单词 | there is no time | ||||||||
释义 | there is no time
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 没时间了,时间不够了,来不及 1. Honestly there is no time for me to breathe and I must continue to work on the next project. 诚实地讲,我连喘口气的时间都没有,我必须继续制造下一套服装。 tieba.baidu.com 2. If I tell you there is no time for any of this, would you take My word for it? 如果我告诉你们再没有时间去给其他任何事情了,你们会认真考虑我的话吗? blog.sina.com.cn 3. He called it a tremendous sacrifice. "There is no time to sleep, or even to eat, " he said. 哈内拉称之为巨大的奉献,他说:“学生们没有时间睡觉,甚至连吃饭的时间都没有。” bilingual.huanqiu.com 4. Losing one of your key players when there is no time to find a replacement is hard on him and a club who look close to being in freefall. 失去你的一名关键球员却没有时间寻找替代者对他以及一家看来接近下滑的俱乐部很艰难。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 5. If one is sure of a woman's love, one looks to see whether she is beautiful of her heart, there is no time to inspect her face. 如果你相信了一个女人的爱,你才会去留心她是否美;如果你怀疑她的心,你也就无暇顾及她的容貌了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The president said the Europeans have taken bold and specific action. He made clear there is no time to waste. 布什总统说,欧洲国家采取了大胆和具体的行动。他明确表示,现在必须要争分夺秒。 www.englishcn.com 7. This point, self come to Shenzhen in 2007 to the present, or to do bad, there is no time to reflect on their own. 这一点自我07年来到深圳到现在,还是做的不好,没有及时的去反思自己。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He said the situation on the ground is dangerous and that there is no time to lose in reaching an agreement. 他表示,由于那里的情势十分危险,为了达成一项协议,没有时间去浪费。 www.voanews.cn 9. There is no time to think about how much I hurt; there is only time to run. 没时间去考虑伤病的痛苦,时间只够跑步。 source.yeeyan.org 10. So there is no time left for her to learn Mathematical Olympiad any more. 因此,就没有时间再学习奥数了。 www.1363.cn 1. Both you and Gemini are so spontaneous and full of life that there is no time for either of you to become bored. 你和双子都自发性强,充满活力,因此你俩在一起谁也不会感到厌倦。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. There is no time limit. Just do what you want to do with the old feelings, and if they do not feel good, then you move on. 这里没有时间限制,按照你的意愿去处理那些旧的情感吧,如果它们让你不开心,就继续前进吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He thought, my mother in the police there eat well? He thought, my mother body is not good, there is no time to take medicine? 他想着,妈妈在警察那里吃得好吗?他想着,妈妈身体不好,有没有按时吃药? www.268r.com 4. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present . 眼下时机正好,他觉得该是时候送出礼物了。 www.bing.com 5. It takes my daughter a lot of time to finish her homework. There is no time left for her to learn English. 今天我女儿花了很长时间来完成家庭作业。她没有时间来学习英语了。 cd.cy52.org 6. There is no time for her to play. 她没有时间去玩。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. When you get a call with a request for a meeting, there is no time to go home and farm the baby off. 当你接到电话要求开会时,根本没有时间回家照顾孩子。 www.bing.com 8. " Wise person said: " The sages of the way, there is no time when they become embarrassed. 有智慧的人说:“圣贤的办法,没有让他们变尴尬的时候。” zhishi.sohu.com 9. Players may pass the ball back and forth among themselves until there is no time left and the game ends. 球员们在队友之间来回传球,直到没有时间,比赛借宿。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. Investment projects should be pegged to the fundamentals, the new fund after more, there is no time to do too much of the industry study . 做投资应该盯住项目的基本面,新基金多了以后,就没有时间去做太多的行业研究。 www.showxiu.com 1. But when there is the realization of the fact that jealousy is me, that is the fact, in that there is no time. 但是当认识到嫉妒就是我这个事实的时候,那是事实,在那里面没有时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. There is no time for a sandwich or a cup of tea. You've got to crack on. 没有时间去搞点心或弄杯茶,你一定要一直继续下去。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It happens naturally in a life-or-death emergency situation, when there is no time for the mind to worry over a problem. 