单词 | candidate | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:candidates adj. n. independent candidate,likely candidate,suitable candidate,prospective candidate,female candidate v. n. support candidate,nominate candidate,elect candidate,select candidate candidate 显示所有例句
例句释义: 候选人,理想对象,〈正式〉考生,求职者,报考者,候补者 1. Many white voters told pollsters that they would vote for the black candidate but, in the anonymity of the voting booth, they did not. 很多的白人选民对民意调查人声称自己愿意投票给黑人候选者,但是在匿名投票中,他们却没有这样做。 www.bing.com 2. So far, this project looked like a typical database application, and there was no shortage of candidate persistence strategies. 到目前为止,这个项目看起来像是一个典型的数据库应用程序,并且它并不缺少可供选择的持久性策略。 www.ibm.com 3. Jim: As you know, there were three candidates, and the total votes the two losers got were more than the winning candidate got. 你也知道一共有三个候选人,其中两个落选人员的得票数加起来比当选人员的得票数多。 www.lsedupia.com.cn 4. Even though you may not get a complete picture of the candidate, you'll at least be able to verify employment history. 尽管这样也许也无法帮助你获取求职者的完整信息,但至少可以帮助你了解求职者被雇佣的历史。 www.bing.com 5. Candidate said he never finished high school because he was kidnapped and kept in a closet in Mexico. 参加面试的人说他甚至没有读完高中,因为他被绑架了然后被囚禁在墨西哥。 www.mianshiba.cn 6. Family members say the wife of a local candidate for governor, and one of his sister are among the dead. 家人称,死者中包括当地省长候选人的妻子和姐姐。 www.kekenet.com 7. The New York Times endorsed that candidate while they sat on this story, and now with utter predictability they are trying to destroy him. 《纽约时报》曾搁置这个故事以支持该候选人,但现在完全可预测他们正在试图毁掉他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Labour leadership candidate David Miliband, said the "war logs" showed that the war could not be won by military means alone. 工党领袖候选人DavidMiliband表示,“战争日志”证实这场战争无法单独依靠军事手段来赢得最后的胜利。 www.bing.com 9. If I'm not especially interested in a candidate, I'm looking for opportunities to wrap the interview up -- not drawing it out. 如果我对某个应试者不是特别感兴趣,那么我会寻找机会结束面试--不会拖时间。 gb.cri.cn 10. The speech made William Jennings Bryan famous. He was a presidential candidate three times. But he never won. 这次演讲使WilliamJenningsBryan闻名于世。他三次成为总统候选人,但他从未赢得选举。 www.hxen.com 1. But the audit committee says he did not reveal that he had already considered the company as a bid candidate when he bought shares. 但审计委员会说,他并没有透露说,他购买股票时,就已经考虑将该公司作为候选的竞购标的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If one album had to explain jazz, a strong candidate would be "Kind of Blue" by the trumpet player and bandleader Miles Davis. 如果要解释爵士乐唱片,一个强有力的候选人将是“一种蓝”的小号演奏家和乐队指挥迈尔斯戴维斯。 www.englishtang.com 3. Finally there is no suitable candidate is said, a shift manager for the appointment of a foreman came out to do training for teachers. 最后,还有没有适合的候选人说,一个值班经理指定一个领班出来做对教师的培训。 www.bwbd.info 4. If it had been, he would have been the perfect candidate to lead the response. 如果这真是一个操作性问题,那么他本应是领导应对过程的最佳人选。 www.ftchinese.com 5. An inefficient search returns candidate parties that are too numerous or not similar enough to be relevant. 低效搜索返回包含太多或不相似的无关内容的候选参与方。 www.ibm.com 6. Once the electorate shifts in favour of a candidate, as it seems to have done over the last few weeks, it seldom moves again, they said. 他们说,一旦全体选民转而支持一个候选人,就好象前几周发生的那样,那么他们就很少再变了。 www.bing.com 7. Bird and swine flu might have receded for now, but the top candidate for a global pandemic remains: a novel strain of flu. 禽流感和猪流感可能暂时退去了,但全球范围传染病爆发的头号候选依然是:新的流感株。 www.bing.com 8. The figures revealed the failed candidate for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton, is still burdened with $9m from her campaign. 同时有数据显示失败的民主党候选人希拉里?克林顿,在选战之后身上还背着九百万美金的债务。 www.bing.com 9. 'I would certainly prefer to be endorsed by a very large majority rather being the European candidate pushed by the Europeans, ' she said. 拉嘉德说,我当然希望能得到大多数国家的支持。我不希望自己只是一个由欧洲国家推选出的欧洲候选人。 chinese.wsj.com 10. One of the senators' prerogatives is to put individual "holds" on a nominee, stopping the candidate's progress to a full vote on the floor. 要知道,参议员的特权之一便是可就某位被提名人给予个人“挂起”(holds),从而阻止候选人在参议院的全体投票进程。 www.ecocn.org 1. One person beginning to articulate this idea is Mitt Romney, one of the frontrunners to be the Republican presidential candidate. 已经有人开始宣扬这种观点,共和党领先的总统候选人米特?罗姆尼(MittRomney)就是其中之一。 www.ftchinese.com 2. He said: "A man who has once been the candidate of his party -- and defeated -- owes it to his party not to be a candidate again. " 他说:“谁曾经一直是他的政党的候选人-打败男人-有责任向他的党不是一个候选人了。” bbs.maynet.cn 3. HP had been a prime candidate for a shareholder nominations proposal next year. 惠普一直是明年股东提名建议的主要候选公司。 www.fortunechina.com 4. And if Gruber were a highly implausible candidate for this kind of consulting, you might suspect that this was one of them. 如果格鲁伯是这类咨询协议的一个非常令人难以置信的候选人,您可能会怀疑这是否是其中之一。 www.bing.com 5. He seemed to be the prime candidate to replace Vincenzo Iaquinta, who looked like he was going to leave. 当时文琴佐。亚昆塔看起来很有可能会离开斑马军团,而弗洛卡里就是顶替他的第一人选。 www.ept-team.com 6. "There would be so many people who would balk at the endorsement of any party or candidate that I don't think it would happen, " Bray said. 布雷认为:“有太多人在避免政治党派或候选人的支持行为,所以我觉得那种事不可能发生。” www.bing.com 7. For a long time, United States voters did not know which candidate gained the presidency. 美国选民们有很长一段时间不知道哪位候选人获得总统职位。 www.bing.com 8. As a candidate, Mr Obama convinced the most idealistic Christian progressives that he was one of them. 身为竞选人之时,奥巴马就向大多数理想的基督教进步人士承诺自己也是其中一份子。 www.ecocn.org 9. And he's not at all the kind of candidate one might have expected to emerge out of the backlash against Republican governance. 但是,无论如何他也不是人们期望能够从共和党统治下脱颖而出的那种候选人。 