单词 | a load of |
释义 |
例句释义: 大量,许多,一大批 1. It's hard to express how hurtful it is to see a load of people you know clicking "like" when they see that news. 看到很多你认识的人在看到你们分手这条消息的时候点了“喜欢”,这种受伤的感觉很难用言语表达。 www.bing.com 2. This woman, like many women of her sort, had a load of caresses and a burden of blows and injuries to dispense each day. 那妇人,和许多和她同一类型的妇人一样,每天都有一定数量的抚爱和一定数量的打骂要发泄。 www.ebigear.com 3. It's sad when a young person's only aspiration is to be famous because so much of it is a load of nonsense. 很伤心当问到一个年纪小的人得到的答案却是他们想成名,因为这是完全没意义的。 tieba.baidu.com 4. While they were eating , I threw a load of laundry into the washing machine and then I sat down and ate, too. 当他们开始吃饭,我扔了一担子衣服到洗衣机里,然后我坐下一起吃。 blog.zikao365.com 5. Poll was smug and came out with a load of rubbish, but he was the FA's star ref and I knew I'd get done. 波尔是得意非凡随后又爆出更多屁话,但谁让他是FA的明星,我知道我栽了。 bbs.xzhibo.com 6. If he'd said a "load of crap" or something similar I'd have had an excuse for ordering him from my office. 如果他说“胡说八道”,或者类似的话,我就有理由命令他离开我的办公室了。 7. You'll see a load of strings between the first and second lines prefixed by a hash (#) - simply add the second line near the bottom. 你可以看见在第一行和第二行之间看到大量的以#作为前缀的字符串,只需要增加底部附近第二行即可。 www.bing.com 8. After 30, has become a load of cattle, in the early morning, in the evening, sent waves of weary groan, but do not know where to rest. 三十以后,已经成了一头负重的黄牛,在清晨,在傍晚,发出一阵阵疲惫的呻吟,却不知道在哪里憩息。 www.bing.com 9. He goes for a walk to digest this information, which hits him very hard, as if a strong wind were carrying a load of bricks. 他出去转了一圈想借此消化一下这条消息。这真的让他很受打击,就好像一股卷着砖块的狂风突然砸来。 www.bing.com 10. the wind strikes the trailer like a load of dirt coming off a dump truck , eases , dies , leaves a temporary silence. 大风狂打着拖车,仿佛一车泥土从运货车上倾泄而下。继而灰飞烟灭,尘埃落定,留下瞬间的沉寂。 www.ichacha.net 1. But she soon found herself working more on household chores than her business. 'It was too easy to do a load of laundry, ' she says. 但她很快发现自己花在家务事上的时间比工作多。 c.wsj.com 2. On this particular Tuesday, however, just as we were putting the shutters up, a load of smoked hams was delivered at the shop. 可是就在这特别的星期二,我们正要关门的时候,有一批烟熏火腿送到店里来了。 www.104case.com.tw 3. "Had a spot of trouble, " he said. "In fact, had a load of trouble with the bird. " He jerked his head towards the helicopter. “有点麻烦,”他说。“其实和鸟儿打交道有很多麻烦。”他突然朝直升飞机扭过头去。 www.1stenglish.com 4. I tell you, (you) work this shift long enough you see some pretty animated things. Get a load of this guy! Light him up. 我告诉你,如果你值班值得够久你会看到些很生动的东西。看看这家伙!照照他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If you think the mating rituals at your local singles bar are strange, ha-ha! Wait till you get a load of black widow spiders! 如果你认为本地酒吧单身人士的约会习惯很奇怪,哈哈!等到你看到黑寡妇蜘蛛再说! www.yappr.cn 6. The customs officer in the front seat spoke tersely into his lapel-mounted radio: "We're on our way to the airport with a load of orphans. " 车上,坐在前座的海关官员对着别在衣领上的无线麦克风简练地汇报说:“我们正在送一批孤儿去机场的路上。” select.yeeyan.org 7. Not brilliant, just a load of overcooked fried stuff. We could have and should have stayed at the hotel to eat. 一点都不美味,只是一个煎过头的东西。我们可以并且应该呆在酒店吃饭的。 img9.vikecn.com 8. Working with a seemingly harmless mouse and keyboard can cause chronic injuries just as easily as hauling a load of cement. 