单词 | table manners |
释义 |
例句释义: 餐桌规矩,进餐礼节,餐桌礼仪,餐桌礼节,用餐的规矩 1. How much do you know about table manners around the world? 关于世界各地餐桌礼仪你了解多少? blog.sina.com.cn 2. Just as good fences made good neighbors, arms close to the body make for good table manners. 正如好邻居之间应该保持距离,将手臂收拢也是构成好的餐桌礼节最基本的一点。 www.jukuu.com 3. And yet, in truth, the rise of table manners shapes our lives as firmly as it did those children painted by Chardin. 然而,实际上,餐桌礼仪的提升牢牢地塑造了我们的生活,就如同夏尔丹画作里的孩子们一样。 www.bing.com 4. "That suits me, " said the donkey, and he sat by her side and ate and drank and showed very good clean table-manners. “我正想这样呢!”小驴儿说着,就坐到了公主身边,又吃有喝,餐桌礼仪处处表现得文雅,高贵。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. Do you think it worthwhile to spend so much time and energy training the children in table manners ? 你认为花这么多的时间和精力培养孩子的餐桌礼仪值得吗?。 www.bing.com 6. After the guests left, father gave a sermon on table manners to the children. 客人离开后,孩子们听父亲讲了一大篇关于餐桌礼仪的教训。 cfshenova.blog.163.com 7. If the interview is to be conducted in a dinner, proper table manners will be of great use. 假若面试是在晚饭中进行,餐桌礼仪便大派用场。 www.hkbu.edu.hk 8. If you met a young person with awful table manners, what would you think? 如果你碰到过一个年轻人用餐礼仪十分糟糕,你会怎么看? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. A: I don't enjoy eating with Matt. He has no table manners at all. 我不喜欢和麦特吃饭。他一点餐桌礼仪都没有。 english.qdcnc.com 10. My first reaction was to judge him as offensive and his table manners as disgusting. 我的第一反应就是:他粗鲁无礼,吃饭的样子令人恶心。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. All the other phases of his life were neglected; no one even bothered to teach him table manners. 生活的其他方面全被忽视了;甚至没有人想到要教给他吃饭时应有的规矩。 www.ebigear.com 2. We had immigrated to this country from China, and during our early days here we had a hard time with American table manners. 我们是从中国移民到美国的,刚到这里的那段日子里,我们深感棘手的一个问题,便是美国的餐桌礼仪。 www.thnu.edu.cn 3. I'm really a bit nervous now, for I know nothing of your table manners. 我真有点不安了,我对你们的席间礼节一点也不懂。 www.tingroom.com 4. People all over the world have different opinions on good table manners. 世界各地的人们对好的就餐礼仪有不同的看法。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. His disgusting table manners made HIM obnoxious to me. 他那令人厌恶的吃相使我反感。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Workshops on presentation skill, table manners, financial management and marketing skill were offered by our faculty members and students. 商学院教职员及学生在「营商必备才能工作坊」向参加者介绍演讲技巧、餐桌礼仪、理财技巧及营销技巧。 www.hkbu.edu.hk 7. I'm really a bit nervous now, I know nothing of your table manners. 我现在真有些不安。我对你们席间礼节一点也不懂。 www.1stenglish.com 8. And the western this mainly pasta primarily groups, table manners details appears more red tape in an orderly way. 而西方这个主要以面食为主的群体,餐桌礼仪的细节就显得更加繁琐而有条不紊。 wenku.baidu.com 9. piggish table manners; the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father; swinish slavering over food. 像猪一般的饮食方式;像猪一般的胖脸小男孩和他的猪一般大肚皮的父亲。 www.hotdic.com 10. After reading this, you may realize you may not have as good table manners as you thought you did. 读了这些之后,你可能意识到你没有这么好的餐桌礼仪。 www.bing.com 1. Tell your kids that table manners are more than about proper eating, it's about being kind and considerate of others. 告诉孩子们,好的餐桌礼仪不只是乖乖的吃饭,还是对他人表示关心和尊重。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. By the time the child is 3 or 4, parents can expect reasonable table manners. 当孩子3或4岁时,家长可以要求他们遵循合理的餐桌礼仪。 