单词 | T cells |
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复数:T cells 例句释义: 胸腺产生细胞,免疫细胞 1. The first defense, at least where T cells are concerned, occurs in the thymus , which lies inconspicuously in front of the heart. 第一道的防卫关卡在胸腺(至少对T细胞来说是如此),那是位在心脏前方一个不太明显的组织。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Regulatory T cells can be found in tolerated grafts and contribute to the acquisition of a state of privilege in those tissues. 在产生免疫耐受的移植物中可发现调节性T淋巴细胞,并对移植组织具有保护性作用。 news.dxy.cn 3. We found a direct correlation between the level of competition among T cells and the rate at which the virus escaped. 我们发现了T细胞竞争的水平和逃避免疫的病毒相对数量之间的直接联系。 news.dxy.cn 4. Marson: One of the key next steps is to take each of these 30 genes and figure out what they're doing within the T cells. 下一个关键的步骤是把这30个基因一个一个单独拿出来研究其对T细胞发挥的作用。 www.med66.com 5. Result The symptoms of the patients were all relieved but subgroup of T-cells data dealt with statistics was not significant. 结果各种症状均有改善,T淋巴细胞亚群数值的变化经统计学处理无意义。 www.chemyq.com 6. Ertl, M. D. , was used to activate the T cells that recognize a molecule on the surface of the tumor cells. Ertl医学博士发明的一种疫苗在一组小鼠中,被用于激活识别一种肿瘤细胞表面分子的T细胞。 www.dxy.cn 7. This in turn led to a stronger adaptive response, orchestrated by the type of white blood cells known as T cells. 接下来在一种称为T细胞的免疫细胞的配合下,可引起更为强烈的适应性反应。 page.renren.com 8. The third phase, AIDS, occurs when the virus has changed so much that the body's T cells are no longer effective at keeping it in check. 在第三阶段,AIDS病毒已发生巨大改变,人体的T细胞便不再能有效的检测到了。 news.dxy.cn 9. These would then prime the immune system's T-cells to attack the real virus, should it turn up in the body. 这些过程就为启动免疫系统的T细胞做好准备,而体内攻击真正的病毒也就会开始。 www.bing.com 10. HIV attacks the T-cells of a patient's body which are the cells that help the body ward off germs and infection. HIV病毒专门攻击病人体内那些抵御细菌和传染病入侵的T细胞。 www.elanso.com 1. Alexander Marson: Yes. In mice, if you remove all the regulatory T cells, what you see is a massive, multi organ autoimmune disease. 是的,在小鼠中,如果你去除所有的调节性T细胞,你将看到的是多器官性、严重的自身免疫性疾病。 www.med66.com 2. In the absence of antigen, the T cells did not interact with tumor cells, and could not sustain an active migratory behavior within tumors. 但是如果没有抗原的话,这些T细胞不能和肿瘤细胞相互作用,也不能在肿瘤组织内维持积极的迁移能力。 www.dxy.cn 3. Both approaches hold promise for reaching the so-called "resting" T-cells in which HIV is able to hide from current AIDS therapies. 两种途径都有希望达到现在流行的艾滋病疗法中,HIV可能藏身的,所谓“休眠的”T细胞。 news.dxy.cn 4. They present whatever they encounter to the T cells that will eventually home in on and attempt to destroy cancerous or infected cells. 它们会将遭遇到的任何东西都呈现给T细胞,最后T细胞会试图摧毁癌细胞或遭受感染的细胞。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 5. Certain T cells remember the "insult" of the allergen and ensure that some part of the body keeps becoming inflamed. 有一些T细胞会对发动侵袭的过敏原有记忆,所以导致身体的某些部位持续发炎。 www.bing.com 6. Active T cells multiply at an explosive rate and can create an inflammatory environment with serious consequences for the body. 活跃T细胞可能爆炸性繁殖,并可能形成最后危害身体的诱发环境。 www.bing.com 7. Thus re-armed, the T-cells were allowed to breed before being put back into the patient from whom they had originally been taken. 这样重新武装,免疫T细胞在培养后在被输入原来的病人体内。 www.ecocn.org 8. Immune cells, known as T-cells, have been found to proliferate in response to cow-milk proteins in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic children. 在新诊断出患1型糖尿病的儿童体内已发现称为T-细胞的免疫细胞为抵抗牛奶蛋白而激增。 www.bing.com 9. The adjuvant used in most vaccines today does not provoke a full adaptive response; instead it favors B cells over T cells. 然而现今所使用的佐剂,大部份都偏好刺激B细胞,对T细胞的刺激较差,因此无法活化完整的适应性免疫反应。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 10. They then watched the organization of these labeled proteins as T cells landed on the membrane [see illustration below]. 然后再观察T细胞接触到这些膜后,标示萤光染剂的蛋白会产生什麽变化(见下方图示)。