它自然地发生于生死间的紧急状态,此时思想没时间为问题而担忧。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. There is no time to think, just forward momentum and a false hope that things will improve on their own. 根本不花时间去思考,而仅仅寄希望于事情会自己变好。 www.bing.com 5. There is no time cap on how long items will be stored, the only limitation being that they must be downloaded on a regular basis. 没有文件存储的时间上线,唯一的限制是需要保证文件有定期的下载。 www.bing.com 6. We are about to leave, so there is no time to visit him now. 我们就要动身了,现在没有时间去拜访他。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. We are about to leave, so there is no time to visit her now. 我们要走了,所以没有时间去看她。 ooxxw.com 8. But, those "negative" "self" because there is no time to grow up without proper soil, it has been suppressed to be stifled. 只是,那些“反面”“自我”因没有时机没有合适的土壤成长,而被压抑被扼杀而已。 www.mobixs.cn 9. But he has got to stand up, there is no time for gasping for breath. 但忧郁伟得再次站起来。没有喘息的机会。因为这不是开玩笑的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. There is no time limit on the Demo, but you wont be able to advance beyond a certain point. 在示范时没有时间限制,但超过特定的点你将会无法前进。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. It seems like there is no time to think about what you really want and what makes you happy. 看起来,你根本没有时间来思考你真正想做什么,什么能够让你开心。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Wales has been in England since the early conquest surrounded by Eduardo life is a part of England, there is no time on the British flag. 威尔士由于早期已经被英格兰爱德华一世征服并被认为是英格兰的一部分,因此并没有出现在当时的英国国旗上。 www.itemh.com 3. There is no time for a modern postman to do much more than say "morning! " and pass on swiftly. 对于一名现代邮差来说,除了说句“早上好”,接着快速转向下一家,他也没时间再做别的什么事儿了。 yy.china-b.com 4. Life is short. There is no time to leave important words unsaid. 生命很短暂,别把那些重要的话憋着,会没有时间说的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. While there is no time frame, most analysts reckon on about a decade and many assume mergers and acquisitions will be a necessary prop. 尽管没有设定期限,但多数分析师认为这个时间大约为10年,很多人猜测,并购将是一种必要的手段。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But there is a learning, which is to have an insight instantly into things and act immediately, in which there is no time interval. 但是有一种学习,它是有一种对事物当即的洞察和立即的行动,在其中没有时间间隔。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 7. After the Olympics, both sides should work towards such a deal. There is no time to lose. 时不可待,在奥运会之后,双方都应该朝这样的协议共同努力。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But there is no time for complacency in a rapidly changing world where global growth rates and global trade are slowing down. 但是现在不是自满的时候,世界在快速变化,全球增长率和全球贸易都在放慢速度。 www.en84.com 9. I am about to leave. So there is no time to visit my teacher now. 我就要离开了,所以现在没有时间去看望我的老师。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Malfunctions are often deadly. As there is no time to deploy a second parachute nobody carries a spare. 降落伞发生故障通常都是致命的,因为没时间打开备用降落伞所以也没人多带一个。 www.ecocn.org 1. Never the wave take a lot of time of person, there is no time complaint time not enough. 从不浪费时间的人,没有工夫抱怨时间不够。?。 www.cmfei.com 2. Of course, but I often do some training exercise in team, so I'm afraid there is no time. 当然可以,但我常常都要跟球队训练.所以应该没时间的。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. There is no time like the present. Please come right in. I'll be happy to show you around. 现在最合适不过了。请进。我很高兴带你到处看看。 www.bing.com 4. There is no time left to bask in last weekend's Carling Cup glory as the title challenge resumes at Fratton Park. 联赛冠军争夺会于弗拉顿公园继续,已经没有时间沉醉在联赛杯夺标的荣誉之中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. There is no time I feel more alive than when my heart is breaking. 在我心碎的时候,我才感觉到自己是有生气的。 www.douban.com 6. Kuangheng very anxious thought: during the day to plant crops, there is no time for reading, I can use some time to look at the book. 