单词 | to set up |
释义 | 例句释义: 设立,建立,建立,提出,周详计划 1. Their sincere words and earnest wishes even their perseverences are good for you to set up the right sailing of life. 他们的谆谆教导,语重心长,甚至孜孜不倦地为你树立起人生正确的航行。 www.elanso.com 2. Another top-level object in the system is the user object, which allows you to set up accounts for different users coming to your site. 系统中的另一个高层对象是用户对象,它允许为访问站点的用户设置帐号。 www.ibm.com 3. Some provide advice, design, technical companies, advertising companies are beginning to set up special departments. 一些提供咨询、设计方面的技术公司,广告公司都开始设立专门的部门。 img3.zhubajie.com 4. Responsible to set up the relevant regulations for the department and the company, execute and adjust it accordingly. 负责制定公司相关的规章制度,同时实时的进行执行和调整。 job.01hr.com 5. Portable canopies have the decided advantage of being very light and easy to set up. 便携式檐有被很轻,易于安装决定性的优势。 corrugatedroofing.info 6. He recalled one night on his latest escapade when a hailstorm forced him to set up a haphazard camp in the wildness. 他回想起最近的一次脱险时说道,恶劣的冰雹天气使不得不在野外临时扎营。 dict.kekenet.com 7. We are now ready to set up the rest of the request to the second UAS. 我们现在已经准备好设置第二个UAS的其余请求。 www.ibm.com 8. The donation has been used to endow a chair professorship , to set up a law library, and to enhance resources for teaching and research . 承蒙利博士惠赐捐款,我们得以设立法律学讲座教授席、建置法律图书馆,并充实新学院的教研资源。 www.bing.com 9. Chen, of Minchuan University. Winning 5% of the legislative seats which will allow the party to set up a caucus, said the professor. 陈朝建说,亲民党若赢得5%的立法院席位,将可在立法院成立自己的党团机构。 www.bing.com 10. Vanya Veras gave up even trying to set up a company because she found the process too expensive, too complicated and too long. 维拉凡尼雅甚至连去建立一个公司都放弃了,因为她发现这个过程成本太贵,太复杂和太长。 www.ecocn.org 1. Therefore, the two experiments were hereby to set up to investigate the formulation of complex acidifier and its mechanism in weaned pigs. 本论文在研究复合酸化剂配方的基础上,在断奶仔猪上探讨了酸化剂的作用机理。 www.fabiao.net 2. A more thoroughgoing approach would be to make it harder for him to set up an account of his own. 一个更彻底的方法是让犯罪分子更难建立一个其自身的账户。 www.ecocn.org 3. CDB recently received government approval to set up a stockholding company, which could lead to an eventual listing of the bank's shares. 国家开发银行最近收到政府批准成立一个控股公司,这可能导致最终上市银行的股份。 www.ept-team.com 4. The next item is to set up the trigger monitor to run as a service. 第二个任务是设置触发器监控器,以便它作为一个服务运行。 www.ibm.com 5. First question of CSC performance evaluate is to set up a set of systematic evaluating indicators. 建筑供给链绩效评价的首要题目是建立一套系统的绩效评价指标体系。 www.qk114.net 6. To set up a specialized agency of the witness security protection after the protection period should be extended to up to remove the hazard. 须设立证人安全保护的专门机构,保护期限应延伸至事后保护,直至危险消除。 www.fabiao.net 7. Defoe was an enthusiast for Latin America and persuaded the British government to set up a company to trade with the region in 1711. 迪福是拉丁美洲的狂热爱好者,并说服英国当局在1711年成立公司与当地进行贸易往来。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. If your opponent is shifting in an attempt to set up a charge or a ranged or area attack, either of these allies might foil those plans. 如果你的敌人想要迅移准备冲锋或使用远距或范围攻击,你的伙伴们有机会阻扰这些计画。 9. it's the same size as the booth we had last year. how much time will we have to set up the booth before the event starts? 活动开始之前我们要用多长时间才能布置好展位? wenku.baidu.com 10. Some planning can help you to set up the structure that works best for your organization. 制定某些计划可以帮助您设置最适合您的组织的结构。 office.microsoft.com 1. You don't have to meet a lot of standards to set up as a school, it seems to me. (现在)不必非要满足很多标准也能成立个学校,在我看来是这样。 www.hjenglish.com 2. If you're trying to set up a specific namespace prefix and it's not appearing in the bitstream, check the element types. 如果尝试设置某个特定的命名空间前缀,而该前缀未出现在位流中,您可以检查元素类型。 www.ibm.com 3. PLEASE allow me to set up the conflict for the next Mission: Impossible film, starring Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets. 请允许我来为下部《碟中谍》设计剧情,主角是休斯敦火箭队的姚明。 www.rr365.com 4. He's fresh out of dental school and trying to set up a practice. 他刚从一所牙医学校毕业,准备进行实践。 bbs.24en.com 5. Ms. Ding had to remember to call her friends -- and not text them -- to set up a time and place to meet for the game. 乔伊必须记得给她的朋友打电话(而不是发信息)确定见面的时间和地点。 chinese.wsj.com 6. He'd like to set up and appointment with you to talk about buying a new copier. 他希望与你约定个时间,谈论买一台新的复印机的计划。 bbs.24en.com 7. Mr. Emory would like to set up an appointment with you to talk about buying a new fax machine. 艾默利先生想跟您约个时间谈一下购买一台新传真机的事。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Indeed, there is no requirement to set up a server for the identified location or to have fetchable material at the location. 实际上,没必要为标识的位置设置一个服务器,也没有必要在该位置上放有可访存的资料。 www.ibm.com 9. The examiner asked me to set up one of the simplest experiments, and yet I made a muck of it. 考官要我做个简单的实验,而我却做得非常糟糕。 www.hotdic.com 10. However, like any other language, we need to set up a development environment for working with it. 不过,像其他语言一样,要想使用Clojure,我们需要先为它建立一个开发环境。 www.ibm.com 1. A: Hello, Mr. Rothman? This is Michael in Mr. Emory's office. He'd like to set up an appointment with you to talk about buying a new copier. 你好,罗斯曼先生。我是埃莫里办公室的麦克尔。他想和您定个时间商谈买一台新复印机。 bbs.86516.com 2. The governor confirmed the bank was negotiating to set up a financing mechanism for several projects in Venezuela. 