单词 | tea-house |
释义 | 例句释义: 茶馆,茶铺,山屋酒店,山屋旅馆 1. Mrs Lee was tired and thirsty after her day's shopping in Tokyo, so she went into a tea house for a rest. 李太太在东京逛了一天商店后又累又渴,所以她走进了一家茶馆去休息。 sara.followtalk.com 2. As he was thirsty and eager to get a little rest he went into the tea house and seated himself at a little table by the window. 由于口渴,又渴望休息片刻,他就走进茶馆,在靠窗的一张小桌旁坐下。 haofanwen.info 3. oh, there is a supermarket not far from here. But there is also a tea house around the corner, where you can get tea and a tea set as well. 离这里不远有家超市.街角有个茶叶店,那儿也有茶叶和茶具卖。 talk.oralpractice.com 4. He used to come to the tea house, but I haven't seen him for nearly a month. 他过去常来茶馆,但是我差不多有一个月没有见到他了。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. At the tea-house, you could feel totally at such ease that you could hardly have at home, not to speak in other's house. 其身心的放松,别说是在他人的家中,就是在自家屋里恐怕也是绝难做到的。 blog.voc.com.cn 6. We found a tea house and sat opposite each other. She ordered a chrysanthemum tea, I got a Lipton black tea. 接着我们找了一个茶馆,相对坐下,她要了一个菊花茶,我要了个立顿红茶。 wangbo.canalblog.com 7. After washing my face and hands, my friend took me to a little tea house right below the hotel for a few refreshing cups of tea and lunch. 待我洗过手脸后,我的朋友把我带到了就在酒店下面的一间小茶室,喝了几杯清心怡神的茶水,吃午餐。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Some old men can spend half of a day in tea house with just a pot of tea and two pieces oftaro cake or radish cake. 有些老年人可以就一壶、两个萝卜糕在茶馆一坐就是半天。 www.bing.com 9. Huang, assures financing remains available in Wenzhou, as he leads a reporter through crowded offices designed like a Chinese tea house. 他一边领着一位记者穿过设计得如同茶楼般拥挤的办公室。 www.12edu.cn 10. In a sudden I understood why Tibet left me such deep impression, and why I never forgot the little tea house on the foot of Mt. Everest. 我在那一刻明白了当初西藏什么会给我那样的震撼,也明白了为什么会对珠峰脚下的那间小茶馆那样恋恋不舍。 brand.hjenglish.com 1. A wide larch bench with handy drawers hidden underneath is the only piece of furniture in the tea house. 一个宽大的落叶松长凳下隐藏着方便的抽屉,这是这个茶馆里唯一的一件家具。 www.bing.com 2. Around with money, she can only Wanshui in a dormitory, Wanshui to a tea house, sooner or later, eating only twice a day with rice. 身边的钱不够用,她只能一晚睡在宿舍,一晚睡到茶馆,每天只吃早晚两顿饭。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. Spending a whole day at a tea house is the unique culture of the two cities; low prices make it more feasible there. 在茶馆泡上一整天是这两个城市独特的文化,茶馆低廉的消费助长了人们的这一爱好。 www.bing.com 4. As well as a tea house, the planted landscape deck has three feature pavilions which appear as clouds over the landscape . 种植的景色甲板有三个特色展馆以及一个茶室,看上去好像漂浮在景区上方的云朵。 www.showxiu.com 5. Thirsty and eager to get a little rest , he went into the tea- house . 由于口渴,又想歇一会儿,他走进了茶馆。 www.bing.com 6. Here, we went riding to pass another track of Tea-House road through the forest and looked at view on the way off, quite interesting! 在此我们又骑马续走了另一段茶马古道,领略了沿途的自然风光,很有趣呢! celinewu117.blog.sohu.com 7. He may not be a devotee of the tea ceremony, but he does have his own tea house. 他也许不是茶道爱好者,但他有自己的茶室。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Hidden in a hard-to-find alleyway, just down the road from the bustling Wudaokou subway station, is a tiny tea house. 