单词 | to sponsor | ||
释义 | to sponsor
例句释义: 主办 1. So far over a thousand UK institutions have signed up to sponsor international students. 截至目前,已有超过千所英学府报名作为国际学生的担保机构。 www.rr365.com 2. So she has come up with a charity for her company to sponsor in Africa, and suddenly claimed that the meaning was back in her job. 因此,她向公司提出在非洲发起一项慈善活动,并且突然声称自己的工作又有意义了。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Family " they promise to travel around the US and spread the word about any company that wants to sponsor them. " 他们自称“广告牌家庭”,希望可以走遍美国,为愿意赞助他们的任何公司做宣传。 www.folxten.cn 4. Visa Inc. has made it a point to sponsor athletes in new medal sports, including womens pole vault and womens bobsled. VisaInc。有赞助新设立项目运动员的传统,其中就包括女子撑杆跳和女子有舵雪橇等。 www.tvsou.com 5. However, it is reported that American insurance firm AIG are the company to have won the race to sponsor United. 然而,它被报告美国保险公司AIG是已经嬴得比赛赞助联合的公司。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Businesses can reach out to local educators and offer to sponsor their trip or part of their trip to a web conference or workshop. 企业可以向当地的教育工作者伸出援助之手,赞助旅行或部分旅行,以参加Web会议或研讨会。 www.bing.com 7. But from the age of six, her life has changed very greatly, parents have died, she was forced to sponsor. 但六岁后,她的生活发生了很大的变化,父母相继而亡,她被迫寄人篱下。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. It is more than eleven years since Liebherr began to sponsor this team in the German table tennis league. 利勃海尔于11年前就开始在德国乒乓球联赛中赞助该队。 www.liebherr.com 9. The process to sponsor your family begins when you, as a citizen or permanent resident in Canada, apply to be a sponsor. 当你成为加拿大公民、永久居民或者申请作为赞助人时,你赞助你家庭的过程才可以开始。 bbs.translators.com.cn 10. His ambition to sponsor a continental movement of radical leftists is being crimped as the money runs short. 他的发起一个拉美地区(注)的激进左翼运动的宏图由于资金短缺而受挫。 www.ecocn.org 1. Critics even complain that McDonald's, whose golden arches symbolise calorie excess, should not have been allowed to sponsor the World Cup. 评论者们甚至抱怨:不应该准许麦当劳餐厅(它那金色的斗拱象征着过量的卡路里)成为南非世界杯的赞助商。 www.ecocn.org 2. On the same tack, Li Ning in September signed up to sponsor Sudan's national track-and-field team. 出于同样的战略考量,李宁在9月份与苏丹国家田径队签约成为其赞助商。 www.ebigear.com 3. Critics even complain that McDonald's, whose golden arches symbolise calorie excess, should nothavebeen allowed to sponsor the Cup. 评论家门甚至抱怨到有着代表超高热量金色拱形标志的麦当劳不应该被允许赞助世界杯。 www.bing.com 4. Adidas is just one of more than 50 companies to sponsor the Beijing Games - the largest number ever involved in a single Olympics. 阿迪达斯只是赞助北京奥运会的50多家公司中的一个。这是有史以来一个奥运会获得赞助商最多的一次。 www.ebigear.com 5. In this tradition, SPI is delighted to sponsor the U. S. Pavilion at CHINAPLAS 2010 and to be exhibiting there. 延续这个传统,SPI非常高兴可参展并赞助2010国际橡塑展的美国展团。 www.adsalecprj.com 6. Upon approval, continue to sponsor "Achievements of circular economy and energy-saving emission reduction technology exhibition. " 经批准,继续举办“科博会循环经济成果与节能减排技术展览会”。 www.ctia.com.cn 7. A number of CFA Institute societies are willing to assist applicants in remote areas with locating society members to sponsor them. 不少CFA协会分会准备协助那些在偏远地区的申请者,提供一些分会会员的推荐。 www.showxiu.com 8. And he wants to get the education system to sponsor foreign academics to teach computer-related disciplines at Estonia's universities. 而且,他也希望教育系统能够赞助外国学者在爱沙尼亚的大学里教授电脑相关的学科。 www.ecocn.org 9. Companies are often keen to sponsor the arts, which give them an opportunity to associate their brands with ~and excellence. 公司热衷于赞助艺术,因为这样就会把公司的品牌与创造力和优质这些特性联系起来。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Yank lined up some black businessmen to sponsor Joe as a professional boxer , and he won four fights . 