单词 | to center | ||||||
释义 | to center
例句释义: 中心,到中心,移中 1. Most classically trained pastors have been taught to center their messages around the interpretation of the Word. 大多数接受传统训练的牧师被教导集中信息解释上帝的话语。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Take a few moments to center yourself, open your mind, and get spiritual. . . if that sort of thing is helpful for you. 花上一会的时间让自己集中精神,天马行空,获得精力…如果那种方式对你来说有帮助的话。 www.bing.com 3. "Jonathan Livingston Seagull, " said the Elder, "Stand to Center for Shame in the sight of your fellow gulls! " “乔纳森?利文斯顿,”长者说,“为你的耻辱,站到中间去,让大家看看!” www.bing.com 4. TaiChi with a teacher who had studied for a number of years in China and I found that it helped me to center my mind in a much better way. 太极我是在一个在中国学了多年的老师的指导下学的,我认为它帮助我更好地集中精力。 www.junshijia.com 5. Independent jaw chucks permit each jaw to move independently for chucking irregular-shaped workpieces or to center a round workpiece. 独立颚夹头允许每个下颌向前冲了夹紧不规则形状工件或工件圆中心独立。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Use the Align Along Margins check box to align objects with the margins of the page, or to center the objects on the page. “与页边距对齐”复选框用于将对象与页边距对齐,或使对象位于页面中央。 it.bab.la 7. Wildfire rules of the game, all the participants with his back to center of a circle surrounded by a circle, close your eyes. 野火游戏的规则是,所有的参与者背对圆心围成一个圆圈,闭上眼睛。 q.sohu.com 8. The results show that this control scheme can obtain excellent return-to-center performance and improve the stability of steering system. 结果表明,采用该回正控制策略能获得较好的回正性能,同时提高了转向系统的稳定性。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. An adjustable thrust bearing shall be provided to center the ball in the body. 此外,可调整的推力轴承应提供给中心的球在体内。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Push the shoulder to air for a quicker breath, and rotate the head back down to center prior to the body. 推肩的空气,呼吸加快,并旋转头回落到中心前体。 www.topswim.net 1. Iger had been standing on the side, and Jobs invited him to center stage. 乔布斯把一起站在旁边的Iger邀请到舞台中间。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Then we came to Center Point, and one of the more memorable encounters of my life in politics. 接着我们来到了一个叫“中心点”的小镇,遇到了我政治生涯中一个比较值得回忆的遭遇战。 www.bing.com 3. Finally, allow the head to roll back to center and to release away from the neck once more. 最后,将头部回到中心并再一次放松远离颈部。 www.qiyeku.com 4. I remember the show began from the side of the wings to center stage curtain, and I walked a full 27 steps ah! 当时我记得演出开始从侧幕走到舞台中央,我整整走了27步啊! blog.sina.com.cn 5. It's also possible to center rims by simply reversing the wheel in the truing stand or bicycle frame as you work. 它也可以通过简单的轮辋中心扭转了修整站立或自行车车架为你工作的车轮。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Sunday's final of beach volleyball Brought a pair of Olympic contenders to center stage. 星期天的沙滩排球赛,一对奥运选手是人们关注的焦点。 www.tdict.com 7. Because he could not find the right theme on which to center his thought, his explanation was vague. 由于他找不到集中其思路的恰当的主题,他的解释是含糊不清的。 school.ecp.com.cn 8. Red LEDs light progressively closer to center as you approach true pitch . 红色发光二极管以轻心,因为你的态度逐渐拉近真实球场。 www.bing.com 9. core - the center of a thermal where the strongest lift is found . to center a thermal. 热气泡升力中心在热气流中心,那里可以发现有最强举升力。 www.ichacha.net 10. Each time she felt a foot stray from the carpet, she corrected back to center, racing on through the sheer darkness. 每次她都感到自己的脚步在穿越漆黑的夜晚时偏离了地毯,然后,她又重新回到地毯的中心。 www.bing.com 1. The further away from the steel cap, the weaker the current density becomes. The current gradually concentrates from brim to center axis. 距离钢碗越远,腔体边缘的电流密度越小,电流逐渐由边缘向中心轴汇聚。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Spacers are used to center the pipeline within the conductor to reduce corrosion. 用隔离物将管道放在导管中央以减少腐蚀。 www.infopetro.com.cn 3. Initial market reaction was muted. U. S. stocks fell by midday on Wednesday as worries about the weakening economy returned to center stage. 