从人群熙攘的五道口地铁站顺路而下,来到一个不易被人发现的小巷,你会发现这里藏着一个小茶馆。 2008.qq.com 9. Zhang Ziyang said, "We made a three-sided stage. And some audiences were invited to the second floor. It was decorated like a tea house. " 张子扬表示:“我们制作了一个三面舞台。一些观众被邀请到二楼。它被装饰得像个茶馆。” edu.sina.com.cn 10. For 15 years, this small tea house had been receiving group after group of tourists from all around the world. 15年来,这间小小茶坊就这样招待了一群又一群来自世界各地的游客。 www.bbkz.com 1. I hounded together into a group of police office, they brought another tea house. 一群警察押着我进了一个办公室,红袖被他们带进了另一个屋子。 bbs.renyu.net 2. Yeon-il is the 70-year-old owner of a tea house located on a small alley in one of Seoul's busy tourist neighborhoods. 70岁的寅日是一个茶馆老板。她的茶馆开在首尔最热闹的游览区的一条小胡同里。 www.bing.com 3. Sitting outside a tea house, we soaked it all up: the soaring, elegant peaks of Everest. 我们坐在一家茶馆外,一边饮茶一边体味着巍峨珠峰的优雅之美。 www.bing.com 4. Then we went to talk to a farmer who owned a tea house and Liu Yang was nice to translate for me and I also took some pictures. 接下来我们和一个开茶馆的农民交谈,刘洋替我做了很多翻译工作,我还拍了一些照片。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. He restored to the status of a commoner and happily chatted with friends of childhood in the tea house. 因此,他很快的就恢复了平民的身份,能够在茶棚里,轻松愉快地与儿时同伴闲话家常。 dict.kekenet.com 6. A dozen personages in tea house, every personality is distinct , lifelike, capable in the personality of the language, era. 《茶馆》里十几个人物,之所以个个性格鲜明,栩栩如生,得力于语言的性格化,时代化。 www.51lun-wen.cn 7. A friend and I sat down face to face in "Be for time" tea house in the last night of 2007. 2007年最后一晚,避风塘,与朋友对坐,朋友向我哭诉她那戛然而止的爱情。 www.hicoo.net 8. The Tea House is nestled within a leafy backyard of a suburban home. 这个茶室藏在一个郊区住宅茂密的后花园里。 www.julemei.com 9. The tiny Hat Tea House features a structure made from oak and a burnt larch facade. 小帽子茶馆由橡木和被烧毁的落叶松架构而成 www.bing.com 10. Stop by Lingzhi Tea House before your crazy shopping at Core Pacific City. This giant shopping mall is the biggest and latest one in Taipei. 下午到灵芝茶艺馆了解深山灵芝的生长及茗茶后,再往台北最大最新的京华城购物中心游览及购物。 www.todotravel.com 1. Similar to the star hotel, different from the lodge, there is some like the tea house. 类似于星级宾馆,有别于小旅馆,还有点象茶馆。 122.top86.com 2. It's a popular tea house with quite a long history in Xiguan, decorated in a classic style, this place really brings out Xiguan flavor. 这是在西关一个有着悠久历史,很受欢迎的茶馆,以古典风格装饰。这个地方确实很有西关的味道。 guangzhou.yoolk.com 3. Walking into Folk Song Tea House, the childhood memories come with beautiful folk songs attract people's ears and hearts. 走进店内,恰如其名的台湾民歌,正撩拨著美丽动人的青春与童年记忆。 www.hsinchufun.tealit.com 4. Gui Ying Tea House was founded in 1911, due to well-managed, pay attention to the quality of its famous, loved by the public. 迎桂茶社创建于1911年,由于经营得法,注重质量而使其闻名遐迩,深受市民喜爱。 en.cnxianzai.com 5. the tea house in Shanghai Street, Hengshan Road, the bars, Chinese and Western, Hangzhou-Ningbo Freeways. 上海老街的茶馆,衡山路的酒吧,中西合璧,新欢旧爱,各有各的精彩。 cid-25f35e9067c8dc09.spaces.live.com 6. Comparing with Beijing and Hangzhou, Cantonese tea house is lucky for its retaining its original flavor. 与北京和杭州的茶馆比起来,广东茶馆有幸保留了古朴风味。 www.bing.com 7. The language of tea house reflects Lao She as masters demeanour of the language directly. 《茶馆》的语言就直接体现了老舍作为语言大师的风范。 