could also be used to chat with friends online. LGS除了下棋、观棋之外,还可以在交谈窗中和棋友聊天。 lgs7.taiwango.net 8. Early morning in Saturday, I was playing with Yue as usual. My mum came in and we began to chat. 周六早上,我和小猪照例在床上懒床玩耍。外婆进来了,我和外婆闲聊起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Do you want to look for a spacious comfort place to ask the friend to chat? 你想找个宽敞舒适的地方请朋友聊天吗? www.qd518.com 10. never stay on the floor to talk - if the music has started , go off the dance floor to chat. 当音乐开始后请勿倾谈,如要继绩谈话,请在跳舞场外进行。 www.ichacha.net 1. never stay on the floor to talk - if the music has started , go off the dance floor to chat. 当音乐开始后请勿倾谈,如要继绩谈话,请在跳舞场外进行。 www.ichacha.net 2. Here is a little gift for you, I am glad to chat with you. 我们聊的很投机,送你一个小礼物 wenwen.soso.com 3. He would eat and run , if that was all right , leaving Slote and Selma to chat about old times . 如果可以的话,他想吃了饭就走,让斯鲁特和塞尔玛留下叙叙旧。 www.bing.com 4. In social situations, he's affable and courteous, always willing to chat and is interested in what others say. 在社交场合里,他亲切而礼貌,总是乐于与人交流并且对他人的谈话表现出很大的兴趣。 www.bing.com 5. A man's guide to chat - up lines , written in 1661, suggests that bosoms are the best conversation opener with " ladies and gentle women " . 写于1661年的一本男性搭讪指南建议,胸部是与“女士和淑女”聊天最好的开始。 www.bing.com 6. Tell her I'll call her tomorrow *to chat*. Ask when the best time to call is, when we can just talk for a while. 告诉她我明天会给她打电话聊天,问她,想和她聊天的话,什么时候打电话最好。 paoxue.com 7. Welcome All, Jerry here, a gay male from Southeast Texas (USA). . . . . . I love to chat with people from around the world. 欢迎你们,我是杰里,东南得克萨斯州(美国)一个快乐男人,我喜欢与来自世界各地的人聊天。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. I used to chat with fellow students at school and now could only stay in the classroom homework, looked really boring. 我过去常常在学校和同学们聊天,现在只能呆在教室里写作业,显得很无聊。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. But most students use computers to chat or playing games is apart, only a handful of learning is to use. 而中学生使用电脑大多是用来聊天或者打游戏,只有极少数是用开来学习的。 wenwen.soso.com 10. There are no tourists in sight, and many of the traders, like Jinny Chew, are happy to chat, calling out "good morning" as you pass. 市场内看不到旅游者,不少摊主都热情开朗,喜欢和顾客聊天。你走过他们摊位的时候,他们会大声跟你说“早上好”。 cn.nytimes.com 1. There are no tourists in sight, and many of the traders, like Jinny Chew, are happy to chat, calling out "good morning" as you pass. 市场内看不到旅游者,不少摊主都热情开朗,喜欢和顾客聊天。你走过他们摊位的时候,他们会大声跟你说“早上好”。 cn.nytimes.com 2. As a matter of fact, I just came to chat with you. 事实上,我只想同你聊聊。 www.bing.com 3. There's also a club house lounge, where the royals have been known to chat with other members after playing their match. 俱乐部中还有一间会所,那里是皇室成员打完比赛后与其他会员聊天的地方。 c.wsj.com 4. The wind such as ghost howl, as had the nightmare before and immediately, fear, hope to chat, talk. 风声如鬼嚎,正如曾经的噩梦一般拂过耳畔,顿时心生恐惧,好希望能有人聊聊天,说说话。 www.bing.com 5. Recent and friends to chat, also oneself some of the ideas in the expression comes out, also and China to share your material. 最近和朋友聊到这方面,也把自己的一些想法表达出来,也和素材中国大家分享一下。 www.82g.com.cn 6. I quite like the time to chat with you because we are good friends, but also remember the day we meet with you? 我很喜欢跟你在一起聊天因为我们是好朋友,我依然记得跟你相遇那一天。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Perhaps the heart, this time Danny to the phone, we are interested to chat up. 也许是心有灵犀,此时丹丹来了电话,我们兴致盎然地聊了起来。 www.bing.com 8. According to a variety of studies my languages may be providing mental benefits beyond the ability to chat with locals when I travel. 根据多项研究表明,我所掌握的多国语言除了能和当地人交流以外还能有利于智力的健康。 bulo.hjenglish.com 9. Dance, students can dance, eating snacks, drinking beverages, but also easy to chat. 舞会上,学生们可以翩翩起舞、吃着点心、喝着饮料,还可轻松闲聊。