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 1. Psoriatic arthritis synovium had considerably fewer T cells and a tendency to hae fewer plasma cells, the results indicate. 研究结果显示,银屑病性关节炎患者滑膜内有少量T细胞和浆细胞。 medicine.cadjy.com 2. The activated antibody binds to T-cells, the body's own defence system, triggering the T-cells to target the surrounding tissue. 激活的抗体结合T细胞,机体的自身防御系统触发T细胞靶向周围的组织。 www.icchina.org.cn 3. T-cells are one of the body's main defenses against disease. T细胞是机体防御疾病的主要细胞之一。 www.dxy.cn 4. Located just above the heart in humans, the thymus is the organ where T-cells develop. 位于心脏上方分胸腺是T细胞发育的器官。 www.dxy.cn 5. The adoptive transfer technique uses a small fragment of each patient's melanoma to grow T-cells in vitro targeting specific tumor antigens. 采用转移技术利用每个患者黑色素瘤中的极少部分,体外培养特异肿瘤抗原T细胞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Once an infection has been eliminated, the specially trained B and T cells stick around, priming the body to ward off subsequent attacks. 一旦感染被清除后,受过特别训练的B细胞和T细胞还会留守一阵子,防止病原体再犯。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 7. That means the immune system continues to be stimulated, and this prolonged stimulation results in high death rates among T-cells. 那种情况下免疫系统会不断地被激发,而且这种不断延长的免疫反应会造成T细胞的大量死亡。 www.ecocn.org 8. Then, once the tumor cells had been destroyed, we saw a dramatic change in the behavior of the activated T cells. 然后,一旦肿瘤细胞被杀死后,我们看到激活的T细胞行为有了巨大改变。 www.dxy.cn 9. when the HSPs are chemically silenced, the MHC I molecules remain empty of peptides and cannot be recognized by the T cells. 当我们用化学方式抑制热休克蛋白的活性时,MHC分子会保持在无胜肽状态,且无法被T细胞辨识出来。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 10. Early results show that mice with T cells that can't respond to interferon are unable to protect themselves when a virus invades. 早期的研究结果表明如果小鼠体内的T细胞无法对干扰素产生应答,那么它无法抵御病毒入侵。 www.hbvhbv.com 1. T cells do not produce antibodies, but a direct role. T细胞不产生抗体,而是直接起作用。 www.hiv-vct.net 2. But when they detect an MHC molecule carrying a protein fragment from a bacterium, virus, or other invader, the T cells launch an attack. 但检测到带有来自细菌、病毒或其它入侵者蛋白片段MHC分子时,T细胞就会群起而攻之。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In the thymus, immature T cells display on their surface many thousands of unique receptors, generated by random gene rearrangements. 在胸腺里,未成熟的T细胞表面有成千上万的分别不同的受体,这些受体由随机基因重新安排产生。 news.dxy.cn 4. Dustin's group also saw bull's-eye patterns of proteins emerge as the T cells surveyed the proteins within the supported membrane. 当T细胞巡访玻片膜上的蛋白时,达斯汀团队也看到蛋白聚集成靶心状。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 5. In fact, vaccination appeared to interfere with induction of such killer T cells, says Bodewes. 事实上,接种疫苗似乎可以干扰这些病毒特异性杀伤T细胞的发育。 news.dxy.cn 6. These T cells are sometimes referred to as cytotoxic T cells. 这些T细胞有时被称为细胞毒性T细胞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Without a first line of defense--innate immunity--mammals would succumb to pathogens still unrecognized by B and T cells. 失去一线防御——非特异性免疫——哺乳动物就只好屈服于那些尚未被B细胞和T细胞所识别的病原体了。 www.bing.com 8. To the surprise of Bell and Bhandoola, most of the cultures begun with single cells had become a mixture of T cells and myeloid cells. 出乎Bell和Bhandoola意料的是,大多数原先只有单个细胞的培养基中生成了髓细胞和T细胞的混合物。 www.bing.com 9. The researchers expected that activating CD40 would provoke a counterattack by the immune cells known as T cells. 研究人员期望通过刺激CD40受体将会引起一种叫做“T细胞”的免疫细胞进行反击。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 10. Conclusions The final diagnosis of HNL can be reached on the pathognomonic feature of obvious proliferation and apoptosis of T cells. 结论必须抓住组织细胞性坏死性淋巴结炎的T细胞大量增生和凋亡的形态特征,才能确诊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Normally, T cells are activated by a complex series of signals that end with the destruction of the foreign substance. 正常情况下,T细胞会被复杂的信号系统激发,最终将异物消灭。 