www.51lun-wen.cn 8. We packed up our stuff after that, lunched at a quaint little tea house in the vicinity, and then went home. 我们收拾我们的东西后,共进午餐时,还是古朴的茶楼附近,然后回家。 fm90.5d6d.com 9. L: oh yeah, I saw the tea house the other day. I think I might go and have a look sometime. It's a nice neighborhood here. 哦,对,前两天我见过那个茶具店,可能过两天去看看。我觉得这里的居住环境还不错。 www.tingclass.com 10. Language of tea house characteristic varied, this text three respect these prove right away. 《茶馆》的语言特色是多种多样的,本文就这三个方面加以说明。 www.51lun-wen.cn 1. We've had a boat, a Dutch garden, a ski train, a Chinese tea house, Tabiti , and goodness knows what else. 我们已经有了一只船、一个荷兰花园、一辆滑雪车、一座中国茶馆、一个塔希提岛,还有天晓得什么东西。 eol.njnu.edu.cn 2. I'll wait for you at the tea house next to the theatre. 我会在剧院旁边的那家茶馆等你。 www.teachcn.net 3. But, in Cantonese tea house, everything you can hear, see or smell is the original flavor of life. 但在广东的茶馆,你听到、看到和闻到的,都是自古保留下来的生活风味。 www.bing.com 4. And there is a system for researching tea including tea drinking (like tea types and water heat), tea pot art, and tea house. 对于茶的研究包括饮茶(象茶的类型、水温等)、茶具艺术、和茶馆等渐成体系。 bbs.33519.com 5. Be located on old downtown north wild tea house in Kyoto, is Kyoto the well-known bean curd be old to spread. 位于京都老市区北野的茶屋,是京都知名的豆腐老铺。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Generally, there are three times for tea (morning tea, afternoon tea and evening tea) at a Cantonese tea house. 一般说来,茶分三批,早茶、下午茶和晚茶。 www.bing.com 7. Next to the tea house was Liu Chun Hua's home so we walked over there and got some delicious corn. 茶馆隔壁就是刘春华的家,所以我们去了他家,并且得到了一些好吃的玉米。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He comes to this tea house to drink tea and chat with friends each afternoon. 每天下午他都会和朋友来这个茶社喝茶聊天。 www.nciku.com 9. I particularly enjoyed the Boa Nova Tea House, designed by Portugese architect Alvaro Siza, and the fantastic seafood. 我特别欣赏由葡萄牙建筑师阿尔瓦罗·西扎(AlvaroSiza)设计的波诺瓦茶室(BoaNovaTeaHouse)和美妙的海鲜。 www.ftchinese.com 10. I was also thinking of doing something by She Lao, perhaps 'Tea House' or 'Rickshaw Boy? 我也想读一些老舍的著作:《茶馆》或者《骆驼祥子》? www.douban.com 1. He retired in 1878, and kept a Chinese tea house and a Chinese goods store until his death in 1893. 他1878年退隐,开了家中国茶室和仓库,1893年去世。 www.bing.com 2. Staff of the tea-house. Women are pictured separately from men. 茶舍的员工,女人不能同男人一起照相。 www.bing.com 3. In accordance with the hidden in the o's tea garden in the warehouse drugs being the helper GuiYing found fresh tea house. 阿依仙姆藏在茶园仓库里的毒品被茶楼的帮工鲜桂英发现。 tv.360mp3.com 4. As soon as put down it, the tea house is a totally independent space, an ideal place for friends intimate chatting and tea drinking. 如果将竹帘全部放下来,茶室就是一个完全独立的空间,很适合密友在一起聊天喝茶; blog.sina.com.cn 5. They are talking to a Chinese friend, Fu Jie, at a tea house. 他们现在正在一家茶馆和他们的中国朋友付杰聊天。 www.tingclass.net 6. A small tea-house where only tea and pies can be bought. 一间只卖茶和馅饼的小茶馆。 www.bing.com 7. On the inside it's a recreation of a 16th century Japanese tea house. 房子内部是一个对16世纪日本茶屋的改建。 www.ted.com 8. Thus, in Beijing, the tea house has become a symbol of luxurious enjoyment and taste. 因此,在北京,茶馆已经变成了奢侈的享受和品位的象征。 www.bing.com 9. The local police station a rapid, in the tea house will present a two-person arrested. 