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. There you go, dearie; that's Baby B, now take him away and leave me to chat to his Excellency. 这个给你,亲爱的;这就是婴儿B现在把他带走让我和这位美国文化专员好好聊聊。 www.bing.com 1. There you go, dearie; that's Baby B, now take him away and leave me to chat to his Excellency. 这个给你,亲爱的;这就是婴儿B现在把他带走让我和这位美国文化专员好好聊聊。 www.bing.com 2. Usually I do not like the Internet to chat, and now love a chat. 通常我不喜欢在互联网聊天,现在爱聊天。 wenwen.soso.com 3. I am very glad to chat with you. See you next time. 我非常高兴能与你交流,下次再见。 wenwen.soso.com 4. I haven't done any of those things yet because my grandfather came to chat to me. 那些事情我一样也还没做,因为我祖父来和我聊天。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. When the meeting ended, I began to chat with the students. 会议结束时我和学生们聊了起来。 www.bing.com 6. For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper. 那老太太每天去买报纸,不多时便觉乐在其中,因为她主要是想和店主聊天。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The mega movie star recently revealed that he was in a relationship while speaking to chat show host Larry King. 这位出演了多部电影的明星近日在LarryKing主持的谈话节目中透露自己正在恋爱中。 www.hjenglish.com 8. People would come to me at my desk to chat. 人们会到我的办公桌前闲聊。 www.elanso.com 9. I don't like the network friends who ask to meet when they just begin to chat. 我不喜欢那种刚一聊上就要求见面的网友。 wenwen.soso.com 10. I should be able to chat with my website users. 我应该能够与我聊天网站的用户。 www.bing.com 1. Play fast and loose let people things to chat, from a certain sense, repeated often made on the rough life, love and hate, the passions. 反复无常让人心生世事的难聊,从某种意义上可以说,反复无常造就了人的坎坷一生,爱恨情仇,喜怒哀乐。 www.bing.com 2. Also hope that the form be able to chat to improve my English. 更希望能够通过聊天的形式来提高我的英语水平。 wenwen.soso.com 3. No class all day, Waterloo in the quarters, in addition to chat Q, I was watching television. 一天都没有课,窝在宿舍,除了聊Q,就是看电视。 www.dota123.com 4. He started to chat to me and I could tell that he really fancied himself. 我看得出他确实自以为了不起。我看得出他确实自以为了不起。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Well, I hope to get a few female friends here to chat about life, hobby and other interested common subjects. 我希望能在这里能交到一些女性朋友(不是女朋友,呵呵),谈谈一下生活,嗜好和其他共同课题。 ahmoi.com 6. I feel very happy to chat with foreigners and determined to work hard at English . 你对自己能与外国人交谈感到很高兴。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. With so many books to read, I have no time to chat with you. 有这么多的书要读,我没时间跟你聊天。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Dear, you can't accompany me to chat whole day any further, being caring and attentive. 亲爱的,你再也不会陪我整天聊天,嘘寒问暖了。 tieba.baidu.com 9. If you choose to chat on the internet , you also have to arrange a time which is convenient to both sides. 如果你想通过网上聊天,你也不得不安排一个双方都方便的时间。 wenwen.soso.com 10. My Chinese is ok, so if you'd like to chat on QQ and know me, send me a message! 我的中文马马虎虎,但是如果你想要和我在QQ聊天,发短信给我! www.chineselovelinks.com 1. Millie likes to chat with her classmates during lunch time. 米莉喜欢在午餐时间和她的同学聊天 zhidao.baidu.com 2. One day the frog saw a turtle that had come from the East Sea, and the two started to chat . The frog boasted : "look! " 有一天,青蛙在井边碰见一只从东海来的大海龟,它俩便聊起来了。 space.100e.com 3. Mr. Obama then met with wounded servicemen in a nearby medical clinic and stopped by a chow hall to chat with about 50 others. 奥巴马发表讲话后又前往附近诊所会见了受伤官兵,并顺便前往一处食堂,与约50名官兵了交谈。 www.ttxyy.com 4. In the evenings, people gather at tables and chairs in the main square to chat, sip ouzo (an anise drink), or play backgammon . 夜晚,人们在主要广场围坐谈天论地,喝大茴香酒,或玩西洋双陆棋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Chris: All right, all right! I just want to chat with one of my old friend. 好啦好啦!我就是想跟我的一个老朋友聊聊天。 