单词 | T-3 | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | T-3
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 三年,三个工作日 1. And for the first, I don't know, three to five years of their life, mountain bikes were known as "clunkers. " 在起先的大概3到5年,山地车被称为“咔咔车”(听起来像年久失修的旧机器)。 www.ted.com 2. He said he hadn't eaten anything in over 3 days and looked extremely skinny and unhealthy. 他说自己3天多没吃过东西了。他看起来瘦骨嶙峋,羸弱不堪。 www.myg3life.cn 3. Finally, we made some 3pts. WTF! why don't make it a little bit earlier? 最后,我们可以投中一些3分了,该死,为什么早些时候投不中呢。 bbs.hoopchina.com 4. Just, from that, 3 people have amusement to the suburb attach, didn't take how much bodyguard. 只是,从那一次,三人一起去郊外玩,并没有带多少侍卫。 www.zlqh.com 5. Gasol was out with a sprained ankle when the teams met in March, so the Jazz haven't experienced his impact on the triangle offense yet. 加索尔在3月份因脚踝扭伤缺席两队交手,所以爵士并没有机会体会到加索尔对三角进攻的影响。 www.kobechina.com.cn 6. My husband (a kind and gentle man) hasn't seen her for three years, as she blames him for her problems but won't tell us what they are. 我丈夫(一个善良的绅士)已经3年没有见过她,因为她把自己的问题归咎于她父亲,但又不告诉我们具体是什么问题。 www.bing.com 7. It wasn't too bad although queue was forming behind me and I got up in the lift to floor 3 with a couple of minutes to spare. 情况还不算太糟,虽然在我身后有很多人排队,我花了两分钟才坐上到三楼的电梯。 www.taskcn.com 8. I don't want to make a joke about this, but this certainly needs more compliance than taking two or three pills a day. 我并不想开玩笑,与一天吃2或3片药片相比,针灸需要更好的依从性。 news.dxy.cn 9. She was one of three slaves. There was a very small farm. It wasn't kind of the notion of a plantation that we have. 她是3名奴隶之一。曾经有一个非常小的农场,而这它不是那种我们想象的种植园。 www.kekenet.com 10. While Odom was no doubt focusing on his own performance, he wasn't the only Laker who didn't show up in Game 3. 奥多姆在面对自己的表现时表现出自责,然而他并不是湖人队唯一一位在第三场比赛中表现不好的球员。 www.kobechina.com.cn 1. I just came off of a nearly month-long speaking tour on three different continents, and I won't go into that, but it was an amazing thing. 我刚刚结束一个长达一个月在3个大洲的巡回演讲,在这里不说具体情况了,但是那的确是异乎寻常的。 www.ted.com 2. "I would not say that there won't be interest rate hikes, but they may come in the third or fourth quarter, " he said. 我不能说以后就没有利率的大幅度提高,但是它们可能会在3、4季度的时候到来。 www.gelievable.com 3. At the time, many weren't sure this was the right move, but the blog shot up in popularity and eventually garnered over 30, 000 subscribers. 当时,很多人都怀疑这是否是明智之举,不过她的博客却大受欢迎,最终吸引了3万多名注册用户。 www.24en.com 4. (3)Terri: Derrick, don't you think you should take a vacation? Even one or two days would be fine. 戴里克,你不觉得应该去休个假吗?一两天也行啊。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. This data can only be classified within a business context and can't be classified using a simple hierarchical model, as shown in step 3. 此数据仅能在业务上下文中进行分类,而不能使用简单的层次结构模型(如第3步中的模型)进行分类。 www.ibm.com 6. Anything above a log level of 3 is meant for a developer's eyes and won't provide much help to you as a system administrator. 级别大于3的任何日志都旨在用于开发人员,对系统管理员没有太大的帮助。 www.ibm.com 7. 3Myles thought carefully about this and then said, "I know all that, Mom. But I don't understand why my grandfather had a girl's name. " 3迈尔斯很仔细地想了一下,然后说道:“这些我都懂,妈妈。可是我不知道外公为什么会有一个女孩子的名字。” chinaorb.com 8. I believe he looked at the final two or three options, but I wouldn't be able to accurately portray his reaction. 我相信他看到了最后的2到3个图标,但是我不能确定他看后有什么反应。 www.bing.com 9. It may be easy to expect that someone who has already pedaled 3, 600 miles can do 300 with his eyes closed, but I don't think so. 让一个已经骑了3600英里的人闭着眼睛再骑上300英里,这听着是一件再简单不过的事清,但我可不这么认为。 www.bing.com 10. The train won't come till 11 at night. We'll have to sweat it out for 3 hours. 火车要到夜间11点才到,我们还得耐着性子等上三个小时。 1. I got the news last night about 3 in the morning, and I don't think I even went back to bed. 我昨天凌晨3点钟得到这个消息,甚至之后我就觉得再没睡着过。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "I don't think there has ever been a player in history that can do what he manages to do every three days, " he said. 我认为在历史上没有一名球员可以做到他每3天都试图做到的事。 news.goalhi.com 3. I still can't get over how much time thy spend studying - even holidays are reduced when you get to Senior 3 and have exams to pass! 我仍然不知道他们究竟花了多少时间在学习上,如果你上了高三,假期也要缩短,得应付考试! www.ycwb.com 4. And I still don't understand why, if this is all as obvious as it seems to me, equities aren't down 20% now, rather than 2% or 3%. 如果所有的都如我看来那般明显,我现在仍然不明白为什么现在债券跌了20%,而不是2%或3%。 club.topsage.com 5. When children age 3 to 5 see a ball rolling into a box, they say that the ball couldn't have done anything else. 当3~5岁的小孩们看到一个球滚进箱子里,他们会说球是不由自主的。 www.bing.com 6. Even though Larry Bird was one of the best basketball three-point shooters ever, he wasn't perfect. 即使拉里·伯德是最好的3分球投手,他也不完美。 www.irich.com.cn 7. The proportion who felt at least some anger and fear hasn't fallen at all since the depths of the financial crisis in March 2009. 与2009年3月金融危机最严重的时期相比,如今感觉至少有些愤怒和担心的投资者比例一点也没有下降。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Idea 3: Kathleen wasn't knocked out, but nobody is able to hear her while she's in the vault. Does she try to explore the vault? 想法三:凯萨琳没有昏过去,但没有人听到她在地窖里喊叫,她会试著探勘这个地窖吗? www.taipeitimes.com 9. The Indians don't even understand why we think of it as a problem because most people in India fill two or three gallons every time. 印度人民根本不了解为什么这是一个问题,因为大部分人在印度每次只加2到3加仑汽油。 www.ted.com 10. I don't like to judge or talk poorly about people and I sincerely believe that EVERY single person possesses at least 3 wonderful qualities. 