单词 | teachings |
释义 | teachings是teaching的复数
复数:teachings 例句释义: 教学,教导,教义,学说,教诲 1. Again one of the teachings of early Christianity like this was, once you're baptized you're not allowed to sin anymore. 早期基督教有一条教义是这样的,一经洗礼就不许再犯罪。 open.163.com 2. The reason people follow Confucius' teachings is not because Confucius has any sort of authority, but because people like what he said. 人们之所以遵循孔子的教诲,不是因为孔子有某种权能,而是因为人们喜欢他的理论。 middlekingdomlight.com 3. If we consider hell and heaven in terms of God's teachings of Law and Gospel, we would say that hell is all Law and heaven is all Gospel. 如果我们用上帝教导的律法和福音来看待地狱和天堂,那么我们可以说,地狱全是律法,而天堂全是福音。 gbicp.org 4. These three had elaborated old Major's teachings into a complete system of thought, to which they gave the name of Animalism. 他们三个把老麦哲的教诲精心总结为一套完整的思想体系,称之为动物主义。 www.bing.com 5. Dear Mr. Sun, Thanks for your untiring and sincere teachings, our english skills are going up in an straight line! 亲爱的孙老师:感谢您对我们的谆谆诱导,我们的英语都在直线上升。 bbs.bbwfish.com 6. The secret chamber of the Heart, as it has been called by esoteric teachings, is simply the place where the Christ within resides. 心之秘室,就是秘密教导过去被称它的,是基督居住的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A superb teacher, with a fine grasp of the appropriate metaphor, and tailoring his teachings to the audience at hand. 一位庄严的老师,善于使用适当的隐喻,对即将到来的听众随机说法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. I heard your dis- course on meditation a few days ago, but as I am new to your teachings, I was not quite able to follow it. 几天前我听了你关于禅修的演讲,但是因为我刚刚接触你的教导,我还不能完全理解。 hi.baidu.com 9. He said he prayed and reflected there about the life of Jesus and lessons of his teachings, and how they can be applied to daily life. 奥巴马说,在那里,他做了祈祷,反思了耶稣基督的一生、基督的教诲,以及那些话如何应用到日常生活中来。 www.bing.com 10. "An artist, by his paintings, taught me to see the sunset. The Master, by his teachings, taught me to see the reality of every moment" . 一个艺术家用他的画教我们看到夕阳。而大师用他的传教叫我们看到每一时刻的真实。 bbs.putclub.com 1. Mengzi was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to that of Confucius. 孟子是一个思想家,他的思想和孔子有些类似。 www.kejianxiazai.com 2. MASTER (to Mahima): "What I said about aspirants practising continence is true. Without chastity one cannot assimilate these teachings. " 师父(对玛希玛)说:“我说求道者练习自制是真的。没有了纯洁,就不能吸收这些教导。” dictsearch.appspot.com 3. But he has been on the acceptance of her mother's teachings, so that it accept the "no different from you and others, " this fact. 但是他却不断的接受母亲的教诲,使之接受「你和别人没有不同」这个事实。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. From childhood , she tried to live by the teachings of her parents and gradually accumulated a set of standards of conduct . 她从小就努力按照父母的教导去生活,形成了一整套为人处事的行为准则。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Thank you for your teachings to me, let me know how to grow up the way a lot of reason, thank you! I wish you forever happiness, well-being! 感谢您对我的教诲,让我在成长的路上懂得了许多道理,谢谢您!祝您永远幸福,安康! zhidao.baidu.com 6. We are the "abstinence success" common teachings, we took four years of commitment and hold to his own way. 我们受着“禁欲成才”共同的教诲,我们带着四年的承诺和坚守走向自己的路。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Day and night, you see the figure gradually growing, you think back to the teachings of an invisible force and inject heart. 日日夜夜里看见您渐渐老去的身影,回想起您的教诲,一种无形的力量又注入心田。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Some have erroneously concluded from the teachings of traditional Protestantism that the only requirement to be justified is faith. 某些人从新教的教导中得出错误的结论,认为唯一应被评判的是人的信心。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Christianity with its teachings of original sin taught you that you were flawed in your nature, that you needed forgiving. 宣扬原罪的基督教教导说,你们的本性就有缺陷,你们需要救赎。 www.douban.com 10. The teachings of the higher dimensions can only be learned from within; all the answers are waiting to be discovered. 高等世界的教理,只有从内边才能明了,一切答案都等待着我们自己去发觉。 sm2000.org 1. And in recent years, religious leaders seem to have ramped up their efforts at straying from literal Bible teachings. 在最近几年,宗教领导人似乎已在纠正圣经文字教义偏差上倾向于增加了他们的努力。 www.bing.com 2. But the Christians themselves, the founders of the Church, did not shun violence either in their pursuit to spread my teachings. 但基督徒本身,基督教的创立者,也并没有在传播我思想的过程中回避暴力。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The teachings can be used by new or experienced agile practitioners as a succinct set of guidelines to help them achieve agility. 无论是敏捷新人,还是有经验的敏捷实践者们都可以把这些要点当做一套简要指南来帮助他们实现敏捷。 www.infoq.com 4. As in the days of slavery, Martin Luther King found a message of equality and brotherhood in Christian teachings. 就像在奴隶制时代那样,马丁·路德·金从基督教教义中找到了平等和兄弟情谊的启示。 pdf.sznews.com 5. Some of his most famous teachings are to be found in the Sermon on the Mount, which also contains the beatitudes and the Golden Rule. 一些最著名的教导也可以在登山宝训里找到,也包含在祝福和一些金科玉律里头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. When you take a look at the great teachings, the great doctrines, the great principles of the Christian faith, it stretches your mind. 当你阅读基督教信仰的伟大讲章、教义和信条时,它们会令你开动脑筋。 www.bing.com 7. I have been following the teachings of White Cloud and yourselves for a long time now and it all seems to be coming together. 我一直在跟随WhiteCloud的训导,还有你们的教导很长时间了,这看起来所有都综合到一起了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Spiritualist Churches were born and contacting higher entities and receiving channeled messages, bringing the old teachings up to date. “操灵师教会”诞生了并且接触了更高的实体,收到了来自通道的讯息,把旧的教义最新。