单词 | to scoop |
释义 | to scoop例句释义: 全部 1. That way he might be able to scoop up the boys and get them off the track in time. 这样他就可能把两个孩子抓起来,及时把他们拖下轨道。 wiki.jukuu.com 2. If I were to scoop up a handful of dirt and blow into it, all I would get is a dirty face. 假如我捧著一把尘土对著它吹,只会把自己弄得灰头土脸。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 3. Nevertheless, trying to scoop the froth from the commodity boom looks justified in the struggle to ensure more balanced long-term growth. 尽管如此,为了确保更平稳的长期增长的斗争,设法挖出从商品景气的泡沫看起来有其正当理由。 www.ecocn.org 4. The favoured strategy is to snap up a small bank, healthy or not, and turn it into a vehicle to scoop up failed local rivals. 有利的战略是抢购一个小银行,不管健康与否,然后用它做媒介来铲平那些失败的当地对手。 www.ecocn.org 5. Halve the avocado and remove the pit. Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado flesh and place in a bowl. Reserve the shells for serving. 牛油果纵切对半去核。勺出牛油果肉放入碗里。牛油果壳预留用来盛蘸酱用。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But they didn't have to scoop a chunk of neutron degenerate matter from the surface of a real neutron star either. 但他们也并不需要从一颗真正的中子星表面挖来一块中子星简并物质。 www.bing.com 7. As she bent to scoop them up, a handsome young man appeared, wrapped in a bearskin cloak. 当她弯腰舀起来,一个英俊的年轻男子出现,在熊皮外衣包裹着。 www.youeredu.com 8. He wants to scoop up these assets as rapidly, and with as little interference, as possible in a manner yet to be fixed. 他希望尽快“兜起”这些资产——同时尽可能少受干预,而具体方式尚待确定。 www.ftchinese.com 9. If plain yoghurt bores you, try the ready-to-scoop-up, fruit flavoured version. 如果原味酸奶使你乏味,试试现喝的水果味酸奶。 www.santaihu.com 10. In kid's in the interval, the kid contains an infinite possibility, needing parents to take in to scoop out with leading. 孩子在幼儿其间,蕴藏着无限的可能性,需要父母加以挖掘和引导。 www.cmfei.com 1. To scoop up by plunging the hand or a receptacle below the surface, as of a liquid; ladle. 通过插入手或容器于低于表面舀出,如液体;舀。 www.chinabaike.com 2. You should use regular litter that they will see on a day to day basis - clay based is very popular and easy to scoop. 你要用它们每天使用的猫砂——以粘土为主要成分的猫砂很受欢迎,并且易于清理。 www.hjenglish.com 3. They all grabbed shovels and began to scoop dirt into the well. 农夫的邻居们人手一把铲子,开始将泥土铲进枯井中。 sm2000.org 4. Dominique de Villepin, a former prime minister, has launched his own party to scoop up disillusioned Gaullist voters. DominiquedeVillepin这位前任总理已经开始组建他自己的政党,来挖走已经不抱幻想的戴高乐主义选民。 www.ecocn.org 5. When I was young, one of my household chores was to scoop out my cat's litter box every week. 在我小时候,我的一项家务活就是每星期掏一次猫砂盒的粪便。 www.kle100.cn 6. Foreign banks will need time to scoop up more consumer deposits, he said. 他说,外资银行需要更多的时间才能吸引更多的储户存款。 www.bing.com 7. In 1907, some of his critics charged that he had started the panic in order to scoop up assets at fire-sale prices and line his own pockets. 他的一些批评者在1907年指责道,这场恐慌正是摩根自己发起的,为的是能够以“跳楼价”大肆收购资产,中饱私囊。 www.bing.com 8. Chinese banks also are reaping profits by financing moves by Chinese companies to scoop up distressed assets in the U. 中国企业在收购财务困难的美国资产或扩大在美业务时,中资银行还通过为其提供资金而获利。 www.qeto.com 9. While Pace is angling to scoop up top talent, gallerist James Cohan is focused on courting collectors for his existing roster of artists. 正当佩斯想方设法招纳顶尖艺术人才时,画廊主詹姆斯-科恩(JamesCohan)正专注于为他现有的艺术家们寻找收藏家。 www.ftchinese.com 10. When you order a Chinese takeaway, instead of using a spoon to scoop the food out of the carton, use a fork or chopsticks. 当你要了一份中国饭菜的外卖,你要用叉子或者筷子而不是使用勺子舀食物。 www.bing.com 1. Used to scoop fish from the water, either on small scale in streams or ponds or commercially from large catches. 用来了铲子在溪流或池塘中的小鳞片上也捕食水或商业地从大的捕获。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Use your spoon to scoop up the rice in the bowl, not the rice on the tray. 别去用勺子盛托盘上的饭,盛碗里的饭。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Jose Mourinho claims it is an impossible dream for an English club to scoop four trophies in one season. 何塞·穆里尼奥认为对于一家英格兰足球俱乐部来说,在一个赛季中网罗4个冠军几乎是不可能的事情。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. Savvy locals carry around a small spoon to scoop the flesh, but I was not savvy so I bit directly into mine. 精明的当地人随身携带一个小勺子挖著吃,但我直接啃著吃。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. So the bowl won't move around and it's easier to scoop up the rice with your spoon. 这样碗就不会动来动去,你用勺子舀饭就会比较容易。