我不喜欢评价别人或者说别人的坏话,我由衷地相信,每个人都至少具有3条极佳的品质。 www.hxen.com 1. The company has had to pay out a mere $50, 000 progress award, to a team of three AT& T data analysts. 到目前为止,Netflix只需向由3位美国电话电报公司(AT&;T)数据分析师组成的团队支付5万美元的进步奖。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Ah-3 thought, "If I don't get out of here pretty soon, I'll smother before I starve. " 阿三想,“如果我不赶快从井里出去,在我饿死之前就会被憋闷死了。” www.for68.com 3. I want to be with him but it's been like 3 weeks since I said it and I don't know how long I should wait to hear it back. 我想跟他生活在一起,可是自从我说爱他之后,已经三个星期了,我不知道我究竟应该等多长时间才能听到他说爱我。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You don't get sustained growth at 3% or 4% when you constantly have to drain income or profits out of any expansion to pay off debt. 当你不断的从增加的收入或利润中拿出一部分用来还债,你是不可能获得持续的3%或4%的增长的。 www.bing.com 5. Powney said she had been at home all day and didn't realize anyone had been killed until police converged on the cul de sac about 3 p. m. 波尼女士说尽管她一整天都在家但是直到下午三点左右警察包围了巷子,她才意识到有人被杀了。 www.remword.cn 6. If you don't have children, nor want to have them, your focus may have been a creative project in early March. 如果你没有孩子,并且也不想要,你的注意力在3月初将会是集中在开展一个计划。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Sue was a bit unhappy about this, but figured that 3 affairs over twenty years wasn't so bad. 苏虽然对此有点不开心,不过想到20年间才欺骗她3次,也不算很糟糕了。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. We won't kvetch too much about its 3. 26-pound weight, as the laptop's easy to slip inside a bag or even hold with one hand. 我们对她3.26磅(1.48公斤)的重量没什么特别抱怨,毕竟她可轻易溜进背包或单手托着使用。 cn.engadget.com 9. Google Calculator has been around now for the last three and a half years, so a post on this Google service isn't exactly groundbreaking. 在谷歌计算器被使用的3年半时间里,一个关于谷歌的帖子是不能说明它的。 www.bing.com 10. There was a bit of pressure that we impose on ourselves because we didn't know how long audiences could watch a 3-D movie. 有许多来自于我们自己施予的压力,因为我们不晓得观众到底能够接受多长的3D电影。 dongxi.net 1. The White House stressed that the President's National Prayer Breakfast speech wasn't intended to clarify religious affiliation. 白宫强调奥巴马总统在2011年2月3日全国祈祷早餐会(NationalPrayerBreakfast)上的讲话没有有意澄清其宗教归属。 www.bing.com 2. And I didn't realize that for three hours I'm sitting at my desk, and I'm not moving at all. 我没有意识到我在桌子前已经坐了3小时,没有一点活动。 www.ted.com 3. Well, in fact I usually work overtime. And for business trip, it doesn't matter if it is no more than three times a month. 恩,实际上我经常加班。至于出公差,只要每个月不超过3次就没关系。 www.ebigear.com 4. You won't feel like a failure or a loser for not getting around to your super packed schedule, because you DID accomplish at least 3 things. 你不再因完不成所有的事而认为你是失败者,因为你每次至少都完成了三件事。 www.bing.com 5. And I didn't give even a moment's thought to the bullies, and what their lifetime prognosis might be. (3)我没有想到,受到校园小恶霸的欺负,可能会给受害者的一生带来多么负面的影响。 www.bing.com 6. Mike had already been saddled1 with my dog and three cats, and he wasn't used to a houseful of pets. 迈克已经容忍了我的狗和3只猫,而他是不习惯满屋子宠物的。 www.for68.com 7. I can't really wait three or four years for the club to be turned around and to be made into a title-winning side. 我不能等上3,4年的时间等到俱乐部真正的变为冠军的有力竞争者。 bbs.qieerxi.com 8. The news was a bit odd, but at least she knew Trish wouldn't be long in Pod 3. 这些信息尽管七零八碎,但至少她知道了特里施不会在三号区域内呆的太久。 www.bing.com 9. Although the company cut structural costs by $3 billion, Young said that wasn't enough to offset plunging revenue. 杨说,虽然公司削减了30亿美元的结构成本,但这不足以抵消迅速下跌的营收。 www.elanso.com 10. Easily install and run different graphical interfaces if I don't like the default setup 3. 如果你不喜欢默认的桌面环境,可以非常容易的自行安装其他的界面。 www.qqread.com 1. Tip #3: Often troubled projects come from troubled teams. Don't forget the Team Charter. . . and keep it up-to-date! 技巧3:问题项目往往来自问题团队,不要忘记项目团队章程,要及时更新项目团队章程! www.leadge.com 2. Until recently, the conventional wisdom was that the Fed wouldn't let the 10-year yield cross 3% and risk throttling the refinancing wave. 直到最近之前,传统观念一直认为,美联储不会让10年期收益率突破3%,冒着扼杀再融资潮的险。 www.bing.com 3. The No. 3 U. S. rating company didn't change its ratings on any banks or the industry but said 'the risks of a negative shock are rising. ' 身为美国第三大评级公司的惠誉并没有改变其对任何一家银行或整个行业的评级,但表示美国银行业遭受负面冲击的风险正在上升。 chinese.wsj.com 4. One of the biggest mysteries: why most people can't seem to recall anything before age 3 or 4. 其中,最不可思议的一点是,为什么大多数人好像都无法记起三四岁之前的事情? chinese.wsj.com 5. For instance, you can say, 'Yes, but I won't be able to get it done until three weeks from now. ' 比如说,’可以,但3个星期之后我才有空处理哈。 www.bing.com 6. I hope we at least trade him so we don't have to eat his cap number on the bench for the next 3 years! 我希望我们能尽快交易他这样的话我们在未来3年在板凳上就不会少一个名额了。 club.sohu.com 7. I fell asleep very late every night at around 3 AM and wasn't able to get up till at least 11 AM each day. 我每晚都很晚才能睡着,大约早上3点才能睡着。每天至少上午11点才能起床。 www.bing.com 8. Get an A, get the door, don't get smart with me. Get a grip, get in here, I'll count to 3. 考试要得优,要找到技巧,别和我耍小聪明。要找到关键,到这儿来,我数到3! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Checking the mould only depending on the sample piece and 3D measuring equipment bought this year haven't been used. 模具的检验只能依赖样片,今年购置的3维测量仪未使用过。 www.6sq.net 10. March 30, 2009 - Don't have a lot of time to leap into a multiplayer online gaming session, but still like the depth of these titles? 09年3月30号-没有太多的时间来飞跃成一个多人在线游戏会议,但仍希望深度这些书籍? www.colg.cn 1. FedEx's outlook for the rest of the year, assuming it even offers one, likely won't be much clearer than its quarterly forecast in March. 