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If you are here because you think that probably some of these mahayana teachings might act as a therapeutic help then. 假如你在这里,是因为你认为某些大乘教法可能会有些治疗性质的帮助。 622006680.qzone.qq.com 10. "Today, we'll hear the teachings from his mouth. " said Govinda. “咱们今天可以听他亲口讲经了。”戈文达说。 www.kekenet.com 1. Before hearing of You and Your teachings, I had already seen You in a dream. 在尚未听及人们谈到您及您的教理之前,我就已在梦中见过您了。 sm2000.org 2. During the Song dynasty, these teachings developed into a debate about "Observing the true mind " and "observing the delusive mind" . 这种说法至宋代乃衍生出「真心观」与「妄心观」的诤论。 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. He said, "One must not accept my teachings from reverence but first try them as gold is tried by fire. " 他说:“任何人都不能因为尊敬我而接受我的教导,你们应当像用火检验黄金那样,严格的检验我的教导。” www.liaotuo.org 4. It is an opportunity for Deeksha Givers to be fully immersed in the teachings and realizations of Oneness, in a very intensive setting. 以一种密集的设置方式,这个课程是一个让合一传导师得以深深的领会合一的教导并实现合一状态的机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I should not be giving you these teachings even for the sake of impressing you for a moment. 我甚至不应该仅仅是为了给你们留下深刻印象,而讲授这些教法。 622006680.qzone.qq.com 6. Zoroaster apparently was opposed in his teachings by the civil and religious authorities in the area in which he preached. 琐罗亚斯德的教导很显然是受到他传教的地区的人民和宗教权威所反对。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Their teachings might have been distorted, but that makes it even more remarkable that you have still found your Light. 祂们的教导也许被扭曲了,但是这使得它更具有卓越的意义,因为你依旧找到了自身的【光】。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Therefore, may you all determine to really practice so you really know and when you know you will be sure about the teachings of the Buddha. 因此,希望诸位下决心去真参实修,这样才能如实真知,而当你了悟之后你对佛陀的教导就会确信无疑。 www.tseatw.org 9. It only requires that all people have an open mind, and are prepared to accept the teachings of those who are known to you as the Masters. 这仅仅需要的就是所有人都能有一个【开放的心灵】,准备好去接受那些被你们知晓的灵性大师们的教导。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If Jesus' teachings seem too lofty for everyday public affairs, we should at least hold our government to the limit of "an eye for an eye. " 如果耶稣的行止对于日常社会生活来说在道德上过于高调,我们至少可以让政府执行“以眼还眼”这一限制。 www.bing.com 1. rich man now truly understand the teachings of the Buddha, put down the heart of the trouble. 富翁此时才真正体会了佛陀的教诲,放下了心中的烦恼。 blog.163.com 2. But among the factors that contributed to the adoption of the Marxian teachings these nationalistic sentiments played a not negligible role. 但是马克思的学说之所以能受到欢迎,这类民族主义情感又恰恰发挥了不可忽视的作用。 www.bing.com 3. We pay respect to Buddha Shakyamuni and express the wish to follow his teachings for the rest of our lives. 这是正式拜释迦牟尼佛做老师,愿意一生依照老师的教训来修学,来修行。 putixing.wordpress.com 4. One who has achieved a state of perfect spiritual enlightenment in accordance with the teachings of Buddha. 依据佛的教诲而达到完美的精神开悟境界的人 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Still, whether you accept or reject what you are taught, your present position grows out of those teachings . 尽管如此,不管你是接受或者反对你所接受的教育,你现在的立场本身源自那样的教导。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Over the centuries the Kalachakra teachings have been transmitted in an unbroken lineage from teacher to student. 这些世纪以来,Kalachakra教学已经在从老师到学生不完整的世袭里中传承。 www.bdpsclub.org 7. billy wanted to live up to the teachings of his church. 比利希望遵守他教会的教义。 dict.ebigear.com 8. The practice of giving, or dana in Pali, has a pre-eminent place in the teachings of the Buddha. 『布施』巴利语为dana,音译为檀那,修布施在佛陀的教导中佔有重要的地位。 www.mahasati.org.tw 9. His teachings were not fully appreciated in his lifetime and often he was viewed with suspicion as was government fearful of his influence. 在一生中,他的学说并没受到赏识。政府担心这种学说的影响,常常带着怀疑的眼光看待。 www.ebigear.com 10. Zen is a school of Buddhism, and one of its central teachings is to improve awareness through meditation. 禅宗是佛教的一个派系,其核心思想之一是通过冥想提高意识。 cn.reuters.com 1. The aim of the teachings is principally conserving a sense of unity, while living in a duality world. 教导的目的主要是为了在生活在二元世界,保存一种意识(译:智慧、观念)的一贯性。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Even the Venerable Arahant Maha Mahinda, who introduced Dharma into Sri Lanka, used these stories to illustrate the truth of the teachings. 就连将佛教传入斯里兰卡的摩醯陀尊者(Mahinda),在弘法时也引用了这些故事。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 3. One of the central teachings of Gnostic saints was the experience of the inner Light. 诺斯替教派圣者的主要教理之一就是内在光的体验。 sm2000.org 4. Much of this has to do with the Hermetic teachings passed down through the ages as part of the mystery school teachings. 这大多数以秘教传递下来通过时代作为神秘学校教导的一部分。 spaces.msn.com 5. Nor did she see that under his influence she had come a long way from Ellen's teachings. 她也没有看出自己在他的影响下已经远远背离了母亲的教诲。 www.jukuu.com 6. Finally I ask all of you to always keep these teachings in mind, contemplate theirs meanings and put them into practice in your daily life. 最后,我再次恳请你们必要紧记这些开示,思维他们的意义,并在日常生活中实践。 www.kkcw.org 7. Theosophy was created by the need to understand mystical teachings, especially the eastern approach to the mystical. 接神论是由对神秘教义的理解的需要造就的,特别是对东方式的神秘主义的渴求。 tr.bab.la 8. The word bhavanetti and punabbhava lead us closer to the concepts peculiar to Buddhism as found in the early teachings of the Master. 单词bhavanetti和punabbhava使我们更接近佛教特有的概念,如同在佛教的早期教义之中发现的那样。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. and began to question the basic Theosophical teachings. 