市场对奥巴马当选的最初反应颇为平淡.美国股市周三早盘下跌,因对经济疲势的担忧重新成为关注焦点。 cn.reuters.com 4. I was born with a stone-cold heart, and my natural tendency is to center on what I want rather than on what God wants. 因著罪,我与生俱来一个冷漠的心,而我的天性是倾向关注自己所想的,而不是神所想的。 www.chinesetodays.org 5. For most, it seems almost natural to center align titles, taglines, and parts of copy. 在多数情况下,把标题,标签,和部分内容居中是很自然的事。 www.elanso.com 6. Under the alienation of actuality, ugly with its most true appearance aligns from edge to center. 在异化的现实下,丑以其最本真的状态由边缘走向中心。 www.dictall.com 7. To center the contents of a cell, click the Center button on the Formatting toolbar. 如果要将选定区域内的文本居中对齐,请单击“格式”工具栏上的“居中”按钮。 cn.bab.la 8. In marked contrast to the Arch of Titus, this one symbolizes the transition of Rome from pagan stronghold to center of Christianity. 作为和泰特斯建筑成对比的标志,这一建筑象征着罗马从无宗教信仰进入基督教的过度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The "war on terror" isn't an adequate principle around which to center all focus, he adds. 在围绕“反恐战争”的所有焦点中,缺乏一个适当的基本原则,他补充说。 www.bing.com 10. According to this expected emphasis, I've chosen the granularity of the query results to center around serializing synsets. 根据这个预期的重点,我选择查询结果的粒度时以同义词组的序列化为中心。 www.ibm.com 1. The hotel is situated right next to North Acton tube station so easy access to center of London. 旅馆就位于北艾顿地铁口的右边上,到市中心很方便。 weike.taskcn.com 2. With one hand on the freezer door, I take a big breath and try to center my enlightened spiritual entity. 一只手搭在冰箱门上,深呼吸,我得集中我顿悟过的精神力量。 www.bing.com 3. But, he added, "the nonprofessional picture increasingly has the possibility of punching through to center stage. " 但他还说道:“如今非专业人士拍摄的影像,登上中央舞台的可能性越来越大。” dongxi.net 4. Stand to Center for Honor was the way the gulls' foremost leaders were marked. 海鸥的几个最高领袖就享有站在中央的荣誉。 club.topsage.com 5. Use to center the selected object vertically and horizontally in relation to the Report Designer window. 用于使所选对象相对于报表设计器窗口居中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. If there's any conflict between us, it's much more likely to center on how rather than on what. 如果我们双方有意见冲突,很可能是关于如何干而不是干什么的问题。 7. As life gets hectic and relationships become stressed, special places can help to center a relationship. 在生活日益繁忙,感情紧张的时候,这么一个特别的地方能帮我们聚集感情。 www.bing.com 8. Experiencing the margin-to-center journey in his life, Naipaul has figured a series of lonely and impressive exiling intellectuals. 奈保尔经历了由边缘到中心的生活历程,其作品塑造了一系列孤独而又感人的流亡知识分子形象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This value determines the default setting in the Print Setup dialog: whether to center pages vertically. 这个值决定了打印设置对话框中是否垂直居中页面选项的默认设置。 translations.launchpad.net 10. Center performance measurement is the process of accumulating and reporting data relate to center performance. 责任中心绩效衡量就是一个积累和报告有关责任中心绩效的信息的过程。 dict.ebigear.com 1. To center a drawing object on the page, click the Draw button on the Drawing toolbar, and then click Align or Distribute. 如果想让图形对象在页面上居中,可单击“绘图”工具栏上的“绘图”按钮,再单击“对齐或分布”。 it.bab.la 2. Just this short respite can help stabilize your energy fields and bring you back to center. 只需要这短暂的休息就可以帮你稳定你的能量场,并带你回到焦点上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Welcome to Center for Electron Microscopy , Wuhan University ! 欢迎访问武汉大学电子显微镜中心! www.bing.com 4. To center the objects vertically, click Distribute Vertically. 要垂直居中对齐对象,请单击“纵向分布”。 office.microsoft.com 5. and sides formed into one piece center section. Front and back panels are spot-welded to center section. 抽屉底部和两边为单片设计。前、板面为点焊。 www.jukuu.com 6. To center a drawing object on the page, click the Align Drawing Objects button on the Drawing toolbar. 要在页面上居中图形对象,可单击“绘图”工具栏上的“对齐图形对象”按钮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. But after, the scraper conveyer has carried on the overall structural design to center simple chain. 而后,对中单链型刮板输送机进行了总体结构设计。 