单词 | threes |
释义 | threes是three的复数
复数:threes 例句释义: 三岁,三个人[东西],3字型,三,第三,三人行,三格拍,三次曝光 1. "Derek had a big game, " Coach Phil Jackson said. "He made some clutch threes early and made the play late in the game. " “费舍尔有一场伟大的比赛,”菲尔说,“他在比赛初期投中了一些关键的三分,在比赛末端有一些关键的表现。” dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Threes are despairing piggy to say: "You see the Zhao do, we gave up, with you how the Mo do. " 三只小猪绝望的说:“你看著办吧,我们放弃了,随你怎麽办。” bbb.sjhcx.com 3. Soon the cat wanted the fat once again. "All good things in threes, " she said to the mouse. "Again I have to be godmother. " 很快猫再一次想那块肥肉了。“好事不过三,”她对老鼠说。“我这回又要当教母了。” www.jiejieleyuan.bb.iyaya.com 4. Aboard the train, heads poked from the windows in twos and threes, enjoying the easy camaraderie of a long journey that's just begun. 在火车上,一个车窗会伸出两三个头来,他们在共享长途旅行中轻松交上朋友的快乐,尽管旅途还刚刚开始。 www.bing.com 5. Either in threes and fours, either alone a person, everybody can find time the library to read as if by prior agreement. 或三五成群,或独自一人,大伙儿都会不约而同地抽空来图书馆看书。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Of these threes exists quantity of depend on save a relation, constituted this quantity benefit of the banking analysis model together. 这三者之间存在量的依存关系,共同构成了银行业的本量利分析模型。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. By grouping these shuttered filters in threes, one of each colour, an individual picture element, or pixel, is created. 凭借这些三个一组(每种颜色一个)的栅栏过滤器,一个单独的图像元素,或者说像素,被创造出来。 www.ecocn.org 8. At the English Corner, a great number of students stand around the foreign teachers, or just stand in twos and threes, talking and laughing. 在英语角里,很多学生或是围着外教又或是三两成群地有说有笑地聊着,他们全都是说英语的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Notes are usually grouped in twos and threes and the first note of such a group is normally accented. 音符通常分为两组和三组,每组的第一个音符通常加重。 my.popiano.org 10. Practice a certificate: The TPR teaching method learn through playing, sense of vision, sense of hearing and sense organs threes unify. 实践证明:TPR教学法寓教于乐,将视觉、听觉和感官三者统一起来。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. When darkness creeps across the bay of Santa Ana and sets over the town of Sao Tome, the girls appear in twos or threes, or alone. 当夜色开始笼罩圣安娜海湾和圣多美镇的时候,女孩们开始三个一群、两个一伙或是单独出现。 www.chain.net.cn 2. In twos and threes, they walk up to the small poolside garden where Elvis is buried. 他们三三两两走向池畔边的小花园,在那儿猫王长眠于地下。 edu.163.com 3. After supper, it is still light, people take a walk enclosing the hotel in twos and threes. 晚饭后,天还大亮著,人们三三两两地围著宾馆散步。 www.ybcbsf.com 4. The morning session was now over , only a dozen or so brokers and customers remained, chatting in twos and threes. 现在交易所的早市已经结束。市场内就只剩十来个人,经纪人和顾客都有,三三两两地在那里闲谈。 www.jukuu.com 5. The flowers came out in twos and threes. 零零星星地开了些花。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. "Twos always work better than threes, " she liked to say. 她喜欢说:「两个永远比三个做得更好。」 www.bing.com 7. If you're ever stuck out in the wilderness, remember what survival experts call 'the Rule of Threes'. 如果你经常要滞留在野地,要记得生存专家所说的“三分球规则”。 www.bing.com 8. Reminds me of another set of threes that my dad tried to get across to us. 这也让我想起我父亲试图传达给我们的另外三个原则:不要发牢骚。 www.ted.com 9. But it is said that bad events --- like accidents and funerals --- come in threes as well. 但是据说坏事,如意外事故、葬礼等,也是成三到来。 www.1363.cn 10. Most of them were long-range threes, taken with time running out, the game on the line and every defender on the other team focused on him. 其中大多数是远距离的三分球,在时间快到点的时候出手,比赛即将结束时场上对方球员都把注意力集中在他身上。 