www.bing.com 3. Around the world, people have different ideas about what "good" table manners are. 在世界各地,人们对于好的餐桌礼仪有不同的看法。 www.hjenglish.com 4. The richer and more educated people in the East have, however, to a great extent taken up the table manners and customs of Western people. 然而,在东方国家,一些上层人士和受过教育的人多采用西方人的餐桌礼仪和风俗。 www.91fane.com 5. Benjamin: Got it. It's so troublesome to have western food. I've been learning the table manners for hours but still can't really it. 本杰明:知道了。吃西餐可真是麻烦啊。我学习这些餐桌礼仪都用了好几个小时了,可还是没能真正学会。 qinqin1970love.spaces.live.com 6. In Norway, table manners are extremely important. Most meals, including sandwiches, are eaten using utensils. 在挪威,餐桌礼仪是极其重要的。大多数的餐宴,即便是吃三明治,也要使用器具进食。 www.hxen.com 7. American table manners are easy to learn by observation. 美国人畅销桌上的礼节经观察后还是容易掌握的。 www.xici.net 8. Faced with a table of goodies they forgot their table manners and ate their heads off. 面对一桌美食,他们顾不得什么吃相,大吃起来。吗? teaching.eicbs.com 9. We presumably learn many other things (table manners, religion, etc. ), the same way: many "truths" are culturally-based. 我们可能以同样的方式学习许多其他的事情(餐桌礼仪,宗教等):许多“真理”是以文化为基础的。 www.bing.com 10. Remember your table manners: companies want employees with social as well as job skills. 记住你的餐桌礼仪:公司希望除了工作技能之外还需要有社交技能的员工。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Suggest ways in which they might improve their child's sleeping habits, toilet training, table manners and overall behavior. 继而给出一些建议,关于如何改善孩子睡眠习惯、如厕习惯、就餐习惯以及所有习惯。 dict.kekenet.com 2. Americans are considered to be informal, yet they have many table manners. 美国人被认为是不拘礼节的民族,然而他们却有许多餐桌规矩。 www.kaibell.cn 3. Be careful of your table manners ; never pig out at a formal dinner. 要小心,别在正式的餐会里狼吞虎咽,有失餐桌礼貌。 www.51mokao.com 4. Invited to a meal, be especially careful about your table manners. 被邀吃饭时,要特別注意餐桌。 www.agpr.net 5. Satoshi: Oh, I see. I could give you a little lesson on Japanese table manners if you'd like. 噢,我明白了。如果你喜欢我能给你讲讲日本的餐桌礼仪。 ytyz.blog.ytedu.cn 6. This individual culture contributed to western table manners without sharing a plate of food. 西方这种个人主义文化造就了西方餐桌礼仪之不共享一盘食物的原则。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. There are so many rules about proper table manners that it would take forever to list every nitpicky item. 关于合乎礼节的就餐举止有太多的规则以至于需要无止尽的时间来罗列出每一条项目。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Chopsticks and knife and fork is the most basic differences between Chinese and Western table manners. 筷子刀叉是中西餐桌礼仪最基本差异。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Foreigners joining a Chinese dinner party should know and follow Chinese table manners. 出席中国宴会的外宾应该懂得并遵守中国的餐桌礼貌。 www.teachercn.com 10. Foreigners joining a Chinese dinner parry should know and follow Chinese table manners. 参加中国宴会的外籍人士应了解并遵守以下中国餐桌礼仪。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Knowing these good table manners will help you make a good impression. 了解这些餐桌上好的规矩,就可以助你给人留下好印象。 www.8875.org 2. Lead-in : Today we will talk about western manners in three aspects: Meeting and Greeting People , Introduction and Table Manners . 导入:今天我们来讨论西方礼仪的三个方面:相遇和问候,介绍以及餐桌上的礼节。 www.bing.com 3. Table manners change over time . They follow the fashion of the time. 餐桌习惯因时间的改变而变化,他们跟随着时代的步伐。 en.ruiwen.com 4. The proper table manners also can serve professional advancement. 优雅的餐桌礼仪也可以为职位晋升提供帮助。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Thought Frenchmen and Americans have many common practices ( when they eat) when eating, there are also some differences in table manners. 