单词 | to step up | ||||||
释义 | to step up
例句释义: 词组,变本加厉,是加强的意思 1. She said improved security in Mogadishu meant the UN was now able to step up relief efforts. 她说,摩加迪沙安全形势的改善意味着联合国现在可以加速救助过程。 www.24en.com 2. Mary needs to step up to the plate and decide which proposal will best serve the interest of the company. 玛丽需要承担起责任并决定哪个建议最符合公司的利益。 wenwen.soso.com 3. "She seems to step up with a bit of spine just at the right time, " says Kurt Volker, a US ambassador to Nato under George W. Bush. “她似乎在合适的时候敢于出头,有点脊梁骨,”在乔治-W-布什(GeorgeW.Bush)政府中担任美国驻北约大使的库尔特-沃尔克(KurtVolker)说。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Shane is having a really good game to this point. We need some of the others to step up and join him. 巴蒂尔到现在为止,打的很不错,我们需要其他球员振作起来帮助他。 bbs.zol.com.cn 5. We are ready to step up consultation with the relevant parties, the US side included, to help UN reform progress in the right direction. 我们愿与包括美方在内的有关各方加强磋商,引导改革朝着正确的方向发展。 babelle.blog.163.com 6. Will he be willing to confront and pressure them to step up in a way they did not at the last NATO meeting? 那么,奥巴马是否愿意直面这些国家,施加压力,促使他们完成北约会议上未完成的事呢? www.bing.com 7. Just to step up to take a penalty in that situation, you have to be a strong character and a strong man. 在那种情况下,单凭挺身而出去踢那个点球,你就必须有坚强的意志是一个坚强的人。 q.sohu.com 8. Mary needs to step up to the plate and decide which proposal will best serve the interests of the company. 玛莉必须要负起责任,决定哪一个提案最能增进公司利益。 usinfo.org 9. Company officials do not thin the higher price will slow down buyers who want to step up to a more powerful computer. 公司官员不变薄较高的价格将会减慢想要靠近一部比较有力的计算机的买主。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. i ' m trying to adjust to major league batters , " ogawa said . " i have to step up to the plate and be on the same level . 井川庆说:我尝试调整去面对大联盟打者。我得踏上垒包并且调整到那个水准。 www.ichacha.net 1. "Many leaders are relatively ill-prepared to step up to the next level, " says Steve Newhall, managing director of consultants DDI. 咨询公司DDI的董事总经理史蒂夫?纽霍尔(SteveNewhall)表示:“相对来说,许多领导人对步入新级别的准备不足。” www.ftchinese.com 2. I have always been waiting for you to step up to the mark. 我一直等你回来,站出来接手这一切。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Are there customer groups that you might have expected to step up to use it that maybe haven't quite caught on yet? 请问存在目标客户群体没能按预期接受并使用这款机型而使其并不十分流行的情况吗? www.xmwebi.com 4. The fundamental interest of every country is to step up consultation and cooperation and keep international trade smoothly flowing. 当前加强磋商、增强合作,保持国际贸易渠道畅通,才符合各国的根本利益。 www.ebigear.com 5. You have been managing a team for a while and you feel ready to step up to the next level. 你管理一个团队已经有些时日了,你觉得自己应该能够得到提升了。 c.wsj.com 6. Owen, who picked up his injury playing for England at the 2006 World Cup, said he was ready to step up his rehabilitation. 欧文是在去年为英格兰参加世界杯时受伤的,现在他正在逐步恢复。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. First, Tosic says he wants to prove he's ready to step up to the first-team in United's remaining pre-season friendlies. 首先,托西奇说他希望证明自己已经准备好进入曼联一队,参加剩余的季前赛。 bbs.sports.sina.com.cn 8. U. S. officials said Western allies of the U. S. are trying to step up pressure on aides close to Col. Gadhafi to force him from power. 美国官员说,美国的西方盟国正试图给卡扎菲身边的助手增加压力,迫使卡扎菲下台。 c.wsj.com 9. He said Molycorp, which also distributes, has so far had no trouble importing from China but intends to step up its monitoring of the trade. 他说,目前为止也参与分销的Molycorp从中国的进口没有问题,不过公司计划加强对贸易的监控。 chinese.wsj.com 10. It motivates me to step up to another level, to see if I can meet the challenge. 这能提升我至新的高度去看自己是否能应对挑战。 www.bing.com 1. Certainly it does look as if officials are planning to step up their efforts to curb price rises and rein in a runaway property market. 很明显,中国政府正准备全力抑制物价和地产市场。 www.bing.com 2. Put bluntly, governments have to step up to the plate, as [U. S. President Franklin] Roosevelt did in the Great Depression. 他写道,“坦率地说,政府必须出面,像美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福在大萧条时期那样做。” www.bing.com 3. if anything, the guy ought to be really ready to step up from play. 如果有的话,那个应该是真的准备加紧从发挥。 qac.yappr.cn 4. You started a little slowly. You always gave the impression you were able to step up a level when you needed to. Was that your feeling? 你一上来有点慢热。你总给感觉只要需要你就能提升你的水准,你自己也这么觉得么? www.roger-federer.cn 5. Such experiences do not necessarily hold you back, as they can be put behind you and still enable you to step up into the higher vibrations. 这样的体验并不是要拖住你的后腿,当你能够做到把它们置身身后,哪么你就在开始步入到更高的振动中。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Weekend reports suggested City were ready to step up their interest, but Silva refused to comment on any specific interest. 周末的报道暗示曼城准备加速他们的追逐,但席尔瓦拒绝对任何具体的关注发表评论。 tieba.baidu.com 7. He said his ministry will ask state governments to step up preparedness to tackle a possible increase in the number of cases. 他表示,卫生部将要求州政府加紧准备来对付感染者数量增加这种可能发生的状况。 www.unsv.com 8. It was the year that Deng Xiaoping, then the country's paramount leader, signalled that he wanted to step up the pace of market reforms. 就在这一年,时为中国最高领导人的邓小平表示,他希望加快市场改革步伐。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I need you to step up right now. Be the man of the family for your mother. 我要你现在坚强起来。为你妈妈撑起一个家。