news.dxy.cn 2. This partly explained how HIV impairs the immune system since the T cells are essential for immune defence. 这部分解释了如何感染艾滋病毒的免疫系统受到损害,因为T细胞是免疫防御的必要条件。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Recent studies of immune tolerance have focused on the role of a subset of T cells, called regulatory T cells (Tregs). 关于免疫耐受的近期研究集中在一种称为调节性T细胞(Treg)的T细胞亚群的作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Work to date on therapeutic vaccines has focused on another immune system mechanism known as T-cells. 另一种称为T细胞的免疫系统机制集中在治疗性疫苗的工作迄今。 www.hbvhbv.com 5. In patients with chronic inflammatory diseases, raised levels of antibodies and T-cells with reactivity to self-HSP have been observed. 治疗慢性炎症性疾病,提高水平的抗体和T细胞的反应,以自我紫癜已观测。 www.syyxw.com 6. Most of the infected memory T cells due to a virus or the immune system attacks and death, some will return to hibernation. 大部分被感染的记忆性T细胞因病毒或免疫系统的攻击而死亡,有一些会回到休眠状态。 www.chinavalue.net 7. It is caused by an overreaction by the immune system's T-cells, which damages the lining of the gut. 免疫系统中的T细胞过度反应,导致肠道内损伤。 www.bing.com 8. Interestingly, HCV replication in the T cells was prevented after neutralization of the virus, and by treatment with interferon. 有趣的是,丙型肝炎病毒在T细胞中的复制能被干扰素抑制。 news.dxy.cn 9. The technique exploits a characteristic of immune cells carried in the blood known as T cells. 人的血液中含有一种叫做T淋巴细胞的免疫细胞。这项技术正是利用了这种细胞的一种特性。 www.bing.com 10. Among the T lymphocytes, helper T cells induce B lymphocytes to secrete antibodies. 在T淋巴细胞,辅助性T细胞诱导B淋巴细胞分泌抗体。 www.54ui.com 1. Immune system's levels of defense. B cells (blue) and T cells (red) fight the vesicular stomatitis virus (green) in a mouse lymph node. 免疫系统的防卫水平。B细胞(蓝)和T细胞(红)在小鼠淋巴结中与VSV(绿)战斗。 www.bing.com 2. The drug works by binding to, and disabling, a protein called CTLA4, which is found on the surface of the immune system's T-cells. 该药通过绑定并摧毁一种名为CTLA4的蛋白质而起作用,CTLA4是在免疫系统表面发现得T细胞。 www.ecocn.org 3. The team plans to develop an antibody drug to block the receptor from interacting with the T-cells and slow down the disease. 研究组计划研制出一种抗体药物以阻断与T细胞反应有关的受体来延缓疾病的发展。 news.dxy.cn 4. Colonic inflammation produces memory T cells that have the ability to bind both biliary and colonic endothelial cells. 大肠炎症产生记忆性T细胞有能力约束都胆道和结肠内皮细胞。 www.syyxw.com 5. Furthermore, mesothelin-specific T cells can be induced in patients with pancreatic cancer. 此外,在胰腺癌患者体内可诱导产生间皮素特异性T细胞。 news.dxy.cn 6. Recently, the identity of a discrete follicular population of T cells that has a crucial role in this process has become clearer. 最近,身份的人口离散滤泡的T细胞具有重要作用,这一进程已变得更为明显。 www.syyxw.com 7. So once the memory CD4 T cells were killed, the body is bound to lead to decreased immunity. 因此一旦CD4记忆T细胞被杀,必然导致人体免疫力下降。 zyynb.com 8. Helper T cells induce B cells stimulated by the presence of antigen to proliferate into antibody-secreting cells, or plasma cells. 助手T细胞把受抗体出现而遭到刺激并增殖的B细胞变为分泌抗体的细胞,也就是浆细胞。 www.tdict.com 9. He wonders if there may be clues in T cells, which are involved in immunity and which regularly communicate with the brain. 他认为可能在T细胞中发现,它与免疫有关,而且与大脑沟通同步。 www.ecocn.org 10. Such ceasefires favour induction of tolerance through the recruitment and induction of regulatory T cells. 这些调停措施通过募集和诱导调节性T淋巴细胞产生移植耐受。 news.dxy.cn 1. Whether T cells continue to multiply depends on the action of sensitive receptor proteins on their surfaces. 细胞是否发生持续增殖依赖于它们表面的敏感受体蛋白的活性。 news.dxy.cn 2. at the same time, T cells specific to play a strong growth of immune cells, the body metabolism is back to normal. 同时,T细胞茁壮生长发挥特有细胞免疫作用,机体代谢则恢复正常。 www.hiv-vct.net 3. Cytotoxic T cells, after sensitization by antigen, are effector cells, especially important in antiviral immunity. 已被抗原致敏的细胞毒性T细胞是效应细胞,在抗病毒免疫中起到特别重要的作用。 www.bing.com 4. "T-cells certainly limit the severity of disease, " he says. "But I'd love to test a vaccine that induces antibodies to M2e too. " “T细胞当然限制了疾病的严重程度,”他说,“但是我也愿意检测诱导M2e抗体的疫苗。” www.bing.com 5. Before T cells are sent into battle, these sentinels of the immune system must complete a rigorous educational process. 