单词 | training process | ||||||||||||||
释义 | training process
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 培训流程,训练过程,训练活动计划 1. However, in reality the training process, the initial training of the small players in a "specialized training" is not always coordinated. 然而在现实训练过程中,初次进行训练的小运动员在做“专门性练习”时总是很不协调。 www.worlduc.com 2. By adopting a parallel computing scheme, the training process can be significantly speed up in distributed or multiprocessor systems. 提出了训练过程的并行结构设计方案,使得在分布式和多处理器环境下训练速度得以提高。 search.gucas.ac.cn 3. Fairweather said he did not understand why it happened, because the soldiers in the training process was told to respect the dead enemy. 费尔韦瑟表示,他很不理解为什么会发生这种事,因为士兵们在训练过程中就被告知要尊重已死的敌人。 www.englishtang.com 4. In charge of establish the training process and company regulations , arranging company inside training , examine the result of training. 负责公司培训流程、规章制度的制订,内部培训的计划制作、场地安排,培训结果的考核。 r.renhe.cn 5. The former includes organization culture, communication, decision, training, process, supervision and management and organization structure. 组织内部因素包括组织文化、交流、决策、培训、程序、监督管理、组织结构。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. A newly designed split-refine stump improves the discrimination ability and speeds up the convergence of training process. 提出新的基于切分—更新树桩的弱分类器学习算法,提高了弱分类器的判别能力,加快了学习过程的收敛速度。 search.gucas.ac.cn 7. In addition, it does not require the time-consuming training process offline and saves the time of neural network training. 除此之外,也无需对神经网络进行离线训练,节省了神经网络的训练时间。 www.meeting.edu.cn 8. In the movement training process, the college tennis majors mainly has not held between the speed and other quality matching relations. 体院网球专业的学生在运动训练过程中主要是没有抓住速度与其它素质之间的搭配关系。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. Sports training process is to break the high level of low-level homeostasis homeostasis reconstruction process. 运动训练的过程是打破低水平内稳态重建高水平内稳态的过程。 www.okqikan.com 10. Shooters can use the system in the training process without the bullet firing practice, saving training costs. 统射击运动员使用本系可以在训练过程中无需进行实弹射击,节约了训练成本。 www.fabiao.net 1. MST units integrate visual and eye-movement related information, and their connections develop during an unsupervised training process. 无单位的整合视觉和眼动有关的资料,和他们联系时,无人监督的发展培训进程。 www.syyxw.com 2. During the training process, the algorithms calculate the patterns and relationships between elements in the data. 在定型过程中,该算法将计算数据中元素的模式及相互关系。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. This paper provides some thoughts and proposals to improve the clinical training process for postgraduate medical students and residents. 文章对如何强化临床医学学位研究生和住院医师临床能力的培养提出了一些思考意见。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. Stimulus control is the finishing tool that completes the training process for a command. 对某个口令来说,刺激控制是完成训练进程最后的工具。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Bovis provides a total training solution, customized services and support at each stage of the training process. 提供一套完整的培训解决方案、客户定制的服务来支持培训流程中的每个阶段。 company.zhaopin.com 6. This will not happen overnight, but as events are recognized and analyzed, the training process can evolve for each city. 这不会在不为人知的时候发生,但是在识别和分析了事件之后,培训过程可能会在每一个城市得到进一步发展。 www.ibm.com 7. In the university personnel training process, the quality of course make influence on the training personnel beyond doubt. 大学在人才培养过程中,课程对于培养人才质量的影响作用毋庸置疑的。 www.fabiao.net 8. In the training process, we need to be patient, to kind, not to complain, not to blame. 在训练的过程中,要耐心,要和蔼,不要埋怨,不要斥责。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Process and final inspection instruction preparation and training process and final inspectors. 过程检验和最终检验检验指导书的编制及培训过程检验和终检检验员; sz.jobems.com 10. Coaches coach leadership behavior is a reflection of ability to control the training process of the important target. 教练员领导行为是反映教练员对训练过程控制能力的重要指标。 www.fabiao.net 1. This 3-week program focuses on the training process as a whole and discusses new trends within learning and training. 这3周计划的重点是训练过程作为一个整体,并讨论新的趋势在学习和培训。 www.showxiu.com 2. This article take track and field meet special technical training process optimized control as research content. 文中以田径运动专项技术训练过程的优化控制为研究内容。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Yesterday afternoon in the adaptation training, Tan-song look at the entire training process are very low-key . 在昨日下午的适应性训练中,谭望嵩在整个训练过程中都显得很低调。 dict.kekenet.com 4. During the training process, the number of the input neurons is determined adaptively based on the prior knowledge. 在训练阶段,神经网络根据先验知识自动选择输入层神经元的个数,同时确定网络参数。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Can a New Behaviorally Oriented Training Process to Improve Lifting Technique Prevent Occupationally Related Back Injuries Due to Lifting? 一个新的行为训练程序可以改进因职业性抬举运动所致腰背损伤者的抬举技巧吗? www.med66.com 6. And the self-training process is effective when the size of the test sample is moderate or large. 自适应过程在样本量中等以上的情况下是非常有效的。 www.fabiao.net 7. All personnel must be included in the training process. 培训过程必须包括所有员工。 www.iso.org.cn 8. In the whole training process, we must follow the energy supply form, practice means consistent with the principles of load intensity. 在整个体能分期训练过程中,要遵循供能形式、练习手段、负荷强度相一致的原则。 lib.cqvip.com 9. The team training process could obtain the effect in oil wells which has a certain practical significance. 在队上训练即可获得在油水井管线流程施工现场的操作效果,具有一定的实际意义。 www.qikan.com.cn 10. Enterprise is found in the training process, and to help enterprises solve the problem really is the most important. 在培训过程中发现企业问题,并帮助企业真正解决问题才是最重要的。 