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. China stands ready to work with Canada to step up consultations and coordination in these areas. 中方愿与加方一道,继续加强在上述领域的磋商与协调。 www.100ksw.com 1. Three : you do not have the courage to step up to the plate and proclaim the truth you carry inside. 其三:你还没有勇气去站起来,去宣称你内在所携有的真相。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He had returned as a hero, but knew he and his teammates needed to step up if the nation was to get a medal in the competition. 作为篮坛英雄归来的姚明,仍然清醒地知道,中国要想笑傲奖坛,自己和队友们仍需努力。 en.neworldedu.org 3. There's also a terrific user community ready to step up and help troubleshoot issues. 同时还有一个很好的用户社区随时加强和帮助解决问题。 www.bing.com 4. It will be a wonderful opportunity to step up and out of the chaos, into a period of relative peace and calm. 而是一个极好的机会,你们可以走出混乱,进入相对安宁和平静的时期。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. That's why the President and I need your help to tell your Republican congressmen and senators to step up. 这也是为什么总统先生和我都需要你们的帮助来告诉你们的共和党国会议员以及参议员们加快行动。 m.yeeyan.org 6. Additionally, government services tend to step up in times of recession, so your chances of getting and keeping a government job are good. 除此之外,政府服务在衰退时期趋于增加,所以你获得和维持政府职位的机会非常多。 www.bing.com 7. At a White House meeting on fatherhood Friday, the president urged dads to step up and be more closely involved in their children's lives. 在父亲节当天举行的一个白宫会谈中,奥巴马敦促爸爸们要更进一步并且更深入地融入到他们孩子们的生活中。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. As one-day summits go, the UN climate change meeting in New York packed a punch, with China really beginning to step up its game. 随着为期一天的高峰会议闭幕,和中国真正开始加入这场游戏,纽约联合国气候变化会议才变得名至实归。 www.bing.com 9. That also could damp any pressure to step up appreciation of the yuan that might result from such inflows, he said. 他说,这也会减弱这种资本流入可能带来的人民币升值压力。 c.wsj.com 10. Empowering women and girls is already a priority of the United States, but we need more countries to step up and take on this challenge. 增进妇女和女孩的权益已成为美国的一项优先事务,但我们需要更多的国家采取进一步行动应对这一挑战。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 1. Question: Not everyone on my team is ready or willing to step up to full-scale modeling and model-driven development with the UML. 问:并不是小组中的每个成员都准备好或者愿意逐步进行全尺度建模和使用UML进行模型驱动开发。 www.ibm.com 2. The Vatican needs to step up to the plate and admit that it condoned and facilitated such crimes against humanity. 梵蒂冈需要走入公众,承认它以得到宽恕并且协调这些反人类的罪行。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. It is time for you to step up play your part along with us, which we look forward to as an exciting prospect. 现在的时刻就是让你们自己站出来与我们合作,对于这个我们很期待,当成一个激动人心的前景展望着。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. On Wednesday, Tehran confirmed it had installed new equipment to step up uranium enrichment work. 德黑兰星期三证实,他们确实安装了新设备,加快浓缩铀的提取工作。 www.taiyang888.com 5. In Laos, Langley saw an opportunity to step up to equal status with the big boys at the Pentagon and Foggy Bottom. 在老挝,兰利看到了一个与五角大楼和美国国务院大佬们获得平起平坐权力的机会。 dongxi.net 6. If you want to be a hit, you are going to step up your current knowledge so that you can take your dancing to a new level. 如果你想成为众人瞩目的焦点,那你需要提高你目前所学,这样你的舞蹈就能进入一个新的水平。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. We're trying to step up production to meet the increased demand. 我们正努力加紧生产以满足增长的需求。 fullyou.com 8. The guerrillas are believed to have killed two candidates and have pledged to step up attacks in the run-up to polling day. 人们相信游击队已经杀死了两名候选人,并且发誓要在选举日之前继续实施袭击。 www.57tibet.com 9. It gives us another compelling reason to step up existing control measures with the greatest sense of urgency. 它为我们提供了具有说服力的又一个理由,促使我们以更大程度的紧迫感加强现有控制措施。 www.who.int 10. The consequences of not following that route could be pretty dire, and I think the interested vested parties are going to step up. Doll说,“如果不遵循这一方向,其后果可能相当可怕.我认为各个利益关联方将会更加努力。” cn.reuters.com 1. Assange can be bad tempered with colleagues, as Jobs famously is, but he needs to step up on the consequences of what he does. 阿桑奇对员工发脾气,史蒂夫也有此名。但是阿桑奇需要为自己行为的后果承担责任。 www.bing.com 2. to step up the building of the contingent of coaches, business coaches to improve the quality and capability. 加紧教练员队伍建设,提高教练员业务素质和能力等。 www.fabiao.net 3. This statement does urge the council to step up the enforcement of its current sanctions against King Zong Il's weapons program. 该声明敦促安理会加强执行近日对总统金正日武器项目的制裁。 www.bing.com 4. Given the American backdrop, the Fed's recent decision to step up the pace of interest-rate cuts is understandable. 在这种美国背景环境下,美联储近来决意加快减息步伐就是可以理解的。 blog.163.com 5. Papandreou is obviously trying to get the EU to step up with more cash. 帕潘德里欧显然是想让欧盟拿出更多的钱。 www.fortunechina.com 6. It's not what he's gonna do for the country. It's what we are going to have to step up and accept and change about ourselves. . . 重要的不是他将为这个国家做什么,重要的是我们将不得不加快步伐,同时我们也要接受自己并要做些改变。 www.yappr.cn 7. "I will be the first one to step up and tell our board of directors if I can no longer continue to fulfil my duties as Apple's CEO. " “如果无法继续承担苹果CEO的职责,我会第一个站出来告诉我们的董事会。” www.ftchinese.com 8. They called on oil-producing countries to step up production and said more investment was needed in exploration, production and refining. 他们呼吁石油生产国提高产量,并表示,勘探、生产和炼油领域需要加大投资。 