就算联邦快递周三公布了对今年余下时间的预期,可能也会和3月份公布的第四财季预期差不多,不会明显变得更加明朗。 www.bing.com 2. He didn't win a delegate and ended up running nearly dead last among the serious candidates, getting less than 3% of the primary vote. 但他并未赢得席位,在与候选人的竞争中几乎落为最后,预选只得到了不到3%的选票。 www.bing.com 3. So, when you choose a JavaScript library, you can't go wrong by picking one of these three libraries. 因此,当您选择JavaScript库时,选择这3个库之一是不会错的。 www.ibm.com 4. If you just can't make it through the day without a nap, sleep less than one hour, before 3 pm. 如果做不到不午睡的话,那就在下午三点之前尽量睡少于1小时。 www.ebigear.com 5. if you think dogs can ' t count , try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them. 如果你认为狗不会数数,试着在你口袋里放3块饼干,然后只给它们其中的两块。 www.ichacha.net 6. Elections for both houses of Parliament aren't due to wrap up until March; presidential elections are slated to be held before July. 埃及的议会选举预计要到明年3月才会结束,总统选举则定于明年7月前举行。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Chapter 3 is a turning point -- if you don't enjoy and understand everything in it, the rest of HOP is not for you. 第3章是一个转折点——如果您不喜欢也不理解其中的内容,那么HOP剩余的部分也就不会适合您的需要。 www.ibm.com 8. Today, my girlfriend of 3 years said she was leaving me because recently I wasn't making much money, and was playing too many video games. 今天,和我交往三年的女友要和我分手,原因是我最近挣的钱太少,而且天天玩游戏。 www.tianya200.com 9. By the way, as mentioned in Part 3 of this series, your . ssh directory must be private to you, or your public key access won't work. 另外,正如本系列的第3部分中所提到的,您的.ssh目录必须是您私有的,否则您的公钥访问无法正常工作。 www.ibm.com 10. Your dog will get well in 2 or 3 days. Don't give it a second thought. 你的狗两三天后就可以恢复,不用多想了。 bbs.5i5i.cn 1. I don't know of any major economy that manages with fewer than three institutions, and most have more. 据我所知,任何一个经济大国的经济管理部门都不少于3个,而且多数都多于3个。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Three pins were inserted a year ago, but the foot cracked in the playoffs and isn't healing. 去年同期他的腿上插了3支骨钉,但他的脚在季后赛中再次受伤,并没有愈合。 www.tryjohn.com 3. This 3-port USB hub responds when you throttle it, it revs and vibrates just like an actual motorcycle engine, please don't ask why. 当你减速时,这只三端口USB引擎轮轴才动作,它就像真实的摩托车引擎一样加速运转、振动。请别问为什么。 www.elanso.com 4. China's 338 million Web users, however, didn't seem to muster much enthusiasm for the first official day specially designed to honor them. 不过,中国3.38亿网民似乎对这个专门为他们设立的第一个正式节日热情不高。 www.bing.com 5. The financing issue is huge because carbon revenues don't kick in for at least three to five years. 由于碳收入至少要在3-5年后才能到位,因此融资问题很严重。 web.worldbank.org 6. Liquidity is still ample and the financial system isn't as hyped up as it was three or four years ago. 目前,流动性依然充足,金融系统也不像3、4年前那样亢奋。 www.fortunechina.com 7. But I don't think I'll own any US dollar in the next three or five years. 但是我认为在未来3-5年内我不会持有美元以外的货币。 www.bing.com 8. So they've had more than a year and haven't yet discovered the line in the budget reading "Stuff We Don't Need, $3. 2 trillion. " 他们已经读了一年了,目前还没有在预算中发现诸如“这一项我们不需要,3.2兆美元。” www.bing.com 9. Since leaving California Pacific Medical Center in March, we hadn't had time to register him with the U. K. Consulate. 自从3月份离开加州太平洋医疗中心起,我们忙得连轴转,压根都没有时间去英国领事馆做出生登记。 www.bing.com 10. Make him listen. 3. Don't try to talk me out of it. 去说服他.3.别想说动我.别想说服我。 www.tingclass.net 1. A judge with the U. S. International Trade Commission in Washington today said Apple isn't violating Nokia's rights on five patents. 今日(3月26日),位于华盛顿的美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)的一名法官称,苹果并未对诺基亚的五项专利技术构成侵权。ITC法官E。 www.bing.com 2. As the supperior of water tower, can instantly stop creatures it targets for a whole 3 seconds. This doesn't work all the time, of course. 这是水塔的升级,有时能让怪物停止运动3秒。当然,这种效应不会所有时候都出现的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Since this isn't an article on JAXB basics (for such articles, see Resources), I'll just let you see the code, shown in Listing 3. 因为这不是一篇关于JAXB基础的文章(这类文章请参阅参考资料),我仅仅把代码列在下面,如清单3所示。 www.ibm.com 4. I consider the 3-1 defeat in Bergamo as a missed match in the fixture list, as I don't think we really stepped on to the field at all. 我把1-3负于亚特兰大的比赛视为一场在赛程上并不存在的赛事,我认为我们压根没有走上赛场。 sports.163.com 5. If you think the price of the car won't change, that 3% looks less attractive. 如果你认为车价不会变,3%的利率看起来就不那么吸引人了。 c.wsj.com 6. For the next three months, I didn't just tinker around with blogging. I dedicated myself to it. 接下来的3个月时间,我没有在敷衍地写博客,而是全身心地投入了。 www.bing.com 7. I don't yet know how the project will ultimately scale because we've been live for only three months as I write this article. 我还不知道这个项目的最终规模如何,因为撰写本文时该系统才运行3个月。 www.ibm.com 8. I haven't stepped away from my blog very many times since I started it more than three years ago, but it's time for a break. 自从3年多以前创建自己的博客以来,就没有离开过它多少次,不过,是休息的时候了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Most of my fellow interns had three times as much experience as me, and I couldn't help but wonder, "What am I doing here? " 我的实习同伴中大多数人的经验是我的3倍,我不禁要问:“我来这要做什么?” dongxi.net 10. Don't understand as well from while mushroom, summer Anne Han decides that the strength that he uses he protects little his 3-year-old girl. 也不知道从什么时候起,夏安翰决定他要用自己的力量保护小他三岁的女孩。 www.zlqh.com 1. We need to make sure we don't concede three goals on Sunday because then it won't be easy to come back. 我们得确保自己周日不能丢掉3个球,因为很难追的回来。