单词 | three-core |
释义 | 例句释义: 三芯,三心,三芯的 1. Leaders face three core tasks, Bower says: judging where the world is headed, identifying the company's talent, and engaging that talent. 保尔表示,领导者面临着3项核心任务:判断世界的走向,辨别公司的人才,以及吸引住人才。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Although the least critical of the three core traits, hardness is still a very desirable trait. 尽管在三个核心要素中排名最末,它仍是十分理想的品质。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. SOLUTIONS FOR A COMPLEX WORLD Panalpina's three core activities of expertise include Air Freight, Ocean Freight and Supply Chain Management. 完善方案助您驾驭复杂的商业环境泛亚班拿擅长的三大核心业务是空运、海运及供应链管理。 word.hcbus.com 4. Company's three core financial management strategy including dividend distribution division, investment decisions and financing decisions. 股利分配决策、投资决策、筹资决策并称为公司财务管理的三大核心战略。 www.fabiao.net 5. Storage is one of the three core operations which include storage, sorting and delivery in the distribution center. 分拣作业是物流配送中心仓储、分拣及配送三大核心环节之一。 www.fabiao.net 6. The sections will focus on three core types of services needed for composite applications, as shown in Figure 2. 接下来将重点讨论组合应用程序所需的三种核心服务类型,如图2中所示。 www.ibm.com 7. The second chapter defines three core concepts respectively, "technology" , "technology education" and "technological literacy" . 第二章分别对“技术”、“技术教育”和“技术素养”三个核心概念进行了界定。 www.dictall.com 8. Generally, autistic children have three core characteristics: social disorder, speech delay, and stereotyped behaviors. 以社交障碍、言语迟缓和刻板性行为为三大核心特征。 www.fabiao.net 9. And when this experience, we unconsciously converting them into three core beliefs, most people are more or less to believe these beliefs. 而当这样的经历太多的时候,我们不知不觉地把它们转化为三条核心信念,大多数人都或多或少地相信这些信念。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Dividend policy is one of the three core content of financial management of modern companies. 股利政策是现代公司理财活动的三大核心内容之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Initially, three core courses were developed: Sequence Similarity Search, Genetic Variation, and Human Genome Resources. 最初,三个核心课程被开发:序列相似性搜索、遗传变异和人类基因组资源。 www.chinapubmed.net 2. Therefore, the choice of target market, product positioning and price position are three core elements of community commerce's profit model. 因此,目标市场的选择、产品定位、价格定位是社区商业赢利模式的三大核心要素。 www.fabiao.net 3. In that system, location of recycling facilities, vehicle routing arrangements and inventory control are three core issues. 其中,回收设施选址、车辆收集路径安排和库存控制是该系统优化中的三个核心问题。 www.fabiao.net 4. This content initiative used three core content marketing strategies to engage, educate and influence the industry. 这种手段主动运用了三种核心内容营销战略,即参与、教育与影响行业。 www.bing.com 5. XForms model consists of three core parts, too, that work together to create a complete model: data instances, binds, and submissions. XForms模型也由三个核心部分组成,它们合在一起组成一个完整的模型:数据实例、绑定和提交。 www.ibm.com 6. Based upon the defined execution plan, data analysis occurs within three core dimensions. 根据已定义的执行计划,数据分析发生在三个核心维(dimension)内。 www.ibm.com 7. three, core competitiveness should be difficult for competitors to imitate. 核心竞争力应当是竞争对手难以模仿的能力。 www.cnqr.org 8. All employees at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants strive to adhere to our three core values: entrepreneurship, partnership and excellence. 同时,罗兰贝格的员工也始终秉承公司的三个核心价值理念:企业家精神、精诚合作与追求卓越。 bbs.pinggu.org 9. Under its new, integrated structure much more akin to UBS Credit Suisse will have three core divisions. 整合后的新结构将更类似于瑞士银行集团(UBS),瑞士信贷将拥有三个核心部门。 bbs.newacad.com 10. WSJ: How is managing your three core businesses -- bakeries, restaurants and food courts -- different? 《华尔街日报》:面包房、餐厅和美食街这三大核心业务的管理有何不同? c.wsj.com 1. The paper tries to resolve three core issues of state-owned capital management budget and finds out keys to these questions. 论文试图解决国有资本经营预算中的三大核心问题,并提出相关的理论解答和制度设想。 www.lw23.com 2. Three core traits sit at the foundation of creativity: awareness, confidence and enthusiasm. 创新有三大基本特点:意识,信心和热情。 www.bing.com 3. Employing these three core modules synthetically, the program flow chart for auto mounting is achieved lastly. 综合应用这三个核心模块,设计了贴片机的自动贴装程序流程。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Initially, direct sales operations at Jungheinrich China will concentrate on three core regions around Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. 永恒力中国分公司的直接销售首先集中致力于北京、上海、广州这三个城市及其周边的核心地区。 www.chinaforklift.com 5. Which caught three core index: net operating assets net interest margins, and financial leverage. 其中抓住三个核心指标:净经营资产利润率、净利息率、财务杠杆。 wenwen.soso.com 6. We arepursuing these objectives with a strategy that has three core components. 通过以下三点,实现这一战略目标 www.bing.com 7. Demystification, autonomy and "novelty" fetishism are three core concepts of modem art. 