陈元证实,国开行正进行有关谈判,为委内瑞拉的几个项目建立一个融资机制。 www.ftchinese.com 3. You don't have to put on any special clothes, just a sweater and jeans , but obviously you need a lot of time to set up the equipment . 你不必穿什么特殊的服装,只穿运动衫和牛仔裤即可,但显然你需要一些时间来安装设备。 k8edu.com 4. The last thing that you need to do is to set up the link from your list page to your update page when you select an employee entry. 您需要完成的最后一件事,是当您选择一个员工条目时,建立从您的列表页面。到您的更新页面之间的链接。 www.ibm.com 5. The system is fast, easy to set up and maintain, uses only small amounts of protein, and yields quantitative results. 该系统具有快速,易于安装和维护,仅使用少量的蛋白质,和产量定量结果。 www.syyxw.com 6. The sixth one is to set up the scientific and rational concept of education and hold its proper degree. 六是确立科学理性的教育理念,把握好小学的研究性学习的“度”。 7. To set up "teaching factory" in school to cultivate special talents is no doubt a favorable measure. 在校内开办“教学工厂”来培养专业人才,无疑是有益的举措。 www.dictall.com 8. Together with the simple DIRECT WAC System this makes the COOL super easy to set up and fly. 与简单的直接WAC系统一起这做凉快超级容易设定和飞行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It's easy to set up Perfmon to log to a comma-separated value (CSV) file with time stamps so you can correlate with other logs. 设置Perfmon记录带时间戳的记录逗号分隔值(comma-separatedvalue(CSV))文件很容易,您可以用它关联到其他日志。 www.ibm.com 10. The new foreign superstores will be allowed to set up shop in cities with a population of at least one million. 印度将允许这些新的外国超市在人口至少100万的城市设立店铺。 www.hxen.com 1. The Manage Licenses wizard helps you to set up the licenses for your packages. 管理许可证向导有助于设置软件包的许可证。 download.boulder.ibm.com 2. If you worked in a global bank, it would be easy: you could send him off to set up an office in Kazakhstan. 如果你在一家国际银行工作,就要容易些:你可以派他去哈萨克斯坦成立一家办事处。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Bial decided to set up a program that would send a group of students to college to act as a support system for one another. 比亚尔决定设立一个项目,将一批学生送进大学作为相互支持的网络。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 4. James, the youngest, was told to set-up a bank in Paris; Salomon set-up a bank in Vienna; and Carle set-up in Naples. 最年轻的詹姆斯,被要求在巴黎设置一家银行;所罗门在维也纳建立了一间银行;和卡尔在那不勒斯设置。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. To be frank, we are going to set up a moderate scale joint venture with you. 说实话.我们希望与贵公司建立一家中型合资企业。 www.bing.com 6. Carlyle's move follows that of Blackstone, which last August agreed with Shanghai city authorities to set up a renminbi fund. 凯雷此举是在效仿百仕通(Blackstone)的做法,后者去年8月份与上海市政府达成协议,成立了一家人民币基金。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Global fund managers have been allowed to set up joint ventures with Chinese partners on the mainland, but can only hold minority stakes. 中国允许国际基金管理公司在中国内地创办中外合资公司,但只能持有少数股权。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It isn't as easy to set up real-time data sharing with a factory in, say, China as it is with a factory you own in the United States. 它不是很轻易树立及时数据共享工场厂房,比方说,在中国工场也你本身在美国。 www.28ma.cn 9. Built on a foundation of oscommerce GPL code it will provide an easy to set-up and run online store. 基于GPL代码基础,它支持易于的安装和运行在线存储。 word.hcbus.com 10. That is when Chen discovered real estate and decided to set up a company with some of his own funds and borrowed money. 这是当他发现房地产和决定成立一个公司,他自己的资金和借款。 bbs.81tech.com 1. primary school to find out more about this communication method and went back to set up a similar system in the Israel sister school. 学校还打算和以色列的结对校进行网络会议系统沟通的方式。 www.netfm.com.cn 2. The company requires would-be vendors to provide business-registration documents to set up storefronts on the site. 该公司要求潜在卖家提供工商注册文件才能在其网站上开设网店。 c.wsj.com 3. Meanwhile Curocom is taking the research seriously enough to set up a Canadian operation, Curocom Canada, in London, Ont. , near Western. 同时Curocom公司很郑重地对待这项研究,并在离西安大略大学很近的安大略州伦敦城建立起了加拿大业务公司——加拿大Curocom。 news.dxy.cn 4. It's simple to transport and easy to set up, and is round tough sound systems for the most discerning of professional users! 很简单的运输和易于建立,是圆的强硬声音系统为最挑剔的专业用户! www.nbtydz.com 5. To set up this mechanism, certain objects and assignments must be set up in the system. 为了配置这种机制,特定对象和分配必须在系统中设置。 blog.csdn.net 6. The following steps are required on both the KDC machines to set up an inter-realm between the two realms that have been configured so far. 下面的步骤是在两个领域(到目前为止已经配置的领域)之间设置跨领域配置时,在两个KDC计算机中所需采取的步骤。 www.ibm.com 7. Initially it might seem a little complex to set up the operators to transform the feed into a combined feed with filters. 一开始,通过设置操作符将feed转换成一个带有过滤器的合并的feed似乎有点复杂。 www.ibm.com 8. Lazarus Zim, a previous boss of Anglo American South Africa, left in 2006 to set up a BEE investment firm after just a year in the job. 上一任英美能源公司南非区负责人LazarusZim在工作一年后于2006年辞职去建立了BEE投资公司。 www.ecocn.org 9. He also plans to set up the Blair Faith Foundation, based in London, before taking up his teaching post, the university said. 此外,他还将于执教前着手在伦敦建立“托尼·布莱尔信仰基金会”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Another point is the same as my own experience can be used to set up a highly integrated team and to promote our work forward. 另一个相同点是我可以运用自己的经验来建立一支高度整合的团队,并推动我们的工作不断前进。 zyynb.com 1. I doubt whether any other convention may be able to set up a better system. 我怀疑我们是否可以通过其它传统方式建立起一个更好的体系。 