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Spoon to scoop from the inside out, the remaining soup can be set soup gently tilt outward. 勺子舀从内到外,剩下的汤可以设置汤轻轻向外倾斜。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The tanker truck had initially overturned, but as people rushed to the scene to scoop up free fuel, the truck blew up. 这两油罐卡车最初只是翻到在地,但是随着人们冲到现场去铲免费燃料,卡车最终爆炸。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 8. In ancient times, people were forbidden to scoop up soil from the mountains the shape of which looked like a divine dragon. 在远古时代,人们被禁止舀起的形状看上去就像一个神龙从山上的土壤。 08translation.cn 9. Steven Gerrard has seen off stiff competition from Fernando Torres and Javier Mascherano to scoop Fans' Player of the Year for 2007. 在2007年度球员的评选中,史帝文·杰拉德在与费尔南多·托雷斯和马斯切拉诺的激烈竞争中抢得荣誉。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The Greens are also likely to scoop nine Senate seats, up from five, making them the upper chamber's power-brokers from mid-2011. 绿党还有可能斩获9个参议院席位,超过了5个,使得他们从2011年年中起成为上议院的权利经纪人。 www.ecocn.org 1. Frigatebirds use their long, hooked bills to scoop their favorite food, flying fish, from above or just below the water's surface. 军舰鸟有着长长的钩状的喙,可以用来“舀”它们最爱的食物--飞鱼,无论是在水面上方或略下方。 www.bing.com 2. But my guess is that more often than not, people wait for strangers to scoop up the rest of the deals. That doesn't seem too social. 但我猜测更多时候是,人们等待陌生人一起参与到交易中,这似乎看起来没有多少“社交”的性质可言。 www.bing.com 3. academic grades are side-lined by lobbying and hunting to scoop the best available talents. 学术等级侧内衬,通过游说和狩猎舀最好的人才。 4. Furthermore, Japanese investors are expected to scoop up foreign assets when the new financial year begins in April. 此外,预计4月起新财年开始以后,日本投资者将买进海外资产。 cn.reuters.com 5. Since you don' t use any utensils to eat, you can use this bread to scoop up the curry or rice. 你可以用面包来盛咖喱粉和米饭而省去了器皿。 www.kekenet.com 6. to scoop some more secret|spy shit off the locker floor? 去存衣柜的地上再找点儿|什么机密情报吗?。 www.engxue.com 7. it's used to scoop the quite cold icecream. 它被用来舀非常凉的冰欺凌。 wenwen.soso.com 8. SAIC went to Detroit in the wake of the global financial crisis in 2008 to scoop up automotive engineers who had been made redundant. 2008年,在全球金融危机之后,上汽曾远赴底特律招聘被裁掉的汽车工程师。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Use the ears as "spoons" to scoop foods on either a smooth or textured surface. 用耳朵当作匙羹,用平滑又或质感的表面舀取食物; dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Clever left-block post scorer who loves to scoop ball under opponent's arm. 聪明的左侧低位得分手,擅于从防守者的胳膊下挑篮 www.bing.com 1. As residents arrived to scoop up fuel, flames tore through 300 meters, or about 330 yards, of pipeline, said Kenyan police officials. 肯尼亚警方说,在当地居民赶来接取燃料时,300米长的输油管道突然起火。 cn.wsj.com 2. He adds that he is keeping cash on hand to scoop up assets should markets correct further. 他说,为防止市场进一步调整,他留下一些现金来购买资产。 www.bing.com 3. My purse went flying. l had to scoop everything up. 我的皮包飞了出去我得把所有东西捡回来 www.tingclass.net 4. I have visions of the near future in which Miss Harford empties her bladder one drop at a time in order to scoop bagfuls of chocolate coins. 我想,在不远的将来,哈福德大小姐或许会每次尿一滴尿,这样就能获得满口袋的巧克力金币。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Sichuan children sat opposite, with bamboo spoon shook to scoop water give me wash your hands. 川子坐在对面,用竹勺摇了勺水给我洗手。 www.yipin120.com 6. It's like they are seeds stuck in a shell, and we need to scoop them out in order to free them. 就像卡在壳里的种子,我们要铲出它们从而释放它们。 www.bing.com 7. He is the first to scoop both prizes in consecutive seasons. 他也成为了首位连续两年都获得这两项殊荣的球员。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 8. In the subsequent months, IBM bought Netezza for about $1. 7 billion, and EMC agreed to scoop up Isilon Systems for about $2. 25 billion. 此后的几个月当中,IBM以大约17亿美元的价格买下了Netezza公司,EMC公司也同意以大约22.5亿美元的价格购入IsilonSystems公司。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The wet grounds will damp down dust from the ashes and make them easier to scoop up. 湿润的渣滓防止灰烬乱飞,可以轻松地把费灰铲起来。 www.elanso.com 10. And then you dip this in the vinegar. I like to scoop up a little vinegar inside. 然后你把饺子在醋里沾一下。我喜欢用勺子要一点点醋出来。 www.meiyuquan.com 1. when we were on the Cooper place, like it used to scoop buttermilk 当我们在库珀的地方,像以前舀巴特米尔克 wenku.baidu.com |
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