并开始质疑通神学会基础的教义。 www.j-krishnamurti.org.cn 10. I recollected and remembered if not for your support and help, I would have not understood a single word of my dear Master's teachings. 我忆起,如果没有妳的帮助,我无法听懂梁老师所教导的任何一个字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I became acquainted with the Venerable Master's teachings about four years ago, around the time when Taiwan had the SARS crisis. 接触宣公上人的书籍大约是在四年前,那时台湾正经历SARS危机。 www.ccfy.net 2. He believes in the four major causes as the core of his teachings: material cause, efficient cause, formal cause and final cause. 他的教义的核心是四大原因:物质原因、效率原因,外观原因及最终原因。 www.elanso.com 3. The abovementioned sciences are meant to help and enable the person to issue fatwas in accordance with the principles of Islamic teachings. 上述提到的这些学科,意思是帮助并使他(她)有能力依据伊斯兰教义原则出判例。 www.2muslim.com 4. Deming's most famous teachings are a collection of management advices that he published in the book "Out of the Crisis" in 1986. Deming学说最著名的部分是他于1986年发表的《摆脱危机》(“OutoftheCrisis”)一书中的管理建议集。 www.infoq.com 5. One of his most important teachings was that people should live in simplicity. 他最重要的教言之一就是人应该过简单的生活。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Their prophecies and teachings have been transmitted orally, from generation to generation, for thousands of years. 他们的预言和教理万年来经由口授代代流传下来。 sm2000.org 7. When a person is unable to educate himself, he also cannot accept others'teachings anymore. His development gradually ceases. 当一个人没办法自我教育的时候,他业就不能接受别人的教育了;他的成长实已停止。 www.dlfg.cn 8. The answer is yes . In terms of value , the core teachings of the two great minds are neither bounded by time nor space . 答案是肯定的。他们的核心思想,从价值的角度来看,超越了时空的限制。 www.bing.com 9. His teachings have been credited for enabling Japanese companies to dominate markets around the world with some great products. 他的学说帮助日本公司制造出优秀的产品,占领国际市场,因而饱受赞誉。 www.infoq.com 10. I believe in all of the Venerable Master's instructions, and bit by bit I try to put his teachings into practice. 我相信上人所说的一切,也学著点点滴滴去实践上人的教导。 www.book853.com 1. But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as teachings the commandments of men. 他们敬拜我也是徒然,因为他们将人的吩咐当作教训教导人。 www.cttcenter.org 2. Thank you for your wish and thank you for your teachings . Please accept my ardent blessings and hearty thanks. 感谢您的祝福与教导,请接受我诚挚的祝福与谢意! dongshiqi8304.blog.163.com 3. Any religion cannot be held accountable for the actions of individual followers who have the free will to practise or rejects its teachings. 个别信徒有选择遵循或拒绝教义的自由,所以宗教本身不能对每一个追随者的行为负责。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The teachings consisted of four sessions, morning and afternoon and included a question-and-answer period at the end of each session. 此次开示有四部分,上午和下午各有一次开示,每段开示结束后还有问答部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The Salvation Army is an international organization for social work and for spreading the teachings of the Christian gospel. 拯救部队乃专门从事社会工作、传播基督教福音之世界机构。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. In the years before the war the German body politic was being poisoned by Marxist teachings. 在战争爆发之前的那些年,马克思主义学说毒害了整个德国。 www.bing.com 7. When it came time to make the fateful decision, he agreed to follow Sidious' teachings and knelt before the dark master. 当决定命运的时刻来临时,他决定服从西迪厄斯的教导,跪倒在黑暗的主人面前。 www.starwarschina.com 8. The Theory of the Four Noble Truths is widely recognized as one of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism. 四圣谛说被广泛认为是佛教的基本教义之一。 www.kuenglish.info 9. I plan to use this blog to supplement my teachings at Kaide Education and to answer any question my readers might have. 我计划运用此博客来补充我在凯德商务英语教学上的内容以便来回答我的学员可能持有的问题。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. All the great religious teachings of the world press home the message that everyone has a responsibility to care for the vulnerable. 世上所有伟大的宗教都告诉我们,每人都有责任,去关照那些需要关照的弱者。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The other folk hard veteran moral teachings for few decades, was incredibly made pathway for up between the in a flash at small generation. 别人辛苦修行数十年,居然被一个小辈在刹那之间追了上去。 cpubbs.com 2. Given that Amida's Primal vow is true, then the teachings of Sakyamuni, which concern only the Vow, cannot be false. 假如考虑到阿弥陀佛本愿是真实的,那么无量寿佛的教导就不可能是虚假,因为它只关心誓愿。 www.yododo.com 3. From Hangzhou , to be engaged upon flute professional teachings , good at piano and electronic organ , like dressing and decorate . 来自杭州,专业从事长笛和短笛的教学,擅长钢琴和电子琴,爱好化壮和服装。 www.bing.com 4. exert on His teachings still exert a strong influence on his former students . . . 他的教诲对他昔日的学生仍然有极大的影响 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Wolf Larsen , evidently, had sifted the great philosopher's teachings , rejecting and selecting according to his needs and desires . 海狼赖生显然精研过那个大哲学家的教训,以自己的需要和希望作为取舍的标准。 www.bing.com 6. Our understanding of the doctrine of inerrancy must be set in the context of the broader teachings of the Scripture concerning itself. 我们对“圣经无误”教义的了解,必须根据圣经论及其本身的整体教训。 www.douban.com 7. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 这是因为说谎之人的假冒;这等人的良心如同被热铁烙惯了一般。 new.fuyinchina.com 8. We regularly point out that you should use your intuition, and as you become more aware it becomes easier to recognize the true teachings. 我们定期的指出你们应当运用你们的直觉,并且当你变得更觉知就能更加简单的去认识真实的教导。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Dear brother in Islam, thank you for your question, which reflects your care to have a clear view of the teachings of Islam. 