rrting.com 2. The first task of any program is to set up the system control registers. 任一个节目第一任务是设定系统控制记数器。 zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 3. He is trying to set up a new secondary school in Acton because he is not satisfied with the choice facing his four children under six. 他也正努力在阿克顿建立一所新的中等学校。他对他那四个不到六岁的孩子将要面临的选择而不满。 www.bing.com 4. However, one person familiar with the matter said: "Fred is keen to set up a fund like all the Goldman China bankers before him. " 不过,一位知情人士表示:“胡祖六渴望像所有之前辞职的高盛中国银行家一样,创建一家基金。” www.ftchinese.com 5. One staffer recently spent a year and a half in East Timorhelping to set up a fund there. 一位挪威员工在东帝汶呆了一年半来帮助当地政府建立主权基金。 www.ecocn.org 6. A Russian government commission has approved plans to set up a minimum price for vodka in a further attempt to reduce alcohol abuse. 俄罗斯政府一个委员会通过计划,设立伏特加酒最低价格,试图减少酗酒现象。 www.hxen.com 7. To run any of them, you ll need to set up a JSP technology-compliant Web container, either on your local machine or on a test server. 要运行其中任何一个实践示例,需要在本地机器或测试服务器上安装符合JSP技术的Web容器。 www-128.ibm.com 8. I come to tell you to set up a staff meeting this afternoon. 我来是告诉你,今天下午的员工会议由你来安排。 www.ecp.com.cn 9. The bank is also planning to set up a fund it will manage that will pump up to $1. 5 billion more from wealthy investors into the company. 这家银行也计划设立基金,由它掌管,并从多金的投资者那再向Facebook注入15亿。 www.bing.com 10. The outage was long enough for me to have to set up a Yahoo Mail account to send an urgent email. 只好申请了一个Yahoo账户发送紧急邮件。 www.bing.com 1. The Axis 205's low price and easy set-up makes it a good choice if you want to set up multiple indoor network cameras. Axis205价格低,安装简单,如果你想同时安装多个室内网络摄像机,这是个不错的选择。 www.xici.net 2. This section covers the necessary steps that an administrator needs to carry out to set up the above Kerberos configuration. 本节讨论设置以上Kerberos配置所需的步骤。 www.ibm.com 3. With these tools, it can be easy to set up the basic infrastructure of a distributed data grid and perform grid computations. 使用这些工具,可以方便地建立分布式数据网格的基本基础设施并执行网格计算。 www.ibm.com 4. It's not easy to find these locations or to set up the shot. 要找到这些地点或是设置这个场景是不容易的。 ebook.artron.net 5. Easy to get material , abundant high-tech human resource, and convenient transportation are the main facts to set up a factory in Wuxi. 容易得到材料,丰富的高科技人力资源,并且便利的运输是在无锡建立一家工厂的主要事实。 www.tianya.cn 6. The Government's response was to set up a committee to look into the matter. 政府的反应就是建立一个委员会来调查此事。 www.nciku.cn 7. Even to set up such a committee would be controversial in most of Europe, especially where church leaders retain political clout. 在欧洲的大多数国家连建立那种的委员会会很争论,特别是宗教领导人有相当大权力的地方。 www.caoyang.net 8. For that reason alone, I encourage you to set up your code statically and let users know early on about possible problems. 因此,我建议编写静态的代码,让用户尽可能早地发现问题。 www-128.ibm.com 9. It may be necessary to set up a fence around the garden. 恐怕有必要在花园周围建一道篱笆。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Using computational models of crowds, it is possible to set up various scenarios and evaluate how the occupants move through the building. 运用电脑的群众模拟,就可以设定各种情境,和评估住户如何在建筑物中移动。 www.bing.com 1. It took an army of workers a week or more to set up all this firepower and the results are impressive. 一大班工人花一周多时间才给我们的小区置上了这身行头﹐而且效果确实醒目。 www.ecocn.org 2. To say that one of these represents the American Dream and the other does not is to set up a false choice. 如果说他们两人中一个代表了美国梦而另一个没有,这是在作出错误的选择。 english.xv88.net 3. It takes a bit of time to set up a new system, but it's well worth the journey. 我们花了一点时间来设定一个新的系统,但这是很值得的。 www.bing.com 4. Traditionally in years past, the parents and communities cooperated to set up schools to serve all the children in a particular location. 根据过去的传统,家长和社区在特定的地区协力创办学校,为当地所有的孩子提供教育。 www.xiaoma.com 5. The user interface shows that the Remote Debugging Monitor is running and makes remote debugging easy to set up. 用户界面显示“远程调试监视器”正在运行,并使远程调试易于设置。 www.kuenglish.info 6. But smaller wealth managers without the resources to set up their own schools or schemes have had to take a more informal approach. 但有些较小的财富管理机构不具备相应的资源开办自己的学校或建立培训计划,它们不得不采取不那么正式的方法。 www.ftchinese.com 7. You are now ready to set up the federated system so that you can register these remote tables. 现在可以建立联邦系统,以便注册这些远程表。 www.ibm.com 8. If we think there's a potential fit, we'll get back with you to set up a time to meet. 如果我们觉得你适合,我们会尽快与您取得联系。 www.yjbys.com 9. Every time I ask her to set up the date for meeting, she stalls. 我每次让她定一个开会日期,她总是拖延。 forum.dabutek.com 10. In fact, you may find it useful to set up the outline for your business plan and fill in the details as they become apparent to you. 实际上,你可能会发现提前制定商业计划大纲,在事情发生后再补上细节问题的方法是很有效的。 www.hjenglish.com 1. If we think there's a potential fit, we'll get back with you to set up a time to meet. 如果我们觉得你适合,我们会尽快与您取得联系。 www.yjbys.com 2. Every time I ask her to set up the date for meeting, she stalls. 我每次让她定一个开会日期,她总是拖延。 forum.dabutek.com 3. In fact, you may find it useful to set up the outline for your business plan and fill in the details as they become apparent to you. 实际上,你可能会发现提前制定商业计划大纲,在事情发生后再补上细节问题的方法是很有效的。 www.hjenglish.com 4. It's easy to imagine a simple interface to set up whatever graduated pricing model you'd like. 这种交互界面很容易设计,可以建立任何你喜欢的渐变价格模型。 