单词 | to scope | ||
释义 | to scope
例句释义: 输出端口 1. We work with you to scope the project and help select the best student to work with you. 我们与您的项目范围,并帮助选择最好的学生同你一起工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. At this point, the developer, Sara, begins a new line of questions relating to scope, especially whether user documentation is in or out. 这时,开发人员Sara对项目的范围提出了新的问题,主要是关于是否应该包括用户文档。 www.infoq.com 3. She had not scanned the ranch to scope out a meal, but to look for her friend. 它审视牧场也不是为了寻找大餐,而是寻找它的朋友。 www.ebigear.com 4. We need to scope out a woman belonging to its own way, frankly accept life conferred by all. 我们要在广阔的天地中走出属于女人自己的路,坦然地接受生活所赋予的一切。 www.yulexiuxian5.com 5. Many will want to meet the president-elect. Even if meetings are not possible, they will want to scope out his views. 其中许多人希望会见这位新当选的总统,即使没有会见的可能,他们也会在意他的观点。 www.bing.com 6. Anytime you come into a new area you want to scope out the landscape and find out where the food patches are. 每当你来到一个新地方,都希望观察一下这里的景观,找到食物产处。 www.bing.com 7. The namespace of an XML document is used to scope XML attributes and elements when read into a DataSet. 当读入DataSet时,XML文档的命名空间用于确定XML属性和元素的范围。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. We had obtained a brief understanding of their requirements, but we needed to scope out the specific work that would have to be done. 我们已经获得了客户需求的大概的理解,但是我们还需要分析出需要我们作的具体的工作。 www.ibm.com 9. I had walked around earlier to scope out the trailers and I found one marked "CLAY" , so I figured that was it. 我提前出去四处走动,找到拖车,发现有一辆贴着“CLAY”标签,因此我认为就是这辆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Make sure you get his number, and call the dude up to scope things out. 记得要他的电话号码,这样才能给自己留有余地,你可以主动给那个家伙打电话。 www.bing.com 1. Especially helpful in iterative development, attributes provide an easy way to scope manage each iteration of your project. 特别是在迭代开发中很有用,属性提供了一种很容易的方法来管理项目的每一次迭代。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Categories allow you to scope changes narrowly. Categories允许您将修改范围限制得很窄。 www.ibm.com 3. Additional options in Pending Changes view configuration to scope by components (for UCM) or directory structure (for base CC). PendingChanges视图中的其他选项,由构件(对于UCM)或者目录结构(对于基底CC)来划分范围。 www.ibm.com 4. But it gave her a chance to scope out her competition. 但这至少给了她一个机会让她了解她的竞争对手。 www.bing.com 5. Move through the vibrant city to scope out crime scenes, perform autopsies and interrogate suspects. 来到这座充满活力的城市,勾勒出犯罪现场,尸体解剖,审问嫌疑犯。 www.minisoyo.com 6. Needs to understand the requirements in order to scope and plan the project in conjunction with other team members. 需要理解需求,以便定位并规划与其他团队成员相联系的项目。 www.ibm.com 7. The goal of this phase is to scope, plan, and highlight the value of the initiative, as described in Table 2. 这一阶段的目标是仔细研究、制定计划和突出开端的价值,正如表2中阐述的一样。 www.ibm.com 8. Internally, Scope relies on a thread-static field to store the Stack of instances supplied to Scope's constructor. 在内部,Scope依赖线程静态字段存储提供给Scope构造函数的实例的Stack。 www.cnblogs.com 9. Which of the followings is an important input to scope verification? 下列哪一项是范围确认的重要输入? www.kmbbpm.com 10. Gets an assembly identity used to scope isolated storage. 获取用于确定独立存储范围的域标识。 msdn.microsoft.com 1. They know there are plenty of opportunities outside their organizations and the ambitious ones are not afraid to scope them out. 因为他们知道在自己供职单位之外还有大量机会,有野心的人自然愿意多多尝试。 c.wsj.com 2. If you really want to scope out the overbooked flights, check out AOW (Airlines of the Web). 如果你真的希望进入超额预订航班的范围列,请上网登录AOW(航空网)。 www.elanso.com 3. Describes how to scope a rule to a work item type group by modifying the work item type XML file. 描述如何通过修改工作项类型XML文件将规则的范围限定为某个工作项类型组。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The paper is reading notes, not emending excursus, so don't stick to scope and form. 此文是校读丛劄,非校记,所以范围、形式上有些不拘旧格。 5. Accordingly, it is useful to identify the static nodes in the management space and map them to scope nodes. 因此,确定管理空间中的静态节点,并把它们映射到范围节点是有用的。 svn.net.henu.edu.cn 6. He suddenly had an urge to scope some mail. 他突然有一种浏览里面的邮件的冲动。 www.bing.com 7. Therefore, it's wise to avoid using access controls based on the client's hostname and to scope them as described when they're necessary. 因此,避免使用基于客户主机名的访问控制,在必须使用时限定其作用域,这些都是明智的做法。 www.ibm.com 8. The ability to scope requests to load code in this way differs significantly from the way in which Microsoft Win32 and COM currently work. 以这种方式控制代码加载请求范围的能力与MicrosoftWin32和COM当前的工作方式有很大的区别。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The type whose namespace is used to scope the manifest resource name. 其命名空间用于确定清单资源名的范围的类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Does the PM need to have a degree related to scope of the project? 项目经理需要有项目涉及领域的学位么? www.bing.com 1. Change alert( "clicked! " ) to scope. handleClick(item) and add the handleClick function to MyApp (Listing 9). 将alert(“clicked!”)改为scope.handleClick(item),并向MyApp添加handleClick函数(清单9)。 www.ibm.com 2. Question: One thing I am struggling with is how to scope my exemplar and my pattern. 问:我一直想弄明白的一件事情是如何界定我的范例和模式的范围。 www.ibm.com 3. You decide to use a microflow process to scope the unit of work. 您决定使用微流程来界定该工作单元的范围。 www.ibm.com 4. You can make adjustments to scope, schedule, cost, and resources in order to bring the project plan in line. 您可以对范围、日程、成本和资源进行调整以符合项目计划。 office.microsoft.com 5. There are times when I may want to scope my resource reference to the bean level, such as when I want to change an isolation level. 很多时候,可能需要将资源引用扩大至bean级,例如想改变独立级别时。 www.ibm.com 6. Concrete worked with Unitron to scope and develop four distinct programs: a revised identity program to strengthen the Unitron name; 混凝土与利康工作范围和发展四个不同的方案:经修订的标识方案,以加强优利康名称; www.gtn9.com 7. On Limitations of Market Economy to Scope of Administrative Examination and Approval of Public Security 试论市场经济对公安行政审批范围的制约 service.ilib.cn 8. Contracts According to Scope of Work or Way of Contracting 按工程范围或承包方式分类的合同 www.baike.com |
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