和看似无害的键盘鼠标亲密接触也能轻易的造成和拉一车水泥一样的慢性伤害。 gb.cri.cn 9. Many Christians have had the same struggle. They carry with them each day a load of guilt that's too much to bear. 许多基督徒都有同样的挣扎,他们每天都背负著不胜负荷的罪疚感。 www.chinesetodays.org 10. A bunch of you may be a load of pinkos, and you may not like the Coca-Cola company. 也许你们中的某些人是倾左派的,或许你并不喜欢可口可乐公司。 www.ted.com 1. An old farmer was hauling a load of manure when he was stopped by a state trooper. 一位农民老伯伯正在拖着一车粪向前进,一个州警拦住了他。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Nicole: We have a load of high heels to examine this afternoon, and the men's tuxedos will be ready to examine tomorrow. 今天下午我们还有一大堆高跟鞋要检查,然后明天准备检查男士礼服。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Nature has a load of other powers that, while less well known, can only be described as, well, freaky . 大自然还有许多另类的威力,它们不为人们熟知,甚至只能用诡异来形容。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It happened one very cold day in winter . There was a fox . She saw some men on a wagon. They were taking home a load of fish. 这是一个非常寒冷的冬天。有一只狐狸。它看见了马车上的人们。他们正把很多鱼带回家。 www.bing.com 5. "We did not ask them to pull up a dump truck to our offices and dump a load of rubbish, " said Mr Angelides. 安吉利德斯表示:“我们没有让他们将一辆自卸卡车开到我们办公室,卸下来一堆垃圾。” www.ftchinese.com 6. They were also understandably nervous about a load of heavily-armed pigeons flying around the skies. 这也可以理解,毕竟当一群携有重武器的鸽子在天上飞的时候他们也担心的嘛。 www.bing.com 7. 'It was too easy to do a load of laundry, ' she says. 'Some folks have the personality where they can really detach. Not me. ' 她说,不知不觉你就洗了一大堆衣服,有些人能做到对家务视而不见,但我做不到。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Another woman comes in, carrying a load of plastic bottles several times her own size on her head. 另一位妇女走了进来。她的头上顶着的一大捆塑料瓶,比她的体型要大上好几倍。 www.ecocn.org 9. Greek merchant marine officials say the ship was en route to South Korea with a load of iron. 希腊商务海事官员说,这艘载满铁矿的货船正行驶在去韩国的途中。 www.kekenet.com 10. As I hauled a load of gravel through the center of town, I saw Shep standing on the sidewalk near the bar. 我拉着一车砾石穿过小城中心,看见谢普站在靠近酒吧的人行道上。 www.bing.com 1. William claims he's been climbing in the Andes . What a load of rubbish! He's never been farther than Calais. 威廉说他去过安第斯山,这简直是胡说八道!他根本没有去过比加来更远的地方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. And he has been sending a lot of letters and spending a load of time shut up in his room. 他发了好多信,还老一个人关在屋里…… www.kekenet.com 3. However, the telephone lines can only support a load of about 500 uA, which uses telephone lines to become a fundamental obstacle to power. 然而,电话线路只能支撑约500微安的负载,这成为采用电话线路供电的基本障碍。 www.13191.com 4. Then it assigned the company to pick up a load of tomatoes from a shipper in Miami on Monday, March 28. 在3月28号,周一,它指派了公司去从迈阿密的承运人那里运一车土豆回来。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A few years later, they've got a load of debt ---- many of them with thousands of dollars in student loans and credit card bills. 短短几年后,他们便已经负债累累——许多人背着几千美元的学生贷款和信用卡消费账单。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The old farmer after seeing what happened went over to investigate. He then proceeded to dig a load of holes and buried all the politicians. 那位老农看到发生了事故就跑过去调查了一下。