www.bing.com 5. The first change he made was to set up a strategy room for hospital staff. 他做的第一件事是为医院人员布置一个策略室。 www.24en.com 6. Service suppliers are able to set up the data in one place and print out the mail at a remote location, no matter how far away. 服务供应商可在一个地方创建个人数据并在另一处打印邮件,无论相隔多远。 www.xerox.com.cn 7. To protect its foreign markets, China is trying to set up a dedicated export supply chain, sealed off from the domestic market. 为保护国外市场,中国正努力建立与国内市场隔绝的、专供出口的供应链。 bbs.voc.com.cn 8. I would take her where ever she chooses to travel and I have several houses for her to set up for her own personal style. 我会采取她她选择旅行的地方,并且我有几个房子为了她能设定为她自己的个人样式。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. This client becomes widely used for authentication simply because it's easy to set up as a default since the OS is widely used. 这种客户端广泛用于认证,因为这种OS被广泛使用,所以很容易将它设定为预设值。 www.ibm.com 10. "But to be more effective, we would need to set up a combined command center, " he said on condition of anonymity. ‘但是为更有效打击敌人,我们需要建立一个联合指挥中心’一位不愿透露姓名的官员称。 www.25wb.com 1. "But to be more effective, we would need to set up a combined command center, " he said on condition of anonymity. ‘但是为更有效打击敌人,我们需要建立一个联合指挥中心’一位不愿透露姓名的官员称。 www.25wb.com 2. In fact, it's a great idea to set up a corporate UDDI site as you publish your own Web services for availability within your company. 实际上,当发布可在公司内使用的Web服务时,设置企业UDDI站点是一个很好的主意。 www.ibm.com 3. Sincerely two words for you to set up a mutual trust between the bridge. 真诚二字会为你们之间架起一道彼此信任的桥梁。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "As an artist, I don't really want to have to get the calculator out every time I'm trying to set up my stereo, " McNally says. “作为一个艺术家,我真的不想每次建立立体场景时都要计算一次,”麦克纳利说。 www.bing.com 5. It was easy to set-up, the tutorial pages really helped. 这项服务的安装非常简单,教程网页的说明也很有帮助。 www.google.com 6. To set up a foundation in our college to help poor students was the brainchild of our sociology professor. 这个学生说:“在我们学校里成立一个帮助贫困学生的基金会,这是我们社会学教授想出来的主意。” cet.hjenglish.com 7. To strengthen the theoretic study of strategic mineral resources is one of the keys to set up the safety system of national resources. 战略性矿产资源的基础研究是建立国家安全体系的关键之一。 www.showxiu.com 8. Florida has used a federal waiver to set up a voucher-like scheme to let the poor buy private insurance. 佛罗里达州使用联邦豁免来设置一个担保人计划,从而让穷人购买私人保险。 www.ecocn.org 9. Moreover, it is often possible to set up the project directory with exactly the same layout as the . WAR archive. 而且,把工程的目录设置成与.WAR归档文件的布局完全一样的做法通常都是可行的。 www.bing.com 10. Isn't it a good idea to set up a lab of our own? 建一座我们自己的实验室不是个好主意吗? www.ixuela.com 1. Cloudy is an easy-to-set-up LAMP benchmark that measures virtualization scalability and shows the effects of resource overcommitment. Cloudy是很容易设置的LAMP基准,它可以衡量虚拟化扩展性,并可以显示资源环境的效果。 www.ibm.com 2. The remedy is to set up the Web Service Provider to use a DataSource and then set up the user for that DataSource in WebSphere. 补救措施是设置Web服务提供者使用一个数据源(DataSource),然后在WebSphere中为该数据源设置用户。 www.ibm.com 3. It would be better, too, if it were easy to set up a legal business. 如果很容易就能创办合法的企业,情况也会好一些。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The money Yu promised was supposed to be used to set up a primary school bearing his name in Sichuan, according to his blog. 在同篇博客中,余秋雨还谈到,想用这笔善款以自己的名义在四川建一所小学,具体捐款事宜由上海九久读书人公司负责。 www.i21st.cn 5. Karim left just a few months after the trio decided to set up a way to share their videos online. 在他们三个决定找个途径来在网上分享他们的视频几个月之后,卡里姆离开了YouTube。 www.bing.com 6. Another project aims to parcel a scenic bit of the constituency and sell it to a university to set up a campus for 5, 000-odd students. 他的另一个计划是,打造小块选区风景地,卖给某所大学建设能容纳5000多名学生的校园。 www.ecocn.org 7. The Tomcat implementation seems easy to use if you want to set up your own framework; therefore, it's used in this article. 如果想建立自己的框架,Tomcat实现是很好用的;因此本文使用它。 www.ibm.com 8. The company decided to set up a low introductory price for the new product. 公司决定在投放新产品时,以低价策略打开市场。 files.hiknow.com 9. I only have around 30 products so it should be very quick and easy to set up for somebody who knows what they are doing. 我只有30个左右的产品所以应该很轻松,快捷地为别人了谁知道他们在做什么。 www.bing.com 10. But in the meantime I've found a more drastic solution that definitely works: to set up a separate computer for using the Internet. 但是我还发现了一个更加有效的解决办法:使用单独的电脑上网。 www.bing.com 1. More territory slipped from his control, and rebels began to set up rudimentary governments in outlying areas under their sway. 更多的领土脱离了卡扎菲的控制,反对派开始在其掌控的边远地区建立初级政府。 c.wsj.com 2. It is relatively easy to set up a "channel" for your organization, post videos and incorporate them into your website. 相对而言,创建一个组织“频道”,发布视频并且和你的网页链接是比较容易的。 www.bing.com 3. Form of accounting system will need to set up in accordance with the form of documents to determine the organization. 系统采用的核算形式则需要根据文件的组织设置形式来确定。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The only real achievement at Bali was a decision to set up a pilot project to investigate how to stop tropical deforestation (see article). 巴厘岛会议的唯一成就就是促成了一项决议,决定开展一个试验项目来研究如果停止赤道的森林砍伐。 www.ecocn.org 5. Redmond says the UNHCR is going to have to set up new sites to accommodate the growing number of refugees and displaced people. 雷德蒙德说,联合国难民事务高级专员署打算设立新地点,安置越来越多的难民和逃离家园的人。 