www.ftchinese.com 9. David Ngog has vowed to step up to the plate if called upon to replace Fernando Torres over the coming weeks. 大卫-恩格尔已经发誓如果未来的几个星期要替换托雷斯上场,建立一个标杆。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 10. We decided to step up cooperation in mineral resources and clean energy and expand collaboration on maritime research and fishery. 我们决定进一步加强矿产资源、清洁能源合作,拓展海洋科研和渔业合作。 www.ebigear.com 1. I will be the first one to step up and tell our Board of Directors if I can no longer continue to fulfill my duties as Apple's CEO. 如果我不再能够继续履行作为苹果CEO的职责,我会第一个站出来主动告诉我们的董事会。 tieba.baidu.com 2. We also exchanged views on a series of important international and regional issues, and decided to step up communication and coordination. 双方还就一系列重大国际、地区问题交换了看法,并决定加强沟通与协调。 www.jukuu.com 3. I evaluate all this and start sending out impulses to step up production of gastric juices and saliva. 我核计了这一切,开始传出搏动以加快生产胃液和唾液。 4. It's like 2007 all over again: The world is waiting with bated breath for someone to step up to Apple. 感觉就像2007年又重现了:全世界都屏息以待某个人走到苹果公司跟前。 www.bing.com 5. It emerged last week that the SEC had forced the NYSE to step up the pace and scale of a new probe. 上周,证交会命令纽约证交所加快展开一项新调查,并扩大调查范围。 www.xici.net 6. So to grow mentally, we have to step up to the challenge and beat those guys. 所以增长精神上,我们必须加大的挑战,并战胜这些家伙。 tieba.baidu.com 7. On the eve of the examination, it is absolutely necessary to step up review, but must be appropriate work rest. 在考试前夕,加紧复习是完全必要的,但一定要劳逸适度。 www.cnxiaoxue.com 8. Starbucks, meanwhile, is not standing still waiting for the next challenger to step up. 与此同时,星巴克并不坐等下一个挑战者发展壮大。 cn.nytimes.com 9. That could be a positive sign that companies will have to step up hiring to meet growing demand. 那可能是一个积极的信号,表明公司为了满足需求的增长而增加雇员。 blog.163.com 10. It is unclear why exactly Papandreou decided to step up now and call for a referendum. 不清楚到底为什么帕潘德里欧现在决定站出来,呼吁举行公投。 www.fortunechina.com 1. Its latest threat, to step up tenfold its potentially weapons-usable enrichment of uranium, may be a mostly empty one for now (see article). 最近伊朗将潜在军用铀浓缩量提高了十倍,并以此作为威胁;不过现在看来这是极为虚张声势之举。 www.ecocn.org 2. Taiwan's health authorities are promising to step up efforts to crack down on illegal food additives. 台湾卫生当局答应将加大力度打击非法食品添加剂。 www.hxen.com 3. Google could definitely do it, but someone needs to step up and compete with that Amazon's ease of use. 谷歌绝对有能力做这件事,不过要想和亚马逊应用在便捷性上进行竞争,还是得有人挺身而出。 www.fortunechina.com 4. Mr. Obama used a news conference to step up pressure on lawmakers before another White House negotiating session. 在下一次白宫的协商会议举行之前,奥巴马在记者会上对美国国会议员施加压力。 www.bing.com 5. There are a lot of parties in the movie. But life is not a party. When his father dies, Otis has to step up to protect the farm. 电影中派对多多。但人生不是派对。面对父亲死去的危局,奥蒂斯不得不站出来保护牧场。 www.zjjyzx.com:8080 6. U. S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez is urging Chinese companies to step up their foreign direct investment in the United States. 美国商务部长古铁雷斯敦促中国企业加强对美国的直接投资。 www.voanews.cn 7. We lost so much scoring from last [season's] team, we need someone to step up and we hope he's one of the guys that can do that. 比起上赛季我们失去了很多得分点,这时就需要个人站出来,而我希望阿里扎就是那个人。 www.bing.com 8. It's software. Hardware makers will need to step up to use it in their devices. 电视的核心是一个软件平台,硬件制造商将要在他们提供的设备中支持运行它。 www.bing.com 9. However, at the application architecture level, you have to step up to another level. 不过,在应用程序架构级别,必须上升到另一个层次考虑问题。 www.ibm.com 10. It is time to step up to the plate and be ready to play the game. 是时候加速行动,准备开始游戏了。 apps.hi.baidu.com 1. Another harm of this kind of medicine is that you have to step up the quantity when you have taken them for a period. 这种药的另一种危害是,在你服用一段时间之后,你得加大剂量。 2. The President recently said, "We should feel confident about our ability to compete, but we are going to have to step up our game. " 总统最近曾说:“我们对于自己的竞争能力应有自信,但是我们必须更加努力。” iipdigital.usembassy.gov 3. Well, it's good to know, when I need you guys, I can always count on you to step up and ruin everything. 很好,每当我需要你们的时候,我总能指望你们跳出来把事情搞砸的。 show.kekenet.com 4. China took advantage of the global financial crisis to step up its investments in infrastructure, most notably transport. 在全球金融危机期间,中国借机加大了对基础设施的投资,尤其是交通运输。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Chinese exporters are likely to step up calls for a depreciation of the currency. 中国出口商很可能加大要求人民币贬值的呼声。 www.ftchinese.com 6. We can only hope he appreciates that his wife, Narcissa, has the balls to step up and lead the family while he wimpers. 而我们只能期望他在自怨自艾时能感激自己的勇于挺身拯救家庭的妻子纳西莎。 www.bing.com 7. As Gerard Lyons of Standard Chartered put it: "If people and firms are not spending, the government needs to step up to the plate. " 如渣打银行(StandardChartered)首席经济学家杰拉德-莱昂斯(GerardLyons)所言:“如果民众和企业都不再消费,那么政府必须有所行动。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Food safety is one of the things you can't rest on; government has done its responsibility and now industry has to step up. 加强食品安全的步伐不能停歇,政府已尽责尽力,这个时候,企业也应该跟上节奏了。 www.bing.com 9. They are issues where we as people have to step up and think beyond our own small bubble and, for once, see the big picture. 这些问题对于我们作为人,以加强和想超越我们自己的小气泡,并为一次,看到全局的大事。 wenwen.soso.com 10. I call on the international community to step up efforts to tackle both of these diseases together. 