www.bing.com 6. After the meal the children like to play the fire cracker . The adult like to chat with each other or watch TV. 餐后,孩子们喜欢玩火炮,成人则喜欢彼此闲聊或看电视。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Oh, and I should mention that in the UK it's not unusual or strange for women to chat men up! 哦,我得说一下,在英国,女士主动搭讪男士可不是什么稀奇事。 www.douban.com 8. According to a new report, the average Italian man suffers from deep insecurity and is too shy to chat anyone up. 现在,意大利男人普遍沉浸在深深的不安中难以自拔,而且他们已经害羞到不敢与女性攀谈的地步。 www.24en.com 9. To chat with a co-worker a continent away, just call him or her on a lifelike, 3-D video-conferencing system. 要跟远在另一个大陆的同事聊天,只要用3D视讯会议系统打电话给他就行了,图像生动,宛若面谈。 www.fzfanyi.com 10. I'm serious find me here in the reason I love, I don't want to here chat, make friends a type, hope want to chat friend round the town. 我是认真的在这里寻找结婚对象,不是聊天,也不是交朋友,希望想聊天的朋友绕行。 www.chineselovelinks.com 1. I also love to chat with QQ, as can be given to all corners of the friends. 我还非常喜欢用QQ聊天,因为可以交到五湖四海的朋友。 ourtra.netat.net 2. The Buddy List shows the names of your friends and whether they're available to chat. “好友列表”显示了您朋友的姓名以及他们是否可以在线聊天。 docs.info.apple.com 3. Darren tried to chat her up all night. He's such a twonk. 戴伦一晚上都试着跟她搭讪。他真是个彪子。 www.ryedu.net 4. So when I'm invisible , I don't want to chat with you. Please understand . Thanks! 所以呢,当我隐身的时候,就代表着我不想很你聊天,请尊重我啦。 bbs.5i5i.cn 5. Such as: with the guest to chat, the facial expression to natural, the language is to be kind, express to be accurately appropriately. 如:与客人交谈,表情要自然,语言要亲切,表达要准确得体。 bask2.pklei.com 6. She is not much, just want to chat with you, ask you had a good. 她要的不多,只是想和你聊聊天,问一下你最近过的好不好。 www.bing.com 7. These behaviors are inconsistent with my work partners, they idler time drinking to chat soak the woman. 这些行为跟我的工作伙伴们不一致,他们更多的空闲时间去喝酒啦呱泡女人。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. to chat well with him because of if isn't him, you will not understand this world today. 要跟他好好聊一聊,因为若不是他,今天你不会懂这世界。 www.diyifanwen.com 9. Yes, yes, but there will be plenty of time to chat later. I didn't imagine you'd be one of the talkers. 对,对,以后有足够时间慢慢聊。我觉得你不是个爱聊天的人。 www.bing.com 10. Most of the country's Internet users go online to chat or seek entertainment rather than look for jobs or conduct business. 我国大多数互联网用户上网进行的主要活动是聊天和娱乐,而不是找工作或从事商务活动。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Shopping online offers the opportunity to chat with others with similar hobbies or interest through Internet. 网上购物让我有机会通过互联网与有类似兴趣或爱好的人聊天。 my3q.com 2. I came early on the off chance that we might have time to chat. 我早点来是想我们可能会有点时间聊聊的。 www.for68.com 3. Eg. The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries. 这些家伙老是想向新来的秘书调情。 www.kekenet.com 4. It was quite inspiring to chat with this teen environmentalist. 同这位少年环保者交谈很受启发。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Please continue to chat to me if you wish, and should that happy day come that I can visit, I am sure that you will be welcoming. 请对我闲谈如果你愿,和应该快乐的日子来我能拜访,我确定你将会欢迎。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. They have been photographed together playing basketball and golf, still walk on the beach to chat and dinner. 两人曾被拍到一起打篮球和高尔夫,还在海滩散步聊天和共进晚餐。 www.englishtang.com 7. Some fun stuff coming up- will be fun to chat and meet some of you soon! 有一些有趣的玩意要来啰--会有一场有意思的对谈,并且即将很快的与你见面! group.m.mtime.com 8. The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries. 这些家伙老是与新来“的”秘书搭讪。 www.kekenet.com 9. Those cells basically start to chat, triggering a cascade of information that leads to creating hair follicles. 这样细胞就开始了基本的谈话,触发一系列的信息引起毛囊的生长。 