www.bing.com 10. While it may not be easy to get a job in the medical field, the industry is a good candidate for job growth in an otherwise nervous market. 尽管在医药行业找到一份工作并不容易,但和其他众多就业紧张的领域相比,医疗业将来可能会在就业增长上有出色表现。 www.forbeschina.com 1. She also acknowledged that she had been approached by a local Republican candidate who asked her to go public, but she declined to name him. 她也承认,当地的一位共和党候选人曾找过她,要她把这事公之于众,但是她拒绝透露他的名字。 www.bing.com 2. His speeches were full of praise for himself. It was evident that he thought he was the greatest candidate who had ever lived. 在竞选演讲中全是对自己的溢美之辞,很显然,温菲尔德·斯科特自诩为有史以来最伟大的候选人。 bbs.tingroom.com 3. And he had a plain face, one which many thought was ugly. He looked more like a simple farmer than a candidate for the United States Senate. 他看起来更像一位农民,而不像是美国参议员的候选人。 www.bing.com 4. Well, you're choreographing a set of services into a business process, so BPEL seems like a good candidate for the process implementation. 您要将一组服务程序编排到一个业务流程中,因此,BPEL似乎是实现流程的好选择。 www.ibm.com 5. It was either you or me, and I'd rather not be a candidate and have to be in the company of those bozos. 不是你就是我,而且我宁愿不做候选人,因为我不想成天与这些笨蛋们为伍。 www.kekenet.com 6. The candidate will take charge of every stage throughout the design process including tendering and project management of interior projects. 入选者将会负责建筑设计过程中的所有阶段,包括方案投标,室内设计项目的管理。 www.cdworking.com 7. Hughes, who generally went out of his way not to impose himself on the candidate, cherishes the memory. Hughes通常行事低调,不会以候选人的声名“拉大旗”,不过他珍惜这段记忆。 www.bing.com 8. It is the only current candidate for a complete theory of the universe, and Hawking sees it as the realization of Einstein's dream. 它是目前可能成为完全解释我们宇宙的理论的唯一候选.在霍金看来,M理论实现了爱因斯坦的梦想。 www.bing.com 9. And he won about 70 million popular votes more than any other presidential candidate, of any race, of any party, in history. 而且他还赢得了大约7000万的民众选票。比其他任何的总统候选人的票数都要多,无论是来自任何政党,任何种族。 www.ted.com 10. The only Republican candidate to give vocal support to the "surge" is John McCain, the front-runner, but his hawkishness may hurt him. 唯一对“大肆增兵”给予口头支持的共和党候选人是居领先地位的约翰?麦凯恩(JohnMcCain),但其鹰派作风可能伤害他。 club.topsage.com 1. And mice bred without MCH remain lean - and fertile - which has made it a popular candidate for anti-obesity drugs as well. 而且,没有MCH而被饲养的小鼠保持瘦的体型并能够生育——这也可能使其成为大受欢迎的候选抗肥胖药物。 news.dxy.cn 2. Contrary to a commonly held belief, the best qualified candidate does not always win this game. 和大众观点相悖的是,最有资格的候选人不总是会被录用。 www.bing.com 3. For all his flaws, he is at least the second most likely candidate to be prime minister after the next election. 尽管米利班德毛病多多,但至少他是下届大选之后的二号人选。 www.ecocn.org 4. Maybe you already are, in which case you might be able to skip to the next step or choose a second candidate to try out. 或许你已经开始并跳到了下一步或者选择了第二个候选项。 www.bing.com 5. Cautious speech then, is not only prudent, but should be expected of any candidate seriously trying to get elected. 于是,谨慎地言论,不仅仅是明智的决定,也是任何真心想当选的候选人会做出的选择。 www.bing.com 6. "I would say he (Liddell) certainly could be a candidate. It would be up to the board and his performance, " Whitacre said. Whitacre称,“我想说Liddell的确也是个候选人,这要取决于董事会的决定和他个人的表现。” cn.reuters.com 7. And that system always offers at least a theoretical path for a candidate with Huntsman's background and qualifications. 而这样一种提名系统也对具洪培博类似背景和资历的候选人来说至少提供一条理论上的出路。 dongxi.net 8. In regular binaries, indirect jumps are often used for multi-way branches, candidate targets are reserved in a jump table. 在通常的应用程序中,间接跳转指令经常用来实现多目标分支语义,分支目标存放在跳转表中。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The qualified candidate at least has 1 year experience in manufacturing and is able to work independently. 至少1年以上制造业公司的工作经验,能独立完成工作; www.051291.com 10. In none of his speeches did he say he might be a candidate for president in eighteen sixty. 在他的巡回演讲中,他从来没有把他自己当成是1860年的总统候选人。 www.bing.com 1. That would be followed by a two-year transition and a gracious handover, perhaps to a compromise candidate within ZANU-PF. 接下来会进行为期两年的过渡时期和慷慨的交接,可能会交接到ZANU-PF里面的一个折衷的侯选人手里。 www.ecocn.org 2. He has been looking for someone who could be his wife but has not yet found a favorable candidate. 他正在寻找他未来的妻子,但是改没有找到理想的人选。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Ultimately, there seem to be three major reasons why Warren is the best candidate to lead the new consumer protection agency. 以下是为什么沃伦是新成立消费保护署的最佳候选人的三个主要原因? www.bing.com 4. Yet as a presidential candidate Mr Obama promised to seek some sort of diplomatic resolution in Kashmir. 当作为总统候选人之时,奥巴马就承诺为克什米尔地区,寻求外交解决争端的方案。 www.ecocn.org 5. One of these products, the RTS, S candidate malaria vaccine, is now undergoing a very large phase III trial in Africa. 其中一项产品,RTS,S候选疟疾疫苗目前正在非洲处于大规模三期临床试验阶段。 www.who.int 6. and that John's open personality suggested he might be a candidate for making a commercial TV ad. 而且他开朗的性格也可能使他成为一位电视广告的候选人。 www.bing.com 7. He began the tour in the southern state of North Carolina, a state that has not voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in 30 years. 他首先来到南方州北卡罗来纳,这是一个30年来没有投票给民主党的州。 www.ebigear.com 8. There was no candidate better suited to help the Raptors than Barnes, especially considering the huge hole they have at small forward . 没有谁比Barnes更适合猛龙尤其是考虑到他们在小前锋位置上的巨大漏洞。 www.bing.com 9. By being extremely flexible for the CEO, the candidate met him in a much more informal and relaxed environment. 以及其变通的方式,这个求职者在一个非常随意和放松的环境中跟这位CEO见面。 www.bing.com 10. You know the kind of company that just has some salty old manager interview each candidate, and that decision is the only one that matters? 你知道那种只靠几位老鸟(salty)经理和应徵者面谈,一试定生死的那种公司吗? local.joelonsoftware.com 1. Win or lose, San Francisco Giants' Dusty Baker has to be a strong candidate for the National League Manager of the Year award. 