我呼吁国际社会加强努力,同时应对这两种疾病。 www.who.int 1. We will set up a dedicated task force to step up the demolition of unauthorised rooftop structures in single staircase buildings . 我们将会成立专责小组,加强清拆单一楼梯建筑物的违例天台构筑物。 www.bing.com 2. When you want to step up to watching HDTV, you'll need to get a new high- def TV set. 如果你想收看到高清晰电视节目,你必须拥有一台全新的高清晰电视机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. We've already begun to step up enforcement against the worst workplace offenders. 我们已经开始对最恶劣的违法企业加强执法。 www.america.gov 4. Iran has an opportunity to step up and become a productive member of the international community. 伊朗应当抓住时机,在国际社会中成为具有建设性的一员。 www.america.gov 5. Sechin: The two have been very well, indeed Zhangzhu Ren said, because teachers do not have this, so we have to step up the training. 谢琴:两位都已经讲得很好了,张主任也确实提到,因为没有这个师资,所以我们必须得加大这个培训。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In separate action, the House of Representatives debated a resolution urging Iran to step up cooperation with the U. 另一方面,众议院就一项决议案进行辩论。该决议案敦促伊朗加强同美国和调解人员就罗伯特.列文森的案子进行合作。 www.24en.com 7. The president used his weekly radio and Internet address to step up criticism of Senate Republicans working to delay the vote. 总统利用他每周在广播节目和因特网上发表讲话的机会,进一步批评参议院共和党人推迟表决的举动。 www.voanews.cn 8. Watch the time near December 10 for a parent to step up and help you if you need his or her assistance and financial support. 注意临近12月10号的时间,在你需要的时候,父亲或母亲将给你提供帮助或财务支持。 www.motie.com 9. U. N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon expressed his delight at the new promises by member states to step up their fight against the disease. 联合国秘书长潘基文表示他很高兴新会员国做出加强对抗这种疾病的承诺。 www.kekenet.com 10. Each of them was expected to lead sessions encouraging all the female executives there to step up "into leadership" roles. 每个与会者都将召开会议鼓励所有女主管踏入“领导者”的角色。 www.bing.com 1. The shortage of skilled staff could restrict companies' ability to step up production as the economic recovery gathers pace. 熟练工的短缺,可能会限制企业在经济复苏步伐加快时扩大生产的能力。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Its suppliers were unable or unwilling to step up the pace because Boeing had mistreated them so often. 其供货商不能也不愿加快供货速度,因为波音过去常常亏待他们。 www.ecocn.org 3. In fact, many Deloitte employees, especially those under 30, turned out to want to step up the pace of their careers. 事实上,很多德勤的员工,特别是那些30岁以下的人,最后的选择都是希望加快职业生涯的步伐。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The United States wants South Africa to step up its leadership role in Africa, particularly in the area of trade. 美国希望南非能够在非洲更多地扮演领导角色,特别是在贸易领域。 www.ebigear.com 5. They agreed to step up consultations, communications, coordination and cooperation on the bilateral, regional and global issues. 对话中,双方同意加强在双边、地区和全球性问题上的沟通、磋商、协调与合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. Such aerial attacks have prompted the West to step up discussions about imposing a no-fly zone over the North African country. 这种空中打击促使西方国家再次开始讨论在这个北非美女国家设立禁飞区的可行性。 www.520de.com 7. The two sides agreed to step up bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields and constantly promote China-DPRK friendly relations. 双方一致表示,将进一步加强两国各领域的交流与合作,推动中朝友好关系不断向前发展。 www.kouyi.org 8. If we're going to win the league again or do well in Europe we certainly need players to step up and help fill [the gap left by Ronaldo]. 如果我们想赢得联赛冠军或者在欧洲有好的表现,我们需要能填补进球窟窿的球员。 bbs.sports.sina.com.cn 9. Officials are ordering local inspectors to step up checks on food imported from the United States. 有关官员命令当地检查人员加紧检查从美国进口的食品。 www.foodmate.net 10. S. pressure on its Arab allies to step up their financial commitments to the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority. 为达目的,需要美国对其阿拉伯盟国施加压力,加速对缺乏现金的巴勒斯坦自治政府财政支援。 yam.nnmtv.com 1. To step up the law enforcement action, the Government has introduced the fixed penalty system for common public cleanliness offences. 为加强执法行动,政府对触犯一般公众地方洁净罪行的人士实施定额罚款制度。 www.fehd.gov.hk 2. As consumers, we need to be careful and smart. For the governments, they need to step up law enforcement. 作为消费者,我们要擦亮眼睛;对于政府而言,要加强执法。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This week Taliban commanders threatened to step up the campaign with more bombs. 本周,塔利班则进一步威胁,将发动更多自杀炸弹袭击。 www.bing.com 4. If men were happy to step up to the mark and look after us? 是否男人们会很高兴能站出来接手一切并且照顾我们? www.bing.com 5. Mr. Wang said one way to make space exploration affordable was to step up discussions of international cooperation. 他说,使太空探索成本可承受的方式之一是加快讨论国际合作问题。 cn.wsj.com 6. That number will increase as government requirements for more efficiency push local groups to step up outsourcing, IDC analysts argue. IDC分析师指出,随着中国政府关于提高效率的要求推动本地集团加大外包力度,该比例将会上升。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Mills urged both sides to step up efforts in implementing various agreements and push bilateral pragmatic cooperation for outcome. 双方要抓紧落实各项协议,推动两国务实合作取得成果。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. The England international, 26, is now walking without the aid of crutches and can begin to step up his rehabilitation. 这位26岁的英格兰国脚,现在已经可以不借助拐杖独立行走了,现在他可以实施他的恢复计划了。 bbs.qieerxi.com 9. police decided to step up security plans for the match. 警察决定为比赛加强安全保障。