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 2. It was a rare moment in his three months as CEO when something wasn't Mr. Schwartz's problem. 他上任3个月以来,很少有机会听说某个问题与施瓦茨先生没什么关系。 www.bing.com 3. Sure. 2, He wants to be an outstanding English teacher. 3, The red one is the best of all the pianos. 4, Don't touch your leg. 当然。2。他想成为一名出色的英语教师。3。红色那架是所以钢琴之中最好的。 www.ksw123.com 4. While this figure can't be directly compared to government ones, which use March as the year end to measure GDP growth, it is not good news. 虽然这一数字不能直接和政府数据比较,但这并非好消息。在衡量国内生产总值增长率的时候,政府数据将每年3月定为全年的最后一个月。 cn.wsj.com 5. The company aims to raise about $350 million with its IPO but hasn't yet set the terms. 该公司计划通过IPO融资3.50亿美元左右,但还没有确定具体条款。 www.readfree.net 6. Of course, this pricing hasn't been released yet (as of early March 2009), so everyone's still waiting to see exactly how it stacks up. 当然,这种定价方法还没有发布(截至2009年3月初),所以每个人还在拭目以待,看到底会怎么样。 www.ibm.com 7. But in the next three to six months, I can't think of a better stock market in the world for my money. China? 然而接下来的3-6个月,全球找不出比美国股市更好的投钱股市了。中国? www.bing.com 8. Don't wear too much for school, just a touch (3), like on the cuff or collars. 学生在校时可别太张扬了,在袖口和领口稍有装饰即可。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. DISCLAIMER: I certainly hope those EP-3 crew members are returned safely, but I don't think Bush is in any position to demand anything. 我当然希望EP-3的机组人员安全回来,但是我认为布什没有任何理由提任何要求。 club.xilu.com 10. Let me have another look. I think you're right! Isn't he her third husband? 让我再看一看。我想你是对的。他不是她的第3任丈夫吗? bbs.ebigear.com 1. T: Prevent the next 3 damage that would be dealt to target creature this turn. {横置}:于本回合中,防止接下来将对目标生物造成的3点伤害。 tw-wowbox.yatta.com.tw 2. T-16. IV. 3. The special love relationship is an attempt to limit the destructive effects of hate by finding a haven in the storm of guilt. 爱的特殊关系企图抑制恨所带来的负面后果,有如在罪咎的风雨中寻找一个避风港。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. James T. Kirk or to disguise Harry Potter, but it is a significant start and could show the way to more sophisticated(3) designs. 柯克舰长面前就让飞船隐形,或是让哈里.波特隐身。但它是个重要的开端,为更精密复杂的设计开辟道路。 www.ebigear.com 4. Idea 3: They get to the beach and Kathleen's sister can't take her eyes off a surfer who's wearing a Speedo . Is Jim mad? 想法三:他们来到海边,凯萨琳的妹妹直盯著一个穿著紧身泳裤的冲浪手,吉姆会生气吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If these people don't change their exercise and eating habits now, they will develop diabetes in the next three to six years, Albright said. 如果这些人不改变他们目前的锻炼和饮食习惯,将会在未来3-6年里发展成为糖尿病患者。 www.bing.com 6. I usually capitalize all variables within my scripts, as shown in Listing 3, but you don't have to. 我通常使用大写形式来表示脚本内的所有变量,如清单3所示,但您不需要这样做。 www.ibm.com 7. Ok if T-Mac wants to show up the hometown crowd, he better hit a 3 coming out of the timeout. 嗯,如果麦迪想在家乡人面前表演,最好在暂停结束后来个3分。 club.sohu.com 8. We'd also need to archive older store data, something that we haven't thought through (there's no archival database shown in Figure 3 yet). 我们还需要归档较老的存储数据,一些我们还没有想透的数据(图3中没有显示归档数据库)。 www.ibm.com 9. He turned the ball over at a less than average rate (13. 3%), but didn't draw fouls on a high percentage on his shots (6. 3%). 他把球在一个低于平均利率为13.3%,但并没有造成犯规高百分比(6.3%)在他的投篮。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Jean Yi of this Cui isn't an idiot either, how today speak to go Dian like this 3 pour 4? 这崔珍怡也不是个傻蛋,怎么今日说话做事这般颠三倒四? www.zlqh.com 1. But if you need to do 3-5 things in the next two weeks, it's much more likely that you won't do any of them. 但是在未来的两个星期里你有3-5个目标需要完成,很有可能你就一件也干不成了。 www.bing.com 2. 3 p. m. , mom urge I put on my clothes go home, but I don't like to and from there act in pettish, play to depend on, refused to go. 下午3点了,妈妈催我穿上衣服回家,我可是不愿意了,从那里撒娇、耍赖,就是不肯走。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. After, during 3 years, we didn't do anything, as if nothing ever happened that winter. 此后3年内杳无消息,就像什么都不曾发生过。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. So far, the effects of Google's decision in March haven't been as severe as many observers anticipated. 目前为止,谷歌3月份做出的决定造成的后果尚不如很多观察人士预计的那么严重。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The positive rate of T-cell receptor gene rearrangement was 81. 3%, and was independent of the histological features. T细胞受体基因重排的阳性率为81.3%,阳性率与疾病分期无关。 www.actacams.com 6. You don't save money buying a $3 shirt if it just sits in your closet for two years. 你没有节省开支而用了3美元买了一件也许只会在你的衣橱里放上两年的衬衫。 www.elanso.com 7. The very fact that they're looking for work three months before graduation wasn't part of the plan. 他们本来没计划在毕业前3个月找工作。 www.hxen.com 8. Kiss told Bush that if he wasn't doing anything the next morning, he could come by for their 3 a. m. feeding. 金斯开玩笑地对布什说,如果布什第二天没有什么要紧事的话,可以凌晨3点来自己家,替自己完成喂孩子的工作。 www.ycwb.com 9. The police said if I didn't give them 3, 000 RMB [US$440] they would put me in a drug detention center. 警方说如果我不给他们3000元[440美元],他们会把我带到禁毒拘留中心。 www.hrw.org 10. But these traditional banking functions didn't make up anything like half of the company's $3. 6 billion in net income for the quarter. 可是,这些来自传统业务的收入对于本季度36亿美元净利润的贡献却不到一半。 www.bing.com 1. "It's quite all right, " answered the shopkeeper patiently. "don't you understand if you get _3_ apples, you'll have to carry the less. " “说的没错,”店员耐心地回答。“难道你不明白你得到的苹果越少你就可以少拿一点么?” zhidao.baidu.com 2. "It may take a long time. It may take three or five or 10 years, it doesn't matter, we'll get there, " he said. “这可能需要较长时间。