在T细胞被送到战斗之前,这些免疫系统尖兵必须完成严格的学习过程。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A common feature of coeliac disease and many organ-specific autoimmune diseases is a central role for T cells in causing tissue destruction. 的腹腔器官疾病和许多共同特点,具体的自身免疫性疾病,是造成T细胞在组织中发挥核心作用的破坏。 www.syyxw.com 7. Airway dendritic cells capture allergen in the mucosa and present it to T cells after migration into draining lymph nodes. 呼吸道树突细胞在气道黏膜下捕捉抗原,游走至引流淋巴结,将抗原呈递给初始T淋巴细胞。 www.chemyq.com 8. Dendritic cells (DCs) collect and process antigens for presentation to T cells, but there are many variations on this basic theme. (议会)树突状细胞收集并提交抗原T细胞的过程,但对于这个基本主题的许多变化。 www.syyxw.com 9. By producing the potent cytokine IL-4, basophils seemed able to nudge T cells down the TH2 route. 通过生成强大的细胞因子IL-4,嗜碱性细胞可促进TH2反应。 news.dxy.cn 10. Steinman proved that dendritic cells activate T cells, a class of white blood cells that are important in adaptive immunity. 斯坦曼证明树突状细胞可激活T细胞——在适应性免疫反应中发挥重要作用的一类白细胞。 www.bing.com 1. They are re-engineering those T cells and placing them back into the mice to hunt down and kill diseased cells. 他们重新设计这些T细胞,再把重新设计的细胞注射回老鼠体内,从而搜索、杀死有病的细胞。 www.bing.com 2. T cells are involved in the pathogenesis of important liver diseases including both autoimmune liver diseases and viral hepatitis. T细胞是参与发病的重要的肝脏疾病包括自身免疫性肝病和病毒性肝炎。 www.syyxw.com 3. They did this by infecting the T-cells with genetically modified viruses carrying genes that coded for receptors to melanoma molecules. 研究人员用一段被他们进行基因编码的基因重组病毒感染T细胞,这段基因编码是能够识别黑色素瘤细胞的受体蛋白的。 www.ecocn.org 4. The promotion of T cells to produce lymphokines, and enhance cell Traps NK (natural killer cell) differentiation. 促进T细胞产生淋巴因子,增强诱杀性细胞NK(自然杀伤性细胞)的分化。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. The presence of autoantibodies and infiltration of both B and T cells in either islets or thyroid indicate autoimmunity. 自体免疫性抗体以及胰岛或甲状腺内B和T细胞的浸润显示这些疾病为自体免疫机转所致。 www.docin.com 6. The oligosaccharides are involved in the mechanism for viral binding of T-cells, the immune soldiers that keep dangerous attackers at bay. 该寡糖参与的机制,病毒结合的T细胞,免疫士兵,使攻击者在湾危险。 www.ecally.com 7. Immunohistochemical studies showed a mixture of B and T cells without immunoglobulin light chain restriction. 免疫组化显示B细胞和T细胞混合浸润,且不表达免疫球蛋白轻链。 chinapubmed.net 8. Under normal circumstances the immune system will eradicate an infectious agent using antibodies and T cells as its main weapons. 在正常情况下免疫系统会以抗体和T细胞作为主要武器来消灭入侵者。 www.ebigear.com 9. antibodies or T cells reactive with PSCA can be used in active or passive immunization. 与PSCA反应的抗体或T细胞可用于主动或被动免疫。 ip.com 10. These specialised T cells are thought to be the ones that direct traffic. 人们认为这些特殊的T细胞是指挥体内交通的T细胞。 news.dxy.cn 1. Hepatology Digest: You mentioned that there distinct differences of CD8 T cells in HCV patients . Can you please elaborate on this? 《国际肝病》:您曾提到,丙型肝炎患者之间的CD8 T细胞存在明显区别。您能详细解释一下吗? www.ihepa.com 2. In the first set of experiments, the T cells were varied in two groups of mice while the target tumor cells were uniform. 在第一个实验里,两组小鼠使用的T细胞是不同的,而靶点肿瘤细胞则是一样的。 www.dxy.cn 3. Nadler discovered the molecule on cancer cells that the newly engineered T-Cells were instructed to target. 纳德勒在癌细胞上发现了一种分子,就是新研制的T型细胞接受指令发起攻击的目标。 www.bing.com 4. Activated T cells release a number of lymph toxins, interferon, and B cell growth and activation factors. 活化的T细胞释放一定数量的淋巴毒素,干扰素和B细胞生长、活化因子。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The researchers removed tumour-fighting T cells from melanoma patients and multiplied these cells in the laboratory. 研究者将黑色素瘤患者的肿瘤防御T细胞移除并在实验室将这些细胞繁殖。 www.dxy.cn 6. CD8 T cells are the main effector cells for the immune control of cytomegaloviruses. CD8 T细胞是主要的效应细胞的免疫控制的巨细胞病毒。 