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. He called on both sides to step up cooperation to offset potential risks despite signs of recovery of the global economy. 他呼吁,两岸需要进一步加强合作,以应对全球经济回暖势头下潜在的危机。 www.folxten.cn 1. "The two presidents also discussed the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and the need to step up work on this lucrative project, " it said. “两位总统还讨论了伊-巴天然气管道以及进一步推动这一赢利性项目的必要性,”报纸上说。 www.bing.com 2. There will be plenty of "young wolves" who want to step up in time, says Mr Diekmann, who became a father for the fourth time in June. 今年6月,迪克曼第四次做了父亲。他表示,有很多“年轻的狼”希望及时得到晋升。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Someone needs to step up, and if its Clinton, thats fine with me. 总得的有人站出来,如果这人是克林顿,我没意见。 www.onlylz.com 4. It also needed some help from Beijing, which called on local governments to step up financing for rail projects in their districts. 另外,铁道部还需要来自中国政府的一些帮助。中国政府曾呼吁地方政府提高对其辖区内铁路项目的融资力度。 cn.wsj.com 5. To step up exchanges and cooperation in such areas as culture, education, media, tourism, public personnel management, and police affairs. 加强在文化、教育、媒体、旅游、公共人事管理、警务等领域的交流合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. This has eased the way for Japan's exporters, led by the business federation Keidanren, to step up their pro-trade agenda. 这也为日本经团联所领导的出口企业带来了机遇,他们开始规划有利于贸易的议程。 www.bing.com 7. Exhibitor: Would you like to step up here for a demonstration? We've made improvements since we last did business with you. 展出者:请走上一步看看操作表演如何?自从我们和贵公司上次成交以来,我们又做了许多的改进。 www.oralpractice.com 8. EXAMPLE: Sales for our new product were far stronger than expected so we had to step up production to meet demand. 我们这种新产品的销售比预期好得多。因此,我们增加产量以满足需求。 www.suiniyi.com 9. Mengniu, Yili and Bright Dairy have issued statements apologizing to customers and pledging to step up quality controls. 蒙牛、伊利和光明牛奶已经发表声明向消费者道歉并保证将加大质量控制。 www.suiniyi.com 10. In his ninth season, that's who he is, the talented, versatile, tantalizing player everyone has waited nine years to step up. 在他的九个赛季,这就是他,一个很有潜力,多才多艺的,很着急的球员,每个人都在等待着他有所提高。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Japan Meteorological Agency reminded to step up vigilance over the region. 日本气象厅提醒以上区域须加强警戒。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Obama administration is coming under pressure from Darfur advocacy groups to step up diplomatic pressure on Sudan. 与此同时,达尔富尔的权益团体对奥巴马政府施加压力,要求美国政府加大对苏丹的外交压力。 www.ebigear.com 3. Donors and developing country governments need to step up interventions to improve nutrition, so reducing the burden of infectious disease. 资助者和发展中国家需要促进干预手段以改善营养,从而减少传染病的负担。 www.scidev.net 4. rather than just saying my country is doing well. We have to step up these health issues, knowing. 而不是只说我们自己的国家很不错。我们需要加强重视这些健康问题,了解。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Many analysts expect the markets to strengthen after the seasonally slow summer and manufacturers begin to step up production. 许多分析师预期,在经历季节性放缓的夏季之后,制造商将开始扩大生产,市场也将恢复坚挺。 www.ftchinese.com 6. All the nations involved in fishing activities in the western Bering Sea need to step-up actions to combat illegal activities there . 所有在西白令海捕鱼的国家,均需把打击非法捕渔的行动升级。 www.bing.com 7. He now has two years left to step up the pace. 现在,他还剩两年时间来加快这一改革的步伐。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The Obama administration has sought to step up its engagement in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, Central Asia and Latin America. 奥巴马政府希望在亚洲,太平洋地区,非洲,中亚和拉丁美洲提高影响力。 lt.cjdby.net 9. He urged both sides to step up policy and fund support for promoting two-way investment and encourage the expansion of trade scale. 加大对双向投资的政策、资金支持,鼓励扩大投资规模。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. But they have little disposable income and few opportunities to step up the ladder. 但他们只有少量的可支配收入,出人头地的机会也微乎其微。 www.bing.com 1. The two sides should seize opportunities to step up cooperation and handle challenges together. 双方要抓住机遇,加强合作,共迎挑战。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. In order to better use of international short-term capital, countries are beginning to step up monitoring. 为了更好的利用国际短期资本,各国都开始加强监管。 www.13191.com 3. The rush to secure coal assets comes as efforts to step up domestic production have become mired in environmental issues. 印度之所以出现急迫寻求煤矿的现象,是因为提高国内煤矿产量的努力一直受到环保问题的干扰。 www.bing.com 4. The third thing, to step up economic development, is to step up the four modernizations. 第三件事,要加紧经济建设,就是加紧四个现代化建设。 www.yanschinese.com 5. The trade ministers of China, Japan and South Korea have agreed to step up efforts towards forming a trilateral free trade agreement. 中日韩三国贸易部长同意就达成三边贸易协定加快努力。 www.bing.com 6. However, once you have that base of endurance, step up the intensity to step up the effectiveness of the workout. 然后,一旦你有了耐力的基础,那么就需要一步步加大锻炼的力度。 www.bing.com 7. The Centre for Health Protection of DH would continue to step up health advice to the public . 生署生防护中心会继续加强对公众的健康忠告。 www.bing.com 8. We attach importance to public calls for the Government to step up the resolution of district problems. 我们重视市民督促政府要加倍努力处理地区问题的诉求。 www.policyaddress.gov.hk 9. That said, we feel very confident about our playoff push. We've managed to step up and play well without Yao in the past. 