不管是输还是赢,旧金山巨人队教练达斯蒂·巴克尔都是本年度全国联赛最佳教练奖热门人选。 chinafanyi.com 2. So, President Jackson really heard his last hurrahs in the campaign of another candidate, the man who would replace him in the White House. 因此,杰克逊总统真的听到了另一名候选人,该名男子谁将会取代他在白宫的最后运动。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Given dom4j's performance, stability, and feature-set advantages, you should consider it a strong candidate for most projects. 考虑到dom4j的性能、稳定性和特性设置的优点,您应把它当作多数项目中的一个有力的候选者。 www.ibm.com 4. The candidate said he experimented with marijuana when he was a student. 这位候选人说他在大学生时试吸过大麻。 www.bing.com 5. He was a candidate for the office of mayor of New York City and governor of New York State, but failed in both of these attempts. 他还是纽约市市长和纽约州州长职位的候选人,但这两次努力都失败了。 www.ebigear.com 6. With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend . . . as an ideal candidate. 根据贵方的要求,我毫无保留地向您推荐……作为理想人选。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Hostile advertising seems to work not so much by firing up a candidate's own supporters but by suppressing the turnout for the other side. 不友善的广告并不能发挥很好的作用,一方面不能激发候选人己方支持者的热情,另一方面又为对方制造了机会。 www.ecocn.org 8. The US President highlighted what he said were differences between him and his rival , Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. 美国总统强调说,他所讲的是他和竞争对手共和党总统候选人米特?罗姆尼之间的差别。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. As an ethnic Luo, Mr Odinga is proud of his friendship with Barack Obama, an American presidential candidate whose father was also Luo. 奥廷加先生作为一个卢奥民族(Luo)的子孙,他很自豪他能与美国总统候选人巴拉克?奥巴马(BarackObama)保持友谊,因为奥巴马的父亲也来自卢奥民族。 www.ecocn.org 10. Another candidate offered to fly cross-country on his own funds to meet with a CEO who was on vacation at the time. 另外一位求职者愿意自己负担机票飞越全国去见一位CEO,后者那时正在休假。 www.bing.com 1. Seems to me to be a perfect candidate for a big band treatment (hint, hint). 在我看来这似乎是个改编成大乐团爵士乐再好不过的候选。 tieba.baidu.com 2. In looking at candidate appearances, researchers have found a variety of nuances in voters' stated preferences and Election Day actions. 研究人员通过考察参选人的相貌发现了投票人所述偏好和选举日活动的微妙之处。 www.bing.com 3. Mr Hollande has agreed to one debate only. He said he was the candidate of all those who wanted to turn a new page. 奥朗德只同意进行一次辩论,他说自己是所有那些希望翻开新的一页的人们的候选人。 www.hxen.com 4. If Mr. Maliki fails to produce a new government within a month, the constitution requires the president to nominate another candidate. 如果马利基不能在一个月之内组建新政府,按照伊拉克宪法规定,总统必须提名另外一名总理候选人。 www.360abc.com 5. he is the desirable candidate for this job except for a bit of lack of experience. 他倒是这份工作的理想之选,只是有点缺乏经验。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. No candidate is going to be perfect, and reasonable people can differ about whether a certain candidate possesses each of these traits. 没有一个候选人可以完美无缺的,理智的人才能查出某个候选人是否拥有以上的每一个特质。 www.bing.com 7. Crouched in a radio station's small tent, he made a simple pitch: "I'm the candidate who wants to spend less, borrow less and tax less. " 挤在一家广播台的小帐篷里,他简单地为其竞选定下基调:“作为候选人,我只关心更低的开销、更少的借贷以及更轻的税负。” www.ecocn.org 8. Although I would never launch this question at a candidate on its own, it might grow out of a discussion. 尽管我决不会单独把这个问题拿出来问考生,但它可能会出现在某些讨论之中。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Brian was the default candidate for CEO, the last man standing, and he was a controversial choice that not everyone believed in. 布赖恩是CEO的默认人选,最后一个屹立不倒的人,他是一个存在争议的人选,并不是所有人都信任他。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The planet's relatively low mass makes it a candidate for having a rocky surface like Earth's, though it could be a gaseous planet as well. 这颗行星质量相对比较低,所以可能拥有岩石地表,不过气态行星仍然是可能的。 www.bing.com 1. But Labour may not be the only party to suffer: it has a new candidate, and the backlash seems to be indiscriminate. 但工党可能不是唯一要遭受痛苦的政党:它有一个新的候选人,而反弹似乎是滥杀无辜。 www.ecocn.org 2. Teach for America has no official preference for or opposition to any candidate, said Kevin Huffman, a spokesman for the group. 这个团体的发言人凯文·霍夫曼称,为美国而教并不公开支持或反对任何一个候选人。 www.bing.com 3. A candidate for president must be at least forty years of age, a Muslim, and a citizen of Afghanistan. 总统候选人必须年满四十,是穆斯林,并且是阿富汗公民。 www.ebigear.com 4. The final test will take place in a week. Its result will determine each candidate's luck-admitted or otherwise. 复试是在一个星期后举行。录取与否都取决于此。这时将决定一个人终生的事业。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 5. Athens would need to have an alternative currency and a strong candidate for central bank governor lined up with a hotline to the ECB. 希腊政府将需要一种货币来替代欧元,还需要一个强有力的央行行长人选(这个人需要一部连接欧洲央行的热线电话)。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The candidate should have a pleasant personality and should be able to interact with all the company staff in an appropriate manner. 应聘者需具备令人愉悦的性格,能以恰当的方式与公司员工沟通交流。 www.gao8dou.com 7. As a presidential candidate, several times Mr. Obama said something like this comment he made in July about the war in Iraq. 奥巴马在竞选总统的过程中就伊拉克战争的问题曾经说过几次像他在7月份所说的话。 www.ebigear.com 8. Turnout was as low as 33% partly due to a boycott by the opposition candidate Winston Tubman, who alleged fraud in the first round. 投票率只有33%,这部分是因为反对派候选人温斯顿?塔布曼的抵抗,他声称首轮选举有欺诈行为。 www.hxen.com 9. The president said he had fulfilled a pledge he made as a presidential candidate to bring the Iraq war to a responsible end. 奥巴马说他已经履行了作为选总统人时做出的承诺——负责任地结束伊拉克战争。 www.folxten.cn 10. And if he does not run, it is not obvious that he would be an asset to the campaign of any other Socialist candidate either. 如果他不参选,也不清楚他是否对任何一个社会党参选人阵营有利用价值。 www.ecocn.org 1. A candidate for president must be at least forty years of age, a Muslim, and a citizen of Afghanistan. 总统候选人必须年满四十,是穆斯林,并且是阿富汗公民。 