www.24en.com 6. We feel a strong need to set up an organised system again to promote agreement with a more responsible concept of design. 我们觉得非常有必要再次成立一个有组织的机构,以协定出更加合理的设计概念。 www.areachina.com 7. To everybody's amazement I won this competitionand with the prize money I was able to set up my own office in London. 凭着获胜奖金,我得以在伦敦创办自己的工作室。 www.bing.com 8. The last opinion survey shows that, the Conservative Party will win the election, but it is not enough to set up a majority government. 据大选前最后一次民调结果显示,保守党将获得本次选举的胜利,但仍不足以组成多数派政府。 www.12edu.cn 9. How much money dose it take to set up in business on one's own. 一个人自己开业需要多少资金? zhidao.baidu.com 10. Both slip on to the driver's sun visor and are easy to set up and use hands-free. 二者都能卡在司机的防晒板内,设置起来非常简便,可免提使用。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Miliband welcomed Liu to assume his office as Ambassador to the UK and expressed the hope to set up a close working relationship with him. 米利班德欢迎刘大使出使英国,表示希望与他建立起密切的工作关系。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. The man living on welfare began to set up his own market, one step at a time and his business is thriving. 这靠救济过日子的人开始慢慢的建立了自己的市场,生意日渐兴隆。 www.yicor.cn 3. The garden is also home to set up a Hengjia, above boom, a slippery rope, a pair of rings that will allow them to exercise at home. 自家的花园里还设置了一个横架,上面有吊杆、一条滑绳、一副吊环,让她们在家里进行体育锻炼。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Mikel Arteta got married just over a year ago and, like many newly-weds, gave serious thought over where to set up home. 一年前,阿特塔新婚。如同许多新婚的人一样,他很在意地选择着自己应该安家的地方。 bbs.xzhibo.com 5. It's fast and easy to set up and integrate into your digital audio workstation of choice. 设定和集成您的选择的数字式音频工作站是快速和容易的。 bbs.guitarchina.com 6. Given that they entered, was it a good idea to set up a separate division? 假设他们进入了,设立一个独立部门是一个好点子吗? www.myoops.org 7. The wizard detected that this computer belongs to a domain. Therefore, you cannot use this wizard to set up a network. 该向导发现这台计算机属于一个域。因此,您无法用这个向导安装网络。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 8. I realize this "Part II" is a bit late, but, due to my exams last month, I was unable to find the time to set up a testing machine. 我意识到“第二部分”有点晚了,但是由于上个月的考试,我没能腾出时间配置测试机器。 wiki.fcctt.org 9. The goal was to set up a clearinghouse as well as an electronic trading system that would display prices for credit default swaps. 其目的是建立一个清算所同时是一个电子交易系统,可以显示信贷违约互换产品的价格。 www.bing.com 10. Why did you promise her to set up another Eden just for her? 为什么要答应给她搭建一个伊甸园? bbs.lady.tom.com 1. some years ago, the city is at the planning we pursue the press, for various reasons, so far have been unable to set up. 几年前,市里就在筹划成立市直出版社,出于种种原因,至今一直未能设立。 www.bing.com 2. It had offered "emigrants" of up to $5 million to attract top researchers from around the world to set up new labs at Russian universities. 它提供了高达5百万美元的“巨资”来吸引世界各地的顶尖研究者在俄罗斯大学中建立新的实验室。 www.chinapubmed.net 3. There are several ways to set up the file system; the method shown here requires a bit of work at the beginning but is flexible. 设置文件系统有几种方法;这里采用的方法需要在开始时多做一些工作,但是比较灵活。 www.ibm.com 4. The next day I called Harry and asked him to try to set up the Carson appearance. 第二天,我打电话给哈里,请他替我安排在卡森的节目里露面。 www.bing.com 5. Nihad Fouad Majjid was one of the first to set up in Yiwu, opening his office five years ago. 尼赫德-福阿德-马基是首批在义乌定居的伊拉克人之一,五年前他在此开办了公司。 www.elanso.com 6. Therefore, it would be desirable to set up in the table shows the calibration and control the size of break with baffle. 为此,宜在在工作台上标出刻度线并设置控制断料尺寸用挡板。 hi.baidu.com 7. Second, it helps to set up in the love and affection on the blood of a harmonious family relations. 第二,它有助于建立在爱情与血缘亲情之上的家庭关系的和谐。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. However, Prof Sen declined to estimate how much it would cost to set up the university. 不过,森教授拒绝对重建那烂佗大学的成本进行估计。 www.ftchinese.com 9. At the outset, a design plan is required to set up the project, commonly referred to as a master plan or concept design. 项目开始时,需要制定设计计划,通常称总体计划或概念设计。这是设计任务最初的创意部分。 www.tdctrade.com 10. Our President announced at the meeting that we were to set up branches in many other cities. 董事长在会上宣布我们将在许多城市成立分公司。 chinafanyi.com 1. You can quickly adjust to an automatic payroll deduction, to set up an emergency fund or to put towards investments. 你可以很快地适应企业自动减薪.把钱投入风险基金(或意外保险)或用于你的投资。 www.showxiu.com 2. Now you are ready to set up the secure register balance accounting system. 现在您已经准备好安装安全的收银机结算系统。 www.ibm.com 3. Hardware profiles provide a way for you to set up and store different hardware configurations. 硬件配置文件向您提供建立和保存不同硬件配置的方法。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 4. This method could be altered to set up any JMS provider or to use JNDI to retrieve the Administered Objects. 但是可以修改这个方法用来配置任何JMS提供者,或者使用JNDI来检索受管理对象。 www-128.ibm.com 5. However, due to its structure feature, it's not realistic to set up the fully equipped automatic assembly line of oil cooler. 基于机油冷却器的结构特点限制,采用完全的自动装配是不现实的。 cyggao.com 6. He said the United States has agreed to set up of a working group under the six-nation talks to discuss US financial sanctions. 他说美国政府已经同意在六方会谈之下建立一个工作团队,以讨论美国的财政制裁问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. European Energy Commission has decided to set up a special fund for the promotion of this new technology. 