匡衡很着急,心里想:白天种庄稼,没有时间看书,我可以多利用一些晚上的时间来看书。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. There is no time-consuming installation and integration work needed to activate fragment caching. 激活片断缓存不需要进行费时的安装和集成工作。 www.ibm.com 8. Form the day the we were graduated form middle school I have never seen you. There is no time I don't miss you! 但是自从我们毕业我再也见不到你的那一天起,我无时无刻不在想你。 wenwen.soso.com 9. He is busy doing his homework and there is no time for him to watch TV. 他在忙着做作业,没时间看电视。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. With North Korea aiming to have 2012 recorded as the first year of economic revival, there is no time to hesitate. 朝鲜打算把2012年当成经济复苏的第一年,现在已经没有多少时间可犹豫了。 www.stnn.cc 1. There is no time like the present! Easy come , easy go! 机不可失,时不再来!来时容易,去时快! oral.ebigear.com 2. There is no time and energy left for me to write down the exactly plots of the movie. 再也没有时间和精力能让我把这部电影的具体情节写下去了。 www.1363.cn 3. Unlike patents and copyrights, there is no time limit on the life of a trade secret. 不象专利和版权,商业秘密没有时间限制。 www.ebigear.com 4. Without transitoriness, without beginning or end, birth or death, there is no time, either. 没有短暂,没有开始与结束、生与死,时间也就不复存在。 www.kekenet.com 5. There is no time to waste if we are going to equip societies to better cope with the severity of weather in a changing climate. 假如我们打算让学会具备足够能力,应付气候变迁中的严酷天气的话是来不及的。 www.bing.com 6. There is no time difference between Singapore and China, therefore our time schedule is the same. 中国和新加坡没有时间差,所以我们的时间是相同的。 wenwen.soso.com 7. If the train leaves at eight thirty, there is no time to lose. 火车如果是八点半开,我们得抓紧时间了。 english.jin14.com 8. Standstill times diminish because there is no time-consuming adjustment on the crane. 由于无需执行费时的起重机调节,因而减少了停机时间。 www.tecsis.de 9. "There is no time to waste. Our [parliamentary] elections are two years away. Why can't the government do this [with China] today? " “不能再浪费时间了。我们的(议会)选举还要等两年。政府为什么不能现在就着手做(中国)这件事呢?” www.ftchinese.com 10. There is no time for me to dictate the lyric once. 没有时间让我再听写一遍歌词了。 llcy.cy52.org 1. There is no time to be lost, but then we are fully prepared for the tasks that lay ahead. 没有时间在被浪费了,不过我们也完全的准备好执行这个前方的任务。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Maybe for preparation it's different because we are travelling a lot and there is no time to train twice a day, like we would do normally. 也许对于准备工作来说,事情变得不一样了,因为我们不断旅行并且没有时间向我们通常那样一天两练了。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. You sit and start writing; there is no time to think, no time to waste. 你坐在那儿,专心写作;没时间瞻前顾后,没法子浪费光阴。 www.bing.com 4. During the growing season there is no time for socializing anyway. 在作物生长季节,根本就没工夫参加社交活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Also , in high speed the path covered is extremely short, so there is no time for the gradual acceleration caused by gravity . 同样,快速的节奏掩盖了极短的弹奏轨迹,所以由于重力的原因没有时间去逐渐加速。 www.bing.com 6. There is no time like the present . 现在就是做事的最佳时机。 www.ebigear.com 7. In addition, there is no time limitation so students can repeat exercises as many times as they need. 此外,因为没有时间限制,所以只要学生需要,他们可以反复做练习。 wiki.jukuu.com 8. The default value is Int. MaxValue, indicating that there is no time out period. 默认值为Int.MaxValue,这表示没有超时期限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Can it be true, as so many maintain, that there is no time for communion with God? 这是真的吗?我们忙到和上帝沟通谈话的时间都没有吗? www.glorypress.com 10. Decision-making must happen faster since there is no time for endless debate. 决定的做出必须快速,我们没有时间进行无休止的争论。 www.ibm.com 1. There is no time left for talking. The important thing is to act. 没有时间在讨论了,重要的是行动起来。 files.eduu.com 2. There is no time limit, start whenever you want. 这个过程没有时间的期限,只要你想,随时都可以开始 blog.hjenglish.com 3. There is no person and there is no time one more special than another. 