但是,我们仍然对季后赛充满信心,以前我们在没有姚明的情况下也曾经打得很好。 cn.reuters.com 10. Now we are looking for the new generation to step up and be counted at both ends of the pitch. 现在我们正在追寻新一代在球场两个禁区都吃香的球员。 tieba.baidu.com 1. At present, production is carried out in order to step up, probably 60 percent complete, is expected to be shipped in advance. 目前生产正在加紧有序的进行中,大概完成60%,预计会提前出货。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 2. So I hope you'll ask your Member of Congress to step up and echo that call this week by voting for the Buffett Rule. 因此,我希望你们告诉你们的议员们站出来作出回应,在本周投票通过《巴菲特条例》。 www.bing.com 3. And when you move the ball, and not rely on one or two guys, everybody has to step up and play to their maximum ability every night. 当您移动球,而不是依靠一两名球员,每个人都必须加强和发挥他们的最大能力,每天晚上。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The United States and the European Union have agreed to step up pressure on Iran. 美国和欧盟同意进一步向伊朗施加压力。 www.voanews.cn 5. so my hope is for all of you here to step up and take over, because you are Hon Hai's new hope. 因此我希望你们所有人都能努力成为接班人,因为你们是鸿海新的希望。 www.ftchinese.com 6. 23The Chinese government stressed the importance to step up efforts to develop emerging industries of strategic importance. 我国政府强调了逐步推进发展战略性新兴产业的重要性。 1884gem512y08.blog.yidaba.com 7. One survey found that nearly 7 in 10 millionaires are willing to step up and pay a little more in order to help the economy. 一项调查发现每10个百万富翁里有将近7个愿意走上前来,为帮助我们的经济多支付一些税收。 m.yeeyan.org 8. To step up from "low wage, low value production" to "high tech, high value goods" and to do that as fast as possible. 那就是尽快从“低收入,低产值”向“高科技,高产值”的模式转变。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. The Red Cross says it is working closely with governments to step up an effective response to this emergency. 红十字会说,它正在与多国政府合作,加快对这个紧急状况做出有效的反应。 www.voanews.cn 10. First, Congress needs to step up and guarantee that 98% of Americans and 97% of small business owners won't see their taxes go up next year. 第一,国会应该加快步伐,保证98%的美国人和97%的中小企业主明年的赋税不会上涨。 www.bing.com 1. They believe that it is important to step up strategic mutual trust, expand and deepen pragmatic cooperation. 双方表示,应不断增进战略互信,扩大和深化务实合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. We said at half-time we needed to step up and in the second half we played better, created more chances and finally scored the goal. 半场时我们都明白必须加强进攻,下半场我们打得更好,创造了更多机会并打进一球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Is the Puppet Master feeling the need to step up the pace in putting Nancy out there? 傀儡主人是否感到有需要加快步伐,让南茜在公众面前露脸呢? blog.sina.com.cn 4. A resolution calls Member States to step up their efforts on youth health to attain the health-related MDGs. 一项决议要求会员国加强对青少年健康的努力,以实现与卫生相关的千年发展目标。 www.who.int 5. Either way, they are likely to step up their efforts to investigate corruption in Mr Correa's government. 这两种情况下,反对派都会加紧对科雷亚先生政府的反腐调查。 www.ecocn.org 6. We will call you to step up again once the bells are heard, and once you can see the thunder and hear the lightening. 我们会呼唤你再次站立,一旦钟声被听到,一旦你能看到电闪雷鸣。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. The problem is that in recent years German consumers have always seemed to find some reason not to step up their spending significantly. 问题是近些年来,德国消费者似乎总能找到节俭支出的理由。 cei.lib.whu.edu.cn 8. But industry stakeholders and lawmakers need to step up their lax standards to protect the public. 但业内人士和国会议员,要加强他们的宽松标准,以保障公众利益。 www.cncad.net 9. We all make mistakes, so we all have things we need to apologize for: words, actions, omissions , failing to step up, show support. 我们都会犯错,所以都有需要道歉的事:言语、行为、遗漏、没有跟进、表现支持…… blog.sina.com.cn 10. The region will need to step up the pace dramatically to reach the MDG target. 该地区将需要极大加快步伐,才能达到千年发展目标的指标。 www.fao.org 1. Businesses have policies to comply with the ADA, but need to step up recruitment, Ridge's organization believes. 该组织认为,企业虽有政策落实残疾人法,但必须在聘用方面作更大努力。 www.america.gov 2. It will explore ways to step up training to enhance professional quality in the financial services sector. 论坛会探讨为提升业界人才素质如何加强培训的方法。 www.hku.hk 3. One by one, member countries are announcing plans to step up their commitment. 北约成员国一个接一个地宣布计划加强它们对阿富汗行动的承诺。 www.ebigear.com 4. Yet virtually all plan to step up the pace of austerity. 然而几乎所有的计划都将加快紧缩的步伐。 www.bing.com 5. Business leaders need to step up and propose solutions that benefit the entire country. 商业领袖们需要站出来提出对全国有益的方案。 www.bing.com 6. And no other consumer in the world is likely to step up and fill the void. 而且,世界上没有别的消费者群体可能挺身而出,填补空白。 www.ftchinese.com 7. We've agreed that we're going to step up staff training . Jack, you'll see to that , will you ? 我们同意应该进行员工培训.杰克,你来负责好吗? blog.hjenglish.com 8. Goldman said it plans to step up stock buybacks and may raise its quarterly common stock dividend. 该公司已表示,计划加大股票回购力度,并可能调高普通股季度派息。 www.fortunechina.com 9. China's frenzy for gold prompted the central bank to step up sales this year of gold and silver Panda Coins. 中国对黄金的狂热追捧,促使该国央行今年对熊猫金银币的发行量大幅扩容。 cn.reuters.com 10. The World Bank Group announced during its Annual Meetings in October it stands ready to step up assistance to developing countries. 世界银行集团在其10月份召开的年会上宣布,它随时准备扩大为发展中国家提供的援助。 