cyggao.com 8. tried to center the discussion on the main issues. 尽力使讨论集中于主要问题上 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Resize that layer to center of the iris, adding certain depth in that central area. 把这层以虹膜中点为中心缩小一些,为笔画覆盖的区域增添一些深度感。 feedproxy.google.com 10. A method to center an image by brightness gradient is proposed based on the features of the non-diffracting laser circular image. 为有效识别光斑中心,针对无衍射激光斑光图像特点,提出了一种由亮度梯度确定图像中心的方法。 www.opticsjournal.net 1. Circle arms back to center, pressing palms together at elbow level. 如果身体条件允许,双手合十于肘水平方向。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Now, Whitacre, 68, steps to center stage as acting GM chief executive after the abrupt resignation of Fritz Henderson on Tuesday. 通用汽车首席执行官(CEO)韩德胜周二突然辞职后,现年68岁的惠特克将担任代理CEO,正式走上中心舞台。 cn.reuters.com 3. The code says that the div selector inherits a property to center the text. 这些代码表明div选择器继承了一个属性,以将文本居中。 www.ibm.com 4. Some frustrated Iraqis gave up, while others reported going from center to center before finding the one associated with their distributor. 有一些沮丧的伊拉克人放弃了。另外的人走了一个又一个投票站,试图找到和食品分发人相关的那个。 www.bing.com 5. Now that the latter are outselling the former, though, I am going to center my main buying guides on laptops. 现在笔记本的销售数量越来越多,我也要把购买指南的重心转移过来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Use medium grit to shape. File from side to center to avoid weakening nails. 使用中等细沙砾,从指间一边向中心锉擦,避免弱化的指甲。 www.wujinggou.com 7. The standpoint of political instruct in colleges or universities is to center on the students on earth. 高校思想政治教育的出发点和落脚点应该而且必须是以学生为本。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. It is used to center a tool at the mean of the torque specification (setting torque) and to monitor the process. 将扭力工具设定在规范的中间值(设定扭力),以监控扭紧过程。 wenku.baidu.com 9. File nails in one direction from side to center to avoid weakening nails. 在一个方向锉指甲,从边上到中心,避免损坏指甲。 www.wujinggou.com 10. Some people prefer to center the date and closing section instead of aligning them at the left. 有的人喜欢将日期和落款居中而不是左对齐,这是不对的。 www.bing.com 1. The reason for the steering wheel not returning to center was discussed based on the analysis for returning moments. 通过对回正力矩的分析,探讨了安装EPS系统的汽车低速行驶时转向回正不足的原因。 lib.cqvip.com 2. When it's time to breathe, simply turn your head for air, and bring it back to center. 该吸气时,只做转头吸气,然后转回到中线位置。 www.topswim.net 3. And the puck cleared out to center ice. 冰球被打出了争球圈。 qac.yappr.cn 4. Getting back to center court after striking. 击球后,迅速返回中场。 www.enread.com 5. staminode needle like, adnate to center of upper corolla lip. 针状的退化雄蕊,贴生于上面花冠唇的中心。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Now we have to center the pipe vertically . 现在我们要把管子垂直居中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Shake the pot back and forth to center the dough. 您需要来回摇动锅使面团居中。 www.dltcedu.org 8. In order to check the quality of the hinge-folding books placard outside creases folding in black label you want to Center. 为了检查折页的质量,折完的书帖外折缝中黑色折标要居中一致。 www.bing.com 9. Turn your head back to center after each breath. 把你的头回中心之后的每一个呼吸。 xmuswim.com 10. It pays to center on sustainable development. 应该关注可持续性发展。 www.24en.com 1. It's easy because you usually don't need algorithms more sophisticated than how to center one rectangle in another. 说它容易,是因为你不需要更精密的算法去定位一个长方形的中心。 www.bing.com 2. Shake the control wheel to center the aileron system. 摇动控制轮使得副翼系统居中。 www.cadict.net 3. Stand to Center meant only great shame or great honor. 站到中间,要不是极大的羞耻,就是极大的光荣。 www.putclub.com 4. Format that text as a Heading 3 and select to center align. 将文本的格式设置为Heading3并且选择centeralign。 www.ibm.com 5. I would also like to center the space where all the text appears and not have it towards the left. 我还想向中心的空间,所有的文字显示,而不必对离开它。 www.bing.com 6. Programs may vary from center to center. 每个中心所提供的计划各有不同。 immigrantinfo.org 7. To center or right-align the entire table, select the table. 