www.ebigear.com 2. The final test will take place in a week. Its result will determine each candidate's luck-admitted or otherwise. 复试是在一个星期后举行。录取与否都取决于此。这时将决定一个人终生的事业。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 3. Athens would need to have an alternative currency and a strong candidate for central bank governor lined up with a hotline to the ECB. 希腊政府将需要一种货币来替代欧元,还需要一个强有力的央行行长人选(这个人需要一部连接欧洲央行的热线电话)。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The candidate should have a pleasant personality and should be able to interact with all the company staff in an appropriate manner. 应聘者需具备令人愉悦的性格,能以恰当的方式与公司员工沟通交流。 www.gao8dou.com 5. As a presidential candidate, several times Mr. Obama said something like this comment he made in July about the war in Iraq. 奥巴马在竞选总统的过程中就伊拉克战争的问题曾经说过几次像他在7月份所说的话。 www.ebigear.com 6. Turnout was as low as 33% partly due to a boycott by the opposition candidate Winston Tubman, who alleged fraud in the first round. 投票率只有33%,这部分是因为反对派候选人温斯顿?塔布曼的抵抗,他声称首轮选举有欺诈行为。 www.hxen.com 7. The president said he had fulfilled a pledge he made as a presidential candidate to bring the Iraq war to a responsible end. 奥巴马说他已经履行了作为选总统人时做出的承诺——负责任地结束伊拉克战争。 www.folxten.cn 8. Besides the name of each candidate, there was a box to be filled with a number. 每个候选人名字旁边都有一个有待装选票的盒子。 www.bing.com 9. For most of its orbit Sedna is farther from the Sun than any other known dwarf planet candidate. 对于它的轨道塞德娜是远离太阳比任何其他已知的矮行星候选。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 10. And if he does not run, it is not obvious that he would be an asset to the campaign of any other Socialist candidate either. 如果他不参选,也不清楚他是否对任何一个社会党参选人阵营有利用价值。 www.ecocn.org 1. The president said he had fulfilled a pledge he made as a presidential candidate to bring the Iraq war to a responsible end. 奥巴马说他已经履行了作为选总统人时做出的承诺——负责任地结束伊拉克战争。 www.folxten.cn 2. Besides the name of each candidate, there was a box to be filled with a number. 每个候选人名字旁边都有一个有待装选票的盒子。 www.bing.com 3. For most of its orbit Sedna is farther from the Sun than any other known dwarf planet candidate. 对于它的轨道塞德娜是远离太阳比任何其他已知的矮行星候选。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 4. Interviews can only tell you so much about a candidate , internal or external . 面试可以告诉你很多关于候选人的信息,不管是内部的还是外部的候选人。 www.bing.com 5. And if he does not run, it is not obvious that he would be an asset to the campaign of any other Socialist candidate either. 如果他不参选,也不清楚他是否对任何一个社会党参选人阵营有利用价值。 www.ecocn.org 6. Any candidate can spend as much of her own money as she pleases because this counts as free speech. 任何候选人都可以自由花费她自己的财产,因为这被当作是言论自由。 www.ecocn.org 7. In the current languages, BPEL seems to be leading the race and thus an ideal candidate for building e-business dialogues. 在当前的语言中,BPEL似乎在领导着潮流,因而是构建电子商务对话的理想候选者。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Until just a few months ago, 51-year-old Senator John Edwards of North Carolina was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. 几个月前,现年51岁的北卡罗来纳州参议员约翰·爱德华兹还是民主党总统提名候选人之一。 learning.sohu.com 9. If you could rig the next big election so that your candidate of choice came out on top, would you? 如果你可以操纵下次大选来让你的候选人入选,你会那样做? dict.bioon.com 10. Approach the application process and interview as if you were a new candidate. 要像个新人一样进行申请及面试。 c.wsj.com 1. If you could rig the next big election so that your candidate of choice came out on top, would you? 如果你可以操纵下次大选来让你的候选人入选,你会那样做? dict.bioon.com 2. Approach the application process and interview as if you were a new candidate. 要像个新人一样进行申请及面试。 c.wsj.com 3. On the eve of graduation, I thought I had done everything right, and that I would be an excellent candidate for a tenure-track job. 毕业前夕,我觉得自己已经安排好一切了,我将是一份终身教职的优秀候选人。 www.bing.com 4. He said a few words to each candidate as he came up. 每一个候选人走到他跟前,他都说几句。 www.jukuu.com 5. The European Commission calls it a "stability bond" , surely a candidate for euphemism of the year. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)把这种债券称为“稳定债券”——这个词肯定是今年最佳委婉语的一个候选。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A candidate for Congress trying to drive his campaign message home made up the difference. 一名美国国会候选人尝试利用这次机会为他的竞选添加筹码。 bbs.putclub.com 7. The Democratic Party has never produced a candidate who excites such adulation from his sort of voters. 民主党从来没有一位候选人能够获得自己支持者如此的追捧。 www.ecocn.org 8. Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who's been impersonated several times on the comedy show, showed up to show off her sense of humor. 副总统候选人莎拉佩林,已经多次在喜剧中串演角色,看得出她是个卖弄自己幽默的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Candidate Obama promised change in his last campaign, and he claims to have created change in the run-up to his re-election bid. 候选人奥巴马在他的上一次竞选中承诺变化,现在在他连任竞选的热身阶段他声称已经改变了很多。 www.bing.com 10. The Democratic presidential candidate had previously said he would accept public funding which limits the amount campaigns can spend. 这位有望成为总统的民主党派候选人之前曾说过他将会接受限制了竞选费用的公共债券。 bbs.putclub.com 1. Some interviewers like a candidate with a sense of humor, but everyone responds to humor differently. 很多面试官希望求职者有幽默感,但每个人对幽默的反应不同。 www.aftjob.com 2. The 47-year-old presidential candidate planned to present the flowers to his wife ahead of their anniversary meal in Chicago Friday evening. 这位47岁的总统候选人打算当晚在芝加哥的结婚纪念晚餐前把这束花送给妻子。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. If the answer to both of these questions is "no, " then the code is a good candidate for using timers to split up the work. 如果这两个回答都是“否”,那么代码将适于使用定时器分解工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The Democratic Party have mobilized behind their candidate Kerry who seems to be level-pegging with Bush in the polls. 