tvboxnow.com 1. He is good at long jump - shoot. I remember he made six threes . 他擅长远距离跳投,我记得他投进了六个三分球。 www.bing.com 2. Yes, she was born on October 21, 1922, near Hermannstadt and was now forty-threes old. 是的,她1922年10月22日出生在赫曼施塔特附近,现年四十三岁。 www.bing.com 3. However, it is also possible for bad events, like accidents and funerals, to come in threes as well. 不过,事故和葬礼等不幸的事件也有可能会成三的出现。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. "at the same time the threes" the system has its existence great significance in the nowadays, it is necessary to consummate to this system. “三同时”制度在现今有其存在的重大意义,有必要对这一制度加以完善。 www.qikan.com.cn 5. OUCH! Barry did not play yesterday, and I am losing by exactly 7 threes in the 3PM category. 哎唷,我昨天玩3PM分类游戏时,由于没用巴里,因此我输了7个三分。 club.sohu.com 6. The villagers came by twos and threes to see the working team, some to seek advice, and some to get news. 村上的人三三两两去看工作队,有的去讨教,有的去探消息。 dict.bioon.com 7. The American Public Transportation Association says it increased by threes percent this year. 美国公共交通协会称,今年上升了百分之三。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The article explains the planning of books in scientific museums from threes respects as elements, techniques and environments. 文章从编制计划的要素、技术、环境三方面论述了科技馆图书的编制工作。 www.dictall.com 9. Suggested that your direct baidu will search in the threes to come out, to wish the good luck. 建议你直接百度搜索三中吧就会出来,祝好运。 www.fenleimama.com 10. Before ZhenFei Wells, became tourists rest place, in twos and threes, hiss eloquent and make, very lively. 珍妃井前,成了游客休息的场所,三三两两,嘘谈笑闹,好不热闹。 www.268r.com 1. After we worked on adding and subtracting my girls added more numbers to the line and jumped by twos and threes, working on skip counting. 我们学习了加减法后,孩子们又在数字列上加进许多新的数字,并隔2,3个数字跳来学习跳跃计数。 www.bing.com 2. She towards full namely surprised that ugg boots Rui Jie says: "These threes are naughty children firm, habitually be accustomed to good. " 她对着满是惊讶的睿婕说道:“这三个孩子淘气的紧,习惯习惯就好了。” bbs.bnb.cq.cn 3. Though residents sunburnt black and red in groups of twos and threes are passing by, I believe they're participants from yesterday's march. 但见到三三两两皮肤黑红的市民走过,相信是参加过昨天活动的人士。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In this dissertation, I focus on threes issues about recruitment, work experience choice, faith, and employment contract. 本文从企业的角度,分别对企业人员招聘的经验选择、诚信和雇佣合同进行研究。 forum.china.org.cn 5. Pride, Envy, and Avarice are the threes sparks that have set these hearts on fire. 骄傲、妒恨和贪婪好比三颗星火,使一切人的心熊熊燃烧。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 6. They walked away in twos and threes , disap-pearled into hidden holes that ringed the clearing, then re emerged with ropes and rucksacks. 他们三三两两地走开,消失在环绕着空地的洞穴中,又拿着绳索和帆布背包出来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The design main content contains threes big part: Components mechanical craft analysis, work lothes design and numerical control processing. 本次设计的主要内容为三部分:零件的机械工艺分析、工装设计和数控加工。 www.lwfree.cn 8. When that happens, that team can do a lot of things, make their threes, get in a rhythm and their offense looks a lot better. 他们将更有凝聚力,他们将打得更明确,如果真是那样的话,就能做好很多事,可以投三分,可以打出节奏,防守也会更好。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The beautiful goldfish in twos and threes swimming in a fish bowl, very beautiful. 美丽的金鱼三三两两的在鱼缸里游着,非常美丽。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Earlier this year, Denmark banned the chemical in food and drink containers for the under-threes. 今年年初,丹麦就禁止在三岁以下儿童使用的食品和饮料容器中使用这种化学品。 www.bing.com 1. Some of the girls work as maids. They get off at each stop in ones, twos or threes. 