www.xiami360.com 1. PSO is utilized to optimize the RBFNN training process, which has improved the training speed of the model. 通过粒子群算法对级联网络的训练进行优化,提高模型的运算速度。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Therefore, the training process of legal base is the improving process of citizen's legal quality. 因此,法治基础的培育过程就是公民法律素质的提高过程。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. PSO is utilized to optimize the RBFNN training process, which has improved the credibility and reliability of model. 由粒子群算法对RBF神经网络的训练进行优化,提高了模型的可信度和可靠性。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Before the NN training process, the training data is firstly analyzed and name prior knowledge about the problem is obtained. 在应用这种网络之前的预处理过程首先对训练数据进行分析,获得关于问题的某些先验知识。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Evaluate in the training process enable to achieve greatest effect. 对培训适时进行评估,以达到培训效果。 cnc.hgjob.com 6. Could you tell us about you training secrets? How's the training process going? 能告诉我们你训练的秘诀么?训练是如何进行的? www.pcgames.com.cn 7. So the rater training process was not as effective as we have expected. 因此,评分员培训过程并没有像预期的那样效果明显。 www.fabiao.net 8. However enterprise in training process there are various problems. 但是企业在培训过程中常常存在着各种问题。 www.dfab.cn 9. master the basic knowledge of safe use of electricity and basic skills, the training process to get the safe use of the capacity of the AC. 掌握安全用电的基本知识和基本技能,在实训过程中获得对交流电的安全使用的能力。 zhidao.k8008.com 10. We should reflect the ideological and cultural gap from the developed countries during we receive training process . 在接受训练的过程中我们应认真地反思我们与发达国家的思想文化之间的差距。 www.zidir.com 1. After ten days, the King wanted to know the training process of the fighting cock. 十天过去了,国王很挂念这只名贵斗鸡训练的情形。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. What kind of difficulties do you have during the training process ? 你觉得自己在训练中有什么困难的呢? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Not in the training process, only to start, do not attach importance to the process and the result of internal auditors; 不能在培训过程中,只重视开始,不重视过程和结果; www.cnqr.org 4. Study on Application of a Real Time Monitoring and Instructing System in Training Process of Middle- Distance and Marathon Race Athletes 中长跑、马拉松运动员训练过程实时监控指导系统的开发与研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Training Process and Results of Backbone Teachers for the Participation Rural Environment Education in Qiannan Prefecture 黔南州参与式农村环境教育骨干教师培训过程及成果 service.ilib.cn 6. Familiar with the corporate training process and training organization and implementation; 熟悉企业培训流程及培训的组织和实施; www.job956.com 7. strengthening the "on-job training" process, pushing forward the continuous education for teachers in police school; 加强教师在职培训,推进警察学校教师的继续教育; www.fabiao.net 8. In Universities Gymnastics Teaching Training Process Humanities Quality Educate Content and Way 高校体操训练过程中人文素质的培养内容与途径 www.ilib.cn 9. Improving Graduate Students'Quality via Controlling the Closed Loop of the Training Process 通过培养过程的闭环控制提高研究生的质量 ilib.cn 10. Theory and Practice of Application on the Principles of "Three Requirements and Heavy load" during Training Process of Different Even-groups “三从一大”训练原则在竞技体育不同项群训练中应用的理论与实践探究 www.ilib.cn 1. Comparative Analysis on Time Efficiency of Training Process for Elite Athletes at Home and Abroad 中、外优秀田径运动员训练过程时间效益的比较研究 scholar.ilib.cn 2. On the Supervisory Control Principle of Training Process of Qualified Personnel for Higher and Professional Colleges 论高职高专人才培养过程的质量监控原则 www.ilib.cn 3. While performing the audit be alert for training, process control, doc. control and quality records issues 进行审核时须注意培训、过程控制、文件控制和质量记录等问题。 wenku.baidu.com 4. A Repetition Priming Paradigm in Monkey and Its Training Process 一种恒河猴重复启动范式及其训练过程 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on the Control Character of Exercise Load of Multi-years Training Process of Consist of Events of Athletics Elites 田径组合项群世界优秀运动员多年训练负荷控制特征的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Strengthening effects evaluation in the training process 培训效果评估的重要性及方法研究 service.ilib.cn 7. Spindle shape and improved spindle shape of sweet cherry and their training process 甜樱桃树的纺锤形和改良纺锤形及整形过程 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on Characteristics of Physical Fitness Training Process of Football Player 足球运动员体能训练过程特征的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Research on problems Involved in the Training Process in Maritime Education 航海教育中实习问题的研究 service.ilib.cn 10. The relationship between standardized work and training process 培训来执行标准化作业 www.gongchang.com.cn 1. Analysis of the Training Process of Students'Singing Skills 对学生歌唱技能训练过程的几点分析 www.ilib.cn 2. On the importance of ideological education for the college students in training process 大中专学生训练过程中思想教育的重要性 www.ilib.cn 3. Present Situation and Analysis on the Study of Control Theory in the Training Process of Track and Field 田径运动训练过程控制理论研究现状与分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Issues on the training process of modern throwing movement 论现代投掷运动的训练过程 www.ilib.cn 5. Modeling and Simulation of Training Process Based on Empirical Probability 基于经验概率的训练进程建模与仿真 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis on Training Process of Chinese Women's Soccer Team Preparing for No. 28 Olympic Games 中国国家女子足球队备战第28届奥运会训练过程分析 ilib.cn 7. Establish staff training time and course and other information file to record staff training process 建立员工培训时间、课程等信息档案,记录员工培训动态情况; wenku.baidu.com 8. improve the training process, do training needs analysis and other aspects of work; 完善培训流程,做好培训需求分析等各环节工作; www.fabiao.net |
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