并没有哪一个人或哪一个时刻比其他的更特别。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The road ahead, we acknowledge, is a difficult one, but there is no time to waste. 我们知道前面的道路困难重重,但不能再浪费时间了。 www.america.gov 5. With humanity and the Earth at a tipping point, there is no time for complacency. 人类和地球都处在一个临界点上,我们没有时间自鸣得意。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It consists of cramming our lives with compulsive activity, so that there is no time left to confront the real issues. 总是把自己弄得忙碌不堪,填满各种事务,无闲面对真正重要的事。 bbs.jcedu.org 7. There is no time or chance left for consensus building or will left to GOVERN. 而且现在已经没有时间或者机会留给我们团结一致的重建或者重振雄风了。 www.tianyayidu.com 8. What if the books will be converted to DITA eventually, but there is no time to do so now? 如果这些图书最终将转化成DITA,但是现在没有时间来做该怎么办? www.ibm.com 9. First, I must establish that Forgiveness is a Process. There is no time frame. 首先,我确定,宽恕是一种需要去经历的过程。 www.bing.com 10. There is no time at all for vain dispute. 根本没有时间进行无谓的争执。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. There is no time for that. 但是现在不是放松的时候。 www.bdza.cn 2. There is no time to lose; Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans are dying. It is a tragedy that has gone on for far too long. 时间已经来不及了,津巴布韦和津巴布韦人民在绝境中挣扎,这种情况的长久持续是个悲剧。 www.ecocn.org 3. Ok, now you have to click on one of those sites. Quickly! Choose one! While we are delaying, men are being taken. There is no time to lose. 好,现在你必须点这些地址中的某一个。快!选择一个!当我们迟缓的时候,男人就被拿走了,错过就没有机会了。 4. It seems that there is no time for playing now. 看来现在没有时间玩了。 bbs.gao00.com 5. Otherwise, by the time you realize you are short of cash, there is no time to recoup it. 否则,当你意识到资金短缺的时候,已经为时太晚没法弥补了。 c.wsj.com 6. WE ARE NOW GOING TO FORCE THIS TO HAPPEN FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD BECAUSE THERE IS NO TIME LEFT! 为了最高的善,我们现在将要尽快迫使这个发生,因为没有时间了! blog.sina.com.cn 7. There is no time to discuss the subject at large at this meeting. 这次会上,我们没有时间充分讨论这个问题。 www.bing.com 8. Unfortunately, there is no time to embellish my story, even though it is a good one. 但是遗憾的是,没时间来渲染我的故事了,即使这个故事很美妙。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Julia: I know not what happened to you in the past, but there is no time now for regret. 朱:我不知道你刚刚经历了什么,可是没有时间后悔了。 bbs.konamicn.com 10. But alas, there is no time for such sentimentality. 但是,嗨,现在没有这么感伤了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. There is no time to be hysterical. 没有时间去歇斯底里了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. There is no time to admire the magnificent views of Boston harbour. 他们根本没有时间去欣赏波士顿海港美丽的景色。 www.bing.com 3. l ' m certain l can -- - Lucian , there is no time . 我肯定可以…-路西安没时间了。 www.icrystalnotes.com 4. And, if there is no time, what happens to yesterday? 如果没有时间,那么昨天会怎么样? blog.sina.com.cn 5. There is no time on the path for the mind to wander. 在觉悟之道上,没有时间再流浪彷徨。 www.krmzz.com 6. There is no time to lose. I want us to take advantage of this new spirit. Don't let us waste this victory merely in ringing joy bells. 时不我待,希望大家利用这种新的精神,不要在报喜的钟声中把到手的胜利白白断送掉。 tr.bab.la 7. They're time vampires. They literally devour their time and suck the life out of themselves - until there is no time left. 他们就像时间的吸血鬼,真实的挥霍着时间、吸噬着生命,直至时间被挥霍殆尽。 www.elanso.com 8. We stood up on our feet and cried 'There is no time for delay! ' 我们爬起来站着叫:“没有时间再耽误了!” kgusedtobe.blog.163.com 9. Plan a meal that everyone likes, but if there is no time to cook, get take out and focus on building and maintaining the family bonds. 准备一道人人都喜欢的食物,但是如果没有时间烧菜,买外卖,注重环境,维系家庭纽带。 www.elanso.com 10. There is no time to sing and play. Winter will come soon, I say. You should also gather some food. Or else, you will starve in the winter. 我没有时间唱歌玩耍。我说冬天快来了,你也应该收集一些食物。否则,在冬天你会饿死的。 www.bing.com 1. But there is no time for love when death hangs over one's head. 