可能需要3年、5年,甚至10年,这都没关系,我们一定会实现这个目标,”他表示。 www.meiguoliyu.com 3. I was good in school -- I graduated with a 3. 7, I wasn't a [dummy] -- but it was hard to keep my attention for a very long time. (笑)我以前在学校不错,我毕业成绩3.7,我不是个书虫,但对我来说要长时间一直专注是满难的。 www.wang40.com 4. Now one of the challenges of going up to altitude is when you get to 30, 000 feet -- it's great isn't it? 目前上升到这样的高度的挑战之一是当你到达3万英尺时--这非常高,不是么? www.ted.com 5. In a business where investments last three years or more, it won't be worried about its profits from quarter to quarter. 在一个投资期至少在3年或3年以上的项目里,不用考虑什么季度利润。 www.bing.com 6. Rule No. 3: Sorry, you won't make $40, 000 a year right out of high school. 第三条:抱歉,你不会在高中一毕业后就挣到4万美元的年薪。 www.bing.com 7. Marina : Yes, I do get people email me asking questions that suggest to me that they don't really bother looking past the first 3 pages. 玛瑞娜:有的,有人给我发电邮问一些问题,显然他们没有仔细看过我网站的前3页。 www.bing.com 8. It isn't expected to make a move at this meeting, but Mr. Sack's job is to implement its decision when it does. 该委员会将在2009年11月3日到4日举行会议,但市场预计本次会议不会采取上述行动。不过,沙克的任务是在委员会做出决策后加以执行。 c.wsj.com 9. When I said I don't smoke, she gave me 3 packets of tissues that would be useful for my runny nose. 我说我不抽烟,她又换给我3包纸巾,说擦鼻涕用得上。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. But, in my view, all the techie rough edges still haven't been sanded off and it's still clumsy in a few places. 不过,在我看来,并不是所有技术层面上难缠的疙瘩都被解开了,而且雷鸟3在某些地方还显得颇为笨拙。 chinese.wsj.com 1. At this point in time our team hasn't yet decided which reporting tool we're going to use, Figure 3 doesn't address this yet either. 此时,我们的团队还没有决定使用哪个报告工具,图3也没有描述这一点。 www.ibm.com 2. Today, I broke up with my girlfriend because I couldn't trust her after cheating on me with 3 guys. 今天我与女朋友分手了,因为我发现她同时与3个男人有染。 www.bing.com 3. Rule 3: Sorry, you won't make $40, 000 a year right out of high school. 第三规则:抱歉,你不会刚从高中毕业就挣4万美金一年。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. That is his bread and butter. I don't know why Frank make him stand around and take 3 pointer. It is ignoring the hell out of me. 那是他的面包和奶油,我不知道为什么佛兰克总让他站在三分线上投三分。真见鬼。 www.huanantiger.com 5. Compared to many artists, i've gone through a lot in these 3 years and it wasn't easy but i could say i'm ver fortunate! 许多艺术家相比,我经历了很多在这些3年,这是不容易的,但我可以说我查看幸运! blog.sina.com.cn 6. For class hierarchies, there shouldn't be more than two or three total levels. 对于类的层级,总体不应超过2到3个层级。 www.infoq.com 7. When you tell users that the form entails 3 steps, don't cheat them. Keep it to 3 however tempted you might be. 当你告诉用户你的表单需要三步填写时,不要欺骗他们,就让它三步完成。 www.bing.com 8. Introducing India's 3 Idiots to a Chinese audience won't make the cut of epic attempts to break down barriers between cultures. 将印度电影《三个傻瓜》带给中国观众不会让意图推翻文化壁垒的史诗让步。 www.bing.com 9. What would he say to entice the roughly 310 million professionals who still haven't signed up for the service? 对于还没有注册的3亿1千万专业人士,他会说些什么呢? www.bing.com 10. Reactor No. 3 has had the lowest temperatures of the three units and isn't considered to be at an immediate risk of overheating. 三号反应堆一直是三座反应堆中温度最低的,被认为暂时没有过热的危险。 chinese.wsj.com 1. If you don't want a high bandwidth transistor to oscillate place lossy components in at least 2 of the 3 leads. 如果你不想通过在高带宽晶体管三个引脚中的至少两个引脚放置损耗元件的方法消除振荡。 word.hcbus.com 2. That gave them long commutes that they were able to afford when gas was $2 a gallon, but maybe they couldn't at $3. 汽油价格在每加仑2美元的时候他们还能负担,但升到3美元以后他们或许就没办法了。 www.bing.com 3. We don't only get omega-3 fatty acids from fish (or fish oil supplements), and this may be what drove the results of this study. 这项研究还表明了一件事,则是我们不仅仅从鱼身上可以得到OMEGA-3脂肪酸。 www.bing.com 4. Milan deserved it, i didn't think we were going to win it anyway, you just can't beat a team like Milan twice in 3 years in a major final. 米兰配得上这场胜利,我从来没有想过我们会又赢得决赛,仅仅是因为你不可能在三年之内,在如此重要的比赛中,能够连续两次击败像米兰这样的球队。 www.tianya.cn 5. 3 remember. Not wishing to get. So, don't be so stingy with your smile. 记住。不是乞求就可以得到。所以,不要那么吝啬你的微笑。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Shift exercise to morning time Don't exercise in the three hours leading up to bedtime. 将运动时间改到早上,不要在睡前3小时做运动。 www.bing.com 7. Three years ago, when Li Ning was a rapidly growing force, its "brand positioning wasn't strategic enough" , he says. 雷小山表示,3年前,当李宁正在迅速成长时,它的“品牌定位不够策略”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. (3)I don't trust him for his dishonesty. 他不诚实,所以我不信任他。 bbs.englishcn.com 9. With the deficit equal to 9. 3% of GDP in 2010-11, there isn't as much room as all that. 目前的赤字规模相当于2010年11月的GDP的9.3%,所以实际上没有多少余地了。 www.ecocn.org 10. Several Apple employees have noted that Jobs didn't become the company's permanent CEO until after OS X shipped in March 2001. 许多苹果员工都注意到直到2001年3月OSX正式发售乔布斯才真正成为永久CEO。 www.bing.com 1. It's been 3 days since she got the results, but Tina still can't believe her pregnancy test came out positive. 自蒂娜得到报告已经三天了,但是她对验孕报告显示阳性的结果还是无法置信。 www.bing.com 2. She once thought for well, 3 of her teacher sisters, will can't such as she common fortunate. 她也曾想,她的三个师姐妹,会不会如她一般幸运。 www.cqlxjt.net 3. Women who drink 3 to 4 cups of green tea a week have shown a 40% lower incidence of breast cancer compared to those who don't. 每周喝3到4杯绿茶的女性乳腺癌的患病率比其他女性低40%。 www.bing.com 4. You won't be able to scrimp on eyewear with the Mitsubishi set. 这款三菱电视可不能为你省下购买3-D特制眼镜的钱。 chinese.wsj.com 5. We have been waiting you for two hours and won't wait any more. 3我们已经等你两小时了,我们不想再等了。 