亲爱的兄弟在伊斯兰教,谢谢你的问题,这反映了您的照顾,有一个清晰的看法伊斯兰教教义。 www.norislam.com 10. I thank you for introducing me to Her teachings. 感谢你们将她的教理介绍给我。 sm2000.org 1. Request teachings and blessings: Pray to H. H. Penor Rinpoche for your personal answers, blessings, and empowerment. 请求教导与加持。向贝诺法王祈祷,可以求自己疑惑的解答,或请求加持跟灌顶。 www.hdjy.org 2. Do not concern yourself if you realize that you have followed teachings that are laced with misleading information. 不要担心自己,如果你知道你已经在“受教”中,被那些误导性的信息。 www.angozj.com 3. By the way, this is something that you might want to note down, that this Parting From the Four Desire has a complete mahayana teachings. 顺带一提,你也许想记下这一点:这个《远离四种执著》的教法,其实包含了完整的大乘教法。 622006680.qzone.qq.com 4. The teachings on staying away from women are given specifically to men who are unable to eradicate their covetous minds. 有关远离女人的教言,是针对不能消除贪心的男人而言。 www.zhibeifw.com 5. I read a lot and I study the literature, the history, cultures, civilizations, religious teachings, mysticism, esoteric. 我读了很多,我研究文学,历史,文化,文明,宗教的教义,神秘,深奥。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Dear teachers, your teachings as spring, it may Swiss rain, my heart forever. My sincere best wishes to you: healthy, well! 敬爱的老师,您的教诲如春风,似瑞雨,永铭我心。我虔诚地祝福您:安康,如意! www.chddh.cn 7. Some of the skills we have adopted in the Western world are a direct result of teachings in China during this period. 一些我们从西方采纳而来的技能也是文化大革命期间中国教育的直接结果。 www.bing.com 8. Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. 不要以为我来此是为了废除摩西律法和先知们的教导。 www.zftrans.com 9. The education of peace is the best and most virtuous teaching among all the teachings of the ancient sages and saints. 和平的教育是古代圣贤和智者的所有教学中最好的和最高尚的工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. We always miss You and keep Your teachings in our minds, as each of us becomes one who adds Truth, Goodness, and Beauty to the world. 我们时时想念着您,也将您的教理铭记在心,努力将真善美带入这个世界。 sm2000.org 1. The teachings on this practice as preserved in the Russian Orthodox Church include more advanced training for the more devoted Christians. 保存在俄国东正教教会内有关于这个修法的教授包括了供更专志的基督徒的种种进阶训练。 www.yogilin.org 2. of blue sky . Beautiful dark green reflects the holy sun . Hot wind make me feel the strength of your teachings. Thank you, teacher! 宝石的云彩,反向出蓝天的光芒;美丽的碧绿,反射出神圣的太阳;炽热的风啊,是我感受到您的教诲的力量。感谢您啊,教师! dict.kekenet.com 3. However, he already pursue mindset correction good, have no upset, just train moral teachings more hard. 不过,他已把心态调整好,没有沮丧,只是更加努力的修行。 cpubbs.com 4. The true teachings do not talk of punishment in any context, as every soul on Earth is loved and given guidance as soon as it is requested. 真实的教义在任何语境中都不谈论惩罚,因为地球上的每个灵魂都是受到珍爱的,并且只要一请求就会被给予引导。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Today I have brought nothing material of any substance to offer you, only Dhamma, the teachings of the Lord Buddha. 今天我没有带任何物品来送你,只有「法」——世尊的教导。 bbs.fjnet.com 6. All the Buddhist teachings are explained in terms of Ground, Path, and Fruition. 佛教的所有法门都可以用根、道、果。 bbs.jcedu.org 7. It is a dynamic that provides a sharp contrast to the sometimes reckless teachings of her Master. 这与她师父有时卤莽的教导形成了鲜明的对比。 bbs.flyine.net 8. To counteract such ways there have been further teachings that have promoted the idea of finding the true self within. 为了抵消这种方式已经有了更深远的教导,那就是提出找到“内在真实自我”的想法。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. These in the last years, the crazy dozen delivers lonely only way, be train moral teachings hard, fix for compare of further ahead ten-year. 这些年来,狂尊打发寂寞的唯一办法,就是努力修行,修为较之十年前更进一步。 www.bazx.net.cn 10. This sense of unbounded duty to others is essential to many religious teachings on morality. 这种没有边际的责任感是很多宗教教义中道德观的基础。 bbs.chinaunix.net 1. Well, far be it from me to question the teachings of childhood. Tell me what you've done that hell yawns before you. 哼,你小时候受的教育跟我一点关系也没有。告诉我你都干了些什么以至于地狱向你张开大口。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. if Catholics were only faithful to the teachings of the Magisterium, he wrote, all would be well. 他写道,如果天主教徒只忠心于教权的教导,那么一切就都好了。 www.ecocn.org 3. To me, it seemed these people were going much farther toward actually living the teachings espoused by Jesus than mainstream religions were. 对我来说,这里的人比主流宗教更深入地践行着主耶稣的教理。他们生活的理想便是众生皆神圣。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Believing the teachings of Confucius, my grandfather taught me that a good man should respect others and work hard himself. 我的祖父从小教导我一个品行优良的人应该是一个尊重他人努力工作的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Usually issued in a number of Buddhist teachings often mutually complimentary or free distribution. 平时常印发一些佛教教义互相赠阅或免费发放。 www.fabiao.net 6. Whether it becomes part of your beliefs by replacing false teachings is everyone's personal choice. 但是它是否能通过取代过去错误的教导,并成为你的信仰依旧是每个人自己的选择。 www.douban.com 7. Sakyamuni center, Lord Lao Zi left and the right hand side placed Confucius, constituted the basic form of the Three Teachings Temple. 三教堂内,释迦居中,老子居左,孔子居右,构成了其基本形态。 www.fabiao.net 8. So if you are using our teachings, you've got to invoke Amma Bhagavan. 如果你们用的是我们的教导,你必须唤请阿玛巴关的临在。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In the Infinite Life Sutra, the Buddha told us that of all the kinds of giving, that of the teachings is foremost. 佛在无量寿经上告诉我们,一切布施中,法布施为最。 putixing.wordpress.com 10. It was against the teachings of the Prophet, which bar Muslims from destroying places of worship. 这与先知的教导背道而驰。穆斯林是不可以毁坏宗教活动场所的。 