news.dxy.cn 10. In early December, a senior Mukhabarat officer phoned an American friend at the Amman CIA station to chat about the case. 在十二月初,一个mukhabarat的高级官员在电话中就此事和他位于安曼的CIA工作站的美国朋友进行了交谈。 www.bing.com 1. We modeled it more closely to chat and reduced the number of things you need to do to send a message. 我们把它设计得更接近聊天工具,简化了发送信息需要做的大量事情。 www.bing.com 2. I'm dying to chat with you on-line again. 我非常渴望能和你再次在网上聊天。 brand.hjenglish.com 3. And calling someone to chat . until I feel very tied , I have no mind to thinking ghost and blood sucker . then I will fall asleep . 直到我感觉到很累了,我就没有心思去想什么鬼呀、吸血鬼呀之类的了。然后就慢慢睡着了。 bbs.5i5i.cn 4. when my parents are working i would stay home do chores, read some storybooks, and go online to chat and find information. 在父母上班的时候我会在家里做清洁,看些故事书,和上网聊天和查找资料。 wenwen.soso.com 5. I think he will be rather baffling, would like to chat with him, just to chat. 我会莫名其妙的想他,想和他聊天,只是聊聊就好。 www.bing.com 6. There are a lot of words want say with you, meet to chat again. 有很多话要和你说,见了面再聊吧。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. But very happy to chat with you! 不过能和你聊天很开心! zaixian-fanyi.cn 8. If she were to chat up some guy, Id be jealous. 如果她和别的男生聊天,我会嫉妒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. As a result, people will have less in common to chat about around the water-cooler. 因此,以后人们在水冷机旁的闲聊话题将更加多样。 www.ecocn.org 10. The best friend gets married, the best colleague (sisters) seldom meets to chat. 最好的朋友结婚,最好的同事(姐妹)难得见面聊天。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Lorian leaned against the speeder, crossing his leg as though he had all the time in the world to chat. 洛里安靠在飞船上,双腿交叉,好像有足够的时间闲聊。 www.starwarschina.com 2. If you would like to chat with me then please give the right answer to the following simple question. 如果您想与我聊天,然后请给正确的答案,以下列简单的问题。 zhishi.sohu.com 3. do remember to chat with me again this Sunday afternoon. 一定要记得这个星期天下午要再跟我聊天哦。 www.wmed.cn 4. In addition to chat and synchronous meeting facilities, these include electronic brainstorming technologies. 除了聊天和同步会议设施之外,还包括了电子头脑风暴技术。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 5. Once it's perfected, you'll be able to chat with a friend using her own Elfoid, and her doll phone's appendages will mimic your movements. 一旦技术成熟,你将可以用你朋友自己的Elfoid和她煲电话粥,而她玩偶电话的附属物会模仿出你的动作。 www.bing.com 6. Mary likes to chat with her friends on the phone. 玛丽喜欢在电话里和她的朋友聊天。 www.xkbw.com 7. Not Being Punctual! When you make a date to chat online or talk on the phone, be there and be there on time. 约好网聊或者打电话的时间后赴约,而且要准时赴约。 www.bing.com 8. That night, you let me accompany you to chat, so I turned on my computer. 那夜,你让我陪你聊天,于是我开了电脑。 www.bing.com 9. The Vice President got a first-hand look at Ener1's assembly line and had a chance to chat with several workers. 副总统亲自观看了该公司的装配生产线,并且与一些工人们交谈。 www.bing.com 10. The two women began to chat. 两个妇人便攀谈起来了。 www.jukuu.com 1. she don't have that much time to chat with you. 她没有很多时间与你聊天 wenwen.soso.com 2. A network chat program that any one machine can become a server, the other would like to chat to the machine where it can be linked. 一个网络聊天程序,任何一台机器均可成为服务器,其它想聊天的机器往它那里联即可。 www.my1010.com 3. Another group calls lonely old people once a day to chat a little. 又有一个小组每天看一次孤寡老人,跟他们聊聊天。 dict.veduchina.com 4. I decided to devote myself to exam preparation and didn't have time to chat online with Dennis. 我决定把自己的考试准备和没有时间在线聊天丹尼斯。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. She likes to chat with her friend on the phone. 她喜欢在电话上跟朋友聊天。 bbsnew.esnai.com 6. Want to chat from your phone directly to the company? 要直接用你的电话与企业沟通? www.bing.com 7. Text that a raid leader sends to chat will now be displayed in a different color and will have the [Raid Leader] label. 