我每天早上八点半坐公车上班。我知道还有其他人也和我一样乘上了这部车。 cswz.04317777.com 2. The shore in twos and threes people side wash clothes chatting, Summer partners at water's edge play, play water wars. 岸边三三两两的人们一边洗衣服一边聊天;夏天伙伴们在水边嬉戏,打水仗。 sack.52jiazigu.com 3. Q. Over the course of the three games, both teams have shot pretty well on threes, but very poorly on twos. 这三场比赛中,两支球队三分都投的不错,但是两分都很烂。 m.hoopchina.com 4. The boy is standing together by twos and threes, discuss games, sports, the same theme, rotation of the speech. 男生则三三两两站在一起,讨论游戏,体育,不变的主题,轮换的演说。 www.bing.com 5. Later in the quarter, Bryant and Fisher connected on back-to-back threes as the lead swelled to 27 points. 第三节末,科比和费舍尔连续投进三分,将领先优势扩大到了27分。 www.kobechina.com.cn 6. They came to see me by twos and threes. 他们三三两两地来看我。 www.chinaedu.com 7. The winding path by twos and threes on millet was full of to farm. 弯弯曲曲小路上三三两两扛谷子的全是来鸡场的人。 www.bing.com 8. As they finished eating, people started to drift away in twos and threes. 他们吃完东西以后,开始三三两两地散开。 www.putclub.com 9. Earthquake, cholera and now maybe hurricane, Haiti's woes come in threes or in whole sets of three. 地震袭击,霍乱爆发,到如今可能面临飓风登陆,海地接二连三地遭遇灾害。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. They are often kept in twos, threes or even fours in a small cage. 一个小笼子里通常关2只,3只甚至4只水貂。 www.bing.com 1. Remember confirmation bias? The belief that bad luck comes in threes is a classic example. 还记得验证性偏见吧?相信厄运会接二连三便是一个绝佳的例子。 www.bing.com 2. In time, women are always together in twos and threes, spinning and weaving, lily. 农闲的时候,妇女们总是三三两两聚在一起,纺纱,织布,打糍粑。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Green area around buildings is formed with small hill-islands with threes and greenery. 建筑周边的绿地由布满绿色植物的小山丘组成。 arch.mr926.me 4. After all, the decimal expansion of one third is infinite, but it's threes all the way down. 三分之一的小数部分就是无限,但它也只一直是3下去而已。 kk.dongxi.net 5. We planted more than 100 threes all together when in 12 o'clock; we do our shares for the greening of our hometown. 到中午12点,你们共植树100多棵,为绿化家乡贡献恶劣了自己的一份力量。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Life there is simple but happy: ripe fruit fall from the threes and people don't have to work. 在那里,生活简单又美好。成熟的水果从树上掉下来,人们根本无需劳动。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 7. The girls dilly- dallied after the boys , in twos and threes, cupping their mittened hands over their mouths and giggling . 在男孩后的女孩极好的东西戏耍者,在二和三,吸血法在他们的嘴上他们的棒球手套手而且吃吃地笑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Not only does he need to make those open threes , but he will also have to help slow down A. 不仅仅是要他投中那些大空档的三分球,而且他还必须要好好的帮忙防住A。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In appending, several two, threes are thick to make the wench return everybody to elevator a lumber box. 除此之外,几个二个的,三个的粗使丫头还每人提着一个木盒子。 www.fairtrade.hk 10. Threes are small of inside, brocade red and the yarn green facial statement all changed. 三个小的里面,锦红和纱青脸色都变了。 wazaila.com 1. Picture 12: At the Dharma meeting, people sat together reciting sutras threes and fours. 图12:护法大会上,人们三五成群,席地而坐诵经护法。 www.17u.com 2. Often, Americans will say, "All things come in threes. " 美国人常会说“无三不成礼”。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Thirty-odd of us, in group of threes and fives, strolled wherever we liked. 三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的地方溜达。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The girls , in twos or threes, go shopping and chat on fashions and cosmetic . 女孩,在二或三,去购物而且在流行和化妆品上闲谈。