当地派出所迅速出警,在茶馆内将二人抓了个现行。 zyynb.com 10. What about going to Chinese Tea House this weekends? 这个周末去中国茶屋怎么样? www.ebigear.com 1. We tell them we're going to a tea house. Han说,我会告诉他们我将去一个茶馆。 www.bing.com 2. While the game's music a lot, but today the relationship because of the time I would only recommend a --- "Shanghai Bridal Tea House. " 虽说游戏里的音乐很多,但今天由于时间的关系我就只推荐一首---《上海红茶馆》。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 3. In recent years, they also liked the tea house, because the tea house environment well, also very elegant decoration. 近几年,情侣们也喜欢上了茶馆,因为茶馆的环境很好,装修也很精美。 www.007china.com.cn 4. the play Tea-house is both moving and interesting. 话剧《茶馆》令人感动又很有意思。 www.pkuschool.com 5. Tea house is undoubtedly a brand of Guangzhou. 茶馆无疑是广东的一大标志。 www.bing.com 6. Dim sum is an important part in tea house, by which its making and variety can fully reveal the quality of the tea house. 点心是茶馆很重要的部分,点心的制作工艺和种类充分揭示这家茶馆的档次。 www.bing.com 7. That's what a regular tea-house can look. It happens that the building won't have any signs proving one can enjoy food here. 一般茶舍从外面看就是这样了,这些房子甚至没有任何一处标识可以证明这里是可以吃饭的地儿。 www.bing.com 8. Let's visit a typical Uzbek tea-house and enjoy the process of cooking. 现在就让我们去参观一家典型的乌兹别克茶舍享受烹饪过程带给我们的快乐吧! www.bing.com 9. They are going to act "Tea House" . 他们准备演《茶馆》这出戏。 files.eduu.com 10. My house is next to the tea house on the right. 我房子的右边紧挨着茶馆。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. XX YY seen outside the tea house, and suddenly eyes suffused with tears, he silently watched XX, long time no speak. YY见到XX在茶馆外面,忽然眼泛着泪光,他默默地看着XX,许久没有说话。 wenwen.soso.com 2. When trading was over, tea-drinking at the tea-house became a must. 买卖做完后,茶馆肯定是要泡的。 blog.big5.voc.com.cn 3. This article introduces the study on grasping of feeling and Numerization Management in the management practice of Baishayuan Tea house. 本文介绍了白沙源茶馆在经营中对感觉的把握和在数值化管理方面所做的一些探索。 www.dictall.com 4. The time at the tea house was very nice. 在茶馆里度过的时光非常美妙。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Good tea needs good cooking water. Around 100 meters away from Yanxia Tea House, there is the "Tiefo Spring. " 好茶需好水,距离烟霞茶院约百米处,有“铁佛泉”。 www.3us.com 6. Many people pay 10 Yuan and spend a whole day in tea house, enjoying tea, a newspaper, and some birds in cage. 许多人花费10元,在茶馆里呆上一整天,品茶、看报纸、逗逗笼子里的鸟。 www.bing.com 7. Runs a milk tea house. 在当地开了一家奶茶店。 www.kuenglish.info 8. If tea can satisfy one's thirst, well then tea house can make Sichuan more charming. 茶解渴,茶馆则使四川更加迷人。 www.bing.com 9. We went to a tea house where people played mahjong and some card game I have never seen before and some people looked at TV. 我们继续在村里走。我们去了一个茶馆,人们在那里打麻将、打牌,他们玩牌的方法我还从来没有见过。有些人在看电视。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Actually, drinking tea in Cantonese tea house not only includes tea but also snacks or dim sum in the local dialect. 在广东茶馆喝茶,不仅是喝,还要吃,这里还提供小零食或地方风味的点心。 www.bing.com 1. We have a very good tea house here. 我们这儿的茶馆儿不错。 www.jukuu.com 2. There is a tea house in the park, that is the place where visitors goes most frequently. 在公园里有一间茶馆,那是游客最常去的地方。