wenwen.soso.com 6. We loaded a container to T country in the morning, and submitted the visa application information for the overseas exhibition in March. 上午装了T国客户的货柜,递交了3月份国外展会的签证申请资料。 www.showxiu.com 7. You need a password that is at least 3 characters long and you need to repeat it so you don't send any typos to Brightkite. 你需要一个至少3个字符长的密码并重复输入一次以防止你胡乱按几个字符给Brightkite。 1982fj.blog.163.com 8. When I press keys1, 3 and 5 t? o start the diagnostic, the front panel locks up and the printer is hung until I cycle power. 当我按下1、3和5键开始诊断时,前面板锁定,打印机挂起,直到我关闭并重新打开电源。 e-support.hp.com.cn 9. Sanyo Electric plans to spend 170 billion yen ($1. 8 billion) on its rechargeable battery and solar cell operations in the next three years. 全球最大的充电式电池生产商三洋电机6764.T表示,计划在截止2013年3月的三年内在太阳能电池和充电式电池业务方面支出1,700亿日圆.[ID:nCN1055249] cn.reuters.com 10. It warned that the number could rise to 3. 5 million a year by 2030 if stricter measures aren't taken. 报告警告说,如果不采取更严格的措施,到2030年,这个数字可能会上升到每年350万人。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Monthly job losses aren't as bad as they were from December to March, when payrolls were trimmed by more than 600, 000, Mr. Bernstein said. 伯恩斯坦说,每月新增失业人口没有去年12月到今年3月期间那么多,当时裁减了60多万个岗位。 www.bing.com 2. Women are emotional creatures. They want to bond with you emotionally. They don't want to bond with you randomly. This leads us to Step 3. 女人是情感动物。她们希望和你做感情联系。不过她们不希望随便地联系。这就导出了第三步。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Unlike salmon, tuna, and other big ocean fish, tilapia's flesh doesn't contain omega-3 oils, one of the main health benefits of seafood. 与三文鱼、金枪鱼和其它大型海鱼不同,罗非鱼不含omega-3鱼油,而这种鱼油是海鲜主要的健康成分之一。 www.bing.com 4. I couldn't find any threads addressing all 3 of these errors, and nobody else seemed to have an answer to the cc1plus error. 对于这3个问题我没有找到任何解决思路,似乎没有人能对cc1pule错误给出答案。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 5. T-Bag isn't willing to give it up, and they agree on 3% of his salary. 西奥多怎肯轻易屈服,最后他们达成协议,她得到西奥多薪水的3%。 www.rayzen.cn 6. It has been going on for three years and even when I write to her I don't get a reply. 这种情况已经3年了,有时候即使我给她写信,也得不到回应。 www.bing.com 7. It isn't the first such fit of worry since the market bottomed in March 2009, however, and each time stocks have rebounded. 不过,这并非市场自2009年3月触底后的首次恐慌袭来,而且每次都伴有股市反弹。 c.wsj.com 8. Comparing Listing 3 with Listing 1 and Listing 2 offers some striking differences, don't you think? 将清单3与清单1和清单2比较,可以看出一些明显的不同。 www.ibm.com 9. Although the explosion [at Reactor 3] was being covered on TV networks, it wasn't reported to the Prime Minister's office for about an hour. 尽管(三号反应堆)的的爆炸已经被网络现场直播,但是首相办公室直到一小时后才得到报告,这究竟是怎么回事? www.bing.com 10. I can't believe even after losing 3 straight including 1 loss against the Jazz, we could have HCA after all is said and done tomorrow. . . 我真不能相信即使在三连败,包括一场对爵士的失败以后,我们还能谈论主场优势,而且还可能在明天搞定它… club.sohu.com 1. Where Blake isn't Fisher is in postseason pedigree: Blake has played just 15 playoff games and is 0-3 for his career in playoff series. 布雷克不如老鱼的地方就在于他止步季后赛:他打了十五场,在他的职业生涯中,系列赛以0-3惨败。 www.kobechina.com.cn 2. Looking at those numbers, you can understand why the market wasn't impressed by Central Huijin's $30 million capital infusion. 看到这些数据,你就明白中央汇金那3千万的注资为何打不动市场了。 www.bing.com 3. Set it to ON. (3) If you switch the 'LCD mode' to 'Monitor' or 'Normal', don't forget to switch it back to 'Off' before disconnecting. 如果您从“LCD模式”切换到“监视器”或“普通”模式,不要忘记在断开连接前将它切换回“关闭”状态。 translations.launchpad.net 4. If I see the transformers 3 I haven't money see harry potter 7, I two should want to see. 如果我看了变形金刚3我就没钱看哈利波特7了,我两部都想看。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. is planning to sell its loss-making South Korean soft drink unit Haitai Beverage, the Nikkei business daily reported on Tuesday. 路透东京8月3日电---日本经济新闻周二报导称,朝日啤酒(2502.T:行情)计划出售亏损的韩国软饮制造商HaitaiBeverage。 cn.reuters.com 6. Three young women wore handmade T-shirts emblazoned with the coats of arms of their favorite clans from the series. 3个年轻的女士穿着自己手工做的衣袖上装饰有这个系列故事里她们喜欢的宗族的章纹。 www.bing.com 7. Some 300 million Chinese -- roughly the size of the entire U. S. population -- don't have access to clean drinking water. 大约3亿中国人——差不多等于整个美国的人口——无法获得洁净的饮用水。 www.ecocn.org 8. Awning, balcony, signs, lightings can be projected exterior, but the net height can't be less than 3 meters. 雨蓬、阳台、招牌、灯饰等可外挑,但其离室外地面的净空高度不得小于3米。 www.nexoncn.com 9. Let what Zhang Fei have a tiny wonder BE, end of a roommate haven't migrated till now, actually do only 3 people live together? 让张斐有点惊讶的是,最后的一个室友到现在还没有搬来,难道真的只有三人住在一起? wester.com.cn 10. Three AAA batteries used to power the shirt sit in hidden, sewn-in pockets. 在这件T恤内缝的暗袋中装上3节AAA电池作为它的能源。 www.elanso.com 1. The euro and European shares fell, ending a seven-day stocks rally, and Portugal had to pay more to sell 3-month T-bills on Wednesday. 欧元与欧洲股市下跌,结束了连续七天的涨势.葡萄牙周三标售三个月国库券也被迫付出更高的代价。 cn.reuters.com 2. As a rule, we don't allow any commission. However, as an encouragement for businesses, we will allow you a 3% commission. 作为规定,我们不允许有任何佣金。然而,作为一种贸易奖励,我们可以给您3%的佣金。 www.bing.com 3. Don't you think a 3% discount is too little? 百分之三的折扣是不是少了一点儿? www.52xqd.net 4. Three counties have issued evacuation orders, but emergency officials can't make residents leave their homes. 3个县已发出撤离命令,但紧急情况官员不能让居民离开家园。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I don't spend more than 3 hours in forums every week (3 hours a day to 3 hours a week). 