www.syyxw.com 7. In addition, the T-lymphocyte subsets of the changes that the inhibition of T-cells decreased, reflecting the abnormal immune cells. 另外,本病T淋巴细胞亚群的变化即抑制性T细胞减少,反映了细胞免疫的异常。 943g.com 8. Recently, new methods for expanding polyclonal and antigen-specific regulatory T cells have emerged. 最近,新方法和扩大多抗原特异性调节性T细胞已经出现。 www.syyxw.com 9. T-cells recognize invaders through receptors that match molecules on bacteria, viruses, even tumors. 细胞通过受体来识别外来入侵物,这些受体会抵御细菌、病毒、甚至是肿瘤分子。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. They have already moved from yeast cells and are extracting T cells, which are part of the immune system, from mice. 他们已经在酵母细胞的基础上向前推进,正在提取作为老鼠免疫系统一部份的T细胞。 www.bing.com 1. I think the root cause of the disease are T cells that are directing the production of antibodies and killing the beta-cells. 我认为疾病的根源是指挥抗体产生和直接杀伤胰岛的T细胞。 bbs.tnbz.com 2. Methods are also provided for generating tolerogenic dendritic cells and regulatory T cells. 本发明也提供了产生致耐受性树突细胞和调节性T细胞的方法。 ip.com 3. After organ transplants, T cells can attack the donor organ as a 'foreign invader'. 器官移植后,T细胞把捐赠器官当作‘外来入侵者’进行攻击。 www.bing.com 4. In healthy humans, B- and T-cells with specificity for self-HSP can be easily detected. 在健康人体的B-和T-细胞特异性自我热休克蛋白可以很容易地发现。 www.syyxw.com 5. The two primary types, B cells and T cells, originate from stem cells in Bone marrow and travel to lymphoid tissues. 淋巴球有两个主要类型︰B细胞和T细胞,两类都源于骨髓中的干细胞,然后再流至淋巴组织。 yylj.info 6. These T-cells, once activated by cow-milk, then attack the beta cells of the pancreas and destroy them. 这些T细胞一旦被牛奶激活,就会攻击胰腺中的β细胞并将其摧毁。 www.bing.com 7. In the lymph nodes, follicular centers are primarily B cells, and parafollicular zones are primarily T cells. 淋巴结的滤泡中心主要是B细胞,滤泡旁区多是T细胞。 www.bing.com 8. However, recent research shows that SAgs also activate an alternative signaling pathway in T cells. 但最近的研究表明,超抗原激活T细胞还有一条旁路信号途径。 www.docin.com 9. Conclusion: CD4 T cells in cerebrospinal fluid could be regarded as an indicator of efficiency of treatment of cryptococcal meningitis. 结论:脑脊液中CD4 T细胞可作为新型隐球菌性脑膜炎患者疗效观察的指标。 www.bing.com 10. Finally, it's the presence of antigen that determines how T cells migrate and interact with the tumor cells. 最后一点,抗原的存在与否决定了T细胞如何迁移及能否作用于肿瘤细胞。 www.dxy.cn 1. Long-lived T cells of the peripheral blood are the receptors. 外周血液中的长寿命T细胞是受体。 www.bing.com 2. "Minocycline reduces the capability of the virus to emerge from resting infected T cells, " Szeto explains. “二甲胺四环素降低了病毒脱离休眠状态的感染T细胞的能力,”Szeto解释说。 www.bing.com 3. And unlike aggressive T cells that die shortly after killing their targets, weak T cells proliferate. 区别于杀死目标后很快自身就会死亡的攻击性T细胞,抑制性T细胞可以不断增殖。 www.bing.com 4. Apoptosis also leads to the deletion of expanded effector T cells during immune responses. 细胞凋亡也导致删除扩展效应性T细胞在免疫反应。 www.syyxw.com 5. Helper T cells recognize processed antigen and activate the humoral immune response. 辅助性T细胞识别经过处理的抗原并激活体液免疫反应。 www.bing.com 6. abstract: Aim To explore the effect of lentinan on T cells in intestinal PPs of immunosuppressive mice induced by cyclophosphamide. 目的研究香菇多糖对环磷酰胺免疫抑制小鼠的肠道派氏结T细胞的影响。 www.bing.com 7. Conclusion DCs pulsed with myeloma lysates from MM patients can effectively induce autologous T cells anti-myeloma cell immunity. 结论患者骨髓瘤冻融物致敏的DC能有效诱导自身T细胞抗骨髓瘤免疫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. It also mobilizes T cells to attack the invaders or, more importantly, infected cells. 同时还动员T细胞攻击侵入者,更重要的是,被感染的细胞。 scifans.com 9. Knowing how T cells acquire this memory may help us design better strategies and vaccines to fight HIV and other infectious diseases. 了解了T细胞获得记忆性的机制将有助于我们设计更好的治疗HIV和其它感染性疾病的的策略和疫苗。 www.hbvhbv.com 10. Objective: To explore the effects of mixed cord blood plasma (CBP) on phytohemagglutin (PHA) induction of cord blood-derived T cells. 目的:探讨混合脐血血浆(CBP)存植物血凝集素(PHA)诱导脐血源性T淋巴细胞中的作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Animal trials hinted that the drug activates mostly regulatory T cells. 