释义 |
tost是toss的过去式 - n.掷钱;掷钱决定;双方各有一半的机会;兴奋
- v.(轻)投;(轻)拌;【网】把(球)打高;(马)摔落(骑手)
- 网络稳定性试验;Turbine Oil Stability Test;透平油稳定性
过去式:tost 过去式:tossed 第三人称单数:tosses 现在分词:tossing v. | 1. (轻)扔,(轻)投,抛;(轻)拌;【网】把(球)打高;(马)摔落(骑手) (off);(公牛用角)将(人等)挑上去;忽然抬起(头等) 4. (风,浪等)使动荡,使摇摆,使颠簸;给与精神上的动摇 7. 颠簸,摇摆;翻来翻去;摇动;掷钱;【戏】〈美〉停止 1. (轻)扔,(轻)投,抛;(轻)拌;【网】把(球)打高;(马)摔落(骑手) (off);(公牛用角)将(人等)挑上去;忽然抬起(头等) 4. (风,浪等)使动荡,使摇摆,使颠簸;给与精神上的动摇 7. 颠簸,摇摆;翻来翻去;摇动;掷钱;【戏】〈美〉停止 | n. | |
v. | 1. to throw something somewhere gently or in a slightly careless way; to throw a coin into the air and make a decision based on which side the coin falls on 2. to get rid of something because you do not want or need it 3. to make something move up and down or from side to side 4. to mix food with a liquid so that it becomes covered in the liquid 1. to throw something somewhere gently or in a slightly careless way; to throw a coin into the air and make a decision based on which side the coin falls on 2. to get rid of something because you do not want or need it 3. to make something move up and down or from side to side 4. to mix food with a liquid so that it becomes covered in the liquid | n. | 1. the act of throwing something gently or in a slightly careless way 2. the act of throwing a coin into the air in order to make a decision based on which side the coin falls on 3. the act of moving your head quickly upward, especially when you are angry or do not care about something |
1. | | 2. | Turbine Oil Stability Test Turbine Oil Stability Test (TOST) results show outstanding performance for Tellus Oils; low acidity, low sludge formation,... www.docin.com | 3. | |
4. | 透平油稳定性试验 ...多方法可用来测量油品的氧化稳定性。 其中最常用的是透平油稳定性试验(TOST) (ASTM 943 ), 它不仅可用来测透平油,还可 … wenku.baidu.com | 5. | 透平油氧化稳定性试验 江西美孚,南昌润滑油,江西克鲁勃,江西特种油,... ... TLV 阈极限值 TOST 透平油氧化稳定性试验 TRIP 高强度及高延性 ... www.ncchengfu.com | 6. | 缈绘 coding:utf-8 -*- first-char ..._豆搜网... ... tosj 镒佹 tost 缈绘 tot 绉嫔 ... www.docsou.com | 7. | 缈昏 a 工戈aa 式戒aaa 工aaaa 工恭恭敬敬aaad... ... toss 镒佹 tost 缈昏 tosw 缈绘 ... www.docsou.com |
释义: 掷钱,掷钱决定,双方各有一半的机会,兴奋,投,拌,把打高,摔落,稳定性试验,透平油稳定性