虽然法国人和美国人在吃的方面有很多共同之处,但在餐桌礼仪方面也存在着一些不同。 blog.163.com 6. We expect good table manners and usually only comment on the bad. Praising something makes a person feel good for doing what they've done. 我们都希望有好的餐桌礼仪,通常只评价不好的礼仪。赞美别人能让人觉得自己所做的是美好的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If she doesn't like his table manners and they are alone, she could say (without a disapproving look) "Would you use your silverware? " 她若不喜欢他的餐桌礼仪,他们独处时,她可以说(不要用反对的眼光看他):“你可以用你的银餐具吗?” www.bing.com 8. By comparison, Ss know some table manners is different in different countries. 通过对比来更进一步的了解不同国家餐桌礼仪的不同。 xkg2010.teacher.com.cn 9. His table manners surely give the lie to his claim that he went to a good school. 他的席间举止揭穿了他声你上过一所好学校的谎言。 www.1stenglish.com 10. Table manners change over time. They follow the fashion of the day . 餐桌礼仪随着时间而改变。他们跟随风潮。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Table manners are Continental -- the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating. 餐桌礼仪是欧洲大陆式的:吃饭的时候左手持餐叉,右手执餐刀。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Table manners define the meaning of a meal. 餐桌礼仪精确规定了用餐时间。 www.bing.com 3. Now, most of kindergartens have developed table manners education, but there are many problems in the education. 现今绝大部分幼儿园开展了幼儿就餐礼仪教育,但是教育过程中凸显出诸多问题。 www.qikan.com 4. Eating one properly takes three steps: first, forget your table manners. 牡蛎的正确吃法包含三个步骤:首先,把餐桌礼仪抛到一边去。 home.enboedu.net 5. Could you please tell us something about table manners in western countries? 你能告诉我们一些有关西方国家的餐桌礼仪吗? zhidao.baidu.com 6. Besides, table manners are only important at formal dinner parties. If your. 而且,餐桌礼仪只有在正规的宴会才重要。如果你。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. We gradually understood the essential part of the table manners in this country. 逐渐的,我们领悟了这个国家餐桌礼仪的要点。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Besides, table manners are only important at formal dinner parties. 而且饭桌礼节仅仅在正式的宴会上才重要。 www.digabc.com 9. I have to correct his behavior continually. I hope he could become a polite person with table manners. 我不得不时时纠正他的行为,以期能将他培养成一个懂得进餐礼仪的人。 blog.whnews.cn 10. Their table manners seemed very normal or even excessively polite. 他们的餐桌礼仪似乎很常规,甚至有些过于礼貌。 i.myechinese.com 1. Beside, table manners are only important at formal dinner parties. 在旁边,就餐举止只是重要的在正式晚餐会。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Lincoln students use good table manners and quiet voices at lunch. They clean up their own space. 林肯学生在有很好的用餐习惯,吃饭的时候没有发出声响。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. Frankly speaking, his bad table manners annoyed me last night although I was quite tolerant. 坦率的讲,昨晚他的恶劣的吃相让我很不高兴,尽管我还算宽容。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Table manners should be paid attention to many, but these manners are often neglected. 餐桌上有许多应注意的礼仪,而这些礼仪常被忽视。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Besides, table manners are only important at formal dinners. 此外,餐桌礼仪仅在正式宴会上。 english.nsay.net 6. School-age children are anxious to do the right thing so they may need some advanced lessons in table manners. 学龄期孩子会担心自己是否能在餐桌礼仪上做得很好,所以家长们还应该多教导他们。 www.bing.com 7. Table manners . . . food is served on gurney s and operating tables. 餐桌礼仪…食物摆在轮床和手术台上。 q.163.com 8. Generally, Chinese table manners are more informal than the West, although there are more rules con. 