动物实验显示,TGN1412能活化大部份的调节性T细胞。 2. Like other viruses, HIV needs a host cell to multiply. It attacks helper T cells and can infect other cells. 像其它的病毒一样,HIV病毒也需要一个主体细胞来繁殖。它攻击辅助T细胞并感染其它的细胞。 dict.ebigear.com 3. Normally dendritic cells show an invader to T cells which produce cytotoxic T cells to destroy it. 正常的树突状细胞会把异源体递呈给T细胞使其产生杀伤性T淋巴细胞来摧毁它。 www.dxy.cn 4. Recent studies have shown that donor T cells make differential use of their cytolytic pathways in mediating GVHD and GVT effects. 最近的研究表明,捐助者的T细胞进行鉴别利用其杀伤途径调解GVHD和GVT影响。 www.syyxw.com 5. Compared with healthy populations in other regions, the absolute numbers of CD4 T cells in healthy Dai minority were greater. 与中国不同地区健康人群比较,傣族健康人CD4 T淋巴细胞绝对数高于国内其他地区。 www.bing.com 6. Santamaria designed a "vaccine" to boost the activity of the weak T cells. Santamaria设计了一种增强抑制性T细胞活性的“疫苗”。 www.bing.com 7. They include antigen-presenting cells, different subsets of T cells, B cells and NK cells. 它们包括抗原提呈细胞,不同的子集T细胞,B细胞和NK细胞。 www.syyxw.com 8. CD8 T cells play a critical role in antiviral immunity by exerting direct antiviral activity against infected cells. 细胞通过对感染细胞的直接杀伤作用而在抗病毒免疫中扮演着重要角色。 www.dxy.cn 9. However, some T cells are not activated, in fact they are inactivated by a process called anergy or tolerance. 然而,有些T细胞处于未激发状态,事实上他们被称为无反应性,耐受性的过程灭活了。 news.dxy.cn 10. Stem cells are chemically attracted to the thymus, where they are modified to become T-Lymphocytes(T-cells). 干细胞会通过化学成分间的吸引作用被胸腺捕获,然后特化成为T-淋巴细胞(T-淋巴细胞)。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Both B and T cells function in the recognition of, and response to, antigenic stimulation. 细胞和T细胞可对对抗原刺激识别和反应。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. PD-1 can be expressed on T cells, B cells, myeloid cells and thymocytes, suggesting that PD-1 has a wider role in immune regulation. PD-1可表达于T细胞、B细胞、髓系细胞和胸腺细胞侧,提示PD-1在免疫调节方面有着广泛的作用。 www.fabiao.net 3. Methods Examined surface receptors of memory CD4 T cells by flow cytometry in peripheral blood from patients with NMO. 方法利用流式细胞仪测定并分析视神经脊髓炎和健康对照的末梢血中CD4 记忆T细胞的表面受体。 www.chemyq.com 4. This process of DNA rearrangement is required to build the antigen receptor used by T cells, and permanently marks ETPs. 这个DNA重组的过程是建立T细胞抗原受体所需要的,并且永久标记早期胸腺祖细胞。 www.bing.com 5. The result is a collapse in the number of T-cells, and the accompanying symptoms of AIDS. 结果,T细胞的数量大幅地萎缩并且艾滋病病症开始相伴出现。 www.ecocn.org 6. But when the weak T cells that want to stop the disease are presented with those same antigens, they kill the APC. 但当抑制性T细胞想要阻止这一行为时,他们被传递了相同的抗原,开始杀死抗原呈递细胞。 www.bing.com 7. What exactly is wrong with the genes in these regulatory T cells? What are they doing that they shouldn't be doing? 那在调节性T细胞中这些基因具体出什么问题了?它们产生了什么不该产生的作用? www.med66.com 8. When the T cells recognized the antigen, they interacted directly with the tumor cells. 当T细胞识别肿瘤上的抗原时,这些细胞能直接与肿瘤细胞相互作用。 www.dxy.cn 9. Short protein fragments fit into the MHC proteins, where they are seen and recognized by T cells. 短蛋白片段嵌和在MHC蛋白中,即为T细胞识别位点。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Therefore, the role of immune T cells called "cell-mediated immunity. " 所以T细胞的免疫作用叫作“细胞免疫”。 www.chinavalue.net 1. Recently, the nature of gluten-derived peptides recognized by gut-derived T cells from patients has been elucidated. 最近,性质面筋源性肽承认肠源性患者T细胞已被阐明。 www.syyxw.com 2. If the T cells cannot find enough vitamin D in the blood, they won't even begin to mobilise. 如果T细胞在血液中找不到足够的维他命D,它甚至不能活化。 www.bing.com 3. Objective To investigate the mechanism of cytotoxic efficacy of CD4 T cells in B cell non-Hodgkin s lymphoma(NHL) . 目的:研究CD4 T细胞克隆特异性杀伤自体非霍奇金淋巴瘤的相关机制。 www.dictall.com 4. Conclusion: Peripheral blood CD4^ CD25^ regulatory T cells levels are correlated with the progression of HCV infection. 结论:HCV感染者外周血CD4^ CD25^ 调节性T细胞水平与疾病进程具有相关性。 