扬克招集了一些黑人商人,出资赞助乔参加职业拳赛,乔连胜四场。 www.bing.com 1. The program has been funded by the project , the fund of this University to sponsor key graduate subject construction. 本课题是学校研究生处研究生重点课程建设基金项目“电子商务”的子课题。 www.fabiao.net 2. A third option for expanding university places without cost to the public purse is by encouraging charities to sponsor students. 不用公共资助就可以增加大学入学名额的第三个选择是鼓励慈善团体赞助学生。 dongxi.net 3. And it continues to sponsor the Williams Formula 1 team, a sport known for eating up tens of millions a year. 此外,苏格兰皇家银行还将继续赞助威廉姆斯一级方程式赛车队。F1比赛每年耗资动辄千万乃至上亿美元。 cn.reuters.com 4. Also reflected to sponsor the nation and sponsor the traditional culture and race cultural characteristics of the location. 同时也反映了主办国家和主办地点的传统文化和民族文化特征。 www.71155.com 5. In June, a local Chengdu company reached out to Li Chengpeng, Kezai's father, with an offer to sponsor Kezai. 6月份,成都当地的一家公司向李承鹏,也就是柯仔的父亲伸出了援助之手,给他提供了一笔赞助金。 www.bing.com 6. Li Ning has agreed to sponsor the Olympics team from Sudan where China has some severe critics of its policies. 李宁则同意赞助苏丹的奥运参赛队伍。中国的苏丹政策已受到一些人的严厉批评。 www.ftchinese.com 7. And it's my hope that an authority can be found in East Berlin to sponsor visits from young people of the Western sectors. 这是我的希望,一种威信能够在西方柏林的青年市民中建立,主办来自西方地区青年人的游览。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A number of companies have signed deals to sponsor the medals table in their local newspapers, for instance. 例如,许多企业已签署协议,为其本地报纸的奖牌排行榜提供赞助。 www.ftchinese.com 9. If between meals or before meal drink milk, to sponsor human add appetite, lunch and dinner diet is not right amount. 假如在两餐之间或餐前喝奶,能够赞助人体增添食欲,午餐和晚餐饮食不适量。 www.fs500.com 10. When asked on his thoughts regarding the penalty after the game, Dalglish told reporters: "I'm not here to sponsor the FA. " 赛后,国王被记者问及关于判罚点球的想法时,国王表示:我不想在这儿谈论英足总。 www.lfc.org.cn 1. But several of my friends grew one anyway, and I was happy to sponsor them. 虽然如此,我的几个朋友还是留了胡子,我也非常乐意赞助他们。 www.ebigear.com 2. Offers to sponsor you, joint venture offers, and invitations to speak, are all possible when you're an expert. 要赞助你的机会,合资企业的邀请,或者谈话邀请,这些在你成为专家后都可能出现。 www.360doc.com 3. Anthony is asking his parents and their friends to sponsor him, and raise money for his "gap year" . 安东尼正在请求父母和他们的朋友提供赞助,筹钱帮他度过那一年的“空档期”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Brad Pitt teamed-up with Global Green to sponsor building eco-friendly homes in areas that were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. 布莱德彼特与美国绿能计划合作,赞助建造那些因为卡翠娜飓风摧毁的房屋,成为环保建筑。 www.newdaai.tv 5. In January I asked the typical "looking for a sponsor" tweet and a junior from Penn State @PatHowley agreed to sponsor on that Friday. 在1月份我发表寻找赞助的文章时,来自宾州的一位高年级生PatHowley在那个星期五同意赞助。 www.bing.com 6. Furthermore, companies wishing to tap the lucrative Chinese market had extra incentive to sponsor the games. 更进一步来说,希望踏入利润富厚的中国市场的公司,赞助奥运有著额外的动机。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 7. Sun continues to sponsor development on and is the primary contributor of code to . Sun继续赞助和发展的主要贡献者的代码等等。 q.sohu.com 8. The two-strait high-tech companies which run both of OBM and OEM business models will chose to sponsor regional games. 采取品牌代工并存型的两岸高科技企业在赞助对象选择上,较以「区域性」为主; www.cetd.com.tw 9. The U. S. proposed the forum in 2003, but has allowed China to sponsor and convene the meetings. 虽由美国提出,但中国负责主办和召开会议。 chinese.wsj.com 10. You may know of others, for example, who would be glad to sponsor such a consignment. 例如,您可能知道有人乐意赞助这样的运输。 business.un.org 1. There's no need yet for the defence ministry to sponsor a show promoting the merits of "Carnivore Man" . 