单词 | testimonials |
释义 | testimonials是testimonial的复数
复数:testimonials 例句释义: 证明书,推荐书,感谢信,有关证明书的,褒奖的,给…开证明书,客户感言,见证,客户评价 1. Parents have sent him video testimonials from around the world, saying how much they love the app. 世界各地的家长给他发来答谢视频,表达自己对这个应用软件的喜爱。 www.bing.com 2. Trying to overcome objections with your words rather than customer testimonials . 试图用语言而非顾客的证明材料来克服拒绝。 blog.163.com 3. Well, your fact sheet is a half a page long. There are two samples of your work, and there are no testimonials, just a blank page. 嗯,你的情况说明只有半张纸。而且有两项工作案例没有客户评价,只有白纸一张。 edu.qq.com 4. Blue Nile should change the location of the testimonials and prominently display these on the front page. 蓝色尼罗河应该将奖状链接移到比较醒目的位置上。 dict.veduchina.com 5. If they already are in a relationship with you, they don't need social proof or testimonials or before and after photos. 如果他们已经与你建立了关系,他们不需要依靠社会上的工具或者客户评价或前后对比照来决定购买产品。 www.bing.com 6. Customer testimonials occupy an important place in every company's sales and marketing toolbox. 客户评价在每个公司销售和营销策略里占有非常重要的地位。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It's gained a reputation as a more economical, personal alternative to chain hotels, and has inspired countless glowing testimonials. 由于是一个与连锁酒店相比更经济更个人的选择,因此为它带来了很多声望,也赢得了数不清的充满赞誉的推荐。 dongxi.net 8. We needed to reach out to several of our clients for testimonials, which we could then use to sell new clients. 我们只需接触其中几个就能获得他们的推荐,然后我们可以用这些推荐来争取新客户。 www.bing.com 9. And you can see some more testimonials, as you can tell. Just head on down to this page. 你能看到更多的推荐书,就如你所告知。整个篇幅都是。 www.yappr.cn 10. You can always ask for testimonials of their services as you would a lawyer or marketing consultant. 当你需要一个法律或营销顾问时,你随时可以要求看他们的服务证明书。 www.elanso.com 1. Next, gather testimonials from the users of your product or service within the account. 下一步,收集一些产品或服务用户的反馈,并向你的客户展示。 www.justing.com.cn 2. To earn you as a customer for life, we rely on product performance and enthusiastic customer testimonials ( Random customer review). 为了赢得客户的信赖,我们通过产品的性能以及热情的客户推荐(客户随机调查)。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Be skeptical almost anecdotal information from personal "testimonials" about incredible benefits or results acquired from using a product. 怀疑那些因使用产品而获得难以置信的利益或是结果而写的表扬信、证书。 www.qgw123.com 4. Yew Chung Arts & Language Centre may use photographs, videotapes , and testimonials of the applicant in publicity materials. 耀中语艺教育中心有权使用学员在世界教室内活动之照片、錄影带、作品及感言咭,作宣传之用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Some of the testimonials and before and after pictures - including Anthony's own - are pretty mind boggling. 这是一些安东尼之前和之后的对比照片-包括他自己都觉得非常令人震惊。 img3.zhubajie.com 6. Throughout are checklists, work sheets, and testimonials, as well as pointers to more articles and materials on the author's Web site. 各地的清单,工作表,并推荐,以及指向更多的文章和材料,对作者的网站。 www.360doc.com 7. Contact friendly outsiders whove expressed a willingness to offer a testimonial of your ability. Request said testimonials by e-mail. 愿意友好的向外界提供一切可以证明你能力的内容,在遇到请求的时候可通过电子邮件来传递。 www.bing.com 8. Speakers alternate between giving personal testimonials and descriptions of research into mind-control technology. 发言者陆续致感谢词及对大脑控制技术的研究。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Testimonials of fear, torture and cruelty succeed one another. 恐惧,折磨和残忍的证明书继任彼此。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In terms of achievement, testimonials from academics, or from senior people in your field would complement other forms of evidence. 在成就方面,学院或在你专业领域的高级专家的推荐信都可以认为是证明的另外的形式。 www.tigtag.com 1. We are featuring group photographs today and group photographs are the perfect testimonials of age and experience. 我们今天要展示的是合影,而合影正是年龄和经历的最佳见证。 www.ebigear.com 2. In the freelance business, testimonials are gold because it shows the depth of your capabilities and lends credibility to your name, too. 