释义 |
trances是trance的复数 - n.出神;恍惚;【医】迷睡;神志昏迷
- v.同“entrance”
- 网络魂游象外
n. dream,daze,spell,stupor,reverie n. | 1. 出神;恍惚;【医】迷睡;神志昏迷,昏睡状态;催眠状态 | v. | |
n. | 1. a state caused by hypnosis in which someone can move and speak but is not conscious in a normal way; a state in which you are awake but not really conscious of where you are because you are thinking about something else 2. a type of dance music with fast regular beats and electronic sounds that developed from techno in the early 1990s | v. | |
1. | 魂游象外 5,魂游象外(Trances) :在圣灵的大能下,一些人会有魂游象外的经历。他们似乎被锁在神的大能里面,与神有亲密的关系。 blog.sina.com.cn | 2. | | 3. | 出神 ...mystical experience),也就是「出神」(trances)及异像之类的心理现象,如荣格所述的「共同潜意识」(collective unconscious… www.china-review.com |