单词 | three-mile | ||||||
释义 | three-mile
例句释义: 三里岛,三厘岛,三英里 1. Mr. Chu said he believed the accident was 'more serious' than the 1979 partial core meltdown at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. 朱棣文说,他认为与1979年美国宾夕法尼亚州三里岛核电站发生的堆心部分熔解事故相比,日本此次核事故要“更加严重”。 c.wsj.com 2. No one at the Dauphin County Civil Defense office knew what was going on. Pintek then decided to call Three Mile Island. 但是多芬郡国民防卫办公室的人不知道发生了什么,于是平塔克决定打电话给三哩岛(ThreeMileIsland)。 www.bing.com 3. There was a small release of radioactive steam at Three Mile Island in 1979, and there have also been a few releases at Fukushima Daiichi. 1979年三里岛核电站事故中便是有少量带放射性同位素的蒸汽泄露。 blog.163.com 4. In fact, poor communications was one of the biggest headaches at Three Mile Island. 事实上,通讯不畅是三里岛事件中最令人头痛的问题之一。 www.bing.com 5. Happy cloud Step Three Mile Bridge in the north first, is built across the river in a hole arch stone bridge, formerly known as snow bridge. 云步桥在快活三里北首,是跨中溪而建的一座单孔拱形石桥,原名雪花桥。 taian.qite8.com 6. Five minutes with your feet over your head. followed by a three-mile jog, then a quick swim. It's better than coffee and aspirin. Wanna try? 五分钟的倒立…,…接着是三英里慢跑,然后再来场速泳比喝咖啡吃阿斯匹林有用多了想试试吗?。 www.bing.com 7. Researchers have spent 30 years trying to find health effects from the steam releases at Three Mile Island and have come up with nothing. 研究人员用了30年去研究三里岛蒸汽泄露对人体健康所造成的影响,但都一无所获。 blog.163.com 8. In the wake of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, I cannot argue that it's wrong to be concerned about the safety of nuclear plants. 由于切尔诺贝利和三哩岛事件,我不能说考虑核电厂的安全是错误的。 www.jukuu.com 9. Plans to enlarge the tennis-court-sized tower into a three-mile-long island with an airport and gambling complex fell through. 计划将这个网球场大小的塔扩大成一个3英里长的岛屿,建造机场和博采设施的努力却一次又一次的泡汤。 www.bing.com 10. The name Three Mile Island might not sound very familiar to you, but it probably does to your parents and teachers. 三里岛这个名字,你可能不是很熟悉,但是你的父母和老师大概不会对这个名字陌生。 club.topsage.com 1. But after accidents at Three-Mile Island and Chernobyl, local people began to take a not-in-my-back-yard attitude. 但是在三里岛和切诺贝利发生的核电事故后,当地民众都是一副事不关己高高挂起的态度。 www.ecocn.org 2. Public opinion turned against nuclear power after Three Mile Island. But it was the economics of nuclear power that changed fundamentally. 尽管三哩岛事故后公众转而反对核电,但是发生根本改变的是核电经济。 www.bing.com 3. It would come to be known as the worst reactor accident until Three Mile Island. 此次核灾难是三英里岛核电站事故发生前最为严重的反应堆事故。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl have been studied to ensure that they do not happen again. 发生在三英里岛和切尔诺贝的核事故被研究,以便确保此类事故不再发生。 www.yyksw.com 5. Shortly after the meltdown at Three Mile Island, the U. S. nuclear industry began an ambitious overhaul of its safety practices. 在三哩岛核事故发生后不久,美国就对其核工业开展了一场轰轰烈烈的安全大检查。 www.bing.com 6. Decades after Three Mile Island, no cancers or deaths have been conclusively linked to the U. S. disaster. 在三厘岛事件后的几十年中,人们不敢肯定一些癌症或死亡事件与那场灾难有关。 www.bing.com 7. Swedes did the same in 1980, a year after the smaller accident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania . 在1980年美国宾夕法尼亚州三里岛发生了一起较小的事故后,瑞典也做了同样的决定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A near-meltdown at Three Mile Island in 1979 was followed seven years later by an explosion at Chernobyl in Ukraine. 1979年,美国三里岛(ThreeMileIsland)核电站几乎发生核反应堆熔毁;7年后,乌克兰的切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl)核电站发生爆炸。 www.ftchinese.com 9. At Three Mile Island, near Harrisburg, Pa. , only a small amount of radiation was released before the meltdown was controlled. 