但并没有对爱情的时候死了一个人的头挂起。 group.mtime.com 2. Mr Gore says there is no time to waste, but Congress may waste it anyway. 戈尔说不能再浪费时间了,但无论如何国会可能都要浪费了。 www.ecocn.org 3. But in HTML, there is no Time or Calendar control. 但是,在HTML中,没有时间或日历控制。 word.hcbus.com 4. There is no time left, please do it right now. 没时间了,请赶快做吧 wenwen.soso.com 5. From the old you derive pleasure, never from the new. There is no time in the new. 你从陈旧中得到快乐,而不是从新鲜中。新鲜中没有时间。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 6. Type O blood is used in emergencies when there is no time to identify the patient's blood type . o型血常常用于没有时间来确认病人血型的紧急情况。 dict.v.wenguo.com 7. If people want to solve the problem of waste, there is no time to be lost. 如果人们想要解决垃圾问题,那已经是刻不容缓的了。 8. Since I can do too many things, there is no time to loneliness and boredom. 因为我可做的事太多了,根本没时间寂寞和无聊。 blog.163.com 9. There is no time to think . 没有思考的时间了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. People there are friendly, easeful, you even feel there is no time went by. 这里的人是友善的,安逸的,你感觉不到时间的流逝。 club.esnai.com 1. That means in attention there is no time. 那意味着关注中没有时间。 www.j-krishnamurti.org.cn 2. There is no time to develop myself. No time belongs myself. The bother is I've never feeled. 没有时间去发展自己没有时间属于我,我感到从未有过的麻烦。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. There is no time for idle dreaming in my life. 我是个严肃的人。我没有时间胡思乱想。 shan3.com 4. Virtual campus can show interactive 3D campus scene factually, there is no time and space restriction. 虚拟校园打破了时空的限制,真实、直观地展现交互式三维校园场景。 epub.cnki.net 5. there is no time barrier to consider. 不存在时间上的屏障。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Certainly, one thing is clear: there is no time to waste. 当然,有一件事是明确的:不能再浪费时间了。 www.bing.com 7. I'm afraid there is no time to look at these pictures carefully. 恐怕没有时间仔细看这些图画了。 8. There is no time to talk about it now. 现在没时间讨论这件事。 www.learnmore.com.cn 9. As the world can see in the east of Africa, there is no time to waste. 就如全世界在东非所看到的一样,我们的时间已所剩无几,不容浪费。 www.bing.com 10. There is no time left. Please hurry up. 没有时间了,请。 topic.edulife.com.cn 1. There is no time (for sb. ) to do sth. 对(某人来说)没时间做某事了 wenku.baidu.com 2. There is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure. 现在不是轻松舒适旳时候。现在是大胆和忍耐旳时候。 z.98xia.com 3. There is no time to read these days. 这些日子没有时间来读书了。 anypkk.anyp.cn 4. But in the modern world there is no time. 但是在现代世界中,时间这一因素已经没有了。 www.ebigear.com 5. There is no time if there is no thought. 如果没有思想,就不会有时间。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 6. There is no time lost in such waiting hours. 这段等候的时期,绝非耗废。 cccfc.org 7. There is no time to reply, you can use auto-reply mail way. 实在没有时间回复,可以采用自动回复mail的方式。 www.xiami360.com 8. There is no time like present. 没有比现在更好的时候了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Make up your mind. There is no time. 下决定吧,没时间了。 www.bing.com 10. We will sign the contract tomorrow. There is no time to make changes. 我们明天就要签合同了,现在没有时间再做改动了。 www.zhku.com 1. There is no time left; let's hurry up! 时间不多了,我们快点吧! www.5ykj.com 2. Can you explain to me why there is no time Jiaozuoye? 你能向我解释一下为什么没有准时交作业吗?。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. There is no time left, is there? 没有时间了,是不是? soft.qzyz.cn 4. There is no time left for delay. 已经没有时间再耽误了。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. There is no time to look at your pictures I'm afraid. 恐怕没有时间看你的画了。 www.18edu.com 6. There is no time to watch TV in the evening, I must do my homework first. 我晚上没有时间看电视,我必须先做作业。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. No time to play a child, there is no time to really learn a certain thing. 小孩儿没时间玩儿,也没时间真正学好某一种东西。 www.ok06.com 8. You will not ascend overnight and you will not ascend in 20 days or whatever time limit you have put on it because THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT. 