一般来说,中国的餐桌礼仪比西方非正式的,虽然有更多的规则浓度。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Don't worry. Mr. Blair. As for table manners, there is only one rule you must observe. That is to make yourself at home. 不用担心,布莱尔先生。至于席间的礼节,您只要遵守一条原则就行了,那就是像在家里一样不用客气。 www.kekenet.com 10. " This makes Chinese table manners means a greater " . 这就使得中国的餐桌礼仪有着“谦让”的意思。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I'm afraid I can't do that. It's Dad's seat, according to the book about table manners. 我觉得我不能那么做。根据餐桌礼仪的书,这应该是爸爸的位置。 talk.oralpractice.com 2. Table Manners There are many differences in table manners in different cultures. 不同的文化在饮食习惯方面存在许多差异。 www.ebigear.com 3. Impatience, jumping the queue, poor table manners? these are just some of the Chinese tourists' habits that are giving China a bad name. 急躁、插队、不良的饭桌礼仪。这些虽然只是中国游客的一部分习惯,却给中国带来了很不好的名声。 bbs.zxxk.com 4. Table manners is important element of catering culture. 餐宴礼仪是饮食文化中的重要内容。 www.mychery.net 5. Learn the table manners for a formal western dinner. 学习西餐的餐桌礼仪 www.rr365.com 6. Having good table manners is seen by many people as a sign of cultural understanding and good taste. 文明饮食习惯被很多人看作是对文化的理解和具有良好品味的一种标志。 www.8875.org 7. You should watch your table manners; you eat like a barbarian. 你应该好好注意你的餐桌礼仪;你吃饭跟野蛮人一样。 www.tingroom.com 8. This is the height of British table manners five centuries before Mrs Beeton. And Chaucer, of course, is laughing at this over-refinement. 比顿夫人还没出现之前,英国五世纪餐桌礼仪的高度就是如此。当然,乔叟是在笑话这些礼仪过分精细。 www.bing.com 9. In the West there are differences between table manners in various countries, although they are not so marked . 在西方不同的国度,餐桌礼仪是有区别的――尽管这些区别不是太显著。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Jeff: I was really surprised by the Chief Executive's table manners. 杰夫:首席执行的饭桌礼仪真让我大吃一惊。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. In the workshop held on 18 April, Ms. Cheung shared a lot of tips on image coaching and table manners with the participants. 四月十八日举办的活动邀得张玛莉与参加者分享她在形象塑造及餐桌礼仪方面的心得。 www.hkbu.edu.hk 2. OK, I got it. Are the table manners the same with ours? 好,我记下了。他们的餐桌礼仪和我们的一样吗? lovelytits4u.com 3. From table manners to the cultivation of a positive attitude, from the study, all aspects of life to be grateful to him and so on . . . 从餐桌礼仪到积极心态的培养,从学习、生活到学会感恩等方方面面……都应该教会孩子们。 www.tradeask.com 4. She lectured her children on good table manners. 她告诫孩子们要有好的餐桌礼仪。 www.bing.com 5. When it comes to table manners, what works in one country doesn't always go over in another. 谈到餐桌礼仪时,某个国家通行的原则到了另一个国家可不一定能得到赞同喔。 www.ourblogs.cn 6. The old man who lived alone had singular table manners. 那个独身生活的老人有一种奇怪的就餐规矩。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Mind your table manners at the dinner party. 宴会上要注意你的餐桌礼仪。 8. Table manners can vary form country to country. 每个国家的餐桌利益都是不同的 wenwen.soso.com 9. Father always put a lot of stress on table manners. 父亲一向强调要有好的餐桌礼仪。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. His bad table manners embarrassed her. 他的不雅的吃相使她很尴尬。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. His bad table manners embarrassed her. 他的不雅的吃相使她很尴尬。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture. 人们往一次正式的西餐聚会可能第一次吃惊于西方文化中的餐桌礼节。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Then, the consultants talked about the importance of table manners, she recalls. 然后,两位顾问开始讲述餐桌礼仪的重要性。