在美国宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡附近的三厘岛上,在核灾难之前仅有少量辐射物。 www.bing.com 10. The report calls on the oilmen to set up a new and separate safety body, as the nuclear business did after the Three Mile Island accident. 报告中还号召石油商们建立全新的独立安全部门。就像三英里岛事故后核能企业建立的部门一样。 www.ecocn.org 1. Our first camp was at the foot of one of them, beside a three mile-wide lake. 我们第一个营地在一座火山脚下,营地边上有一个三英里宽的湖泊。 www.bing.com 2. What's certain is a series of blasts wrecked parts of the Daiichi plant, while Three Mile remained fully intact. 可以肯定的是,一系列爆炸部分摧毁了Daiichi核电站,而在三里岛事件中,电站整体完好。 www.bing.com 3. It isn't yet known if operator error may have played a role, as it did three decades ago at Three Mile Island. 目前还不清楚操作失误是否也是造成事故的原因之一,就像30年前三里岛事故那样。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The damaged reactor at Three Mile Island was not the first President Jimmy Carter had viewed up close. 三里岛的受损反应堆并不是卡特总统近距离接触的第一个受损核反应堆。 www.bing.com 5. At Three Mile Island there were no injuries and only minor amounts of radiation released into the atmosphere. 三里岛事件没有出现人员伤亡,仅有少量的放射物泄漏到空气中。 www.tianya.cn 6. In the end, Three Mile Island proved to be a near miss, and the level of radiation was not sufficient to cause cancer. 最后,三里岛上的辐射水平被证实还不足以引起癌症。 www.bing.com 7. Twelve days later, America's worst nuclear accident occurred at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, and the public was spooked. 12天之后,美国宾夕法尼亚州三哩岛(ThreeMileIsland)爆发美国最严重的核事故,而公众受到极大的惊吓。 kk.dongxi.net 8. Before Three Mile Island, however, nuclear power was seen by both governments and energy consumers as the way of the future. 然而,在三里岛之前,核电站被政府和能源消费者看做是将来的一种方式。 www.bing.com 9. When and where will be the next Three Mile Island near-tragedy or the Chernobyl actual one? 三哩岛险些酿成悲剧,切尔诺贝利则是噩梦成真。下一次险情会出现在何时何地? www.ecocn.org 10. No one died in Three Mile Island, and damage to the environment was considered minimal. 三哩岛事件中无人丧生,环境破坏也微乎其微。 www.bing.com 1. On the 30th Anniversary of the Three Mile Island Meltdown, TIME takes a look at some of the most frightening nuclear mishaps in the world. 在三哩岛核泄露事故发生30周年之际,时代周刊向我们展示了世界上一些最可怕的核泄漏事故。 bbs.cnnas.com 2. It released a three mile-wide fireball and a mushroom cloud that rose to nearly 60, 000 feet, destroying an island in the process. 它释放出了直径三英里的火球和高达近60000英尺的蘑菇云,在爆炸中摧毁了一座岛屿。 www.bing.com 3. Thornburgh had dispatched his Lieutenant Governor, William Scranton, to Three Mile Island to bring back a first-hand assessment. 索恩伯勒派他的副州长威廉?斯克兰顿前往三里岛,带回第一手评估结果。 www.bing.com 4. But accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl have severely blunted public support. 但三哩岛(ThreeMileIsland)和切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl)核事故严重挫伤了公众的支持。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Sternglass had expressed concern that any radiation released from Three Mile Island would pose a threat to unborn babies and infants. 斯特恩格拉斯对三哩岛释放出的辐射可能会威胁未出生婴儿和幼儿表示担忧。 www.bing.com 6. Therefore, the 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in the United States is rated at level five. 因此,1979年的美国三里岛核电厂核泄漏事故被定为5级。 www.bing.com 7. Then in 1979 a serious accident occurred at a plant at Three Mile Island, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 然后,在1979年,宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡附近三英里岛上的一个电厂发生严重的事故。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. Energy: New U. S. nuke reactor goes online in Georgia, first since Three Mile Island crisis. 能源:自三里岛危机之后,美国的新核反应堆首次在佐治亚州上线。 