然后他挖了许多坑把那些政客都埋葬了。 bbs.24en.com 7. His father took him to as a temporary bin man on his birthday day and received a best birthday gift, which was a load of rubbish. 过生日那天,小男孩的爸爸带着他过了一把“清洁工瘾”,同时他也收到了最好的生日礼物———一卡车的垃圾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Not surprisingly, Dora thought this was a load of crap and abruptly quit seeing Freud after eleven weeks. 这令人毫不奇怪,多拉认为这是一场赌注。过了十一个星期,她随即不再和弗洛伊德见面。 www.bing.com 9. As the sun sets, a 300-metre Chinese ship chugs into Port Hedland, Western Australia, to receive a load of iron ore. 日落时分,一艘300米长的中国轮船缓缓驶入西澳大利亚的黑德兰港,来装载一船铁矿石。 www.bing.com 10. get a load of that doll over there. i wonder what her name is. 你瞧瞧那边的那位美人哟!不知道她叫什么名字。 www.paper-translation.com 1. Get a load of that old bloke with the funny hat! . 你瞧那戴怪帽子的家伙!。 www.b2b99.com 2. Oliver Percovich, a lanky Australian in a black T-shirt, emerged from the van with a load of banged-up skateboards. 只见一个骨瘦如柴穿着黑色T恤的人从货车里走出来,手里拿着一大堆滑板邦邦的放到了地上。 www.bing.com 3. The first test you develop will use a datapool to hold multiple search items to use when running the test with a load of users. 您开发的第一个测试将会在运行一定的用户负载时,利用一个数据池来控制多种搜索条目。 www.ibm.com 4. If they thought Qaddafi was a tyrant, wait til' they get a load of their new masters. 如果他们觉得卡扎菲是个暴君,那么等着瞧,看看他们的新主人又带来什么负担。 club.kdnet.net 5. Every afternoon a file of old women passes down the road outside my house , each carrying a load of firewood . 每天下午,我家门前的路上都会有一队背着柴火的老妇经过。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. He is not the one who always holds a load of other's thing of objective condition but few things really belong to him. 手中拥有的是一大堆别人的客观条件的东西,而真正属于自己的却贫瘠可数。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Harry and I had started to town with a load of potatoes. 哈里和我镇已开始与土豆负载。 wenku.baidu.com 8. "I had to make four human sacrifices, and I have to pick up a load of fat. " “我必须要四个人类祭品,而我还得去偷很多很多的脂肪。” www.bing.com 9. The truck was hauling a load of stones for construction; they were jagged and the size of softballs . 那辆卡车拉着一车锯齿状、垒球般大小的建筑石材。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. These men have quarreled over the price of a load of hay. 这帮人为了一车干草的价钱争吵不休。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The couple quarreled over the price of a load of hay. 夫妻俩个因为一担干草的价格争吵。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Oh! You're wonderful! -Why, that little show-off! Get a load of this, babe! 哦!你太棒了!-为什么,那只是个小小的卖弄而已!拿住这些,姑娘! zhaidou.com 3. I've never heard such a load of cobblers in my life. 我一生中还没有听到过这种无稽之谈。 www.hotdic.com 4. The conservative governor is the most power-efficient for a load of 8-12 percent utilization, closely followed by the ondemand governor. conservative调控器在8-12%的利用率负载水平上的能效最高,紧随其后的是ondemand调控器。 www.ibm.com 5. Antarctica seems a vast basin of rock, filled and overflowing with a load of ice. 南极洲看似一个巨的石盆,被冰所覆盖。 www.100ksw.com 6. No. Hell, it'd probably be better to keep the domain and just put a load of ads on it, perhaps even Google ads. 不是的。保留这个域名,然后仅仅需要放上许多广告,甚至可以使Googleads,都会比这表现的更好。 www.bing.com 7. B: Wow, that's awesome. Can I get a load of it? 哇,真实帅呆了。我可以骑骑看吗? www.crazyenglish.org 8. I decided to make myself useful and do a load of the family laundry. 