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The plant is commonly identified by its pointy leaves that grow in threes. 这种植物通常由尖叶生长在三五成群标识。 www.bing.com 6. Studies show more people are buying roses in ones, twos and threes these days. 研究表明,眼下越来越多的人都是一朵、两朵、三朵地买玫瑰。 www.tingclass.com 7. "We went through allkinds of things that come in threes, " says Greenawalt. “我们尝试了各种三个在一起的东西,”格里纳沃特说。 www.bing.com 8. He has the courage, quickness and depth to hit the big threes that spread the floor for Nowitzki and others. 他有勇气、速度和深度去命中一个个重要的三分,为Nowitzki和其他人铺路。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Figures of twos or threes whispered and laughed softly around me, but the lake was quiet and the world was calm. 我就一直的凉到了脚后跟儿。周围有两三个人在窃窃私语,大声的说笑,但是湖面很安静,世界一片沉寂。 www.bing.com 10. By 2013, Mrs von der Leyen wants to treble the number of available nursery places to 750, 000, covering one-third of Germany's under-threes. 到2013年,vonderLeyen女士想把托儿所的数量翻三倍,达到75万所,覆盖德国三岁以下孩子的三分之一。 www.ecocn.org 1. How come? Where are the real threes, flowers, animals and birds? 真实的树、花、鸟在哪里? www.beibeigou.cn 2. The numbers I got at Play4Agile in Germany were mostly around twos and threes. 我在德国的Play4Agile活动中得到的数字,大部分在2到3之间。 www.infoq.com 3. He has read two threes of this book. 他已经读了这本书的三分之二。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The others, in twos and threes, are walking and chatting. 其余的人,正三三两两地在散步和闲聊。 www.hajzxx.cn 5. They stepped into the banquet hall in twos or threes. 他们三三俩俩的步入宴会大厅 bbs.ebigear.com 6. Passing in by twos and threes, they came to the market at an appointed time. 他们三三两两而行,按时到达了市场。 cenet.whu.edu.cn 7. Litter baskets have been placed under the threes. 废物筐已经被放在了树下。 www.fh2005.com 8. Straight threes have crooked roots. 弯根也能长出直树。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. stepped into the banquet hall in twos or threes. 他们三三两两走进宴会大厅。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. What are those people gathering in threes and fives for? 那些人攒三聚五地聚在一起干嘛呢? blog.sina.com.cn 1. One hot summer evening, HuangJueShu, people in twos and threes around hotpot edge drink with eat, loud laugh together. 炎夏的傍晚,黄桷树下,人们三三两两围在火锅边一起喝酒吃饭,一起高声谈笑。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. That's the old rule that celebrities die in threes. 这是一条老规律了,就是名人总是三个三个的连着死亡。 www.bing.com 3. When the competition also has 30 seconds, Du Lin creates outside the center line violates a regulation, three punish in the threes . 在比赛还有30秒时,杜林在三分线外造成犯规,三罚三中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. They nearly shot 20 threes in the last game. 上次比赛中,他们几乎投了20个三分球。 www.chinaedu.com 5. Visitors arrived by twos and threes. 参观者三三两两地来到那里。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Soon the guests arrived by twos and threes. 不久客人就三三两两地到达了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The customers came by twos and threes. 顾客三三两两的来了。 gz2011.qlteacher.com 8. People arrived in twos and threes. 人们三三两两地到了。 www.way2english.com 9. in twos and threes To practice English conversation, the teacher had the students sit in twos and threes. 为了练习英语会话,老师让学生三三两两坐在一起。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. many jokes (and fables) use repetition in threes, for example, where there is a pattern that leads you to anticipate what comes next. 许多笑话(和寓言)会重复多次使用,这样就会形成一种模式让你预想到接下来发生的事。 www.elanso.com 1. They arrived by twos and threes . 他们三三两两的来了。 www.haofumu.tv 2. Is God the school next to the College and College of Forestry, Wei Liang autumn rain stops, the students in twos and threes out. 