www.bing.com 1. This cultural and generational fracture represents a major challenge today for the keepers of the sacred teachings of the Buddha. 对现今坚守神圣佛陀教诲的人,这种文化和两代人的分歧是一个重大挑战。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. This email will be posted as one among the Collection of Inquiries for Teachings, and also listed on the Powa request page. 此电邮将上传到我们的请益类,并列入请求颇瓦超渡的网页中。 www.yogilin.org 3. After the destruction of the Temples, sacrifices were banned and rabbinical teachings took their place as the focus of Judaism. 该寺院被毁后,牲祭便被禁止,犹太祭司的教育取代牲祭成为犹太教的核心。 mailftp.lihpao.com 4. "Gandhi's teachings cannot be squared with the belief that Man is the measure of all things, " Orwell warned, correctly. “甘地的教诲不能简简单单地用人类是万物之尺度的信条来比较,”奥威尔得体地警告道。 www.bing.com 5. The Gelug school, known also as the "Yellow Hats, " showed little tolerance or willingness to mix their teachings with other Buddhist sects. 格鲁派,又称“黄帽子”,并未表现出多少容忍和融合其他教派的意愿。 pro.yeeyan.com 6. So in practice wescrutinize all teachings and all teachers in light of Paul writings, along with the rest of scripture. 因此在现实中,我们要用保罗所写的和圣经里其它的部分仔细检验所有的教训和教师。 www.bing.com 7. Anyone who would like to request teachings from Rinpoche, kindly register early for a private interview. 如需向仁波切请法,请预先报名以便通知。 groups.yahoo.com 8. There is nothing like grandmothers. To this day her teachings continue to serve me well. 祖母就是祖母,无与伦比,即便到今天她当初的教诲都会在我耳旁萦绕。 www.bing.com 9. His teachings had unsurpassed influence on all the great Greek and Roman schools of philosophy. 他的教学有对哲学所有伟大的希腊和罗马学校的未被超越的影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I hope you enjoy these lessons, they are a little window into my soul of teachings that have changed my life. 我希望你们能欣赏这些经验教训,它们就是一扇小窗,通往了改变我人生的教义之魂。 www.bing.com 1. Hsien, in Chinese Taoism, is an immortal who has achieved divinity through devotion to Taoist practices and teachings. 成仙,在中国道教里面,是一种不朽,通过献身于道教实践和教导中成就了神性。 www.cnufo.com 2. People are the same : I know plenty of people who don't accept teachings that are beneficial - just like a mange dog. 我们人也是一样,我认识许多人,他们都不接受有益的教导,就像只癞皮狗! www.mahasati.org.tw 3. Every great religion began with inspired teachings from a great Master who was given specific wisdom teachings to impart to humanity. 伟大的宗教都是开始于一个精神导师的教导,这个导师传给人类智慧。 dwbbs.qiudao.net 4. One of the earliest Christian documents is the `Clementine Homiles', a second-century work purportedly based on the teachings of St. Peter. 有一份最早期的基督徒文件是“Clementine温和仁慈圣训”,据称,二世纪的教化基于圣·彼得的教诲。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Then, at last, she moved next to a school, where they taught about Confucius and all the saints teachings. 她又搬家了,这是第三次搬迁,最后她搬到学校附近。 sm2000.org 6. When the Buddha gave his teachings, he didn't simply ask for people to believe what he said. 佛陀传法时,并非是只要人们信他的话。 read.goodweb.cn 7. From the teachings of Jesus to the gospel about Jesus, that's one of the first things that happens. 从耶稣的教义,到讲述耶稣的福音,这是最早发生的。 open.163.com 8. My respected teacher, your teachings, like gurgling spring, flow from childhood to youth in the riverbank of my heart. 我敬爱的老师,您的教诲,犹如潺潺的清泉,在我的心灵的河床里,从童年流到青年。 www.miteo.net 9. The many different comments on this blog clearly demonstrate how your mind can easily distract you from the teachings of Jesus. 许多不同的评论,说明你的头脑清楚博客容易分散您的教诲耶稣。 what.christianlovedating.com 10. The Keylontic Science Teachings are of a frequency of energy keyed to the 6th dimensional frequency band and higher. Keylontic科学技术是能量频率,被锁定在6维以及更高的维度频率带中。 www.douban.com 1. I have formed these words with the help of my inmost creation, known to you, through these teachings, as the Central Race. 我已与我的内心深处的创作知道你,帮助这些话,通过这些教导,作为中央赛。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. One of Sun Tzu's most well known teachings is that the greatest victory in war is one attained without fighting. 孙子最著名的教导之一:战争中最伟大的胜利是“不战而屈人之兵”。 www.bing.com 3. This is one of hundreds of stories that circulated amongst those working at connecting with earth through grounding through such teachings. 这是流传在教学中透过根植与地球连接者的数百起故事。 tisheng.org 4. The point is that before you can get anyone to take on your own teachings, you have to apply them to your own life. 重点就是在你要求其他人接受你的教义之前,你必须实践到自己的生活中。 www.bing.com 5. His teachings exerted a strong influence on the young people. 他的教导给年轻人施以深刻的影响。 www.yuloo.com 6. His teachings such as the boom in the mind roams, long did not call the master and the master, you all right? 恩师的教诲如暖潮在心中翻涌,很久都未和师父通话了,师父您还好吗? www.bing.com 7. The flowers of the sacred lotus are symbols of purity and divine birth closely linked with the teachings of the historical Buddha. 中国植物图片集。神圣的荷花表达的纯洁和非常可爱的出生在接近地在佛教历史的教导。 www.0731yyw.com 8. You give us the momentum and forge ahead, your earnest teachings, the essence of your knowledge and build wealth in our hearts sculpture. 您给予我们奋斗前进的动力,您的谆谆教诲,您的知识精髓在我们内心深处筑起财富的雕塑。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Unlike many religious teachings that are primarily theoretical and internal, veganism is solidly practical. 不象其他的宗教教义那样主要是理论和内在的学说,素食主义有很强的实用性。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. However, Gandhi's pacifism can be separated to some extent from his other teachings. 不过,甘地的和平主义可以在某种程度上与他的其它教导区分开来。 www.bing.com 1. He was hiding his scientific ideas from the powerful Roman Catholic Church, whose teachings sometimes disagreed with what Leonardo observed. 他在隐藏他的科学观点,以免被强势的罗马天主教会知悉。天主教会的教义有时与列奥纳多的观察结论不一致。 www.joyen.net 2. Born in 551 BC, the sage, as he is known, left behind a set of teachings as influential as any the world has known. 