欧洲能源委员会已经决定设立专项基金用于这一新技术的推广。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Use this to get units across the map quicker than normal to set up ambushes and sneak attacks, or to get units out of harms way quickly. 利用这一点可以让你的单位在地图上的任何位置发动更快的伏击和偷袭,或更快地从危险处境中逃脱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Set up a "Firewall" system, the general need is to set up "Corporate Firewall" and "Business Firewall" two type of system. 建立“防火墙”制度,一般需要设置“法人防火墙”与“业务防火墙”两类制度。 www.fabiao.net 10. You are now ready to set up the business process container using the wizard. 现在您已准备好使用向导设置业务流程容器。 www.ibm.com 1. One potential answer is to set up a clear system for haircutting creditors to financial firms, to inject market discipline into the system. 有可能解决这个问题的办法之一是,制定一套适用于金融企业债权人的明确制度,将市场法则注入这一制度体系。 www.bing.com 2. You can repeat this step as often as you wish to set up the data collections you need. 您可以随心所欲地经常重复此步骤,以设置所需的数据收集。 www.ibm.com 3. Feinberg as a result of a number of potential candidates to set up a "limited pay order" a cautious response. 一些潜在候选人因范伯格所设“限薪令”反应谨慎。 zhishi.sohu.com 4. So I decided to set up a different kind of foundation, one that would focus on America's key fiscal-sustainability challenges. 所以我考虑建立一个不同于其他的机构,一个可以聚焦在美国财政的钥匙-足可以支撑挑战。 www.bing.com 5. Choose Yes if you want the debugger to continue trying to set up debugging. 如果希望调试器继续尝试设置调试,则选择“是”。 www.kuenglish.info 6. Windows XP Home Edition and Professional enable you to set up local user accounts. lf you are logged into a window. WindowsXP家庭版和专业版使您可以设置本地用户帐户。如果你以管理员权限登录到一个window。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. We could call it out explicitly each time, but it's easier to set up a variable for multiple uses. 可以每次都显式调用该文件名,但是设置一个变量以供多次使用会更轻松。 www.ibm.com 8. To set up the remote debugging environment for FreeBSD kernel debugging, you need two machines: a target machine and a development machine. 要设置进行FreeBSD内核调试的远程调试环境,您需要两台计算机:一台目标计算机和一台开发计算机。 www.ibm.com 9. It's kind of complicated. I wanted to set up a time to meet with you. 事情有点复杂。我想定个时间跟你会面。 bbs.enfamily.cn 10. In July 2007, the bank won approval to set up the first locally incorporated foreign bank in Beijing, JP Morgan Chase Bank (China). 2007年7月,摩根大通获准在北京设立第一家本地外资法人银行,即摩根大通银行(中国)有限公司。 c.wsj.com 1. Local governments at all levels and their subordinate departments have no power to set up projects to raise funds without authorization. 地方各级人民政府及其所属部门无权自行设立基金项目。 www.hljdpc.gov.cn 2. But if the Dash is set up in a kitchen, who in the family gets to set up their account on this gadget? 但是如果Dash被放在厨房里,那由家里哪个人在上面设置账户好呢? chinese.wsj.com 3. If you try to set up a subscription for a report that uses integrated security, Reporting Services will return an error. 如果您试图为使用集成安全性的报表设置订阅,ReportingServices将会返回一个错误。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It was very easy to set up and we have found it valuable to brand the site as our own, using our logos and colors. 它的设置非常简单,而且我们还可以使用自己的徽标和颜色将网站打上我们自己的标记,这一点太有用了。 www.google.com 5. Indeed, emerging-market banks continue to set up in Switzerland. Recent arrivals include firms from Brazil and China. 确实,新兴市场国家的银行都在瑞士设立分支机构,包括最近的巴西和中国。 www.ecocn.org 6. So the first step to set up a valid real estate financial policy is to carry on summary and evaluate to the early financial policies. 因此制定行之有效的房地产金融政策的第一步就是对前期金融政策的制订和实施效果进行总结和评价。 www.fabiao.net 7. UNCTAD acknowledged it would be hard to set up a "constant real exchange rate" system both technically and politically. “联合国贸易和发展大会”承认,不管技术上还是政策上,建立一个“恒定的实值汇率”体系都是很困难的。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 8. After cancelling his space flight and struggling to choose a worthy cause for his cash, he decided to set up the WeAreLucky project. 那次聊天后,“幸运先生”取消了太空旅游,尽心为他的钱选择了一项崇高事业,并决定设立“我们走运”项目。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. 当火山正在猛烈地喷发时,Tazieff有办法把帐篷搭在离它非常近的地方。 www.judymail.cn 10. A man can not be removed from the woman will not be impossible to set up a stall set up to make a little hard to support their families. 一个可以不被男人剔除的女人不可能不会摆摊设点赚一点辛苦钱养家。 www.hiv-check.com 1. The electronic service will improve the standard of these fields service greatly, which will become a way to set up the service society. 电子化的服务将极大地提高这些领域的服务水平,是我国构建服务型社会的途径之一。 www.dictall.com 2. This section gives an overview of the steps to set up a replication subscription between your source database and a target database. 本节概述在源数据库和目标数据库之间设置复制订阅的步骤。 www.ibm.com 3. He began wandering about for his living at the age of fifteen and ten years later he managed to set up his own career as an actor. 他十五岁开始闯天下,十年后终于当上了演员。 jspd.ew.com.cn 4. The U. S. government was reported to be preparing to set up a new entity to assist troubled financial firms. 报道说,美国政府准备成立一个新的机构来帮助受困的金融公司。 www.ebigear.com 5. Yet it remains for China' to set up the legal system of Good Faith in its amendments of its Civil Procedure Law. 如何在我国民事诉讼领域构建诚实信用原则的规范体系,是民事诉讼法修订时面临的新课题。 epub.cnki.net 6. He is banking on get- ting a loan from his father to set up in business. 他正期待着从他父亲那里得到一笔贷款,以便其从商。 www.websaru.com 7. So, instead, I'm going to set up a game with an assumed internal data structure, and then TDD some methods that I expect to need. . . 