我决心做个有用的人,承担起家里洗衣服的重任。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If you happen to get home before we do, why not take vacuum the living room or throw in a load of laundry? 如果你碰巧比我们先一步到家,为何不清扫下房间或者洗下衣服呢? www.bing.com 10. Both the dried and fresh varieties of papaya and mango also host a load of vitamin A and B and therefore are good ascending super foods. 无论是脱水的还是新鲜的菠萝和芒果,都持有大量维生素A和B,因此是优良的提升超级食物。 www.tisheng.org 1. Dan: Get a load of that food. 阿丹:你看那个食物。 www.examw.com 2. I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that. 我觉得,将有毒废物倾泄于工资最低的国家,其经济学逻辑无懈可击,我们必须勇敢面对。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. No one could go forward with a load of aching memories. 因为谁也不能肩负着痛苦的记忆向前走。 dict.veduchina.com 4. Hands in Pockets Think you can save yourself a load of trouble by shoving your hands in your pockets? 把手放在口袋里以为把手塞进口袋就可以给自己省去很多麻烦吗? bbs.putclub.com 5. Get a load of that dress! 你瞧那件衣服! baike.soso.com 6. Wow, the car is awesome. Can I get a load of it? 哇,这车真是帅呆了。我可以骑骑看吗? wenku.baidu.com 7. Get a load of that new car! 好好看看那部新车! zhidao.baidu.com 8. I've never heard such a load of garbage! 这麽胡说八道我还从来没听说过。 dict.netat.net 9. I found out that they were planning to include New York and because I'd recently been there I prepared a load of ideas. 我发现他们计划进军纽约,而我最近在那里呆过,所以我就准备了一大堆点子。 kfbck.blog.163.com 10. over West River between Pingnan and Guiping enroute to Danzhu carrying a load of supplies for missioners. 西比河之间平南及途中桂平至丹竹航运传教士用品。 bbs.voc.com.cn 1. But maglev takes a load of hardware and a ton of power and is useless for small, simple kinds of engineering. 但是磁悬浮需要大量的硬件和能源,它在小而简单的工程上没有用处。 www.bing.com 2. Get a load of Poles in to do it for half the cost. 可以找一堆波兰人,花费还可以减半 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Get a load of those two good-looking girls over there! 你好好瞧瞧那边的那两个美人儿! bbs.maplesky.net 4. Getting them involved is a much better idea, and instead of making sworn enemies you'll make a load of friends. 让邻居们一起参加,是一个聪明的办法,这样就可以多收获一堆朋友,而不至于左邻右舍树敌。 www.bing.com 5. Candice : You think so? I think it's a load of junk. 坎迪斯:你这么觉得吗?我就觉得是一团废物。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And in fact there is a department store just up from here and there's a load of people, young and old, all having a go on an X-Box 360. 实际上,前面离这里不远处就有个百货商店,那里的人流量非常大,有老有少,而且他们所有人都还在玩X-Box360。 www.kekenet.com 7. for the struggle to survive that went in business world and in the teeming city streets, it lifted a load of guilt. 生存竞争的自然现象除了适用于工商界和熙熙攘攘的城市街道外,还解脱了人们的内疚心理。 www.jukuu.com 8. Don't talk such a load of garbage. 废话少说。 www.tingroom.com 9. By turning off your internet connection, you remove a load of potential distractions. 断开网络,你就移除了潜在的分心来源。 www.bing.com 10. You'll forgive me, but I have to say it: what a load of crap. 请您原谅,不过我不得不说:好大的一坨屎啊。 www.bing.com 1. Szechwan cooking offers a load of spice too (hot peppers ) for those requiring the element of fire. 四川烹饪也提供很重的辣味(花椒)给那些需要火元素的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Flats bad, heels bad, stilettos very bad, bare foot bad. What a load of tripe. More "experts" with naff all to do. 平底鞋不好,有跟的也不行,细高跟就更别提了,光脚当然不现实。