团队领袖发送给团队的信息将用特殊的颜色表示,并带有[团队领袖]标签。 bbs.game.mop.com 8. Sorry to bother you. I just want to chat with you. 很抱歉打扰你,我只是想跟你聊一聊。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You're not allowed to chat through my class. 在我的整个课堂期间,你们都不可以闲聊。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. Till now, one had to use a different IM client like MeGlobe, to chat in a foreign language. 到现在,有人不得不使用一个不同的IM客户端比如MeGlobe,来进行外语翻译。 www.bing.com 1. BTW, could you please tell me your MSN address? I really want to chat with you. 请问,您的MSN是什么,我很想在那和您聊天。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Today, I stopped to chat with the office janitor like I do every Monday morning on my way into work. 今天,我又像往常每一个周一早晨一样,在我上班的地方和我办公楼的看门人交谈。 www.bing.com 3. Noon lunch, can downstairs corridor or walking 30 minutes, speed and position, also can chat with colleagues and friends to chat or call. 中午吃完午饭,可以在楼下或走廊里健走30分钟,注意速度和姿势,同时还可以和同事聊一聊天,或给朋友打个电话。 edu.51ielts.com 4. If you want to chat with people in the locker room, it's best to wait until they've at least put on a towel to start a conversation. 如果你想在更衣室与其他人交谈,最好等他们至少围上浴巾后再开始。monopolizev.独占;全部占有,完全控制。 gb.cri.cn 5. Register or Sign in to chat now , earn points, level up and track your progress! 注册或登录聊天现在,获得积分,级别,并跟踪您的进步! zhidao.baidu.com 6. It's funny to chat with you. 与你交谈很有趣 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Sometimes, I use QQ to chat to my friends, and to write emails as well. 有时候,我用QQ来和朋友聊天,有时写电子邮件。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Some give advice to nervous newcomers facing their first invitation to "chat. " 有些提供意见,他们面临的第一次邀请“聊天紧张新人。” www.zzfish.cn 9. Before getting too far into what's changed, I'll take a second to chat about what hasn't. 在深入研究变化的内容之前,我要花几秒钟谈谈什么没有改变。 www.ibm.com 10. Nothing, just want to chat with you. 没什么事,就想和你聊天。 ltlt198018.blog.163.com 1. Once it's up, we'll be able to chat one-on-one with all of you in our fan club chats. 这个平台一旦建好,我们就能和你们在粉丝俱乐部一对一的聊天了。 www.mtvchina.com 2. Most of the country's Internetusers go online to chat or seek entertainment rather than look for jobs or conduct business. 用户上网进行的主要活动是聊天和娱乐,而不是找工作或从事商务活动。 www.bing.com 3. Meeting a younger friend, Premier Yu happily stoops over to chat. 见到小朋友,院长高兴地弯下腰与他们说话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The results show that most children use cell phones to chat, read blogs, play games, and search for information on the Internet. 调查显示,大部分未成年人使用手机上网聊天、阅读博客、玩游戏、搜信息等。 www.china.org.cn 5. Nice to chat with you. 与你聊天很愉快。 www.kekenet.com 6. 3 people sit in the home to chat, xiaoceng and his friend are dallying with the mobile phone of bewitching dance elder brother and camera. 3人坐在家中聊天,小曾和他朋友玩弄着妖舞哥哥的手机和相机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Believe it or not, by reading this book, you will be able to chat online in English very soon. 信不信由你,只要翻開這本書,就能立刻在网上用英語自由聊天。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Then find you love her ( him ) to chat with people to get married. 那就找个你爱与她(他)聊天的人结婚吧。 www.bing.com 9. More than 200 million people use Windows Live Messenger to chat with friends, family members and colleagues. 全球有两亿多人使用windows的即时通和朋友、家人、还有同事聊天。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Together they like to chat about food, adventures, and their future happy life. 小马和她在一起经常聊起美食、探险和他们未来的美好生活。 dongxi.net 1. Many brought their children along, or lingered after voting to chat with friends. 许多人带上了他们的小孩,或是在投票后逗留现场与朋友聊天。 www.ecocn.org 2. when ru going to chat with me again? 你打算什么时候再跟我聊天呢? www.wmed.cn 3. I need someone to get me get high quality links. I will be available to chat during the day on Sunday eastern standard time. 