你们将不会一夜之间就提升,也不会在20天里就提升,或者任何你所加的时间限制都不会,因为【根本就不存在时间限制】。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Now, however there is no time to take. 可是此刻,没有那么多空隙时刻了。 yibar.com.cn 10. A power outage last night, there is no time to write diaries, but today on the need to fill. 昨晚停电了,所以没有按时写日记,但今天还得补上的。 www.bing.com 1. There is no time plan as such. 从来没有过这样的计划。 bbs.newacad.com 2. There is no time tunnel. 不存在时空隧道。 prep.istic.ac.cn 3. There is no time to mend the bike now. 现在没有时间修自行车。 wylib.jiangmen.gd.cn 4. Hurry up! There is no time to lose. 快点!没有可以浪费的时间了。 www.wxjy.com.cn 5. Obviously, there is no time left for my daughter to learn English. 显然,我女儿已经没有时间再学英语了。 www.1363.cn 6. I hope you will act immediately. There is no time to waste. 希望你能尽快行动起来,没有时间可以浪费了。 www.phezzan.com 7. There is no time to waste. 没时间浪费了。 www.bing.com 8. There is no time to spare. 没有时间充任,但当。 9school.cn 9. There is no time in China's history where the focus on "Better City, Better Life" is more appropriate. 纵观中国历史,还没有哪个时刻比现在更关注“城市,让生活更美好”这个主题。 www.3us.com 10. There is no time limit for how long you can remain here. 您可以在这里学习多久都是没有时间限制的。 www.oralcollege.net 1. There is no time to wait. 没有时间做某事了。 school.ecp.com.cn 2. There is no time to lose. We must hurry. 没有时间耽误了,我们要抓紧。 anypkk.anyp.cn 3. There is no time left. I have read a novel writtenby Lu Xun. 我读了一部鲁迅写的小说。 wenku.baidu.com 4. There is no time for us to mop it. 我们没有时间去擦它。 rs285012.blog.163.com 5. There is no time to play football. 没时间踢足球了。 school.ecp.com.cn 6. There is no time to go to the cinema today. 今天没时间去看电影。 www.englishcat.cn 7. Will spend more time sending text messages on the phone, there is no time and effort to learn. 会花更多的时间在发短信接电话上,就没有时间和心思学习了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. I'm afraid there is no time to play now. 恐怕现在没时间玩了。 cache.etiantian.com 9. There is no time for us to play computer games. 我们已经没有时间玩电脑游戏了。 www.18edu.com 10. There is no time to play. 没有时间玩或没有玩的时间。 1. At that time my father was very ill, so there is no time to understand, has seen several times for several times. 那时我爸病重,所以根本没什么时间去了解,黑龙江女装招商也就见过几回聊了几次。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Therefore, for developing countries to be successful in playing the globalization game, there is no time to lose. 所以,发展中国家要在这场全球化的游戏中取胜,不能再丢失时间了。 web.worldbank.org 3. I will be away from Hong Kong entertainment industry indefinitely . There is no time frame. 的全句的意思,就是说他要离开香港娱乐圈一段时间,不确定什么时候回来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. so there is no time for me to do anything else at all 所以,我没有时间去再做其他事了。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. and there is no time like the present to drink these draining seconds 没有时间再像此刻一样痛饮指缝里漏出的分秒 zhidao.baidu.com 6. There is no time like the present. Tobias George SmallettBritish novelist 时不待我,没有比现在更宝贵的了。 www.ebigear.com 7. J . There is no time like the present. Tobias George Smallett, British novelist 时不我待,没有比现在更宝贵的了。英国小说家斯摩莱特。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. there is no time to redo all that work 根本就没有时间把那些花重新做一遍。 www.ichacha.net 9. Manufacturing time for the strong and the weak lose this opportunity There is no time, this is the best statement of the weak 强者制造时机,弱者坐失良机没有时机,这是弱者最好的供词 wenku.baidu.com 10. As there is no time to check reference, we have drawn a sight draft for this order 由于我们没有时间核查您的资信状况,因此这次定货我们开具了义愤即期汇票 spaces.msn.com 1. I'm working, a little busy, maybe there is no time to go to your space 工作了,有一点忙,或许以后没时间经常到你们的空间踩了。 wenwen.soso.com 2. There is no time left 没有剩余时间了 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But there is no time, 但没有时间了 zhidao.baidu.com 4. For us there is no time and no space 因为我们,再没有时间和空间的局限 spaces.msn.com |
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