单词 | to scramble |
释义 | to scramble
例句释义: 互相争夺,使混杂,杂乱蔓延 1. The cub, who was just a few months old, even tried to scramble up again but was thwarted by his victorious sibling. 只有几个月大的小熊仔还想再爬上去搏斗一番,无奈,刚取胜的熊兄弟没给它这个机会。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. But this time everyone was entirely in Merry's favour. They began to scramble out of the excavation, darting furious glances behind them. 但这一回所有的人都倾向于墨利,他们一边开始爬出土坑,一边回头用愤怒的眼光瞥一眼我们。 www.enread.com 3. That came from her attempts to scramble eggs at a boarding school that she and her first husband ran in the 1960s. 这来源于60年代她和她首任老公管理一所寄宿学校时,她尝试炒蛋时得出的教训。 www.bing.com 4. The secure exchange of encryption keys used to scramble and unscramble data is one of the most vexing aspects of modern cryptography. 加密与解密数据的密钥的安全传输是现代密码学最棘手的问题之一。 www.bing.com 5. This four-person cabin has its own rocky headland to scramble over, and a crystal-clear lake to swim in after your wood-fired sauna. 这座小屋可住四人,有私家湖边石滩地可以散步,湖水清澈,很适合在蒸过木柴桑拿后去畅游一番。 www.bing.com 6. The cat also relies on long claws and highly flexible ankles to scramble among the trees - and even shimmy down tree trunks like a squirrel. 它们还依靠长长的爪子和高度灵活的踝关节在树与树之间攀爬,甚至还能像松鼠那样溜下树干。 www.bing.com 7. The excitement of arriving in the Italian capital is always tempered by the need to scramble through initial mayhem. 到达意大利首都的兴奋,总是要被初来咋到时的种种不便泼上一盆凉水。 www.bing.com 8. The authorities then had to scramble to close the spigot (and pray that non-performing loans do not soar). 当局之后不得不匆忙关掉资金的水龙头,并祈求不良贷款不要猛增。 www.stnn.cc 9. When we heard the order " Play ball" , We began to scramble for the ball. 当我们听到“开球”的命令时,我们就开始争球。 www.jukuu.com 10. In course of the Turkish empire declining rapidly, the great powers of Europe started to scramble for the empire's heritage. 在土耳其帝国日薄西山的过程中,欧洲列强开始了争夺帝国遗产的斗争。 www.jukuu.com 1. Minor metals traders believe that antimony prices could surge even higher as consumers in Europe continue to scramble for supplies. 稀有金属交易员认为,随着欧洲客户继续争夺锑供应,锑价可能会进一步飙升。 www.ftchinese.com 2. After few days, Mr. Ge Lin takes train from Jinan, have arrived Tai An, prepare to scramble lofty tall and big Mount Taishan. 几天以后,格林先生从济南乘坐火车来到了泰安,准备攀爬巍峨高大的泰山。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. To get precise measurements for the tailoring, McCartney had to scramble up a ladder. 但为了要测量出精确的尺寸,麦卡尼得爬上梯子才办得到。 www.showxiu.com 4. Still, when China curbed rare earths exports to Japan in September following a territorial dispute, Japanese industries had to scramble. 然而,当中国因为领土纷争而在9月限制向日本出口稀土时,日本工业界顿时慌了神。 www.putclub.com 5. His epiphany came in 1981, when he had to scramble to raise money to pay for an investment in bonds. 他是在1981年顿悟的,当时他正为投资债券疯狂集资。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Jet offered a full refund to passengers whose flights were canceled, but thousands were stranded and had to scramble to get other flights. 捷特公司为航班取消的乘客提供了全额退款,但仍有数千名乘客被滞留,不得不争取改乘其它的航班。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Recent aerial sorties by both of those countries have forced Japanese jet fighters to scramble to intercept them. 中俄两国近年来出动战机的行为曾迫使日本喷气式战斗机紧急起飞进行拦截。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Too soon he deposited me on the ground and walked away, leaving me to scramble behind him. 没过多久,他便把我放在地上,独自走开了,丢下我艰难地在他身后追赶。 www.bing.com 9. But of the German ship's 393-strong crew, over 300 managed to scramble on to life rafts and get away. 不过,德舰的393名壮实的船员中有300多爬上救生艇逃走了。 www.bing.com 10. This has spurred industrial consumers to scramble to secure supplies while speculators pour fresh money into the metal. 这促使工业消费者相互争夺供应,而投机者则将更多资金投向铂金。 www.ftchinese.com 1. A dozen planes flew into the area, causing the North American Aerospace Defense Command to scramble its fighters. 十多架飞机进入了禁飞区。这使得北美防空司令部匆忙动用其战斗机。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The hit to the global coal supply could disrupt shipments forcing suppliers and buyers to scramble to secure new sources. 全球煤炭供应受到打击,可能会扰乱发货并迫使供应商和买家争着确保新的煤炭来源。 c.wsj.com 3. Tip: If you bring flowers, include an inexpensive vase so your hosts don't have to scramble around for one. 小贴士;如果你买鲜花,要记得带一个不贵的花瓶,以免主人四处寻找花瓶。 www.kekenet.com 4. Syntax 3 You can use SET HIDDEN to scramble the definition of the associated procedure and cause it to become unreadable. 