我需要有人让我得到高质量的链接。我将提供给白天聊天星期日东部标准时间。 www.bing.com 4. Chee wondered whether Hangouts could be useful for deaf people to chat online with sign language. 他想知道是否视频群聊对聋人也有用,让他们可以使用手语在网上聊天。 www.bing.com 5. Social networking is second only to chat rooms as being the lowest CPM, the worst place to advertise. . . 社交网络是仅次于聊天室的低CPM场所,广告投放的噩梦地区…… www.bing.com 6. I have to work now. No time to chat with you. 我现在要工作。没有时间和你聊天。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. New year messages are pasted at the doorways and neighbours gather to chat. 过年的时候门口贴着春联,邻居们则聚集在一起聊天。 www.bing.com 8. Wish that your job is smoothly joyful , and get a chance to chat again! 祝你工作顺利开心,有机会再聊吧! ourtra.netat.net 9. Oftentimes, taxi drivers like to chat with passengers in their cars. 出租车司机往往喜欢和车上的乘客聊天。 chinese.rutgers.edu 10. It's a great pleasure to chat with old friends at the dinner table. 老朋友们一起在饭桌上聊天真是一大乐事。 hi.baidu.com 1. to chat with friends, walking home in the mountains also have deep feelings, this flow. 与好友交谈,漫步归家,深山中亦有深重情怀在此流淌。 www.jiangshanvilla.com 2. This year, more and more web sites will allow you to chat directly to customer service people either through chat or video. 在2010年,越来越多的网站可让你通过聊天或者视频直接与客服人员沟通。 www.bing.com 3. One day the frog met a turtle that had arrived from the East Sea, and the two started to chat. 有一天,青蛙在井边碰见一只从东海来的大海龟,它俩便聊了起来。 chinese.cscc.org.sg 4. If you would like to chat with me please answer the following simple question. 如果你愿意跟我聊聊请回答以下简单的问题。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The most loving thing to me is to chat with friends on QQ. 对我来说最最可爱事情就是在QQ里和朋友穷聊。 www.wgxxp.com 6. It's like a routine for me when I have some time off in the hotel to chat with my friends and family. 赛后在酒店跟偶朋友和家人聊聊天,这似乎都成惯例了。 serenazt.pkm.cn 7. You'll have a chance to chat with him later. 你们待会儿有机会跟他聊天。 www.tingclass.com 8. Or when someone tells you how they call friends abroad to chat on company expenses. 当有人告诉你如何或打电话给在国外的朋友聊天,他们对公司的费用。 www.opda.net.cn 9. You will be able to chat while playing and it will give a greater feeling of togetherness. 在玩游戏的时候你们可以聊天,这将带来你们在一起的美好感觉。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He's at Toyota Center most mornings around 8: 30 to work on conditioning and to chat up the guys. 姚明每天上午8:30左右来到丰田中心进行热身活动,同队友们聊聊天。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 1. I hope to chat with you soon! 我希望能尽快再跟你聊天! ltlt198018.blog.163.com 2. This matter is said to grow for the words, our side drinks a side to chat. 这件事说来可就话长了,咱们边喝边聊。 www.bazx.net.cn 3. I am now confined to the standard of English would use a few simple sentences to chat. 我现在的英语水平只局限于会用几个简单的句子进行交谈。 wenwen.soso.com 4. I got frustrated by other people slowing me down by stopping to chat in the street. 我对有人站在路上聊天而挡住了去路的事情很恼火。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Well, my friends are scattered everywhere. It's cheaper to chat online. 我的朋友到处都有,还是上网更便宜些。 eaglechina.blogchina.com 6. When you call us at work "just to chat, " we're not really listening; we're checking our e-mail. 当我们在工作时,你打电话给我们“只是为了聊天”,我们并不是真的在听;我们可能正在查收邮件。 en.v.wenguo.com 7. I really want to chat with you! 我好想和你聊天! www.bing.com 8. An investigation shows male spends 76 minutes a day to chat with friends or colleagues while female spends only 52 minutes. 一项调查发现,男人每天与朋友或同事闲聊的时间平均为76分钟,而女人仅为52分钟。 club.topsage.com 9. If you are interested to chat with me come on girls! 如果你有兴趣想和我聊天的话,来吧美女们! www.xxingclub.com 10. Recalling the painful experience, I still have two girls to chat with. 我无语。痛定思痛,还有两个MM可以聊。 www.crazyenglish.org |
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