学校旁边是神学院和林学院,秋天微凉的雨一停,学生们三三两两出来了。 www.tradeask.com 3. Twos company, threes a crowd. 两个是伴,三个是乱。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Move to the left in threes, left turn? 合排向左轉 wenku.baidu.com 5. Applications for the job are coming in slowly in twos threes. 申请这份工作地信件三三两两来得很慢。 www.xialingying.cc 6. They arrived in twos and threes. 他们三三两两的到达了。 www.iselong.com 7. The guests came by twos and threes. 客人三三两两地来了。 www.soenglish.com.cn 8. They walked in twos and threes. 他们三三两两地走。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. They got there by twos and threes. 他们三三两两的到了那里。 zl2.beijing518.com 10. They are talking about the singer in twos and threes . 他们三三两两地谈论着那个歌唱家。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. They left by twos and threes. 他们三三两两地离开。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Consider, for example, the common belief that things like personal misfortunes, plane crashes, and deaths "happen in threes. " 举个例子来说,试想一下这个通常为大家接受的迷信:像个人不幸遭遇,飞机失事与死亡这类事总是“三个一并发生”。 www.24en.com 3. Threes years has gone by since I came here. 我到这儿来已经三年了。 edu.xinxing.org 4. Too much one on one and jacking up ill-advised threes. 太多一对一和没头没脑的三分浪投。 club.sohu.com 5. Bird: He can charm the birds off the threes. 他能把鸟从树上哄下来。 www.fane.cn 6. They went to the theatre in twos and threes. 他们三三两两地来到了剧院。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 7. People are strolling in the park in twos and threes. 人们三三两两,在园中散步。 www.bing.com 8. Twos and threes The students went out hand in hand by twos and threes. 学生们三三两两,手挽手走出教室。 www.ell.cn 9. They do their best work in threes. 人一组时她们表现最佳 www.ebigear.com 10. For example, in English-language locales, large numbers have their digits grouped by threes, with each set of three delimited by a comma. 例如,在英语语言环境中,将较大数的每三个数字分为一组,每组用逗号定界。 www.ibm.com 1. We went to the station by twos and threes. 我们三三两两地走向车站。 www.hxen.com 2. Although my brother couldn't speak French, he was top in his class at counting backward by threes. 虽然我哥哥不能讲法语,但他在他们班里一至三的倒数计算却名列第一。 www.bing.com 3. Children went to school twos or threes , I admired them and thought of my past. 村里的孩子们开始去上学了,三三两两的,让我很是怀念与羡慕了一番。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The came to school by twos and threes. 他们三两成群地来到了学校。 www.8875.org 5. With them, you can easily learn to speak English in threes. 用这些演讲稿,你可以很容易地学会说三句一组的英语。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The relationship between the latter and respectively the former threes 后者与前述三法律的关系 www.law.ruc.edu.cn 7. Practice and Consideration of "Threes System" Working Model in Discharge Levy 排污收费中“三三制”工作模式的实践与思考 www.ilib.cn 8. And now my fears, they come to me in threes 现在我的恐惧,来自三个不同的方向 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The four "threes" in on-site management in safe production 安全生产现场管理的四个“三” www.ilib.cn 10. And all my dreams come round in threes always 我所有的梦想都与你有关 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Remember that good things come in threes 记住好事成三儿 blog.sina.com.cn 2. a beautiful building with many threes 一个带有很多树的漂亮建筑 wenku.baidu.com 3. In keeping with our pattern of threes, a filter must apply three methods in order to fully implement the Filter interface 为了与我们的三步模式保持一致,过滤器必须运用三个方法,以便完全实现Filter接口 www.ibm.com 4. Discussion method in twos and threes 三三两两讨论法 wenku.baidu.com 5. We can count them by twos(threes , tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. ) 我们以二(三,十,百,千等)来计数。 zhidao.baidu.com |
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