web.worldbank.org 1. Also, China Salt has launched an emergency response mechanism to step up production and start a 24-hour distribution program. 中国盐业也着手一个紧急应对机制,提高产量及开始24小时分配计划。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 2. The Chinese government stressed the importance for the country to step up efforts to develop emerging industries of strategic importance. 我国政府日前强调了逐步推进发展战略性新兴产业的重要性。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. By itself, that is not a reason for the Fed to step up bond purchases, an option it has kept open. 单单这一条,还不是联储公开地加紧收购债券的原因。 www.ecocn.org 4. China hopes to step up cultural exchanges and cooperation with Arab countries. 中国愿同阿拉伯各国加强文化交流与合作。 www.hxen.com 5. The agency's proposed budget for the year beginning October 1 includes a $16 million annual increase to step up that effort. 该局从十月一日开始的年度提议预算增加了1千6百万美元,以加快进行这项工作。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. Simon: As new orders keep pouring in, the workers are working three shifts to step up production. 西蒙:随着新订单的不断增加,工人们已经采用三班倒来提高产量了。 crazymouth.com 7. These definitive moments are at hand, and we need to step up the pressure and blast through to the finish! 这些特定的时刻是来到,我们必须通过进一步加大的压力和爆破来完成最后的工序! leo2208.blog.163.com 8. While tobacco control measures are sometimes controversial, they save lives and governments need to step up and do the right thing. 虽然烟草控制措施有时会引起争议,但它们有助于拯救生命,各国政府需要加强努力,做正确的事情。 www.who.int 9. Our federal government also has to step up its efforts to advance the cause of healthy living. 我们的联邦政府同样需要继续努力,增进保证公众健康生活的各种条件。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This is a good opportunity to step up and demonstrate your event-planning acumen or fund-raising skills, says Ms. Klaus. 克劳斯说,这是证明和提高你活动规划能力或资金募集技巧的好机会。 c.wsj.com 1. Banks are also continuing to step up their capitalisation levels. 银行也在一直加快提高他们的资本化标准。 www.bing.com 2. China appears more willing to step up its long-term interest in Zimbabwe. 中国似乎更愿意加强其在津巴布韦的长远利益。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Next season, we need to prove that we can step up. I believe we are good enough to step up and win the league. 下赛季,我们需要证明我们可以更上一层楼,我相信我们足够优秀可以更进一步,赢得联赛冠军。 dx.arsenal.com.cn 4. The villagers plan to step up their protest outside the legislature as the vote approaches. 这些村民计划在议会投票时在门外举行抗议。 cn.wsj.com 5. They are now calling on the Food and Drug Administration to step up and do something. 现在他们正呼吁美国食品药品管理局有所作为。 www.bing.com 6. Might do them good to step up and take care of themselves for a change. 改变一下,让他们自己前进,自己照顾自己,没准儿还对他们有好处。 www.gd31.cn 7. Every time you keep quiet and refuse to step up to the plate, you have one less chance to prove yourself. 每当你保持低调,不肯出面采取行动的时候,你就少了一次证明自己的机会。 blog.bioon.com 8. The US administration wants to step up co-operation with China on energy efficiency and the use of alternative fuels. 布什政府希望在能源效率和替代燃料的利用方面与中国加强合作。 www.ftchinese.com 9. (The UN Secretary General) Ban Ki-moon has urged the world to step up its support for flood-ravaged Pakistan. 联合国秘书长潘基文敦促国际社会增加对巴基斯坦洪水围困地区的支持。 bbs.koolearn.com 10. So it is time to step up the pressure once more, and mean it. 所以是时候再次实实在在的施加压力了。 www.ecocn.org 1. Hotels and destinations also need to step up marketing to make them known to Chinese travelers. 酒店和旅游景点也应该加大市场宣传力度,把名字打响。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Jian-four (199 AD), Yuan Shao Yi in Beijing to step up the siege, and the situation is critical. 建安四年(公元199年),袁绍加紧围攻易京,形势危急。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. National health agencies, Schecter added, need to step up with better oversight. 阿德诺博士补充道,国家卫生机构需要加强监督。 www.bing.com 4. The crude realities have prompted the Chinese government to step up its efforts in combating cancer. Prevention is their key focus. 赤裸裸的现实引起中国政府加强对抗癌症的努力。预防是他们关注的焦点。 www.hxen.com 5. We encourage you to step up your efforts to live in spirit in the now. 我们鼓励你现在加强你的努力去生活在灵性中。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. Sounds like China is taking the visionary approach to energy while the US continues to lag behind. It's time to step up and do what's right. 听起来,中国在能源上面有远见卓识啊,而美国继续落后,该赶上去做些正确的事情了。 bbs.gd31.cn 7. Thomas Vermaelen intends to step up to another level this season after a revelatory first year in English football. 在度过启蒙性的英超第一年之后,费尔马伦认为自己应该在本赛季达到一个新的高度了。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 8. The experts agree that the banks, as well as carriers, will need to step up and prove they can protect their customers. 银行、承保人需要站出来,证明他们能够保护顾客,专家也持此观点。 www.bing.com 9. They agreed to step up their vigilance and their vaccination programmes in order to meet polio eradication targets this year. 他们同意提高警惕并加速他们的疫苗规划,以便实现今年的脊髓灰质炎根除目标。 www.who.int 10. U. S. troops were also reportedly asked to step up their patrols in the province. 据报导,美国部队也加强了在该省的巡逻。 www.voanews.cn 1. So American magazine editors, I plead to you: It's time to step up your game. 美国的杂志编辑们,我恳求你们:是迎头赶上的时候了。 www.tianya200.com 2. i need you to step up right now. 我需要你现在赶快长大 www.tingclass.net 3. When is someone going to step up and ask why Africa can't take care of itself after all these generations of help? 什么时候才会有人站出来问为什么在数代援助之后,非洲自己不能“照顾好非洲”? www.mwjx.com 4. In addition, the world's more to step up legislation to prohibit the use of incandescent, encourage the use of energy-saving light source. 