都是什么乱七八糟的,一堆专家闲得没事儿干了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Through those thin walls we really got a load of their fight. 这墙壁很薄,我们能听到他们吵架的声音。 www.diandian.net 4. It's nothing for a member of the Iron Girls' Team to shoulder a load of 100 jin. 铁姑娘队的队员挑百斤重的担子毫不在乎。 5. Big-bang integrations dump a load of problems on the team all at once, and those problems often have hundreds of possible causes. 大爆炸式的集成给团队立即带来大量问题,并且这些问题通常都有几百种可能的原因。 www.ibm.com 6. However, instead of coins, all he found in the hole was a load of rubbish. 可是他在坑里发现的不是金币,而是一堆垃圾。 7. A Norwegian lorry driver was transporting a load of penguins to the aquarium in Bergen. 一个挪威卡车司机运一车厢企鹅到卑尔根的水族馆。 www.bing.com 8. Billy McCulloch was giving them both a load of heckling , so in the end they said get up and do something. 麦克拉伦给了两条困扰他们的出路,所以他们最后站起来,做了点事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. You won't see me at any red-carpet events or at celebrity hangouts . I just don't like it. It is a load of nonsense. 你不会在任何走红地毯的秀中、或名人聚集场所见到我,因为我不喜欢,因为那些太无聊了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Australia day - January 26, Australia day, is the anniversary of ships arriving in Sydney carrying a load of Convicts. 澳洲国庆日--1月26日是澳洲国庆日,是纪念运送罪犯的船舶抵达悉尼的纪念日。 www.elanso.com 1. The intention is that the site should be clean and appeal to younger persons where I don t want a load of fancy stuff cluttering the site. 我们的目的是,网站应该是干净的,并呼吁年轻的人在那里我不想要一个花哨的东西塞满了网站的负载。 www.bing.com 2. Mystical orbs, ethereal apparitions, things that go bump in the night. A load of hooey you say? 神秘的天体、飘忽的幽灵之类在夜晚撞见的东西,你认为这是一派胡言么? www.bing.com 3. kinda feels like her story could be a load of crap. 我觉得她的故事太离谱了 www.kekenet.com 4. The processor usage on a server should maintain a load of about 60 percent during peak working hours. 服务器上处理器的使用应保持在高峰工作时段负载为60%左右。 technet.microsoft.com 5. propelahead: I consider Aung San Suu Kyi's conviction by the Burmese military junta a load of crap. propelahead:我认为缅甸军政府对翁山苏姬的判决是一堆废话。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. Can I get a load of it? 我可以试一试吗? wenku.baidu.com 7. Every time my penis enters the anus of another man, or I swallow a load of spice hot Jizz I think of BELUS! 每当我的阴茎进入了另一个男人,肛门,我吞下了香料热负荷每次妳站在我的贝尔斯的想法! www.douban.com 8. the school promises a load of the nonage students' education protection and management duty. 学校应承担未成年学生的教育保护(管理)责任。 83w.lingd.net 9. Wait till they get a load of this! 等候直到他们这拿一个负荷! bbs.a9vg.com 10. But along with the excitement, you have got a load of new assignments and you don't see how you can work harder. 然而,伴随兴奋而来的却是新岗位带来的重压。你简直不知道该怎样才能应付得更好。 www.zlcool.com 1. I say wait till yaget a load of me! 我说等着仔细看我的吧 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The workman was wheeling a load of bricks on a wheelbarrow. 那位工人在推一手推车砖。 www.hotdic.com 3. A slurry bomber drops a load of fire suppressant near threatened homes in the Fourmile Canyon fire in Boulder, Colorado September 6, 2010. 阿滴浆轰炸机在附近的火灾在博尔德的福迈尔卡宁火灾威胁家园抑负荷,科罗拉多州2010年9月6日。 08062788.blog.163.com 4. Time magazine says there is a "scientific debate" going on about whether animals commit suicide. What a load of poppycock! 时代周刊称关于动物是否会自杀存在着“科学的争论”,这简直是废话。 www.kuaiyilin.com 5. Jamie Barton, from North East England, added: 'It just quits on open. What a load of junk. ' 来自英格兰东北部的杰米巴顿说:“刚刚退出。