民主党为了其候选人凯利已经动员起来了,而在民意调查中凯利与布什似乎是势均力敌的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A bad " Aha! " pirate question usually results in the candidate just sort of staring at you for a while and then saying they're stuck. 而不良的「原来如此」海盗问题,通常只会让应徵者瞪著你一阵子,然后说他们被难倒了。 local.joelonsoftware.com 6. Half of respondents in Britain did not know which candidate they would back. 在英国的受访民众中,有一半的人称他们不知该支持哪位候选人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. He said it was a victory "for socialism, for revolution" and that he would be a candidate in the next presidential election in 2012. 他说这是社会主义的胜利,革命的胜利,同时表示他将参加2012年总统选举。 www.bing.com 8. His indisputable position in the company and his very handsome income made him a good candidate for husband in her eyes. 在公司里的地位无可争议,又有相当可观的收入,这使他在她的眼里成了不错的丈夫人选。 w3.hevttc.edu.cn 9. Or is it a rival candidate trying to make her look like a manipulator? 或者说,是否有一个与之竞争的候选人正试图让她看起来像是个操纵者呢? www.ftchinese.com 10. Obama said he is the candidate who can bring "fundamental change" to the country and continued to try to link McCain to President Bush. 奥巴马说他是能给这个国家带来根本变化的候选人并继续设法将麦凯恩同布什联系到一起。 bbs.englishto.com 1. Every body thinks of him as the best candidate. 大家都认为他是最好的候选人。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Only one candidate can be chosen as the primary key of a table ; all other candidate keys are known as alternate keys . 只有一个候选键可以选择作为表的主键;所有其他候选键都称为备用键。 www.bing.com 3. To this the candidate responds cheerfully, showing that whatever his other faults may be, obstinacy does not seem to be one of them. 后任厨师对此的反应令人愉快,表示说自己不管可能有多少其他缺点,犟头倔脑却不是他的脾气。 chen.bokerb.com 4. Bill Scranton's father had been a popular governor and a viable presidential candidate during the 1960s. 比尔·斯克兰顿的父亲曾是20世纪60年代一个受人欢迎的州长和一个极能干极有希望的总统候选人。 www.bing.com 5. And of course the interviewer can be very interested in you and still ultimately go with a different candidate. 当然,面试官也许对你的很感兴趣,可最终还是选择了另一位应试者。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Even so, the emerging world has been unable to push forward a candidate to head an institution that historically has meant so much to it. 即便如此,新兴世界一直未能推举出一位候选人,角逐一个历史上对其一直意义重大的国际机构的领导人之位。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Mr Obama clearly has some hard work ahead of him as he moves from candidate to nominee. 毫无疑问,从候选人到最终获得提名,奥巴马还有很艰难的路要走。 www.ecocn.org 8. A variety of genetic and epidemiologic approaches have been used to identify etiology with candidate genes. 大量的遗传和流行病学手段被用于该疾病候选基因的病因学研究。 www.chemyq.com 9. I think you would be very glad to see me , because I'm the last candidate of this morning . 我想你们会很高兴见到我,因为我是今天早上最后一名选手。 www.kekenet.com 10. At a time of uncertainty and threat, people had more confidence in the president they knew than in the candidate who seemed unproven. 在局势动荡、充满威胁的年代,人们对自己熟悉的候选人更有信心,而非新手。 www.bing.com 1. think voters didn't know what to make of woman candidate, you know, they were sort of stymied, they had no reference points. 在我们有很多女性官员之前,我想选民不知道那女候选人是怎么造就的,你知道,他们有点接受不了。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. An interviewer may be saying that you're too skilled to be a strong candidate - or she may be complimenting your extensive experience. 一位面试官会说你太有能力了是一位很强的应聘者——或者会成在你的经历。 www.ttxyy.com 3. Does the candidate look like she (he) belongs at the company? Can I send her to meetings with confidence? 这个应聘者看起来符合我们公司的形象吗?我能信心满满地带着她去参加会议吗? www.hjenglish.com 4. Justice Samuel Alito Jr. wrote that the rule diminished "the effectiveness" of the rich candidate's spending and of his speech. 法官SamuelAlito认为这条规定削弱了有钱的候选人的花费和候选人的演讲的有效性。 www.bing.com 5. It had been thought that GABA was the prime candidate for the rallying role. GABA曾被认为是发挥信号传递作用的第一候选蛋白。 news.dxy.cn 6. Russian politicians sometimes sound like opposition leaders, and Mr Medvedev makes pledges as if he were a presidential candidate. 俄罗斯的政客们有时听起来像是发对党领导,梅德韦杰夫先生则做出各种保证,仿佛他是一位总统候选人。 www.ecocn.org 7. The biological experimental data used for candidate gene prioritization with one-class SVM is usually contaminated with errors and noise. 在利用单类支持向量机对候选基因排序时会用到各种生物实验数据,这些实验数据往往带有误差和噪声。 www.13191.com 8. A great deal of the exclusive briefing seems to consist of insides expatiating on the stupendous qualities of their candidate. 大量的特别简介似乎都是由内部人士详述其候选人巨大的优点组成的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. They had been wasting the precious time running about all over the country, begging and praying for a candidate. 他们浪费宝贵的时光跑遍全国东求西讨想找一位候选人。 10. "You just have to be able to be safe walking down the street, and neither candidate has come up with a plan, " he said. “人们走在街上的时候,应该是绝对安全的,但没有哪个候选人提出了相应计划,”他说。 cn.nytimes.com 1. Yet he is the only candidate brave enough to advocate the "rupture" with its past that France needs after so many gloomy years. 目前只有他一个候选人敢于宣称在经历了这么多年的萧条后,法国需要与自己的过去“决裂”。 www.ecocn.org 2. So everyone would benefit from a real contest, in which a second candidate gave Ms Lagarde a run for her money. 因此,各方都将得益于一场真正的竞赛,让第二名候选人与拉加德展开竞选。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Much-needed change is unlikely to come from the left: the candidate most likely to run for Mr Colom's party is Sandra Torres, his wife. 左翼不大可能出现非常需要的改变:最可能代表Colom先生的政党参加竞选的候选人是他的妻子SandraTorres。 www.ecocn.org 4. I used to live in a system where you voted for a specified candidate. It also was a corrupted system, but still better than ours. 我过去曾经住在一个国家,在那儿你可以直接投票给特定一位候选人,尽管制度依旧腐败,但是还是比我们现在好多了。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. Becky Anne Wingfield: The candidate uses quarters in the little folds at the bottom of her drapes, a kind of anchor to keep them straight. 