所以,我打算以一套假定的内部数据结构来构建游戏,然后并使用测试驱动开发来得到我认为应该会用得到的方法…… www.infoq.com 8. Students are also encouraged to call the center to set up the appointments. 您也可打中心电话主动确定预约时间。 www.5yi.com 9. PRO's: Easy to set-up and understand, client has consistent lot size. 评论:易于安装和理解,一致的客户很多大小。 blog.cnfol.com 10. The city is trying to attract foreign private-equity firms to set up shop in Shanghai. 上海市正努力吸引外国私募股权投资公司在上海开展业务。 www.bing.com 1. In this paper, the multiignal flow graphs method was introduced and used to set up the testability model of an aircraft distribution device. 本文介绍了多信号流图建模方法,并以某飞行器配电器为例,运用多信号流图进行建模分析。 www.magsci.org 2. When you are ready to begin coding, the first step is to set up a project. 准备好开始编写代码后,第一步是设置项目。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. They decide to set up a committee whose duty it is to supervise the financial management of the company. 他们决定成立一个委员会,其职责是监督公司的财务管理。 met.fzu.edu.cn 4. Now this site are the fire, not a few days in advance booking is difficult to set up. 现在这种场地都很火,不提前几天预订很难订到了。 www.showxiu.com 5. As we deal in light industrial products, we shall be pleased to set up direct business relations with you . 因我方经营轻工产品,我们将很高兴与你方建立直接的业务联系。 yhy508508.blog.163.com 6. Two young ad agency employees decided to set up a website to thank Mr Gori further for his exemplary behavior. 两位年轻的广告代理员决定建一个网站以进一步感谢哥里的具有模范意义的行为。 www.bing.com 7. Of course, this was a lie designed to set up the idea of 'us' and 'them' in their minds. 当然,这是一个为了在他们心中产生“我们”和“他们”的概念的谎言。 www.bing.com 8. 'It costs so much to set up a business here, and takes so much effort, compared to abroad, ' says Mr. 盖兹说,和国外相比,在这里创办一家企业要花费如此多的财力和精力。 okread.net 9. I live with , I Mermaid to see you gathered there. Heard Mermaid investors to set up companies to give investors regular operation . 我还好无双,今天我来美人鱼,看到你那里聚会了,听说投资商要给美人鱼投资成立公司正规运行。 www.bing.com 10. When Yasser Arafat returned to Gaza in 1994 to set up the Palestinian Authority, he brought a sense of order, security and hope. 当1994年亚西尔?阿拉法特回到加沙成立巴勒斯坦民族权力机构时,他带来了一种秩序、安全和希望的感觉。 www.ecocn.org 1. Is a feature of WebSphere XD that enables you to set up a Health Policy on an application. 是WebSphereXD的一大特性,你可以利用该特性为应用软件设置HealthPolicy。 www-128.ibm.com 2. "What we're trying to do is get our students to set up innovative businesses, " says Camila de Wit, director of career services. 该校就业服务主任卡米拉?德?维(CamiladeWit)表示:“我们在试着鼓励学生成立创新型企业。” www.ftchinese.com 3. Now that we have the addresses and are prepared to initiate a call, we need to set up the SIP request. 现在我们已经有了地址,并准备好启动呼叫,我们还需要设置SIP请求。 www.ibm.com 4. The company is considering plans to set up its own wind farms in Europe and North America , Koh said . 高说,该公司正考虑在欧洲和北美设立自己的风力发电厂。 www.bing.com 5. Finally was to set up the regulation and system, strengthen the nominal management to rural tourism and raise the service quantity. 建章立制,加强对乡村旅游的规范化管理,提高服务质量。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. They simply want the state to set up a "free-speech zone" and let them be part of it, along with Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims. 他们只是希望政府能建立起一个“自由宣讲区”,并且允许他们参与,犹太人、佛教徒、印度教徒和穆斯林也是一样。 club.topsage.com 7. But using the new system, there is also an advanced mode to be able to set up each individual player to play exactly as you want them to. 但是使用新的系统,也有一个高级模式让你能够按照你想要的给每个球员单独设置。 bbs.52pcgame.com 8. By now you should be able to set up a single server and an ND environment and feel relatively comfortable with the idea of profiles. 至此,您已经可以设置单个服务器和ND环境,并对概要文件有了更深入的了解。 www.ibm.com 9. Delaware in the United States to set up a registered company registered in one of the most popular. 特拉华州是美国成立注册公司最受欢迎的注册地之一。 www.qiyeku.com 10. As for proposal number 5, the Delegation did not think that it would be appropriate to set up an independent evaluation and research office. 关于第5项提案,该代表团认为,设立独立的评估和研究办公室并不合适。 www.wipo.int 1. You are now ready to set up the SQL Remote Open Server. 您现在已准备好,可以设置SQLRemoteOpenServer了。 www.ianywhere.com 2. The emulator enables you to set up a virtual PC within a real one. 这个模拟器让您可以在一个实际的PC中再构建一个虚拟的PC。 www.ibm.com 3. This week's German plan to set up several bad banks was no more than a down payment on the restructuring ahead. 德国本周设立几家“坏账银行”的计划不过是为将来的重组预付定金罢了。 bbs.yeeu.org 4. The link may be pre-existing or the TRNC may send a request and a protocol to set up such a link. 该链路*以是预先存*的,或者TRNC*以发送请求和协议来建立这种链路。 www.dianzi518.com 5. Simply use the container_setup. sh script (see the Download section) to set up the bridge on which container network devices will talk. 仅需使用container_setup.sh脚本(参见下载小节)设置网桥(bridge),容器网络设备将在此进行对话。 www.ibm.com 6. Mr Lee resigned a year ago to set up his own internet start-up incubator. 李开复于一年前辞职,转而建立自己的互联网初创企业孵化器。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It also discusses monitoring and managing human tasks, and how to set up ready-to-use dimensions for dimensional analysis. 还将讨论监控和管理人工任务,以及如何为维度分析设置随时可用的维。 www.ibm.com 8. The lawsuit comes as China plans to set up a derivatives exchange this year on which local stock index futures contracts will be traded. 这场官司发生之际,正值中国计划在今年建立一家衍生品交易所,进行本地股指期货合约的交易。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In this paper, the Multivariate Autoregressive Model( MARM ) in time series is applied to set up the movement state of naval vessel . 