在自由职业领域,他人对你的推崇就像黄金一样珍贵,因为这些推荐显示了你能力的深度,同时还为你的名号增添了信誉。 www.bing.com 3. I thought later must work harder and try to get more testimonials. Today I'm very happy! 我心想以后一定要更加努力,争取得到更多的奖状。今天我真高兴! www.yingyubo.com 4. Most testimonials and case studies follow a background-challenge-solution-results structure. 许多评价和案例分析遵循背景-挑战-解决方案—结果的结构。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. 'A lot of the literature is filled with testimonials and anecdotes, but never any scientific evidence, ' Prof. Perls says. 佩尔斯教授说,很多说法充斥着他人陈述和奇闻轶事,但是从来就没有任何科学证据。 www.bing.com 6. Develop a list of target candidates to approach for customer testimonials, covering all of the markets you serve. 为客户评价选择合适的人选并列一张表,挑选的范围包含所有您服务的区域。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. These testimonials are invaluable for print materials, funding appeals, and e-Newsletters. 这些表扬非常宝贵,可以用在印刷材料,筹款呼吁和电子通讯上。 www.bing.com 8. The OM often solicits testimonials from people shortly after their first trip to Golden City, during a honeymoon phase. 合一运动经常在人们第一次到过金色之城之后不久——还在蜜月期间——向他们要感谢信。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The testimonials about Romanian pianist and composer Dinu Lipatti are almost innumerable. 关于罗马尼亚钢琴家和作曲家迪努·李帕蒂的推荐书几乎都数不清。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. More testimonials and interviews with World Food Moscow's exhibitors in 2008 can be found on the event website. 更多来自莫斯科国际食品展参展企业的观点及言论,您可以登录展会网站查询。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The web site provides: subject areas-clients and testimonials -company-contact-website links, etc. 该网站提供的主要内容包括:业务领域-客户及其留言-公司信息-联系方式-网站链接等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. I wasn't even a grizzled industry veteran sitting on piles of insider connections and impressive testimonials. 我甚至不是坐在成堆内部关系和出色奖状上、头发斑白的行业老手。 www.bing.com 3. Also i'd like to put testimonials on that keep rotating and a contact form and have a footer. 我也想在此提出推荐一个不断旋转和联系方式,有一个页脚。 www.bing.com 4. Get personal Author page with Testimonials, Books, Biography, etc. . . 获取与见证,书籍,传记,作者等个人网页。 www.bing.com 5. Therefore, they have missed out customer discussions, testimonials and 'Look for similar items'. 因此,他们没有看到顾客讨论,推荐商品和“类似商品”这些内容。 www.bing.com 6. Shareholders took turns at the microphone to offer testimonials. 股东们轮流站在麦克风前发表他们的意见。 www.bing.com 7. Get personal Store page with Testimonials, Books, Authors, etc. . . 获取个人存储与推荐书,书籍,作者等网页。 www.bing.com 8. The prize will be drawn randomly among those who submitted testimonials in the format mentioned above. 奖励将会在符合上述格式的提交者中随机抽取。 0772zd.cn 9. In fact, testimonials are probably the key marketing tool for the supplement industry. 实际上,个人证据很可能是辅助产业的关键的市场工具。 www.bing.com 10. The main content of site is about Samples-FAQ- Testimonials -Contact Us. 该网站提供的主要内容包括:样本-常见问题解答-证明-联系我们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Use third party comments and testimonials to establish credibility. Use a lot of them. Make sure they're both interesting and true. 用大量第三方的评论和鉴定来建立信用,并确保这些评价真实有趣。 www.bing.com 2. These can easily be faked, or people can trade testimonials in return for concessions or money. 这些很容易被伪造,或者人们能用证明书换取优惠或金钱。 www.elanso.com 3. We collected those testimonials and display them on all sales materials and online. 我们收集这些推荐证言,并将其展示在所有销售材料上和网上。 www.bing.com 4. If you aren't receiving any testimonials from your social media communities, ask them to testify! 如果你没有收到任何来自社会媒体社区的表扬,告诉他们去表扬你吧。 www.bing.com 5. Judging by his testimonials, I think he will suit the post. 从他的推荐来看,我认为他适合这项工作。 ncwlyz.com 6. Please read our Customer Testimonials, to see what our customers are saying, and please Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. 请阅读我们顾客的留言,看看我们的顾客是怎么说的,如果你有任何问题和建议,请联系我们。 