贝基-安妮-温菲尔德:候选人用她的帷帘底部小褶皱的地方放着些硬币,一种检验他们的品行是否无暇的端正的东西。 www.bing.com 6. Its honeymoon with Mr Zuma may be over, but it has no credible alternative left-wing candidate to promote in his place as president. 它和祖玛总统的友好合作可能将告一段落,然而目前南非工会大会中尚未有可靠的左翼候选人来担任主席一职。 www.ecocn.org 7. Some Americans object to the power of superdelegates to nominate a candidate who did not receive the most votes in primaries and caucuses. 有些美国选民反对超级代表拥有提名在初选或预选会议中未得到多数选票的候选人的权力。 www.america.gov 8. Nikesh Arora, Google's chief business officer, is one candidate to take a bigger role, said people familiar with the matter. 一些知情人士说,谷歌的首席业务长尼克什?阿罗拉(NikeshArora)就是一位适合承担更大责任的候选人。 c.wsj.com 9. I know of one situation in which a candidate was pressured to fly to the company's headquarters on his wife's birthday. 我知道有一个故事,应聘人被要求在妻子生日那天赶去公司总部。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Helping or receiving help from another candidate, contacting, communicating, talking to any other candidates are prohibited. 不得帮助他人或者接受他人的帮助,不得交头接耳、左顾右盼、喧闹考场。 baike.soso.com 1. The sheer size of the Internet makes it a candidate for the backbone of the Information Superhighway. 因特网规模的快速增长使得其可以作为信息高速公路骨干网的侯选对象。 www.mirautomation.com 2. The young candidate was victimized by the vicious mud- slinging tactics of his opponent and had to drop out of the running . 这位年轻的候选人受其对手恶意诽谤的手段的伤害,不得不退出竞选。 www.bing.com 3. He said candidate Dmitry Uss also had been released, after being among seven opposition candidates jailed following Sunday's election. 他说,候选人梅德号航空母舰也已被释放的候选人,反对派入狱后,在以下七个星期天的选举。 www.englishtang.com 4. The candidate stopped the interview to ask me if I had a cigarette . 有个求职者打断了面试,问我有没有烟抽。 tr.hjenglish.com 5. When you include early work experience, it isn't difficult to calculate the general age of a candidate. 当把早期的工作经历写进去,就不难算出一个应聘者的大概年龄了。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Asked Monday night if she would be a candidate, Ms. Lagarde said, 'I won't respond to this question, as you can imagine. ' 周一晚间被问及是否会成为候选人时,拉嘉德说,你应该能想到,我不会对这个问题予以回应。 chinese.wsj.com 7. If he had to put his money on any one candidate, Beattie says he would put it on Christine Lagarde, France's finance minister. 如果他必须押注于一个候选人,贝蒂表示,他会选择法国财政部长克里斯蒂娜?拉加德(ChristineLagarde)。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The debate included a lot of jawboning as each candidate tried to persuade voters to see the issues his way. 这个辩论包括很多呼吁。因为每个候选人都试图说服选民们以他的方式看问题。 bulo.hjenglish.com 9. No independent candidate, he said, is likely to pull more than 20 percent of the total votes cast. 他指出,任何一位无党派候选人的得票率都不可能超过总票数的20%。 www.america.gov 10. An ideal candidate, she said, was in her twenties, healthy, attractive and well-educated. 她说,理想的候选者年龄为二十多岁、健康、有魅力并受过良好教育。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. His capability and keen sense of leadership made him the ideal candidate for that position. 他的能力及敏锐的领导力使他成为那一职位的最佳人选。 wenku.baidu.com 2. This ritual was not an intellectual exercise. Nor was it about a vote among the blues for who they thought would be the best candidate. 这个仪式并不是个智力的激荡,也不是蓝龙们用投票选出他们认为最适合的候选人。 www.022net.com 3. Candidate said he had been fired from past positions, but still included those managers as references. 有求职者说:他已经被解雇,但是仍然拥有那些经理的推荐信。 www.nbxueyingyu.com 4. It is possible to read candidate bios at the official beauty pageantry sites, examine photographs and vote for the most photogenic. 在官方的选美网址上,人们能读到有关选手的生平介绍之类的报道,浏览照片以及为选手投票。 pdf.sznews.com 5. The Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa has been a novelist, journalist, a film director, political leader and a presidential candidate. 秘鲁人马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨是一名小说家和记者,同时身兼导演、政党领袖和总统候选人这三种身份。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Immunisation of four chimpanzees with the candidate vaccine resulted in a detectable and sustained immune response for at least six months. 给4只黑猩猩接种这种候选疫苗后,它们体内产生了可以检测到的免疫应答,持续了至少6个月。 www.scidev.net 7. When Calvin Coolidge learned he was nominated to be Warren Harding 's Vice Presidential candidate, his wife asked if he would accept. 凯文·柯立芝得知自己被提名为沃伦·哈定的副总统候选人时,他的夫人问他会不会接受提名。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Though little noticed as a state senator, Mr Brown turned out to be just such a candidate. 尽管在当州议员时没有受到多少关注,布朗却正是这样一位候选人。 club.topsage.com 9. It is a matter of pride for me to recommend a candidate as promising as her to your program. 对于我来说,能推荐像她这么有前途的人加入你们,是件很令人自豪的事。 www.jukuu.com 10. If you think you're a candidate for a permanent policy, find an independent expert to help you pick among these. 如果你认为你需要买一款终身寿险,找一个这方面的专家来帮你挑选这几种产品。 www.bing.com 1. She was the only prominent candidate for death in this bunker who displayed an admirable and superior composure. 她是这个地下室中唯一显贵的和注定要死的妇女,并且表现出一种令人钦佩和胜人一筹的镇静态度。 www.showxiu.com 2. Earlier this year, a candidate for an administrative position at BankRate showed up to an interview with a preschooler in tow. 今年早些时候,一名应聘BankRate行政职位的求职者带着一个小孩子出现在了面试场。 c.wsj.com 3. "We have so much material, it's going to be a joy, " exulted Michele Bachmann, a congresswoman and presidential candidate. “我们有很多的资料,这将令人欣喜”,米歇尔.巴赫曼狂喜道。她是一位众议院女议员并且也是总统候选人。 www.ecocn.org 4. By comparison, 71% of Obama voters said they would vote for her if their candidate did not win the nomination. 相比之下,71%的奥巴马支持者表示如果他在提名战中败选,他们会转投希拉里一票。 www.bing.com 5. Some investors believe it may have been a message to Candidate Obama, who wanted China to be named a currency manipulator. 一些投资者还相信,这可能是向美国总统候选人奥巴马发出的一个信号,奥巴马想把中国定性为“汇率操纵国”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, said the US should "avoid reaching for agreement for its own sake" . 共和党总统候选人约翰?麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)表示,美国应“避免为了达成协议而达成协议”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. And it went on to say that the republican candidate will continue to make his case to the American citizens who will decide the election. 他还表示自己将会继续将精力集中于美国公民身上,这些人才能真正决定选举。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Although Component isn't as complex, it's used by 177 other classes, which makes it a good candidate for design improvements. 尽管Component并不复杂,但是有177个类使用它,所以它是改进设计的好目标。 www.ibm.com 9. Bush said he would move quickly to choose a "highly qualified" candidate as his replacement on the Supreme Court. 布什总统表示他将尽快挑选一位“完全能胜任的”继任者,填补最高法院的空缺。 www.ycxyz.com 10. "We are sorry to let you down. Our efforts were not enough, " said the island's first female presidential candidate. “我们很报歉让你们失望了,我们的努力还不够,”岛上第一位女候选人说。 www.bing.com 1. This allows for a second-place candidate to catch up by winning a state with a large number of delegates. 在一个州名列第二的候选人如果能够在拥有大量代表名额的其他州获胜,则可后来居上。 www.america.gov 2. In order for a candidate to be beatified, one miracle after death must be proved through the scrutiny of medical and theological experts. 为了成为宣福的候选人,死后的奇迹必须通过仔细的医学检查和技术专家的证明。 www.bing.com 3. Firefox 3. 6 has been a much-delayed release, but the release candidate means that the final release is just around the corner. 火狐3.6已经延迟发布很久了,但发布候选版的出现,意味着最终版本即将到来。 www.bing.com 4. The Republican candidate came out of the party conventions three or four points ahead of Mr Obama in the opinion polls. 民调显示,这位共和党总统候选人刚由党代表大会选出时,领先奥巴马3或4个百分点。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Dennis knew that the company would always utilize some form of candidate interviewing. 丹尼斯知道公司将总是利用某种形式的面试的候选人。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 6. She also cited the 2008 race's significance as the first to produce a major party nomination of an African-American presidential candidate. 她还谈到了2008年总统竞选中首次提名一位非洲裔美国人作为主要政党总统候选人的重要意义。 www.america.gov 7. The candidate demonstrated so much male chauvinism in his speech that he was booed off the stage by the mostly female audience. 那个候选人演说时表现太过大男人主义,结果被女性为主的听众喝倒采赶下台。 www.jukuu.com 8. The defeated candidate stamped up and down in a rage. 被击败了的候选人气得来回直跺脚。 www.1stenglish.com 9. To win the nomination, a candidate must appeal to the kind of hard-core Democrats who vote in primaries, who tend to be furiously anti-war. 为了赢得提名,候选人必须在预选抓住那些铁杆民主党人的心,那些民主党人都强烈反战。 www.ecocn.org 10. In a recent Pew poll, 25% of Americans said they would be less likely to vote for a presidential candidate who was a Mormon. 在最近的民意测验中,25%的美国人说他们很可能不会给一个信奉摩门教的总统候选人投票。 www.ecocn.org 1. That candidate is an ass in a lion's skin, he would never have the courage to stand up for any cause. 那个候选人是个胆小鬼,他决没有为任何事业仗义执言的勇气。 jdh96515.blog.163.com 2. The candidate spoke in a bombastic way of all that he would do if elected. 候选人大肆吹嘘,一旦他当选将要如何如何。 word.hcbus.com 3. Once a candidate service is selected, then the next step is to decide if it should be exposed. 选择了候选服务之后,下一步是决定是否应该公开它。 www.ibm.com 4. It was comprehensive and there is no doubt about the skills and abilities of the candidate. 里面的内容很全面,让人对应聘者的能力没有疑义。 www.elanso.com 5. He received a total of 137 votes out of 165 votes cast and was the only candidate nominated by the Organization's 189 members. 他总共赢得165个投票中的137票,他是本组织189个成员提名的唯一候选人。 www.fao.org 6. SEGOLENE ROYAL, the French Socialist presidential candidate, is trying to pull off a heroic political trick. 法国社会党总统候选人,塞戈莱娜?罗亚尔女士试图利用令人折服的政治手段来赢得大选。 www.ecocn.org 7. The main opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi has said the confessions were the product of torture. 主要的反对派候选人穆萨维称,招供是严刑逼供的结果。 club.topsage.com 8. She was a better candidate for the post because she had had a few years' experience under her belt. 她是比较适合这份工的应徵者,因为她拥有多年经验成为她的优势。 paper.wenweipo.com 9. Aristide arrived in Haiti two days before the runoff but has kept a low profile so far and did not endorse a candidate. 艾里斯兰德在决胜选举前两天回到海地,但一直保持一种低姿态,并没有宣称会支持哪位候选人。 www.bing.com 10. And the idea that Hispanics would be reluctant to vote for a black candidate, as suggested by one of Mrs Clinton's pollsters, is overblown. 另外,克林顿夫人的一位民意调查员指出的拉丁裔人将不太情愿投票给黑人候选人的观点,也是言过其实。 www.ecocn.org 1. Clinton met with him twice, the U. S. diplomatic experts also believe that he is by far the most powerful candidate. 希拉里曾两次与他会面,美国外交界专家也认为,他是目前为止最有力的候选人。 www.englishtang.com 2. With Dominique Strauss-Kahn out of the running there is just one French Socialist primary candidate who understands all this. 随着多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩退出政坛,只有唯一一位法国社会党的主要候选人真正能洞察全局。 www.bing.com 3. Thus, for your plain candidate to have got so far suggests he is far better than the other one. 因此,你那位长相难看的候选人能够走到这一步,说明他远胜于另一个人。 gb.cri.cn 4. The race is close and increasingly nasty. And on election eve, neither candidate was about to leave anything to chance. 选情不但胶着,并且越来越恶劣。在投票的前一天,双方都不愿意放弃任何一点机会。 www.ebigear.com 5. The U. S. has also called her a good candidate, though Washington has refrained from making any official statement of support. 虽然华盛顿方面刻意避免做出任何官方支持的表态,但美国也称拉嘉德是一个优秀的候选人。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Unable to give the candidate full support, the mayor gave him only a qualified endorsement . 无法给予全力支持的候选人,市长给了他只是一个合格的认可。 www.showxiu.com 7. While there are a few candidates that suited the seat, the support for each candidate is not strong enough to make landslide victories. 虽然有一些比较适合的候选人,但是他们的支持率都不是大到可以轻松赢得领导职位的。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Nonetheless, Mr Bhatti said he would vote for Mr Mukhtar 's brother, Fazal Mukhtar , the local PML(Q) parliamentary candidate. 