国防部目前还没有必要推出一档电视节目,来宣扬“食肉男”的优点。 www.hjenglish.com 2. They are going to sponsor the next world cup. 他们打算赞助下一届世界杯。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Tangwanghe has established a system to sponsor individual Korean Pine trees. 汤旺河建立了一个赞助单独红松的系统。 www.bing.com 4. In 2003, AT& T signed on to sponsor 'American Idol, ' where viewers vote by texting to designated numbers. 2003年,AT&;T公司签约赞助了“美国偶像”(AmericanIdol),该节目的观众通过向指定号码发送短信的方式来投票。 chinese.wsj.com 5. This bursary is donated by Dr. Quo-wei Lee annually to sponsor students academic expenses. 此项助学金由利国伟博士捐设,每年资助数名学生学习开支。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 6. Historically, the government offered little help, and corporations were reluctant to sponsor those who competed in obscure sports. 一直以来,政府提供的资助就很少,公司也不愿赞助那些在默默无闻的项目中比赛的运动员。 www.bing.com 7. A few dollars freed up on your energy bill can make a big difference, perhaps by making it more affordable to sponsor a World Vision child. 把花在能源账单上的几美金省下来,会有很大的作用,也许可以资助一个世界宣明会的小孩。 www.elanso.com 8. So I'd give my great pleasure for my company Yuanzhen Organic Milk to sponsor the event. 因此,我很高兴我公司的源真有机牛奶能够赞助本次活动。 vweb.cycnet.com 9. Unfortunately , no company or person would like to sponsor this amateur club. 不幸的是,任何公司或个人想赞助这个业余球队。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. But the new bill requires that any American wishing to sponsor immigrations must have an income 125 percent above the poverty level. 新的法案,每个愿作移民担保的美国人必须拥有高于贫困线125%的收入。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And so we decided that we were going to sponsor Tony, TEMPT, and his cause. 因此,我们决定成为托尼,也就是TEMPT,事业的赞助者。 www.ted.com 2. What about the authoritarian model of capitalism which China appears to sponsor? 那么看起来好像中国支持的专制资本主义模式怎么样呢? www.bing.com 3. After Bonnie got permission from the Canadian government to sponsor 100 Vietnamese. 在邦妮得到加拿大政府关于赞助100个越南人的许可后。 dict.kekenet.com 4. It is common nowadays for companies and industries to sponsor big sports events. 如今,各公司、企业赞助大型体育赛事已经十分普及。 club.topsage.com 5. Mindful of its independence, Gallup declined a proposal from the Pentagon to sponsor its work in Iraq. 考虑到自身的中立性,盖洛普婉拒了五角大楼资助其在伊拉克的工作的提议。 www.ecocn.org 6. In 1518, Hernando Cortes asked the Spanish governor of Cuba to sponsor an expedition to Mexico. 一五一八年,埃尔南多.柯狄兹要求西班牙古巴总督助他远征墨西哥。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. We would like to sponsor the event, please contact us directly. 我们有意赞助此次展会,烦请直接联络我们! www.cpbjlf.com 8. refuse to sponsor; refuse to do business with. 拒绝发起;拒绝与……做生意。 www.jukuu.com 9. Company must agree to sponsor worker for Green Card. 公司必须同意为工作者担保办绿卡。 www.gzneworiental.org 10. Here they express themselves freely. First, deciding what to sponsor, and then to begin the work on their own. 他们在这里各抒己见,先商定好捐资对象,然后就开始分工行动。 www.zftrans.com 1. Meanwhile, Shuibo plans to sell his two boats to sponsor Shixian in the elections. 其间,水波打算卖掉仅有的两艘渔船,以赞助世贤的竞选经费。 entertainment.xin.msn.com 2. She left for the United States in 1987 after meeting an older American couple in China who agreed to sponsor her. 在认识了一对在中国的愿意资助她的美国老夫妇之后,她于1987年远赴美国。 dongxi.net 3. You may enter by contributing to Sponsor here. 你可以通过向赞助者提供捐赠而参与。 www.ok06.com 4. a company has stepped forward to sponsor the team. 一家公司已经提出要为这个队提供赞助。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. We were in tsunami when tsunami took place, we just went to sponsor 500 children. 海啸发生的时候,我们在场,计划负责照顾500名儿童。 www.bing.com 6. She is Michelle Wie, 14-year-old when she was invited to sponsor and participate in the Sony Open, a PGA Tour challenge the fourth woman. 