单词 | took a hit |
释义 | took a hit例句释义: 全部 1. So much of a national issue that Obama's popularity took a hit, especially among white voters, according to a poll released Thursday. 根据周四公布的一项民意调查,这一问题闹到了全国性的程度,使奥巴马的声望受到了冲击,特别是白人选民的支持率出现下滑。 www.bing.com 2. Until recently, he says, he had much of his savings in a bond fund, and after corporate bonds took a hit, he moved the money into CDs. 他说,直到最近他的大部分积蓄都投在了一只债券基金里,在公司债券遭遇重挫后,他把钱转移到了定期存款帐户。 www.gjjy.com 3. The company's stock also took a hit when news broke earlier this month that it had hired law firm Jones Day for restructuring advice. 本月早些时候,有消息说伊士曼-柯达聘用了众达国际法律事务所(JonesDay)为重组提供咨询,该公司股价随之下挫。 www.cn.wsj.com 4. By doing so, she lost 2 years of compensation and also took a hit in her retirement benefits. 因为这个,她失去了两年的工资和一定数量的退休金。 www.bing.com 5. Such stocks took a hit at the start of this year, sowing fears that the bull market could be in trouble. 今年年初,这些股票遭遇了冲击,让人担心这轮牛市可能遇上了麻烦。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Everybody took a hit; even Hillary's office would be smaller than Barbara Bush's, though she would take on greater responsibilities. 每个人都受到了冲击;甚至连希拉里的工作人员也要比芭芭拉.老布什少,尽管她身上的职责要比芭芭拉大得多。 www.bing.com 7. Transportation networks needed to move parts and vehicles also took a hit from which recovery may be difficult. 运送零备件和整车的交通运输网络也受到地震影响,恢复起来可能较难。 c.wsj.com 8. And for anybody working in the Valley and perhaps here too, I don't know, business definitely took a hit. 对于任何一个硅谷人,也许现在就在这里的不认识的人,事业确实遭到了重创。 www.bing.com 9. Downtown development took a hit in the recession but is now coming back. 市区发展发生在经济衰退的一击,但现在回来了。 www.englishtang.com 10. Rino Gattuso took a hit that he hasn't yet recovered from, he could be back by tomorrow but it is unlikely. 加图索的小伤还没有痊愈,明天他可能会出场,但我们不希望冒险。 www.acmilan.net.cn 1. Property shares initially took a hit on the news, but later recovered, with the Hang Seng property index ending up 0. 3%. 受此消息影响,地产股起初下跌,但稍后反弹,香港股市恒生地产指数周三收高0. c.wsj.com 2. The charges were eventually dropped, but Bryant's reputation took a hit. 最终,所有指控都被撤销,然而布莱恩特的声誉却受到重创。 www.bing.com 3. His reputation took a hit this week as lawmakers demanded to know why he didn't do more to derail the AIG bonuses. 上周,由于议员们想知道他为何没有采取更多措施防止AIG奖金问题发生,致使盖特纳的声望遭受打击。 www.bing.com 4. The image of the world's largest retailer by sales took a hit in China as a result of the city government's scrutiny. 由于重庆市政府的审查,沃尔玛这一全球最大零售商(按销售额计算)的形象在中国遭到了破坏。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Some dispersion traders took a hit in May and June when implied correlation surged to 80%. 6月份隐含相关性飙升至80%时,一些离差交易员遭受了损失。 c.wsj.com 6. But as Asian cities remained strong on the list, European cities took a hit because of the weakening euro. 不过在亚洲城市在排行榜上依然为数众多的同时,欧洲城市却因为欧元走软而受到一定影响。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Some banks took a hit, but the big ones are doing well. 有些银行受损了,但大型银行做得不错。 www.bing.com 8. Barclays, for instance, took a hit of just £ 1. 6 billion, mainly on investments in derivatives and leveraged loans in 2007. 比如巴克莱银行,由于2007年只损失了16亿英镑而得到称赞,其损失主要是对金融衍生品和融资贷款的投资。 www.ecocn.org 9. "We took a hit in our industry just like everybody else, " he says. “我们行业像其他行业一样受到了打击。”他说。 www.bing.com 10. In one week of October 2008, the value of global retirement assets took a hit of about 20 per cent. 在2008年10月的一周之内,全球退休基金资产就缩水了20%左右。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Then I took a hit of LSD one day and didn't feel alone any more. 然后有一天我偶然接触了LSD就再也不觉得孤独了。 www.bing.com 2. Europe's travel market took a hit in 2009. 欧洲旅游市场在2009年受挫。 www.bing.com 3. Concert ticket sales took a hit in 2010 because of the economic malaise. 经济不振使2010年音乐会入场券的销量大受打击。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. His wealth took a hit last year, according to financial disclosure forms released by the Fed Tuesday. 从美联储周二公布的个人财务信息披露表看,贝南克的财富去年遭受了打击。 www.bing.com 5. Concert ticket sales took a hit because of economic recession 经济衰退使音乐会入场券的销量受到很大打击 www.kekenet.com 6. Took a hit, you're the fix 遭受了重创,你修理 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Concert ticket sales took a hit in 2010 because of economic malaise, 经济不振使2010年音乐会入场券的销量受到了打击。 www.360abc.com |
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