孔子生于公元前551年,后人称他为孔圣人,因为他流传下来的儒家思想不仅在中国有深远的影响,而且也为全世界所知晓。 www.bing.com 3. As far as I could tell, much of their curriculum was focused on religious teachings and values. 我尽量告诉他们,他们的课程着重于宗教教义和价值观。 www.elanso.com 4. Post all sketches for embroidery of holy images and related teachings on-line in a file under Miscellaneous category. 将所有供刺绣用的素描圣像及相关文章以其他类上传。 originalpurity.org 5. Also be engaged in the method and psychology research for instruments teachings . 还从事乐器教学法及乐器教学心理研究。 www.bing.com 6. Most Chinese vegetarians are Buddhists, following the Buddhist teachings about minimizing suffering. 大多数中国素食者都是佛教徒,按照佛教教义关于尽量减少痛苦。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Their teachings, philosophies or ideas led the believers to focus on external behaviors at the expense of internal significance. 他们教导的某些特定的哲学观或概念,导致信徒把目光聚焦在许多外显事物上,并以此论断彼此的内在价值。 hcchome.org 8. Cooperative learning organized during classroom teachings of the section "The Behavior of Animal" “动物的行为”教学中组织学生合作学习 www.ilib.cn 9. The competitions emphasized in peaceful coexistence and valued the bodily teachings of wisdom, bravery, restraint and justice. 竞技赛会力主和平共处,特重智慧、勇敢、节制与正义的身体教化。 www.teps.com.cn 10. With the Clone Wars in full effect, Count Dooku -- now Darth Tyranus -- fully embraced the ancient teachings of the Sith. 随着克隆人战争的全面爆发,杜库伯爵――现在的达斯·泰拉纳斯――完全信奉了古老的西斯教义。 www.starwarsfans.cn 1. The ethics advocated ethics became the theoretical foundation for the establishment of clan and tribal laws and teachings. 新安理学所倡导的伦理观,是徽州宗族制订族规和祖训的理论依据; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 2. Ignore outsiders who disdain our way of life or try to discredit our special teachings. 对那些鄙视我们的生活方式或试图怀疑我们特别教义的局外人要不屑一顾。 www.ebigear.com 3. From Taiyuan, Shanxi Drama Vocational College, to be good at flute teachings. 来自太原,山西戏剧职业学院音乐系,擅长长笛和教学。 www.flutefriends.com 4. Today on Gandhi's death anniversary I would like to expand further on Gandhi's teachings and outline how to let your life be your message. 今天,在甘地逝世纪念日里,我愿意进一步推广甘地的教义并且就如何让人生成为你的启明灯做出规划。 www.bing.com 5. Not pilfering, but showing all good faithfulness that they may adorn the teachings of our Savior God in all things. 不可私拿东西,却要显为绝对优良可信,好使我们救主神的教训在凡事上都得光荣。 edu.china.com 6. As well as their religious teachings, they also pride themselves on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 他们的宗教教学也以维持健康的生活方式为自豪。 www.elanso.com 7. At the same time, it provides guidelines and detailed teachings for a just society, proper human conduct, and an equitable economic system . 同时,它提供指引及详细教诲来求取公平的社会、正确的人类行为,以及平衡的经济系统。 www.jukuu.com 8. When um Khenpo Appey Rinpoche asked me if I should, if I consider giving these teachings here. 当堪布阿贝仁波切问我是否能考虑在这里传授这些课程时。 622006680.qzone.qq.com 9. His teachings were banned under Mao Zedong, who oversaw the destruction of his family home during the Cultural Revolution. 他的教育思想在毛泽东时代遭到了禁止,他的历史旧居在毛泽东发起的文化大革命期间被捣毁了。 www.bing.com 10. Rather than succumbing to despair, Luminara embodies the teachings of the Jedi Order even in desperate times. 即使在绝望的时刻,卢米娜拉也没有屈服于绝望,而是展现了绝地武士团的教义。 www.starwarschina.com 1. Only the Word of God can motivate a person to believe the Way of salvation and teachings related thereto: Rom 10: 17. 神的话是唯一能在人心中激动人相信救恩指之道和有关的教训:罗马书10:17。 smzg.org 2. Buddha is very wise, and you can learn much from his age-old teachings if only you open your heart and your mind. 佛陀是很明智的,如果你打开你的心扉和你的理智,那么,你能够从他古老的教谕中学到很多东西。 www.bing.com 3. But the management philosophy in these teachings transcends specific engineering disciplines. 然而这些学说中的管理理念其实超越了特定的工程学科。 www.infoq.com 4. Jesus is a pivotal figure in both Christianity and Islam, and both religions consider themselves to contain the true teachings of Christ. 耶稣是基督教和伊斯兰教的关键人物,两教都认为自己拥有基督的真正教义。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. For generations, its formal teachings were passed down by Daoist priests as well as lay practitioners. 道教的正统教义和文化通过出家修真的道士和在家修行的居士一代接一代流传了下来。 www.bing.com 6. The auric manipulation and healing techniques that gave rise to Therapeutic Touch were derived from teachings found in Theosophy . 正金操作和给予提升的治疗触摸疗愈技巧是源自见神论创立的教导。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In Tibet, and generally wherever there are the Mahayana teachings of Vajrayana, the practice of the prayer wheel has spread. 在西藏,通常只要有大乘金刚乘教法流传的地方,就流传著转经轮法门。 www.showxiu.com 8. Perhaps the Buddha would have enjoyed the thought that his teachings could provide so much fun! 可能佛陀会为他们的教化给人们带来的这么多快乐而欣慰吧 blog.sina.com.cn 9. With the growing impact of the Three Teachings Temple, it began to attract attention to the Confucian scholars. 随着三教堂影响的扩大,它开始引起儒家士大夫的关注。 www.fabiao.net 10. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader. 基于精神领袖的教诲的一套信仰,价值观和行为。 spiritwind.blogchina.com 1. Um my motivation as a teacher or as a medium expressing this te. . . these teachings should be solely, if possible, based on the bodhicitta. 作为老师或是传播这些教法的媒介,我的发心,如果可能的话,应当是完全基于菩提心。 622006680.qzone.qq.com 2. Jesus spoke seven words and out of those seven words, go home and study it, these are the teachings He taught us. 耶稣说了七句话,回家查考圣经,祂要藉这七句话教训我们。 hourofpower.org.hk 3. From Weifang Choric Group , to be engaged on flute playing and teachings . 来自潍坊市歌舞剧院,专业从事长笛演奏和教学。 www.bing.com 4. The group invites men as well as women to discussions on the Koran's teachings about the equality of the sexes. 该组织邀请男士以及女士参加《古兰经》教学研讨,讨论男女平等。 