她就是魏圣美,14岁的时候她获赞助商邀请,参加了索尼公开赛,成为挑战PGA巡回赛的第四个女子。 www.enun.cn 7. We are interested to sponsor World Potash 2008. Please send us the register material. 我们有兴趣赞助2008世界钾大会,并作为支持单位。请给我们寄相关材料。 www.showxiu.com 8. Employers would have less ability to sponsor the people they need. 雇主资助所需人才的能力也会下降。 dict.bioon.com 9. as it turns out, Pershing Modeling Academy has an opening for their summer program. Would you like me to sponsor you? Pershing模特学校夏季的培训开始了,你愿意让我资助你吗? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Ms. Retik's next step will be to sponsor a microfinance program through CARE. Retik女士下一步计划通过CARE赞助一个小额信贷项目。 www.bing.com 1. Then, 7, 000 miles (11, 265 kilometers) away, a United States church volunteered to sponsor several Sudanese refugees. 后来(2001年),在远在7000英里(11265公里)之外的美国,有一个教堂要自愿赞助几个苏丹难民(到美国读书)。 www.bing.com 2. Gallup declined a proposal from the Pentagon to sponsor its work in Iraq. 盖洛普婉拒了五角大楼要求在伊拉克发起工作的提议。 www.ecocn.org 3. How to Sponsor Your Relatives to Canada. 如何担保亲属来加拿大探亲。 www.51.ca 4. The Salwens pledged $800, 000 to sponsor health, microfinancing, food and other programs for about 40 villages in Ghana. 萨尔文一家决定捐出八十万美元,用来帮助加纳的40个村庄,为他们提供医疗、小额资金、食物和其他项目的资助。 www.bing.com 5. It is a pity that he doesn't have enough money to sponsor the project. 遗憾的是他没有足够的钱来支持这项计划。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. He can't do that until he gets help with immigration laws, and an American company to sponsor his family's return. 但是,除非有移民法律的帮助,以及有一家美国公司担保他的家庭返回美国,否则他的回美愿望是无法实现的。 lizixye.blog.163.com 7. Is your employer willing to sponsor you? 单位愿意赞助您吗?。 www.chengcai.net 8. which allow companies to sponsor highly-educated foreigners to work in America for three years or so. 它允许公司资助高学历外国人才赴美工作三年左右。 www.ecocn.org 9. There are some important points to consider before agreeing to sponsor an event. 同意赞助某一赛事之前,有一些要点需要考虑。 club.topsage.com 10. t have to sponsor anyone again but also cycle out faster as more and more people will be following you on to the Express board. 如果您携带的很多人最初,有非常高的机会,不只是你不会有任何赞助,而且还再次循环的速度,因为越来越多的人将被以下你的明确局。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Hi, sir. Would you like to sponsor us or make a donation to. . . ? 你好,先生,你愿意资助我们或是捐钱给……? talk.oralpractice.com 2. I want this to become a huge following of supporters of not only myself, but the charity I am choosing to sponsor. 我想更多的支持者加入到这个阵营中,不仅为我,也为我正在发起的慈善捐助。 www.runbible.cn 3. Excuse me. Would you like to sponsor us? 对不起,打扰了.你愿意赞助我们吗? www.tingroom.com 4. Would you like to sponsor me? 你愿意赞助我吗? www.dearedu.com 5. Hong Kong shipping companies continue to sponsor cadets and trainees joining the Seamen's Training Centre. 香港船务公司会继续资助学员和练习生,在海员训练中心受训。 xiaozu.renren.com 6. The local supermarket volunteered to sponsor the high school basketball team's trip to the state championship, 当地超市出动提出愿意赞助高中篮球校队,出钱让他们去参加州里的冠军赛。 www.360abc.com 7. To sponsor the education for some orphanage (co-operations with local women affairs association) 赞助孤儿院教育(与当地妇女事务协会共同合作)。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. A group of private investors agreed to sponsor the upcoming chess tournament, 一些私人投资商同意赞助即将举行的象棋锦标赛。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. Discussion on Corporations'Targets and Strategies to Sponsor PE 企业赞助体育的目标和策略初探 www.ilib.cn 10. Use of football betting duty to sponsor development of football sport 利用足球博彩税资助发展足球运动 www.legco.gov.hk 1. Trust Fund to Sponsor Gratis Military Officers from Developing Countries; 赞助发展中国家提供免费军官信托基金; www.powerdict.com |
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