网上巨堵。” www.bing.com 6. Forget China, we go a load of corrupt, maniacal sihtheads here to deal with. 不要管中国了,我们这里有一堆涡轮加速飞行器的腐败要处理。 www.51yue.net 7. Heart thudding , she muttered, "It's a load of rubbish. " 她的心狂跳不已,嘴里嗫嚅着:“尽是些垃圾节目。” dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A slurry bomber drops a load of retardant to protect buildings from wildfire on September 8, 2010 near Boulder, Colorado. 2010年9月8号,科罗拉多州博得附近一架泥浆轰炸机将大量阻燃剂塞在森林上 www.bing.com 9. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of Vegetables. 这时一个背着许多蔬菜的农民独自走了过来。 www3.060s.com 10. The truck is capable of carrying a load of 4 tons. 这辆卡车的载重量可达4吨。 www.tjjy.com.cn 1. Juliet Hulme: Daddy says the Bibles a load of bunkum! 朱丽叶·休默:爸爸说《圣经》里是一大堆空话! www.fanx360.com 2. Get a load of Mike feeding the baby. 看,迈克在喂孩子呢! www.diandian.net 3. Here we can quite clearly see a ghost ship docking in Newark, New Jersey and taking on a load of cargo. 从这张图片上我们能很清楚的看到一艘鬼船停靠在新泽西纽华克,而且正在装货! www.elanso.com 4. Sunday: Rest, or launder a load of delicates. 星期日:休息,或是清洗些需要柔洗的衣物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A good starting value for Maximum connections for a load of 100-500 concurrent users is 30. 对于负载量为100-500个并发用户来说,比较适宜的Maximumconnections初始值为30。 www.ibm.com 6. Every word was a load of crap. 他说的每个字都是一派胡言。 www.hxen.com 7. A US B-52 stratofortress drops a load of 750-pounds bombs over a Vietnam coastal area during the Vietnam War, Nov. 美国的B-52同温层堡垒下降了750磅炸弹负载超过越南沿海地区在越南战争期间,1965年11月5日。 08062788.blog.163.com 8. The etheric grid work of those either resting at 1800 or transiting 1800 will have a load of cords of attachment and machinery in place. 那些停留或超越1800股者的以太晶格层,都将拥有大量的连线或机械装置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The lorry had a load of wood. 卡车上载的是木头。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. e. g. The truck was carrying a load of bananas. 这辆卡车装着一车香蕉。 wenku.baidu.com 1. a handcart for moving a load of laundry. 运送洗衣店的货物的手推车。 dict.v.wenguo.com 2. What a load of rubbish. America is a joke. So is Gillard. 这是怎样的垃圾新闻,美国佬就是个笑话,吉拉德也是。 www.tianya.cn 3. He's talking (a load of) codswallop. 他(满口)胡说八道。 www.websaru.com 4. The Blucher went only 4 miles per hour, but it pulled a load of 30 tons of coal up hill. 布吕歇尔号蒸汽机车的时速只有4英里,但是它拖载了30吨煤上山。 edu.21cn.com 5. Isn't this great? I've sold a load of tickets. 很棒吧!我已经卖出一大把票了 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Nung-fu brings back a load of produce. 农夫载回一车农产品。 www.dwfarmlife.com 7. The lorry was carrying a load of sand. 卡车装运着一车砂子。 www.kuenglish.info 8. A load of my friends came with me and we all hung out, and I saw the Cirque du Soleil show while I was in Vegas, which was very inspiring. 我的很多朋友都和我一起出来玩儿了,并且在拉斯维加斯时我看到了非常棒的太阳马戏团表演。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Daddy says the Bible's a load of bunkum! 爸爸说《圣经》里是一大堆废话! baike.soso.com 10. That book is a load of old rubbish. 那本书里尽是些老掉牙的垃圾。 gbjc.bnup.com.cn 1. With 10 cute characters to play as and customize, there is a load of fun waiting for you! 10可爱角色充当和定制、有一大堆有趣的等待着你! bbs.uc.cn 2. Testing showed the ablity to achieve a load of 2500 Windows Mobile users. 测试表明,能够实现2500个WindowsMobile用户的负载。 