lib.cqvip.com 5. Conclusion: The effects of CBP on proliferation and differentiation of cord blood-derived T cells were similar to those of 20% RPMI1640. 结论:混合脐血血浆对脐血源性T淋巴细胞增殖、分化影响不明显,可能与RPMI1640培养体系其有相似的效果。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. But when T cells express the inhibitory receptor, they go silent and may even die. 但是当T细胞表达了抑制受体,它们就沉默甚至死亡了。 www.dxy.cn 7. Killer or cytotoxic T cells destroy infected and foreign cells. 杀手T细胞或毒害T细胞摧毁受感染的细胞和外来的细胞。 www.tdict.com 8. Roughly eight years ago, a new subset of T cells, T follicular helper (TFH) cells, was identified. 大约八年前,人们鉴定出一种新的T细胞,辅助性滤泡T细胞。 news.dxy.cn 9. NKG2D plays an important role in the immune response in which NK cells and T cells are involved. NKG2D在NK细胞以及T细胞参与的免疫过程中占有重要的地位。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The cardinal feature of HIV infection is the depletion of CD4 T cells (T helper-inducer lymphocytes). HIV感染最根本的特点是引起CD4 T细胞(T辅助淋巴细胞)的缺失。 basic.shsmu.edu.cn 1. But researchers who spy on T cells for a living know that there are also gray areas where T cells can cause trouble. 但是关注活体中T细胞的研究人员知道存在T细胞招扰麻烦的灰色区域。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Both helper and cytotoxic T cells are stimulated by platelets. 辅助和细胞毒T细胞均能被血小板激活。 www.otxchina.com 3. These regulatory T cells can 't keep the system in line, and it starts attacking things it shouldn't ? 这些调节性T细胞不能保证系统正常工作,并且它开始攻击它不该攻击的东西? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The former are brought about by T lymphocytes termed cytotoxic T cells, that seek out and kill virally -infected host cells or cancer cells. 前者是由称之为毒T细胞的T淋巴球,去搜寻并杀灭受到感染的细胞或癌细胞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Thus, the ATM-specific inhibitor ku55933 can inhibit HIV replication in primary T cells. 因此,ATM特异性阻滞剂ku55933可以在原代T细胞中抑制HIV复制。 news.dxy.cn 6. If you infect mice with worms, Th 17 drops dramatically, and the activity of regulatory T cells is augmented. 如果你感染小鼠蠕虫,Th17细胞会大幅减少,而调节性T细胞的活动将增加。 www.bing.com 7. Compelling new evidence supports the idea that regulatory T cells play a major role in our immune system. 令人信服的新证据支持的想法,调节性T细胞发挥重大作用,我们的免疫系统。几个亚这些监管机构最近已经确定。 www.syyxw.com 8. It is the place where T cells grow, split apart and be mature finally. 胸腺是T淋巴细胞发育、分化和成熟的场所。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Objective To observe the effect of moxibustion on subgroup of T-cells of AIDS patients. 目的观察灸法对AIDS患者T淋巴细胞亚群的影响。 www.chemyq.com 10. It plays a key role in the pathogenesis of HN that cytotoxic CD8 T cells eliminate central nevus. CD8& 为主的T细胞清除痣细胞是发病机制中的关键环节。 lib.cqvip.com 1. T cells "T" word is "thymus" the Latin name of the first letter. T细胞的“T”字,是采用“胸腺”的拉丁文第一个字母命名的。 www.chinavalue.net 2. Results: The SAN and AVN chiefly consisted of P cells and T cells. 结果:窦房结和房室结内的细胞主要为P细胞和T细胞。 www.chemyq.com 3. CD4 T cells coordinate the actions of other cells at the site of infection. 细胞能够在感染位点与其他细胞产生协同作用。 www.hbvhbv.com 4. CD1 proteins bind lipids to form antigen complexes that contact T-cell receptors and activate T cells. 血脂的CD1蛋白结合,形成抗原复合物接触T细胞受体和激活T细胞。 www.syyxw.com 5. memory T cells (TM), there are memory-specific antigen stimulation. 记忆T细胞(TM),有记忆特异性抗原刺激的作用。 www.chinavalue.net 6. In the process, B cells and T cells produced by marrow play an important role. 在这一过程中,由骨髓产生的B细胞和T细胞起着非常重要的作用。 www.fabiao.net 7. Development in motion: helper T cells at work. 于运动中发展:辅助性T细胞的写照。 terms.shengwuquan.com 8. T cells are white blood cells made from the thymus gland. 细胞是一种胸腺产生的白细胞。 www.hiv-vct.net 9. Usingmorphologic, biochemistry and flow cytometer methods to detect CD4 T cells apoptosis induced by anti-CD4 antibodies. 采用形态学、生物化学、流式细胞仪等方法,检测抗CD4抗体诱导的CD4 T细胞凋亡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. as a physiologic immuno-enhancer, IL-7 can enhance the restoration of T cells. 扮演增强生理免疫力的一角色,IL-7可以回复T细胞的数目。 