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Come on! I can tell you some of the most important ones, such as greeting, gift-giving and table manners. 来吧,我可以告诉你其中比较重要的几点,如问候、送礼和餐桌礼仪。 terminal.blackmailedslave.com 5. Your table manners are atrocious. 你的吃相教人不敢恭维。 www.bing.com 6. What are good table manners in the place where you are from! 你出生的地方的饭桌礼仪真好啊! iask.8264.com 7. Table manners are important, and you should read about basic table etiquette if you need a brush up. 饭桌礼仪很重要,如果你不是很熟悉,就应该学习一下基本的餐桌礼节。 www.daherc.com 8. Write ane-mail message telling someone from another country about the table manners in your country. 写一个有关你们国家餐桌礼仪的电子邮件发给另一个国家的某人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If a foreign friend was visiting, could you explain Chinese table manners? 倘若有个外国朋友前来拜访,你能给他们说一说中国的餐桌礼仪吗? www.ebigear.com 10. Ifyou think Americans are picky about table manners, think about Taiwan'scustoms. 如果你觉得美国人对餐桌礼仪太挑剔,想想台湾的习俗吧。 www.acsf.cn 1. mail message telling someone from another country about the table manners in your country. 写一封电子邮件把你们国家的餐桌礼仪告诉其他国家的人。 www.sxyypx.com 2. Table manners change over time. 餐桌礼仪总是在变 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Are the table manners the same in this country? 这个国家的就餐礼仪一样吗? www.newstarweekly.com 4. People judge you by your table manners. 通过你的餐桌举止。 www.18edu.com 5. ane an e-mail message telling someone from another country about the table manners in your country. 写一封有关你们国家餐桌礼仪的电子邮件告诉某个来自另一个国家的人。 kejianxiazai.com 6. You should pulled those children up about their table manners. 那些孩子就餐时举止不好,你应该训训他们。 xiongtangsheng.blog.hexun.com 7. Amanda: I'd love to eat a sausage , Mike, but didn't your mother ever teach you any table manners? 阿曼达:我很愿意尝尝这香肠,不过,麦克,你妈妈没有教过你任何用餐礼仪妈? bbs.putclub.com 8. Jim, you table manners are awful. 吉姆,你的餐桌规矩很糟糕呢。 bbs.enfamily.cn 9. Where are your table manners? 你的用餐礼仪哪里去了? bbs.exue.com 10. Any table manners I should learn? 我需要学些什么用餐规矩吗? www.tingroom.com 1. Father always puts a lot of stress on good table manners. 父亲一向非常强调要有好的餐桌礼仪。 www.yuloo.com 2. You need to practice your table manners. 你用餐的礼节有待加强。 www.bing.com 3. Use good table manners when you eat. 吃饭时要表现好的餐桌礼仪。 hi.baidu.com 4. If you go to a formal western dinner party for the first tim, you'd better know about western table manners. 如果你第一次参加正式的西方宴会,最好了解一下西方的餐桌礼仪。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Are you worried they might bring some Chinese table manners back to the U. S. ? 你会担心他们会把一些不好的餐桌坏习惯带到美国吗? blog.sina.com.cn 6. Vultures aren't famous for their table manners. 秃鹫的就餐礼仪并不好 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Is it the table manners of the people eating with you? 是与你进餐的人的餐桌礼仪的问题吗? www.tingroom.com 8. Could you tell me something about the Chinese table manners? 你能告诉我一些中国人餐桌上的礼仪吗? book.360buy.com 9. It's necessary to learn abour the table manners in western culture. 了解西方文化中餐饮礼仪是很有必要的。 wenwen.soso.com 10. How is laosian food? Do they have some special table manners? 老挝的食物怎么样?好吃吗?有没有什么特殊的餐桌礼仪? zhidao.baidu.com 1. How is laosian food? Do they have some special table manners? 老挝的食物怎么样?好吃吗?有没有什么特殊的餐桌礼仪? zhidao.baidu.com 2. Here are some things you need to know about table manners when you visit Japan. 当你访问日本时,这是几个你需要知道的餐桌礼仪。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. You are expected to have knowledge of table manners such as what folk or knife to use as these are essential in western dining. 你要懂得餐桌礼仪,比如刀叉的使用,这些在西方宴会中是必不可少的。 