此外,世界更加紧立法,禁止使用白炽灯,鼓励使用节能光源。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Then presently the man came back and asked me please to step up to the library. 不一会儿,管家回来请我移步到书房。 www.joyen.net 6. Mr. Kennedy's conclusion: 'This is a moment when Transatlantic leaders need to step up and lead. ' 肯尼迪得出的结论是,此时此刻,大西洋两岸的领导人需要加快行动、展现领导力。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The Hospital Authority has pledged to step up efforts to prevent medical blunders in future. 医管局承诺尽促防止医疗失误发生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. To Expand Super Abrasive Plant for Overall Equipment to Step Up. 超级磨料厂扩厂,全面增添设备。 carbo.com.tw 9. On Tuesday, Vice Premier Hui Liangyu exhorted rescuers to step up their efforts before the window for finding survivors closed. 周二,国务院副总理回良玉勉励救援人员抓紧时机加大搜救努力。 c.wsj.com 10. I "ll get after them to work three shifts to step up production. " 我会督促工厂采用三班倒的形式来增加生产。 bbs.suanche.com 1. One possibility is that Beijing has offered its support to Mr Kim's succession plan in return for commitments to step up economic reforms. 一种可能是,中国政府为金正日的权力交接计划提供支持,作为回报,朝鲜承诺加快经济改革。 www.ftchinese.com 2. "If they're gonna sacrifice and do that, someone else has to step up, " Houston coach Rick Adelman said. 火箭主帅里克-阿德尔曼说道“如果他们要打得无私去赢,那么就需要有人挺身而出。” www.bing.com 3. Public safety agencies are consequently looking to step up their game in order to better protect citizens against these trends. 因此,公共安全部门正加强措施,保护公民免受暴乱潮的伤害。 www.360doc.com 4. We are trying to step up our training every day, especially for the international players. 现在我们需要逐日加强训练强度,尤其是对于那些参加了国家队比赛的球员。 engbbs.fans1.com 5. Earlier this year, the government ordered state-owned banks to step up lending to service-sector companies. 今年的早些时候,政府下令国营银行增加发放给服务业企业的贷款。 www.suiniyi.com 6. As new orders keep coming in, they are working three shifts to step up production. 由于接连不断收到新的订单,他们现在一天三班到来加快生产。 www.ampcn.com 7. Serra used this recipe, scaled down for two, to step up her game. Serra用这个菜谱使她的游戏加速了两步。很有效。 www.bing.com 8. Microsoft needs to step up efforts to keep its brand strong. 微软要想保持自己的品牌坚挺不倒还需努力。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. One way to step up from the old paper paradigm is to use modular design. 从老的纸面样本逐步提高的一种方式是使用模块化设计。 office.microsoft.com 10. I hope you'll try to get them round to step up production. 希望你设法说服他们加速生产。 www.ampcn.com 1. The World Bank promises to step up lending to Central America too. 世界银行承诺提高贷款中美洲的金额上限。 www.ecocn.org 2. 'I'm happy to step up to the plate if they want to go to court. ' 如果他们想提起诉讼,我愿意奉陪。 chinese.wsj.com 3. We were not playing at our best level and everybody said at half-time, come on boys, we need to step up if we want to win this game. 我们没有拿出我们的最佳状态,中场时每个人都这么说,加油小伙子们,如果我们想赢下比赛我们需要更加努力。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. Then, they required their children to step up their work hours and split remaining payments 50-50. 然后,他们要求孩子们增加打工时间,分摊剩余债务的50%。 www.bing.com 5. You simply need to step up and take your prize. 你只是需要简单地靠近并获取奖励。 blog.163.com 6. To step up investor education. 加强投资者教育。 www.legco.gov.hk 7. Meanwhile, the government has vowed to step up security around schools. 与此同时,政府表示要加强学校的安全工作。 blog.163.com 8. I hope you'll try to get them to step up production. 我希望你可以试着让他们提高产量。 www.bing.com 9. A good game, but as we both agreed - we need to step up our playing speed ! 一次好的尝试,但我们一致认为——我们应该加快我们的战斗进程! www.showxiu.com 10. The government urged the banks to step up and fund the package. 中国政府敦促银行加速为刺激计划提供融资。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The industry wants the government to step up promotion abroad. 旅游业呼吁政府加大在海外的宣传力度。 www.ecocn.org 2. And because of rumors of agricultural development bank to step up recovery loan, short-term cotton enterprises have some selling pressure. 而由于有传闻农发行加紧回收贷款,短期棉企有一定的销售压力。 texclo.net 3. But he still plans to step up Kerry's use of the river. 但他仍计划增加嘉里物流对水路的使用。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Mr. Betteredge, ask your daughter to step up. 贝特里奇,请你女儿上楼来吧。 5. That we know what we need to do in Afghanistan and now is the time to step up and do it in order to protect the American people. 我们知道我们该做什么,为了保护美国人民,现在是我们前进动手的时间了。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. The schools need to step up and be the most important component in any intervention. 学校需要加强干预持强凌弱现象并且应成为这种行动中最重要的一份子。 www.bing.com 7. What I like to do is develop a list of stocks I like very much, and when Wall Street holds an en masse sale, I like to step up to the plate. 我喜欢做的是制定一个名单上的股票,我喜欢很大,而当华尔街拥有大批量地出售,我想加紧向板。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Guys who ended up being the hero almost against their own will, because they just had to step up. 很多人最后成为了违背自己意愿的英雄,因为他们不得不这样。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I really do believe Rafer needs to step up or he will be traded. 我真的认为阿尔斯通需要多加努力了,否则他就会被交易走。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 10. In recent weeks the (Chinese) government has urged the industry and trade to step up imports in order to raise domestic supplies. 近几周来,(中国)政府已开始提醒加工企业和贸易企业加大进口量,以补充国内供应量。 info.china.alibaba.com |
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