www.21gem.com 7. Your website, business card and even testimonials should all reflect the niche you want to work with. 你的个人网站、名片,甚至包括客户对你的评价等都应该体现出你目前所在的小众领域是什么。 www.bing.com 8. Both the sales script and the testimonials scripts will be provided to the successful bidder. 无论是销售脚本和褒奖脚本将提供给中标者。 www.bing.com 9. The book features individual testimonials from buyers such as Japanese fashion designer Nigo, now on his third Phantom. 这本纪念簿中有一些买主的个人推荐书,其中包括日本时尚设计师Nigo,他现在已拥有3辆幻影了。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In addition, 'Dr Chocolate' provides a long list of fascinating testimonials plus plenty of resources. 另外,“巧克力博士”提供非常棒的推荐列表,附有很多资源。 www.bing.com 1. Update contact us form, testimonials, about us tab with information that I will provide. 更新联系我们的形式,对我们推荐,与信息,我将提供标签。 www.bing.com 2. Hi, i need video testimonials for clients who didn t want to appear in person as i run a counselling company, hence anonymity? 嗨,我需要为客户谁没吨视频推荐人似乎想在我运行一个咨询公司,因此不愿透露姓名的? www.bing.com 3. Users can submit defects, write testimonials, submit requirements, have discussions with the contributors, and so on. 用户提交缺陷、写推荐书、提交需求、与贡献者进行讨论,等等。 www.ibm.com 4. 6% have a detailed page for every project, including case studies, testimonials, slideshows with screenshots, drafts and sketches. 6%对每一个项目会有个详细的页面,包括个案研究、感言、截屏幻灯、草稿和草图等。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I'll write you some nice testimonials, you'll see, they'll simply jump at you. 我给你写几封说好话的介绍信。你看吧,他们简直会抢着要你去。 kudictionary.appspot.com 6. Mr. Pincus points to these kinds of testimonials when he says that the games, while simple, have a higher purpose: connecting people. Pincus指出了用户的感受,虽然游戏很简单,却有一个很高的目标:建立人与人之间的联系。 www.bing.com 7. Many people made the mistake of adding captions and putting testimonials and writing features and telling your Twitter handle. 许多人误增加一些文字简介,推荐语,twitter账号名在上面。 www.kuqin.com 8. We will be uploading a list of our case studies and testimonials soon. 我们很快将会上传我们的案例研究和证明书清单。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Here are 3 testimonials from 3 of the 35000 international students in Sweden and what they spontaneously say about studying in Sweden. 这里有三篇糊口感言,来自由瑞典留学的35,000名国际学生中的此中三位,他们随意地说说本身在瑞典的留学糊口。 www.pzqy.com 10. Use testimonials to build our reputation. 使用客户的推荐评价来提高我们的声誉。 www.bing.com 1. The website also tell us how to sell and license your invention, and some information about Testimonials . 网站也说明了怎样出售和许可自己的发明,及有关证明书方面的一些信息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Do you use authentic customer testimonials , complete with first and last names? 你用正版客户听证,并完成最后一次名字?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This is a mistake because testimonials are not real evidence. 这就犯了一个错误,因为个人证据并不是真实的。 www.bing.com 4. You should also look into testimonials. 你也应该要仔细阅读一下公司简介。 www.jukuu.com 5. This is why you should use testimonials: they can help you enhance your internet business and allow you to make more sales. 这就是为什么你应该使用见证:他们可以帮助您提高您的互联网业务,并允许你做更多的销售。 corrugatedroofing.info 6. I am looking for (3-5) honest video testimonials of a product. 我寻找(3-5)的产品诚实的视频推荐。 www.bing.com 7. Be ready to produce documents, like certificates of academic qualifications and testimonials 准备好学历证明及推荐书等文件 www.jobs.gov.hk 8. Testimonials of people close to Mr. G. and those affected by his deeds 与G先生亲近的和受其行为影响的人提供的证明书 www.bing.com 9. Rely on testimonials depicting attractive, happy people or families 利用公众人物、幸福个人或家庭的感言吸引求职者 www.fortunechina.com 10. How to Acquire Testimonials by Construction Unit for Project Information Resource System 建设单位如何取得建筑工程竣工验收备案证明书 www.ilib.cn 1. Testimonials can sell movies, too; 代言也能使电影更好卖; zhidao.baidu.com 2. Position on the page of testimonials, if used 页面的说明,如果要用到 idc.qqcpu.com 3. here are testimonials from people in the mountains 这是山区人民的证明书 www.ichacha.net |
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