若要使整个表格居中或右对齐,请选择该表格。 office.microsoft.com 8. This is why it's so critical to center your lives and your marriage on the God who created marriage. 这就是为什么你需要将你的生活和婚姻交托在创造婚姻的上帝手上。 www.bing.com 9. Pitch: The center-to-center spacing between conductors, such as pads and pins, on a PCB. 上导体,比如焊盘和插脚之间中心到中心的距离。 blueinfo.bokee.com 10. Set justify to center. 将justify设置为center。 www.ibm.com 1. This object is used to center the map. 该对象用于使地图居中。 www.ibm.com 2. Modes, options are also available to center, stretch, or zoom the picture. 模式,还可居中对、拉伸或缩放图片。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Last year, it was his arrival from Memphis that saved L. A. 's year, after the season-ending knee injury to center Andrew Bynum. 去年,正是他从孟菲斯的到来拯救了湖人的赛季,因为湖人中锋安猪拜纳姆膝伤将缺席余下所有比赛。 1sthotwomen.com 4. You'll want to center the QR code inside that display so that it can be read by Barcode Scanner. 你要把二维码置于这个区域的中心,让“条形码阅读器”能够读取。 www.bing.com 5. Now, in the picture I'm going to center things at B. 现在我把B画在中心。 open.163.com 6. Shift-E Go to center of selected arc. 移动光标到选中的圆弧中心。 pcb2002new.a2.cn4e.com 7. You have to cross the park to get to Center Street. 你必须穿过公园才能到中央大街。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. BA Bumper to Center Line of the Front Axle 保险杠至前轴中心距离 www.scientrans.com 9. Students leaning to one side can place a support, like a folded blanket, under the bent knee's hip to center themselves; 向一侧倾斜的学员可以垫些支撑物,如折叠的毯子,垫在弯曲腿一侧的臀部下方使得身体保持在正中; blog.sina.com.cn 10. high school coach moved me up to center 高中的教练把我调到中锋的位置 www.ichacha.net 1. To center on audiology and HA technology, and also involve all relating subjects of HA service industry 以听力学和HA相关技术为中心,包括HA服务行业的所有内容 2. Do one of the following to center your drawing in your browser window 要使绘图在浏览器窗口中居中,请执行下列任一操作 office.microsoft.com 3. Curriculum Reform: Diversion from Periphery to Center 课程改革:从外围向中心转移 service.ilib.cn 4. Tried to center the discussion on the main issue 试图将讨论集中在最主要的 alpha.livid.cn 5. Study on Return-to-center Control of Electric Power Steering System 电动助力转向系统回正控制研究 ilib.cn 6. A concise calculating approach to center of mass of some abnormal profile thin plates 一类异型匀质平板质心的简明计算方法 service.ilib.cn 7. distance from aft perpendicular to center of gravity 尾垂线至重心距离 www.bing.com 8. Auxiliary hook approach to center of crane rail right side 副钩右极限位置 bbs.cmiw.cn 9. distance from midship to center of floatation 浮心距船中距离漂心距船中距离 www.bing.com 10. Auxiliary hook approach to center of crane rail left side 副钩左极限位置 bbs.cmiw.cn 1. From H. P. S vertically down to center of the first button 领宽点垂直量至第一粒纽扣中心 wenku.baidu.com 2. center to center distance between main girder 主梁中心距 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. distance from midship to center of buoyancy 浮心到船中距离浮心距中距离 www.bing.com 4. To Center students and build a new moral education system 以学生为中心构建德育工作新体系 www.ilib.cn 5. Main hook approach to center of crane rail right side 主钩右极限位置^ wenku.baidu.com 6. The Problem of Modern Technology: From Margin to Center 现代技术问题:从边缘到中心 service.ilib.cn 7. NECK CIRC. (END BUTTON HOLE TO CENTER OF BUTTON) 领围(钮门尾至钮) zhidao.baidu.com 8. Height work table to center of wheel spindle 工作台到砂轮主轴之间的高度 china.machine365.com 9. Center distance from wheel spindle to center of work table 砂轮主轴到工作台之间的中心距离 china.machine365.com 10. Press "0" to center the map view around your location 按数字键“0”使你当前的位置位于地图视图的中心 www.bing.com 1. to center on the development of traditional industry and labor-intensive industry; 发展传统产业和劳动力密集型产业; www.lw23.com 2. Consider to center a single view 考虑将视觉集中在某处 www.blogjava.net 3. Vergence is the angle at which the eyes must turn in, in order to center on the object; 收敛是角度的眼睛必须转变,以中心的对象; zhidao.baidu.com 4. If markup is stored as text and, for example, you want to center the text 如果标记存储为文本,比如,想要在 www-128.ibm.com |
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