可从时域的角度,采用时间序列中多维自回归模型实现对舰船运动姿态的辨识。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The Company is in the Shenzhen Municipal Government to encourage the students returned to set up high-tech enterprises created under appeal. 本公司是在深圳市政府鼓励留学生归国创办高科技企业的感召下创建的。 www.b2easy.com 1. Service-minded, ability to work independently and efficiently, quality-oriented, well-organized, be able to set up daily routines. 具有服务意识,能够独立高效地工作,以质量为导向,具有组织性,每天紧凑地安排自己的工作。 www.gao8dou.com 2. One day a student told me that he wanted to set up his own business instead of having his university study. 一次有个大学生告诉我,俞老师我要创业,不上大学了。 gongyan.89322.blog.163.com 3. An excellent and informal way to get information on user preferences, they are very easy to set up and maintain on any website. 一个完美和通俗的方法,依靠用户选择来获取信息,并且在任何网站都非常容易设置和维护。 www.bing.com 4. The rocket launched this week is of a primitive liquid-fuel type that takes hours to load and is cumbersome to set up. 于这个星期发射的火箭是一种原始液体燃料类型,需要数小时加载而且设置非常繁琐。 www.kekenet.com 5. This file is parsed by FVWM when it starts up (or is restarted) and fvwm uses the info in here to set up the look and feel of your desktop. 在FVWM启动(或是重起)时将读取这个文件,而且FVWM将使用这些信息来建立你的桌面。 www.phpfans.net 6. Japan and China agreed to set up a hotline. China and Vietnam agreed to finish marking their contentious land border by the end of the year. 中日同意开通了热线,中国和越南也同意在今年年底确定有争议的领土边界。 www.douban.com 7. Depending on your package you can forward calls at no extra cost and it's easy to set up. 这种转接服务是免费的,也很容易设置,具体要看你订购的Skype套餐。 www.bing.com 8. Mr. Emory has asked me to set up a meeting with you. 埃莫里先生让我与您约定一个会晤。 www.24en.com 9. He's expanding the product line , and he'd like to set up a meeting with you. 他想要扩增店里的产品系列,所以想和你约时间见个面。 www.webi.com.cn 10. He also advised the coastal places could enclose sea area to set up land, taking advantage of the long coastline of Guangdong. 他还认为,广东的海岸线得天独厚,广东沿海地区应抓紧实施围海造田计划。 www.lifeofguangzhou.com 1. In the absence of a book of instructions, we had to feel for the best way to set up the machine. 没有说明书,我们只得通过反复试验来寻找安装这台机器的最好方法。 www.jukuu.com 2. The program then provides steps to guide the user through a use-point and system analysis, to set-up the water system distribution strategy. 然后此规划提供方法来指导用户通过一个使用点和系统分析,建立水系统的分配策略。 www.pharmst.cn 3. After taking a look at the final output of a Korean-traditional type clothes, you will get a process to set up layered clothes. 服用后类型的衣服一看,传统的在最后输出的是韩国人,你会得到一个进程,建立分层的衣服。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "I decided to try to set up an online company within the prison. Well, you only live once, don't you? " “我决定在这所监狱里创办一家互联网公司。你只能活一次,不是吗?” www.ftchinese.com 5. 9, Because while a franchise might be the least risky way to set up a business, it is certainly not the cheapest. 因为加盟店是风险最小的创业形式,所以它当然不是最便宜的。 www.yuloo.com 6. Their plans to set up their own business are just a pie in the sky. 他们要创办自己公司的计划犹如天上的馅饼,希望十分渺茫。 www.24en.com 7. We sincerely wish to set up friendly cooperating relationship with your esteemed company create a refulgent future together! 谨此我们诚挚的希望能与您建立友好的合作关系,共创辉煌! beijing.263.com 8. In September it warned that it would be impossible to set up a regime to trace and label food from farms with cloned animals. 但在九月份,标准局警告说,建立某种制度以追溯和标记来自农场克隆动物的食品是不可能的。 www.bing.com 9. It allows you to set up your own workflow that fits with your accounts payable procedures. 这样可让您设定自己的专属工作流程,以便配合您的户口的付款程序。 www.fedex.com 10. They would be entitled to set up their own schools, have more electoral control over the police and access reams of government data. 人民将拥有创立自己的学校的权利,将拥有更多通过选举监督警察的权利,并且能够了解大量政府数据。 www.ecocn.org 1. This SSL pointer can also be used later to examine the connection information or to set up additional SSL parameters. 以后还可以用该SSL指针来检查连接信息或设置其他SSL参数。 www.ibm.com 2. Now, you're ready to set up the console. 现在,要设置控制台了。 www.ibm.com 3. He gave $250 million to set up the Ohio Higher Education Trust in the early '90s. 九十年代初,他曾为俄亥俄高等教育信托基金捐款2亿5千万美元。 www.bing.com 4. The time required to set up and run integration testing is worthwhile, and we encourage you to add it to your development process. 建立和运行集成测试的时间是值得的,而且我们鼓励你把它纳入你的开发过程。 www.bbsmvc.com 5. Kefa company is willing to set up long-term and friendly strategic cooperation relationship with you! 科发愿与您们建立长期、友好的战略合作关系。 www.qqcg.com 6. When gvpe is started on each machine, it runs the if-up script (short for interface up) to set up the virtual interface. 当gvpe在每台机器上启动时,它将运行if-up(interfaceup的缩写)来设置虚拟接口。 www.ibm.com 7. OpenVZ claims that a system manager will be able to set up a new Ubuntu server in about a minute. OpenVZ宣称,大约一分钟,系统管理员就可以配置一个新的Ubuntu服务器。 www.bing.com 8. This allows you to set up users for administration through Webmin that are not in the normal Unix authentication scheme. 这就使得您不通过常规的Unix验证机制就可以通过Webmin来设置进行管理的用户。 www-128.ibm.com 9. He aims to start setting aside some of his country's sizeable tourist revenue to set up a land-purchase fund. 他志在从本国可观的旅游收入中预留出一部分,设立一个土地购买基金。 www.ell.com.cn 10. You can only imagine how painful it would be if engineers had to set up all these projects themselves, just so they could create a project. 可以想象得到,如果工程师必须亲自设置所有这些项目只是为了能够创建一个项目,这会有多么痛苦。 www.ibm.com |
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