www.unsv.com 5. But it does increase the relative weight, within Islam, of teachings which tend to sharpen the Christian-Muslim divide. 不过,它确实在伊斯兰内部增加了教义的分量,这些教义往往会加剧基督徒与穆斯林之间的分离。 www.ecocn.org 6. He is best known for the impact he had on Japanese businesses with his teachings on design, manufacturing, sales and quality. 他在设计、制造、销售和质量方面的学说对日本经济发展产生了深远影响,他也因此举世闻名。 www.infoq.com 7. His teachings still exert a strong influence. 他的教导仍在产生巨大影响。 www.bing.com 8. Sant Mat is the study of the essence of the spiritual teachings of all saints and spiritual Masters from all religions through the ages. 明师之路是研究有史以来所有宗派的所有圣人和灵性导师们的灵性教理的精髓的科学。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. King Dutugemunu (2nd century B. C. ), in Anuradhapura, paid for the support of preachers to teach Dharma, the teachings of the Buddha. 公元前二世纪,阿努拉达普拉城(Anuradhapura)的杜图伽摩奴王(KingDutugemunu)用金钱资助传教士传播佛法,亦即佛教教义。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 10. This is certainly clear evidence to show that both classifications are genuine teachings as practiced by the early disciples of the Master. 这很清楚的证据表明这两种划分是真实的教育并有大师早期的弟子所实践。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. From Zhengzhou , Henan song and dance theater , professional flute performance and teachings . 来自郑州,河南省歌舞剧院,从事长笛演奏和教学。 www.bing.com 2. Buddha's teachings help us to get rid of these sorrows from within ourselves to get eternal happiness. 佛的教导令我们在自身中去除这些痛苦,从而获得永恒快乐。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This article discusses a few of the basic teachings of Buddah. 这篇文章讨论了佛陀的几个基本教谕。 www.bing.com 4. The Saudi government has warned against any public protests, saying that they are illegal and against the teachings of Islam. 沙特政府警告民众不要举行任何公开抗议活动,称这是非法的,是违反伊斯兰教教义的。 www.voanews.cn 5. He cleverly incorporated the pagan beliefs of the day into his Christian teachings. 他很巧妙的把异教徒的信仰融入到他基督传教中。 www.elanso.com 6. As the early Buddhist teachings freely admit, the predicament is that the cycle of birth, aging, and death is meaningless. 早期佛教毫不讳言,困境就在于轮回于生、老、死的毫无意义。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 7. Inner Mongolia is just entering the new curriculum, most teachers are deep-rooted on the original teachings of Emperor solid. 内蒙古是刚刚进入新课改的,大部分教师对原有教法是根深帝固的。 www.fabiao.net 8. Notice how poignantly wisdom says, "Guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. " 请留意智慧的话是何等的深刻:「保守我的法则,好像保守眼中的瞳人。」 chinesetodays.org 9. His teachings held that men should develop the virtues of kindliness , tolerance, and respect for older people and ancestors. 他的教诲认为,人应该培养和善、容忍、与尊敬长者和祖先的这些美德。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Shows that these ancient teachings are penetrating and relevant, not only for understanding death, but as a guide to life. Illustrated. 表明,这些古老的教义和相关的渗透,不仅对了解死亡,但作为生活的指南。画报。 www.ccemagz.com 1. From Yueyang Garden City Instruments Company, flute teacher with excellent teachings method and good etudes. 来自岳阳市田园琴行,长笛老师。擅长钢琴和作曲。 www.flutefriends.com 2. Combining many year teachings and practice, a course reform of education is performed from the content of course and the teaching method. 并结合多年教学实践,从教学内容和教学方法上开展课程教学改革。 www.chemyq.com 3. It will bring the best moral and biblical teachings to children through fun and constructive television. 通过有趣与积极的电视节目,它为孩子们带来了最好的道德与圣经教学。 www.bing.com 4. Thank you for coming softly, thank you for the loving mother love ZhengZheng teachings taskmaster love! 感谢您润物无声的慈母爱,感谢您铮铮教诲的严师爱! zhidao.baidu.com 5. The fruits of the Dhamma (the teachings) can be experienced here and now. 『法(教导)』的果实可以在当下就得到体验。 www.liaotuo.org 6. False teachers infiltrated the church and promoted wrong teachings, resulting in wrong behaviors. 假教师在教会中宣扬错误的教导,导致信徒们错误的行为。 hcchome.org 7. They must also spiritually feed the flock in a timely manner through sermons and teachings. 在讲台和教导事奉上要精进,可以按时喂养并造就群羊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The Kathara System is part of a much larger body of sacred spiritual-science teachings. 卡塔拉体系是大量神圣心灵科学教学主体的一部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The Buddha preached the teachings of the Kalacakra to an assembly of holy men in southern India. 佛陀的Kalacakra的教导传道组合汇集了印度南部中的圣人。 www.bdpsclub.org 10. Even though Ninjas disappeared over four hundred years ago, their teachings still pervade martial arts to this day. 尽管四百多年前忍者就已经消失,他们的教义却依然遍布于当今的武术中。 www.elanso.com 1. He studied the aesthetics of Japanese gardens in Kyoto and delved into the teachings of Buddhism in Thailand. 他在东京研究日本的园艺美学,在泰国探索佛教。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Go far from me, you evil- doers ; so that I may keep the teachings of my God. 作恶的人哪、你们离开我罢、我好遵守我神的命令。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique has completely betrayed these brilliant teachings of Lenin's. 苏修叛徒集团彻底背叛了列宁的这些光辉的教导。 www.wyzxsx.com 4. Nowadays almost all secret Tantra teachings can be found on internet. 现今几乎所有密续的秘密教授都可以在网页上找到。 originalpurity.org 5. One priest, Dick Preston, tells Moore: "Capitalism is evil, immoral and contrary to the teachings of Jesus. " 一个名叫迪克·普雷斯顿的神父告诉摩尔说:“资本主义是邪恶的,不道德的,违背了耶稣的教诲。” www.bing.com 6. There is too much influence in the new age teachings that all illness is at the soul level. “新时代”的教导对此产生了很多影响,让人们以为一切疾病都是灵魂层面的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Announcement combines the story of the Buddhist teachings in order and displays and interprets all of Dunhuang murals of outstanding works . 短片既融合了佛教教义里的故事顺序,又将敦煌壁画各个时期的优秀作品进行展示和演绎。 