www.ibm.com 3. They talk a load of shit, don't they? 他们谈到了狗屎负荷,不是吗? www.douban.com 4. A modern aircraft, for example, carries quite a load of electronic apparatus. 现代的飞机,例如,带有相当的电子设备。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 5. This means that one program can send off a load of packets to another, but that's the end of their relationship. 这意味着一个程序可以向网络中的另一方发送数据包,但这两者并不建立连接关系。 www.bing.com 6. A load of idiot players! 一群白痴球员! www.filippoinzaghi.cn 7. The Blucher went4 miles per hour, it pulled a load of 30 tons of coal up hill. 布吕歇尔号蒸汽机车的时速只有4英里,它拖载了30吨煤上山。 www.showxiu.com 8. You do talk a load of garbage! 你的废话太多了! dict.netat.net 9. They're a load of morons. 他们是一群笨蛋。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The cart has a load of hay . 两轮车上装载着一车干草。 www.bing.com 1. Figure 14 shows a load of 1, 000 clients, which results in an average utilization of around 20-25 percent. 图14展示了一个1,000个客户端的负载,这个负载导致20-25%的平均利用率。 www.ibm.com 2. That's a load of bull! 那是连篇的废话! www.kekenet.com 3. Get a load of what she is saying. 注意听听她在说些什么。 4. What a load of rubbish! 根本就是一大堆垃圾! www.gdmoa.org 5. This car can carry a load of 1 ton. 这辆汽车能载一吨重。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I have a baby and with our family of four, I do a load of laundry almost every week day. 我家一共有四个人,包括一个婴孩。我几乎每个工作日都要做大量的洗衣工作。 www.bing.com 7. To clarify: I am looking to build a load of sites so this is an ongoing project. 澄清:我期待建立一个网站负荷,所以这是一个正在进行的项目。 www.bing.com 8. What a load of tripe. 这是多么无聊的报道! www.newlandgames.cn 9. Yeah. I had never done a load of laundry in my life! But it was really exciting. I like challenges. 是的,我一辈子从来没有到洗衣店洗过衣服!不过这确实很刺激。我喜欢变化。 www.yyets.com 10. Minimalize laundry. Do you do a load of laundry several times a week, or even every day? 减少洗衣服的时间你是不是每周都要洗几次衣服,甚至每天都得洗? www.bing.com 1. Let them pay some good money to buy a load of rubbish. 让他们掏钱买没用的东西。 www.miltt.com 2. If you have a load of Ash to move, chances are you've got multiple customers ready to buy it. 现在如果你有一批水曲柳要搬开,你会有很多个客户等着要买它。 firedoor.5d6d.com 3. It doesn't really matter if this is correct or a load of old hooey because it gives me the chance to talk about the divine Jane Lynch. 不过,这些说法是否正确倒无关紧要,或者说我搬出这通老掉牙的胡扯只是为了找机会聊聊神圣的简·林奇(JaneLynch)。 www.bing.com 4. And at present , we have a load of marten overcoats to ship . Do you have the interest to pack it for us? 现在我们有一批貂皮大衣需要运输。你们有兴趣为我们包装么?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. So I bought some Lego, but when I got home, I just had a load of bricks and cogs and stuff in the box. 所以我也买了它,但当我到家后我才发现,我的盒子里只有积木和齿轮!我的车子在哪里? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Everyone thinks astrology is just a load of crap, 很多人都认为占星术只是一堆废话 www.tingclass.net 7. Sure, it sounds like a load of bunk in retrospect, but you can't blame us for exploring these subjects initially; 的确,这听起来像是回忆中的许多个片段,但是你不可以责备我们最初对这些项目的探索; blog.sina.com.cn 8. wrote a load of songs inside my mind 一大堆的歌曲写在我的意识里 zhidao.baidu.com 9. is worth a load of hay; 价值是一个干草的负荷; blog.163.com 10. A load of rubbish 垃圾之重 www.bing.com 1. there is a load of fat in our biological blueprint 我们的生物蓝图里有大量的脂肪。 www.ichacha.net |
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