去魅、自主性和“新”之崇拜是现代艺术的三个核心概念。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. There are many application servers providing different services, and three core application servers of IMS will be highlighted below. 有很多提供不同服务的应用服务器,以下将专门讨论三种IMS核心应用服务器。 www.ibm.com 9. Standards, convenience and mutual recognition of AEO system are the three core elements. 标准、便利和互认是AEO制度的三大核心要素。 www.sirpalib.fudan.edu.cn 10. The remaining five courses must be from two of the three core areas chosen. 从选中的三个不同的专业领域中在选择两个领域确定另外五门课程。 www.shciut.edu.cn 1. In this effort, the Obama administration is guided by three core principles. 在这方面,奥巴马政府以三项核心原则为指引。 www.putclub.com 2. We are doing it by three core processes: recommending, translating, and publishing. 为了达到这个目的,我们有三个核心步骤:推荐,翻译和出版。 www.bing.com 3. There are three core differences between DVCS over centralized version control systems. 在DVCS和集中式版本控制系统之间有三个关键差异。 www.ibm.com 4. There are three core constructs in the VIP Model: value gap, information gap, and potential punishment power. VIP模型包含三个主要构念:价值差距、资讯差距以及潜在惩罚力。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. TVH currently operates three core IT operations . 宏昌科技目前经营三大核心资讯科技分支。 www.bing.com 6. Then the urban space, people and spirit of redemption imagery to support the three core arguments. 随后的城市空间、人物意象和精神救赎为支持论点的三个核心。 www.fabiao.net 7. The three core questions to modular restructuring of China rail should be answered, that is why, can or not and how. 研究我国铁路运输业模块化重组必须回答三个核心问题:即我国铁路运输业为什么、能否、如何进行模块化重组。 www.boshuo.net 8. Mr Chai seemed a lot of low-key, who was in adhering to the three core members of the club, but the talk has been coupled with humor funny. 在俱乐部坚持了三年核心会员的柴阳阳师兄则显得低调很多,但在言谈之间却夹杂着幽默搞笑。 www.mscenter.edu.cn 9. There, we studied the three core subjects and it was relaxed and easy and everyone knew everyone else. 在那里我们学习三门基础课程,气氛非常轻松自然,而且大家彼此都认识。 www.sj525.com 10. are three core competitiveness of management, that is, if you choose a kind of competitive strategy, you have to put this strategy in place. 有三个管理的核心竞争力,也就是说,如果你选择了一种竞争战略,你必须落实这一战略。 www.qiyeku.com 1. We based our work on three core principles. 我们将工作基于三个核心原则之上。 www.bing.com 2. Testing is being conducted with three core engines before the first full engine test in early 2013. 在2013年初第一台整机测试前,正在测试三个核心机。 www.bing.com 3. What direction to go, what kind of person, so how can unite the people and this is the three core issues of enterprise management. 向什么方向走,用什么样的人,凭什么凝聚人心,这就是企业管理的三大核心问题。 www.xiami360.com 4. Switching Characteristics of Three-Core Nonlinear Directional Couplers with Variable Coupling Coefficient 变耦合系数非线性三波导定向耦合器特性研究 www.opticsjournal.net 5. Remote Monitoring of a Electric Motor with an Three-core Cable 用一根三芯电缆对一台电机的远距离监控 www.ilib.cn 6. Theoretical Computation and Analysis on the Electrical Parameters of Three-core Bundle Insulation Conductors 三芯绝缘导线束的电气参数的理论计算与分析 service.ilib.cn 7. The Java language provides three core synchronization primitives Java语言提供了三种核心同步原语 www.ibm.com 8. Each of these types of acceptance is based on three core beliefs 每种类型的接受都是基于这三条核心信念 www.bing.com 9. Albemarle organized into three core businesses 雅保公司形成三个业务核心 wenku.baidu.com 10. Three core functions are part of this file 这个文件中有三个核心函数 www.ibm.com 1. The UNFPA strategy for HIV prevention revolves three core areas 联合国人口基金在预防艾滋病方面的三个重点领域 www.chinaids.org.cn 2. Three-core cable with extruded solid insulation 挤包实体绝缘三芯电缆 bbs.zics.cn 3. three-core power cable with common copper screen 带公共铜屏蔽层的三芯电力电缆 www.bing.com 4. The three core components for Chart Interpretation 解读星盘的三大核心部分 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The three core requirements are: (1) the student needs to write up an extended essay to investigate a topic of interest; 三个核心要求是:(1)学生必须撰写一篇长文章,探讨感兴趣的主题; blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Three Core Concepts in Pierre Bourdiue's Social Theory of Practice 论布尔迪厄社会实践理论的三个核心概念 ilib.cn 7. Researches on the Use of the Three-core Delay Component in the Production of the MSEL Delay Detonator 三芯铅延期体在毫秒雷管生产中的应用研究 scholar.ilib.cn 8. The Three Core Components of the Chart 星盘的三大核心组成 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The Three Core Purposes of Culture Nationalism in 20th Century 20世纪中国文化民族主义的三大核心诉求 www.ilib.cn 10. For example, acid production of Streptococcus mutans acid is one of the attributes of three core cariogenic. (Loesche, 1986) 例如,产酸耐酸是变形链球菌三个核心致龋属性之一。 img3.zhubajie.com 1. Thinking Over the Three Core Problems Existed in the Wage System of Public Hospitals in China 反思我国公立医疗机构分配制度存在的三大问题 www.ilib.cn |
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