www.lwkoo.cn 8. Just how important do you think the teachings contained in these two lines are ? 你知道这两行字所含的教法有多么重要吗?。 www.bing.com 9. Wang Lei , from Beijing Armed Police Art Group, engaged on flute performance and teachings. Welcome to contact me ! 来自北京武警文工团,从事长笛演出和教学,欢迎联系! www.bing.com 10. Teachings for your painstaking efforts, I am extremely grateful, and will bear them in mind! 对于您教诲的苦心,我无比感激,并将铭记于心! wenwen.soso.com 1. keep my commands and you will live ; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. 2遵守我的命令,就得存活。保守我的法则,(或作指教)好像保守眼中的瞳人。 www.ichacha.net 2. If materially poor, they need financial assistance. If spiritually poor, they need teachings of wisdom. 所以,贫穷苦难需要财务救济,心灵的苦难,需要智慧教育。 ebuddyproxy.com 3. When you are in the throes of heartache and loneliness, what good are the teachings on oneness and inter-existence? 当你感到阵阵心痛和孤单,完整性和相互依存的教义对你有什么用? www.bing.com 4. Biblical collection of religious teachings and ethical sayings attributed to Jesus, as reported in the Gospel of St. 《新约.马太福音》中记录的宗教教义和耶稣发表的伦理演说。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. These teachings take away the God given creativity that man has, rather than encouraging this. 这些教导带走上帝给男人的创造力,而不是鼓励这种。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. That's part of the Bible belt. People are conservative Baptists or a sort, who try to adhere to the fundamental teachings of their religion. 那是圣经带的部分,人们是保守的,浸礼教徒或者想要坚持,他们宗教的基本教义。 open.163.com 7. Do Your teachings enhance our belief in our own religion? M: Yes, they do. You know already. 答:是的,会增强,你已经知道了,我会帮助你们更深入地了解你们的宗教。 sm2000.org 8. I was intrigued by its profound philosophical aspects, which somehow compelled me to want to know more about the Buddha's teachings. 我被它深邃的哲学意境吸引了,这使得我渴求更多的佛教教义。 www.bing.com 9. teachings concerning the Kingdom of God; and angelology, or the science of energy-forces of Nature personified by those beings. 教义关于上帝和天使,或科学的能源人格化的自然力量的那些人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Many of the higher tantric teachings call this ultimate reality, "the simultaneously born primordial wisdom. " 在续部教法中把这个“清净之见”称为是究竟实相,“同时生起的俱生智慧”。 www.zftrans.com 1. When their lives were in danger, they stood firm, not forgetting the people, the Party's teachings or the interests of the country. 在生命危险面前,他们没有忘记人民,没有忘记党的教导,没有忘记国家利益,面对死亡毫不含糊。 www.hicoo.net 2. Many Protestant denominations perform baptism at a later age, when the member can decide for themselves to accept the teachings of Christ. 而许多新教教派是在信徒年龄稍大的时候,即能够自主决定接受上帝教诲的时候,来举行洗礼仪式。 www.bbsjob.cn 3. Since there is only one Bible, how come there are so many different Christian churches with different teachings? 既然仅有一本圣经,那为什么会有这么多不同的基督教会、传讲不同的教训? gbicp.org 4. After Korea's teachings, drew aware of punishing evil, professor would be his mission. 经过韩的教导,德鲁意识到,惩凶除恶将成为他的使命。 www.yc55.cn 5. His comic books have captured the imagination of so many young people with superheroes who embody the teachings and tolerance of Islam. (掌声)他出版的漫画册充满了体现伊斯兰教教义和宽容的超级英雄,抓住了如此众多年轻人的想象力。 www.america.gov 6. Let us remember the teachings of our Holy Mother the Church, huh! 让我们记得教堂圣母的教诲! springhero.wordpress.com 7. The Master wanted to train Narendra in the teachings of the non-dualistic Vedanta philosophy. 师父希望通过教导非二元论吠檀多来训练纳兰德。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Ruan had to earn his teachings by applying himself before and after school for five hours everyday. 阮风华不得不在上课之前进行自学,然后每天放学之后学习5个小时。 www.bing.com 9. I have never forgotten all my teachers' grand kindness as deep as the sea is and their teachings as warm as the spring breeze. 从来没有忘记过深似海的师恩和暖如春风般的教诲。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. When al Qaeda imposes its puritanical teachings and brutal ways, the locals turn against them, as happened in Iraq. 当基地组织将其苦行教义和残酷的手段强行灌输给当地人的时候,当地人就会转而反对他们,就像在伊拉克发生的那样。 dongxi.net 1. For a long time the teachings of Confucius and Mencius held sway over Chinese society. 孔孟之道在很长一段时期内统治着中国社会。 www2.tsu.edu.cn 2. Do these sentiments flow from Christian teachings or are they merely artifacts of America's popular culture? 那么这些观点是出自基督教的教诲,或者不过是美国流行文化的伪作而已? www.bing.com 3. The baby in the womb was given sounds of voice, music, and spiritual teachings of our time. 当胎儿在子宫中时就给他放声音、音乐,以及我们那个时代的灵性教导。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The mind, in response to such teachings, grows a distorted curiosity that finally turns into perversion. 对这种教导而响应的头脑,生长了一种扭曲的好奇心并最终转换为曲解。 di2jiayuan.com 5. Luminaries from the arts and sciences denounced Vatican teachings on gay rights, condom use and abortion. 艺术界和科学界的名流谴责梵蒂冈在同性恋权利、使用避孕套和人工流产方面的教义。 www.ecocn.org 6. As the gently smiling Buddha beckons, don't just believe in anyone's teachings blindly. 当佛祖拈花微笑时,他是在告诉我们,不要盲目听信其他任何人。 www.bing.com 7. From Jian, to be good at flute and bamboo flute, works on teachings. 来自吉安,擅长长笛和竹笛并从事教学工作。 flutefriends.com 8. Read this reference with discernment. They deny some scriptural teachings, such as the saving power of Baptism for small children. 查看这个网站的参考资料,他们否认一些圣经的教导,例如给小孩子们施洗的权利。 gbicp.org 9. However, Confucius was bent on spreading his teachings of benevolence for kings and their people. 然而孔子并未为之所动,他下定了决心要继续向他的王和子民们传播他那仁慈的思想。 www.bing.com 10. Of these, the idea of "how to become an empty man" has become an important proposition in Qiu Zhijie's creative works and teachings. 其中,“如何成为无知者”是邱志杰在创作和教学中提出的一个重命题。 exhibit.99ys.com |
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