虽然如此,巴提表示他会投选穆卡塔尔先生的兄弟法扎尔?穆卡塔尔,一位本地PML-Q政党的议会候选人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. If you are able to successfully deceive me of your interest, then you will be a stronger candidate. 如果你非常精明地骗过了我,你将会是一位非常有希望的候选人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Telephone interviews are prescreening tools used to determine whether or not a candidate matches the position's requirements. 电话面试是一种用于决定受否候选人符合职位要求的方法。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. If it ever does go the acquisition route, bit. ly might be a leading candidate. 如果是Twitter真去走收购路线,bit.ly可能是最好的选择。 www.bing.com 2. The left also failed to hold Lazio, despite fielding a strong candidate: Emma Bonino, a former European commissioner. 同样,左翼没能保住拉齐奥区,尽管派上了强势候选人:曾担任欧盟高级专员的艾玛?博尼诺。 www.ecocn.org 3. A candidate for such a picture might be the above image taken only last month from Cape Schank, Victoria, Australia. 候选者之一可能就是上面这张照片,上个月摄于澳大利亚维多利亚的施克角。 www.bing.com 4. 'Think back. Who would've been the consensus candidate in the U. S? Not Barack Obama, ' he said. 他说,回想一下,当时谁会是美国一致推选的总统候选人?不是奥巴马。 chinese.wsj.com 5. If no presidential candidate wins at least 50 percent of the vote a runoff election is to be held in three weeks. 如果没有任何一位总统候选人赢得50%以上的选票,将于三个星期后举行决选。 www.voanews.cn 6. Rioting broke out in two towns in the northern Copperbelt province, a stronghold of the opposition candidate Michael Sata. 暴动发生在反对派候选人MichaelSata的据点,北部铜带省两个城镇。 www.hxen.com 7. Doleva said Yao would have to be formally nominated and go through the process just like any other candidate. 多勒夫表示姚明将和其他候选人一样,在正式提名后参加竞选。 www.putclub.com 8. The EU has refused to recognize the result of the June 27 presidential run-off poll in which Mr. Mugabe was the sole candidate. 欧盟拒绝承认津巴布韦6月27号的总统决选结果,穆加贝是那次选举的唯一候选人。 www.hxen.com 9. Only a few months ago, Democrats were cheering when their candidate beat the Republican in an upstate New York election. 而就在几个月前,民主党还在为其候选人在纽约州北部的选举中击败共和党人欢呼雀跃。 club.topsage.com 10. Assuming you know all the candidate's skills, capabilities, and potential is dangerous. 认为你知道候选人的所有技能,能力,潜力是危险的。 www.bing.com 1. Each of the big players has its own agenda, so picking a candidate from amongst them may be a hard sell within the group itself. 每个大型新兴国家都有自己的议程,所以要在集团内部从中挑选出一位候选人可能会是一项艰难的任务。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, in Engineering (Mechanical, Mechatronics, Electronics & Electrical) or equivalent. 本科以上学历,工科(机械,机电一体化,电子与电气)或者同等学历。 www.u3w.com 3. the candidate is able to understand and modify drawings, or has relevant knowledge of drawings, and be familiar with the procedure of. 能看懂、修改图纸,或有图纸相关知识和经验,熟悉采购流程; www.vipcareer.com 4. Your resume should attract a would-be boss's attention by demonstrating why you are the best candidate for a certain position. 通过证明为什么你是某个特定职位的最佳人选,你的简历会吸引将来老板的注意。 sbuhua.appspot.com 5. I kept the conversations with Lisa as upbeat as possible, as if I were auditioning for a job on some candidate's spin machine. 但每次和莉萨在电话里交谈,我都尽可能保持乐观,好像参加求职面试一样。 wyx.dgut.edu.cn 6. Conservative television pastor and one-time presidential candidate Pat Robertson said the policy invites the revenge of God. 帕特.罗伯逊是一名保守派电视布道家,也一度为总统参选人。他说,这个政策将招致上帝报复。 www.bing.com 7. She said that several candidate earned chance to intern at the Chicago or New York offices of her company. 她说一些求职者已拿到了前往爱德曼芝加哥和纽约分公司实习的机会。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. How did you know the candidate and to what extent you know about him? 您是怎么认识考生的?了解程度如何? zhidao.baidu.com 9. The Republican presidential candidate set out his economic plan in a speech this week in Pennsylvania. 这位共和党总统候选人本周在宾州的演讲中陈述了他的这个经济计划。 www.hjenglish.com 10. That would make Poland a strong candidate to join the euro (if the single currency is still going). 这将使波兰成为加入欧元最有实力的候选人(如果单一货币仍然存在的话)。 www.ecocn.org 1. Yet, it has no obvious candidate for prime minister and its members have an array of ideologies. 但是,它还没有一个总理的公选,并且它的成员也有一系列不相同的意识形态。 www.ecocn.org 2. If a majority is not gained by any one of the cities in the first round, the lowest-scoring candidate is eliminated and a new round begins. 如在首轮投票没有城市得到过半数票数,票数最低的城市将会出局,然后展开新一轮投票。 www.qeto.com 3. Rio is only the second South American city to be a candidate, after Buenos Aires had three unsuccessful attempts. 在布宜诺斯艾利斯三次铩羽之后,里约仅是南美第二个参加申奥城市。 www.ecocn.org 4. Concerning the fee structure, it is also crucial that the candidate be able to produce all the work for a set fee, all inclusive. 关于收费结构,也是至关重要的候选人能够产生一个固定的费用全部工作,所有的包容性。 www.bing.com 5. DeRozan is the best candidate for that, so hopefully he's up to the task of getting himself there. 德罗赞是最佳候选人,所以他到这来完成这项任务是值得期待的。 www.bing.com 6. To 21 percent of employers, the trait they most want to see in a candidate is the ability to fit in with co-workers and the company. 21%的招聘者最希望应聘者具有的素质是能和同事相处融洽、融入公司。 www.24en.com 7. The Republic Presidential candidate set out his economic plane in a speech this week in Pennsylvania. 这位共和党总统候选人本周在宾夕法尼亚的一次演讲中提出了此项与经济有关的计划。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. With rare exception, victory in a primary election results in a candidate being nominated by that political party for the general election. 除很少的例外情况外,在预选中获胜的候选人总是被其所在政党提名为大选候选人。 www.america.gov 9. Startups are more likely to take a chance on a young inexperienced candidate that shows some drive and passion. 新公司更有可能给年轻而没有经验,但却有动力和热情的申请人机会。 dongxi.net 10. The Software Architect develops a candidate service model that partitions the process activities into a set of service operations. 软件架构师开发了一个将过程活动划分成一组服务操作的候选服务模型。 www.ibm.com |
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