word.hcbus.com 1. The adaptive immune response is associated with the development of pathogen-experienced effector and memory T cells. 适应性免疫反应与病原刺激产生的效应T细胞和记忆T细胞相关。 news.dxy.cn 2. Do regulatory T cells have a role in human ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection? 调控型T细胞在人眼沙眼衣原体感染过程中发挥作用吗? www.dxy.cn 3. If those cells become cancerous, there isn't enough class 1 for T cells to kill them. 如果这些细胞发生癌变,就会造成HLA1组分子含量不足,致使T细胞不能消灭癌细胞。 www.yingyuzaixian.com 4. Ctip2 is essential in the creation of teeth, the formation of skin, and T cells. Ctip2在牙齿新生,皮肤形成和T细胞中是至关重要的。 www.dxy.cn 5. Results: CD8 T cells were distributed in the stroma of nests, and the antigen of FOXP3 was located in lymphatic nuclei. 结果:CD8 T淋巴细胞主要分布于癌巢的间质中,部分呈巢状分布。FOXP3着色位于淋巴细胞核内。 www.bing.com 6. Anti-CD4 chimeric antibodies could specially induced CD4 T cells apoptosis. 嵌合抗体能特异性诱导CD4 T细胞发生凋亡。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. T cells play a key role in recognising foreign "invaders" such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, or tumour cells. 淋巴细胞在识别外来“入侵者”(比如:细菌、病毒、寄生虫等)的过程中起到重要的作用。 www.bing.com 8. It also interfered with HIV's ability to infect cells such as the immune system's T cells. CA5也可以降低HIV病毒感染其他细胞的活性,例如免疫系统的T细胞。 www.bing.com 9. Specifically, they are "helper" T-cells, which orchestrate the immune system's response to pathogens such as viruses. 确切地说,应该被称作“助”T细胞,它指挥整个免疫系统对抗原,如病毒作出响应。 www.ecocn.org 10. The other is that even in T-cells it sometimes stops replicating and becomes dormant. 其二,甚至T-细胞有时也会停止复制自己并进入休眠期。 www.bing.com 1. Analyze the roles of CD4 CD25 Foxp3 regulatory T cells in the pancreatic carcinoma immune tolerance. 探讨CD4 CD25 Foxp3 调节性T细胞在胰腺癌免疫耐受中所起的作用。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 2. Prof Robert Thimme: I think we have to focus on the inhibitory receptors, in order to ensure that the CD8 T cells are functioning again. Thimme教授:我认为,我们必须将重点放在抑制性受体上,以确保CD8 T细胞能再次应答。 www.lcgdbzz.org 3. Immunologists now recognize a four-point response system of helper T cells: Th 1, Th 2, Th 17 and regulatory T cells. 免疫学家现在认识到了辅助性T细胞(以下代号Th)的四点反应系统:Th1,Th2,Th17和调节性T细胞。 www.bing.com 4. CD4 T cells are required for the development of most human autoimmune diseases. 研究发现,CD4 T细胞参与大多数人体自身免疫病的发展。 www.fabiao.net 5. More and more research proved that CD4 CD25 regulatory T cells (Treg cells) play an important role in immune tolerance in these years. 近年来,越来越多的研究表明CD4 CD25 调节性T细胞在免疫耐受的过程中起着非常重要的作用。 www.chemyq.com 6. AIM: To study the activation of T cells from local lymph node and peripheral blood early after allotransplantation. 目的:研究同种异基因移植早期局部引流淋巴结和外周血T细胞的活化情况。 www.cjpp.net:8080 7. Objective: To study the apoptosis-inducing activity of CD4 T cells in CIKs and investigate the underlying mechanism. 目的:研究CIK细胞中CD4 T细胞(CD4 CIK)诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的作用,并进一步探讨其相关机制。 www.dictall.com 8. Clinical significance of detecting argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions of peripheral blood T-cells in patients with malignant tumor 恶性肿瘤患者外周血T淋巴细胞核仁形成区嗜银蛋白测定的临床意义 service.ilib.cn 9. The activation of T-cells and leukocytes on brain after chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in aged rats 老龄大鼠慢性脑灌注不足脑内白细胞和T细胞的入侵 www.ilib.cn 10. Once the AIDS virus to hide the memory T cells, which the fate of solidarity and memory T cells: cells alive, the virus is alive; 一旦艾滋病病毒藏身到记忆T细胞中,它的命运就与记忆T细胞休戚相关:细胞活着,病毒也就活着; www.chinavalue.net 1. Expression of neurotrophic receptors on T-cells in human peripheral blood 神经营养素受体在人外周血T细胞中表达的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Role of Pineal Gland and Melatonin in the Differentiation and Development of T Cells in Rat Thymus 松果体及褪黑素在大鼠胸腺T细胞分化发育中的作用 dict.bioon.com 3. the biological activities of effect T cells 效应T细胞的生物学活性。 wenku.baidu.com |
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