www.bing.com 9. Three Mile Island operator, Exelon, said no contamination was found outside the containment building. 三哩岛核设施的运营商爱克森(Exelon)称,安全厂房外没有发现污染。 www.bing.com 10. Three Mile Island was in compliance with the regulations. 三里岛的事故就是遵守了条例。 open.163.com 1. No one died at the Three Mile Island accident, but the facility incurred nearly $1 billion of damages and clean-up costs. 三里岛核事件并未导致人员死亡,不过它造成的破坏和清理费用却高达近10亿美元。 www.fortunechina.com 2. Stimulate the Three Mile Points (St 36) on the outsides of your calves to benefit these meridians. 三里激发点(36街)在您的小牛在外侧向有利于这些经脉。 www.360doc.com 3. Percolation cooling of the three mile island unit 2 lower head by way of thermal cracking and gap formation. 通过热裂纹和空隙形成进行三里岛2号堆下盖的渗透冷却…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 4. On April 1, Thornburgh accompanied President Jimmy Carter on a tour of Three Mile Island. 4月1日,索恩伯勒陪同总统吉米卡特视察了三里岛。 www.bing.com 5. Three Mile Island suffered no structural damage. 三里岛电站没有出现结构损坏。 www.bing.com 6. That was when America's worst nuclear accident happened at the Three Mile Island center in Pennsylvania. 当时在宾夕法尼亚州的三英里岛中心发生了美国有史以来最严重的核能事故。 www.unsv.com 7. Also, public opinion turned against nuclear energy after a 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island power plant in Pennsylvania. 另外,1979年宾夕法尼亚州三里岛核电站发生事故之后,公众对核能的态度发生了180度的大转变。 www.24en.com 8. A view of the Three Mile Island power plant near Harrisburg, Pa. , site of the worst nuclear accident in U. S. history. 照片为宾夕法尼亚州的哈里斯堡附近的三哩岛,美国历史上最严重的核电厂事故现场。 www.bing.com 9. At Three Mile Island the safeguards caught the breakdown and the reactor was safely shut down with no loss of human life. 三里岛的安全防护设施及时对故障作出反应,使反应堆得以安全关闭,未造成任何人员伤亡。 www.ecocn.org 10. A three- mile stretch of Interstate 95 in Philadelphia could re-open tonight. 费城95州际公路的三英里延伸段今晚有望重新开放。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Firm pressure on the Three Mile Point (St 36) immediately boosts the immune system with renewed energy. 坚定的三里点(36街)的压力立即以新的能量增强免疫系统。 www.360doc.com 2. Six Flags Over Three Mile Island? 三里岛上的六面旗主题公园 www.bing.com 3. But Three Mile Island proved this doesn't happen. 但是三里岛事件证明这并不会发生。 dongxi.net 4. Both events also occurred in the 1979 accident in Three Mile Island unit #2. 这两个状况同样发生在1979年三里岛的二号反应堆的事故中。 www.bing.com 5. ' The 1978 Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania was rated a 5. 1978年美国宾西法尼亚州的三里岛核事故就被认定为五级。 chinese.wsj.com 6. As the Three Mile Island accident showed, operators can regain control of the situation if they can get the coolant flowing again. 由于有了三哩岛的事故的借鉴,所以如果操作者可以使得冷却剂循环起来,局面就可以控制。 www.bing.com 7. At the same time, health researchers have not tied any U. S. deaths to 1979's Three Mile Island accident. 与此同时,健康调查人员并未发现1979的三哩岛事故造成任何的死亡。 www.bing.com 8. The Three Mile Island accident of 1979 was rated 5; the Chernobyl disaster merited level 7. 1979年三里岛事件是5级事故,而切尔诺贝利灾难则达到了7级。 www.bing.com 9. The power was working at Three Mile. In Japan, it was knocked out by the earthquake and tsunami. 三里岛当时的电力供应没有问题。而在日本,地震和海啸导致电力供应完全中断。 www.bing.com 10. "Events in Japan are more serious than Three Mile Island, " Mr Chu said. 朱棣文表示:“日本的事件比三哩岛更为严重。” www.ftchinese.com 1. the nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl 三英里岛和且诺贝尔的核事故 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Some say the situation is worse than Three Mile Island, but not as bad as Chernobyl; 有一些说,形式比三里岛要糟,但没坏到切尔诺贝利的地步; www.bing.com 3. Cooling towers at Three Mile Island (4 of 7) 三英里岛上的冷却塔 www.bing.com |
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