www.kekenet.com 4. It is 1740, and they are learning to eat. Or rather, they are learning table manners. 这是1740年,这些孩子正在学吃饭,或者更恰当地说,他们在学习餐桌礼仪。 www.bing.com 5. So when we entertain foreign guests, we should explain such table manners to them. 所以,宴请外国客人时,这一点应该向他们讲明白。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Here are some things you need to know about table manners when you visit Japan. First of all, you should notice the things on the table. 以下是一些你需要了解的餐桌礼仪知道你何时访问日本。首先,你应该注意到在桌子上的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Having good table manners means knowing, for example, how to use forks and knives, how to toast and how to behave at the table. 比如,良好的餐桌礼仪就是意味着在就餐时怎样使用餐具,怎样祝酒,以及怎样表现得有礼貌。 www.xj-zx.com 8. Learning table manners is my biggest challenge. 我最大的挑战是学在餐桌上的举止 zhidao.baidu.com 9. His Japanese friend Satoshi is telling him about the table manners in Japan. 他的日本朋友Satoshi正在告诉他关于日本的餐桌礼仪。 kejianxiazai.com 10. table manners. Before dinner you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth, with which 餐桌礼仪:有时主人会在进餐前给你一场湿热的毛巾,你可以 blog.hjenglish.com 1. table manners. Before dinner you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth, with which 餐桌礼仪:有时主人会在进餐前给你一场湿热的毛巾,你可以 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Contrast Chinese and Western table manners, develop intercultural communication consciousness; 中西餐文化对比,培养跨文化意识; www.lfpyzx.cn:82 3. b Imagine that you are Steve from activty 2b. Write an e-mail message to a friend about the table manners in Japan. 设想你是来自于活动2b中的史蒂夫。给一个朋友写一封关于日本餐桌礼仪的电子邮件。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. lacquer jade aluminum ivory react by changing the color artistic sea cucumber table manners parallel to menacing suckling pig 漆器玉石铝象牙变色反应艺术性海参用餐规矩平行咄咄逼人乳猪 wenku.baidu.com 5. make a good impression. Having good table manners means knowing, for 别人留下一个好印象。餐桌上,懂礼貌意味着了解诸如 wenku.baidu.com 6. A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries 中西方国家的餐桌礼仪与文化的对比分析 wenku.baidu.com 7. Words & Expressions pick pick up wipe napkin make noise stick rude point manner table manners 挑选捡起;拾起擦;擦去餐巾;餐巾纸发出令人不愉快的声音刺;戳粗鲁的;无礼的指向;指礼貌;风格;习惯餐桌礼仪 wenku.baidu.com 8. He has no table manners, 他没有吃相, www.putclub.com 9. Practice using manners: please, thank you, excuse me, table manners 练习礼貌待人:请,谢谢,对不起,以及餐桌礼仪 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Quiz: Table manners around the world 问答:世界各地的用餐礼仪 www.sinoshu.com 1. Quiz: Table manners around the world 问答:世界各地的用餐礼仪 www.sinoshu.com 2. My table manners are atrocious -- in this respect I've slipped back hundreds of years; 我的吃相就很野蛮——就这方面来说,我倒退了好几百年。 blog.tianya.cn 3. surprised by table manners in Western culture. Knowing them will help you 西方文化的餐桌礼仪。了解这些礼仪,有助于你给 wenku.baidu.com 4. Your table manners are a cryin' shame 你一点用餐的礼貌都没有 zhidao.baidu.com 5. TABLE MANNERS AT A DINNER PARTY 宴会上的餐桌礼仪 zhidao.baidu.com 6. It's bad manners to eat with your mouth open. You should know something about the table manners. Keys 吃饭时张大嘴巴是不礼貌的行为,你应该了解一些用餐时的礼仪。 www.etjy.cn 7. A Comparative Study of Table Manners in China and the Western Countries 中西餐桌礼仪对比研究 wenku.baidu.com 8. At Dinner and Table Manners 在餐桌及餐桌礼仪 www.exam8.com 9. Table Manners in the West 上堂西方餐桌礼仪课 www.bing.com 10. Tips on how to master table manners 餐桌礼仪与技巧 www.chinarec.com.cn 1. Tips on how to master table manners 餐桌礼仪与技巧 www.chinarec.com.cn |
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