我在论坛上的时间每周不超过3个小时(从每天3小时过渡到每周3小时)。 www.elanso.com 6. The company said it hasn't set launch dates or pricing for 3-D models in other markets, including North America. 索尼称,它尚未确定在北美等其他市场推出3-D电视机的时间及产品价格。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Life couldn't be more wonderful~ The Senior 3 came, and you began to feel ashamed because of your poor results. 到了高三,你开始为自己少得可怜的成绩感到羞愧。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. However, if they don't call you back for 3 days, it is possible that he is playing the 3 day charm on you, to get you longing for his call. 然而,如果你等了三天还没有等到他的电话,唯一的可行解释就是他在故意掉你的胃口,让你更加着急去等候他不期而至的电话。 www.bing.com 9. Oh, yes. It's No. 315 on the third floor. But I'll be waiting for you in the lobby. If you can't find me, please page me. 哦,是的,是在3楼315号房,但是我会在大厅等你,如果你找不到我,请播音找我。 22eng.com 10. Note that you didn't have to write any code, so you could have used both the Delphi and the C edition of Kylix 3 to build the application. 注意,您不必编写任何代码,所以完全可以使用Kylix3的Delphi版和C 版来构建这样的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 1. I can't tell you how annoying it is when people ask me when I'm due and I say "3 days ago" . 告诉你,我对每个来问我几时是预产期,然后我说“三天前”的人感到厌烦。 www.0799.tv 2. For the fifth time since 2004, a men's player won three majors in a campaign -- but it wasn't Rafa or Roger. 从2004年来,第五次有男子选手在这项运动中一年夺得3个大满贯冠军——但是那个人不是拉法或者是罗杰。 www.bing.com 3. The guidelines don't mention psychological approaches like cognitive-behavioral therapy until No. 3, just after electroshock therapy. 这个指导原则只把心理学方法如认知-行为疗法排在第三位,仅排在电击疗法的后面。 www.bing.com 4. Honolulu may also have made the top 3 for people-watching because there aren't many cultural distractions. 檀香山在看人排名表位居第三,是因为这里没有太多分心的文化。 www.fanyitie.com 5. Temperatures in northern China are still below freezing, and the crop isn't due to start growing until March. 中国北部气温现在仍处于零下,小麦这种作物直到3月份才会开始生长。 www.ftchinese.com 6. 3: If I didn't hear my men beating their gums about how bad the chow was, or how hard they worked , I worried. 他说:要是我听不到我的部下没完没了地抱怨伙食有多差劲,或者他们干活有多辛苦,那我就得担心了。 www.ebigear.com 7. It wasn't clear whether the fire was related to a magnitude-6. 3 earthquake that shook the Tokyo area Tuesday morning. 现在还不确定这个火是否和星期二早晨袭击东京地区的6.3级地震有关。 www.gelievable.com 8. And then 3 John had to be written to an individual because his letter couldn't get through to the whole church. 而约翰三书只能写给一个个人,因为他的书信在整个教会中无法通过。 open.163.com 9. They said that I can't name two out of the three most loved maps from Generals, Tiberium Wars and Red Alert 3. 他们说我说不上来奇克马特,泰伯利亚战争和红警三里面最受欢迎的几幅地图。 www.mycnc.org 10. So why shouldn't the Fed just keep cutting interest rates? Why not lower the target interest rate to, say, negative 3 percent? 那么,联储为什么不继续降低利率呢?为什么不可以将目标利率降得更低,比如。 greg-mankiw.blog.sohu.com 1. Limit the number of props and tricks you use (around 3 is appropriate); don't let them become a distraction. 所运用的道具以及表演不能太过频繁(在3个以内为最佳);不能让你的道具混淆视听。 www.ef.com.cn 2. At the match of all, the matches that the training cycle are less than t 3 weeks have general achievement. 2. 在所有的比赛中,赛前训练周期少于3周的比赛相对来说成绩都比较一般。 www.fabiao.net 3. China doesn't want its people to see Transformers 3 - at least not yet. 中国并不想让《变3》与观众见面——至少现在还不是时候。 www.bing.com 4. Three months later, I turn positive and discover the sales terms have learned seven 80%, should don't have to resign. 3个月后,我转正了,发现那些销售术语已明白了七八成,应该不必为此辞职。 www.aixxs.cn 5. But a report published March 2nd in the journal Molecular Ecology says mosquitoes didn't need a middleman. 但是一份发表于3月2日的分子生物期刊上的报告则认为,蚊子传播病毒给人类并不需要一个中介人。 www.bing.com 6. As expected, I wasn't on the list, but it was chilling to find three other Mitchells listed there. 如我所料,我不在性侵犯罪名单上,但在上面发现了3个同名的米切尔也令我毛骨悚然。 www.bing.com 7. Don't think about urgency for the moment, just consider which 3 tasks will make your day if you complete them. 现在不要考虑紧急程度,只是想一下当你完成了哪3件工作后,你会觉得今天一天心情都很好。 www.elanso.com 8. "It's a Bank Holiday on the third of January, which means we can't register him until after the Stoke City game, " said the manager. “1月3号是银行假期,这意味着我们得等到与斯托克的比赛结束后才能为他注册,”经理说。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 9. 3 (together): You're right! We aren't bad! Let's take a look. 男3(一起):对!我们不差!走~ zhidao.baidu.com 10. Keep a list of things you need to do that aren't on your list of three priorities. 列一张你需要做的而不在3件优先考虑事情中的清单。 www.elanso.com 1. If you're adhering to #3 and dismissing all assumptions, you can't be certain it's not going to work until you've tested it. 如果你(没有)做到第3条并且无视任何假设,在你尝试之前,你永远都不会知道它到底可不可行。 www.bing.com 2. When Mars goes direct March 10, you will see more progress and won't feel like you're spinning your wheels so much. 在3月10号火星到来的时候,你会看到进展,不会再向之前那样感觉在自己的车轮上眩晕。 www.douban.com 3. If the receiver doesn't acknowledge a particular packet, TCP automatically retransmits the packet typically three times. 如果接受方没有返回一个确认包,TCP就会自动地重新传输数据包(一般情况下会进行3次重传)。 www.bing.com 4. And if you can't get to a good answer of neither of those, then step 3 is, find someone who can own the problem who you trust. 如果这两步,你都没有答案,那么第三步,找一些你信任的人,来负责这些问题。 open.163.com 5. God, please give me a chance again, I won't do this again. 3、上帝啊,再给我一次机会,我不会再这样了。 www.hxen.com 6. The Reds are seven points from a hat-trick of league titles, but Ferdinand isn't taking anything for granted yet. 曼联现在离联赛3连冠还有7分,但费迪南德认为现在说什么都为时过早。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 7. Only 43. 