语法3可以使用SETHIDDEN使关联的过程的定义变成乱码,使之不可读。 www.ianywhere.com 5. Won't have family property between brothers to scramble for the bickering, and scapegoats. 不会有家庭亲兄弟之间为争夺家产的口角、反目为仇; blog.sina.com.cn 6. But the risk of default grew when low interest rates cut bank revenue and prompted lenders to scramble for new customers. 但是当低利率削减了银行的收入并鼓励贷款者争夺新的客户时,默认的风险又会增加。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Rather than being the imperious character of legend, he continues to scramble for answers. 与其成为专横的传奇人物,卡佩罗不如继续寻求其他答案。 www.bing.com 8. When that happens, you will have to scramble to find someone else or do the job yourself for a while. 当发生这种情况,你将不得不忙着寻找别人或做自己亲力亲为的工作。 www.douban.com 9. It's the final climb, the last great pile of sand to scramble and slip over. 这是最后一段攀登的路程了,看似很近,最后的一堆沙等着我们攀爬,滑落。 www.bing.com 10. Many small and medium-size Chinese businesses are highly leveraged and have to scramble for cash. 很多中小型中国企业都在高度举债经营,因此必须争取现金流。 bbs.chineyeah.com 1. Arms reached through the portrait hole to pull Harry and Ron inside, leaving Hermione to scramble inafter them. 好多双手从洞口伸出来,把哈利和罗恩拉了进 www.kekenet.com 2. the tower and its various clients will have to scramble to find yet another channel they can all use without causing interference. 那么这座接入塔及其所带的若干客户端,将不得不倒频找到另一个其能完全使用又不会造成干扰的频道。 www.ecocn.org 3. The scandal has prompted top executives at rival banks to scramble to assess whether they are similarly vulnerable. 瑞银的违规交易丑闻促使竞争对手的高层忙着评估他们是否存在类似问题。 chinese.wsj.com 4. A drop of 2. 6% Tuesday was triggered by the latest increase in the reserve-requirement ratio, which led banks to scramble for cash. 本周二,受最近一次上调存款准备金率影响,上证综指跌2.6%。此次上调存款准备金率导致各家银行急忙着手筹措现金。 c.wsj.com 5. When the bird got some food, the nine heads all came immediately to scramble for it. 这只鸟一得到食物,九个头都过来争抢。 www.zhyww.cn 6. "What? are you kidding me? it's just a wall, or you mean that we need to scramble over it. " I asked with a little anger. “什么?你在跟我开玩笑吧?这只是一面墙,或你的意思,我们要爬过去。”我问有点愤怒。 www.268r.com.cn 7. This paper has taken the following measures to improve the performance of the algorithm : use of chaotic sequences to scramble watermark. 采取以下办法来提高算法的性能:使用混沌置乱对水印进行预处理,提高算法的鲁棒性; lib.cqvip.com 8. This has spurred industrial consumers to scramble to secure supplies. 这促使了工业消费者相互争夺供应。 wenku.baidu.com 9. He was working on a program to scramble Launch codes that he called GHOST. 他致力于一项用于干扰发射密码的程序他称之为“幽灵” www.kekenet.com 10. Storm Squadron is ordered to scramble and defend FOB Thompson. 风暴中队被命令升空保卫汤普森基地。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. You may discover you need to write a check that's bigger than you expected and then need to scramble to find the money to cover it. 你会发现你需要支付比预期更多的钱,从而你需要想方设法筹钱来满足这样的支付。 www.douban.com 2. "The North Koreans don't fly a lot, but if they come close, we have to scramble. " “北朝鲜人并不经常飞行,但只要他们接近,我们便会紧急起飞”。 www.bing.com 3. Then he heard he was booked on Wednesday's flight and had to scramble to gather his stuff before the 2 p. m. takeoff. 然后他被告知球队为他订了周三的机票,不得不赶在下午2点飞机起飞前收拾好一切。 www.kobechina.com.cn 4. May be an aerodyne to scramble. 可能是飞车抢夺。 www.0734.coolline.cn 5. They managed to scramble from the sinking ship at b ict. 3·他们最后设法从那艘正在下沉的船里爬了出来。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Data encryption is an electronic lock that uses algorithms to scramble the data, and it is more secure. 数据编码是一个电子锁,它利用运算法则来扰乱数据,所以较为安全。 www.hotdic.com 7. That is forcing Gap to scramble to improve the assortment before the holidays, which account for 30% of its sales. Gap被迫要赶在圣诞旺季前替换店内的产品,因为圣诞销售占据全年销售总额的30%。 chinese.wsj.com 8. In 1988, Rodney Brooks' lab at MIT created this six-legged walker, which taught itself how to scramble over boards and other obstacles. 1988年,麻省理工学院的罗德尼·布鲁克斯实验室研制出了这只六腿行者,它能在平面上行走并能翻越障碍物。 www.bing.com 9. Do you know how to scramble eggs? 你知道怎么炒蛋吗? vod.swjtu.edu.cn 10. You are here to scramble for the second? 你们都是来争夺第二名的吗? zhidao.baidu.com 1. I would be the first to scramble onto the stage 我第一个在混乱中爬上台 blog.cersp.com 2. So there's no need to scramble to slash spending now now now; 所以在此刻,完全没有必要仓促的削减财政开支; blog.sina.com.cn |
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