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Music Tea House: Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me 音乐茶座:《别让太阳在我身边落下》 www.bing.com 4. Decoding the Connotation of Modern Tea House Design in Chongqing in Terms of Sichuan Tea Culture 从巴渝茶文化解读重庆现代茶楼的设计内涵 www.ilib.cn 5. The Brief Analysis Of The Industrialization Of Tianjin Modern Drama--Taking The Tea House Opera Economy As An Example 天津近代戏剧艺术产业化初探--以茶园戏曲经济为个案 www.ilib.cn 6. another one for big-star hotel, culture, custom clubs Tea House and themes of contemporary furniture with Chinese characteristics; 另外一则专为各大星级酒店,文化茶社和主题会所订制具有中国特色的当代家具; blog.sina.com.cn 7. Tea House (Chinese viewing seats with entertainment of playing cards and chesses) 茶室(中式观景茶座、棋牌娱乐) zhidao.baidu.com 8. Music Tea House: Day of Your Beliefs 音乐茶座:《满怀信念的日子》 www.bing.com 9. Music Tea House: When You Say Nothing at All 音乐茶座:《一切尽在不言中》 www.bing.com 10. the girls reluctantly follow her into the tea-house 女孩们不情愿地跟着她进了茶室 baike.soso.com 1. Tea house and pub: the key image of narration of modern Chinese towns 茶馆酒店:中国现代小城叙事的核心化意象 www.ilib.cn 2. Professional Committee of Tea House 茶馆专业委员会 citci.teagov.com 3. Xiang Zhi Yuan tea house(designed and decorated) 翔之缘茶艺馆(施工设计) realnobly.blog.hexun.com 4. Music Tea House: Down by the Salley Gardens 音乐茶座:《经柳园而下》 www.bing.com 5. Music Tea House: When You Look Me in the Eyes 音乐茶座:《当你凝望我时》 www.bing.com 6. Music Tea House: Teardrops on My Guitar 音乐茶座:《落在吉他上的泪珠》 www.bing.com 7. Music Tea House: When Christmas Comes to Town 音乐茶座:《圣诞来临的时候》 www.bing.com 8. Music Tea House: Under a Violet Moon 音乐茶座:《在紫罗兰色的月光下》 www.bing.com 9. Music Tea House: I Could Be the One 音乐茶座:《倾我所有》 www.bing.com 10. Music Tea House: On the Sunny Side of the Street 音乐茶座:《阳光灿烂的街道》 www.bing.com 1. Music Tea House: For the Lonely 音乐茶座:《给寂寞的人》 www.bing.com 2. Music Tea House: If You're Not the One 音乐茶座:《如果不是你》 www.bing.com 3. Music Tea House: Four Seasons in One Day 音乐茶座:《一日四季》 www.bing.com 4. Music Tea House: The Sore Feet Song 音乐茶座:《足凄之歌》 www.bing.com 5. Music Tea House: Rise and Fall 音乐茶座:《大起大落》 www.bing.com 6. Music Tea House: Need You Now 音乐茶座:《此刻需要你》 www.bing.com 7. Tea House in Kunming's City Park 昆明公园的茶馆 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Music Tea House: The Show 音乐茶座:《生活秀》 www.bing.com 9. Music Tea House: (There's Gotta Be) More to Life 音乐茶座:《活得更精彩》 www.bing.com 10. Music Tea House: Sunshine in the Rain 音乐茶座:《雨中的阳光》 www.bing.com 1. Music Tea House: To Where You Are 音乐茶座:《与你同在》 www.bing.com 2. work at a tea house 在茶厂里工作 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Music Tea House: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing 音乐茶座:《我什么都不想错过》 www.bing.com 4. Music Tea House: Flowers in the Window 音乐茶座:《橱窗里的鲜花》 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Music Tea House: All We Are 音乐茶座:《我们就是一切》 www.bing.com 6. The Tourist Development Value of Food Resources--Taking Chengdu Tea House for Example 饮食资源的旅游开发价值--以成都茶馆为例 www.ilib.cn 7. The development trend of tea house in the 21st century 21世纪茶馆发展趋势 service.ilib.cn 8. Have A Rest Tea House 休息一会茶坊 www.bjall.com 9. The development of modern tea house in China 中国现代茶馆发展初探 www.ilib.cn |
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