3 percent of eligible voters in the area exercised their franchise, but that wasn't much of a surprise. 投票人口中只有43.3%履行了他们的权利,不过这也并不令人意外。 www.bing.com 8. They don't want the risk of the first 3-6 months with no salary and having to walk around with a tin-cup for funding. 他们不想冒前3个月到前6个月没有薪水,拿着一个锡杯到处融资的风险。 dongxi.net 9. According to the company, the results weren't even close: Lewis reportedly got 67. 3% of the vote. 公司方面说,结果再贴近不过了:路易斯得到了67.3%的选票。 www.bing.com 10. It hasn't been seen by anyone in three years - and I spent a long night in 2008 searching for it myself. 3年来没有任何人见过它-我在2008年的一个晚上花了很长时间寻找这种动物。 www.bing.com 1. U. S. residents are three times richer than they were in 1950, but the happiness ratings haven't shifted in the past decade. 美国人现在比1950年富裕了3倍,但在过去的十年中,他们的幸福指数却没有改变。 www.kekenet.com 2. Arrows are added on the end for moving to tabs that don't fit on the screen, as shown in Figure 3. 箭头被添加到尾部,用于移到屏幕上容不下的选项卡,如图3所示。 www.ibm.com 3. it's just that they don't think, if they've got three jobs on offer instead of 20, it's worth coming in and doing a presentation. 只是因为他们认为,如果他们仅能提供3份工作而非20份,那就不值得来校园做宣传了。 www.bingojob.cn 4. If u don't repost this within 5 minutes the clown will be standing next to your bed at 3: 00 am with a knife in his hand. 如果你不在5分钟内转发这个贴子,这个小丑在凌晨3点时将会拿着刀站在你的床前。 tieba.baidu.com 5. When that happens, if the competing Symbian devices don't all run at least Symbian^3, Android does have a solid chance to become number one. 当这种事情发生时,如果塞班3没有全部装备在塞班手机上,Android确实有可能成为老大。 www.bing.com 6. It isn't just that the unemployment rate bottomed out in March at 8. 8%. 3月份,不光是失业触底,下降至8. www.fortunechina.com 7. Occasionally you may need to specify the filesystem type explicitly using the -t option as shown in Listing 3. 偶尔,您可能需要使用-t选项明确指定文件系统类型,如清单3所示。 www.ibm.com 8. It pretty much got me through my 3-day appendectomy stay in the hospital last month and made me forget the pain the way Percocet couldn't. 它使熬过上个月3天的阑尾手术住院的时间,使我忘记了病痛,止痛药都不能做到这一点。 bbs.8da.com 9. And the next cell also points to the left and above, but its value also doesn't change. 接着这个箭头也是如此。下一个单元格的箭头还是指向左上侧,但是这次值从3变为4。 www.ibm.com 10. Don't look down upon these water reuse, accumulated, only a 3 home can save a ton per month above water. 别小看这些水的反复应用,积聚下来,仅一个三口之家每月就可以节俭一吨以上的水。 www.biwen.org 1. 1 serving now? 2 don't mention it literally eat 3 it takes some time for this dish. Could you wait for a moment? 1现在上菜好吗?2不要客气随便吃3这个菜需要一定的时间,你能多等一会吗? wenwen.soso.com 2. March's strong rise "is a good sign that the consumer isn't totally dead, " Smith said. 其并称,3月零售销售强劲增长“是好现象,说明消费者没有完全一蹶不振。” cn.reuters.com 3. If you didn't need more of a reason to see Watchmen on March 6th, you have one more. 如果你不需要更多理由去看3月6号的守望者,那么你至少还要再找一个。 www.elanso.com 4. Two-fluid approach is introduced to simulate the three dimensional gas-solid flow through T-shape blind elbow in pneumatic conveying system. 采用双流体模型,对气力输送系统中T形盲管弯头的3维气固两相流场进行了数值模拟。 airiti.com 5. I don't think it makes sense. Three minutes is such a short time. 我不觉得这样做有意义。3分钟时如此短的一段时间。 www.hxen.com 6. "Three of these ponies are ill, Captain, " Oates said. "They can't go on. " “队长,有3匹小马病了,”奥茨说,“走不动了。” www.kekenet.com 7. According to his plan, if his house isn't in an area the government will remove, he will dig 3 bedrooms and a living room. 根据他的规划,若房屋不在拆迁范围的话,他将在地下挖出三室一厅。 en.cnxianzai.com 8. In 2. 3. 2 with Icy Veins, I can't imagine how amazing this combination is going to be. 在2.3.2Path里面的冰冷血脉天赋,我很难想象这样的结合会带我们什么冲击。 bbs.ngacn.cc 9. Until the beginning of 3, I found my alarm clock didn't see. 直到初3,我发现我的闹钟不见了。 www.bing.com 10. The trick was to remember to traverse thru the array in increments of 3 because it wasn't the array we were reversing but the RGB colours . 记住以3为增量来遍历数组,因为我们回溯的不是普通的数组,而是存储三元色的数组。 www.bing.com 1. I didn't discover until weeks later that the handbill held an early clue in an ARG promoting the videogame Halo 3. 直到几个星期之后我才发现传单里有视频游戏《光晕3》的通关线索。 www.bing.com 2. However, they haven't got enough physical exercise knowledge, especially among female postgraduates. 3. 但对体育锻炼知识掌握情况不好,女硕士研究生表现的更为明显。 3. Windows 3. 0 was a pretty toy, but its utter lack of stability didn't endear itself to IT pros anywhere. Windows3.0是个不错的家伙,但是其稳定性的匮乏导致它无法进入各种IT领域。 www.bing.com 4. On average, three goals in the last three seasons doesn't do his performances justice. 过去三个赛季平均每赛季3个进球,这不能公正地反映他的表现。 www.bing.com 5. Sometimes she can't sell out all her vegetables, 3 she takes some to us. 有时她无法全部售光所有她的菜,3她采取一些对我们。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. To get a sense of what 3. 5% growth does and doesn't mean, we can look at the Clinton years, viewed as a whole. 为了理解3.5%的增长率到底意味着或不意味着什么,让我们来回顾一下整个克林顿时期。 www.bing.com 7. Don't panic to yell, or buy others scurrying about in disregard and self-centered "glide path" , or buy small fire had inflicted on lead. 3. 千万不要惊惶失措地乱叫乱窜,或置别人于不顾而殖黾以己“开溜”,或置小火于不顾而酿成大灾。 www.pjx8.com 8. So don't forget you'll have to purchase extra pairs of 3-D glasses for each person who wants to watch the show. 所以别忘了你必须为每个想看戏的人额外购买一副3D眼镜。 www.bing.com 9. The American economy is a long way from healthy, and given the extent of the unemployment problem 3. 1% isn't good enough. 鉴于3.1%的失业率仍不够乐观,美国经济离健康经济还有一大段距离。 www.ecocn.org 10. In March I asked all female shoppers to boycott for a day lingerie stores that don't employ women. 今年3月,我呼吁所有女性顾客联合抵制不聘用女性的女士内衣商店,历时一天。 www.ftchinese.com |
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